2024-09-12 St. Mary's County Times

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 Piney Point

Lighthouse Museum 

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St. Mary's
County Times



Child Care Center Sparks

Spending Debate

Commissioners Hint at
Possible Tax Cuts

Animal Ordinance
Targets Dog Breeders

Photo by Ceandra Scott
2 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024





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My County Times Child care facility sparks spending debate
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Commissioners hint at possible tax relief Hundreds get free fresh fruit and vegetables
from Feed St. Mary’s


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Thursday, September 12, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 3

Child Care Center

Project Opens
Spending Debate
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer

The county government held off on providing

more funding for a new child care center for
its own employees by authorizing an outside
contractor to study whether the soon-to-be-
vacant Leonard Hall Junior Naval Academy
building would be a better option.
“I’m here asking for money,” said Jim
Gotsch, director of the Department of
Public Works and Transportation to the
Commissioners of St. Mary’s County.
Gotsch said the day care center costs
SATURDAY, SEPT. 14, 2024
have continued to rise and the project
requires about $450,000 more to begin con-
10 AM – 4 PM
struction; the building would be a prefabri-
cated modular structure to accommodate 73
children on the county government campus
in Leonardtown.
Part of the plan meant taking approxi-
mately $350,000 from cost savings from the
Barns at New Market farmers market project
in Mechanicsville and transferring it to the
child care project. Public Works Chief Jim Gotsch
The increase to $450,000 to be used on the
project is due to inflationary pressure, Gotsch child care center could take too much time
told commissioners at their Sept. 10 business whereas signing a contract with the modular
meeting in Leonardtown, though that amount building provider now would lock in a price.
would not cover the entire increase. “We’d be up and running next year,”
Gotsch proposed taking funding from Colvin said.
DPWT programs — about $210,000 in Hewitt argued that putting in a modular
total — to help fund the installation of a structure, with no possibility of expansion
storm water management pond and side- for additional children, put the county in an
walks and curb and gutter to support the day inflexible position.
care center. The Leonard Hall building could provide
The size of the prefabricated, perma- that advantage.
nent structure would be 6,347 square feet, Hewitt was also concerned with the
Gotsch said. amounts of surplus money found by county
Commissioner Mike Hewitt opened the staff through various branches of county Activities, food, live music and more!
debate as he questioned Gotsch as to why operations that could be used to fund proj-
it was estimated to cost $3.95 million to ects elsewhere. 
renovate the building that currently houses “And that’s troubling to this commis-
Leonard Hall Junior Naval Academy, which
did not need storm water management, curb
sioner because it’s taxpayer money,” Hewitt
said. “We find $444,000 over at the salt stor-
Bring the whole

and gutter and was more than 3,000 square age facility, we find $352,000 at the north
feet larger than the child care center, but it farmers’ building, we find $54,000 at the
would only cost about $2.5 million for a Norther Senior Center, we find $98,000 in
brand new prefabricated structure. the airport master plan.

€‚ ƒ
The junior naval academy plans to vacate “How much excess money does the
the space in the near future as their lease county have laying around?”
with the county has not been extended. The county is anxious to build the Piney Point Lighthouse Museum and Historic Park
“We still have to do something with child care center as an incentive to recruit 44720 Lighthouse Rd. Piney Point, MD 20674 • (301) 994-1471
Leonard Hall one way or the other when and retain employees as it seeks to fill
For more info, call or visit www.Facebook.com/1836Light

we’re done,” Hewitt said. “One thing that long-standing vacancies.
drives me a little nuts is, this [child care Commissioner Scott Ostrow was also
center] keeps going up [in cost]. concerned with moving too quickly on the
“It’s starting to smell a lot like the RAC child care center project.
[Regional Agricultural Center].” “We do this over and over again in county
Hewitt proposed holding off on making government,” Ostrow said. “We build things
a decision on the child care center funding too small.
for 90 days until the true cost of renovating “If even in five years we find out it’s [the
the Leonard Hall site was known. child care center] too small, then in my opin-
Commissioner Eric Colvin said he was ion, we’ve wasted money.”
concerned with delays as switching to a
study of the Leonard Hall building for a [email protected]
4 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024

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Thursday, September 12, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 5

Commissioners Hint AUCTION

at Budget Priorities SAT. SEPTEMBER 21, 2024
By Guy Leonard commissioners’ efforts by their raising the

9:00 a.m.
Staff Writer income tax rate last year as well.
“We’ve kept the same rate but our [prop-
One county commissioner said this week erty] tax revenues have increased,” Hewitt
that doing away with the county’s energy tax
was a distinct possibility during the upcom-
said. “We didn’t do constant yield; we’ve
done that twice out of the last 10 years.”
ing budgeting process; Commissioner Eric
Colvin said during the annual State of the
He hoped the commissioners would take
that step to offer tax relief this coming bud-
County luncheon in Lexington Park that he
supported cutting that tax in particular.
get cycle.
“Living in St. Mary’s County is expen- 22335 EXPLORATION DRIVE
Commissioner Mike Hewitt, who
said that the county’s financial status
sive… especially for seniors,” Hewitt said.
The commissioners received praise and #1005 & #1020
remains strong, said at the Chamber of
Commerce-sponsored event and earlier at
criticism earlier this year as the budget cycle
came to a close for raising taxes on income. LEXINGTON PARK, MD 20653
the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County The reason for doing so was to support

business meeting that he still believed that the state-mandated increases in starting
taxes were too high on county residents and teacher pay.
that there needed to be relief. But now, even Gov. Wes Moore, who
“I think there’s support from all com- has strongly supported the Blueprint For
missioners to get rid of the energy tax next
year,” Colvin said.
Commissioners admitted that tax reve-
nues had increased on the backs of residents
Education and its many mandates, has sig-
naled to legislators that they will have to
reexamine the sheer cost of the law. HOUSE
through increases in both their property
assessments at the state’s hands and by
[email protected]
9:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.

Dog Breeding
By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer

The county’s animal control division is

actively handing out information to anyone
they know of involved in dog breeding and/ TWO — 1st Level COMMERCIAL CONDOS
or boarding about the application process 22335 Exploration Drive
for obtaining a commercial license to gain
compliance with the recently enacted updated Unit #1005: 1,373 sq. ft., recently renovated.
animal control ordinance, said county Animal
Control Warden Joy Wilson last week.
Unit #1020: 1,825 sq. ft., 2 baths, shower,
“Until next year, there’s not going to be kitchen.
a fee,” Wilson said in a briefing before the Short drive to NAS Patuxent River.
county’s Animal Control Advisory Board.
“Because, there were no fees put into the
new ordinances. Animal Control Warden Joy Wilson For more details or
“So right now, it’s free.”
The newly revised animal control ordi- seeking out anybody who had more than five Auction Terms & Conditions please call:
nances have proved concerning for some dogs and that’s not the case,” Wilson said.
animal lovers, as they now require anyone
with more than five dogs to obtain a ken-
“We’re trying to target this towards every-
body who is breeding animals.”
neling license.
This especially worried animal rescue
Wilson said, though, that animal control
officers who arrived to a residence with BILLY FITZGERALD
groups who encourage residents to foster more than five dogs in the instance of hav-
dogs — sometimes quite a few at a time —
at their homes in hopes of finding perma-
ing received a complaint would still advise
the owner they were required to obtain a
O: (301) 884-7000 OR
nent homes for them among others willing
to open their homes to the dogs.
These groups became concerned that they
kenneling license.
“We may ask you to register, but that’s so
we know how many animals are on the prop-
C: (301) 481-3378
would not be able to afford such a license erty,” Wilson said. “If you’re not breeding, Fitzgerald Realty & Auctioneers
or comply with its mandates and have
expressed as much to the Commissioners
you shouldn’t be concerned.
“We’re trying to have some oversight on
37601 Golden Beach Road
of St. Mary’s County. the care of large numbers of dogs being bred.” Charlotte Hall, MD 20622
Private owners with more than five dogs
were also worried, Wilson said at the Sept.
These breeding operations, Wilson said,
is “one of the things filling our shelter the
Auction page:
6 meeting. fastest.” www.fitzgeraldrealty.net
“They were worried about all of us [animal [email protected]
control officers] rolling up onto their property [email protected]
6 LOCAL NEWS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024

THE Wentworth eekly Town Moves Ahead On

SUPER Mums SUPER Pansies By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
said. “We can’t build anymore there.
“We can’t have any more projects so we
8” Pot SPECIAL 6” Pot The Leonardtown Town Council approved
have to do that.”
She recommended waiting to put out the
Wentworth Grown! Wentworth Grown!
a bid this week to begin construction on a bids for the construction of the water well
water tower for the Meadows at Town Run to find the true cost of that project and use
community in the town limits. interest accrued so far this year on other
$ 50
7 5 for $35 5
$ 99
6 for $30
Town Administrator Laschelle McKay monies in the town’s coffers to potentially
EA. EA. told council members that three bids came
in, with the low bid coming from Landmark
pay for it.
“I think we’ll be OK,” said McKay. “We
Whitehouse Structures Limited Partnership at $6.9 just have to keep moving on the water tower.”
million. McKay further recommended that the
Grass Seed Though it was the lowest of the three bids, council consider raising the cost of equiva-
Now is the Best Time McKay said, it was roughly $900,000 over lent dwelling units (EDUs), or the amount
to Renovate, Redo and or what the town had budgeted for the proj- of water an average home uses per day, from
Overseed Your Lawn. ect, which included impact fees from new $3,000 to $6,000.
All Bags are 98% Seed development construction and federal funds She said she would bring that proposal
(Not full of fillers) through ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) forward formally in October.
left over after the COVID-19 pandemic. “That’s to ensure the [current] town resi-
Interest accrued on the ARPA funding dents don’t have to bear the debt service bur-
brought the difference down to just about den; it would just come from new growth,”
Fall is For Lawns 50 lb Bag $800,000, she said. McKay explained.
Now She recommended taking money from The motion passed the council’s vote
Everything You Need the $1.75 million on hand to construct the unanimously.
12999 accompanying water well to complete the
To Do It Yourself Per Bag
tower project first.
“We have to build the tower,” McKay
[email protected]


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An artist’s rendering of RIverside Townhomes
Complete New Lawns with Grading & Drainage, By Guy Leonard the record by Lenhart Traffic Consulting
Slice/Overseeding, Topsoil & Leafgro. Staff Writer Inc., the project would generate approxi-
mately 252 daily vehicle trips in addition
Call Today For an Estimate 1-800-451-1427 The members of the county’s planning to the traffic already in the area.
or request a consultation on-line: WentworthNursery.com commission voted to continue their pub- The traffic study reported this addition
lic hearing on the concept site plan for a would amount to only a fractional increase
LANDSCAPE DESIGN BUILD Walks & Walls 42-townhouse development in California in nearby area traffic.
Patios & Ponds at their latest business meeting. After a nearly three-hour hearing in which
Fire Pits The townhomes to be built by LAHACO planning commission members expressed
Investments, LLC, would be 120 feet in concerns with how the traffic produced by
length and approximately 20 feet wide and the developer’s project would meld with traf-
Outdoor Kitchens less than 40 feet in height. fic patterns from other developments in the
Arbors & Pergolas The traffic study for the project states nearby vicinity — including a new car wash
Now Scheduling Hardscape & Landscape Installations! Decks & Fencing the development would have a strictly con- facility, COA Barrett, the engineering firm
trolled right-turn-in, right-turn-out only from Calvert County working for the devel-
access point on Three Notch Road despite oper, asked for a continuance of the hearing.
its proximity to Three Notch Road’s inter- The planning commission unanimously
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9-6, Prince Frederick Garden Center Oakville Garden Center section with Route 4. agreed to continue the hearing to the body’s
Sat & Sun. 9-5 1700 Solomon’s Island Rd, & Landscape Project Center The project would be sited on the north- Nov. 4 meeting date.
Prince Frederick, MD 41170 Oakville Road, Mechanicsville, MD bound side of Three Notch Road just north
410-535-3664 • 866-535-3664 301-373-9245 • 800-451-1427 of the intersection with Route 4. [email protected]
WentworthNursery.com ShopWentworthNursery.com According to the traffic study, entered into
Thursday, September 12, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times ON THE COVER 7

St. Mary’s, Farmers Feed Hundreds

By Guy Leonard idents in need of a reliable supply of nutri-
Staff Writer tious food.
“We were able to put a lot of smiles on
For just the third year in a row, Feed St. peoples’ faces,” Frederick said. “It was
Mary’s, the local hub for distributing young and old, all races, and kids with their
food to food pantries, the county govern- parents.
ment and the University of Maryland’s “Everyone who was there could really use
Agriculural Extension, gave out free fresh the produce available.”
fruit and vegetables and protein to hun- Frederick said he believed that economi-
dreds of county residents. cally disadvantaged people are more at risk
Droves of people created long lines to of eating, unhealthy, overly processed or fast
get the food Sept. 7 as volunteers worked food because of its lower cost and relative
to hand it out quickly; each person or fam- ease of availability.
ily who came also received five pounds of “It’s a rarity they can come out and get…
chicken legs as a protein source, said Douglas all of these things [fresh fruits and vegeta-
Frederick, the board chair of Feed St. Mary’s. bles],” Frederick said. “They also might not
“It’s an all-volunteer non-profit except for have time to prepare fresh food because they
our warehouse manager and two assistants,” may be working more than one job.”
Fredericks said. “The numbers were down Ben Beale, the agricultural agent for the
this year compared to last year, but it was extension office, said the event helped local
still a successful event.” Photo by Ceandra Scott farmers as much as those who partake of
Last year more than 900 people came the produce.
to the parking lot of Signature Lane in During the year the Feed St. Mary’s ware- of Maryland Extension to purchase all of “We do a lot of nutrition education, so it
Lexington Park to get free, farm fresh pro- house acts as a central location for many the fresh fruits and vegetables. was a natural fit,” Beale said of the exten-
duce, Frederick said. local food pantries to get food to in turn If donations, both monetary and in food, sion’s participation in the event. “We try to
This year that number had dropped to just hand out to the needy; Feed St. Mary’s is were large enough throughout the year, time these events when we have a surplus
over 800 people but those who came showed normally stocked from the Maryland Food Frederick said Feed St. Mary’s could pro- of produce on the market.
there was still a significant need in the com- Bank located in Baltimore. vide such an event on its own. “That provides a floor to the market so
munity, especially amongst lower-income But for this special annual event, the But that has not been the case, making this helps farmers as well.”
residents, to get better, nutritious food. fresh produce is provided by the Amish and such partnerships vital to success, he said. Beale said the extension office is anxious
“We want them to know they can have Mennonite farmers through the Loveville “We couldn’t do it alone,” Fredericks to continue keeping the fresh produce flow-
something nutritious for themselves and Produce Auction in Loveville. said. “It’s not enough to go it alone.” ing for free to residents.
their families,” Fredericks said. “This Feed St. Mary’s spent $5,000 this year The demographic of the people who came “It’s a great partnership,” Beale said.
allows them to save money so they don’t to provide the chicken for families at the to the Farmers Feeding St. Mary’s event and
have to make a decision between whether event, Fredericks said, while the county their high number showed Frederick that [email protected]
to buy food or pay a bill.” government partnered with the University there was still a significant number of res-

