Forest Bioeconomy and Climate Change
Forest Bioeconomy and Climate Change
Forest Bioeconomy and Climate Change
Lauri Hetemäki
Jyrki Kangas
Heli Peltola Editors
and Climate
Managing Forest Ecosystems
Volume 42
Series Editors
Margarida Tomé, Instituto Superior de Agronomía, Lisboa, Portugal
Thomas Seifert, Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources,
University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Mikko Kurttila, Natural Resources Institute, Helsinki, Finland
The aim of the book series Managing Forest Ecosystems is to present state-of-the-
art research results relating to the practice of forest management. Contributions are
solicited from prominent authors. Each reference book, monograph or proceedings
volume will be focused to deal with a specific context. Typical issues of the series
are: resource assessment techniques, evaluating sustainability for even-aged and
uneven-aged forests, multi-objective management, predicting forest development,
optimizing forest management, biodiversity management and monitoring, risk
assessment and economic analysis.
Lauri Hetemäki • Jyrki Kangas • Heli Peltola
Forest Bioeconomy
and Climate Change
Lauri Hetemäki Jyrki Kangas
European Forest Institute School of Forest Sciences
Joensuu, Finland University of Eastern Finland
Joensuu, Finland
Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry
University of Helsinki
Helsinki, Finland
Heli Peltola
School of Forest Sciences
University of Eastern Finland
Joensuu, Finland
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In the past 50 years, the human population has doubled and the global economy has
grown nearly fourfold, together boosting the demand for food, energy and materi-
als. The biosphere, upon which humanity depends, has been altered to an unparal-
leled degree.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been yet another wake-up call for us to stop
exceeding the planetary boundaries. After all, deforestation and biodiversity loss
have been identified as key processes in enabling the direct transmission of zoonotic
infectious diseases. However, it is important to highlight that such a pandemic is not
yet another global crisis, but rather one more consequence––like biodiversity loss or
climate change––of the same fundamental problem––our economic system. This
system is addicted to fossil resources and growth at all costs, and has failed to value
our most important capital––nature.
Having arrived at the present tipping point, we clearly need a new economic
paradigm that puts the basis for human prosperity within the planetary boundaries.
How to transition towards this is the tricky part. Due to the speed and scale of
change needed, the greatest economic transformation in human history is required
in order to achieve a climate-neutral, circular and inclusive economy that prospers
in harmony with nature. This paradigm shift requires transformative policies,
mission-oriented innovation and investments in bio-based solutions and natural
capital, while business models and markets need to be rethought, as well as produc-
tion and consumption cycles. Above all, we need to address the past failure of our
economy to value nature because our health and well-being fundamentally
depend on it.
The circular bioeconomy paradigm is the new paradigm that we need. It builds
on the synergies of the circular economy and bioeconomic concepts––two concepts
that have so far been developed in parallel, but that now need to be connected in
order to transform our economy. A circular bioeconomy offers a conceptual frame-
work for enhancing and sustainably managing our renewable natural capital to
holistically transform our land, food and industrial systems, in addition to reimagin-
ing our cities and creating new jobs and prosperity.
vi Foreword
In such a new economic paradigm, our forests are called on to play a new and
catalytic role because they are:
–– The main hosts for terrestrial biodiversity
–– The largest terrestrial carbon sinks
–– The main terrestrial source of precipitation
–– The largest source for non-food and non-feed biological resources
However, unlocking their potential requires a new vision that sees our forests not as
a tool to ‘compensate’ for the existing broken economic system but rather as a trans-
formative system for inspiring and creating the new economic paradigm that we
need, one where life, and not consumption, becomes its true engine and its true
This book is the most crucial science-based milestone in that direction, as it pro-
vides a holistic understanding of why, what and how forests, forestry and forest-
based solutions can contribute to the development of a climate- neutral,
circular-bioeconomy paradigm. I would like to congratulate all the authors of the
book for putting together this valuable work. Moreover, I want to thank those
authors, such as the Assistant Director of the EFI, Lauri Hetemäki, who have con-
tributed to creating an honest, open and informed dialogue between different stake-
holders and scientific disciplines within and between countries (and in the EU) in
order to realise the full potential of forest-related science for sustainable action.
Climate change, global population growth, declining natural resources and the loss
of biodiversity challenge us to move towards a global bioeconomy, based on the
sustainable utilisation of renewable natural resources in the production of energy,
products and services. The linear economic model based on fossil raw materials and
products is coming to an end. Major global agreements and policy goals––the Paris
Climate Agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals––have
given licence for our economic model to be changed. There is the need for a new
economic paradigm that will place the basis for human prosperity within the plan-
etary boundaries. One essential part of this new paradigm has to be a forest-based
circular bioeconomy.
The shift to this bio-based economic paradigm should be a long-term strategy for
decoupling economic growth from climate change and environmental degradation.
Developments in science and technology are laying the foundations for the bioeco-
nomic age. Bio-based products have already emerged that can substitute for fossil-
based materials, such as plastics, chemicals, textiles, cement and many other
materials. Now, the big question is how to turn these scientific and technological
successes into a global economic paradigm shift, and in a sustainable way. This
requires us to look at the potential synergies and trade-offs that such a change will
inevitably bring and how these can be integrated with the economic, ecological and
social goals of society.
Right now, we know that climate change will take place in this century, although
there is uncertainty as to the degree of disruption it will bring. It will have an impact
on forests. Like humans, trees are mortal. Climate change threatens to increase the
mortality rate of trees. Disturbances, such as droughts, fires, storms and bark- beetle
outbreaks, have already become stronger, more extensive and more damaging. This
trend requires us to adapt to climate change and to build resilience in our forests
against climate change. So, how can we do this?
These themes and questions are the focus of this book, which builds upon recent
scientific evidence concerning forests and climate change, and examines how the
development of a forest bioeconomy can help to address the grand challenges of our
time. In the book, experts analyse the economic, ecological and social dimensions
viii Aim and Scope
of forests and climate change, along with the basis for, and shaping of, a forest-
based bioeconomy, and the links between these. In this way, it provides information
on the potential of forests and forest-based products to help in mitigating climate
change, and the types of measures that can be taken to adapt forests to climate
change, thereby building forest resilience. The book outlines a climate-smart for-
estry approach, based on three main objectives. First, reducing net emissions of
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Second, adapting and building forest resil-
ience to climate change. Third, sustainably increasing forest productivity and eco-
nomic welfare based on forestry. The climate-smart forestry approach is illustrated
by case studies from Czech Republic, Finland, Germany and Spain––countries that
have quite different forests and forest sectors. Finally, we suggest the types of policy
measures required to address the challenges of developing, and increase the oppor-
tunities associated with, a sustainable forest bioeconomy.
To the best of our understanding, this is the first book devoted to examining
the links between climate change and a forest bioeconomy, and outlining the
need for a climate-smart forestry approach to address the many needs we have
for forests. The book is directed at forest- and environment-sector stakeholders
and decision- makers, as well as the research community, the broader education
sector and the media.
This book is based mainly on work stemming from the FORBIO project ‘Sustainable,
climate-neutral and resource-efficient forest-based bioeconomy’, which was funded
by the Strategic Research Council (SRC) of the Academy of Finland. Support for
finalising the book was provided under Finland’s UNITE Flagship ‘Forest– Human–
Machine Interplay––Building Resilience, Redefining Value Networks and Enabling
Meaningful Experiences’. Funding from the Academy of Finland (grant number
314224 for SRC FORBIO project 2015–2021, and grant number 337127 for UNITE
Flagship 2020–2024) is also gratefully acknowledged. The Finnish Forest
Foundation is thanked for enabling the open-access publication of this work. Finally,
we would like to express our gratitude to Janni Kunttu from the European Forest
Institute for helping us with the administration and technical editing of the book.
xii Contents
Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Finland�������������������������������������� 183
Heli Peltola, Tero Heinonen, Jyrki Kangas, Ari Venäläinen,
Jyri Seppälä, and Lauri Hetemäki
Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Germany������������������������������������ 197
Marc Hanewinkel, Andrey Lessa Derci Augustynczik,
and Rasoul Yousefpour
Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Spain������������������������������������������ 211
Elena Górriz-Mifsud, Aitor Ameztegui, Jose Ramón González,
and Antoni Trasobares
The Way Forward: Management and Policy Actions �������������������������� 229
Lauri Hetemäki, Jyrki Kangas, Antti Asikainen, Janne Jänis,
Jyri Seppälä, Ari Venäläinen, and Heli Peltola
Epilogue������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 249
Glossary������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 251
Editors and Contributors
xiv Editors and Contributors
Aitor Ameztegui The Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC),
Solsona, Spain University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain
Perttu Anttila Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki, Finland
Antti Asikainen Natural Resources Institute Finland, Joensuu, Finland
Emil Cienciala IFER – Institute of Forest Ecosystem Research, Jílové u Prahy and
Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, Czech
Jose Ramón González The Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia
(CTFC), Solsona, Spain
Elena Górriz-Mifsud The Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia
(CTFC), Solsona, Spain
Marc Hanewinkel University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Tero Heinonen University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
Lauri Hetemäki European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland
Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Elias Hurmekoski University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Janne Jänis University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
Jyrki Kangas University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
Sari Karvinen University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
Antti Kilpeläinen University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
Janni Kunttu European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland
Editors and Contributors xv
Isn’t it surprising that dead forests – for coal results from the decomposition of for-
ests – should annually supply a larger volume of raw material than live forests?
The above statement, by Egon Glesinger some 70 years ago in his visionary
book, The Coming Age of Wood, is still true today (Glesinger 1949, p. 21).1 In 2019,
global coal production was around twice that of roundwood production.2 This at a
time when, for several decades, we had already understood that coal was a major
driver of climate change, which was not common knowledge at the time of
Glesinger’s writing. His book reflected the situation following World War II––the
need to rebuild much of the global infrastructure and improve the welfare of war-
ravaged people. Glesinger was influenced by Germany’s innovative efforts to build
an economy based on wood. Germany’s motivation was to enhance self-sufficiency
in transportation fuels, chemicals, feedstock and other critical raw materials and
products at a time when there were increasing risks to their supply. In a pioneering
way, Germany advanced and utilised wood chemistry for these purposes.
Glesinger saw the role of wood in a much more extensive and diverse way than
was generally the case 70 years ago, or may sometimes be the case even today. He
detailed three major reasons for using more wood and why it was unique among all
raw materials––wood is universal (it serves many requirements of human exis-
tence), wood is abundant (forests cover a major proportion of Earth’s land area) and
wood is inexhaustible (with the proper management of forests, wood is renewable).
Thus, unlike coal, natural gas or oil, forests (wood) are not mines that will eventu-
ally be depleted.
Glesinger E (1949) The Coming Age of Wood. Simon and Schuster, Inc., New York. http://www. Accessed 20 Jan 2021.
In 2019, global coal production amounted to 7921 Mt (International Energy Agency 2020) and
roundwood production 3964 Mm3 (FAOSTAT), which, according to a rough estimate, was around
3500 Mt. Converting roundwood cubic metres to tonnes can only be an approximation due to the
weight of wood varying across tree species and timber type.
xviii Prologue
Today and tomorrow, the need to feed, clothe, package, transport and build––that
is, secure the basic necessities of life––will remain. For example, it has been pro-
jected (UN 2019) that, by the end of this century, there will be 3 billion more people
to be fed and more than 2 billion new homes to be built (Smith 2018). Glesinger
argued that wood should be viewed as central to the satisfaction of human needs.
This is even more true today, since we want to also satisfy these needs with sustain-
able production and consumption, which we have not been able to do in the past
70 years. A large part of sustainability is to do it in a way that does not affect our
climate, but rather helps to mitigate the ongoing climate change.
In this book, we argue that to marry human needs with sustainability is not possible
without using also biological resources for those needs. In fact, we posit that a cir-
cular bioeconomy is an essential tool––even if insufficient––for facilitating the
movement to sustainable development and reaching the goals world states have set
for climate-change mitigation and societal welfare.
Lauri Hetemäki
Chapter 1
Forest Bioeconomy, Climate Change
and Managing the Change
1.1 Introduction
The world states agreed, in 2015, on Agenda 2030, or the United Nations’ (UN)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the Paris Climate Agreement. It is
widely agreed that the business-as-usual model––the policies, production and
L. Hetemäki (*)
European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland
Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Kangas
University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
consumption habits we have been following thus far––will not help us to reach these
goals. These agreements and goals can therefore be interpreted as providing a man-
date to change the existing economic model–how we advance societal well-being.
In this book, we argue that a forest-based bioeconomy is a necessary part of this
There are many definitions of the bioeconomy, as well as usage of similar terms,
such as biobased economy and green economy (D’Amato et al. 2017). In practice,
the bioeconomy has turned out to be a changing concept and adjustable for various
purposes. One useful definition is from the Global Bioeconomy Summit (GBS)
2015: “bioeconomy as the knowledge-based production and utilization of biological
resources, innovative biological processes and principles to sustainably provide
goods and services across all economic sectors”. The bioeconomy therefore encom-
passes the traditional bioeconomy sectors, such as forestry, paper and wood prod-
ucts, as well as emerging new industries, such as textiles, chemicals, new packaging
and building products, biopharma, and also the services related to those products
(research and development, education, sales, marketing, extension, consulting, cor-
porate governance, etc.), and forest services (recreation, hunting, tourism, carbon
storage, biodiversity, etc.).
Hetemäki et al. (2017) extended this definition to a circular bioeconomy, also
linking it to the natural-capital concept. A circular bioeconomy builds on the mutual
efforts of the circular economy and bioeconomy concepts, which in many ways are
interlinked. The European Environment Agency (EEA) has indicated that imple-
menting the concepts of a bioeconomy and circular economy together as a systemic
joint approach would improve resource efficiency and help reduce environmental
pressures (EEA 2018). We further suggest that these two concepts, which are often
considered separately, could create marked synergies when applied as a hybrid
approach, making simultaneous use of both, as is the concept of the circular
In this book, we understand bioeconomics along similar lines to the GBS (2015),
and the extension of this introduced by Hetemäki et al. (2017). We particularly
emphasise three key aspects of bioeconomics:
• the transformational role of the bioeconomy in helping to mitigate climate
change, and to replace fossil-based products (e.g. oil-based plastics and textiles),
non-renewable materials (e.g. steel, concrete) and non- sustainable biological
products (e.g. cotton in certain regions);
• the enhancement of the natural-capital approach to the economy, involving bet-
ter integration of the value of natural resources and life-sustaining regulatory
systems (e.g. biodiversity, freshwater supplies, flood control) with economic
development, as suggested by Helm (2015) and in the action plan of Palahí et al.
(2020); and
• the improvement of the quality of economic growth, making it sustainable and
operating in synergy with SDGs rather than trade-offs.
The first aspect is generally already well understood in bioeconomic strategies, the
latter less so. The long-term sustainable production of natural capital relies on the
key role of forests as the most important land-based biological infrastructure on the
1 Forest Bioeconomy, Climate Change and Managing the Change 3
European continent (see Chap. 1, Box 1.1). Forests provide the largest supply of
renewable biological resources not competing with food production (unlike bio-
mass from agricultural land). Moreover, combining digital technology with biology
can offer increasing opportunities for the bioeconomy in the future.
Although the concepts used in the chapter title––bioeconomy and climate
change––have attendant ambiguities, and there is a scientific discourse concerning
what they actually mean (e.g. Hulme 2009; Kleinschmit et al. 2017), these terms are
not discussed here. Rather, given the above definition of the bioeconomy, we exam-
ine its substance in the context of the forest-based sector, examining how it can be
implemented, what the outlook is, and its relationship with climate change. In turn,
we perceive climate change as global warming and its effects. We also follow the
understanding of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which
has posited a human influence on climate that has been the dominant cause of the
observed warming since the mid-twentieth century.
