What Is Capital Market? Meaning, Functions and Role

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What is Capital Market?

Meaning, Functions and Role

Meaning and Concept of Capital Market

Capital Market is one of the significant aspect of every financial market. Hence it is necessary to study its correct meaning. Broadly speaking the capital market is a market for financial assets which have a long or indefinite maturity. Unlike money market instruments the capital market intruments become mature for the period above one year. It is an institutional arrangement to borrow and lend money for a longer period of time. It consists of financial institutions like IDBI, ICICI, UTI, LIC, etc. These institutions play the role of lenders in the capital market. Business units and corporate are the borrowers in the capital market. Capital

Capital market provides long term debt and equity finance for the government and the corporate sector. Capital market can be classified into primary and secondary markets. The primary market is a market for new shares, where as in the secondary market the existing securities are traded. Capital market institutions provide rupee loans, foreign exchange loans, consultancy services and underwriting.
market involves various instruments which can be used for financial transactions.

While the money market deals with the provision of short-term credit, the capital market deals in the lending and borrowing of medium-term and long-term and long-term credit.

Significance, Role or Functions of Capital Market

Like the money market capital market is also very important. It plays a significant role in the national economy. A developed, dynamic and vibrant capital market can immensely contribute for speedy economic growth and development.


1Capital Formation : Capital market helps in capital formation. Capital formation is net addition to the existing stock of capital in the economy. Through mobilization of ideal resources it generates savings; the mobilized savings are made available to various segments such as agriculture, industry, etc. This helps in increasing capital formation. 2.Provision of Investment Avenue : Capital market raises resources for longer periods of time. Thus it provides an investment avenue for people who wish to invest resources for a long period of time. It provides suitable interest rate returns also to investors. Instruments such as bonds, equities, units of mutual funds, insurance policies, etc. definitely provides diverse investment avenue for the public. 3.Speed up Economic Growth and Development : Capital market enhances production and productivity in the national economy. As it makes funds available for long period of time, the financial requirements of business houses are met by the capital market. It helps in research and development. This helps in, increasing production and productivity in economy by generation of employment and development of infrastructure. 4.Proper Regulation of Funds : Capital markets not only helps in fund mobilization, but it also helps in proper allocation of these resources. It can have regulation over the resources so that it can direct funds in a qualitative manner. 5.Service Provision : As an important financial set up capital market provides various types of services. It includes long term and medium term loans to industry, underwriting services, consultancy services, export finance, etc. These services help the manufacturing sector in a large spectrum. 6.Continuous Availability of Funds : Capital market is place where the investment avenue is continuously available for long term investment. This is a liquid market as it makes fund available on continues basis. Both buyers and seller can easily buy and sell securities as they are continuously available. Basically capital market transactions are related to the stock exchanges.

7.. Mobilization of savings and acceleration of capital formation. In developing countries like India plagued by paucity of resources and increasing demand for investments by industrial organizations and governments, the importance of the capital market is self evident. 8. Promotion of industrial growth. The capital market is a central market through which resources are transferred to the industrial sector of the economy. The existence of such an institution encourages people to invest in productive channels rather than in the unproductive sectors like real estate, bullion etc. Thus it stimulates industrial growth and economic development of the country by mobilising funds for investment in the corporate securities.

10. Raising long-term capital. The existence of a stock exchange enables companies to raise permanent capital. The investors cannot commit their funds for a permanent period but companies require funds permanently. The stock exchange resolves this clash of interests by offering an opportunity to investors to buy or sell their securities while permanent capital with the company remains unaffected. 11. Ready and continuous market. The stock exchange provides a central convenient place where buyers and sellers can easily purchase and sell securities. The element of easy marketability makes investment in securities more liquid as compared to other assets. 12. Proper channelisation of funds. An efficient capital market not only creates liquidity through its pricing mechanism but also functions to allocate resources to the most efficient industries. The prevailing market price of a security and relative yield are the guiding factors for the people to channelise their funds in a particular company. This ensures effective utilization of funds in the public interest. 13. Provision of a variety of services. The financial institutions functioning in the capital market provide a variety of services, the more important ones being the following: (I) grant of long-term and medium-term loans to entrepreneurs to enable them to establish, expand or modernize business units; (II) provision of underwriting facilities; (III) assistance in the promotion of companies (this function is done by the development banks like the IDBI); (IV) participation in equity capital; and (v) expert advice on management of investment in industrial securities.

