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Portal User Guide

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Introduction to the

myMemphis Portal
The Fundamentals

100 Administration Bldg., Memphis, TN 38152
Phone: 901.678.8888
Email: [email protected]
umTech Website

Table of Contents

The myMemphis Portal ............................................................................ 3

Logging in to the myMemphis Portal ............................................................ 4
Pages and Portlets ................................................................................. 5
Student Page ........................................................................................ 6
Pages ................................................................................................. 8
Portlets .............................................................................................. 9
Creating a Private Page ......................................................................... 11
Adding Customized Portlets to Private Page in myMemphis Portal....................... 13
Page Customization .............................................................................. 16
Preview ............................................................................................ 18
Editing Portlets ................................................................................... 19
umMail ............................................................................................. 20
iAM.................................................................................................. 20
Help ................................................................................................ 20
Logging Out of the System ...................................................................... 21
Locating Help Resources ........................................................................ 22
Submitting a Service Request ................................................................ 22
Important Links ................................................................................ 22

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This documentation highlights features of myMemphis Portal, such as how to log in,
create private pages, and navigate throughout the portal.

This documentation is designed for university students, faculty and employees that
will be using myMemphis Portal.

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What is the myMemphis Portal?
The myMemphis Portal

myMemphis is the University’s initiative to integrate administrative and educational

functions, campus wide.

The myMemphis Portal is an online tool that allows users to access many University
services from one location. In addition, the portal offers personalized content and
individual customization.

This is a link to the official myMemphis Portal web site. Users may access the portal
anytime, from any computer, with an Internet connection and an updated supported

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Logging in to the myMemphis Portal

To access the portal, use your University of Memphis Universal User Identification
(UUID) and password. The UUID and password required to enter the myMemphis Portal
are the same as those used to login to your university e-mail and other University
computer resources.
NOTE: The myMemphis Portal has a time-out of one hour. After one hour of
inactivity, the myMemphis Portal will log you out. This is a security feature.

1. Go to: my.memphis.edu and enter your UUID and password.

Note: Your Username will be the first part of your UofM email address,
and your Password will be the same as the log in for myMemphis.
Authenticate with DUO.

2. Click Login. The myMemphis Portal Home page will display. Note: The
myMemphis Portal UUID and password are case sensitive. If you have
trouble, visit the self-service portal.

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Pages and Portlets
On the Homepage, you will see a series of Pages directly under the toolbar. Pages are
generated based on the roles you hold at the University. For example, if you are a faculty
member, you should have a Faculty Page, if you are an employee of the University, you
have an Employee Page, students have a Student Page, etc.

Unlike the old version of the myMemphis portal, our current portal does not allow
customization of pages.

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Student Page

For Students, your profile has been moved to a new section called Student Pages. From here
you can quickly access Your Profile, Enrollment, Degree, Finances and Veterans page.

The new Student page has three sections. The top section is information to the student about
their U-Number and their username.

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Below that are two columns. The left column is designed to support Registration and Records
services. This column will display the student’s assigned advisor, if it is assigned in Banner, or
display as unassigned. This section will also display registration holds.

The right column is an interactive column designed to support Fees, Financial aid, and
Scholarship. The Show Account Balance button is a toggle button that will show/hide a
refund, amount due, or zero balance. The default is to hide the balance on page load.
Selecting an academic year from the drop-down field will present financial aid requirements,
holds, awards and scholarship details. Missing requirements and hold have a red flag icon
indicator. Completed requirements and holds have a green checkmark indicator icon. The
information icon is a toggle button that can be selected to show/hide information for that
The Profile page will be the first page to load. This profile page will provide them with direct
links to their academic records and information all on one page. They will see links to
Curriculum and Courses, Prior Education and Training, Academic Transcript, Registration,
Student Schedule, Financial Aid, Work Study, as well as Overall Hours and GPA.

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Below are all the roles and their respective pages delivered within the myMemphis
Upon entering the myMemphis Portal, if you discover that you are missing Pages,
contact the umTech Service Desk at 678-8888 or enter a ticket.
Remember, Pages displayed are based on roles, so not all Pages will appear for

All Roles: Home; UofM Online

Advisor: Advising*
Employee: Employee; Finance; Workflow
Faculty: Faculty
Veterans: Students; Veterans
Former Employee: Former Employee
Former Student: Former Student
Prospective Student: Student; My Profile
Student: Student; Account$; MyDegree
Other manually assigned roles: Specialized pages as needed and assigned
*Only visible if the user has Advisor role but NOT Faculty role

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Each Page is comprised of a series of “portlets.” Portlets contain information and

often feature links to additional content. Each of the pages contain a
predetermined set of portlets appropriate to the role identified with that Page.
Below are all the default Portlets for each Page. Note: Due to the evolutionary
nature of the myMemphis Portal, these defaults may be altered in the future.