Moreover, this book highlights the forests of the European Union, although
many of the issues and implications discussed could probably be generalised to
other regions. Yet, when discussing climate change and forests, it is important to
acknowledge some key distinctions between world regions. For example, there are
major differences between tropical forests (45% of the world total in 2020), boreal
forests (27%), temperate forests (16%) and subtropical forests (11%) (Food and
Agriculture Organization [FAO] 2020), and between the institutional settings in
which these forests are located. For example, in Europe, the forests are mainly
boreal and temperate, whereas in South America, they are tropical. Moreover, in
terms of the environmental opportunities and challenges that climate change is pro-
moting, and the institutional contexts of the continents, contrasting measures may
need to be prioritised more in South America than in Europe. The crudest and sim-
plest way to illustrate this point is to look at the forest statistics from the last three
decades (see Table 1.1).
Table 1.1 Different trends in forest development in Europe and South America, 1990–2020
Variable (unit) 1990 2000 2010 2020
European forests 1990–2020 (50 countries and territories)
Forest area (million ha) 994 1002 1014 1017
Forest area (% of land area) 44.9% 45.3% 45.8% 46.0%
Growing stock (billion m3) 104 108 113 116
Carbon stock in biomass (Gt) 45 48 51 55
Total carbon stock (Gt) 159 162 168 172
South American forests 1990–2020 (14 countries and territories)
Forest area (million ha) 974 923 870 844
Forest area (% of land area) 55.8% 52.8% 49.8% 48.3%
Growing stock (billion m3) 207 199 191 187
Carbon stock in biomass (Gt) 106 102 98 96
Total carbon stock (Gt) 162 155 148 145
Data Source: FAO (2020)
4 L. Hetemäki and J. Kangas
In terms of forest area (ha), Europe and South America were almost of equal size
in 1990 – Europe’s forest area was only 2% larger. From 1990 to 2020, the European
forest area grew by 2.3% and the carbon stock in the forest biomass by 18%
(Table 1.1). However, exactly the opposite trend took place in South America, where
the forest area and carbon stock have declined by 13.3% and 3.3%, respectively
(Table 1.1).1 Thus, today, the European forest area is one-fifth bigger than that of
South America. One clear implication from these statistics is that South America
should focus on reversing its deforestation trend in order to better contribute to
climate-change mitigation (among other things), whereas in Europe, the priority
might not be so much the forest area, but rather other mitigation measures, which
this book will discuss in more detail.
When discussing forests and climate change, sometimes the media, and even
some scientists, seem to forget these differences in opportunities and challenges that
distinct forests and continents are facing deforestation or declining carbon stock
may not to be the priority issue in European boreal and temperate forests. Moreover,
forests and climate change together present complex issues, and there appears to be
no silver bullet that would work in all circumstances and regions, even within
Europe (Hulme 2009; Nabuurs et al. 2017; Nikolakis and Innes 2020).
The diversity, complexity and feedback effects among the different channels
through which forest-based-sector mitigation can be increased have not always been
well understood in the discussion. Rather the media reporting, and occasionally the
scientists’ messages to policy-makers, have tended to narrow and simplify the topic
in a way that misses the holistic picture (Hetemäki 2019; Chapters 8 and 9). For
example, the links between climate mitigation and adaptation, the role of forest
disturbances, the socioeconomic context (techno-system) in which we are operat-
ing, the importance of considering both the short- and long-term impacts, and the
need to consider climate mitigation simultaneously with the other grand challenges
of humanity. The different roles of forests in climate mitigation are summarised in
Table 1.2, which gives a simplified taxonomy that lists some of the most important
features between the forest-based sector and climate mitigation.
In Table 1.2, any one of the channels through which the forest-based sector can
impact climate mitigation points to a specific action to maximise the mitigation
potential under that specific option. Thus, if for example, one was only concerned
about maximising the sequestration of carbon in forests and soils, it would make
sense to conserve forests, allowing no commercial harvests, at least in the short term
(i.e. the coming decades). On the other hand, if the substitution impact was being
emphasised, the remedy would be to increase wood production. Furthermore, if the
vulnerability of forests to disturbances and damage is also considered, the complete
conservation of forests and refraining from harvesting would not be recommended,
especially in the long term, as forest ageing increases the probability of both abiotic
damage and a number of biotic injuries to trees (see Chap. 3).
In Africa, forest area (ha) has declined from 1990 to 2002 by 14.3%, whilst in North and Central
America and Oceania, it has stayed basically the same, and in Asia, it has grown by 6.5%
(FAO 2020).
1 Forest Bioeconomy, Climate Change and Managing the Change 5
Clearly, if all the different channels and socioeconomic and political responses
are considered simultaneously and holistically, the action may be different than for
any single option alone. The planning of mitigation actions is even more compli-
cated by the fact that, depending on the time span of the policy target, different
actions may be favoured. That is, if the target is short term (up to 2050) or long term
(beyond 2050), the actions required might be somewhat different. Indeed, the occa-
sionally different messages received from scientists on the most appropriate mea-
sures to mitigate climate change via forests may reflect them focusing on different
6 L. Hetemäki and J. Kangas
time spans. Moreover, one can come to well-founded but different conclusions,
depending on whether an analysis is based on looking at only one (or some) of the
many possible mitigation channels, or if it is based on a holistic approach, seeking
to synthesise the different impact channels and feedback loops. In this book, we
follow the IPCC (2019) understanding, where the forest-based sector can contribute
to climate mitigation by enhancing forest carbon stocks and sinks, storing carbon in
harvested wood products, and substituting for emissions-intensive materials and
fossil energy.
In general, this book is based on an approach that stresses the importance of tak-
ing a holistic approach to assessing how to best utilise forests to mitigate climate
change. The Climate Smart Forestry (CSF) approach has been introduced as a
means of integrating the holistic approach to increase climate mitigation via forests
and the forest sector (Nabuurs et al. 2015, 2017; Kauppi et al. 2018; Yousefpour
et al. 2018). It is based on acknowledging the diversity and complexity of the issue,
as outlined in Table 1.2. The CSF approach seeks to connect forests to bioeconom-
ics, link mitigation and adaption measures, enhance the resilience of forest resources
and ecosystem services, while at the same time, seek to meet the other societal chal-
lenges (employment, income, biodiversity, etc.). CSF has been introduced in the
European context (see references cited above), but the approach is of global rele-
vance. CSF builds on the concepts of sustainable forest management, with a strong
focus on climate and ecosystem services. It builds on three mutually reinforcing
• increasing carbon storage in forests in conjunction with other ecosystem services;
• enhancing health and resilience through adaptive forest management; and
• using wood resources sustainably to substitute for non-renewable, carbon-
intensive materials.
CSF aims to incorporate a mix of these measures by developing spatially diverse
forest management strategies that acknowledge all carbon pools simultaneously to
provide longer-term and greater mitigation benefits, while supporting other ecosys-
tem services. Such strategies should combine measures to maintain or increase car-
bon stocks in forest ecosystems and wood products, and maximise substitution
benefits, while taking regional conditions into account.
The fact that humanity and forests are not facing only one challenge at a time, but
several simultaneous environmental, societal and economic problems, points to
there being no simple answers. Just think, for example, about the need to increase
climate mitigation efforts, biodiversity, and employment and income opportunities
for the growing population and middle class. Moreover, depending on the country
or region and its particular circumstances, the needs may have a somewhat different
emphasis, and the opportunities to fulfil these may also be different. Therefore, it
1 Forest Bioeconomy, Climate Change and Managing the Change 7
would be unrealistic to assume that there can be a simple answer to all the needs and
local opportunities. This situation is also reflected in the CSF approach, which
should be tailored to local conditions (Nabuurs et al. 2017). The optimal measures
taken under the CSF approach in forests and the forest- based sector can vary even
among different parts of a country. This book seeks to clarify the different options
under CSF, and why some measures might be preferred to others, depending on the
regional specificities (Chap. 10).
It is also evident that there can be synergies and trade-offs between the many
ecosystem services forest generate, or between the environmental, economic and
social objectives that society demands from forests. We argue that the objective of
bioeconomy strategies and policies should be to maximise the potential synergies
and minimise the trade-offs between the bioeconomy, biodiversity and climate miti-
gation. Hetemäki et al. (2017) illustrated the role of synergies and trade-offs (see
Fig. 1.1; see also Biber et al. 2020; Krumm et al. 2020).
In economic terms, the green curves show a forest bioeconomic production-
possibility frontier, when there is a trade-off between the outputs that forests can
provide. The frontier describes all output combinations when outputs are produced
efficiently. It is, of course, possible that society is operating inefficiently and would
be located below the production possibility frontier.
The vertical axis in Fig. 1.1. describes non-product forest services (biodiversity,
carbon sink, water quality, recreation, tourism, etc.), whilst the horizontal axis rep-
resents forest products (pulp, sawnwood, bioenergy, etc.). The Fig. 1.1 illustrates a
bioeconomy that can use forest resources to produce both material forest products
and non- product services at the same time, and can choose between alternative
combinations of each production type. The green curves––the so-called
Finally, the above approach also requires the need to abolish the conventional
and still-dominant thinking in which the economy (e.g. wood production) and the
environment (e.g. biodiversity) are seen as necessarily and fundamentally opposed
to each other. Certainly, there are plenty of cases in the past in which this has been
true, as it can be in the future. However, it would be much more fruitful to start to
find ways to embrace the synergies than could exist between the economy and the
environment. In this book, we argue that the circular bioeconomy, and more specifi-
cally CSF, can be an approach for enhancing these synergies and minimising trade-
offs in the forest- based sector.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive book to examine the
forest bioeconomy and its connection to climate mitigation and adaptation in the
EU forests and forest-based sector. It also describes how the CSF approach is a use-
ful tool for combining bioeconomics and climate mitigation. The CSF approach is
illustrated using countries that differ in terms of their forest sectors as case studies.
The focus is on the EU context, but the principles of the approach may be tailored
to other regions.
The analysis in the book is based significantly on the results of an interdisciplin-
ary research consortium project funded by the Strategic Research Council of the
Academy of Finland, Sustainable, climate-neutral and resource- efficient forest-
based bioeconomy (FORBIO) that was carried out in 2015–2021. Needless to say,
not all the wisdom on the topic presented in this book lies in the findings of one
research project. To try and address this shortcoming, the analyses in the book also
refer to the international scientific literature and syntheses of this, such as the IPCC
assessment reports. Authors outside the FORBIO project have also contributed to
the analyses.
In terms of forest and climate mitigation analysis and discussion, this book
endeavours to show the complexity and diversity of the ways in which that can take
place, linking these to other demands placed on forests by society. It describes the
individual mitigation channels in detail in the different chapters. However, in those
chapters discussing the implications of policy and forest management measures, the
perspective is typically holistic. That is, for policy and forest management mea-
sures, it is necessary to consider the implications of all the individual mitigation
channels at the same time, and find an optimal balance between these actions, which
individually may even point to opposing measures. In summary, all the different
mitigation channels shown in Table 1.2 and the societal context should be kept
in mind.
10 L. Hetemäki and J. Kangas
1 Forest Bioeconomy, Climate Change and Managing the Change 11
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 %
Czech Rep.
Fig. Box 1.1 The bioeconomy’s share of GDP and number of employees in the EU27 in
2017. (Sources: JRC DataM 2021 and Eurostat 2021)
12 L. Hetemäki and J. Kangas
Fig. Box 1.2 Shares of employment and value added by sub-sector in the EU27 bioecon-
omy in 2017. (Source: JRC DataM 2021)
1 Forest Bioeconomy, Climate Change and Managing the Change 13
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 %
Czech Rep.
Fig. Box 1.3 The forest bioeconomy share of value added and employment in the EU27 in
2017. The forest bioeconomy covers forestry, the manufacture of wood products and
wooden furniture, and of pulp and paper. (Source: JRC DataM 2021)
14 L. Hetemäki and J. Kangas
Mt CO2 eq.
0 Cropland
-100 Wetlands
-200 Other
Harvested wood products
LULUCF (total)
Forest land
Fig. Box 1.4 GHG net emissions (+) and removals (−) from the LULUCF sector and its
sub-sectors in the EU27 in 2000–2018. The ‘Other’ category includes the following sectors:
other land; other land use; land-use change; forestry; and indirect N20 emissions from man-
aged soils. (Source: EEA 2021)
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Fig. Box 1.5 Production volumes (overbark) of industrial roundwood and wood fuel in the
EU27 in 2000–2019. Underbark figures were converted to overbark using the coefficient
1/0.88 (FAO, International Tropical Timber Organization [ITTO] and UN 2020). (Source:
FAO 2021)
1 Forest Bioeconomy, Climate Change and Managing the Change 15
Open Access This chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits use, sharing,
adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate
credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license and
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The images or other third party material in this chapter are included in the chapter’s Creative
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the copyright holder.
Chapter 2
Planetary Boundaries and the Role
of the Forest-Based Sector
Humans have a tendency to see the times they are living in as periods of exceptional
change, something that is historically very different from the past. Globalisation and
the spread of the Internet at the turn of the century, and the financial crises of
L. Hetemäki (*)
European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland
Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Seppälä
Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland
2008–2010 are two such recent examples. In hindsight, these events changed many
things significantly, and indeed could perhaps be seen as creating exceptional times.
Currently, we seem to be facing yet another major periodic structural change, one
that seems to be even more significant than the two we have already experienced in
this century. Here, we identify this as the ‘period of wakening to planetary boundar-
ies’. This period has its roots in scientists’ warnings, and is manifesting itself in
increasing societal awareness of environmental concerns, and new international and
national policy agendas directed at these. Time will tell how significant this period
turns out to be, but currently the expectation is that it will lead to systemic changes
in society, rather than only some fine-tuning. Here, we explain in more detail what
we mean by this, and how it relates to the theme of this book.
‘Planetary boundaries’ is a concept that has been introduced by Earth system
scientists (Rockström et al. 2009; Steffen et al. 2015; Otto et al. 2020). It refers to
anthropogenic pressures on the Earth system that have reached a scale where abrupt
global environmental change can no longer be excluded (Rockström et al. 2009).
Accordingly, Rockström et al. (2009) proposed a new approach to global sustain-
ability that defines planetary boundaries within which humanity can expect to oper-
ate safely. They identified nine planetary boundaries, including climate change and
biodiversity, and argue that transgressing one or more planetary boundaries may be
even catastrophic due to the risk of crossing thresholds that will trigger non-linear,
abrupt environmental change within continental- to planetary-scale systems
(Rockström et al. 2009). Moreover, according to Otto et al. (2020), technological
progress and policy implementations are required to deliver emissions reductions at
rates sufficiently fast to avoid crossing dangerous tipping points in the Earth’s cli-
mate. Scientists and experts are also making suggestions for policy actions to avoid
the tipping points. Palahí et al. (2020b) developed a 10-point action plan on how to
respond to these challenges. The forest-based sector is understood to have an impor-
tant role in helping to contribute to the solutions (Hetemäki et al. 2017; Palahí et al.
2020a, b).
This type of rhetoric concerning tipping-points and warnings is reminiscent of
the ‘limits-to-growth’ debate of the 1970s. However, the limits-to-growth discus-
sion emphasised the quantity of growth and the limits to the quantity of natural
resources, whereas the planetary-boundaries discussion places emphasis on the
quality of growth and the environmentally sustainable use of natural resources, as
well as the need for circular economies and the mitigation of climate change, which
were not major issues in the 1970s.
Nevertheless, it is evident that, globally, there has been a new type of awakening
to environmental sustainability. People have reacted with heightened readiness,
voiced their worries and taken action on climate change and biodiversity issues. In
particular, the younger generations have become very active on these issues, and
have managed to capture media attention and spread greater societal awareness,
including to, it seems, politicians. This is evidenced by, for example, Greta
Thunberg’s school strike for climate action movement and the attention it created
globally. The ‘biodiversity crisis’ that has loomed for a long time in the shadows of
climate change discussions has recently been brought to a new level of societal
awareness with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Scientists have pointed out how
2 Planetary Boundaries and the Role of the Forest-Based Sector 21
these types of zoonotic diseases are linked to biodiversity, and why biodiversity loss
is likely to make zoonotic diseases more frequent (Intergovernmental Science-
Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 2020).