Structure of the capital market-- two constituents.

Broadly describe, the capital market can be divided into two constituents. (1)


financial institution, and (2) the securities market. The financial institutions, e.g., IFCI, IDBI, SFCs, LIC, UTI etc. provide long-term and

medium-term loan facilities. The securities market is divided into (i) the gilt edged market and (ii) the corporate securities market. GILT-EDGED MARKET
The gilt edged market is the market in government securities or the securities guaranteed (as to both principle and interest) by the government. Since the government cannot default on its payment obligations, the government securities are risk free and hence are known as gilt-edged (which means of the best quality). 1. It is a risk free market and returns are guaranteed. Accordingly, there is no uncertainty regarding yield, payment on time, etc. and there is no scope for speculation and manipulation ') of the market. 2. The government securities market consists of two parts - the new issues market and the secondary market. Since it is the Reserve Bank of India that manages entirely the public debt operations of the Central as well as the State governments, it is responsible for all the new issues of government loans. The secondary market deals in old issues of government loans and operates largely through a few large stockbrokers who keep in touch with the Reserve Bank and other prospective buyers and sellers. 3. Reserve Bank of India plays a dominant role in the government securities market. As noted by S.B. Gupta, "there are only brokers or investors in the market and no dealers or jobbers (other than the RBI) who would make a market in government loans by standing ready to buy and sell any amount of government securities on their own account."2 4. Government securities are the most liquid debt instruments. 5. The transactions in the government securities market are very large and each transaction may run into several crores of rupees. CORPORATE SECURITIES MARKET

Corporate securities market is a market where securities issued by corporate firms (Le. shares, bonds and debentures) can be bought and sold freely. It consists of the

new issues market (the primary market) and the stock exchange (the secondary market).

The New Issues Market. The new issues market is also known the
primary market. The new issues market is that part of the capital market which is concerned with the issue of new securities, i.e. bonds, debentures, shares, and so on. 1. By prospectus. Capital can be raised from the general public by the issue of prospectus. The prospectus is an invitation to the general public for subscribing to the capital. The prospectus must contain various details regarding particulars of the company, its financial position, etc. 2. By offer for sale. This method is almost similar to the prospectus method except with a difference that initially shares are taken up by a third party in bulk. Later, a statement like prospectus is issued for sale of shares to the public. 3. By private placing. Under this arrangement, the shares are sold to individuals or institutions directly by making a private appeal to them. This results in substantial saving as the cost of raising capital in this method is less than the cost of raising capital via other methods. 4. By offering rights issue. Companies may also raise capital from the existing shareholders by making a rights issue. Under a rights issue, the shareholders have the right to a certain number of shares in proportion to the shares held by them. The Stock Exchange. The stock exchange (or the secondary market) is a highly organised market for the purchase and sale of second-hand quoted or listed securities 'Quoting' or 'listing' of a particular security implies incorporating that security in the register of the stock exchange so that it can be bought and sold there. The Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 defines a stock exchange as "an association, organization or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not,