Sell it - Buy it
at Auction
Two Upcoming Auctions at the St. Mary’s County Fair
(Leonardtown, MD) to support our 4-H Youth!
St. Mary’s Co. 4-H Cake Auction – FRI, SEPT 20, 2024 – 6:30 pm
St. Mary’s Co. 4-H Livestock Auction – SAT, SEPT 21, 2024 – 5 pm
*New starting time for SMC 4H Livestock Auction – 5 pm!
Assisting Cochran Auctions with
Blue Mount Nursery Liquidation Auction
20052 Garden Center Court, Ashburn, Virginia
Huge 2-Day Auction - FRI, SEPT 27, 2024, SAT, SEPT. 28
Trucks – Skid Loader – Greenhouses & Related Items – Huge Inventory
September is Library
of Trees, Shrubs & Flowers – Nursery Store Inventory – Bulk Items
For more information go to www.CochranAuctions.com Card Sign-Up Month
Mechanicsville Volunteer Rescue Squad Community Auction A public library card opens the door to so much --
(Chicken Dinners Available) diverse programs, job search assistance, arts & crafts programs,
Friday, October 11, 2024 – 6 pm (Doors Open at 4:30 pm) book discussions, author talks, storytimes and more.
27636 Mechanicsville Rd – Mechanicsville, MD (Moose Lodge)
Borrow books and audiobooks, stream movies and music,
Fall Harvest & Local Meats Auction take virtual classes, or even get online tutoring
SAT, OCT 12, 2024 – 4 pm and homework help.
USDA Meats (Beef, Pork and Lamb) – Pumpkins – Mums – Fall
Produce – Lawn/Garden Concrete Items – Handcrafted Quilts – It’s all free. Get your library card today!
Crafts – Selection of New Tools, Toys and Other Items
Offering locally-raised meats (Steaks, Hamburger, Roasts, Pork Chops,
Sausage, Bacon, Ham Steaks, Lamb and More). We purchase animals from
local County Fair 4-H Livestock auctions and have the meats processed at a
USDA facility then, offer the quality, recently-frozen meats at this auction ready
for your freezer. Also a large selection of locally-grown Mums, Pumpkins, Fall
Produce, Handcrafted Quilts, and a Selection of New Tools/Items!
Westfield Farm Arena – 26689 Laurel Grove Rd, Mechanicsville, MD
www.Far rellAuctionSer vice.com
8 LOCAL NEWS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024

Fire Destroys Bushwood Man

St. Inigoes Home Arrested Following
Drug Investigation
During proactive traffic enforcement
on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, Deputy
Joseph Senatore of the St. Mary’s County
Sheriff’s Office observed the driver of a
Blue Ford Mustang fail to stop at a white-
painted stop line and make an abrupt right
turn onto Great Mills Road and travel
westward at a high rate of speed. Deputy
Senatore initiated a traffic stop on the
Mustang, at which point the driver exited
the vehicle and fled on foot.
After a brief foot pursuit, the driver was
apprehended and identified as Deandre
Terille Taylor, 35, of Bushwood. A K-9 unit
was requested to search Taylor’s vehicle,
and K-9 Kyra alerted positively for narcot-
ics. A subsequent search of the car revealed
$595.00 in cash, though no controlled dan-
gerous substances (CDS) were located at
By Guy Leonard River Webster Field Annex and the fire was the time.
Staff Writer discovered by an officer there, fire marshals While in custody, Taylor complained of Deandre Terille Taylor (photo from 2023)
said. a medical emergency and was transported
A Monday morning fire in St. Inigoes com- The cause of the Sept. 9 fire is still under to a hospital for evaluation. He left the hos- 2.0 grams of suspected fentanyl, and var-
pletely destroyed a single-family home but investigation. pital shortly after arriving. In the interim, ious CDS paraphernalia. At the Wolftrap
caused no injuries, investigators with the Anyone with any information regard- deputies searched the area where Taylor Street residence, detectives recovered 1,263
state fire marshal’s office reported. ing this incident is asked to contact the fled, recovering a large quantity of CDS, grams of suspected marijuana, a digital
It took 45 firefighters to knock down the Office of the State Fire Marshal, Southern including 80.6 grams of suspected crack scale with suspected cocaine residue, shot-
blaze; the action took about 45 minutes, fire Regional Office, at 410-414-3614. cocaine, 0.8 grams of powdered cocaine, gun shells, .44 magnum ammunition, and
marshals reported. and 2.0 grams of fentanyl. additional CDS paraphernalia. Taylor was
The home was close to the NAS Patuxent [email protected] Detectives from the Criminal Investi- not located at either residence.
gations Division, who had already been On Friday, September 6, 2024, an arrest
actively investigating Taylor for suspected warrant was issued, and Taylor was found
drug distribution activities, obtained search in Clements and taken into custody without
and seizure warrants for two residences and incident. Taylor is being charged with four

Philip H. Dorsey III his person. The warrants were executed on

Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at homes
counts of CDS possession with intent to
distribute, four counts of CDS possession

Attorney at Law
in the 42000 block of Calvert Circle in - not cannabis, possession of narcotics pro-
Mechanicsville and the 20000 block of duction equipment, CDS possession of par-
Wolftrap Street in Lexington Park. aphernalia, and multiple traffic violations.
At the Calvert Circle residence, detec- The suspect was transported to the
tives recovered $12,972 in cash, seven indi- Detention and Rehabilitation Center in
vidually packaged bags of suspected crack Leonardtown.
cocaine totaling approximately 218 grams,

Sheriff’s Office
-Serious Personal Injury Cases- Investigates Alleged
LEONARDTOWN: 301-475-5000
On-Line Threats
TOLL FREE: 1-800-660-3493 Thanks to a tip from a watchful member of
the public, the wanted subject Kevin Lee
Bonnie, 21 has been located and is in police

EMAIL: [email protected]
custody in St. Mary’s County.
The St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office,
Charles County Sheriff’s Office, and
Calvert County Sheriff’s Office are actively
investigating recent social media threats
made against children and police officers.
On Thursday, September 5, 2024 Bonnie
posted multiple online statements express-
ing intent to harm law enforcement officers
and children waiting at bus stops. He has
had recent interactions with law enforcement

officers in Charles and St. Mary’s counties. Kevin Lee Bonnie
Thursday, September 12, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 9

St. Mary’s Deputies

Honored with Deputy
of the Year Awards

Deputy Joseph Senatore (left) and Detective Sergeant Austin Schultz (right)

Two St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office dep- Deputy Joseph Senatore received the

uties were honored as Deputies of the Year large agency Traffic Safety Award, which
at the 2024 Maryland Sheriff’s Association recognizes officers who contribute to traffic
Professional Development Seminar in safety through purpose-driven enforcement
Ocean City, MD, on Monday, September that addresses community issues through

9, 2024. Detective Sergeant Austin Schultz enforcement, commitment, and educa-
received the Crime Prevention Award, and tion. Since completing his Field Training
Deputy Joseph Senatore was recognized Program in January 2023, Senatore has led
with the Traffic Safety Award. traffic safety efforts, notably in the “Slow

Detective Sergeant Austin Schultz earned Down St. Mary’s” initiative targeting
the large agency Crime Prevention Award, speeding and reckless driving. His proac-

which recognizes individuals who make out- tive approach, including over 1,500 vehi-
standing contributions to crime prevention cle stops and nearly 2,400 traffic violations,
through public safety education, innova- has helped reduce accidents and make local
tive security techniques, effective policing
strategies, or a notable single act of crime
roads safer. Beyond enforcement, Senatore
showed his dedication by assisting a traf- AUCTION
prevention. D/Sgt. Schultz was praised for fic violator to get to a necessary medical TAKING CONSIGNMENTS NOW
his exemplary leadership, embodying the appointment, highlighting his commitment
Sheriff’s Office vision of innovative, com- to the community’s well-being.
CALL (301) 861-7738
munity-oriented policing. As a founding “Detective Sergeant Austin Schultz and October 11–12 • 8am
member of the Criminal Intelligence Unit, he Deputy Joseph Senatore’s dedicated service
spearheads the Group Violence Intervention is not only recognized by our community
(GVI) Program, a collaboration with com-
munity partners to reduce gun violence. By
and office; law enforcement agencies repre-
senting the entire state of Maryland selected CHRISTMAS
engaging at-risk individuals and offering
resources and support, Schultz’s work has
provided alternatives to those involved in
them for special recognition,” said Sheriff
Steve Hall. “They exemplify the very best
of our agency’s commitment to public safety
firearm and group violence, significantly and community service.” November 2 • 8am
enhancing public safety.

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10 IN OUR COMMUNITY St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024

Naval Air Station

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The Navy awarded a contract for the engineering and manufacturing development of the Next Generation
Jammer Low Band system, which will deploy on the EA-18G Growler (pictured). It is part of a larger system
that will provide enhanced AEA capabilities to disrupt, deny and degrade enemy air defense and ground com-
munication systems. (U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Nicholas Priest)

The U.S. and Australian fleets are one step NGJ-LB is scheduled to reach early opera-
closer to getting the next increment of the U.S. tional capability in 2029.
Navy’s most advanced airborne electronic The Navy originally awarded the contract
attack (AEA) system. The Navy awarded L3 in 2020. Following multiple protests, the
Technologies Inc., Communication Systems- Navy issued an amended request for pro-
West a $587.4 million contract Aug. 26 for posals in 2023. This contract supports the
the engineering and manufacturing develop- final design efforts and manufacturing of
ment of the Next Generation Jammer Low operational prototype pods and system-level
Band (NGJ-LB) system. prototypes for the U.S. Navy and Royal
“NGJ-LB will meet current and emerg- Australian Air Force (RAAF). NGJ-LB is a
ing electronic warfare threats and increase joint cooperative program between the U.S.
the lethality of 4th and 5th generation plat- Department of Defense and the Australian
forms and strike weapons,” said Rear Adm. Department of Defence.
John Lemmon, Program Executive Officer “The contract award is a major step for

SEPTEMBER 23, 2024 for Tactical Aircraft Programs. “The Navy

will partner with L3Harris to get this key
our fleet as well as the RAAF,” said Capt.
David Rueter, Airborne Electronic Attack
capability into the hands of the warfighter.” Systems Program Office (PMA-234)
Take the free pledge to be The NGJ-LB is part of a larger NGJ system Program Manager. “Our partnership with
eligible for great prizes, even
if you’re already car free or that will augment and ultimately replace the Australia to develop the newest AEA jam-
car-lite, commuting full-time legacy ALQ-99 Tactical Jamming System ming capability exhibits our joint commit-
or on a hybrid work schedule. on the EA-18G Growler aircraft. Using the ment to ensure continued superiority over
latest software and Active Electronically the electromagnetic spectrum.”
#CarFreeDay @CarFreeMetroDC Scanned Array technologies, NGJ will pro- PMA-234 is responsible for acquiring,
vide enhanced AEA capabilities to disrupt, delivering and sustaining AEA systems
deny and degrade enemy air defense and including the NGJ, ALQ-99, and ALQ-231
ground communication systems. Intrepid Tiger Pod II. The program office
This latest increment will counter a provides combatant commanders with elec-
George Clark, CCTM Acting Transportation Director larger capacity of adversary systems in the tronic warfare capabilities that enable oper-
[email protected] 9.23.24 low-frequency electromagnetic spectrum. ational mission success.
(301) 643-7257
Thursday, September 12, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times IN OUR COMMUNITY 11

One Million Oysters

for Breton Bay
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  ­€ ­‚
 ƒ„  
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‹‹  ‰Œ „ƒ ‰‰ Ž 
Ž €   €­‡ 
€‚†‘‡ ‚ € ‡€ 
‰’†‘  ‚Œ  “ ‘‡ 
Show your support for a cleaner, more your friends and join the fun! ‘­  ” • ˆŽ†–‡  ‘ ’†
vibrant, and healthier Breton Bay by join- Volunteers are required to wear closed- “‚ ‡† ‚ € ‘ —‡ †€
ing us on September 21st! toed shoes and a life jacket. We will have  Š ” ‡Ž‰ƒ ‰„‰ ‡ ­ †
Saturday at 10 am (rain date: Sunday, extra life jackets, but bring your own if  †‡­† ‡ƒ˜˜™†  ˜š›
September 22nd at 10 am) join the St. you can.
”ƒƒ ‰  Ž ‰ ƒ„   Ž Ž
Mary’s River Watershed Association and We will unload 200 bushels of spat-on-
† „
Friends of St. Clements Bay at Abell’s shell (baby oysters) from trucks, load them
Wharf to plant a million baby oysters in onto work vessels, and transport the oysters ‚ œ­‚†•‘‚†  ‡
the Breton Bay Oyster Sanctuary. Bring by boat to their new home at Lover’s Point. ‘ž‰‰‡  ‰‰ •€‡€‘   Ÿ¡¡
€€€‡ †­•¡•¡ ¡ 

In Remembrance
To schedule an obituary in the County Times, submit text and
picture to [email protected] by noon on Tuesdays for
publication on Thursdays. Any submissions received after this
deadline may run in the following week’s edition.