Politicians are being awakened to a new degree of seriousness and urgency on
climate and biodiversity issues. Of course, these are not new to the political agenda;
for example, the Kyoto Protocol international climate treaty was adopted over two
decades ago, in 1997, and similarly, the Rio Conference in 1992 established the
Convention on Biological Diversity. However, the last 30 years have witnessed
insufficient, or even no, action to seriously change economic and societal structures
to be in line with the goals of previous agreements. This has itself worsened sustain-
ability development and made the rationale for the agreements even more urgent
and important than three decades ago. Also, the scientific evidence pointing to the
serious risks of transgressing the planetary boundaries has become stronger and
broader. The bulk of the voting population, at least in the EU, is also starting to be
increasingly concerned about the negative impacts of climate change in their every-
day lives and to worry about the future. These changes have finally led also politi-
cians to understand the importance of the issue and having a sense of urgency to act.
Moreover, the majority of politicians are no longer talking about the need to fine-
tune our economies and societies gradually to tackle these issues, but are increas-
ingly calling for systemic and urgent changes (e.g. the European Green Deal [EGD]).
The ‘period of wakening to planetary boundaries’ can be seen in the Paris
Climate Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals, which the world’s states
agreed to in 2018. Since then, these agreements have been beacons for national and
regional strategies and policies, more or less everywhere around the globe. However,
as one would expect, there has been variation in how strongly these agreements
have been realised in new policy measures. For example, the USA pulled out of the
Paris Agreement during ex-President Trump’s period in office (although the USA
rejoined at the start of President Biden’s term), whereas the EU aims to implement
the main goals via its EGD programme, launched in December 2019. In general, the
trend of viewing the environment as a major priority in political agendas appears to
be becoming stronger in an increasing number of world regions, and day-by-day.
One of the latest examples is President Xi Jinping’s announcement at the UN
General Assembly in 2020 that China’s emissions will peak before 2030 and they
will strive to reach carbon neutrality before 2060. Whether these goals will be
achieved is still to be seen, but nevertheless, the political goal is set.
In the planetary-boundaries discussion, climate change plays a central role due to its
overarching impacts on all the other (eight) planetary boundaries. For example, cli-
mate change critically impacts biodiversity and land-use changes. Due to the drastic
consequences of climate change, there is no question that it will be the deciding
phenomenon of our times. It is shaping policies, strategies and actions at the global,
continental, national, regional and individual levels.
22 L. Hetemäki and J. Seppälä
cities of any size, and all small, developing island states, are becoming increasingly
vulnerable to rising sea levels (UN 2019). In particular, developing countries will
suffer from more frequent and extreme weather events caused by climate change,
and they will have more problems with food security and water scarcity in the
future. In addition to the harmful effects on human systems, including human health,
climate change will cause negative impacts on natural systems––air, biological
diversity, freshwater, oceans and land––which will alter the complex interactions
between the human and natural systems (UN 2019). For this reason, the key mes-
sage of the IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming by 1.5 °C was that
the harmful effects of climate change will increase so rapidly between the targets of
1.5 and 2.5 °C that it is imperative to limit global warming to 1.5 °C.
In order to stop global temperatures increasing, global emissions of CO2 gases
must be cut to near net-zero by around the middle of this century in most 1.5 °C
scenarios, and around 2075 for ‘well below’ 2 °C scenarios. In addition, net-zero
GHG emissions in these scenarios must be typically reached around 15 years later
than reaching net-zero CO2 emissions. Both net-zero situations would require the
large-scale net removal of CO2 from the atmosphere because all anthropogenic CO2
emissions, and especially non-CO2 emissions, may not be stopped in the future. The
removal of CO2 can be implemented, for example, with the help of afforestation and
carbon- removal technologies, such as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage.
Chapter 3 contains a more-detailed discussion of the recent IPCC projections for
global climate change. There is also an analysis on what this could mean, especially
to boreal forests. However, next we turn to examining how the EU policy frame-
work––the EGD––addresses the forest-based sector in climate mitigation.
The EU aims to implement the main goals of the Paris Agreement via the EGD:
“…a new growth strategy that aims to transform the EU into a fair and prosperous
society, with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy where there are
no net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 and where economic growth is decou-
pled from resource use. It also aims to protect, conserve and enhance the EU’s natu-
ral capital, and protect the health and well-being of citizens from environment-related
risks and impacts (European Commission [EC] 2019)”. In essence, climate change
mitigation and biodiversity will be at the centre of EU policies in the years to come.
The EGD policy document is, in many ways, a landmark, representing a new
way of thinking in the EC. It is aimed at being a cross-sectoral policy outline that
will have an effect on all legislative processes of the EC in 2020–2024. The political
importance of the EGD is also evident in the requirement that “All EU actions and
policies will have to contribute to the European Green Deal objectives” (EC 2019,
p. 3). This includes many EU forest-sector-related areas, such as climate policy,
biodiversity policy, energy policy, forest strategy, industrial policy, etc. The imple-
mentation of the strategies and polices proposed in the EGD will have significant
24 L. Hetemäki and J. Seppälä
implications for the EU forest sector in the coming decade. The EGD introduces a
new political narrative and direction by setting a clear focus on climate, sustainabil-
ity and biodiversity conservation across all policy areas. The EGD acknowledges
the need for a systemic transformation, not only piecemeal policy changes, to
achieve the goals set by the Paris Climate Agreement, Sustainable Development
Goals and Convention on Biological Diversity.
The main goal of the EGD is for the EU to become the world’s first climate-
neutral continent. To reach this goal, European GHG emissions and sinks should be
equal in 2050. In addition to the fossil- and process-based GHG emissions included
in the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) and the EU’s Effort Sharing
Decision (non-ETS), land-based emissions and sinks that occur in the land-use,
land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector are being considered as new ele-
ments for EU climate policy. The so-called ‘no-debit rule’––a principle applied in
EU law for the first time for 2021–2030––requires that GHG emissions from the
LULUCF sector are compensated for by an equivalent absorption of CO2 made pos-
sible by additional action in this sector (EU 2018). The absorption can be effected
through carbon sinks in agricultural soils and, especially, forest-related sinks. Thus,
the actions of forest owners and farmers to secure carbon stored in forests and soils
will contribute to achieving the EU’s climate-neutral target by 2050.
The EGD clearly acknowledges many of the potential problems relating to for-
ests. Most of its statements regarding forests express problems such deforestation
and threats to forests and biodiversity, and argue for forest and biodiversity restora-
tion and protection. With respect to climate action, forests are mainly viewed as
carbon sinks. There are hardly any statements on the multiple benefits forests pro-
vide to society, or the benefits that forest-based bioindustry could contribute to a
more sustainable and climate-neutral society and to the Sustainable Development
Goals. Indeed, Palahí et al. (2020a, b) argued that the bioeconomy is the missing
link in the EGD, stating that “The bioeconomy, a circular economy based on renew-
able biological resources and sustainable biobased solutions, could certainly con-
tribute to the Green Deal delivery and would deserve more attention. The bioeconomy
can be a catalyst for systemic change to tackle holistically the social, economic and
environmental aspects currently not yet enough coherently addressed”. A sustain-
ably managed forest bioeconomy–– sustainability not just assumed, but imposed
and monitored––could deliver the following EGD objectives.
First, moving towards a carbon-neutral EU requires not only moving towards
fossil-free energy, but also to fossil-free materials. This means replacing carbon-
intense products, such as plastics, concrete, steel and synthetic textiles. This is not
only for climate change mitigation, but also because of other positive environmental
impacts. The transformation called for in the EGD is simply not possible without
using a new range of renewable biobased materials that can replace and environ-
mentally outperform carbon-intense materials. This shift also provides an opportu-
nity for modernisation and making industries more circular. Forest resources, if
managed sustainably, are circular by nature and often easy to remanufacture. The
EGD identifies several sectors, such as chemicals, textiles, plastics and construc-
tion, which will need new conceptual business models and innovations to become
2 Planetary Boundaries and the Role of the Forest-Based Sector 25
Fig. 2.1 Shares of forest area and forest-product export values of the global total in 2020. (Data:
France. The volume of wood stock has increased even more, by 46%. Moreover, the
carbon stock of forests in Europe (excluding Russia) has also been growing steadily
over the last three decades––in 2020 it was 24% higher than in 1990 (FAO 2020).
On the other hand, the highly significant position the EU has in global forest-
products exports indicates that it can play a major role in helping to advance the
replacement of fossil-based energy, raw materials and products, and generally
enhance sustainable production and consumption. To strengthen this role, EU27
forest bioeconomy product innovations, and increasing resource efficiency and cir-
cularity, will be key priorities. In doing this, the EU27 can also have a significant
global impact in the movement to more sustainable production.
Interestingly, the increasing forest area and carbon sink in Europe has evolved
simultaneously with a significant increase in wood production. Europe’s (excluding
Russia) timber production added up to 13.5 billion m3 between 1992 and 2019,
increasing by 67% during this period. Consequently, Europe has concurrently
increased wood production, forest area, the volume of wood stock and the extent of
the carbon sink. Unfortunately, this trend has not been seen globally, with deforesta-
tion taking place over the last few decades, especially in Africa and South America.
According to the FAO, the area of protected forests in Europe has also more than
doubled during the last three decades. However, they cover less than 8% of the area
used for wood production. Clearly, as also suggested by the EU’s Biodiversity
Strategy from 2020, there is a need to further increase forest biodiversity. One
important implication of the above data is, however, that it has been possible to
enhance many of the forest ecosystem services at the same time. The EU should
build on the lessons learnt from this history to implement its EGD.
28 L. Hetemäki and J. Seppälä
But will there be enough wood for bioeconomy development in the EU27?
Figure 2.2 shows the EU27 roundwood production and forest growing stock for the
last two decades.1
In the EU27, roundwood production increased by 21% and the growing stock by
25% from 2000 to 2019. The ‘outliers’ in the roundwood production in 2005 and
2007 are due to large windstorm impacts, whereas the 2009 slump is the result of
the global financial crisis. In 2018 and 2019, salvage logging in the EU27 appears
to have been higher than the long-term average. Despite the increase in roundwood
production, the EU27 produces slightly less wood today than it did two decades
ago, in terms of the volume of trees in the forests. In 2019, 1.8% of the total volume
of wood in the forests was used for roundwood production. Also, EU27 roundwood
imports are today at the same level as they were at the beginning of this century.
Thus, so far, wood resources have not impeded bioeconomic development in
the EU27.
The future wood potential from EU27 forests, and the demand for it, are uncer-
tain. The future wood supply potential will depend on factors such as the age struc-
ture of the forests, forest management measures, climate change impacts (positive
and negative), afforestation and deforestation, the scale of conservation, etc. On the
other hand, the demand for roundwood in the future will depend, for example, on
the emergence of new bioproducts, the competitiveness of EU27 forest industries,
better wood resource efficiency (e.g. using forest residues and production side
125 125
Roundwood production
120 Growing stock 120
115 115
110 110
105 105
100 100
95 95
90 90
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
Data sources: FAOSTAT, FAO Global Forest Resource Assessment (2020) and Forest Europe (2020).
Fig. 2.2 EU27 roundwood production and forest growing stock, 2000–2019. (Data sources:
FAOSTAT, FAO Global Forest Resource Assessment (2020) and Forest Europe (2020))
The growing stock is the volume of all living trees in a given area of forest and it is a close
approximation of the total aboveground biomass in forests. It forms the basis, for instance, for
quantifying the carbon sequestration in forests. It usually involves measuring all the trees with a
total height greater than 1.3 m.
2 Planetary Boundaries and the Role of the Forest-Based Sector 29
streams), the declining demand for some traditional forest products (e.g. paper), and
the level of roundwood imports and exports. What is worrying is that there is a lack
of systematic global and European outlook studies that have comprehensively ana-
lysed the wood supply and demand in a way that the ongoing structural changes are
taken into account (Hetemäki and Hurmekoski 2016; Jonsson et al. 2017;
Hurmekoski et al. 2018; Hetemäki et al. 2020). Clearly, this is a serious shortcom-
ing for the future planning and implementation of the EGD as well.
To conclude, motivated by the above facts, this book’s focus is on the whole
forest-based sector––not just forest sinks––when discussing the role of forests in
climate change mitigation.
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Chapter 3
Climate Change, Impacts, Adaptation
and Risk Management
Abstract Under the moderate future greenhouse gas emissions scenario (RCP4.5),
climate model simulations project that the annual mean temperature will increase in
Europe by up to 2–3 °C by the middle of this century, compared to the end of the
nineteenth century. The temperature increase is projected to be larger in Northern
Europe than in Central and Southern Europe. The annual precipitation is projected
to decrease in Southern Europe and increase in Northern and Central Europe. The
projected changes in temperature and precipitation are expected to be higher in the
winter than in the summer months. In Northern Europe, forest growth is generally
projected to increase due to warmer and longer growing seasons. In southern Europe
in particular, warmer and dryer summers are projected to decrease forest growth.
Climate change is expected also to expose forests and forestry to multiple abiotic
and biotic risks throughout Europe. The greatest abiotic risks to forests are caused
by windstorms, drought, forest fires and extreme snow loading on trees. The warmer
climate will also increase biotic risks to forests, such as damage caused by
European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) outbreaks in Norway spruce (Picea
abies) forests and wood decay by Heterobasidion spp. root rot in Norway spruce
and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forests. Different adaptation and risk management
actions may be needed, depending on geographical region and time span, in order to
maintain forest resilience, which is also important for climate change mitigation.
During the four billion years of planet Earth’s existence, global climate has fluctu-
ated greatly. Basically, these variations have been controlled by the heat balance of
the planet. Virtually all the energy that drives the climate system originates from the
sun. Approximately 70% of the total incoming solar radiation is absorbed by the
earth, whilst the remaining 30% is reflected back into space. The energy input from
solar radiation is balanced by the emission of thermal infrared radiation into space.
A major part of the thermal radiation emitted by the surface is absorbed and then
re-emitted by the atmosphere before ending up in space. This phenomenon is known
as the greenhouse effect. The effectiveness of the phenomenon depends on the con-
centrations of various gases in the atmosphere. The most important greenhouse
gases are water vapour and carbon dioxide (CO2). Methane, ozone, nitrous oxide
and several other gases likewise have some importance. In the absence of the green-
house effect, the average surface temperature on Earth would be about −18 °C,
whereas the actual current global mean is +14 °C; that is, more than 30 °C higher
than without the greenhouse effect.
Natural climate changes in the history of the earth have been caused by multiple
factors. These include long-term variations in the solar radiance, changes in the
composition of the atmosphere, continental drifts and volcanic eruptions. During
the past few million years, the climate has mainly been relatively cool, and ice ages
with milder interglacial periods have followed one another on time scales of
10,000–100,000 years. Such glacial–interglacial variations are primarily induced by
changes in Earth’s orbit and axis of rotation. In addition, such variations are ampli-
fied by synchronous shifts in atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
Since the pre-industrial era (i.e. from the nineteenth century), the global mean
temperature has increased by about 1 °C. Accordingly, over the last few centurieis
and decades, global climate has changed very rapidly compared to the trends typi-
cally experienced over millions of years in the past. This is due to the large increase
in human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases –– especially CO2 –– into the
atmosphere. The major source of anthropogenic CO2 emissions is the combustion of
fossil fuels, the use of which has increased tremendously in tandem with global
energy consumption. Deforestation and other changes in land use have also contrib-
uted to such emissions, albeit to a lesser extent. During the 1980s, climate change
became recognised as a serious challenge to humankind. In order to respond to this
challenge, the United Nations (UN) endorsed the establishment of an
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988 (Box 3.1).
3 Climate Change, Impacts, Adaptation and Risk Management 35
Projections of future climates are derived from simulations performed using global
climate models (GCMs). These models simulate the behaviour of the climate sys-
tem by means of the application of physical laws. Climate models include discrete
36 A. Venäläinen et al.
components for the atmosphere, oceans, soil, vegetation and cryosphere, and also
consider interactions among these subsystems. In assessing future climate, such
models are forced using different atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration sce-
narios (Box 3.2). Climate models require large computational resources, and thus
they need to be run on supercomputers. Even so, the available computational capac-
ity does not allow the models to simulate all the processes of the climate system in
full detail. Hence, simplifying approximations are necessary, and these simplifica-
tions are implemented in different ways in the various models. Consequently, simu-
lated future climatic changes diverge among the models. To obtain the most realistic
picture of anticipated future changes and their uncertainties, it is recommended to
use a wide array of climate models rather than rely on only one or a few.
