Consumer Studies Grade 11 Term 3 Week 4 - 2020
Consumer Studies Grade 11 Term 3 Week 4 - 2020
Consumer Studies Grade 11 Term 3 Week 4 - 2020
• Use a cheque card, credit card or debit card instead of cash to pay for the
purchase as it is safer, cheaper, and more convenient.
• Use ATM, telephone, or cell phone banking, or online(internet) banking rather
than going into a bank branch.
• Use the ATMs of your bank as additional fees apply when using other bank’s
• Make fewer withdrawals of larger amounts rather than withdrawing small
amounts often.
• Make sure there is enough money in your account to cover all your transactions
to avoid penalty fees
➢ You are free to shop anywhere and not ➢ Carrying large amounts of cash can be
only at shops that offer credit. unsafe
➢ You can bargain and ask for a cash ➢ You need to be disciplined about
discount. keeping track of your expenses.
➢ You think twice before making a ➢ Some shops are unwilling to refund cash
purchase as you need to hand your for returns.
cash over. ➢ You may receive preference at a shop
➢ You can save your credit for where you have an account.
emergencies. ➢ When you use cash, you do not build up
➢ Less admin as you do not need to check a credit record.
your accounts. ➢ Most cash stores do not deliver.
➢ Cash is ideal for small purchases. ➢ If cash is lost it cannot be replaced.
➢ It is convenient for people who don’t ➢ A small business is vulnerable, especially
have bank accounts. when money is carried to the bank to be
➢ Paying cash minimizes the seller’s risk of deposited.
bad debt from customers not paying ➢ It is difficult to prove payment.
Lay-buy ➢ The goods are kept for the ➢ The goods may not be kept
customer until the last payments safe or may have been
have been made. damaged by the time the last
➢ Interest is not usually charged for payment has been made.
this service. ➢ It is difficult to prove how many
➢ It is convenient for people who payments have been made,
do not have access to credit or especially if cash has been
bank accounts. used.
➢ Problems arise if all the
payments cannot be made.
Monthly store card ➢ Some stores allow customers to ➢ It is easy to overspend.
buy goods on credit up to a ➢ When you want to make a
specific limit depending on their purchase it’s more difficult to
creditworthiness. shop around, therefore you
➢ The customer takes the goods. have a limited choice.
➢ At the end of the month, he or
she receives a statement of
account reflecting the total
amount owing and the minimum
that must be paid.
Credit card ➢ Businesses are guaranteed ➢ The bank deducts a
payment. percentage of the purchase
➢ Credit cards can be used for amount before paying the
mail-order or online purchases. business.
➢ The card holder can use budget ➢ High interest rates are
facilities on the credit card and charged, making credit cards
pay the amount to the bank in an expensive way to borrow
instalments. money.