Course 2 Glossary

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Data Analytics
Terms and definitions from
Course 2

Action-oriented question: A question whose answers lead to change

Algorithm: A process or set of rules followed for a specific task

AVERAGE: A spreadsheet function that returns an average of the values from a selected range

Big data: Large, complex datasets typically involving long periods of time, which enable data
analysts to address far-reaching business problems

Borders: Lines that can be added around two or more cells on a spreadsheet

Cell reference: A cell or a range of cells in a worksheet typically used in formulas and functions

Cloud: A place to keep data online, rather than a computer hard drive

COUNT: A spreadsheet function that counts the number of cells in a range that meet a specific

Dashboard: A tool that monitors live, incoming data

Data analysis process: The six phases of ask, prepare, process, analyze, share, and act
whose purpose is to gain insights that drive informed decision-making

Data-inspired decision-making: The process of exploring different data sources to find out
what they have in common
Data life cycle: The sequence of stages that data experiences, which include plan, capture,
manage, analyze, archive, and destroy

Equation: A calculation that involves addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division (also called
a math expression)

Fill handle: A box in the lower-right-hand corner of a selected spreadsheet cell that can be
dragged through neighboring cells in order to continue an instruction

Filtering: The process of showing only the data that meets a specified criteria while hiding the

Header: The first row in a spreadsheet that labels the type of data in each column

Leading question: A question that steers people toward a certain response

Math expression: A calculation that involves addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division
(also called an equation)

Math function: A function that is used as part of a mathematical formula

MAX: A spreadsheet function that returns the largest numeric value from a range of cells

Measurable question: A question whose answers can be quantified and assessed

Metric: A single, quantifiable type of data that is used for measurement

Metric goal: A measurable goal set by a company and evaluated using metrics

MIN: A spreadsheet function that returns the smallest numeric value from a range of cells

Open data: Data that is available to the public

Operator: A symbol that names the operation or calculation to be performed

Order of operations: Using parentheses to group together spreadsheet values in order to

clarify the order in which operations should be performed

Pivot chart: A chart created from the fields in a pivot table

Pivot table: A data summarization tool used to sort, reorganize, group, count, total, or average

Problem domain: The area of analysis that encompasses every activity affecting or affected by
a problem

Problem types: The various problems that data analysts encounter, including categorizing
things, discovering connections, finding patterns, identifying themes, making predictions, and
spotting something unusual

Qualitative data: A subjective and explanatory measure of a quality or characteristic
Quantitative data: A specific and objective measure, such as a number, quantity, or range

Range: A collection of two or more cells in a spreadsheet

Reframing: Restating a problem or challenge, then redirecting it toward a potential resolution

Relevant question: A question that has significance to the problem to be solved

Report: A static collection of data periodically given to stakeholders

Return on investment (ROI): A formula that uses the metrics of investment and profit to
evaluate the success of an investment

Revenue: The total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services

Scope of work (SOW): An agreed-upon outline of the tasks to be performed during a project

Small data: Small, specific data points typically involving a short period of time, which are
useful for making day-to-day decisions

SMART methodology: A tool for determining a question’s effectiveness based on whether it is

specific, measurable, action-oriented, relevant, and time-bound

Sorting: The process of arranging data into a meaningful order to make it easier to understand,
analyze, and visualize

Specific question: A question that is simple, significant, and focused on a single topic or a few
closely related ideas

Structured thinking: The process of recognizing the current problem or situation, organizing
available information, revealing gaps and opportunities, and identifying options

SUM: A spreadsheet function that adds the values of a selected range of cells

Time-bound question: A question that specifies a timeframe to be studied

Turnover rate: The rate at which employees voluntarily leave a company

Unfair question: A question that makes assumptions or is difficult to answer honestly


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