Figure 3.1 illustrates the global emissions and atmospheric concentrations of
CO2, as well as the modelled evolution of mean global warming, under three RCP
scenarios (for further information about the RCP scenarios, see the Box 3.2). The
changes in temperature are given relative to the temporal mean of the period
1971–2000. Prior to this period, the global mean temperature had already risen by
about 0.5 °C. Under the RCP8.5 scenario, global warming would continue through-
out the current century, and the global mean temperature would increase by almost
4 °C within 100 years. Under RCP4.5, the corresponding increase would be about
2 °C, whilst under RCP2.6, it would be slightly more than 1 °C. Considering the
global warming already taking place before the baseline period of 1971–2000, the
last scenario corresponds to a temperature increase of slightly less than 2 °C com-
pared to the pre-industrial level. Regardless of future reductions in emissions, global
warming will continue during the next few decades.
Compared to other regions on Earth, very intense warming has been simulated
for northern polar areas in winter as a result of the partial disappearance of sea-ice
cover. Conversely, in the northern Atlantic Ocean south of Iceland, warming will be
modest because a weakening of the warm ocean current (the Gulf Stream) will
Fig. 3.1 Temporal evolution of global emissions in gigatonnes of carbon per year (left panel),
atmospheric concentrations in parts per million by volume of CO2 (central panel), and projected
changes in global mean annual temperature in degrees Centigrade (right panel) for the period
2000–2085 under the RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios. Temperature change is expressed
relative to 1971–2000 and corresponds to the mean of simulations made using 28 different climate
models (Ruosteenoja et al. 2016a; Venäläinen et al. 2020)
3 Climate Change, Impacts, Adaptation and Risk Management 37
If the RCP2.6 scenario is realised, the consequences of the change will be far less
severe than those resulting from RCP8.5. However, this target would require effi-
cient reductions in global emissions starting right now, in the 2020s. This seems to
be a huge challenge at present. Apart from the reduction in emissions, land-use
changes, such as increasing or decreasing the share of forests, can impact green-
house gas concentrations either adversely or favourably. Growing forests effectively
absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere. However, they also impact surface albedo, i.e.
increasing albedo cooling the climate and decreasing albedo adding to the warming,
In Europe, by the middle of this century, under RCP4.5, climate model simula-
tions have projected the largest annual mean temperature increase –– about 3 °C
relative to the end of the nineteenth century –– for the north-eastern part of the
continent (Fig. 3.2). In Western Europe and along the coasts of the Mediterranean
Sea, the projected warming is close to 2 °C. During the winter months, the warm-
ing in Northern Europe will be stronger than during the summer. Annual precipita-
tion is projected to decrease in Southern Europe and increase in Northern and
Central Europe. The maximum local annual changes would be around ±10%. The
increase in precipitation in Northern Europe is projected to be the greatest in win-
ter, whilst the decrease in precipitation will be the greatest in Southern Europe
during summer.
The annual amount of solar radiation will increase across most of Europe. The
largest increase –– about 6% –– is projected for Central Europe. Relative humidity
is projected to decrease by 1–3 percentages. Temporal fluctuations in temperature
will attenuate in the cold season, whereas fluctuations in precipitation will be ampli-
fied. Changes in their variability are expected to be strongest in the northern and
north-eastern parts of the continent.
Under RCP4.5, the thermal growing season (defined as the period when daily
mean temperatures are above 5 °C) is projected to lengthen by 10–15 days, both in
the spring and autumn, from 1971–2000 to 2040—2069. Moreover, the temperature
sum of the growing season is projected to increase by several hundreds of degree
days. For example, around 2050, the average sum of growing degree days (GDDs,
with base temperature of 5 °C) in southern Fennoscandia would be approximately
the same as in northern Central Europe in the late twentieth century (Fig. 3.3).
3 Climate Change, Impacts, Adaptation and Risk Management 39
Fig. 3.2 Projected changes in annual mean temperature (°C), precipitation (%), incident solar
radiation (%) and relative humidity (in percentage points) in Europe from the period 1971–2000 to
2040–2069 under RCP4.5 (Venäläinen et al. 2019)
Climate change is already having both direct and indirect effects on forests and
forestry in different European regions. The direct effects include changes in the
growing conditions of the forests due to changing temperatures, precipitation and
atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Indirect effects consist of various abiotic and
biotic disturbances. In addition, land-use policy aimed at mitigating climate change
40 A. Venäläinen et al.
Fig. 3.3 Average sum of growing degree days (GDDs, with base temperature of 5 °C) for the
period 1971–2000 and projection for the years 2040–2069 under RCP4.5 (redrawn from
Ruosteenoja et al. 2016b)
can affect forests. As well as climate change and its severity, the future growth and
dynamics of forests will be affected by the forest structure (i.e. the proportions and
ages of tree species) and the intensity of forest management and harvesting (e.g.
Heinonen et al. 2018). Climate change may have both positive and negative impacts
on forest growth, such impacts depending on the geographical region and forest
zone (European Environment Agency 2017).
In Northern Europe, longer and warmer growing seasons in general will promote
more optimal forest growing conditions, especially in boreal forests at high latitudes
and altitudes. This is because boreal forest growth is currently primarily limited by
relatively short summers and low summer temperatures (Hyvönen et al. 2007). In
addition, the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations will favour forest growth
(e.g. Hyvönen et al. 2007). In Southern Europe, but also to some extent in Central
and Northern Europe, the growing conditions may become suboptimal for some tree
species (Allen et al. 2010; Reyer et al. 2014). This is related to too high tempera-
tures and too low soil water availability during the growing seasons. As a result, the
growth of some tree species may slow down and mortality may increase. The differ-
ences in the responses among various tree species may be expected to increase in
tandem with the severity of the climate change. In addition, the expected increase in
many abiotic and biotic disturbances may counteract the positive effects of climate
change on forest productivity, at least partially (Jactel et al. 2011; Reyer et al. 2017;
Seidl et al. 2017).
3 Climate Change, Impacts, Adaptation and Risk Management 41
3.2.2 Abiotic Disturbances
During the last few decades, the major causes of widespread forest damage in
Europe have been windstorms and forest fires (Schelhaas et al. 2003; Senf and Seidl
2021). In the period 1986–2016, storms were a major disturbance agent in Western
and Central Europe, accounting locally for >50% of all disturbances (Senf and Seidl
2021). However, storm-related disturbances have also occurred in south-eastern and
Eastern Europe. Fires have been a major disturbance agent in Southern and South-
eastern Europe, but they have also occurred in Eastern and Northern Europe.
Strong winds have destroyed a significant amount of timber, causing substantial
economic losses for forestry, especially in Central and Northern Europe. The
increased amount of wind damage in the last few decades can be explained, at least
partly, by an increasing volume of growing stock and changes in forest structures
(Schelhaas et al. 2003). In Northern Europe, wind damage is likely to increase in the
future because climate warming will shorten the duration of soil frost, which cur-
rently provides additional anchorage for trees during the windiest season of the
year, from late autumn to early spring (Lehtonen et al. 2019). In addition, soil mois-
ture is projected to increase in late autumn, likewise making forests more vulnerable
to windfall.
According to multi-model-derived projections for European wind climate, cli-
mate change will not significantly alter the wind speeds in Northern Europe
(Ruosteenoja et al. 2019). There is no robust signal of increasing or decreasing
storminess in other European regions, either (e.g. Kjellström et al. 2018; Ruosteenoja
et al. 2019). However, the projections for future trends in storminess diverge among
the climate models (e.g. Feser et al. 2015). Accordingly, possible regional increases
in the intensity of strong storms, changes in storm tracks, increasing growing stock
and changes in forest structures (age and tree species composition) may affect the
wind damage risks to forests.
Compared to the damage caused by windstorms, snow-induced damage in
European forests is typically far less severe (Schelhaas et al. 2003). Snow-induced
damage occurs most frequently in Northern Europe and at high altitudes (Nykänen
et al. 1997). For most of Europe, climate model projections for the mid-twenty-first
century indicate slightly decreasing probabilities for heavy snow loading. In north-
ern Fennoscandia (e.g. northern and eastern Finland and north-western Russia),
however, the probability of heavy snow loads may increase slightly (Groenemeijer
et al. 2016; Lehtonen et al. 2016a). Excessive snow loads typically result in stem
breakage and the bending or leaning of tree stems. In particular, young Scots pines
(Pinus sylvestris) and broadleaf trees with a large height-to-stem-diameter ratio are
susceptible to snow damage (Nykänen et al. 1997). With unfrozen soil, trees can be
uprooted. The increase in duration of frost-free periods is expected to increase such
damage under the warming climate.
42 A. Venäläinen et al.
In addition to climatic factors, the severity of wind and snow damage risk is
affected by the tree and stand characteristics (tree species, height and diameter, root-
ing characteristics, and stand density) and the forest configuration (e.g. the distance
from the upwind edge of a new clearcut). For example, in high-risk areas of the
boreal zone, an increase in the cultivation of the shallow-rooted Norway spruce
(Picea abies) at the cost of Scots pine will increase the future wind damage risk
(Ikonen et al. 2020). Conversely, an increase in the cultivation of pine and broadleaf
trees will increase the future snow damage risk (Nykänen et al. 1997). Trees dam-
aged by wind or snow may also bend over or lean on power lines, and thus may
disrupt the availability of electricity to society.
Fig. 3.4 Projected changes in time-mean near-surface soil moisture (in percentage points) in
Europe in June–August under RCP4.5 for the period 2040–2069. The change was averaged over
26 GCMs and is expressed relative to the period 1971–2000. Areas where at least 23 models agreed
on the sign of change are stippled (Ruosteenoja et al. 2018)
3 Climate Change, Impacts, Adaptation and Risk Management 43
3.2.3 Biotic Disturbances
In recent decades, disturbances from bark beetles have greatly increased in Europe.
The amount of timber damaged by bark beetles in spruce and pine forest has
increased by nearly 70% over the last 40 years, from 2.2 million m3 per year
(1971–1980) to 14.5 million m3 per year (2002–2010) (Seidl et al. 2014). The plant-
ing of Norway spruce outside of its natural range (and on sites with lower soil water
holding capacity), an increase in growing stocks, and changes in forest age struc-
tures and compositions have made forests more prone to bark beetle outbreaks
(Hlásny et al. 2019; Jandl 2020). In addition to warm and dry summer conditions,
severe wind damage and drought also intensify bark beetle outbreaks (Marini
et al. 2017).
The primary bark beetle species in Europe responsible for outbreaks is the widely
distributed, eight-toothed European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) (e.g.
Christiansen and Bakke 1988). At low population levels, it colonises only stressed
and dying trees (e.g. wind-damaged Norway spruce). However, at high population
levels, it can mount a mass attack on a large number of healthy trees. European
44 A. Venäläinen et al.
spruce bark beetle particularly favours older and larger trees (e.g. aged >60 years,
diameter at breast height > 20–25 cm) (Hlásny et al. 2019). European spruce bark
beetle outbreaks have largely increased in recent years in Europe (Hlásny et al.
2019, 2021; Jandl 2020; Romashkin et al. 2020). For example, in Czechia in 2017,
in an unforeseen, severe outbreak, the amount of damaged timber exceeded the
annual demand at the country level, collapsing the timber market and prices, respec-
tively. In Austria over the last decade, the high supply of beetle-infested timber has
reduced the market price for bark beetle affected timber to 30% of the previous level
(Jandl 2020). In Sweden, a European spruce bark beetle outbreak damaged an addi-
tional 4 million m3 of timber after windstorm Gudrun, which damaged 70 million
m3 of timber in January 2005 (Lindelöw and Schroeder 2008).
The survival and reproduction of European spruce bark beetle benefit from
warmer and dryer climates, and thus also from climate warming (Christiansen and
Bakke 1988; Jönsson et al. 2007; Lindelöw and Schroeder 2008; Hlásny et al. 2019;
Jandl 2020). Under optimal conditions, bark beetle populations can increase more
than 15-fold from one generation to the next (Hlásny et al. 2019). It can also pro-
duce two generations (multivoltinism) in one summer, if swarming conditions are
favourable early in the season, and the sum of GDDs exceeds approximately
1500 °C days, which is twice the GDD sum needed for the complete development
of an individual, from egg to adult (625–750 GDDs) (Jönsson et al. 2007). Moreover,
the number of successfully developed beetles in different sister broods of the first
generation increase with an increase in GDD sum (Öhrn et al. 2014). In warm areas
of the southern part of the species distribution region, a third generation may also be
possible (Jakoby et al. 2019).
Lower GDDs currently partially explain the lower bark beetle outbreak risk in
Northern Europe compared with more southerly areas. However, the 1500 GDD
isoline that potentially allows a change from univoltine (i.e. a single generation in
summer) to multivoltine population dynamics is moving northwards. For example,
in European Russia, the latitudinal shift of the isoline that indicates the northern
limit of 1500 GDD has moved 450 km northwards since the 1960s (Romashkin
et al. 2020).
Based on Asikainen et al. (2019), the probability of exceeding the GDD sum of
a 1500 °C-day threshold will increase in Northern Europe under climate change.
Recent warmer and drier summers, together with unharvested wood left in forests
after wind damage, have already increased the populations and attacks of bark bee-
tles in the southern boreal zone, and even in middle boreal zone (Romashkin et al.
2020). Overall, European spruce bark beetle outbreaks are projected to increase in
the future, under warmer and drier climates, from Central to Northern Europe
(Jönssön et al. 2007; Seidl et al. 2014).
3 Climate Change, Impacts, Adaptation and Risk Management 45
European spruce bark beetle is currently the most obvious biotic damage agent in
European forests, outbreaks of which have markedly increased with climate warm-
ing. However, climate change also affects the reproduction, growth, behaviour and
potential distribution range of other species that can cause problems with forest
health. Thus, disturbances by several other major forest pathogens, pest insects and
browsing mammal species are also expected to increase in European forests.
In Northern Europe, Heterobasidion spp. root rot is already one of the most
destructive diseases in conifers (Garbelotto and Gonthier 2013). However, increas-
ing temperatures are further increasing its spore formation and the growth rate of its
mycelia. Milder winters increase the length of the period the fungus is able to spread
and infect new stands (La Porta et al. 2008). Together, these intensify the amount of
decay in infected trees and the spread of fungus in diseased stands.
The epiphytic, parasitic vascular plant, pine mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. aus-
triacum), is also increasing in abundance at its current northern limit, such as in
Germany and Poland, and is spreading upwards into the montane forests of Europe
(Szmidla et al. 2019). This is probably the result of increasing winter temperatures
in areas where pine mistletoe has previously been limited by the low freeze toler-
ance of its seeds. Abundant mistletoe populations reduce tree growth substantially
and, in dry areas, they also increase water stress and tree mortality (Kollas
et al. 2018).
Higher temperatures are likely to promote distributional shifts in many native
forest pest-insect species and invasive alien species towards more northerly lati-
tudes and higher elevations (Battisti and Larsson 2015). Frequent cold winters in
Northern Europe have so far limited outbreaks of many insect defoliators that over-
winter as eggs. However, an increase in winter temperatures will favour their repro-
duction and, concurrently, may increase the risk from these in the future. Nun moth
(Lymantria monacha), one of the most serious defoliators of coniferous forests in
Central Europe (Bejer 1988), is a good example. Previously cold winters have con-
trolled nun moth populations in Northern Europe because its eggs freeze in tem-
peratures below −30 °C (Fält-Nardmann et al. 2018). The species has been
historically absent or very rare in Finland, but since the 1990s, its populations have
increased hugely, and it is now very abundant in the southern part of the country
(Melin et al. 2020).