Advising: Advisor Dashboard; Advising Forms; Banner Admin Pages; Banner Self Service;
Course Catalog/Schedule; My Banner; Navigate; Online Academic Curriculum
Changes; TrueBlue Life; UMdegree
Employee: Application Administrative Access; Banner e~Print; Banner Admin Pages; Banner
Employee Dashboard; Banner Reference Information; Campus Work Requests;
Compensation Notifications; eContracts and EPAFs; Edison State of Tennessee
Benefits System; Educational Benefits Program; Electronic Forms; Employment
Verifications; Employee Information Update; FERPA; Graduate Application and
Slate; Memphis Ready; New Employee Post-Orientation Tasks; Performance
Appraisals and Evaluations; Personal Information; Reports - Argos; Research
Support; Safety Information; TigerPark; TigerZone; Time Approval; Time Leave
Reporting; Training Opportunities; Telecommunications Report; Travel,
Expense and Vendor Payments; WorkforUM; UMdegree; University & Student
Business Services
Faculty: Access your Courses; Banner Admin Pages; Banner Self Service; Contact the
Service Desk; Course Roster & Drop/Add Activity; CVs and Profiles; Faculty
Dashboard; Faculty Schedule; Faculty Grading; Grade Changes; Manage
Disability Accommodation; Navigate; Performance Appraisals and Evaluations;
Reqs and Pos; Research Support; Resources & Advising; SETE Administration,
Monitoring & Reports; SETE Course Evaluations; SETE Report; UMdegree; UofM
Online Faculty Resources
Finance: Approval Alerts; Banner Admin Pages; Banner e~Print; Banner Reference
Information; Banner Self Service; ePrint Test (Banner Test Repositories
Financial Advisor; My Banner; Reqs); & POs; Tigerbuy; Travel, Expense and
Vendor Payments
Former Student: Academic Advising and Planning; Banner Self Service; Fee Payment;
Former Employee: Employment Details; Personal Information; Separation and Clearance

Home: Fees, Financial Aid, and Scholarship; Registration and Records; Welcome!

ITS: Campus Work Requests; Change Management; IT Suggestion Box; IT Utilities;

LP5 TA Management; MyMemphis Announcements.

SRI: Enrollment Data; Faculty Staff Data; Planning Tools; SRI Resources

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Student Pages: My Degree; My Finances; My Profile; My Resources; Veterans

Student: Fees, Financial Aid, and Scholarship; Registration and Records;


My Degree: Commencement & Graduation; Graduate School Application; Graduation

Status; My Future; UMdegree

My Finances: Common Cents Giving; Dropping or Withdrawing? Fee Information;

Financial Aid Office; Financial Aid Requirements; Financial Aid Awards;
Financial Bookmarks; On-Campus Student Employment; Scholarship
Office; The Fastest Way to Get Information About Your Account; Tuition
and Fees; University & Business Services

My Profile: Academic Transcript; Additional links; Curriculum & Courses; Degree

Evaluation; Financial Aid and Work Study; Look Up Classes; Prior
Education and Testing; Registration; Student Schedule; View Application
to Graduate; View Grades; Week at a Glance; UMdegree

My Resources: Academic advising and Planning; Academic Integrity; Access your

Courses; Aleks Testing; Banner Self-Service; Books; Buy Books; Contact
the Service Desk; Counseling Center Paperwork; Electronic Forms; Fee
Information; Housing and Residence Life; GA Appointments; LinkedIn
Learning; National Student Clearing House; Navigate; Nursing Clinical
Data; Online Student Orientation; Parchment (Transcripts); Personal
Information; Request Disability Accommodations; Registration Tools;
SETE Course Evaluations; SETE/SIRS Reports; Senior Class Gift; Student
Application Process; Student Athlete Portal; Student Grades; Student
Responsibility; Summer, Spring, and Fall Courses; Tiger Park;
TigerZone; Unofficial Student Grades
Veterans: News & Notices; Credit for Prior Education/Training; Support;
eBenefits; Grants & Scholarships; Registration & Enrollment Tips; VA
Certification & Deferment; VA Educational Benefits

UofM Online: Access Your Courses; iAM; Library Links; Library Search; LinkedIn
Learning; Online Tools; umBlog; umSurvey; umWiki

Workflow: Alerts; My Processes; Worklist

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Creating a Private Page

1. To manage Private Page, go to the Home word located at the top left of the
toolbar with the words “Go to” beside it. By default, you will automatically have a
private page titled Home.