established for the purpose of assisting, regulating and controlling business in buying, selling and dealing in securities." GROWTH OF CAPITAL MARKET IN INDIA Government securities market Since 1991, the investor base for government securities has expanded rapidly. Besides banks and insurance corporations, finance companies, corporates and financial institutions have also begun to invest in government securities. The maturity structure of debt has significantly shifted in favour of medium-term and short-term borrowings. The amount of market - based primary issuance of government securities which was about Rs. 12.000 crore in 1991-92 rose to as high as Rs. 99,630 crore in 1999-2000. The gross market borrowings of the Central and State governments rose to Rs. 1,81,747 crore during 2005-06. As far as secondary market is concerned, a deep, wide and vibrant gilt-edged market has emerged as a result of a series of structural and institutional reforms. The secondary market turnover of government securities registered spectacular increase since mid-1990s.2 This is due to a substantial rally in the government securities market.3 Corporate Securities Market Consequent upon the policy of liberalisation adopted by the government in July 1991 and the subsequent abolition of Capital Issues Control with effect form May 29, 1992, the corporate securities market got a tremendous boost in the first three-four years of the post-liberalisation phase. (1) Primary Market or the New Issues Market New Capital Issues by Private Sector. Capital issues consist of two parts - shares and debentures. Prior to 1992-93, debentures were a more popular means of raising long-term funds and provided almost 70 per cent or more resources raised through new capital issues.

The persons who hold shares are known as shareholders or members and are part owners of the company. So, they enjoy certain rights like voting power, receipt of profits in the form of dividends etc. A company can issue two types of shares, namely equity shares and preference shares. Debt Market. The Indian debt market is composed of government bonds and corporate bonds. Debt Market is however dominated by government bonds. Bonds issued by the Central government, i.e., the Government of India are the predominant and most liquid component of the bond market. Government bonds are usually much less volatile than equities and far more liquid than equities.
Table Issuance of Bonds

2002 Government of India bonds Corporate Bonds 1,20,213

2003 1,13,000

2004 1,19,600

2005 1,29,350

2006 1,47,000






Source: Economic Survey 2005-06, pp.68 and 74 and Economic Survey 2006-07, pp. 70 and 76. Mutual Funds. The mutual funds (MFs) have proved to be important conduits of mobilising resources particularly since 1987-88 when the public sector banks were allowed to set up subsidiaries to undertake mutual fund business. At present this country has four types of mutual funds - Unit Trust of India, MF subsidiaries of public sector banks, MF subsidiaries of investment institutions like LlC and GIC, and private sector MFs. In 2004-05 there was a steep fall in resources mobilisation through mutual funds. It was as low as Rs. 2,201 crore. The year 2005-06 recorded the highest ever resource mobilisation of Rs. 52,780 crare by mutual funds (of this, as many as 81.4 per cent resources were mobilised by the private sector mutual funds).4 Secondary Market Secondary market refers to stock exchanges where existing securities can be regularly purchased and sold. These markets are an important element in mobilisation of resources. They enhance the efficiency of the flow of savings. The

existence of these markets fulfils a basic need of the investors namely the liquidity. In these markets, holders of securities can easily dispose of their securities and obtain cash. Thus viable secondary markets by providing marketability to securities encourage savers to take risk and make investments in the existing securities. Table2.select stock market indicators in India Year 197576 8 198586 14 1997-98 2000-01 2004-05 2005-06

Stock exchange (No.) Market value of capital(Rs.crore) Capital issues (Rs.crore) Capital raised as % of gross domestic saving(%)























Source: Tata services Ltd., statistical outline of India, 1996-97, NSE AND SSE. The biggest stock exchange of India is the National Stock Exchange (NSE) which was set up in November 1992. It started its trading operations effective June 30, 1994. Only the debt market segment of the NSE was put into operation initially The second largest stock exchange in India is the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). It was the first organised stock exchange established in India at Mumbai as far back as 1887. Presently NSE and BSE account for almost the entire trading of scrips on Indian stock markets and most of the regional stock exchanges have been rendered redundant. International Comparison. In 2003, 2004 and 2005 NSE and BSE ranked third and fifth respectively in the world on the basis of the number of transactions. In 2006, BSE slipped by one position to sixth while NSE retained its third position. Table 47.3 shows 10 biggest stock exchanges by number of transactions in 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006.


