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Thesis Statement

Algebra is one area of mathematics that high school students frequently

struggle with. Students often find it difficult to understand rational algebraic

expressions. While beneficial for some, traditional teaching approaches might

not be able to accommodate the variety of learning styles found in a high

school classroom. Because of this, teachers are now investigating different

pedagogical approaches, such as cooperative learning.

“Collaborative learning” is generally used as an umbrella term to

describe an activity whereby students work together to achieve a shared

learning goal (Barkley, Cross, and Major 2014). This method differs from the

dominant form of instruction of lecture/notetaking used in higher education

settings (McKeachie, Svinicki, and Hofer 2006; Raver and Maydosz 2010) in

that it requires students to take a more active role in their own learning versus

passively receiving information from an instructor. Collaborative learning—

which is generally considered a more effective educational approach than

passive forms of learning (Johnson, Johnson, and Smith 2007; Terenzini et al.

2001;)—is viewed by scholars as an especially promising pedagogical

approach in higher education instruction (Tinto 1997, 1998). As Astin (1993)

argues, having students work collaboratively on an academic task, “may be

more potent than traditional methods of pedagogy because it motivates

students to become more active and more involved participants in the learning


The research titled "Efficiency of Cooperative Learning in Rational

Algebraic Expressions" aims to delve into the potential of cooperative learning

as a tool to enhance the understanding and application of rational algebraic

expressions among high school students.

According to Brandy, Travis D, In cooperative learning, students may have

gaps in knowledge when learning algebraic expressions. Some common

difficulties include differentiating between expressions and equations, using

inverse operations, solving literal equations, understanding algebraic

reasoning, working with linear equations, dealing with proportions and ratios,

and grasping exponents and polynomials. Cooperative learning strategies can

help address these gaps by promoting collaboration and providing

opportunities for discussion and practice.

Cooperative learning can help address gaps in knowledge when

learning algebraic expressions. Students may struggle with differentiating

between expressions and equations, using inverse operations, solving literal

equations, understanding algebraic reasoning, working with linear equations,

dealing with proportions and ratios, and grasping exponents and polynomials.

By engaging in collaborative activities, students can learn from each other,

discuss their reasoning, and develop a deeper understanding of algebraic


Through this study, we hope to shed light on whether cooperative

learning strategies can lead to improved comprehension and application of

rational algebraic expressions. We also aim to identify the specific aspects of

cooperative learning that contribute to its effectiveness, and how these can be

incorporated into regular classroom instruction to improve mathematical

learning outcomes.

The results of this study may be helpful to teachers who are trying to

improve their methods of instruction as well as students who are having

difficulty understanding rational algebraic statements. This study highlights the

dedication to developing creative and useful teaching methods that meet

students' varied learning needs and foster an inclusive and productive

learning environment.

Nature and Importance of the Study

The study of cooperative learning in rational algebraic expressions is

crucial for enhancing mathematical education in several ways. Cooperative

learning fosters active engagement and peer discussion, leading to a deeper

comprehension of complex mathematical concepts. By exploring its

effectiveness in the realm of rational algebraic expressions, educators can

devise strategies to bolster students' understanding of these intricate topics,

thus enriching their overall mathematical proficiency.

Moreover, research suggests that cooperative learning can elevate

academic performance by cultivating a supportive learning environment and

promoting collaborative problem-solving. Understanding its impact on

students' performance in rational algebraic expressions enables educators to

refine instructional approaches aimed at enhancing mathematical

achievement. By harnessing the power of cooperative learning, educators can

create an inclusive learning environment where students feel empowered to

explore and master challenging mathematical concepts.

Furthermore, cooperative learning plays a vital role in addressing the

diverse learning challenges that students encounter in rational algebraic

expressions. The abstract nature and intricate rules of this subject often pose

hurdles for many learners. However, cooperative learning offers opportunities

for peer support and the exchange of multiple perspectives, which can

effectively address individual learning obstacles and misconceptions. Through

collaborative learning experiences, students can gain a deeper understanding

of rational algebraic expressions and develop the critical thinking skills

necessary for success in mathematics and beyond.

Additionally, proficiency in rational algebraic expressions is foundational

for mastering advanced mathematical concepts and disciplines. By bolstering

students' understanding and performance in this area, cooperative learning

sets a solid groundwork for their future academic endeavors. Whether

pursuing careers in STEM fields or other disciplines, students equipped with

strong mathematical skills gained through cooperative learning are better

prepared to tackle the challenges of higher-level mathematics.

In summary, the study of cooperative learning in rational algebraic

expressions holds immense significance for enriching mathematical

education. By fostering enhanced understanding, improving academic

performance, addressing learning challenges, and preparing students for

higher-level mathematics, cooperative learning emerges as a powerful

pedagogical approach that empowers students to excel in mathematics and



The objective of conducting this research is to:

 Evaluate the impact of cooperative learning on students'

understanding of rational algebraic expressions.

 Assess the effectiveness of cooperative learning in improving students'

problem-solving skills related to rational algebraic expressions.

 Analyze the relationship between students' engagement in cooperative

learning activities and their academic performance in rational algebraic


 Identify the challenges and benefits of implementing cooperative

learning in teaching rational algebraic expressions.