Pat Smith, 64 gle, Polly. Pat was preceded in death by his

siblings, Mary Albertson and Peggy Smith,
Edward Patrick and his niece, Kathryn Wilson.
Smith, “Pat” 64, Pat attended R.O.T.C at Laurel High
of Mechanicsville, School and went on to take Electronics
MD, formerly Engineering Technology courses at Anne
of Bowie, MD, Arundel Community College. He owned
passed away on Mobile Radio Services, LLC for 7 years,
September 5, 2024, and was a Field Communication Supervisor
in Hollywood, MD. for SMECO for 13 years.
Born on March 15, Pat enjoyed muscle cars, car shows, and
1960, in Washington, D.C., he was the son bluegrass music.
of the late Donna (Moore) Smith and the Contributions may be made to American
late Eddie Mack Smith. Pat was the loving Heart Association and/or the Hollywood
husband of Robyn (Klages) Smith, whom he Volunteer Fire Department.
married on October 2, 1982, in Kent Island The family will receive friends on
Methodist Church, Chester, MD. In addi- Thursday, September 12, 2024 from 9:00
tion to his wife, he is survived by his son, AM to 10:00 AM in the Mattingley-Gardiner
Michael Smith, of Quimby, VA, his siblings, Funeral Home, Leonardtown, MD, where a
Cathleen Calixto of Crofton, MD, Colleen funeral service will be held at 10:00 AM
Neutzling of Crofton, MD, Matthew Smith in the funeral home chapel with Chaplain
of Brooklyn, MD, and Thomas Smith of Marie Hankinson officiating. Interment will
Quimby, VA, his grandson, Riley Smith, of be private.
Loveville, MD, his father-in-law, Russell Condolences may be made to the family
Klages, of Easton, MD, his brothers-in-law, at www.mgfh.com.
David Klages of Pottsboro, TX and Glenn Arrangements provided by the Mattingley-
Klages OF Easton, MD, numerous nieces Gardiner Funeral Home and Cremation
and nephews, and his faithful pocket bea- Services, P.A., Leonardtown, MD.
12 to Know St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024

nar dto


The Old Jail Museum

WED & THU 10 – 4
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Thursday, September 12, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times 13

Leonardtown Wharf


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Six TVs with NFL Sunday Ticket
We host private events!

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(in the Food Lion Shopping Center)
14 COLUMNISTS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024


of a Aimless Mind
What can insurance by Shelby Oppermann

do for you? Clements Cuties Ready

It’s probably not on your calendar, but September is Life Insurance Awareness to Play Ball Against
Childhood Cancer
Month. And it’s indeed a pretty good idea to be aware of what life insurance
can do for you.
Life insurance can help you in two main ways. First, life insurance policies
offer a death benefit that can assist your family if you’re no longer around.
And second, some types of life insurance offer the chance to build cash value, I am trying to figure out if I have enough time this afternoon before the Tom
which can work for you during your lifetime. Jones concert tonight (yes, he is still alive) at MGM Grand National Harbor
Let’s look at the death benefit first. If something were to happen to you, your to go to Hooks and Hangars to get Robert a new dress for the Clements Cuties
life insurance proceeds could help your family meet at least three major needs: event on Saturday. There should be some bright, summery, floral extra extra
• Paying a mortgage – The biggest expense many families face is their large dresses available there to keep him cool on the ballfield at Cryer’s Back
monthly mortgage. If you weren’t around, could your family continue Road Inn in Compton. One year I found him a long Muumuu dress, but it split
paying the mortgage? Or would they have to move? With a sufficient part way through the game. So, I have to make sure I find a dress for him that is
life insurance death benefit, they could remain in their home, meeting the flexible and breathable because even though he is normally a third base coach,
monthly mortgage payments, or perhaps pay off the loan entirely (although Robert will also be involved in the skits during the game. And the skits are
this might not be in their best financial interest). always so much fun to watch, especially when they get the audience and kids
• Paying for education – If you have young children, you may already involved. The Women’s All Stars usually have some devilishly good pranks
be saving for their college education — because you know college is to pull on the guys and in their dugout, though the guys retaliate pretty well.
expensive. Without your income, would college, or some other form of I still have some baskets to finish for the brown bag auction table. A special
post-secondary education or training, still be realistic? Again, the proceeds thank you from Robert and I to April’s Pool and Spa and my sister-in-law Pam
from an insurance policy could make the difference. for all they donated for the brown bag auction. Some years we receive almost
• Paying off debts – You might have a car loan, credit card debt or other 100 auction baskets, gift cards, and other handmade items from Clements
financial obligations. If your surviving spouse is a joint account holder Cuties families and friends. This year will most likely be the same amount.
for these debts, they could still be liable for paying them off. But insur- I believe there is a link on our Clements Cuties Foundation Facebook page
ance proceeds could be used to retire the debts immediately, or over time. with some photos.
All life insurance policies offer a death benefit. But permanent insurance, We are grateful to all who have sponsored Rockin’ Roberta this year which
unlike term insurance, also offers the chance to build cash value — which can in turn goes to help this years childhood recipients with cancer and also to our
be a valuable supplement to your IRA and 401(k) or other retirement accounts. scholarship recipients. If you are planning on coming out for a full day of fun,
A cash value policy such as whole life also can provide flexibility for chang- this is the schedule of events for Saturday, and it looks like it is going to be
ing financial needs or emergencies in retirement. And here’s another key advan- a beautiful day. The Clements Cuties are prepping and getting ready to roll!
tage: Because this type of policy provides fixed, guaranteed returns, it is not Planning a fun show for you all in appreciation of your continued support to
dependent on the performance of the financial markets and is thus insulated our recipients and their families!!
from the market downturns that can happen while you’re retired. So, taking SATURDAY, SEPT 14th at Cryer’s Back Road Inn
money from the cash value of your whole life policy may help you avoid sell- • 11:00 am: Gates Open
ing investments that have temporarily declined in value. • 12:00 pm: Women’s Rookie Game
Keep in mind, though, that the premiums for a cash value policy will gen- • 2:00 pm: Women’s All:Star Game
erally be substantially higher than those for term insurance. That’s why some • 3:20 pm: Announcements Begin
people choose to “buy term and invest the difference” rather than purchase a • 3:45 pm: Parade Begins with all past and current recipients and The
permanent life policy with cash value. Whether this strategy is right for you Clements Cuties.
depends on a few different factors, perhaps the most important of which is • 4:00 pm: Cuties Arrive and show/Game Begins
your ability and willingness to consistently invest the money you would have • 8:00 pm: Wild Good Band plays at the After Party across the street at the
otherwise placed in a cash value policy. Back Road Inn Pavilion
In any case, should you choose cash value insurance, you generally have There will be food, refreshments, raffles, and Cuties merchandise available
three ways to get at the money: withdrawals, loans or surrender of the policy. for purchase when gates open at 11. We have a lot of amazing items for our
You’ll want to weigh all the factors involved — including taxes and the effect Brown Bag Raffles and Live Auction. Mark your calendars and come join us
on the policy’s death benefit — when deciding on how to access the cash value. for an amazing event!!
Life Insurance Awareness Month ends on Sept. 30. But your need for life Reminders:
insurance, and the potential benefits it provides, can last a lifetime. • Parking and seating is limited. Get there early!
• Entry to all events by donation
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward • No outside coolers allowed!
Jones Financial Advisor. But the main objective of all the skits, auctions, and year round events are
Edward Jones, Member SIPC the kids. These children have sometimes only known cancer in their young
Contributed by David McDonough lives or have had their whole world of sports and activities suddenly turned
Financial Advisor at Edward Jones upside down as pre-teens or teens when they receive a cancer diagnosis. We
Office located at 41680 Miss Bessie Dr. Suite 302 do this for them. This past year, we sadly lost one of this year’s amazing recip-
Leonardtown, MD 20650 ients, Wyatt Griggs, long before a young person should leave this Earth. We
301 997 1707 went to a lovely memorial service for him on August 2nd. This year’s other
two recipients are Janelle Cheatham battling RETT Syndrome and Sebastion
Roldan battling B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Please come out and
have fun while helping these courageous kids and families fighting cancer. I’ll
be selling T-shirts as always.
To each new day’s advances against cancer, Shelby
Please send your comments or ideas to: [email protected]
or find me on Facebook.
A Special Pull Out Section


FALL 2024

County Times
2 Weddings
County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024
Thursday, September 12, 2024 County Times Weddings SoMD

Seven Reasons to Hire a Wedding Planner

The average cost of a wedding in 2022 in the
United States came out to roughly $30,000,
according to a survey of 12,000 couples
compiled by wedding planning site The
Knot. The survey also found New Jersey
and Massachusetts topped the list of most
costly states to tie the knot.
When committing to as significant a
financial investment as a wedding, couples
may want to do all they can to ensure their
big day is a hit. There are many advantages
to hiring a professional wedding planner,
who can take the stress out of a process that
should be fun.
1. Serves as a sounding board: Wed-
ding planners can take couples’ ideas
and turn them into reality. Seasoned
planners know how to help a couple’s
vision come alive.
2. Lightens the responsibility load: A
wedding planner takes time-consum-
ing responsibilities off couples’ plates.
These can include scheduling appoint-
ments, dealing with vendors, conduct-
ing walk-throughs of locations, and
more. This can be a big asset to couples
who work full-time. edge and experience also comes with interference between challenging fam- couples can arrive at the big day feel-
3. Offers a wealth of knowledge: A good contacts in the industry that can help ily members or even vendors. ing more relaxed and ready to have fun.
wedding planner has years of experi- couples save money. The planner likely 6. Reduces overall stress levels: There’s 7. There is an extra person around: Wed-
ence handling weddings and will know knows where to get the best deals, and a measurable difference between the ding planers can field questions or
which aspects will work and which may be privy to insider pricing and stress experienced by couples who handle tipping and other tasks on the
may not. Also, a wedding planner can other discounts. don’t hire wedding planners and those wedding day, freeing up time for cou-
likely handle tasks expeditiously, while 5. Serves as a buffer: While everyone who do. The main goal of a wedding is ples to have fun.
couples with no experience planning a wants weddings to be incident-free, for it to be memorable and for couples Wedding planners can provide support,
wedding may not work so quickly. conflicts can and do arise. A wedding and their guests to enjoy themselves. By expertise, company, and industry contacts
4. Helps couples save money: Knowl- planner can serve as a mediator or run leaving the planning to someone else, to make weddings go smoothly.

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4 Weddings SoMD
County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024


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Thursday, September 12, 2024 County Times Weddings SoMD

How to Tame Wedding-

Related Jitters

Nerves are to be expected when getting You’ll be surrounded by family and friends Locally owned and operated transportation company featuring
married. It is exciting to be engaged and who will help you roll with the punches,
unique trolleys! We service the Tri-County region and offer our
realize you have met that special someone whether that’s a torn hemline or a missing
with whom you want to share the rest of buffet item. Guests are here to celebrate you,
services for any event needing to transport guests safely. Each
your life. But anxiety may creep in as the not pass judgment. trolley holds 26 passengers, is fully air and heat controlled, and
big day draws closer. most importantly, offers the best photo opportunities for everyone!
A lot of planning goes into a wedding, and Discuss large changes to come
often the pressure that comes with trying to
create the perfect day can overshadow feel-
Some couples feel jittery because they hav-
en’t spoken about all of the changes ahead.
ings of love and excitement. That is when These can include relocation, merging of www.PatuxentTransportation.com
wedding jitters may crop up. Couples must finances and whether or not children are in
recognize they’re not alone if they feel a your future, among other things. Stress can [email protected]
little uneasy as their wedding day draws be tamed if you take a break from wedding
closer. However, there are ways you can planning and discuss these important topics.
address and tame jitters both before and
during the wedding.

