Unit 2 Net
Unit 2 Net
Unit 2 Net
Data or information can be stored in two ways, analog and digital. For a computer to use
the data, it must be in discrete digital form.Similar to data, signals can also be in analog and
digital form. To transmit data digitally, it needs to be first converted to digital form.
Digital-to-Digital Conversion
This section explains how to convert digital data into digital signals. It can be done in two
ways, line coding and block coding. For all communications, line coding is necessary
whereas block coding is optional.
Line Coding
The process for converting digital data into digital signal is said to be Line Coding. Digital
data is found in binary format.It is represented (stored) internally as series of 1s and 0s.
Digital signal is denoted by discreet signal, which represents digital data.There are three
types of line coding schemes.
Block Coding
To ensure accuracy of the received data frame redundant bits are used. For example, in
even-parity, one parity bit is added to make the count of 1s in the frame even. This way the
original number of bits is increased. It is called Block Coding.
Block coding is represented by slash notation, mB/nB.Means, m-bit block is substituted with
n-bit block where n > m. Block coding involves three steps:
• Division,
• Substitution
• Combination.
After block coding is done, it is line coded for transmission.
Analog-to-Digital Conversion
Microphones create analog voice and camera creates analog videos, which are treated is
analog data. To transmit this analog data over digital signals, we need analog to digital
Analog data is a continuous stream of data in the wave form whereas digital data is discrete.
To convert analog wave into digital data, we use Pulse Code Modulation (PCM).
Transmission Modes
The transmission mode decides how data is transmitted between two computers. The
binary data in the form of 1s and 0s can be sent in two different modes: Parallel and Serial.
Parallel Transmission
The binary bits are organized in-to groups of fixed length. Both sender and receiver are
connected in parallel with the equal number of data lines. Both computers distinguish
between high order and low order data lines. The sender sends all the bits at once on all
lines. Because the data lines are equal to the number of bits in a group or data frame, a
complete group of bits (data frame) is sent in one go. Advantage of Parallel transmission is
high speed and disadvantage is the cost of wires, as it is equal to the number of bits sent in
Serial Transmission
In serial transmission, bits are sent one after another in a queue manner. Serial
transmission requires only one communication channel.
Asynchronous Serial Transmission
It is named so because there’is no importance of timing. Data-bits have specific pattern and
they help receiver recognize the start and end data bits. For example, a 0 is prefixed on
every data byte and one or more 1s are added at the end.
Two continuous data-frames (bytes) may have a gap between them.
Synchronous Serial Transmission
Timing in synchronous transmission has importance as there is no mechanism followed to
recognize start and end data bits. There is no pattern or prefix/suffix method. Data bits are
sent in burst mode without maintaining gap between bytes (8-bits). Single burst of data bits
may contain a number of bytes. Therefore, timing becomes very important.
It is up to the receiver to recognize and separate bits into bytes. The advantage of
synchronous transmission is high speed, and it has no overhead of extra header and footer
bits as in asynchronous transmission.
The Cyclic Redundancy Checks (CRC) is the most powerful method for Error-Detection and
Correction. It is given as a kbit message and the transmitter creates an (n – k) bit sequence
called frame check sequence. The out coming frame, including n bits, is precisely divisible by
some fixed number. Modulo 2 Arithmetic is used in this binary addition with no carries, just
like the XOR operation.
Redundancy means duplicacy. The redundancy bits used by CRC are changed by splitting
the data unit by a fixed divisor. The remainder is CRC.
Qualities of CRC
It should have accurately one less bit than the divisor.
Joining it to the end of the data unit should create the resulting bit sequence precisely
divisible by the divisor.
CRC generator and checker
A string of n 0s is added to the data unit. The number n is one smaller than the number of
bits in the fixed divisor.
The new data unit is divided by a divisor utilizing a procedure known as binary division; the
remainder appearing from the division is CRC.
The CRC of n bits interpreted in phase 2 restores the added 0s at the end of the data unit.
Errors and Error Detection
When bits are transmitted over the computer network, they are subject to get corrupted
due to interference and network problems. The corrupted bits leads to spurious data being
received by the receiver and are called errors.
Error detection techniques are responsible for checking whether any error has occurred or
not in the frame that has been transmitted via network. It does not take into account the
number of error bits and the type of error.