2. Expand the drop-down menu and select My Private Pages to begin the process of
creating a new private page.

3. The Private Page will be named Welcome. You can choose a new name and type it in
the Name (Required) field. You are only allowed one page for customization.

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4. Located on the far left, the tools that will allow you to customize the way your Private
Page. From here, you can select a name for your customized Private Page.

5. Add - When you open the + (add content) button, you will see the following window.

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Adding Customized Portlets to Private Page in myMemphis Portal

1. To add Content, Choose Add New from the drop-down menu. This will allow you to
add several items of content, such as a Bookmark entry, Basic Document, Web content
Article, File, Photo, Video or Online Training.

2. Once you have created a Private Page, you can begin to add portlets to it. Choose from
the following Groups of portlets to add application content to your personal page. Tile
choices are Highlighted, Administration, Banner, Collaboration, Community, Content
Management, Framed Content, News, Social, Tools, Undefined and Workflow.

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3. Each tile can be expanded to reveal what content can be added to your personal page
by clicking and dragging the tile onto your personalized page.

Tiles have two looks to them. Solid squares can only be added to your page once. Four
small squares mean that they can be added several times.

4. Once added, your Portlets will appear on your personal page.

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5. To rearrange the Portlets on the Private Page, hover over the Portlet and the
mouse icon will change to a Move Tool. At this point, you can move the
Portlet around and configure the placement of the Portlet on the Private Page.

Note: You can move the Portlets around to reorganize them as they are expanded or
arrange them when they are collapsed.

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Page Customization

1. Page will allow you to define a specific look and feel for this Page by allowing you to
choose between the different available themes. When adding a page, you will be
required to name the page. A) Type the name of the page in the blank field. B) if you
do not want the page to appear in your navigation menu, check here.

2. Choose a layout you want for your private page by selecting the radial button beside
the custom layout choices.

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3. There are a few other choices to make about your page design. Select the radial button
beside the choice you would like to use.

4. Once you have made the choices for your personal page, scroll to the bottom of the
side bar, and click Add Page.

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Page will determine the column layout of your Private Page. Choose from the various options
available for preview in different formats.

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Editing Portlets

Beside each portlet on your customized page, you will see a gear symbol, which you will

choose to edit the settings of a portlet.

Portlet Editing Tools:

1. Options - allows you to customize the look and feel of Portlets

2. Configuration - allows you to customize the permissions of Portlets
3. Import /Export - Export the selected data to the given LAR file name
4. Maximize - makes the Portlet fill the entire Page space
5. Minimize - minimizes Portlet
6. Remove - deletes a Portlet

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The umMail icon will take you directly to the University’s webmail. You will sign on
with your University’s email address and the associated password.

iAM – The iAM web service provides users the ability to self-service several account
functions. These functions include password reset, email routing, and preferred email
address selection.

Help – Is a direct link to full documentation for myMemphis.

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Logging Out of the System

1. To log out, click on the Logout icon

2. Next, select myMemphis (only) Logout.

3. Once you have logged out, it is recommended that you choose File, then Quit,
to shut down your browser.

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Locating Help Resources
umTech offers support to faculty, staff, and students, provides additional assistance,
and resources. Such help can be located as follows:

Submitting a Service Request

Login URL: Click here for our service desk ticketing system. After logging in, choose
the appropriate form request for services.

Contact the ITS Service Desk — 901.678.8888 any day of

the week! (Excluding Some Holidays)

ITS Service Desk Walk-In hours (Admin Building Room 100):

Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm

The ITS Service Desk Call Center hours:

Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Saturday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Sunday 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Contact the Service Desk for assistance with technical login problems or issues.
ALL incoming calls after hours will be handled by voicemail services. If you
require assistance after 8:00 pm, please leave a message or submit a service

Voice messages will be checked regularly and receive priority response the
following business day. You may also email umTech at [email protected].
(Using this email will automatically generate a service request).

Important Links
Explore the umTech Website
Search the Solutions Page

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