Step away from wedding-related tasks

Learn relaxation techniques
Learning to relax is important when deal-
ing with anxiety. There are many different Wedding Invitations
Chances are you have spent months with the
wedding on your brain. In fact, it likely has
consumed your daily life. Take a day or two
to do something unrelated to the wedding,
relaxation techniques to explore. Some
include meditation, yoga, deep-tissue mas-
sage, exercise, or immersing yourself in a
peaceful spot outdoors. Some people turn
and Programs
whether you’re alone, with friends or with to reading or other hobbies to relax. Do not
your future spouse. Attend a fun event, go
out to dinner, queue up several movies for
look to alcohol or medication as an outlet
to alleviate stress. Custom Designed for Your Wedding
a night in, or take a small trip. Keep wed-
ding details out of the picture while you’re Talk to someone • Save the Date Cards & Magnets • Table Numbers
enjoying yourself. If anxiety about the wedding is eating you
up, consider speaking with a professional
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fection is impossible, and the sooner you understandable. However, couples can take • Favor Cards & Tags
accept that a thing or two will likely not steps to tame jitters so they enjoy all that • Place Cards
work out, the less stressed you may feel. goes into tying the knot.
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6 Weddings
County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024


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Thursday, September 12, 2024 County Times Weddings SoMD

Tips to Help Master Your Wedding Guest List

Weddings are such momentous occasions tation list. For example, couples who
that it’s no wonder couples want to share may be going over budget with their
their big days with as many people as pos- guest lists can each agree to remove
sible. Though a wedding where all friends, distant cousins from their prospective
family members and acquaintances are in invitees.
attendance may be a dream scenario, real- • Seek advice. Many couples face diffi-
ity often calls for a more carefully curated cult decisions regarding their wedding
guest list. day guest lists, so it can be helpful to
Data from The Wedding Report indi- speak to a recently married friend or
cates that the average cost of a wedding is relative to see how they handled par-
slightly more than $20,000, though that fig- ing down their guest lists. Some might
ure could be substantially higher, or even have done it by category, while others
lower, depending on where couples tie the might have limited guest lists to local
knot. Both The Wedding Report and The friends and family. When taking this
Knot report that a wedding venue and cater- approach, couples can speak to friends
ing make up a significant percentage of the about how they approached handling
overall cost of a wedding, with some fig- people who were surprised that they
ures indicating that these expenses account were not on the final list of invitees.
for around 65 percent of the final price tag. • Throw a less formal party down the
The number of guests couples will host on road. A less expensive backyard bar-
their wedding day will affect which venue becue within weeks of tying the knot
they book and how much food and bever- can serve as a less costly alternative
ages they’ll need to satisfy guests. Couples to a large wedding reception. Couples
who hope to stay within budget can consider who take this approach can keep their
these tips as they try to build a guest list that wedding day guest lists to a minimum,
won’t break the bank. respect their wishes and consider who considering their budgets. A prelimi- but invite everyone they hope to see to
• Accept input. Parents may no lon- they want to invite. Couples who are nary list can serve as a solid starting a post-wedding day backyard barbecue
ger foot the entire bill for their chil- financing their own weddings without point, and couples may even realize or pot luck picnic so they can celebrate
dren’s weddings, but couples who are outside help need not feel beholden to that their list is within budget. Once with everyone they love.
accepting some financial help from invite anyone who does not meet their the preliminary lists have been created, Curating a wedding day guest list is no
parents must also accept Mom’s and invitation criteria. couples can categorize guests (i.e., dis- small task. However, couples can try var-
Dad’s input regarding the guest list. • Make a preliminary list without regard tant cousins, coworkers, etc.) and then ious approaches to keep a guest list more
Even if parents’ desired guests do not to budget. Couples can have fun mak- work together to determine if any cate- manageable and less expensive.
ultimately make the cut, it’s best to ing preliminary guest lists without gories can be eliminated from the invi-

36889 Bushwood Wharf Rd.

Bushwood, MD 20618
[email protected]
8 Weddings
County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024
Thursday, September 12, 2024 County Times Weddings SoMD

Dig into These Wedding Cake Options

Something sweet comes near the end of a • Couples have many flavors to choose
wedding reception and that is the joy the from. Vanilla is classic and quite popu-
couple experiences knowing they have their lar because it appeals to a vast number
entire lives ahead of them to enjoy together. of people. Lemon, chocolate, and carrot
However, there is another sweet treat that is are some other popular cake flavors.
shared near the conclusion of the wedding • When it comes to frosting a cake, there
and it is typically served with tea and coffee: are various outer coatings that will
the wedding cake. encapsulate the cake to make it both
Wedding cake traditions can be traced beautiful and durable. Buttercream,
back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. Swiss meringue, fondant, cream
Cakes represented good luck and fertility cheese, and ganache all can be used
for the couples tying the knot. The first wed- in various applications. Some bak-
ding cakes were rather bland and breadlike, ers attest that Swiss meringue, due to
representing purity and virginity. Some were the addition of egg whites, makes it
quite like the fruitcake now enjoyed during a more stable option over traditional
the holiday season. Eventually wedding buttercreams, particularly during warm
cakes transformed into the sweet confec- weather. Of course, couples can opt for
tions that are known today. The modern a “naked cake,” which usually has a
wedding cake as most know it debuted at scant amount of frosting so that the
the 1882 wedding of Prince Leopold, Duke cake underneath peeks through.
of Albany. His wedding cake was actually • A groom’s cake used to be tradition,
the first to be completely edible. Previously, but largely fell out of favor, although
some cakes featured wooden broomstick it is still alive and well in the American
pillars covered in icing, but the Duke’s cake South. The groom’s cake typically is
used a hardened type of icing, according to less ornate than the wedding cake, and
Edible Art Bakery and Dessert Café. decorations. Rustic cakes may be much • Wedding cakes can be quite costly. favors the groom’s choices in style,
Couples today have many options when less ornate, while modern cakes may Wedding Wire estimates the average interests and flavors.
picking their wedding cakes. The following be rectangular or square and feature wedding cake costs around $500. One Couples and their guests look forward to
are some wedding cake tidbits to chew on. clean lines and minimalist decora- way for couples to save on their cake is indulging in wedding cake near the end of
• Couples can choose among various tion. The cake should fit the overall to have a faux cake on display, with one the reception. The looks and flavors of a
cake styles. Many opt for a classic theme and scope of the wedding as it tier that is made from cake and can be wedding cake can be as unique as the couple
style, which is typically a white or is another complementary component cut. Guests will then be served slices of saying, “I do.”
ivory tiered cake with simple, elegant of the larger celebration. a sheet cake that is much less expensive.

Wildewood Village
Event Center
The Wildewood Village Event Center is the perfect
place to host your Wedding Reception, Birthday Party,
Baby Shower or any Special Events.
The Event Center is located in the Wildewood Community
in California, MD. The Event Center has a tranquil setting
that provides the perfect location for your event. The
venue features accommodations for 150 guests with tables
and chairs, a 15ft full wet bar, and beautiful outside patio.

Book your special event now!

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10 Weddings SoMD
County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024


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Thursday, September 12, 2024 County Times Weddings SoMD

The Pros and Cons of Two Popular Reception

Meal Options
Couples planning a wedding undoubtedly portions onto guests’ plates. There tends to
know that the food and drinks served at be more variety with a buffet, and this option
wedding receptions are major factors in how may feel more relaxing as well. Buffet meals
much guests enjoy the celebration. After all, encourage guests to mingle and provides an
hungry, thirsty guests will not be having fun. opportunity to sample different foods.
According to the resource Wedding Some people don’t relish carrying dishes
Forward, the national average cost per head of food back to tables and risking spillage
at wedding receptions in the United States on formal clothing. Buffet also is less for-
is $90. The wedding planning resource The mal than a plated dinner. Buffets may even
Knot estimates that roughly 29 percent of be more costly, since catering halls need to
a couple’s budget will go toward catering. have a greater amount of food ready. There
With so much money on the line and hun- may be long wait times for buffet as well.
gry guests to feed, couples face many deci-
sions regarding their wedding day menus. Additional options
Among the first questions a catering hall These are not the only meal services avail-
manager may ask is which type of dinner able. A new trend for weddings is food sta-
service couples prefer. Venues typically tion service. This is similar to a buffet, but
offer buffet and plated options, and the fol- has different stations situated throughout the
lowing can help couples choose which style room to avoid bottlenecks. Food stations
is for them. can be themed, with Mexican offerings at
one station and French delicacies at another.
Plated service Some couples choose to eschew tradi-
A plated meal consists of all guests being tional dinners altogether. In the event of a
seated and served a formal dinner, which wedding that takes place early or late in the
usually includes an appetizer and entrée. day, a brunch or even a simple cocktail party
A key benefit of this type of meal is that with passed bites may be preferable.
it ensures everyone eats at the same time. can keep the wedding running on schedule. this option than they are for buffet service.
Guests sometimes pre-select their food Plated service features only a select num- Couples should consider food service as they
options on the R.S.V.P, which means that ber of meal options, which can be a negative Buffet service plan their weddings, and choose an option
catering halls have advanced knowledge for some couples. Guests cannot sample a A wedding reception buffet features various that fits their wedding budgets and visions.
of food allergies or special needs. Or they few other things as they might like with a foods in chafing dishes at a single central-
select from a predetermined menu at the buffet. More servers are needed for plated ized buffet station. While guests sometimes
reception. Plated dinners are efficient and service, so staffing costs may be more for serve themselves, typically waitstaff spoon

How to Curate Your Reception Playlist

After a formal wedding ceremony, complete Musician Peter Lee Johnson performs
with processionals and “I dos,” comes the violin covers of popular Top 40 songs,
part of a wedding that enables the happy and his music may be an option when
couple to brush off the last vestiges of jitters choosing songs to accompany food ser-
and celebrate. A wedding reception marks vice. Postmodern Jukebox is a group of
the culmination of months or even years of musicians who take modern songs and
planning. Oftentimes a hundred guests or give them a bygone flair. Their tunes
more gather to dine, dance and toast to the also can be fitting.
prosperity of the newlyweds. • Tie the music to the theme. Weddings
Certain components of a reception will that follow a specific theme, such as a
prove more memorable than others. Food beach wedding, can be enhanced by
is one such element. The other component music that coordinates to that theme.
that tends to make a lasting impression is Think steel drum bands, Hawaiian styl-
the music, which means couples curating ings or even Beach Boys surfing songs.
reception playlists should do so with care • Be mindful of older guests. Some
and consideration. seniors may appreciate modern music,
Deejays and live bands can help couples but they also may want to hear songs
choose music that fits the mood. But couples from the era when they were growing
also can consider these tips when curating up. Pepper the song list with options
their reception playlists. across various decades to keep as many
• Calculate your needs. Couples may people on the dance floor as possible.
wonder just how many songs they need for • Select a classic first dance song. Some
a standard reception. Unless you’re work- couples opt to go trendy when selecting
ing with extra-long songs, like “Paradise their wedding songs. However, certain
by the Dashboard Light” or “Bohemian songs have withstood the test of time.
Rhapsody,” most songs are around three Such options include “Have I Told You
minutes long. That means for a four-hour ideas for the following components: » Any other special element Lately That I Love You,” “Here and
reception you’ll need roughly 80 songs. » Bridal party entrance • Select calm dinner music. After a day Now,” “Stand by Me,” “Amazed,” or
However, plan for moments such as » Couples’ entrance rushing around, most guests are look- “Just the Way You Are.”
speeches/toasts and other breaks. » First dance (wedding song) ing forward to sitting down, conversing These tips can help any couples put
• Pair songs with key elements. » Mother/son, father/daughter dances and, of course, eating. Cocktail hour and together a wedding reception playlist that
Traditional weddings have certain mini- » Cake cutting song dinner music should be at a low vol- will help to create a memorable celebration.
events within the receptions. Music » Garter/bouquet toss songs ume and not too fast-paced. It certainly
enhances these moments. Jot down » Spotlight dance shouldn’t drown out conversation.
12 Weddings
County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024


A F I V E - S TA R V E N U E
A unique historic venue built in the 1930s, The Potomac Gardens offers a beautiful dance hall
and bar as well as a general store filled with exquisite handmade gifts. Located just next to
St. Clements Island State Park, you and your guests can make a grand entrance on the Potomac
River, exchange vows on the island, or just take advantage of the beautiful photo opportunity!
With indoor and outdoor options for weddings of all sizes, rent just the hall or rent it all.

[email protected] | 240-309-4110
20254 Colton Point Rd | Coltons Point, MD
Ground Chuck

Chicken Thighs
Thursday, September
Or Drumsticks

12, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times23860 Hollywood301-475-2531

Certified Angus Beef Lb.
Road, Hollywood, MD 20636 15 3.98
London Broil

5.98 Lb.
80% Lean, Family Pack
Ground Chuck

Chicken Thighs
Certified Angus Beef 3.98 Lb.

Certified Beef USDA Inspected, Bone-In 12-Oz., Selected
Boneless Beef Boneless
Assorted Smithfield

New York Strip Steaks Chops Sliced Bacon

Certified Angus Beef
1.98 Lb.
USDA Inspected, Bone-In
12 To 14-Oz., Selected Sausage, Kielbasa Or
Whole Boneless Beef Center Cut Johnsonville
New York Strip Pork Chops Smoked Bratwurst

Certified Angus Beef
16-Oz. Hot Or Mild
Boneless Beef
2.98 Lb.
USDA Inspected, Bone-In
USDA Inspected, Bone-In
12-Oz., Selected
12 To 24-Oz., Selected
Jamestown Country Style Bob Evans
York StripRoll
Steaks Pork
Ribs Sliced
Side Bacon

Certified Angus Beef
2.48 Lb.
USDA Inspected, Bone-In
12 To 14-Oz., Selected Sausage, Kielbasa Or
Whole Boneless
35.13-Oz. Clam Bake, Beef 1-Lb., 26/30-Ct. Center Cut 9-Oz., Frozen Fresh Johnsonville Delicious!
Crawfish, Shrimp Or Southern Seas Lobster Cod Sea
New York Strip Pork Chops Smoked Bratwurst

9.98 2.98 9.992.98

Tastee Choice EZ Peel Raw Shrimp Tails Fillets Scallops

12.00 5.98 11.99 15.99

Seafood Boil

16-Oz. Hot Or Mild USDA Inspected, Bone-In 12 To Lb.
24-Oz., Selected Lb.
Jamestown Country Style Bob Evans

Sausage Roll Pork Ribs Side Dishes

2.48 4.98
Farm Fresh
California Old-Fashioned, Fresh
White and Red Green
to Cherry Candy Or Cabbage

Seedless Grapes

Lb. Caramel Apples With Nuts

Farm To Table 2.28

35.13-Oz. Clam Bake, 1-Lb., 26/30-Ct. 9-Oz., Frozen Fresh Delicious!
Crawfish, Shrimp Or Southern Seas Lobster Cod Sea
Tastee Choice Lb. Lb.
EZ Peel Raw Shrimp Tails Fillets Scallops

12.00 5.98 11.99 9.99 15.99

Seafood Boil
Creamy Ripe 5-Lb. Bag, Great Tasting
3-Lb. bag, All Purpose Hass Yukon Gold Lb. Lb.

4/$5 FARM
Medium Yellow Potatoes

FAR M 3.68

Farm Fresh
California Old-Fashioned, Fresh
White and Red Green
to Cherry Candy Or Cabbage

2.28 .68
Seedless Grapes

Caramel Apples With Nuts

Farm To Table Lb. Lb.