For error detection, the sender needs to send some additional bits along with the data bits.
The receiver performs necessary checks based upon the additional redundant bits. If it finds
that the data is free from errors, it removes the redundant bits before passing the message
to the upper layers.
There are three main techniques for detecting errors in frames: Parity Check, Checksum and
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC).
This is a block code method where a checksum is created based on the data values in the
data blocks to be transmitted using some algorithm and appended to the data. When the
receiver gets this data, a new checksum is calculated and compared with the existing
checksum. A non-match indicates an error.
Error Detection by Checksums
For error detection by checksums, data is divided into fixed sized frames or segments.
Sender’s End − The sender adds the segments using 1’s complement arithmetic to get the
sum. It then complements the sum to get the checksum and sends it along with the data
Receiver’s End − The receiver adds the incoming segments along with the checksum using
1’s complement arithmetic to get the sum and then complements it.
If the result is zero, the received frames are accepted; otherwise they are discarded.
Suppose that the sender wants to send 4 frames each of 8 bits, where the frames are
11001100, 10101010, 11110000 and 11000011.
The sender adds the bits using 1s complement arithmetic. While adding two numbers using
1s complement arithmetic, if there is a carry over, it is added to the sum.
After adding all the 4 frames, the sender complements the sum to get the checksum,
11010011, and sends it along with the data frames.
The receiver performs 1s complement arithmetic sum of all the frames including the
checksum. The result is complemented and found to be 0. Hence, the receiver assumes that
no error has occurred.
• Sender stuffs a bit to break the pattern i.e. here appends a 0 in data = 011101.
• Receiver receives the frame.
• If data contains 011101, receiver removes the 0 and reads the data.
If Data –> 011100011110 and ED –> 0111 then, find data after bit stuffing? –>
Error Control in Data Link Layer
Data-link layer uses the techniques of error control simply to ensure and confirm that all the
data frames or packets, i.e. bit streams of data, are transmitted or transferred from sender
to receiver with certain accuracy. Using or providing error control at this data link layer is an
optimization, it was never requirement. Error control is basically process in data link layer of
detecting or identifying and re-transmitting data frames that might be lost or corrupted
during transmission.
In both of these cases, receiver or destination does not receive correct data-frame and
sender or source does not even know anything about any such loss regarding data frames.
Therefore, in such type of cases, both sender and receiver are provided with some essential
protocols that are required to detect or identify such type of errors like loss of data frames.
The Data-link layer follows technique known as re-transmission of frames to detect or
identify transit errors and also to take necessary actions that are required to reduce or
remove such errors.
Each and every time an effort is detected during transmission, particular data frames
retransmitted and this process is known as ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request).
Error Detection: Error detection, as name suggests, simply means detection or identification
of errors. These errors may cause due to noise or any other impairments during
transmission from transmitter to the receiver, in communication system. It is class of
technique for detecting garbled i.e. unclear and distorted data or message.
Error Correction: Error correction, as name suggests, simply means correction or solving or
fixing of errors. It simply means reconstruction and rehabilitation of original data that is
error-free. But error correction method is very costly and is very hard.
Noiseless Channel Protocol
Introduction: A protocol is a set of rules used by two devices to communicate. These sets of
rules are usually decided by headers (fixed headers determined by the protocol). These
headers specify the content of the message and the way this message is processed. To
detect the error, the header must be the address of the destination, the address of the
source, the checksum of the message.
Categorization of protocol: The exploration of protocols is split into those that can be applied
for noiseless(error-free) channels and those that can be used for noisy(error-causing)
channels. The first category of protocols cannot be used in actual life, but they serve as a
basis for protocols for noise channels.
Noiseless Channel: An idealistic channel in which no frames are lost, corrupted or
duplicated. The protocol does not implement error control in this category. There are two
protocols for the noiseless channel as follows.
Simplest Protocol
We consider here that the receiver can maintain any frame received with insignificant
processing time. The receiver’s data link layer immediately removes the header from the
frame and assigns the data packet to its network layer, which can also accept the packet
immediately. That is to say, the receiver can never be overwhelmed with forthcoming
The data link layer at the sender site gets data from its network layer, makes a frame out of
the data, and sends it. The data link layer(receiver site) receives a frame from its physical
layer, extracts data from the frame, and convey the data to its network layer. The data link
layers of the sender and receiver provide communication/transmission services for their
network layers. The data link layers utilization the services provided by their physical layers
for the physical transmission of bits.