In Southern Europe, heat-tolerant and cold-sensitive species, such as the pine
processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) and the oak processionary moth
(Thaumetopoea processionea) have expanded their geographical ranges beyond the
Mediterranean region (Battisti et al. 2005; Godefroid et al. 2020). Processionary
moths damage not only trees, but their larvae have defensive hairs (urticating setae
that the larvae release when disturbed) that can cause allergic reactions in humans
(Vega et al. 2011). Therefore, the processionary moth is considered to be a threat to
human health when present in urban forests and parks (Rossi et al. 2016).
The warming climate is increasing problems relating to the regeneration of
coniferous forests in Europe by, for example, the large pine weevil (Hylobius
46 A. Venäläinen et al.
abietis) (Nordlander et al. 2017). This is because warmer summers and a shortening
of the frozen soil period is decreasing the development time of immature weevils,
increasing their feeding time and prolonging the feeding period. Browsing by high
local populations of moose (Alces alces) is also a serious problem in young Scots
pine and birch seedling stands in Northern Europe. The expected reduction in snow
depth and duration may increase the severity of browsing damage (e.g. Herfindal
et al. 2015).
Forests should provide multiple ecosystem services for society. However, climate
change is inducing many abiotic and biotic damage risks in forests and forestry at
different spatial and temporal scales, all of which affect the provisioning of ecosys-
tem services. Warmer and drier summer conditions particularly increase the risk of
damage by drought, forest fires and pest insects, while warmer and wetter winters
increase the risk of damage by windstorms and strong winds, heavy snow loading
and pathogens (Seidl et al. 2017). Such disturbances are likely to increase the most
in coniferous forests in the boreal zone. They may partially counteract the positive
effects of climate change on forest productivity, causing severe economic losses in
forests (Hanewinkel et al. 2013; Reyer et al. 2017).
The simultaneous occurrence of multiple hazardous events can make the adverse
impacts manifold (Hanewinkel et al. 2013; Venäläinen et al. 2020; Hlásny et al.
2019). Wind and snow damage in particular, but also the occurrence of drought,
may increase the availability of breeding material for bark beetles, thus enhancing
their outbreaks. The drought may further influence the forest fire risk through
increased tree mortality (e.g. Jenkins et al. 2014). Wind and snow damage may also
increase Heterobasidion spp. attacks through tree injuries from harvesting, which
will then exacerbate the risk of wind damage due to poorer anchorage and less stem
resistance in decaying-wood trees.
How vulnerable forests are to climate change and the associated increase in vari-
ous abiotic and biotic disturbances depends on the exposure (e.g. the severity of the
climate change, the climate variability and its extremes), sensitivity and adaptive
capacity of forests. Fortunately, adaptive forest management can offer ways to
increase the resilience of forests to climate change and its related disturbances. The
severity of climate change will affect the necessary adaptation and risk management
actions for different regions and time spans. In adaptation and risk management, the
occurrence of multiple hazardous events should be considered simultaneously in
order to ensure the sustainable provisioning of different ecosystem services for soci-
ety. Fortunately, the same management measures may simultaneously enhance the
resilience of forests against multiple abiotic and biotic disturbances (Table 3.1).
The resilience of forests against different abiotic and biotic disturbances may be
increased, for example, by modifying the age structure and tree species composition
at the forest landscape level through forest management. In forest regeneration, the
3 Climate Change, Impacts, Adaptation and Risk Management 47
appropriate region- and site-specific choice of tree species (genotypes) and spacing
may increase the adaptive capacity and resilience of the forest in the long term.
Similarly, favouring more resilient tree species in pre-commercial (tending) and
commercial thinning may increase the resilience of the forest. By favouring mix-
tures of conifers and broadleaf species over monocultures on suitable sites, their
resilience may be further increased against many abiotic and biotic risks to forests
(e.g. Pretzsh et al. 2017). For example, the wind damage risk in forests with shallow-
rooting Norway spruce are well known throughout Europe (Jandl 2020). Overall,
single-species forests offer pests and pathogens more opportunities for spreading
than mixed stands, where tree species have different ecological niches. The latter
scenario provides, for example, fewer host trees for a bark beetle outbreak and could
also host larger populations of their natural enemies and competitors, etc. (Hlásny
et al. 2019). The use of greater thinning intensity or wider spacing increases water
48 A. Venäläinen et al.
availability at the tree level in a stand, which may decrease drought stress in trees,
and its consequent damage.
The avoidance of fertilisation in high-altitude forest sites, especially in relation
to thinning, may decrease the snow damage risk to boreal forests (e.g. Valinger and
Lundqvist 1992; Nykänen et al. 1997). Furthermore, the use of shorter rotation peri-
ods or lower target diameters for final harvesting may decrease the risk of damage
by windstorms and strong winds, pest insects (e.g. bark beetles) and pathogens (e.g.
wood decay by Heterobasidion), for example, in Norway spruce, which is particu-
larly sensitive to such damage. The increase in risk of large-scale forest fires during
summer droughts (Ruosteenoja et al. 2018) must also be considered in the timing of
forest harvesting operations because the sparks generated by the machinery used in
such activities may result in the ignition of forest fires.
Uncertainties relating to climate change, forest disturbances and the future pref-
erences of society call for the simultaneous use of diverse management strategies,
rather than a single, one-size-fits-all management strategy (e.g. even-, uneven- and
any-aged management), which might also help to increase the overall production
levels of ecosystem services (Díaz-Yáñez et al. 2020). Multi-functionality in forest
management may also ensure the simultaneous provisioning of different ecosystem
services for society, whilst increasing the resilience of forests against abiotic and
biotic disturbances. However, the frequent adjustment of forest management prac-
tices (e.g. 10–20-year frequency) to changing growing conditions is also needed in
order to adapt to climate change and maintain forest resilience, which are required
to sustain the provisioning of different ecosystem services. On the other hand, cli-
mate change may increase large-scale forest fire and pest insect occurrences in
unmanaged, mature forests (e.g. in forest conservation areas) due to the increased
tree mortality that will result from warmer and drier climates. As a result, these
disturbances may also spread to managed forests. Thus, preparedness for such risks
should be increased in society.
Overall, the challenge of dealing with climate change-induced disturbances in
forest management and forestry is pan-European (Jandl 2020). Different adaptation
and risk management actions may be needed, depending on geographical region and
time span, to maintain the sustainable provisioning of different ecosystem services
for society, and to increase the forest resilience. The role of forests in climate change
mitigation should also be considered in adaptation and risk management. This is
because forests contribute greatly to climate change mitigation through sequester-
ing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it in forest ecosystems and wood-based
products, the latter also substituting for fossil-intensive resources (Kauppi et al.
2018). The intensity of forest management practices and the severity of natural dis-
turbances may significantly affect the carbon sequestration (and stock) in forests as
a result of changes in forest structure (e.g. age and tree species composition).
Consequently, changes in forest structure will indirectly affect climate regulation
through changes in forest albedo and latent heat fluxes, biogenic volatile organic
compounds and aerosols (e.g. Thom et al. 2017).
3 Climate Change, Impacts, Adaptation and Risk Management 49
3.4 Research Implications
There are large uncertainties in predicting future climate and its impacts on European
forests and forestry. This is due to uncertainties in global developments in future
greenhouse gas emissions, which are greatly affected by the level of success of cli-
mate change mitigation. Therefore, such uncertainties should be considered in cli-
mate change impact and adaptation studies, by using several alternative climate
projections in simulation-based scenario analyses. In order to define climate-smart
(and adaptive) risk management strategies, there is a need for a more holistic under-
standing of how the prevailing climatic conditions, forest structure, forest manage-
ment (strategies) and severity of climate change, together with the associated
increases in natural disturbances, may affect the provisioning of multiple ecosystem
services (e.g. timber, biodiversity and the recreational values of forests) and climate
regulation for different geographical regions and time spans. Climate change will
affect, in addition to the physiological conditions of trees and tree defence mecha-
nisms against natural enemies, the distribution and population dynamics of those
enemies, and this needs to be understood in greater detail. In the current world of
uncertainty, we should seek different ways to simultaneously improve the provi-
sioning of different ecosystem services for society, the resilience of forests and their
climate benefits.
3.5 Key Messages
• There are large uncertainties in the projected climate change and its impacts on
European forests and forestry for different regions and time spans, due to large
uncertainties in the level of success of climate change mitigation efforts.
• In general, forest growth is projected to increase in Northern Europe, as opposed
to Southern Europe.
• Climate change may induce multiple abiotic and biotic damage risks in forests
and forestry throughout Europe via windstorms, drought, forest fires, bark beetle
outbreaks and wood-decaying fungus diseases.
• The uncertainties relating to climate change and the increasing multiple risks to
forests and forestry should be considered when adapting forest management and
forestry to climate change in order to increase the resilience of forests against
different abiotic and biotic disturbances.
• The necessary adaptation and risk management measures may differ, depending
on geographical region and time span.
Acknowledgments Heli Peltola thanks the financial support from the OPTIMAM project (grant
number 317741) funded by the Academy of Finland.
50 A. Venäläinen et al.
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Chapter 4
Outlook for the Forest-Based Bioeconomy
Abstract The state of the world’s managed forests is determined by the societal
demands for wood resources and other ecosystem services. The forest-based sector
is experiencing a number of structural changes, which makes the task of looking
ahead important, but challenging. One of the main trends in the forest-based indus-
tries is diversification. On one hand, this refers to the emergence of new factors
influencing the demand for forest-based products, which leads to substitution
between forest-based products and alternative products. On the other hand, it refers
to new market opportunities for forest-based industries in, for example, the con-
struction, textiles, packaging, biochemicals and biofuels markets. As the importance
of some of the traditional forest-based industries, such as communication papers, is
declining, and new opportunities are simultaneously emerging, the sector will not
necessarily be dominated by single sectors in the long term. However, research
illuminating the possible impacts of the expected structural changes of the forest-
based sector remains scarce. The uncertainties in the future outlook of the forest-
based sector also imply great uncertainties in the demand for roundwood globally,
and by extension, the extent of trade-offs between different ecosystem services and
land uses.
E. Hurmekoski (*)
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
e-mail: [email protected]
L. Hetemäki
European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland
Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
J. Jänis
University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
The outlook for the forest-based sector has great importance through the impacts
that the sector has on the state of forests and the amenities that forests provide, such
as forest-based products,1 energy, employment, biodiversity, the carbon cycle and
water management. Without understanding the demand for forest-based products,
and the ensuing demand for roundwood, it is very difficult to assess, for example,
the impacts that strategies and policies may have on the forest-based sector or on
society. Nor is it possible to assess the future state of the forests.
The forest-based sector has a long history in producing outlook studies, extend-
ing back to the 1950s (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe/Food and
Agriculture Organization [UNECE/FAO] 2021). The purposes of forest- sector out-
look studies have been to examine long-term economic, social, institutional and
technological trends to support policy and strategy planning, depict the range of
choices available, and describe the alternative scenarios that might arise as a result
of these choices (UNECE/FAO 2011). The focus has traditionally been on trends in
the forest-based-products markets and the availability of wood resources, conclud-
ing that the demand for forest-based products is expected to continue to steadily
increase, which results in a steady increase in the level of harvesting (e.g. Mantau
et al. 2010).
In recent UNECE/FAO outlook studies, the focus has been more on ‘what if’
analyses, describing the potential impact of, for example, changes in the wood sup-
ply of, or demand for, forest-based products (UNECE/FAO 2011, 2021). The most-
recent outlook study took the perspective of structural changes and their impacts
across the global forest sector, including climate-change mitigation and adaptation
(UNECE/FAO 2021). This broadening perspective is necessary in order to meet the
changing information needs of policy-makers and stakeholders in the increasingly
complex forest-based sector.
Indeed, there are major structural changes associated with the stagnating or
declining demand for some of the traditional forest-based products, such as graphic
papers and sawnwood. However, a number of innovations are also expanding the
product portfolios of the forest-based industries. These changes may be the largest
structural changes in a century, comparable to the uptake of wood fibres to replace
rags in paper-making in the late nineteenth century. However, the methodological
approaches of long-term outlook studies were adopted in an era of constant growth,
and are now facing difficulties in capturing the changes taking place in the forest-
products markets of the twenty-first century. Due to the lack of research and the
ongoing structural changes, the outlook for forest-based-products markets remains
in many ways a great unknown.
‘Forest-based product’ refers to all products made from wood raw materials and can be used
interchangeably with the concepts of ‘forest product’, ‘wood-based product’, ‘forest-based bio-
product’, etc. As the term ‘wood product’ may sometimes refer to solid wood industries specifi-
cally, here we use the term ‘forest-based product’ for consistency.
4 Outlook for the Forest-Based Bioeconomy 57
The purpose of this section is to introduce and assess some of the prominent
trends and recent changes in the forest- based sector, and to examine their implica-
tions in relation to the future outlook. This section does not provide a systematic
outlook, but synthesises the current knowledge and raises questions to guide future
58 E. Hurmekoski et al.
4.2.1 Forest-Based-Products Markets
in the Twenty-First Century
Fig. 4.1 China’s share of the global consumption of major forest products. (Data: FAOSTAT)
There have been many visible changes in the global forest-products markets in
the twenty-first century. For example, the global competitive advantages have expe-
rienced a clear shift, with a remarkable share of forest-industry investments going
to fast-growing markets in Asia and low-cost-production regions, such as South
America. The increase in demand for forest products in the 2000s originated almost
entirely in Asia (FAOSTAT), with China’s share of the global consumption having
grown to more than 20% of all major forest products by 2018 (Fig. 4.1).
A more profound, yet less tangible, change is the structural change in the demand
patterns of the forest-based industries. In the twentieth century, the global demand
for forest products was steadily increasing, driven by increasing incomes, popula-
tions and urbanisation. However, in the twenty-first century, many of the forest-based
60 E. Hurmekoski et al.
products no longer seem to follow the pattern of stable and predictable growth of the
last century. This is a consequence of various structural changes in demand, driven
by the substitution of forest-based products for, or by, competing products. For
example, global graphic- papers production (≈ consumption) declined between 2007
and 2018 by almost a quarter (24%), according to FAOSTAT data, due to its substitu-
tion by electronic media. On the other hand, in the same period, the production of
dissolving pulp has grown by 2.5 times, driven by textile industry needs.
Important drivers of structural change also include the Sustainable Development
Goals (UN 2015a) and the Paris Climate Agreement (UN 2015b). These set interna-
tionally agreed goals that encourage sustainable production and consumption. As
forests constitute the most important, non-food, renewable land resource, increasing
interest in utilising forests as a substitute for fossil-based and other non-renewable
feedstock materials can be expected.
As a response to the maturing or declining traditional forest-products markets
and the emerging opportunities, new forest-based products are being developed.
Thus, it is conceivable that, within a few decades, there will be a larger number of
forest-based-products categories, although none of these will dominate the sector to
the extent that paper and solid- wood products did in the last century, particularly in
terms of value added (Jonsson et al. 2017). Moreover, with the new products, indus-
try boundaries may become increasingly indistinguishable, with the chemical,
energy, textile and forest industries using the same feedstocks and developing prod-
ucts for the same markets (Jonsson et al. 2017).
Based on these trends, a keyword for characterising the market development of
the forest-based products in the twenty-first century is diversification. Above all, the
term refers to the widening scope of the forest-based-products markets in terms of
product portfolios and value propositions. One can argue that the sawnwood indus-
tries are diversifying towards wood- based panels and EWPs, whilst the pulp and
paper industries are diversifying from communication papers towards packaging
paper grades and various biorefinery products.
Clearly, the outlook for the forest-based sector depends on whether we only con-
sider the traditional large-volume products, such as sawnwood and graphic papers,
or also the development of new forest-based products, such as textile fibres.
Capturing the influence of the latter can be tricky, as sectoral statistics are lagging
behind the restructuring of this industry. In particular, it is increasingly challenging
to measure the employment, turnover and value added based on wood raw materials
in the chemical, construction, textile and energy industries.