Creamy Ripe 5-Lb. Bag, Great Tasting

3-Lb. bag, All Purpose Hass Yukon Gold

4 5
Medium Yellow Potatoes


9.6 To 11.5-Oz., Selected 23 To 24-Oz., Selected 16-Oz., Selected 10.68 To 19.1-Oz., Selected 12 To 16-Oz., San Giorgio, Creamette Or 15 To 16-Oz., Selected
Folgers Prego Ken’s Oreo Mueller’s Manwich

3.98 2/$5 FAMILY

2 9 5 5 1.68
Coffee Pasta Sauce Salad Dressing Cookies Pasta Sauce

2 9 /$ /$ /$

2.00 2 7


4-Pk. Selected
9.6 To 11.5-Oz., 18
23 To
To 19-Oz.,
24-Oz., Selected
Selected 38 16-Oz.,
To 39-Oz., Selected
Selected 10.6816-Oz., Selected
To 19.1-Oz., Selected 12 To16-Oz.,
16-Oz.,Selected Marinade
San Giorgio, Or Or
Creamette 35.3-Oz.
15 To 16-Oz., Selected
Folgers Progresso
Prego Hanover
Ken’s Planters
Oreo Sweet Baby Ray’s
Mueller’s Coffee-Mate

3.98 2 5 2 5 3.48 5 6
2 6.78
CoffeeDrinks Soup Canned
Salad Vegetables Peanuts Wing Sauce Coffee Creamer

2.78 2 29 7 5 1.68
Pasta Sauce Dressing Cookies Pasta Sauce

/$ /$ /$ /$ /$



32-Oz. 7 To 8-Oz., Selected

Selected 30-Oz., Regular
18 To 19-Oz., Or Light
38 To 39-Oz., Selected
16-Oz., Selected 10.5 To
16-Oz., 11.25-Oz.,
Selected SelectedOr
Marinade 5.25 To 12.75-Oz.,

7.98 2 25 4
New York Texas
Yoo-Hoo Food Club
Progresso Velveeta
Hanover Loaf Shredded Cheese
Planters Hostess
Sweet Baby Ray’s Lean Cuisine

/$ /$
1.68 3.98 2/$6
4 46.78
Toast Croutons Mayonnaise FINAL PRICE Donuts Entrees

2 5

3.98 2 5 2/$5 3.48

Chocolate Drinks Soup Canned Vegetables Peanuts Wing Sauce Coffee Creamer

11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Monday - Saturday 7am to 9 pm
September 11 THRU July 17, 2024
32-Oz. 7 To 8-Oz., Selected
5-Oz., Selected 30-Oz., Regular Or Light Kraft Borden 10.5 To 11.25-Oz., Selected 5.25 To 12.75-Oz., Selected
New York Texas Food Club Velveeta Loaf Shredded Cheese Hostess Lean Cuisine
Toast Croutons Mayonnaise SALE PRICE FINAL PRICE Donuts Entrees
16 CALENDARS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024

St. Mary's Community Calendar

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email [email protected] with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.

Fri, Sep 13 Free Raffle Ticket Summerseat Farm will be hosting our annual children civil war era activities; and tours
All the insider info about this season yard sale to benefit the farm. Household, of historic Fort No. 3. Saturday 9 a.m. to 4
COSMIC Symphony Season Kickoff yard, gardening, collectibles, furniture, p.m. and Sunday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Event Fall Carnival garage, tools, decor, and so much more will
be available. Pork Loin and Beef Sandwich Sale
Corinthian Yacht Club Hollywood Volunteer Fire Dept Need an extra boost of energy to complete
48555 Bean Rd, Ridge 24801 Three Notch Rd, Hollywood your shopping? We got that covered with American Legion Post 221
6 p.m. to 9 p.m. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. our popular bake sale table. 21690 Colton Point Rd., Avenue
11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Grab your tickets at www.givebutter. Rides, games, food, and prizes. Friday and Artillery of Point Lookout (Living
com/cosmickickoff to our Season Kickoff Saturday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Sunday History Program) Pork loin, sliced roast beef, and BBQ beef
event on 9/13! Tickets are $40 per person. from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Only games/ rides for sandwiches will be sold on both Saturday
Advance sales only. No tickets will be sold small children will be operational. $10 ARM Point Lookout State Park and Sunday. Sandwiches will cost $8.00
at the event! BANDS. Free kids bike raffle each night. 11175 Point Lookout Rd., Scotland each. For more information e-mail us at
COSMIC Symphony is Southern 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. [email protected] or call 301*481*6625.
Maryland’s only Community Orchestra
and we perform free concerts throughout Sat, Sep 14 Please make sure you come inside the park. Band of Brothers PTSD / Suicide
the year. See our website www.cosmicsym- The private display outside the park is NOT Prevention Support Group
phony.org for details. Summerseat Farm’s Annual Yard Sale part of this event. This event will represent
What your ticket gets you: the artillery and infantry of Point Lookout. The Flashback Restaurant
Wine Summerseat Farm Demonstrations and exhibits will be pre- 21797 Coral Dr N, Lexington Park
Food from Blue Wind Gourmet 26655 Three Notch Rd., Mechanicsville sented by living history interpreters and will 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Music from David W. Cook and COSMIC 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. include living history, scheduled small arms
Musicians and artillery demonstrations; women and For more information call 240-476-2721

Adult Crafternoon: Good use data from various land-use types been said that not a single life was lost domestic violence. Lexington Park Li-
Luck Charm Keychains and regions. This information is vital to during the hunt for John Wilkes Booth. brary, Wednesday, September 18 from
Do you love making art and trying out shaping our understanding of how mon- This is said with pride, as it should be. If 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. First Come First Serve.
new projects? Come hang out and archs interact with their environment, only it were true. In the 1860’s, life on the No appointments - walk-ins only.
make crafts without the pressure to be documenting conservation efforts, and Potomac River was quite different than
perfect. Friday the 13th doesn’t need to tracking the population and its habitat as it is today. Instead of the calm open wa- One Maryland One Book:
be all bad luck! Come string together they change over time. Register on www. ters, the river was the frontline of battle. What Storm, What Thunder
charms (and even make some of your stmalib.org. The Potomac was the main lifeline out Discussion & Mini Book Craft
own) to ward off any negativity and of Washington D.C. and for the federal Each year, thousands of Marylanders
keep the good luck coming. Leonard- Celebremos el mes de la government it was the dividing line be- come together to read the same book.
town Library, Friday, September 13 Hispanidad: Celebrate Hispanic tween the warring sections of the North Come ready to discuss this year’s se-
from 2 - 3:30 p.m. Materials will be Heritage Month and South. This is a story of that river, lection on making a better world for
provided. This program is meant for Let’s celebrate the start of Hispanic Her- and of the men whose lives were lost in tomorrow and make a keychain to re-
adults, but no prior skills in crafting are itage Month! Join us at Lexington Park the aftermath of the Civil War, in the hunt member it by at Leonardtown Library
needed. Register on www.stmalib.org. Library on Sunday, September 15 from for the presidential assassin John Wilkes on Saturday, September 21 from 10
1:30 - 4:30 p.m. to experience music, arts Booth. This is for those 87 men and their - 11:30 a.m. This year’s One Maryland
Monarchs in Maryland: & crafts, photo wall, sweet treats, and families, so that they will no longer be One Book selection, chosen by Mary-
Citizen Science more to celebrate the rich culture of the forgotten. This event is part of the South- land Humanities for the theme of “re-
Marylanders! Help us fill the void of Hispanic community. All are welcome to ern Maryland 250th Semiquincentenni- storative futures,” is What Storm, What
data on monarchs in our state. Also if celebrate the start of Hispanic Heritage al, Maryland 250th, and America 250th Thunder by Myriam J. A. Chancy. You
weather and butterflies cooperate, we Month! Enjoy music, light refreshments, a celebration, commemorating Southern can find a physical copy of the book in
will tag and release monarchs outside photo wall with props, arts & crafts, and Maryland’s contributions to our nation’s our catalog or download a digital copy
at Lexington Park Library on Saturday, more. Celebrate the rich contributions and founding. Register on www.stmalib.org. on Libby or Hoopla. Come ready to dis-
September 14 from 2 - 3:30 p.m. Pau- positive influence the Hispanic culture has cuss the book and its themes with oth-
la Becker of Maryland DNR - Wildlife made. Register on www.stmalib.org. St. Mary’s County Court er community members from various
and Heritage Service will discuss the Help Clinic backgrounds. During the discussion,
Featured Project on Maryland Depart- The Black Diamond Incident: The St. Mary’s County Circuit Court offers we will make a miniature book key-
ment of Natural Resources Communi- Local History Talk a free Family Law Self Help Legal Clinic to chain to commemorate your participa-
ty Science page: The Integrated Mon- Karen Stone, Division Manager of the provide legal assistance/advice regarding tion in this year’s One Maryland One
arch Monitoring Program (IMMP). ​The St. Mary’s County Museums, will give a family law. Come for a one-on-one ses- Book program and serve as a reminder
Integrated Monarch Monitoring Pro- special seminar on our local history at sion with an attorney to discuss matters to do what you can to help others and
gram is a national program to collect Leonardtown Library on Tuesday, Sep- such as custody, visitation, divorce, child better our community and the world.
milkweed, nectar plant, and monarch tember 17 from 6 - 7:30 p.m. It has always support, name change, guardianship, and Register on www.stmalib.org.
16-Oz. 24-Oz., Selected 32-Oz., Selected
Borden Daisy Dunkin’ Coffee

3.78 3.98 4.48Cool Savings

American Singles Cottage Cheese Creamer 12 To 28-Oz., Selected Family Size
12 To 18-Ct., Selected Banquet
Thursday, September 12, 2024
10.75 To 12.3-Oz.,
St. Mary’s County
Saver 17

16 To 24-Oz. Popcorn Chicken, Wings Or
Foster Farms Eggo Pops

7.98 2.78 2/$27/$6

Chicken Strips Waffles FINAL PRICE


1.00 12 To 28-Oz., Selected Family Size

Bakery & Deli Fresh


10.75 To 12.3-Oz., 12 To 18-Ct., Selected Banquet

16-Oz. Budget
24-Oz., Saver
Selected 32-Oz., Selected

16 To 24-Oz. Popcorn Chicken, Wings Or Selected
Foster Farms Borden
Eggo Daisy
Dunkin’ Coffee

7.98 3.78
2.78 3.98
2 27 6 4.48
Chicken Strips American
Waffles Singles Cottage Cheese Creamer
2 /$


Bakery & Deli Fresh


12 To 28
10.75 To 12.3-Oz., 12 To 18-Ct., Selected
Budget Saver

16 To 24-Oz. Popcorn Chicken, Wings Or Selected
9.68-Oz. Foster Farms
Original Or Honey Deli Sliced Eggo 49-Oz. Pops
10-In. 16-Oz., Selected

7.98 5.99 2.78 2 27 65.98

Rich’s Cheesy Kretschmar
Chicken Strips Kretschmar German Baked Meurer

4.98 5.98 11.98 8.98

Pull Apart Flatbread Ham Off The Bone Baby Swiss Chocolate Cake Apple SALE
PiePRICE Danishes


Lb. Lb. 1.00

Liquor and & Deli Fresh

9.68-Oz. Original Or Honey Deli Sliced 49-Oz. 10-In. 16-Oz., Selected

Rich’s Cheesy Kretschmar Kretschmar German Baked Meurer

4.98 5.98 5.99 11.98 8.98 5.98

Pull Apart Flatbread Ham Off The Bone Baby Swiss Chocolate Cake Apple Pie Danishes

Lb. Lb.

16.99 and
12-Oz. Cans 12-Oz. Cans 12-Oz. Bottles 12-Oz. Cans 12-Oz. Bottles 12-Oz., Bottles
30-Pack 24-Pack 18-Pack Bud 18-Pack 18-Pack 12-Pack

25.99 14.49 16.99 19.99

Miller Lite Outlaw Mile Hi Light Light Platinum Michelob Ultra Budweiser Modelo Especial

9.68-Oz. Original Or Honey Deli Sliced 49-Oz. 10-In.

12-Oz. Cans Rich’s Cheesy Kretschmar Kretschmar German Baked

4.98 5.98 5.99 11.98 8.98

15-Pack 1.75L Pull Apart Flatbread
1.75L Ham Off The 1.75L
Bone Baby Swiss
1.75L Chocolate Cake
1.75L Apple Pie
12-Oz. Cans 12-Oz. Cans 12-Oz. Bottles 12-Oz. Cans 12-Oz. Bottles 12-Oz., Bottles
Milwaukee’s Jameson Jameson Orange Jim Beam McCormick Ketel One
30-Pack 24-Pack 18-Pack Bud 18-Pack 18-Pack 12-Pack

9.99 47.99 47.99 29.99 7.99 35.99

Best Light Irish Whiskey Irish
LightWhisky White Label Gin Vodka

25.99 14.49 16.99 16.99 16.99 19.99

Miller Lite Outlaw Mile Hi Light Platinum Michelob Ultra Budweiser Modelo Especial
Lb. Lb.