Sender-site and Receivers algorithms
Sender-site algorithm
while(true) //Repeat forever
waitForEvent(); //sleep until an event occur
if (Event(RequestToSend)) //there is a packet to send
SendFrame(); //send the frame
Receivers algorithm
while(true) //Repeat forever
waitForEvent(); //sleep until an event occur
if (Event(ArrivalNotification)) //data frame arrived
DeliverData(); //Deliver data to network layer
Flow Diagram
This Flow Diagram shows an example of communication using the simplest protocol. It is
very straightforward. The sender sends a series of frames without further consideration
about the receiver. Let’s take an example, three frames will send from the sender, and three
frames received by receivers. Bear in mind the data frames are shown by tilted boxes; the
height of the box defines the transmission time difference between the first bit and the last
bit in the frame.
Stop and Wait Protocol
If data frame receivers arrive at the site faster than they can be processed, then frames
must be stored until their use. Generally, the receiver does not have enough storage space,
especially if it is receiving data from multiple sources.
On Comparing the stop-and-wait protocol design model with the Simplest protocol design
model, we can see the traffic on the front/forward channel (from sender to receiver) and the
back/reverse channel. Anytime, there is either one data frame on the forward channel or
one ACK frame on the reverse channel. We hereupon require a half-duplex link.
Sender-site and Receivers algorithms
Sender-site algorithm
while(true) //Repeat forever
canSend = true // Allow the first frame to go
waitForEvent(); //sleep until an event occur
if (Event(RequestToSend)AND canSend) //there is a packet to send
SendFrame(); //send the data frame
canSend = false; //cannot send until ACK arrives
WaitForEvent(); //sleep until an event occurs
if(Event(ArrivalNotification)) //An ACK has arrived
ReceiveFrame(); //Receive the ACK frame
CanSend = true;
Receivers algorithm
while(true) //Repeat forever
waitForEvent(); //sleep until an event occur
if (Event(ArrivalNotification) //data frame arrives
DeliverData(); //Deliver data to network layer
SendFrame(); //Send an ACK frame
Flow Diagram
This figure shows an example of communication using the Stop-and-wait protocol. It is still
straightforward. The sender sends a frame and waits for a response from the receiver.
When ACK(acknowledged) will arrival from the receiver side then send the next frame and
so on. Keep it in mind when two frames will be there sender will involve in four event and
the receivers will involve in two events.
3. Noisy Channels
Stop and Wait ARQ
Used in Connection-oriented communication. It offers error and flows control. It is used in
Data Link and Transport Layers. Stop and Wait for ARQ mainly implements the Sliding
Window Protocol concept with Window Size 1
Useful Terms:
Propagation Delay: Amount of time taken by a packet to make a physical journey from one
router to another router.
Propagation Delay = (Distance between routers) / (Velocity of propagation)
RoundTripTime (RTT) = 2* Propagation Delay
TimeOut (TO) = 2* RTT
Time To Live (TTL) = 2* TimeOut. (Maximum TTL is 180 seconds)
Simple Stop and Wait
Rule 1) Send one data packet at a time.
Rule 2) Send the next packet only after receiving acknowledgement for the previous.
Rule 1) Send acknowledgement after receiving and consuming a data packet.
Rule 2) After consuming packet acknowledgement need to be sent (Flow Control)
1. Lost Data
2. Lost Acknowledgement:
3. Delayed Acknowledgement/Data: After a timeout on the sender side, a long-delayed
acknowledgement might be wrongly considered as acknowledgement of some other recent
Stop and Wait for ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request)
The above 3 problems are resolved by Stop and Wait for ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request)
that does both error control and flow control.
1. Time Out
2. Sequence Number (Data)
3. Delayed Acknowledgement: This is resolved by introducing sequence numbers for
acknowledgement also.
Working of Stop and Wait for ARQ:
1) Sender A sends a data frame or packet with sequence number 0.