Industrial evolution is a continuous process that serves to maintain the vitality of the
market economy, as already noted in the 1940s by Joseph Schumpeter, who coined
the term ‘creative destruction’. Here, we briefly introduce a few analytical concepts
so as to characterise the structural changes occurring in the forest sector in the
twenty-first century––evidence of ongoing creative destruction.
4 Outlook for the Forest-Based Bioeconomy 61
By the term ‘demand’, we refer to the amount or value of a good consumed. A use-
ful empirical approximation of demand is ‘apparent consumption’, defined as pro-
duction + imports – exports. The terms ‘demand’ and ‘consumption’ are therefore
regarded as synonyms.
As most forest-based products are intermediate goods, models quantify forest-
based-products consumption as derived demand. Essentially, this means that the
demand for forest-based products is a function of the same factors that affect the
demand for the final uses of the products (Klemperer 2003). In empirical research,
the demand determinants for wood- based products are typically reduced to price
and income.
One way to demonstrate the existence of a structural change is to observe the
relationship between available income and the demand for forest-based products.
This leads us to the concept of demand elasticity. While elasticities can be attributed
to any demand determinant, they are typically associated with price and income.
The demand for a normal good increases when income increases and decreases
when income decreases, whereas, for an inferior good, an increase in income results
in a reduction in this consumption and vice versa (Varian 2010). Forest-based prod-
ucts are generally regarded as normal goods (Kangas and Baudin 2003), except for
newsprint and printing and writing papers (Hetemäki 2005).
Indeed, the income and price elasticities remained remarkably stable throughout
the twentieth century, when the markets enjoyed a period of relatively stable growth,
and there were no major technical innovations making competing goods more desir-
able. Consequently, income and price have been able to explain and predict the level
and rate of demand remarkably well at the global level. However, the power of these
two predictors diminish, the more disaggregated markets and more recent data are
In the twenty-first century, the demand for forest-based products has no longer
developed in line with the gross domestic product (GDP) for some of the most sig-
nificant forest products. This suggests that income cannot be the only demand
shifter. For example, the global production of sawnwood and wood-based panels
has exhibited markedly different patterns in 2000–2018 compared to 1980–1999,
relative to per-capita GDP growth (Fig. 4.2). In the EU, one can observe an apparent
decoupling of demand from the GDP, or a structural break or discontinuity in the
GDP elasticity, for many traditional forest-based-products markets (Fig. 4.3). The
underlying causes have been studied only in the context of graphic papers, which
are being substituted by electronic media (Hetemäki 1999; Hetemäki and Obersteiner
2001), and bioenergy, which has been substituting for fossil energy in the EU due to
climate and energy policies (Moiseyev et al. 2013). Despite some of this apparent
turbulence possibly being caused by the historically long economic downturn,
therefore making it transitory, it may equally become more exaggerated in the future
due to the introduction of new forest- based products and new end uses, as well as
the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
62 E. Hurmekoski et al.
200 200
160 Sawnwood Packag & 160
120 120
80 80
Wood Fuel
40 40
80 85 90 95 00 05 10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 4.2 Per-capita global consumption of forest products versus GDP in 1980–2018 and the trend
forecasts (2010–2018 trend) to 2030. (Data: FAOSTAT and World Bank)
160 160
120 Packaging 120
80 Pulp 80
40 40
0 0
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Fig. 4.3 Consumption of wood-based products and GDP in Europe (excluding Russia) in
1992–2018 and the trend forecasts (2010–2018 trend) to 2030. (Data: FAOSTAT and World Bank) Product Life-Cycles
The diversification of the sector is closely related to the product life-cycle, compris-
ing four to five stages–– introduction, growth, maturity, decline and, in some cases,
renewal (e.g. Routley et al. 2013). During the period of introduction and growth, the
goods become increasingly competitive through decreasing production costs from
learning- by-doing (Arrow 1962; Rosenberg 1982). At the maturity stage, produc-
tivity improvements are increasingly difficult to gain, and in the decline stage, the
product starts to lose the markets to emerging products or technologies (Anderson
and Tushman 1990). In some cases, the growth phase may be renewed after a period
of stagnation or decline, as a result of changes in demand determinants or improve-
ments in the established technology––this has been the case for dissolving pulp, for
The demand for most woodworking and pulp and paper industry products has
become inelastic; that is, the market growth rate has fallen below the GDP growth
rate (Rougieux and Damette 2018). Moreover, the prices of the end products have
been trending downwards, while the production costs have been increasing, with the
price differentials between suppliers being marginal, the switching costs being low,
and the negotiating power lying with the customers (Uronen 2010; Hetemäki et al.
2013). These point to the conclusion that many of the forest-products markets have
become commoditised. At the same time, in the big picture, fossil-based energy is
likely to hit the maturity stage in the coming decades, due to environmental values
and regulations, which will lead to substitution by alternative energy and material
feedstocks, including forest biomass.
Indeed, one can name wood-based products for all phases of the typical product
life-cycle, as demonstrated in Fig. 4.4. For example, cross-laminated timber (CLT)
is clearly in the growth phase, as demonstrated by the double-digit growth rates,
irrespective of periods of negative or stagnating GDP growth rate (Hetemäki and
Hurmekoski 2016). In the next section, we focus particularly on the markets of
emerging wood-based products.
4.2.3 Emerging Markets
There is no clear or established definition for new forest-based products (Cai et al.
2013; Näyhä et al. 2014; Hetemäki and Hurmekoski 2016). The concept can refer to
products in the introduction or growth phases of the product life-cycle, but also to
products with renewed growth in demand, such as dissolving pulp. Thus, a new
forest-based product does not necessarily have to be a novel product, or based on a
novel technology––it can also be an old product with a new market environment,
such as the constrained supply of competing feedstock materials, or with enough
incremental improvements to drive growth, such as a lighter weight (Hurmekoski
64 E. Hurmekoski et al.
Wood-based panels
Dissolving pulp
Second-generation biofuels
Alternative textile fibres
Market share
Hygiene papers
Packaging papers
Communication papers
Fig. 4.4 Approximate market location of selected wood-based products based on product life-
cycle in 2020
et al. 2018a). Thus, one could describe new wood-based products as products for
which the demand is determined mainly by drivers other than economic activity
(GDP), bar short-term economic cycles. Such a classification is naturally prone to
interpretation in terms of where to draw the line. For example, compared to CLT and
dissolving pulp, the growth of the fibre-based packaging sector, as a whole, is not
necessarily fast enough to qualify as a new forest-based product, even if some of the
emerging packaging applications are novel, such as cups containing no fossil plas-
tics. These definition attempts may at least demonstrate the diversity of the forest-
based- products markets in the twenty-first century.
Literature on the diversification of the sector and new forest-based products
remains relatively scarce, particularly from the perspective of market potential (e.g.
Guerrero and Hansen 2018). Based on the literature that is available, however, some
of the most important emerging markets appear to be construction, textiles, chemi-
cals, advanced biofuels, and plastics and packaging (Bio-based Industries
Consortium 2013; Graichen et al. 2016; Antikainen et al. 2017; Kruus and Hakala
2017; Schipfer et al. 2017). In the following, we briefly review these markets, as
summarised in Table 4.2. Construction Markets
Desirable product - no need for major - technical properties: - low cost - drop-in fuel: Existing WPC:
characteristics changes in construction Avoiding wrinkles and - non-hazardous and distribution - natural feel
practices electricity, good moisture non-toxic infrastructure and - easy maintenance
- no technical or absorption, etc. existing car fleet without packaging:
economic hazards - environmental properties: a need for major - biodegradability or
Avoiding hazardous modification recyclability
chemicals, less pollution, - lightness
increased recycling, etc. - product safety
Comparative - lightness of the - feedstock availability - interest towards - policy pull - reduced costs
advantages material, allowing (compared to virgin cotton) bio-based alternatives - does not directly compared to pure
efficient industrial - ability to convert existing - in smart drop-in and compete with food plastics
prefabrication and the pulp mills to dissolving dedicated chemicals, production - combination of
resulting productivity pulp reduced costs and/or - can be biodegradable, biodegradability and
benefits - environmental footprint environmental footprint free of aromatics and thermoplasticity
- renewable material Sulphur, and non-toxic
Outlook for the Forest-Based Bioeconomy
Position of - admixture supplier - raw material supplier - primary and secondary - end-product producer - packaging: Converter
forest- based - subcontractor (product (dissolving pulp) platform chemicals of shopping bags and
firms in the value or element supplier) - textile fibre producer solid packages
chain - main contractor or (MMCFs) - WPC: Converter of
developer (managing - yarn producer intermediate/end
whole value chain) products
Note: REACH––Registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemicals––is an EU regulation covering the production and use of chemicals
Adapted from Hurmekoski et al. (2018a)
68 E. Hurmekoski et al.
Fig. 4.5 Per-capita consumption of sawnwood and wood-based panels in two selected country
groups in the EU in 1992–2018. (Data: FAOSTAT)
such as single-family homes, can hardly be regarded as a new market, per se, but
new opportunities are emerging in the large-scale construction markets due to recent
innovations, as well as growing interest among decision-makers and industries (e.g.
FAO 2016). The market can also be approached from an entirely different perspec-
tive, such as using lignin to partly replace cement in concrete manufacturing (de Vet
et al. 2018).
The average market share of wood in small-scale construction in Europe has
remained below 10%, but it varies from above 80% in the Nordic countries to near
zero in many Southern European countries (Alderman 2013). Figure 4.5 shows that,
during the last couple of decades, the per-capita consumption of construction-
related forest-based products in the large European economies has only been around
one-third of the equivalent consumption in sparsely populated and densely forested
countries. Furthermore, there is no convergence in the per-capita consumption
between the high- and low-consumption regions, with a slight exception being mod-
est growth in the UK. Figure 4.5 also indicates that the per- capita consumption of
wood-based construction products in Austria, Finland and Sweden nearly doubled
from 1993 to 2007, after which the markets were severely affected by the global
economic downturn, and did not manage to reach the peak of 2007 in the decade
that followed. Looking at the trend forecast based on the trend of the 2010s, no
significant deviation would be expected.
Besides the long-lasting impact of the housing-market meltdown, the lack of
significant progress in the countries with a smaller wood-construction market share
arises from the various path dependencies of the construction sector (e.g. Mahapatra
and Gustavsson 2008). Construction markets are very much influenced by tradition,
culture and the availability of local resources. In this highly established market,
4 Outlook for the Forest-Based Bioeconomy 69
major drivers include cost competitiveness and being able to guarantee a low-risk
investment. That is, particularly in large-scale construction value chains, the actors
are generally unwilling to accept new practices that could potentially cause extra
work and associated costs in the short run (Arora et al. 2014). There is, however,
significant variance in the market potential between market segments and regions,
even from one city to the next.
The demand drivers are slightly different between the small-scale and large-scale
housing markets. Some of the technological- and business-model-related innova-
tions hold promise for changing the market prognosis in the large-scale construction
markets. In particular, the expansion of EWPs, together with industrial prefabrica-
tion, has allowed wood to increasingly compete with steel and concrete in large-
scale construction (Bühlmann and Schuler 2013; Hildebrandt et al. 2017), such as
in multi-family dwellings, office and industrial buildings, sports complexes,
additional-storey construction, and in infrastructure, such as bridges. Industrial pre-
fabrication refers to the off-site manufacturing of elements and components, which
allows the combination of several work phases in a single off-site location, poten-
tially resulting in productivity and quality gains, for example (Malmgren 2014).
However, even if wood-based industrial prefabrication could address many of the
pressures faced by the construction sector, including productivity, quality, safety
and environmental impact, the risks, as perceived by the construction project man-
agers, might outweigh these in the short term (Hurmekoski et al. 2018b). These
hindrances would need to be addressed, for example, by taking responsibility for a
larger share of the construction value chain, if firms seek rapid market growth
(Hurmekoski et al. 2018b). More-gradual change can happen through standardisa-
tion and winning trust through repeated positive experiences along the value chain
(Hurmekoski et al. 2018b).
The market is also influenced by policy. In Finland, wood construction has been
promoted by public targets, technology platforms and campaigns for several
decades. While the small-scale construction markets have already been saturated by
wood, the uptake of wood-frame, multi-storey construction remains modest, with
only a few percent market share. In the 2020s, the possible uptake of environmen-
tally stricter national regulations, driven by, for example, the national implementa-
tion of the voluntary EU framework for measuring the emissions of the construction
sector or supportive measures favouring wood in public procurement in the building
sector, may favour wood (Toppinen et al. 2018), besides spurring competition.
Changing consumer preferences may also influence the market uptake of modern
wood-construction practices. For example, wooden surfaces may have beneficial
impacts on human health through improved air quality and a stress- relieving atmo-
sphere (Muilu-Mäkelä et al. 2014), which has been found to be attractive to certain
types of consumers (Lähtinen et al. 2019). However, particularly in multi-storey
buildings, consumers tend to emphasise the size, location and price of the apart-
ments rather than the material of the structural frames. Here, consumer segmenta-
tion and business model innovations may be required.
70 E. Hurmekoski et al. Textile Markets
The global textile demand has been projected to grow from 90 Mt. in 2015 to more
than 250 Mt. in 2050 (Alkhagen et al. 2015). In the absence of more-efficient recy-
cling, polyester fibres are foreseen as having the strongest growth, followed by a
more stable increase in cellulosic fibres, while cotton production is expected to
remain at the current level (Antikainen et al. 2017), due to the increasing competi-
tion for land between cotton and food production (Hammerle 2011). Additionally,
the large demand for fresh water for cotton farming in arid areas lends a competitive
advantage to alternative cellulose supply sources (Shen et al. 2010), such as wood-
based MMCFs.
The MMCF market is still dominated by viscose, with a 79% share in 2018
(Textile Exchange 2019)––a product that was introduced already in the late nine-
teenth century. Currently, new MMCF processes based on alternative solvents,
such as IONCELL-F and Arbron, are being developed that aim to overcome the
weaknesses of contemporary viscose (Kruus and Hakala 2017). Of these more
advanced MMCFs, dissolving-pulp-based lyocell already had a 4% market share
of the MMCF markets in 2018, and it is expected to grow faster than viscose
(Textile Exchange 2019). If the development of new cellulosic fibres is successful,
the general growth rate of MMCFs can be higher than so far perceived, and could
expand into currently unattainable markets, such as sports textiles (Alkhagen
et al. 2015).
The main intermediate product in manufacturing MMCF is dissolving pulp.
Following a decline lasting the four decades since 1960, the global production of
dissolving pulp has grown from 2.8 Mt. in 2000 to 8.4 Mt. in 2018, reaching 4.5%
of the overall wood-pulp production volume (FAOSTAT). With a growing global
textile demand, an increasing number of kraft pulp mills could be converted to pro-
duce dissolving pulp. Dissolving pulp is currently exported in large quantities to
Asia, where most of the global textile production takes place. In principle, the value
added of wood-based industries from the textile market could be multiplied by mov-
ing downstream in the value chain to garment manufacturing (Hurmekoski
et al. 2018a).
According to Antikainen et al. (2017), the textile supply chains are typically long
and complex, while the use time of textiles is relatively short due to low pricing and
rapid fashion cycles. The industry is further characterised by a high share of labour
costs (Antikainen et al. 2017). As a consequence, textile manufacturing has been
off-shored from much of the global West to regions with lower wages––notably, the
Far East countries. Even considering the possibility of highly automated textile pro-
duction, Antikainen et al. (2017) did not foresee any substantial reshoring of gar-
ment manufacturing to the Western economies. Instead, the technology that is being
developed could be licenced to areas where textiles are produced, and recycled cot-
ton fibres could also be used as feedstock, along with wood pulp, for example
(Kruus and Hakala 2017).
4 Outlook for the Forest-Based Bioeconomy 71
There is a clear need to find alternative feedstock materials for fossil coal, oil and
gas. Technically, almost all industrial materials made from fossil resources could be
substituted by their bio-based counterparts (de Jong et al. 2012). However, so far,
the most common uses of wood have been to exploit the solid wood or fibre struc-
ture, as some of the molecular structures have been too complex to be replicated by
engineers, and there are cheaper sources for the development of chemicals. This
setting could be slowly changing, due to constantly developing technologies, as
well as changes in the operating environment.