12-Oz. Cans
Captain Morgan
Jameson Club
Jose Orange
Cuervo Tequila
Liquor and Beer
Jim Beam
Ketel One

27.99 47.99
17.99 47.99
37.99 29.99
25.99 7.99
69.99 35.99
Best Light
Spiced Rum Irish Whiskey
1858 Whiskey Irish Whisky
Gold Or Silver White Label
Aperitivo Liqueur Marnier
Gin Vodka Vsop

12-Oz. Cans 12-Oz. Cans 12-Oz. Bottles 12-Oz. Cans 12-Oz. Bottles
30-Pack 24-Pack 18-Pack Bud 18-Pack 18-Pack

25.99 14.49 16.99 16.99 16.99

Miller Lite Outlaw Mile Hi Light Light Platinum Michelob Ultra Budweiser

1.75L (Excludes Crystal) 1.75L
1.75L 750ML
1.75L 1.75L
750mL 750mL
1.75L 750 Ml. Cabernet Sauvignon
Don Q Morgan
Captain Aviation
Canadian Club Casamigos
Jose Cuervo Tequila Dewar’s
Aperol Suntory
Grand Josh Cellars

20.99 47.99 57.99 34.99 35.99 13.99

Rum Gin Anejo Tequila White Label Toki Whisky Wine

27.99 17.99 37.99 25.99 69.99 56.99

Spiced Rum 1858 Whiskey Gold Or Silver Aperitivo Liqueur Marnier Cognac Vsop

12-Oz. Cans

47.99 Wine of the Month

15-Pack 1.75L 1.75L 1.75L 1.75L
Milwaukee’s Jameson Jameson Orange Jim Beam McCormick

9.99 47.99 29.99 7.99

Best Light Irish Whiskey Irish Whisky White Label Gin

1.5L, Chardonnay,
(Excludes Crystal) Cabernet
1.75L Sauvignon Or 750mL
750ML Brut Or 750mL
1.75L Liter, Selected 750mL 750 Ml. Cabernet Sauvignon
Don Q D’ Esclands Woodbridge
Aviation Les Allies
Casamigos Yellow
Dewar’sTail Suntory Josh Cellars

20.99 11.99
47.99 6.99
57.99 6.49
34.99 35.99 13.99
Rum Angel Rose Sauvignon
Gin Blanc Brut
Tequila Wines
White Label Toki Whisky Wine

Sauvignon Blanc,

Wine of the Month

1.75L 1.75L 1.75L 1.75L
Captain Morgan Canadian Club Jose Cuervo Tequila Rosado, Cabernet
Aperol Sauvignon, Grand

27.99 17.99 37.99 25.99 69.99

Spiced Rum 1858 Whiskey Gold Or Silver Aperitivo Liqueur Marnier
Product of Spain
750 ML
1.5L, Chardonnay,
Cabernet Sauvignon Or
1.5-Liter 750mL Brut Or
750mL Liter,
Jacob’s Selected
Creek Boyal

Chateau D’ Esclands
Chandon Woodbridge
Cavit Les Allies
Risata Yellow Tail
Double Barrel

21.99 11.99
17.98 6.99
12.98 6.49
Garden Angel Rose
Spritz Sauvignon
Pinot GrigioBlanc Brut Rosed’Asti
Moscato Wines
Cabernet Sauvignon

1.75L (Excludes Crystal) 1.75L 750ML 750mL.,1.75L

Sauvignon Blanc, 750mL
Don Q Aviation Casamigos Rosado, Cabernet
Dewar’s Sauvignon, Suntory

20.99 47.99 57.99 34.99 35.99

Rum Gin Anejo Tequila White Label Toki Whisky
750-Ml, 750mL
Product of Spain
750mL, J. Lohr
Dark Horse
Jacob’s Creek

Joel Gott Pure Paso Double Down

Wine o
Chandon Cavit Risata
16.99 18.99 7.99 18.99
Pinot Noir Proprietary Red Wine Red Blend Wine Double Barrel

21.99 17.98 12.98 10.99

Garden Spritz Pinot Grigio Moscato d’Asti Cabernet Sauvignon

1.5L, Chardonnay,
750 ML Cabernet Sauvignon Or 750mL Brut Or 750mL Liter, Selected
Chateau D’ Esclands Woodbridge Les Allies Yellow Tail
Whispering Angel Rose Sauvignon Blanc Brut Rose Wines
750-Ml, 750mL
18 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024

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Thursday, September 12, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times 19


1. Engine additive 1. Idyllic
4. A type of test 2. South Pacific island nations
8. Curtail 3. Shrub of the olive family
10. Irish surname 4. Boundaries
11. The opposite of good 5. Encircle
12. Got rid of 6. Weights
13. Central parts of a church building 7. Samberg is one
15. Stylistically 9. Sheep sound
16. Intestinal 10. European country
17. Negative potential outcomes 12. Respected group of people
18. Lived up to a standard 14. Trigraph
21. Snag 15. Prosecutors
22. Time units (abbr.) 17. Assign a nickname
23. Ad __ 19. Huge size
24. “Partridge” actress Susan 20. Partner to cheese
25. For each 23. Fastballs
26. __ Paulo, city 24. Principle underlying the universe
27. League titles 25. Distinct units of sound
34. More intensely black 26. Title of respect
35. Slang for lovely 27. Against
36. Petrarch is known for them 28. Foot (Latin)
37. Old Eurasian wheat 29. One point east of due south
38. Body part 30. Concerning the blood
39. Swedish rock group 31. Type of pentameter
40. They’re worth avoiding 32. North American peoples
41. Rising and falling of the voice 33. Layers of rock
42. Wings 34. Georges __, French philosopher
43. Enzyme import for respiration 36. Lengthy tale

9 CALENDARS Calvert County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024

Calvert Community Calendar

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email [email protected] with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.

Thu, Sep 12 Enjoy family fun activities and all the can become a part of our team and make a history whether it be Japanese, Chinese,
things that make Calvert County the place difference in your community. Wear your Himalayan, Korean, Filipino or something
Teen Fort Night Book Club to visit! Start with family fun activities and Superhero Sunday best and bring your in between. Connect with other and discover
continue throughout beautiful North Beach camera! Event is hosted by Calvert County new Asian dramas & films. All fans are wel-
Calvert Library Southern Branch “The Jewel of the Chesapeake Bay”. Taste Parks & Recreation Northen District. come! Walk-ins are welcome! Ages: 16+.
13920 H. G. Trueman Road, Solomons the flavors of Calvert-great seafood, locally 410-257-2411. https://CalvertLibrary.info.
6-7:30 p.m. brewed beer, vintage wine, children’s activ- 23rd Annual Calvert County Watermen’s
ities and more! Shop local businesses and Festival and Boat Docking Competition
Activities, community, fun! We’re building enjoy the history and views that makes Wed, Sep 18
a REAL fort. in the library! Work together to Calvert County so unique. Come early, stay Watermen’s Wharf at the end of
build an epic fort, then relax and listen to an late! Rain Date Sept. 15. Solomons Island One Maryland One Book Discussion
audiobook while looking up at the “stars.” 12 p.m.
Prepare to be in full lounge mode. PJ’s, Pirate Day Calvert Library, Virtual
sweats, pillows, sleeping bags, and stuffed Annual festival best known for the Boat 2-3:30 p.m.
animals welcome. Hot dogs & s’mores! For Calvert Marine Museum Docking Contest, during which work boats
ages 13-18. Free event. Please register. 410- 14200 Solomons Island Rd., Solomons and charter boats compete within their divi- Join us this month for a discussion of What
326-5289. https://CalvertLibrary.info. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. sions for cash, prizes and trophies. Never Storm, What Thunder by Myriam J.A.
a dull moment, this is a spectacular event Chancy. 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862.
Throw on your best pirate outfit and head to watch! Beer, food and soft drink sales https://CalvertLibrary.info.
Sat, Sep 14 to the museum for some jolly good fun. and exhibits by sponsors will also be avail-
Make a pirate flag, build a toy pirate boat, able. Live entertainment will be provided by
Bark in the Park get a pirate tattoo, and walk the plank! Sing Deanna Dove, the Island Girl herself. This Upcoming
pirate songs at 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 12:30 year’s activities feature a Buoy Toss Contest
Calvert Cliffs State Park p.m., 1:30 p.m., and 2:30 p.m. Included with for kids 7 and under, a Small Anchor Toss Claws for Paws
10540 H G Trueman Rd., Lusby museum admission; members are free. (8-10 year olds) and a Large Anchor Toss
10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. for 11-14 year olds. Seating is limited - plan Abner’s Crab House
Garden Smarter: Can’t See the Forest to arrive early! Chesapeake Beach
Come and meet some of the fabulous dogs Through the Trees Saturday September 21
the Humane Society of Calvert County has 2-4 p.m. and 6-8 p.m.
available for adoption. While you are at the Community Resource Bldg. Mon, Sep 16
park enjoy the beautiful scenery and miles 30 Duke St, Prince Frederick Benefitting the Humane Society of Calvert
of hiking trails. 10-11 a.m. Veteran Career Club County. All you can eat crabs for $60 a per-
son. Includes one order of hush puppies per
The 3rd Annual “One More Light” Walk An in-depth study of the friendly compe- Calvert Library Southern Branch, person, soda, tea, water. Cash bar available.
tition between trees. Based on the book 13920 H. G. Trueman Road, Solomons 50/50 drawing and raffle items. Tickets avail-
14200 Solomons Island Rd S, Solomons “Finding the Mother Tree” by Suzanne 1-3 p.m. able at humanesocietyofcalvertcounty.org
5:30-9:30 p.m. Simard. https://CalvertLibrary.info.
Meet with a representative from Maryland Artsfest ‘24 Fine Arts Festival
Join us as the BecomeOne project presents Dept. of Labor Veterans Program for var-
an evening of Remembrance, Awareness, Sun, Sep 15 ious employment services. 410-326-5289. Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center
and Connection at the Calvert Marine https://CalvertLibrary.info. 13470 Dowell Road, Solomons
Museum Pavilion in Solomons Island for the Superhero Sunday Sept. 21 & 22
One More Light Suicide and Mental Health
Awareness Walk! This event is completely Ward Farm and Nature Park Tue, Sep 17 Celebrate the visual and performing arts
free, ensuring everyone can attend without 10455 Ward Rd., Dunkirk with 170+ artists booths, 40+ performers
any financial concerns. 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Hallyu Club: For Asian Drama Fans on four stages, activities for kids, and more!
Free Food and drink will be available for pur-
Experience Calvert Festival Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch chase. Advanced tickets purchase online.
Explore the amazing equipment we use and 4100 5th St., North Beach $10/person ($12 at the gate, if not sold out),
North Beach meet the heroes who keep our community 6:30-8:30 p.m. kids 11 & under free; members free
12-5 p.m. safe! Enjoy a variety of games and activities
Free that everyone will love. Discover how you Discover a world of pop culture and vibrant

Publisher Thomas McKay The County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the residents of St. Mary’s
Associate Publisher Eric McKay and Calvert County. The County Times will be available on newsstands every Thursday. The paper is
published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company, which is responsible for the form, content, and
General Manager policies of the newspaper. The County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product
Al Dailey [email protected] or service in its news coverage.

Advertising To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the writer’s full
Jen Stotler [email protected] name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by 4 p.m. on the Monday prior
to our Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week. After that deadline, the County Times will
Staff Writers make every attempt possible to publish late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/

County Times
Dick Myers [email protected] edited for clarity, although care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in material
Guy Leonard [email protected] submitted to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the County Times
and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We are unable to acknowledge
Contributing Writers receipt of letters. The County Times cannot guarantee that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be pub-
Ron Guy, Ken Lamb, Shelby Opperman, lished, due to time or space constraints. P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
Dave Spigler
Thursday, September 12, 2024 Calvert County Times COPS & COURTS 8


During the week of August 26, 2024 – his feet and a strong location in weeks prior. The estimated value and 4 p.m. on August 27, an unknown sus-
September 1, 2024, Calvert County Sheriff’s odor of alcohol emit- of damaged property is $150. pect(s) stole six fishing rods off the victim’s
Office Deputies responded to 2,514 calls for ting from his person. boat. The estimated value of stolen property
service throughout the community includ- Deputies advised Damaged Property: 244-66700 On August is $2,739.95.
ing, but not limited to: Walton to pick up 29, 2024, DFC Hendrickson responded to
• Check Welfare / Mental Health: 80 his trash and vacate the 300 block of Serenity Court in Prince Trespassing:
• Disorderly: 10 the area. Walton Frederick, for the report of property destruc- 24-65723 On August
• Domestics: 25 was then seen stum- tion. The complainant advised an unknown 27, 2024, Deputy
• Motor Vehicle Crashes: 45 bling near the wood suspect(s) defaced the resident’s air condi- Hill responded to
• Patrol Checks / School Checks: 1250 David Wayne Walton line and admitted to tioner unit with profanities. The estimated the 7-Eleven located
• Suspicious Persons / Vehicles: 53 throwing his bottle value of damaged property is $100. at 15 N. Solomons
• Traffic Complaints: 66 into the woods. Walton was transported to Island Road in
• 911 Hang Ups: 68 the Calvert County Detention Center and Damaged Property: 24-67321 On August Prince Frederick, for
• ARRESTS: 24 charged with Intoxicated Public Disturbance. 31, 2024, Deputy Parrott responded to the the report of a suspi-
5400 block of Douglas Street in St. Leonard, Matthew Leo Greening cious person. Upon
CDS Violation: CDS Violation: for the report of destruction of property. The arrival, contact was
24-65881 On 24-67251 On complainant advised an unknown suspect(s) made with Matthew Leo Greening, 36 of
August 27, 2024, August 31, 2024, ran into the stone entry wall that borders the no fixed address. Greening had been previ-
at approximately Cpl. Kelly initiated driveway. The estimated value of damaged ously trespassed indefinitely from the prop-
12:35 p.m., M/DFC a traffic stop on a property is $800. erty. Greening was transported to the Calvert
Bradley responded vehicle on Simmons County Detention Center and charged with
to Barstow Ridge Road in Damaged Property: 24-67319 On August Trespassing: Private Property.
Elementary School Prince Frederick, 31, 2024, Deputy Chase responded to
located at 295 JW for an equipment the 4500 block of Sixes Road in Prince Trespassing:
Karla Yamith Rodriguez Williams Road in Jonathan Alexander Gray violation. Contact Frederick, for the report of damaged prop- 2 4 - 6 7 4 11 On
Prince Frederick, was made with the erty. The complainant advised ten of the August 31, 2024,
for the report of a disorderly subject. driver, Jonathan Alexander Gray, 34 of victim’s Hemp plants had been damaged. Master Deputy
Upon arrival, contact was made with Prince Frederick. Investigation revealed an The estimated value of damaged property Cress responded to
Karla Yamith Rodriguez, 34 of Prince open-air sniff of the vehicle resulted in a is $40,000. the area of Town
Frederick, who was yelling and screaming positive alert for narcotics. A vehicle search Center Boulevard
profanities while smoking a cigarette in the revealed a bag containing 3 Oxycodone Disorderly in Dunkirk, for the
school parking lot. Rodriguez ignored dep- pills and a cut straw with white powder Conduct: 24-67492 report of a suspi-
uties commands and continued to scream inside. Gray was transported to the Calvert On August 31, 2024, Michael Joseph Keller cious person. Upon
and shout in front of citizens. Rodriguez’s County Detention Center and charged with Deputy DeSantis arrival, contact was
behavior escalated and was placed into cus- CDS: Possession-Not Cannabis and CDS: responded to the 400 made with Michael Joseph Keller, 61
tody. Deputies observed an open alcoholic Possession of Paraphernalia. block of Chestnut of no fixed address. Keller had an alco-
beverage in the cupholder of the vehicle Drive in Lusby, holic beverage in his possession and had
in plain view. A vehicle search revealed Damaged Property: 24-6534 On August for the report of a been previously trespassed from the prop-
multiple tear-offs containing a white pow- 26, 2024, DFC Hudson responded to the fight. Upon arrival, erty. Keller was transported to the Calvert
der (suspected cocaine) totaling 12 grams. 2600 block of Sequoia Way in Prince Rayshaun Marrik Kelley contact was made County Detention Center and charged with
Rodriguez was transported to the Calvert Frederick, for the report of property destruc- with Rayshaun Trespassing: Private Property.
County Detention Center and charged with tion. The complainant advised an unknown Marrik Kelley, 25 of Lusby. Kelley made
Disorderly Conduct, CDS: Possession-Not suspect(s) damaged a mailbox and a bird multiple loud statements in an attempt to Editor’s Note: The above arrests are not an
Cannabis, CDS: Possession with Intent to house on the victim’s property. The esti- dismiss deputies while neighbors looked indication of guilt or innocence as the cases
Distribute Narcotics, CDS: Possession with mated value of damaged property is $300. on. Kelley was transported to the Calvert have not been adjudicated
Intent to Distribute: School Property and County Detention Center and charged with
CDS: Possession of Paraphernalia. Damaged Property: 24-65866 On August Disorderly Conduct, Disturbing the Peace, Anyone with information about these inci-
27, 2024, Deputy Baxter responded to the and Intoxicated Public Disturbance. dents is asked to call the Sheriff’s Office at
Alcohol Violation: 24-67132 On August Calvert County Sheriff’s Office, located at (410) 535-2800 and reference the case num-
30, 2024, Cpl. Bowlan responded to S. 30 Church Street, for the report of property Theft: 24-65949 On August 27, 2024, ber provided. Citizens may remain anony-
Solomons Island Road in the area of Nursery destruction. The complainant advised a Deputy Smith responded to the Rod N mous thru the ‘Submit a Tip’ feature on the
Road in Lusby, for a welfare check. Upon political sign was defaced near Little Cove Reel Marina West located at 4055 Gordon Calvert County Sheriff’s Office mobile app.
arrival, deputies observed David Wayne Point Road in Lusby, between 5 p.m. on Stinnett Ave in Chesapeake Beach, for the To download, visit https://apps.myocv.com/
Walton, 42, of St. Leonard, lying in the August 25 and 12 p.m. on August 26. There report of theft. The complainant advised share/a39520678 . Tipsters may also email
grassy area with an open bottle of alcohol at were two signs also vandalized at the same sometime between 10 p.m. on August 25 [email protected]