2) Receiver B, after receiving the data frame, sends an acknowledgement with sequence
number 1 (the sequence number of the next expected data frame or packet). There is only a
one-bit sequence number that implies that both sender and receiver have a buffer for one
frame or packet only.
• In Go-Back-N, N determines the sender's window size, and the size of the
receiver's window is always 1.
• It does not consider the corrupted frames and simply discards them.
• It does not accept the frames which are out of order and discards them.
HDLC Frame
HDLC is a bit - oriented protocol where each frame contains up to six fields. The structure
varies according to the type of frame. The fields of a HDLC frame are −
Flag − It is an 8-bit sequence that marks the beginning and the end of the frame. The bit
pattern of the flag is 01111110.
Address − It contains the address of the receiver. If the frame is sent by the primary station,
it contains the address(es) of the secondary station(s). If it is sent by the secondary station, it
contains the address of the primary station. The address field may be from 1 byte to several
Control − It is 1 or 2 bytes containing flow and error control information.
Payload − This carries the data from the network layer. Its length may vary from one
network to another.
FCS − It is a 2 byte or 4 bytes frame check sequence for error detection. The standard code
used is CRC (cyclic redundancy code)
• Aloha
ALOHA Random Access Protocol
It is designed for wireless LAN (Local Area Network) but can also be used in a shared
medium to transmit data. Using this method, any station can transmit data across a network
simultaneously when a data frameset is available for transmission.
Aloha Rules
1. Any station can transmit data to a channel at any time.
2. It does not require any carrier sensing.
3. Collision and data frames may be lost during the transmission of data through multiple
4. Acknowledgment of the frames exists in Aloha. Hence, there is no collision detection.
5. It requires retransmission of data after some random amount of time.
Pure Aloha
Whenever data is available for sending over a channel at stations, we use Pure Aloha. In
pure Aloha, when each station transmits data to a channel without checking whether the
channel is idle or not, the chances of collision may occur, and the data frame can be lost.
When any station transmits the data frame to a channel, the pure Aloha waits for the
receiver's acknowledgment. If it does not acknowledge the receiver end within the specified
time, the station waits for a random amount of time, called the backoff time (Tb). And the
station may assume the frame has been lost or destroyed. Therefore, it retransmits the
frame until all the data are successfully transmitted to the receiver.
The total vulnerable time of pure Aloha is 2 * Tfr. Maximum throughput occurs when G = 1/
2 that is 18.4%. Successful transmission of data frame is S = G * e ^ - 2 G.
Slotted Aloha
The slotted Aloha is designed to overcome the pure Aloha's efficiency because pure Aloha
has a very high possibility of frame hitting. In slotted Aloha, the shared channel is divided
into a fixed time interval called slots. So that, if a station wants to send a frame to a shared
channel, the frame can only be sent at the beginning of the slot, and only one frame is
allowed to be sent to each slot. And if the stations are unable to send data to the beginning
of the slot, the station will have to wait until the beginning of the slot for the next time.
However, the possibility of a collision remains when trying to send a frame at the beginning
of two or more station time slot.
Maximum throughput occurs in the slotted Aloha when G = 1 that is 37%. The probability of
successfully transmitting the data frame in the slotted Aloha is S = G * e ^ - 2 G. The total
vulnerable time required in slotted Aloha is Tfr.
It is a carrier sense multiple access/ collision detection network protocol to transmit data
frames. The CSMA/CD protocol works with a medium access control layer. Therefore, it first
senses the shared channel before broadcasting the frames, and if the channel is idle, it
transmits a frame to check whether the transmission was successful. If the frame is
successfully received, the station sends another frame. If any collision is detected in the
CSMA/CD, the station sends a jam/ stop signal to the shared channel to terminate data
transmission. After that, it waits for a random time before sending a frame to a channel.
It is a carrier sense multiple access/collision avoidance network protocol for carrier
transmission of data frames. It is a protocol that works with a medium access control layer.
When a data frame is sent to a channel, it receives an acknowledgment to check whether
the channel is clear. If the station receives only a single (own) acknowledgments, that means
the data frame has been successfully transmitted to the receiver. But if it gets two signals
(its own and one more in which the collision of frames), a collision of the frame occurs in the
shared channel. Detects the collision of the frame when a sender receives an
acknowledgment signal.