Biorefinery feedstocks can be divided into three generations––the higher the
generation, the less competition the feedstock poses for land use and food produc-
tion, but, at the same time, the higher the techno-economic barriers for the market
uptake (Sirajunnisa and Surendhiran 2016). First-generation biorefineries are
mostly based on food crops or plants that reduce the land available for food produc-
tion, which drives up the food price, particularly in developing countries (Naik et al.
2010). Typically, the first-generation biorefineries are also technologically less effi-
cient and have higher carbon footprints than second-generation biorefineries (Naik
et al. 2010). Second-generation biorefineries are based on lignocellulosic biomass,
such as wood and agricultural residues or waste streams, and do not directly com-
pete with food production. A third-generation biorefinery is yet to be established,
but it would be based on various algae that do not require any land surface for
So far, most market prognoses for biorefining concern the first-generation feed-
stocks (e.g. Aeschelmann and Carus 2015). Accordingly, the literature on lignocel-
lulosic biorefineries tends to focus on the technical challenges related to its
pretreatment phase, such as the insufficient separation of cellulose and lignin, the
formation of byproducts that inhibit downstream fermentation, the high use of
chemicals and/or energy, the cost of enzymes, and the high capital costs for pretreat-
ment facilities (Taylor et al. 2015). Given that the technical-readiness level of most
wood-based chemicals remains fairly low (Hurmekoski et al. 2018a), the market
outlook, even up to 2030, remains uncertain, despite the obvious potential.
Advanced Biofuels
In terms of sheer volume, the substitution potential is several magnitudes higher for
bioenergy than for biomaterials (Schipfer et al. 2017). According to Plastics Europe
(2016), 42% of all oil and gas in Europe is used for electricity and heating, while
45% is used for transportation, 8% for chemistry (plastics 4–6%) and 5% for
other uses.
The demand for biofuels has largely been created by national or regional climate
and energy policies, such as the Renewable Energy Directive of the EU, which
necessitated a 10% blend of biofuels in road traffic by 2020 (EU 2009). However,
the first-generation biofuels have faced criticism due to the uncertainties associated
72 E. Hurmekoski et al.
with their ability to reduce emissions, their low conversion efficiency, and the low
energy return on energy invested in some of the processes (de Jong et al. 2012). This
has created interest in advanced biofuels based on second-generation feedstocks.
The investment requirements can be up to three times higher for lignocellulosic
biofuels than for cornstarch- or sugarcane-based ethanol (Nguyen et al. 2017), due
to there being more steps in the production process. Also, the C5 and C6 sugars
produced in lignocellulosic biorefineries for fermentation are much more expensive
than sugar from sugarbeet or sugarcane (Carus et al. 2016). The cost disadvantage
of sugars derived from lignocellulosic feedstocks would need to be balanced by the
utilisation of lignin, which seems to be feasible only in the very long term, in terms
of its full potential (Carus et al. 2016). For this reason, the production of biofuels
typically requires the complementary production of biochemicals (or selling the
residues for such use) to make the business profitable. Indeed, the value of the
chemical industry is comparable to that of the fuel industry, despite it requiring only
a fraction of the biomass (FitzPatrick et al. 2010).
In Finland, more than a third of the chemical industry firms use bio-based feed-
stocks, and the number is expected to rapidly increase (Ministry of Employment
and the Economy 2014). The chemical industry is therefore seen as playing a key
role in the diversification of the forest-based sector.
Like biorefineries, chemicals can be classified in many ways. In terms of mar-
kets, an important distinction is for bulk chemicals (or basic chemicals), character-
ised by a high volume, low price and highly diverse end uses, and fine chemicals,
characterised by a low volume, high price and few applications. The mixtures of the
chemicals in these categories constitute specialty chemicals (or performance chemi-
cals), including adhesives, agrichemicals, detergents, cosmetic additives, construc-
tion chemicals, elastomers, emulsifiers, flavourings, food additives, fragrances,
industrial gases, lubricants, pigments, polymers and surfactants. A probable role for
the forest-based industries would be to supply basic or fine chemicals to be sold to
the chemical industries for a plethora of end uses (Hurmekoski et al. 2018a).
In terms of volume, the chemical sector is dominated by a small number of key
bulk chemicals, such as ethylene. Producing bio-sourced, drop-in basic chemicals
with an identical compound structure to their fossil-based counterparts appears to
be a promising approach for the biochemical markets, due to a greater likelihood of
acceptance by established chemical producers (FitzPatrick et al. 2010). That is, a
functional replacement with a different molecular structure would require signifi-
cant property testing to allow displacement of the chemical currently being used
(Biddy et al. 2016). However, while drop-in, bio-based chemicals are seen to have
an easier access to the markets compared to other types of chemicals (de Jong et al.
2012), they are not expected to be competitive by 2030 due to their low technology
readiness, longer conversion pathways and comparably high running and invest-
ment costs (e.g. Kruus and Hakala 2017). As a consequence, Bazzanella and
4 Outlook for the Forest-Based Bioeconomy 73
Ausfelder (2017) recommend exploiting the more efficient synthesis of target prod-
ucts that maintain the functional units of the feedstock molecules, such as polylac-
tic acid.
Let us consider the case of ethylene to highlight the complexity of the interplay
of market drivers and barriers in the chemical market, and the resulting difficulty of
assessing the market potential. According to Dornburg et al. (2008), ethylene (used
mostly for polyethylene plastic) is the largest of the currently produced petrochemi-
cals by volume. While bio-based ethylene has a technical readiness level of 8–9 out
of 9, it is competing with natural gas and, particularly, shale oil and gas, which have
higher relative yields of ethylene compared to conventional oil and gas sources
(Biddy et al. 2016). Yet ethylene production could fit into the overall product port-
folio of wood-based biorefineries, if certain parts of the feedstock would otherwise
have no use. If there is a price premium for bio-sourced ethylene, even a minute
share of the global market could have a large impact on the profitability of a single
Unlike for biofuels, the demand shifters of biochemicals are not only related to
policy. There has been a shift from a technology push led by major chemical com-
panies to a market pull created by leading consumer brands, such as P&G, IKEA,
LEGO and the Coca Cola Company, which all have set specific targets for replacing
fossil-based chemicals (polymers) with more sustainable alternatives (Aeschelmann
and Carus 2015; Biddy et al. 2016). Naturally, policies could also create incentives
or influence the relative costs of different feedstocks through, for example, CO2
pricing to level off the differences between the operating and investment costs. Due
to the myriad end uses of chemicals, the market drivers and consumer preferences
may also vary significantly from one use to another.
According to Hurmekoski et al. (2018a), wood-based chemicals may primarily
compete with first-generation biochemicals and chemicals produced from other
second-generation feedstocks rather than petrochemicals, which would lower the
expected production volume considerably. However, it is too early to state any such
prognoses with certainty, and there seem to be ripe opportunities already available,
based on the €550 million standalone wood-based chemical mill investment by
UPM Kymmene in Germany in 2020, which will be producing dedicated biochemi-
cals for the production of items such as textiles, bottles, medicines, cosmetics and
detergents. Beyond 2030, the competition may change again with the introduction
of, for example, CO2 as a feedstock for the development of platform chemicals
(Alper and Orhan 2017).
Besides cellulose and hemicellulose, wood also contains lignin and a number of
heterogeneous extractives, derived, for example, from birch bark. There are highly
varied opportunities for such niche markets, resulting in a large number of specula-
tive uses in the long term (Box 4.2). Due to the numerous opportunities and the
early stage of their life-cycle, we can only argue that they may eventually make a
big difference in terms of value added, albeit the volume potential remains fairly
low due to the restricted availability of byproducts, except for lignin.
74 E. Hurmekoski et al.
Fig. Box 4.1 Currently utilised and potential routes from wood extractives to valuable
biochemicals. Green arrows commercialised routes, red arrows non-commercialised
routes, CLAs conjugated linoleic acids. (After Routa et al. 2017)
4 Outlook for the Forest-Based Bioeconomy 75
Similar to the construction market, there is a long tradition of using wood in the
packaging market s. Generally, the packaging markets are driven by global popula-
tion and GDP growth, as well as increasing e-commerce and the demand for take-
away products. However, wood-based packaging solutions may have increasing
potential due to an increasing resistance against plastics, originating particularly
76 E. Hurmekoski et al.
from marine and microplastic pollution (World Economic Forum 2016). For exam-
ple, in the EU, certain short-lived plastic products have been banned, and the use of
plastic bags is being disincentivised, creating market pull for alternative materials.
The packaging markets also represent one of the most important uses of bio-
based chemicals (Hämäläinen et al. 2011; Näyhä and Pesonen 2012). The global
production of plastics has increased 20-fold over the past 50 years, from 15 Mt. in
1964 to 311 Mt. in 2014 (World Economic Forum 2016). Over the next 20 years, the
volume is expected to double, and by 2050 to quadruple (1.124 Bt) (World Economic
Forum 2016). Of the total global plastic market in 2015 (322 Mt), 40% ended up in
packaging, while up to 70% of bioplastics are used for packaging (Plastics Europe
2016). Plastics, and paper and paperboard each account for around 35% of the total
value of the packaging markets (Neil-Boss and Brooks 2013). The bioplastics mar-
ket is expected to gain a 5% share of the entire plastic-packaging market within
20 years (Byun and Kim 2014), but the share of wood-based polymers from the
entire bio-based polymer market remains modest.
As noted by de Jong et al. (2012), a plastic with a technical function and complex
supply chain could take between two and four decades to achieve production scales
over 100,000 t. According to Aeschelmann and Carus (2015), novel, 100% bio-
based, indirect-substitute polymers are not expected to grow as fast as the drop-in
polymers until 2030. Moreover, the advantage of bioplastics in a circular economy
is not clear, as they are not necessarily biodegradable, and rapid biodegradability is
not necessarily beneficial for the environment either, if the material cannot be recy-
cled (Soroudi and Jakubowicz 2013).
This leads us to argue that plastics, as such, are not necessarily a key business
opportunity for the forest-based industries (Hurmekoski et al. 2018a). Combined
with the technical and economic issues raised for the biochemical market, and the
likely role of forest industries as a platform chemical provider, indirect-substitute
products for the plastics market could have more potential by 2030. These indirect
substitutes could be plastic-mimicking products that use existing industrial infra-
structure, such as WPCs (Carus et al. 2015), paper-resembling films for flexible
packaging (Kruus and Hakala 2017) and other plastic-resembling wood or fibre-mix
materials for rigid packaging (e.g. Nägele et al. 2002). The demand for such indirect
plastic substitutes could be promoted by policy, such as the EU directive that bans
certain single- use-plastic products. Naturally, the demand for traditional wood-
based packaging or ‘second-generation’ fibre-based packaging (free from fossil-
based polymer coatings and adhesives) could increase their market share, vis-à-vis
plastics, glass and aluminium, as long as they are compatible with the disposal and
recycling behaviours in a circular production– consumption system, satisfy hetero-
geneous consumer needs, and support sustainable lifestyles by extending material
life- cycles (Korhonen et al. 2020).
4 Outlook for the Forest-Based Bioeconomy 77
Despite the wide array of possibilities associated with new forest-based products,
the core forest industry products–– sawnwood and pulp and paper––are likely to
still retain a significant role in 2030. This is due to the continuous demand for them,
as well as the long process involved with introducing a new product to the markets
and gaining large market volumes, and the long investment cycles of the forest-
based industries. Another reason is that the research and development (R&D) and
investment in new products is funded, to a significant degree, by turnover from the
traditional businesses, albeit wood-based innovations, such as textiles, may arise
from outside the traditional forest sector.
As local conditions and cultures vary, so do the shapes of the forest-based bio-
economy business models, as exemplified by the biorefineries of Borregaard in
Sarpsborg, Norway and the Metsä Group in Äänekoski, Finland (Hetemäki and
Hurmekoski 2020). Borregaard focuses on low-volume global niche markets rather
than commodity products, and makes relatively large R&D investments to serve, for
example, the agriculture, construction, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, food and elec-
tronics markets. In contrast, the bioproduct mill in Äänekoski––the largest forest-
industry investment in the Nordic countries––is centred around large-volume-market
pulp production, but it creates an ecosystem for smaller firms to utilise some of the
sidestreams created in the material- and energy-efficient pulp production process.
What do the developments reviewed above imply for the forest-based sector?
Consider a simple case, in which the forest-based industries in the USA, Canada,
Sweden and Finland gained a 1–2% global market share in the construction, tex-
tiles, biofuels, platform chemicals and (plastic) packaging markets by 2030. This
could result in an increase in revenue to the forest industries ranging from €18 to 75
billion per annum, corresponding to 10–43% of the production value of the forest
industries in these four countries in 2016 (Hurmekoski et al. 2018a). Achieving the
higher end of the range would require moving further downstream in the value
chains; that is, to assume new roles rather than remain a producer of intermediate
goods, which would highlight the role of services.
What would this mean for forests? The impact of gaining a 1–2% market share
from primary wood use could be in the range of 15–133 million m3, corresponding
to 2–21% of the industrial roundwood use in these countries in 2016 (Hurmekoski
et al. 2018a). The majority of this demand would be for sawn wood for construction.
Table 4.3 shows the additional impacts from a 10- and 100-fold market volume. The
purpose of such hypothetical scenarios is not to predict the market developments,
but simply to assess the scale of the emerging market opportunities. For example,
the implications of different market diffusion scenarios can be compared to the net
annual increment of forests in the EU (721 million m3: Forest Europe 2015) or to the
global roundwood production (2028 million m3: FAOSTAT), to make the matter
more tangible.
At least two observations arise. Firstly, a minute market share of the global mar-
kets would completely transform the forest-based sector. Secondly, it is not realistic
to expect an expanding bioeconomy to fully cover the demand in any of these
78 E. Hurmekoski et al.
Table 4.3 Approximate impacts of hypothetical market diffusion scenarios for roundwood and
byproduct demand in 2030
~1% market Plastics and
share Construction Textiles Biofuels Biochemicals packaging Total
Roundwood, 7–117 7–15 – – 2 15–133
Byproducts, Mt 2 – 28 33–45 2 66–73
~10% market Construction Textiles Biofuels Biochemicals Plastics and Total
share packaging
Roundwood, 70–1168 65–147 – – 15 150–1331
Byproducts, Mt 20 – 280 331–452 25 656–732
~100% market Construction Textiles Biofuels Biochemicals Plastics and Total
share packaging
Roundwood, 698–11,684 650– – – 153 1501–13,306
Mm3 1469
Byproducts, Mt 200 – 2800 3311–4520 246 6557–7320
Adapted from Hurmekoski et al. (2018a)
markets, even though the amount of virgin wood resources required to satisfy the
construction or textile markets, for example, could, in principle, remain surprisingly
small––around the annual increment of the EU forests.
It can be assumed that many of the new products will be based on the existing
byproduct flows of the sawmilling and pulping industry, due to the limited ability to
pay for the feedstock. Here, wood-based construction is an important driver for raw
material availability, both for the pulp and paper industries and for a number of
emerging industries, creating both synergies and trade-offs (Hurmekoski et al.
2018a). On one hand, the forest-based product industries would benefit from the
increased demand for byproducts (wood chips, bark, sawdust and forest residues),
while an increasing production of sawn wood would make generous amounts of
byproducts available for the market. On the other hand, there would be competition
for the byproducts between the traditional and emerging uses, such as wood-based
panels and chemicals or biofuels. Also, other forms of interdependencies between
the industries are feasible, such as integrated biofuel and biochemical production in
a pulp mill, which could help to lower the pretreatment and transportation costs, and
improve energy efficiency (e.g. Kohl et al. 2013; Karvonen et al. 2018).
The future of the forest-based bioeconomy is dependent on the demand from the
end markets, developments in substitute markets, biomass markets, as well as poli-
cies at varying levels (Hetemäki and Hurmekoski 2020). Due to the variation
between and within markets and regions, the opportunities for the forest-based bio-
economy will vary, such that a single, successful strategy cannot be articulated. A
greater volume and broader scope of research on these topics would undoubtedly
help to enable the emerging opportunities to be grasped.