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7 LOCAL NEWS Calvert County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024

Calvert Author Nature Center to be

Publishes Collection Rebuilt
of Short Stories
New Bay Books announces the release of
Loaded for Bear, a collection of short sto-
ries reflecting the culture and ethos from
the Maryland mountains to Chesapeake
Bay, written by Maryland poet and author
George Miller.
Loaded for Bear: Adventures and
Misadventures from the Appalachians to
the Chesapeake, is a collection of 16 short
stories featuring characters that Miller, an
economist and programmer, encountered or
imagined over decades riding trains from
his home in Cumberland, Md., to Union
Station in Washington. Now-destroyed Battle Creek Cyprus Swamp Nature Center
Miller acknowledges that several of the
stories grew from personal experience. One By Dick Myers said, “I’ve attended field trips at the Learning
such story revolves around the challenges Staff Writer Center at Cypress Swamp and enjoyed walk-
for a barnyard neophyte who becomes the ing through the cypress trees on the trails
man of the hour in a ewe’s breech birth. The Calvert County Board of County with my family over the years. Once you get
In another story—from which the book’s Commissioners is moving towards pro- down in it, all the noise and hustle and bustle
Loaded for Bear title derives—a 12-year- viding funding for rebuilding of the Battle of Prince Frederick just fades away and you
old delivering the morning paper is stopped Creek Cyprus Swamp Nature Center, which can just immerse yourself in and amongst
by a car full of well-heeled men with was destroyed by fire. The commissioners those trees. It’s truly a unique experience in
guns, friendly fellows who turn out to be travel is a reality,” said Sandra Olivetti held a public hearing on the funding request Calvert, if not all of Maryland.”
Pittsburgh Pirates out to do some hunting. Martin, publisher at New Bay Books. on Sept. 10 and will leave the record open He added, “I fully support the upgrades to
“George Miller is a weaver who cel- “Because short stories are short, the jour- for 10 days. make the learning Center and the trails ADA
ebrates life in a tapestry of compelling ney lasts only for minutes. But their rever- Parks and Recreation Director Robert accessible. As with every county facility, we
tiles that are anything but average,” Don berations often last far longer.” Branham, in a memo, wrote, “On have to move past the idea that any space is
Shomette, an author and historian, writes Miller is retired from Washington D.C. November 5, 2022, an electrical fire started grandfathered and work to ensure that they
on the book’s back cover. “His soft humor, and daily rail travel and lives near North in the basement storage room of the Battle are open accessible to everyone regardless
embellished with a topping of intimacy, Beach. Creek Cypress Swamp Nature Center facil- of their mobility or lack thereof.”
soul and nostalgia, always rings true.” He is the author of The Best Free Verse ity, resulting in extensive damage. Based Also at the same meeting, a separate
Loaded for Bear arrives amid a recent Ten Dollars Can Buy, a book of poems, on initial assessments, all contents of the public hearing was held on the budget
resurgence in short fiction. The short story Cooper Finds Her Thermal, an illustrated storage room, including all nature program amendment for the Cove Point Park bas-
as literary form experienced a decline start- allegory, and other works. His writing has equipment, materials and supplies, were ketball courts.
ing in the mid-20th century, attributed to appeared in American Writers Review destroyed. Water and smoke have damaged Park Planner Stephanie Sperling
television and the demise of popular mag- and other literary outlets. New Bay Books other basement and animal care room areas. explained, “The basketball courts located
azines. But short fiction is becoming prev- (NewBayBooks.com) is a partner pub- Upstairs offices, classrooms and exhibit at Cove Point Park in Lusby are over 20
alent again on bookshelves, in magazines lisher in Fairhaven, Maryland, with two rooms also sustained smoke damage.” years old, well used and highly prioritized
and sometimes newspapers, fitting more dozen print and ebook titles in three years. Branham said, “Local Government for replacement drainage. Issues around
comfortably with changing reader habits Miller is available for interviews and can be Insurance Trust (LGIT) has provided an the court are causing erosion problems
in people’s busy lives. reached at [email protected]. estimate for rebuilding the Battle Creek that threaten the integrity of the court
“Accept an invitation from a writer of Nature Center after the fire. However, the surface. In June 2023, the Department of
short stories and you will find that time Press Release from New Bay Books building’s design addressed the layout and Parks and Recreation submitted a Program
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Open space (POS) annual program to the
upgrades required by new standards, requir- BOCC for approval. The program was then
ing additional funding of $250,000 above forwarded to the Maryland Department

the LGIT estimate. Once the build is com- of Natural Resources (MDNR) and the
plete, the county can attempt to recover Maryland Department of Planning, to main-
additional funds from LGIT. The county tain eligibility for POS funds.”

must complete the rebuild by mid-Decem- She said the county POS submission
ber to meet the deadline for LGIT to request for 2024 included Cove Point Park for
additional reimbursement. The Department $300,000. She said, “The Department of

of Parks & Recreation staff, in coordination Parks and Recreation staff submitted a POS
with the Department of Finance & Budget application to prepare the basketball courts
staff, have identified funding in the Capital at Cove Point Park, and including improv-

Improvement Plan - CIP-000047 that can ing drainage, restoring the court surface and
be allocated to this project. CIP000047 associated structures, and applying a court
funds were appropriated for Chesapeake surface mural.”

Hills Golf Course Improvements. Staff She said, “In May of 2024, staff received
determined that it is in the county’s best a letter from the MDNR and informing
interest to complete the rebuild first, and them that the Maryland Board of Public
any recouped funds through LGIT can be Works approved the request for POS local
transferred back to CIP-000047.’ funds for $300,000. The POS local funds
According to his department, “LGIT pro- require 25 percent match equal to $100,000.
TO SEE YOUR BUSINESS IN vided a summary for the rebuilding to be Department of Parks and Recreation staff in
$542,065.65. We have been paid $425,817.51 coordination with the Department of Finance
THE COUNTY TIMES, to date for the building renovations. After the and Budget staff have identified funding.”
construction is complete, LGIT will provide
CONTACT 301-373-4125 the balance of $116,248.14.” [email protected]
During the public hearing, Joseph Cormier
Thursday, September 12, 2024 Calvert County Times LOCAL NEWS 6

Comprehensive Plan Commissioners

Changes Proposed Appoint School
By Dick Myers
Staff Writer Safety Members
Changes to the Calvert County Compre- By Dick Myers received 42 applications from districts one,
hensive Plan and several town center plans Staff Writer two, and three residents after a panel com-
have been proposed to coincide with the prised of staff in the Office of the County
update to the county’s zoning ordinance The Calvert County Board of County Administrator, community resources,
now being circulated for comment in a sec- Commissioners (BOCC) at their Sept. 10 Calvert County Public Schools, and the
ond draft iteration. meeting selected the members of the new sheriff’s office graded applications. This
Long Range Planner Tay Harris, in Student Safety and Well-Being Advisory panel interviewed the top scoring candi-
a memo to the Calvert County Board of Committee (SSWAC). dates from each district. Additionally, we
County Commissioners (BOCC), wrote, The members are: Dana Jones as chair received candidate recommendations from
‘‘In response to the BOCC recent directives of the committee; Guy Stephens and Leslie six recommending bodies, which will be
and updates, the Department of Planning Irvin as District 1 representatives; Brandon highlighted in the recommendations today,
and Zoning (P&Z) has implemented several Temple and Debora Harris as District 2 that have seats on the committee.”
key changes that will impact architectural representatives; Marcus Newsome and Turner said, “On May 29, 2024,
reviews, density regulations and zoning Sinetra Bowdry as District 3 representa- the BOCC adopted Resolution 09-24,
designations within Calvert County.’’ tives; Jason Oates as the Calvert Education which established the Calvert County
Regarding the architectural review com- Association representative, Kadesha Student Safety and Well-Being Advisory
mittee’s elimination. Harris wrote, ‘‘On Pledger as the Calvert Association of the Committee to address increasing incidents
May 21, 2024, BOCC directed P&Z to elim- Educational Support Staff representative; in schools and concerns from parents, stu-
inate the Architectural Review Committees Commissioner President Buddy Hance First Sergeant Vincent O’Donnell and dents, teachers, support staff and school
(ARCs) for the county’s seven town cen- Corporal Nick DeFelice as the sheriff’s administrators.”
ters. The BOCC’s intent is to streamline the Comprehensive Plan. Prior to amending the office representatives; Sergeant Kenery That came about out of concerns from
development review process by allowing Zoning Ordinance, P&Z staff recommends Hunt as the Maryland State Police represen- staff, parents, and students about problems
staff to perform administrative reviews in amending the Comprehensive Plan and the tative; Katelyn Liptak as the mental health at Calvert High School.
accordance with each town center’s master necessary Town Center Master Plans to and wellbeing professional representative, Commissioner Todd Ireland said,
plan and zoning ordinance.’’ reflect the above-referenced requests.’’ Denise Dickerson as the substance abuse “School has started and there’s already been
On the proposed density in town centers, Director of Planning and Zoning Mary treatment professional representative; and a few issues, so hopefully they can hit the
Harris said, ‘‘On August 20, 2024, as part Beth Cook said, ‘‘The hope is that the pro- Joseph Pignataro as the Maryland Center ground running and make some decisions
of the Calvert County Zoning Ordinance cess will go right in step with the update for School Safety representative. and make some changes.”
Update, the BOCC directed P&Z staff to to the zoning ordinance because the com- According to Deputy County
allow a maximum of no more than four prehensive plan carries a 60-day review Administrator Linda Turner, “Staff [email protected]
units per acre in town centers unless the at the state level. We’ve worked that into
current allowable density is less than four our timeline and should still be on track to
units per acre.’’
Regarding the proposed change in des-
ignated zoning category, Harris wrote,
have the public hearing with the planning
commission in November and the Board
of County Commissioners in December.’’
“This is Me”
‘‘The current draft of the Calvert County Commissioner President Buddy Hance Happy. Healthy. Substance Free.
Zoning Ordinance update proposes to explained the reasoning behind eliminating
change the designated zoning category for architectural review committees. He said,
eight parcels. These parcels are currently ‘‘The reason we’re doing that is because
zoned Industrial-1 District (I-1), Rural we can’t get citizen participation. We talk
Community District (RCD), or Farm and all the time about all the boards and com-
Forest District (FFD). The change would mittees we have that have vacancies that
rezone these parcels as Heavy Industrial we can’t fill because citizens don’t apply.
District (I-2). The goal is to provide flexibil- Sometimes they apply, they don’t show up.
ity for businesses that generate little traffic, Part of the permitting process is you have to
create high-paying jobs, and substantially have an architectural review. The projects
contribute to the county tax base. These get held up because there’s not a quorum
properties are located in southern Calvert at a meeting. So, they get delayed. And so,
County near existing infrastructure.’’ what we tried to do is figure out a pathway
Harris explained, ‘‘The above-refer- that doesn’t impede projects, and still pro-
enced requests may be processed as part vides input for architectural review.’’
of the ongoing Calvert County Zoning
Ordinance Update. However, amendments
Cook added, ‘‘To let citizens know
we’re still going to do architectural review.
Color Run/Walk & More
to the Calvert County Comprehensive Plan, Absolutely. It’ll just be done in house.’’ Presented by Calvert Alliance Against Substance Abuse, Inc.
as well as the Huntingtown, St. Leonard and To implement the changes the first step
Solomons Town Center Master Plans, are will be a joint work session with the com- Sept. 15, 2024 from 9 a.m. to Noon
also required. Pursuant to the Md. Ann. missioners and the planning commission. The Calverton School
Code, Land Use Art., § 3-303, the Zoning 300 Calverton School Rd, Huntingtown, MD 20639
Ordinance and the Town Center Master Plans [email protected]
must be consistent with the Calvert County Cost: $20 per person
children 3 and younger are free