1. Establishment of development banks and industrial financing institutions. With a view to providing long-term funds to industry, the government set up the Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) in 1948, i.e., soon after Independence. This was followed by the setting up of a number of other development banks and financial institutions like the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI) in 1955, Industrial Development Bank of India (lOBI) in 1964, Industrial Reconstruction Corporation of India (IRCI) in 1971, various State Financial Corporations (SFCs) at the State level, Unit Trust of India (UTI) in 1964, State Industrial Development Corporations, Life Insurance Corporations of India etc. In addition, 14 major commercial banks were nationalised in 1969. 2. Growing public confidence. The early post-Liberalisations phase witnessed increasing interest in the stock markets. The small investor who earlier shied away from the securities market and trusted the traditional modes of investment (deposits in commercial banks and post offices) showed marked preference in favour of shares and debentures. As a result, public issues of most of the good companies were oversubscribed many times. 3. Increasing awareness of investment opportunities. The last few years have witnessed increasing awareness of investment opportunities among the general public. Business newspapers and financial journals, (The Economic Times, The Financial Express, Business Line, Business Standard, Business India, Business Today, Business World, Money Outlook etc.) have made the people increasingly aware of new long-term investment opportunities in the securities market. 4. Setting up of SEBI. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) was set up in 1988 and was given statutory recognition in 1992. Among other things, the Board has been mandated to create an environment which would facilitate mobilisation of adequate resources through the securities market and its efficient allocation. 5. Credit rating agenices. There are three credit rating agencies operating in India at present CRISIL, ICRA and CARE. CRISIL (the Credit Rating Information Services of

India Limited) was set up in 1988, ICRA Ltd. (the Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency of India Limited) was set up in 1991 and CARE (Credit Analysis and Research Limited) was set up in 1993.

According to Ajay Shah, in the pre-reform phase (i.e. the pre 1991 period) the Indian equity market was confronted with a number of problems, the chief among them being as follows:

1. As of 1992, the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) was a monopoly. It was an association of brokers, and imposed entry barriers, which led to increased costs of intermediation. 2. Trading took place by 'open outcry' on the trading floor, which was inaccessible to users. It was usual for brokers to charge the investor a much higher price from that actually traded at. 3. As with all trading-floors, there was no price-time priority, so users of the market were not assured that a trade was executed at the best possible price. 4. A variety of manipulative practices prevailed, so that external users of a market often found themselves at the losing end of price movements. No strict action could be taken against errant brokers. 5. Retail investors, and particularly users of the market outside Mumbai, accessed market liquidity through a chain of intermediaries called 'sub-brokers'. Each subbroker in the chain introduced a mark-up in the price and the investor thus had to pay a much higher price than the actual trade price.


According to ajay shah, the Indian debt market faced the following important problems in the pre-reform phase. 1. In 1992, debt trading took place without an exchange in the picture. Trades were bilaterally struck between known counterparties without anonymity.Personal and political influences impacted upon trade prices; each leg of the transaction was exposed to the credit risk of the other; dealer markets suffered from a fragmentation of orders and trades; and there was no price-time priority to ensure that each trade took place at the best price in the country. 2. The problem of credit risk served to narrow the Market down to a club market, a set of participants with homogeneous credit risk. 3. The lack of anonymity made it easier to form and enforce cartels which would indulge in a lot of manipulative practices. 4. The debt market relied on dealers who, as with the Bombay stock exchange, did not unbundled their intermediation price from the transaction price. 5. Trading took place by telephone in Mumbai. Hence, the debt market was effectively restricted to Mumbai. 6. Since traders took place bilaterally, trade prices were not centrally reported and observed, even ex post. 7. There were serious problems with the settlement of trades. The reserve bank tracks ownership of government securities of trades. The reserve bank tracks ownership of government securities in a database called the SGL.SGL was maintained manually.