4. Channelization
In this, the available bandwidth of the link is shared in time, frequency and code to multiple
stations to access channel simultaneously.
Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA): The available bandwidth is divided into equal
bands so that each station can be allocated its own band. Guard bands are also added so
that no two bands overlap to avoid crosstalk and noise.
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA): In this, the bandwidth is shared between multiple
stations. To avoid collision time is divided into slots and stations are allotted these slots to
transmit data. However there is a overhead of synchronization as each station needs to
know its time slot. This is resolved by adding synchronization bits to each slot. Another issue
with TDMA is propagation delay which is resolved by addition of guard bands.
Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA): One channel carries all transmissions simultaneously.
There is neither division of bandwidth nor division of time. For example, if there are many
people in a room all speaking at the same time, then also perfect reception of data is
possible if only two person speak the same language. Similarly, data from different stations
can be transmitted simultaneously in different code languages.
• Star Topology
• Bus Topology
• Ring Topology
• Mesh Topology
• Hybrid Topology
• Tree Topology
Ethernet is the most widely used LAN technology, which is defined under IEEE standards
802.3. The reason behind its wide usability is Ethernet is easy to understand, implement,
maintain, and allows low-cost network implementation. Also, Ethernet offers flexibility in
terms of topologies that are allowed. Ethernet generally uses Bus Topology. Ethernet
operates in two layers of the OSI model, Physical Layer, and Data Link Layer. For Ethernet,
the protocol data unit is Frame since we mainly deal with DLL. In order to handle collision,
the Access control mechanism used in Ethernet is CSMA/CD. Manchester Encoding
Technique is used in Ethernet.
Since we are talking about IEEE 802.3 standard Ethernet, therefore, 0 is expressed by a high-
to-low transition, a 1 by the low-to-high transition. In both Manchester Encoding and
Differential Manchester, the Encoding Baud rate is double of bit rate.
Advantages of Ethernet:
Speed: When compared to a wireless connection, Ethernet provides significantly more
speed. Because Ethernet is a one-to-one connection, this is the case. As a result, speeds of
up to 10 Gigabits per second (Gbps) or even 100 Gigabits per second (Gbps) are possible.
Efficiency: An Ethernet cable, such as Cat6, consumes less electricity, even less than a wifi
connection. As a result, these ethernet cables are thought to be the most energy-efficient.
Good data transfer quality: Because it is resistant to noise, the information transferred is of
high quality.
Baud rate = 2* Bit rate
Ethernet LANs consist of network nodes and interconnecting media or links. The network
nodes can be of two types:
Data Terminal Equipment (DTE): Generally, DTEs are the end devices that convert the user
information into signals or reconvert the received signals. DTEs devices are: personal
computers, workstations, file servers or print servers also referred to as end stations. These
devices are either the source or the destination of data frames. The data terminal
equipment may be a single piece of equipment or multiple pieces of equipment that are
interconnected and perform all the required functions to allow the user to communicate. A
user can interact with DTE or DTE may be a user.
Data Communication Equipment (DCE): DCEs are the intermediate network devices that
receive and forward frames across the network. They may be either standalone devices
such as repeaters, network switches, routers, or maybe communications interface units
such as interface cards and modems. The DCE performs functions such as signal
conversion, coding, and maybe a part of the DTE or intermediate equipment.
Currently, these data rates are defined for operation over optical fibres and twisted-pair
i) Fast Ethernet: Fast Ethernet refers to an Ethernet network that can transfer data at a rate
of 100 Mbit/s.
ii) Gigabit Ethernet: Gigabit Ethernet delivers a data rate of 1,000 Mbit/s (1 Gbit/s).
iii) 10 Gigabit Ethernet: 10 Gigabit Ethernet is the recent generation and delivers a data
rate of 10 Gbit/s (10,000 Mbit/s). It is generally used for backbones in high-end applications
requiring high data rates.
• Bi-phase Manchester
• Differential Manchester
• Bi-phase Manchester
In this type of coding, the transition is done at the middle of the bit-interval. The transition
for the resultant pulse is from High to Low in the middle of the interval, for the input bit 1.
While the transition is from Low to High for the input bit 0.
