People V Amparado
People V Amparado
People V Amparado
during the incident, it was a certain Antonio Cachin Jr. and his companion who were present. Thereafter, he exerted earnest effort to contact Antonio Cachin Jr, who related to him everything about the incident and told him farther that he and Manuel Henry Auza were there present and they were the first persons who were able to render assistance to Maghanoy and that Patangan was not there present. ISSUE WON the evidence presented is newly-discovered HELD YES Reasoning - The evidence sought to be presented by accusedappellant conforms to the requisites laid down by Section 2[b] of Rule 121 of the Rules of Court. The testimonies are newly-discovered and of sufficient weight and character as to alter the outcome of the case. - The proposed testimonies of Antonio Cachin Jr. and Manuel Henry Auza, who aver to be the first persons to render assistance to the victim immediately after the stabbing incident, if admitted, would tend to show that the alleged eyewitness Rogelio Patangan, whose version of the crime was given full faith and credence by the trial court and sustained by this Court, was not present at the scene of the crime. If this is true, then, the version of the prosecution might perforce fail and that of the defense prevail. Consequently, the judgment of conviction could be reversed, or at the very least, modified. Disposition Motion for new trial granted. The evidence already taken shall stand and the testimonies of Antonio Cachin Jr. and Manuel Henry Auza and such other evidence of both prosecution and defense as the trial court may in the interest of justice allow to be introduced, shall be taken and considered with the evidence already in the record, and a new judgment thereafter rendered by the lower court.