In the post-reform phase (i.e. the period after 1991), the Government of India has initiated a number of steps to strengthen the capital market. A brief discussion of important measures follows.

Steps to Strengthen the Government Securities Market

1. The auction system for the sale of Government of India medium and long-term securities was introduced from June 3, 1992. Some innovative instruments, such as, conversion of auction Treasury Bills into term securities, Zero Coupon and Capital Indexed Bonds, Tap Stocks and partly paid stocks were introduced. 2. The Government of India set up the Securities Trading Corporation of India (STCI) to develop institutional structure for a vibrant secondary market in government securities. STCI was set up with total capital of Rs. 500 crore and it commenced operations from June 1994. 3. A scheme of 14-day Intermediate Treasury Bills was introduced effective from April 1997 to enable State governments, foreign central banks and other specified bodies with whom the Reserve Bank had an arrangement to invest their temporary surplus funds. . 4. A system of Primary Dealers was established in March 1995 and the guidelines for Satellite Dealers were issued in December 1996. 5. A practice of pre-announcing a calender of treasury bills and government securities auctions to the market was introduced. 6. Retail trading in government securities at select stock exchanges commenced in January 20036

Securities and Exchange Board of India

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) set up in 1988 was given statutory recognition in 1992 on recommendations of the Narasimham Committee. Among other things, the SEBI has been mandated to create an environment which would facilitate mobilisation of adequate resources through the securities market and its efficient allocation. The purposes and aims of SEBI are as follows: (1) regulating the business in stock markets and other securities markets; (2) registering and regulating the working of stock brokers and other intermediaries associated with the securities markets; (3) registering and regulating the working of collective investment schemes including mutual funds; (4) promoting and regulating the self-

regulatory organisations; (5) prohibbiting fraudulent and unfair trade practices relating to securities markets; (6) promoting investors' education and training of intermediaries of securities market; (7) prohibiting insider trading in securities National Stock Exchange of India As stated earlier, NSE was set up in November 1992 and was owned by IDBI, UTI and other public sector institutions. It commenced its operations in 1994. NSE is a securities exchange which marks a radical break with the past. According to Ajay Shah, the regime in which trading on NSE operates is characterised by four key innovations:7 (1) The physical floor was replaced by anonymous, computerised order-matching with strict price-time priority. (2) The limitations of being in Mumbai, and the limitations of India's public telecom network, were avoided by using satellite communications. Now NSE has a network of 2,000 satellite terminals all over the country (3) NSE is not 'owned' by brokers. It is a limited liability company, and brokers are franchisees. Therefore NSE's staff is free of pressures from brokers and is able to perform its regulatory and enforcement functions more effectively. (4) Traditional practices of unreliable fortnightly settlement cycle with the escape clause of badla were replaced by a strict weekly settlement cycle without badla. As stated earlier, equity trading at NSE commenced in November 1994. The BSE responded rapidly by moving to similar technology in March 1995. According to Ajay Shah, the improvements that accompanied this regime were are follows: (i) transparency - users could look at a price on a computer screen before placing on order; (ii) anonymity - electronic trading is completely transparent about prices and quantities, and completely opaque about identities; (iii) competition in the brokerage industry - as a result of NSE, about 1,000 new brokerage firms have entered the market. National Securities Clearing Corporation As stated earlier, trading in the securities market in the pre-reform phase was fraught with counterparty risks. Small counterparty risks could turn into large counterparty risks owing to cascading effects, jeopardising the functioning of the entire market. To tackle this problem, the National Securities Clearing Corporation (NSCC) was set up in 1996. Effective on July 4, 1996, the NSCC started