 Propose strategies for optimizing the use of cooperative learning in

enhancing students' proficiency in rational algebraic expressions.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Theoretical Framework

For Vygotsky, all learning is social, as is the cognitive development that

results from learning. What students can do today only with peer support they

can do tomorrow on their own, as a result of having enjoyed that support

previously. An analogy is made to the scaffolding (Applebee & Langer, 1983)

used to support a building that is under construction. As the building nears

completion, the scaffolding is gradually withdrawn. This concept applies to

thinking skills as well as other types of learning. Many cooperative group

activities have emerged from this perspective on human development, e.g.,

peer tutoring (Palinscar, Brown, & Martin, 1987).

Students will be able learn the lesson easily in mathematics, more

specifically in Rational Algebraic Expression. We, as future educators, find

ways to revise and construct some methods that we can use in the teaching

and learning process. A teacher will allow students to learn through

collaboration with their classmates. According to Bakhtiari, that 73% of Gen-

Z report feeling alone sometimes or always. Therefore, we future educators

need to at least minimize this kind of behavior in students in the future.

Loneliness can damage health physically and mentally. Peer and

collaborative learning are one way that teachers can do it, because

collaborative learning has different benefits for the development of higher-

level thinking, oral communication, self-management, and leadership skills.

Promotion of student-faculty interaction. Increase in student retention, self-

esteem, and responsibility. Exposure to and an increase in understanding of

diverse perspectives. Preparation for real-life social and employment


Moreover, Substantial research shows that collaborative learning

promotes active learning, critical thinking, communication skills, social

development, a positive learning environment, deeper understanding of

concepts, and preparation for real-life situations. A 2014 NCTM study found

that mathematical conversations and discourse among students—at all grade

and ability levels—helps build a shared understanding of mathematical ideas.

Hope A. Walter’s article “Beyond Turn and Talk: Creating discourse”

(Teaching Children Mathematics, 2018) asserted that meaningful math

discourse supports metacognition and teaches students how to discuss,

debate, and reevaluate mathematical situations in a respectful manner.

A 2018 NCTM study found that when students have the chance to analyze

and compare each other’s approaches, any sense of hierarchy in the

classroom is reduced and replaced with a classroom culture that values input

from all students.

Conceptual Framework

We are going conduct this research to determine whether studying

mathematics in a group will improve the students’ performance in algebra.

We’ll start by selecting a few students for our experiment. Second, we will

evaluate their initial algebra knowledge by testing them. Third, we will teach

them algebra using teamwork and group-solving math problems. Fourth, we

will retest the learners to determine if they have attained more knowledge.

Fifth, we will examine the results to determine if their knowledge improved

after studying in a group. In an 8-item test, test one has 5-item questions with

1 point each; in test 2, there are 3-item questions with 5 points each. The total

number of points that students can gain is equal to 20.

Dependent Variables Independent Variables

Efficiency of Cooperative learning

understanding the strategies inform of a

concept and group work or peer-

addressing the tutoring used in

expression used, as teaching of algebraic

demonstrated by the expression

pre-test and post-test interpretation.

scores and

performance in


expressions task.

Figure 1: The diagram of the Study showing the independent and

dependent variables

Figure 1 shows that the independent variable is the cooperative learning

strategies in the form of group work or peer tutoring used in the teaching of

algebraic expressions that can have an impact on the efficiency of

understanding the concept and addressing the expression as determined by

the pre-test and post-test. Moreover, intervening factors like students`

engagement, teachers’ facilitation, prior knowledge, group dynamics, teacher

support, and learning environment may also influence the students`


Definition of terms

The following terms were defined operationally in this study:

Pre-test. This is a non-graded assessment tool used to determine pre-

existing subject knowledge.

Post-test. This is a test given to training participants after the instruction is

presented or completed.

Collaborative learning. This is an umbrella term for a variety of educational

approaches involving joint intellectual effort by students, or students and

teachers together.

Rational algebraic expression (or rational expression). This is an

algebraic expression that can be written as a quotient of polynomials


Applebee, A.N. and Langer, J.A. (1983) Instructional scaffolding: Reading and

writing as natural language activities, Language Arts 60: 168-175

Barkley, Elizabeth, K. Patricia Cross, and Claire Major. 2014. Collaborative

Learning Techniques: A Handbook for College Faculty. San Francisco,

CA: Jossey-Bass

Brandy, Travis D., “The effects of cooperative learning on student

achievement in algebra I” (2013). Theses and Dissertations. 332.


Johnson, David W., Roger T. Johnson, and Karl Smith. 2007. “The State of

Cooperative Learning in Postsecondary and Professional Settings.”

Educational Psychology Review 19 (1): 15–29.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-006- 9038-8.

Ryder, M. (2023) Collaborative learning strategies in math, Amplify. Available

at: https://amplify.com/blog/math-teacher-lounge/collaborative-learning-



%20situations. (Accessed: 11 April 2024).

Collaborative learning: Center for teaching innovation Collaborative Learning |

Center for Teaching Innovation. Available at:




%20leadership%20skills. (Accessed: 11 April 2024).

Bakhtiari, K. (2024) Gen-z, the loneliness epidemic and the unifying power of

brands, Forbes. Available at:



sh=3978f1d86790 (Accessed: 11 April 2024).


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