Differential Manchester
In this type of coding, there always occurs a transition in the middle of the bit interval. If
there occurs a transition at the beginning of the bit interval, then the input bit is 0. If no
transition occurs at the beginning of the bit interval, then the input bit is 1.
The following figure illustrates the waveforms of NRZ-L, NRZ-I, Bi-phase Manchester and
Differential Manchester coding for different digital inputs.
Block Coding
Among the types of block coding, the famous ones are 4B/5B encoding and 8B/6T encoding.
The number of bits are processed in different manners, in both of these processes.
4B/5B Encoding
In Manchester encoding, to send the data, the clocks with double speed is required rather
than NRZ coding. Here, as the name implies, 4 bits of code is mapped with 5 bits, with a
minimum number of 1 bits in the group.
The clock synchronization problem in NRZ-I encoding is avoided by assigning an equivalent
word of 5 bits in the place of each block of 4 consecutive bits. These 5-bit words are
predetermined in a dictionary.
The basic idea of selecting a 5-bit code is that, it should have one leading 0 and it should
have no more than two trailing 0s. Hence, these words are chosen such that two
transactions take place per block of bits.
8B/6T Encoding
We have used two voltage levels to send a single bit over a single signal. But if we use more
than 3 voltage levels, we can send more bits per signal.
For example, if 6 voltage levels are used to represent 8 bits on a single signal, then such
encoding is termed as 8B/6T encoding. Hence in this method, we have as many as 729 3^6
combinations for signal and 256 2^8 combinations for bits.
These are the techniques mostly used for converting digital data into digital signals by
compressing or coding them for reliable transmission of data.
What is WiMAX?
WiMAX stands for "Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access," a telecommunications
standard that describes fixed and fully mobile Internet access services. The protocol follows
some aspects of the IEEE 802.16 Standard.
WiMAX products and services are most likely to be found in "last mile" applications. WiMAX
enables ISPs and carriers to deliver Internet access to homes and businesses without the
need for physical cabling (copper, cable, etc.) to reach the customer's location.
Difference between WiMAX and WiFi
WiMAX is sometimes compared to WiFi because both technologies rely on wireless Internet
connectivity and are complementary.
Following are some of the major differences between WiMAX and WiFi −
WiMAX's range is measured in kilometers, but WiFi's range is measured in meters and is
only available locally. The reliability and range of WiMAX make it ideal for providing Internet
access to significant urban areas.
WiFi uses an unlicensed spectrum, whereas WiMAX uses a licensed or unlicensed band.
WiFi is increasingly being used by end-user devices such as laptops, desktops, and
cellphones. As a result, WiMAX service providers typically give a WiMAX subscriber unit to
the consumer. This device connects to the provider's network and provides customers with
WiFi access and convenience inside the WiFi range.
Architecture of WiMAX
The physical layer – The physical layer is in charge of signal encoding and decoding and bit
transmission and receiving. It turns MAC layer frames into transmittable signals. QPSK,
QAM-16, and QAM-64 are some of the modulation methods utilized on this layer.
MAC Layer – This layer serves as a link between the WiMax protocol stack's convergence and
physical layers. It is based on CSMA/CA and allows point-to-multipoint communication
(Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance).
Convergence Layer – This layer provides information from the external network. It takes
higher-layer protocol data units (PDUs) and converts them into lower-layer PDUs. It has
different functions depending on whatever service is used.
Advantages of WiMAX
WiMAX offers the following benefits −
1. It allows for very high-speed voice and data transmission over extended distances.
2. Hundreds of users can be served by a single WiMAX BS.
3. It is seen as a less expensive alternative to broadband wired technologies such as ADSL,
cable modem, etc.
4. Higher speeds are possible.
With mobile WiMAX, you can get a more comprehensive coverage range and cellular-like
Disadvantages of WiMAX
WiMAX has the following drawbacks −
1. Subscribers located far away from the WiMAX BS require a LOS (Line of Sight) connection.
2. Bad weather, such as rain, will disrupt the WiMAX signal and frequently result in a loss of
3. Wimax is a power-hungry technology that necessitates a lot of electrical assistance.
4. It is not backward compatible with any wireless cellular technologies, so the initial cost of
starting a WiMax is very high.
5. WiMax BS and towers must be set up from scratch. Since skilled workforce is needed, it
results in significant starting expenses and higher operational expenditures.