guaranteeing all trades on NSE. Thus every trade that takes place is freed from the risk of the counter party defaulting. This automatically ends the risk of cascading failures generating a payments crisis."8 DEMATERIALISATION , The final leg of a transaction is where the title on a security is changed from the seller to the buyer. Since share certificates in India were (and, for most companies, do continue to be) printed on paper, trading in them was fraught with operational cost and risk. Theft or counterfeiting of share certificates gave rise to a number of criminal activities. To tackle this problem, National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) was set up in November 1996. This form of trading is being extended in phases and more and more shares of more and more companies are being brought under it. As on March 31, 2006, companies available for demat numbered 11,501. Total shares settled in demat were 6,563 crore and the value of demat amounted to Rs. 7,84,860 crore in 2005-06.9 SEBI AND CAPITAL MARKET DEVELOPMENT To introduce improved practices and greater transparency in the capital markets in the interest of healthy capital market development, a number of steps have -been taken by SEBI. The important steps are: 1. SEBI has drawn up a programme for inspecting stock exchanges. Under this programme, inspections of some stock exchanges has already been carried out. The basic objective of such inspections is to improve the functioning of stock exchanges. 2. SEBI has introduced a number of measures to reform the primary market. The objective is to strengthen the standards of disclosure, introduce certain procedural norms for the issuers and intermediaries, and remove the inadequacies and systemic deficiencies in the issue procedures. 3. The process of registration of intermediaries such as stock brokers and subbrokers has been provided under the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992.

4. Through an order under the Securities Contracts (Regulations) Act, 1956, SEBI has directed the stock exchanges to broad-base their governing boards and change the composition of their arbitration, default and disciplinary committees. 5. SEBI issued regulations pertaining to "Insider Trading" in November 1992 prohibiting dealings, communication or counselling in matters relating to insider trading. Such regulations will help in protecting and preserving the market's integrity, and in the long run inspire investor confidence in the market. 6. SEBI issued a separate set of guidelines for development financial institutions in Septembers 1992 for disclosure and investment protection regarding their raising of funds from the market. As per the guidelines, there is no need for promoter's contribution. Besides, underwriting is not mandatory. 7. SEBI has notified the regulations for mutual funds. For the first time mutual funds are governed by a uniform set of regulations which require them to be formed as trusts and managed by a separate asset management company (AMC) and supervised by a board of trustees or trustee company. 8. The 'Banker to the issue' has been brought under purview of SEBI for investor protection.Unit Trust of India (UTI) has also been brought under the regulatory jurisdiction of SEBI. CONCLUSION The Indian capital market has witnessed a radical transformation within a period of just over one decade. During the early part of 1990s the ranking of Indian capital market with reference to global standards of efficiency, safety, market integrity etc., was low. With reference to the risk indices, in particular, the Indian capital market was regarded as one of the worst as it figured almost at the bottom of the league. However, the scenario has now completely changed. Because of extensive capital market reforms carried out over the period of the last one decade or so, the setting up and extension of activities of NSE. and steps taken by SEBI, the Indian capital market is now ranked in the top league. In fact, it is now considered to be way ahead of many developed country capital markets.10

A significant feature of the primary market activity after abolition of capital controls has been that the corporates attempted to diversify the range of instruments. A wide variety of innovative/ hybrid instruments were introduced to suit varied needs of investors and issuers/borrowers. Some of the instruments which became quite popular were secured premium notes (SPN) with detachable warrants, nonconvertible debentures with detachable equity warrants, zero-interest equity shares with detachable equity warrants, fully convertible cumulative redeemable preference shares etc. Despite setback in some years due to stock market scams, the sentiments look positive due to revival of retail investor interest in the market following encouraging corporate performance in recent period. However, what continues to be a matter of concern is the fact that it is the foreign institutional investors (Fils) that call the shots in the Indian capital market due to the vast amount of resources at their command. And, as correctly pointed out by R.H.Patil, "The operations of the Fils in India are often sporadic as their buy and sell decisions are governed by global strategies in which the Indian market continues to be a marginal player.",11 Therefore, external shocks can destabilise the Indian capital market at any time and it is necessary to take adequate precautionary steps to avoid/prevent this possibility.

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