   ­ Online Registration Required:

For more information call the CAASA Office at 410-535-3733
€‚ƒ„ †ƒ„ †€‡ˆƒ‚„‰Š‰„‹ Œ€
5 LOCAL NEWS Calvert County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024

Route 231
Remain in Doubt

Planner III Jessicca Gaetano Public Works Director J.R. Cosgrove

By Dick Myers on the Maryland 2 31 corridor, which of

Staff Writer course at that time did remain funded. So
again, at this time it does remain unclear
Safety improvements along the Route 231 whether the 2 31 projects will continue to
corridor remain in jeopardy amid a shortfall move forward. As I’m sure the board is
in state transportation finds and the prior- aware, just in the past month we’ve had two
ity being given to the replacement of Key serious crashes at or near one of the proposed
Bridge in Baltimore. project locations, which is the 231 and 508
The Calvert County Board of County intersection, which is the Adelina intersec-
Commissioners (BOCC) hope to make the tion. So, staff is working with the sheriff’s
case for the needed safety improvements office and the state police to get some crash
when the state transportation secretary and data for you before the secretary comes.”
his entourage make their annual trek to the County administrator Mark Willis said,
county in two weeks. “Specifically Adelina, it has a left turn lane
Planner III Jessicca Gaetano told the now, but what they need is a wider bypass
BOCC on Sept. 10, “The CTP (Consolidated lane. There’s a slope to the right of that that
Transportation Plan) is Maryland’s six-year they really had to survey out. So, they’ve
capital budget for transportation projects. done that survey work and that project, to
Last year, the MDOT (Maryland Department my knowledge, is still moving forward.”
of Transportation) expressed major budget- Commissioner President Buddy Hance
ary constraints and increasingly limited fund- said he was told at the Maryland Association

September is Library
ing available to distribute capital projects. of Counties meeting by the transportation
This year’s CTP prioritizes rebuilding the secretary was “because of the lack of rev-
Francis Scott Key bridge while improving enue, projects were being reevaluated and

Card Sign-Up Month transportation options to lessen the impact on

the roadway network from the bridge being
unavailable. The CTP promotes safety as
that if a project met the safety criteria, that
project would move forward. I think that
we were told in that meeting that they were
A public library card opens the door to so much -- a primary criterion in all their project sup- going to look at those projects and see if
diverse programs, job search assistance, arts & crafts programs, port and investments. Unfortunately, in this they met that criterion.”
year’s draft CTP, the safety improvements Public Works Director J.R. Cosgrove
book discussions, author talks, storytimes and more. along the MD 231 corridor are subject to said, “I spoke with the District 5 office on
Borrow books and audiobooks, stream movies and music, potential deferral, subject to system preser- Friday afternoon about the 2 31 project.
take virtual classes, or even get online tutoring vation program fund allocations in the Final They currently show it as possibly being
CTP. Calvert County will continue to receive deferred funding. District 5 has not gotten
and homework help.
routine maintenance projects focusing on word from Baltimore yet whether to move
pavement resurfacing, guardrail replace- forward or not. So, they’re continuing mov-
It’s all free. Get your library card today! ments, and traffic signal upgrades.” ing forward with the design of these proj-
Gaetano said her role was to bring the ects, but they haven’t gotten a definite yes or
highlights of the county ask from the stare, no, whether the money’s going to be pulled
but she quipped, “There’s not really many or the funding’s going to be pulled for these
highlights unfortunately.” projects or not.”
She said last year “we expressed our grati-
tude for the continued funding and resources [email protected]
for the safety and geometric improvements
Thursday, September 12, 2024 Calvert County Times LOCAL NEWS 4

Three School Board Candidates

Opt Out of Forum
Hosted by Concerned Black Women
By Dick Myers
Staff Writer

Three of the six candidates for Calvert

County Board of Education in this year’s
election have opted not to attend a candi-
date’s forum sponsored by the Concerned
Black Women of Calvert County (CBW).
The forum is Sept. 26 at 6 p.m. at the Prince
Frederick library.
The organization on their Facebook page
said, “CBW’s mission is to address issues
in the community that include education,
health, economic well-being, and improv-
ing the quality of life for African American
women and their families. We are changing
the trajectory of African American families.”
They said, “Three candidates declined our Melissa Goshorn Paul Harrison Joseph Machino
offer three times after being given three dif-
ferent dates to attend.” to answer the call. “Thank you for your understanding, and refuse to participate in the third attempt at
The organization said, “We invite the “The CCRCC looks forward to being I hope to see you at one of the other three a CBW forum date picked for the eve of the
entire community to attend this forum to stewards of the county: with you and for forums I will be participating in.” County Fair, I just had yet to respond when
understand who wants to represent Calvert you! The #1 priority is taking back the Harrison told The County Times, “CBW the CBW distributed a very hostile graphic
County in support of the African American schools for our children and grandchildren. was the last organization to organize a can- that I refused. That move was dishonest and
family unit and education.” We need to carry forward the victories of didate forum and the first two dates they revealed their partisan motives.”
The candidates opting out are Mellisa 2022, when we went 2 for 2 electing con- picked were already taken. League of As of deadline, Marchio had not
Goshorn, Pail Harrison, and Joseph servative Board of Education members. This Women Voters invited us more than two responded to The County Times request
Marchio. Those are the three candidates year it is vital we go 3 for 3 in electing and months ago and we’re all going to that for comment.
endorsed by the Calvert County Republican holding all five BOE positions! The night is event. I know for me, I still have a daugh-
Central Committee (CCRCC). darkest before the dawn, dawn is coming!” ter in high school, a full-time job in DC, and [email protected]
Joshua Johnson, CCRCC president, wrote The other three candidates are Mike normal life commitments. In fact, I did not
on their website, “We have learned that we Shisler, incumbent Antoine White, and
cannot rely on the federal government or Jeanette Flaim.
the state to fix Calvert County problems, The Democratic Central Committee does
WE MUST FIX THEM! The CCRCC team not have endorsements on its website.
is dedicated to delivering wins for Calvert: In response to the invitation, Goshorn
exposing the CCPS budget slush fund, wrote, “Thank you so much for invit-
maintaining the Republican voter regis- ing me to participate in the Concerned
tration lead, and a 2022 virtual sweep of Black Women of Calvert County forum

Departing From
electing Republican candidates to county on September 24th.I deeply appreciate the
positions (Sheriff, State Attorney, Treasurer, work you do and the opportunity to engage
5 Commissioners, and 2 Board of Education with our community.
(BOE) members). We do have differences of
thought; we are not like leftwing Democrats;
we embrace free thinking. Steel sharpens
“Unfortunately, I have already commit-
ted to three other forums and must balance
my campaign responsibilities with my fam-
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steel, debate is a virtue, division is the Left’s
weapon of choice; we must unify in order
ily obligations. As much as I would love
to participate, I’m unable to commit to this
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Values! The fight is here and now; we didn’t
event. I hope you encourage your members
to attend one of the other three forums being
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3 LOCAL NEWS Calvert County Times Thursday, September 12, 2024

County, Cove Point LNG Owners Settle

Payment Dispute
Agreement to Run Through 2038
By Dick Myers
Staff Writer

Calvert County appears to have resolved

the key issue that led to their budgetary
problems for the fiscal year that began July
1. The Calvert County Board of County
Commissioners (BOCC) announced on Sept.
10 the settlement with the owners of Cove
Point LNHG Plant that calls for a payment
in lieu of taxes (PILOT) of $60 million annu-
ally for the 2023-2038 tax year period.
The lack of a new PILOT caused the state
to reduce education funding to the county
by $22 million because the property tax
payment for Cove Point that replaced the
PILOT caused the county’s wealth in the
eyes of the state to blossom. The settlement
appears to have averted that issue for future
years. The county will attempt to get the
state to give back that lost $22 million.
Special Projects Program Manager
Ashley Staples-Reid told the commis-
sioners, “Cove Point LNG, the first lique-
fied natural gas (LNG) export facility on
the East Coast located in Lusby, is owned
and operated by Cove Point LNG, LP, a
Delaware Limited Partnership, a subsidi-
ary of Berkshire Hathaway Energy (BHE).
The facility site is located on approximately Cove Point LNG Plant
1,000 acres of land, has a storage capacity of
14.6 billion cubic feet and a daily send-out LNG, approved a five-year PILOT followed There was some discrepancy, and some Although the county will attempt to
capacity of 1.8 billion cubic feet. Its abil- by a nine-year tax credit.” discussion in regards to what the county recoup thar $22 million, Staples-Reid said,
ity to perform all the functions of a LNG She noted, “The PILOT did provide a thought the value was and what Cove Point “There’s no assurance that we are going to
facility including import, export, vaporiza- one-time payment of $25 million at the thought the value was.” get that $22 million cut back. But a PILOT
tion and send out and liquefaction makes it start of the PILOT with an annual $15.1 mil- She said, “Unfortunately we did not come agreement is the best option in regards to
unique among US LNG terminals.” lion on the then existing natural gas import to an agreement on that assessment by the saving our wealth formula and deferring
She went on to say, “BHE has offered a equipment and then provided…an annual expiration of the PILOT, After that expira- continued cuts to state aid when it comes
PILOT agreement of $60 million annually amount for the expansion property. And then tion period, the state did do an as assessment, to education.”
for the 2023-2038 Tax Year period, which after that five-year period, which did end and the county did request an administrative Danny Woods, vice president of oper-
would expire on June 30, 2039. A section June 30th, 2023, there was a tax credit which hearing to review that assessment.” ations for Cove Point LNG, said, “I’m
has been incorporated into the PILOT to provide a 42 percent tax credit on new and The state and county had different assess- proud to be in this community as a resi-
automatically renew for an additional five repurpose equipment for nine years.” ment figures. She said, “The county noted dent of Calvert County. Certainly proud of
years unless either party notifies the other When the PILOT expired on June 30, an appeal of that decision to the Tax Court what Cove Point LNG does each day. We
of their intention to not renew. For Tax Year 2023, Staples-Reid said, “The county of Maryland and has received a trial date continue to export clean energy around the
2023, BHE has paid their assessed amount requested an assessment of the property for October 2025.” But to avoid that, the world. We’ve actually delivered to over 30
of $58,690,136.73 to the county. If the pro- with the State Department of Assessments agreement was reached. different countries, reducing millions of tons
posed PILOT is approved, BHE will pay and Taxation. I do want to note here that the Staples-Reid said in not having a PILOT, of air emissions throughout the world. And
an additional $1,309,863.27 to align with state does not do assessments on property “The main thing that has happened is our just happy to have that in our backyard as a
the terms of the PILOT. If automatically when it is in a PILOT agreement. There’s no impact to the wealth formula. So, the Calvert County resident.”
renewed, then the PILOT Payments shall need to because there’s no need to assess its Maryland State Department of Education He added, “Were looking forward to the
continue to apply to each subsequent year value when there’s already a fixed rate with in coordination with the Department of continued partnership here with the county
in the same amount as in the effect for the the PILOT agreement. However, with this Budget Management and the Department of and our organization.”
year preceding the renewal.” PILOT, we did have a note saying that the Legislative Services calculates, distributes, Commissioner President Buddy Hance
She added, “So long as the state wealth state could do an assessment upon request. and monitors state aid for local jurisdictions said, “We appreciate the jobs you provide
formula remains unchanged from its last So, we did put in that request in tandem to and their school systems. When our PILOT and the tax revenue that you provided the
revision in 2018, the PILOT revenue will that request. The BOCC at the time had also agreement was signed in 2013, Maryland’s county. And I want to thank you for the nego-
not be included in the calculation of the instructed staff to do outside consulting, to system for funding education was based tiations that took a lot of time and effort on
county’s wealth.” get a consultant to do an independent assess- on full-time equivalent student enrollment both our parts. I was always told a successful
Staples-Reid explained, “In June of 2013, ment of the property as well. Consultants and local wealth, which was meant the sum negotiation when neither party gets every-
the Maryland General Assembly autho- were vetted over the summer of 2021, and of net taxable income, 100 percent of the thing they want. So, this was a, a success-
rized the Board of County Commissioners then a contract was signed with George assessed value of the operating real property ful negotiation and just for those out there
of Calvert County to enter into a payment Sanpello, LLC in November of 2021.” of public utilities, 40 percent of the assessed listening, you have been concerned about
in lieu of taxes agreement with the owner Staples-Reid said, “We worked with Cove value of all other real property and 50 per- what we’re doing. In negotiations we did
of facility for the liquefaction of natural Point in order to get some vital data in order cent of assessed value of personal property. have an NDA (non-disclosure agreement);
gas. So once that authority was obtained for them to do their independent assessment. So, the county’s wealth did not include we weren’t allowed to talk about it, we don’t
in November of 2013, the BOCC did hold Cove Point was very forthcoming. They also amounts paid under the PILOT, because negotiate in public. So, until this point we
a public hearing and received public com- acquired information with FERC (Federal those are exempt from taxation and are not really couldn’t talk about a lot of things.”
ment and then approved a local ordinance Energy Regulatory Commission) and US assessed so long as the agreements are in Hance added, “I think that we came to a
to exercise that authority. And then subse- Department of Transportation in order to place. So that goes back to where our PILOT final conclusion that meets both of our needs.”
quently we assigned a PILOT agreement come up with their assessment. They did had expired, and we did not have a renewal
with Dominion at the time, Cove Point have an assessment that did come back. in place. That impacted our wealth.” [email protected]
Thursday, September 12, 2024 Calvert County Times 2

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Nature center will be rebuilt
County, Cove Point solve payment dispute

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Battle Creek Nature Center

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