4 Outlook for the Forest-Based Bioeconomy 79
The year 2030 is relatively close, in terms of the likelihood of major new structural
changes having impacts in the markets. Thus, a trend forecast (using data from 2010
to 2018) to 2030 can provide a helpful baseline against which different assumptions
of changes in policy and technology, for example, can be reflected (see Figs. 4.2 and
4.3). In contrast, beyond 2030, major structural changes are likely to occur and have
a profound impact on the market, and therefore it is not as helpful to use current
trends to provide outlooks that cover several decades (UNECE/FAO 2021).
As the trend projections indicate, the outlook for forest-based products in the
coming decade seems increasingly diverse. Information and communications tech-
nologies will have several impacts on the demand for forest-based products. These
will reduce the demand for communication (graphic) papers, but increase the
demand for packaging paper grades, due to the boost in e-commerce (Hetemäki
et al. 2013). The demand for consumer papers, such as tissue paper, is expected to
continue to grow due to globally increasing middle-income consumers and urban-
isation. There are likely to be regional differences in the demand patterns, such as
between the OECD and non-OECD countries (Hetemäki et al. 2013). Packaging
and tissue-paper consumption are expected to increase, particularly in Asia and
Latin America (Pöyry Inc. 2015). Compared to many other industries, the COVID-19
pandemic may have had a relatively small impact on the forest- based industries, but
it may alternatively have accelerated the decline in the communication-paper mar-
ket and the increase in packaging and hygiene paper demand.
Solid wood products have experienced internal competition. The global per-
capita sawnwood consumption has declined in a trend-like manner for decades,
despite continued growth in the global GDP and population. This is partly explained
by the rapidly growing demand for wood-based panels and EWPs that can serve the
same markets as sawn wood (Bühlmann and Schuler 2013). For example, the pro-
duction of CLT in Europe has been growing at an average annual rate of 15% since
2007, despite the economic downturn and stagnation (Pahkasalo et al. 2015). While
the overall market share of wood in construction may not necessarily increase sig-
nificantly by 2030, its growth in hotspots in certain regions and market segments
seems likely. The regional differences in demand patterns for solid wood products
resemble those for paper products. Notably, China’s share of the global wood-based
panel production has increased to close to 50% during the last two decades (Fig. 4.1).
The outlook for bioenergy is highly uncertain, and regional differences can be
significant (Hetemäki et al. 2020). Of the global roundwood production, roughly
half ends up as wood fuel (energy). The major users of wood fuel are Africa, Asia
and South America, while Europe’s share of the global consumption of wood fuel
was 9% (173 million m3) in 2018 (FAOSTAT). In the long-term, it seems likely that
wood-fuel consumption will decline due to a transformation to other energy forms,
such as solar, wind, natural gas, hydro and hydrogen, and increases in bioenergy
efficiency (Glenn and Florescu 2015; Hetemäki et al. 2020). However, the transfor-
mation will also depend on how extensive, and in what time frame, bioenergy
80 E. Hurmekoski et al.
carbon capture and storage becomes a viable option. In the nearer future––in the
2020s––and especially in the EU, policies supporting the use of bioenergy may
continue to increase the wood-fuel consumption, as major changes in the energy
infrastructure tend to take a decade or more, although the likelihood of continued
support for the policy remains contested (Hurmekoski et al. 2019).
For emerging forest-based products, their competitiveness depends heavily on
the rate of innovation uptake in competing industries, which, in turn, depends on
factors such as climate and energy policies and their impacts on oil feedstock and
CO2 emissions prices. For example, synthetic biology, or the conversion of fossil
CO2 by industrial biotechnology routes, may have the prospect of providing new
products, such as bioethanol and butanol, or organic acids for polyesters, at less cost
and using more energy-efficient processes (BIO-TIC 2015; Kruus and Hakala
2017). Carbon dioxide captured from air can technically be directly converted into
methanol fuel or plastics (Kothandaraman et al. 2016). Some of these technologies
are expected to have already been commercialised by 2030 (BIO-TIC 2015).
It is unclear what the net impacts of forest-based product development on global
roundwood demand will be (Hetemäki et al. 2020). Some trends point to a growing
roundwood demand, including economic and population growth and the need to
replace fossil-based materials and energy with more sustainable raw materials
(Pepke et al. 2020). For example, Dasos Capital Oy (2019) projected that all the
main forest-based products would grow at rates of 2.1–5.5% per annum until 2030.
At the same time, the graphic-papers demand is declining and the wood-fuel (bio-
energy) demand could decline significantly in Africa and Asia (Hetemäki et al.
2020). Also, resource-efficiency and resource-recovery trends (e.g. cascading, recy-
cling, process technological improvements) may limit the demand for virgin raw
materials. Importantly, much of the production of new wood-based products would
be based on the byproducts of the mature industries (Hurmekoski et al. 2018a).
Determining the extent to which the demand for wood resources for new products
would be additional, rather than shifting from one use to another, would need to be
determined by an optimisation model that also included new wood-based products
(see Sect. 4.4). In addition to the challenge to compute net impacts from these
diverse trends, the regional differences can be significant. Also, in regions where
there is pressure for increasing forest biomass utilisation, there could be trade-offs
between the different ecosystem services that forests provide, which could curb
the demand.
In summary, through this decade (the 2020s), the trends we are observing today,
that are summarised above, will most likely still be the dominant ones. In the longer
term, forests will no doubt continue to provide products for the increasing needs of
humanity, but the race towards a more sustainable economy will also undoubtedly
shape the competition between the forest-based sector and other sectors. The net
impacts of the structural changes of the forest-based sector reviewed in the previous
sections remain very uncertain. In the next section, we will briefly review the meth-
odological challenges associated with long-term forest-sector outlook studies that
partly explain the lack of a more concrete picture of the coming decades.
4 Outlook for the Forest-Based Bioeconomy 81
82 E. Hurmekoski et al.
Fig. Box 4.2 Illustrative example of CO2 emissions and number of people employed in
the EU27 in coke, crude oil, gas and petroleum manufacturing in 2020–2050. (Source of
employment data for 2018: EUROSTAT)
4.4 Research Implications
As pointed out throughout this chapter, research on the future of the forest-based
sector remains scarce. Moreover, the focus of outlook studies has primarily been on
the sufficiency of wood resources, trends in the production of primary forest-based
products and international competitiveness, while some of the equally important
questions, such as value added, employment, changing demand patterns, and emerg-
ing forest-based products and services, have gained less attention, until recently
(Hetemäki and Hurmekoski 2016; UNECE/FAO 2021).
The mainstream of the forest-sector outlook studies has been based on forest-
sector modelling, combined with stakeholder interaction and scenario development,
as a way of exploring and addressing the possible trade-offs that decision-makers
4 Outlook for the Forest-Based Bioeconomy 83
will face (Hurmekoski and Hetemäki 2013). The strength of the forest-sector mod-
els is in capturing the interdependencies between different parts of the system, mod-
elling the feedback and trickle-down impacts of changes in one part of the sector on
the rest of the sector by making market adjustments through pricing and interna-
tional trade (e.g. Toppinen and Kuuluvainen 2010).
The drawback of partial-equilibrium modelling and traditional econometrics is
that determining the impacts of an exogenous shock requires a stable operating
environment and the use of historical data, usually from a period of several decades.
However, we have observed several major structural changes in the global and
European forest-based sector in this century, which past data, and models based on
these, have difficulties in capturing. The structural changes are a result of two pri-
mary factors––the expected market diffusion of new wood-based products and the
changes in demand patterns for some of the established product groups. Regarding
new wood-based products, the apparent limitation is the lack of reliable data (or
long enough time-series) for the purpose of traditional econometric analysis. The
changing demand patterns may be a less apparent, albeit equally important, factor
to consider in modelling. However, apart from single cases, such as the substitution
of graphic papers by electronic media (Hetemäki and Obersteiner 2001; Latta et al.
2016), the demand shifters for most forest-based products remain elusive, so that
incorporating the omitted variables in demand equations may not necessarily be
accomplished in a completely satisfactory way.
Thus, the strength of the forest-sector models in capturing the interdependencies
between different parts of the forest sector can turn into a weakness in the presence
of structural changes in demand. It can lead to distorted feedback effects, which
may compromise the internal logic of the models. This means that, even if the pri-
mary research question was unrelated to structural changes, their impact may distort
the findings in any ‘what if’ analysis or long-term projection. For example, we can-
not assess whether an increase in forest-products production in one region, ceteris
paribus, will signify a decrease in wood-products production in some other region,
or a decrease in production of other materials. In the event of changes in the inter-
sectoral market share, we are also lacking the means to reliably assess changes in
the international market shares, even though it would otherwise be quite straightfor-
ward. This is a significant drawback when assessing the future uses of wood and
their implications on the economy and the environment.
Models are always simplifications of reality and can never be expected to accu-
rately predict market developments for several decades ahead. However, since
forest-products-markets research clearly falls into the realm of applied science, it is
essential to try to capture and explain market developments in order to maintain
their practical relevance (Hetemäki and Hurmekoski 2016). Although the evidence-
based models continue to be crucial elements of forest-sector outlook studies, they
are unlikely to meet the needs of decision-making alone in the increasingly complex
forest-based sector (Toppinen and Kuuluvainen 2010; Hurmekoski and Hetemäki
2013). For some forest products or regions, the traditional modelling framework
could work well, but to complement the picture with emerging and declining mar-
kets, alternative approaches may be necessary.
84 E. Hurmekoski et al.
4.5 Key Messages
• The state of the world’s managed forests is determined by the societal demands
for wood resources and other ecosystem services. The interplay of supply and
demand thereby determines the employment and revenues created by the sector,
as well as the ability of forests to provide a range of ecosystem services, such as
wood-based products or carbon sinks.
• For the sake of the efficient planning of strategies, it can be useful to look ahead
and try to anticipate possible changes that may take place in the future. Indeed,
outlook studies have a long tradition in the forest-based sector.However, in the
face of increasing structural changes taking place in the sector and the operating
environment, the task of looking ahead is becoming evermore important, but also
more challenging.
• In the twenty-first century, several structural changes have become evident. The
demand for some of the traditional forest products is no longer developing on a
par with consumers’ available incomes. Instead, there are new factors influenc-
ing the demand for forest products, causing substitution between forest products
and alternative products. As these factors are partly unknown or unmeasurable,
future projections are subject to increasing uncertainty.
• A key trend in the forest industries is diversification, referring to new market
opportunities for wood-based industries in, for example, the construction, tex-
tiles, packaging, biochemical and biofuel markets. As the importance of some of
the traditional forest products––notably communication papers––are declining,
the sector will not necessarily be dominated by single sectors in the long term.
Moreover, the boundaries with other industries are becoming increasingly
• There is a severe lack of systematic outlook studies that would illuminate the
possible impacts of the expected structural changes of the forest-based sector
(Hetemäki et al. 2020). As changes in the forest sector are usually gradual and
slow, compared to the digital sector, for example, the current trends are likely set
in a reasonable direction up to around 2030. However, over time, the uncertainties
will grow bigger, owing to the large number of emerging market opportunities,
as well as developments in the operating environment and other sectors. These
uncertainties also imply significant uncertainties in the global demand for round-
wood, and by extension, also the extent of the trade-offs between different eco-
system services and land uses. The implications for the climate impacts of wood
use are reflected further in Chap. 7.
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Chapter 5
Forest Biomass Availability
P. Anttila (*)
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki, Finland
e-mail: [email protected]
H. Verkerk
European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland
Aside from other services, the EU’s forests represent a vast raw-material resource.
Forests account for 38% of the EU28 land area (Forest Europe 2020a). In 2019, this
amounted to 162 mill. ha in total, of which 138 mill. ha was available for wood sup-
ply. Forests are, however, unevenly distributed, and the share of forest area is gener-
ally higher in Northern Europe (up to 74% in Finland) than in Central or Southern
Europe, where it is between 30 and 40% in many countries (e.g. France, Germany,
Italy, Poland and Spain), or even less. Of the total EU28 forest area, 60% occurs in
only five member states––Sweden, Finland, Spain, France and Germany.
The growing stock of the EU28 forests available for wood supply amounts to
nearly 23 billion m3 (Forest Europe 2020a). The five biggest growing-stock coun-
tries account for 60% of this total, these being Germany (3.5 billion m3), France (2.9
billion m3), Sweden (2.7 billion m3), Poland (2.4 billion m3) and Finland (2.2 billion
m3). The high volumes in Central Europe can be explained by a high stocking den-
sity (m3 ha−1) in the forests in relation to the somewhat lower density in Northern
Europe. The above figures considered stemwood only, but branches and stumps are
also potential sources of woody biomass. Such woody components can increase the
aboveground biomass by 50% (Camia et al. 2018).
The woody biomass used to produce materials and energy comes from various
sources. In 2015, the share of woody biomass in the EU28 that was harvested
directly from domestic forests was nearly 57%, and the rest originated from imports,
byproduct and coproduct supply, wood pellet supply, post-consumer wood and
unaccounted sources (Cazzaniga et al. 2019b). Forest biomass comprises round-
wood and primary residues, i.e., logging residues (consisting of crown biomass and
stemwood loss), small-diameter trees and stumps.
There has been a clearly increasing trend in roundwood harvesting volumes in
the EU28 in this millennium, apart the financial crisis that caused a slump in
2008–2009 (see Fig. 1.4 in Chap. 1 – Box: Forest Bioeconomy in the EU).
Roundwood production increased from 486 mill. m3 (overbark) in 2000 to 578 mill.
m3 in 2019––an increase of almost one-fifth (Food and Agriculture Organization
[FAO] 2020). The five countries with the largest forest resources for wood produc-
tion also harvest most of the roundwood (Fig. 5.1). In Fig. 5.1, the impact of the
economic slump due to the financial crisis in 2009 is clearly visible.
Several severe storms have occurred in recent years in Europe (Forzieri et al.
2020; Senf and Seidl 2020) and their effects can be seen in terms of harvested vol-
umes. For example, storm Gudrun in January 2005 damaged 75 mill. m3 of round-
wood in Sweden, causing a supply peak of more than 30 mill. m3 (Gardiner et al.
2010). Likewise, the peak caused by storm Kyrill in January 2007, which damaged
37 mill. m3, is also discernible in Fig. 5.1. However, contrary to the two above-
mentioned storms, the effect of storm Klaus in February 2009 in France, which
damaged 43 mill. m3, is barely visible. Similarly, storms and other disturbances in
different countries have also had significant effects. For example, the storm Vaia in
Italy resulted in about 8 mill. m3 of damaged wood–– approximately the same
5 Forest Biomass Availability 93
Fig. 5.1 Harvesting volumes (overbark) of roundwood in five EU member states in 2000–2018
(FAO 2020). Underbark figures converted to overbark using the coefficient 1/0.88 (FAO,
International Tropical Timber Organization and United Nations 2020)
amount as harvested in an entire year in Italy. Also, the recent dry summers in
Central Europe, followed by severe bark-beetle outbreaks, have produced large
amounts of damaged wood. Disturbances can have a strong impact on the local for-
est sector, first by creating a pulse of available timber from salvage harvesting, but
later resulting in a shortage of local timber supply.
In addition to roundwood, primary residues are also being utilised, but mainly in
energy production. Unfortunately, there are no EU-level statistics on the consump-
tion of primary residues, and even national statistics may be weak. Germany,
Sweden and Finland are probably the top three countries in the EU. According to
Brosowski et al. (2016), the annual consumption of logging residues for energy use
in Germany in 2012 was 4.0–10.5 Tg. Assuming a basic density of 400 kg m−3 for
conifers and 500 kg m −3 for broadleaves, the consumption would have been roughly
9–23 mill. m3. In Sweden, the consumption of forest fuels between 2013 and 2018
was 15.2–20.2 TWh (Energimyndigheten 2020). This equates to approximately
8–10 mill. m3, assuming 1 solid m3 equals 2 MWh. In Finland, the consumption for
the same period was 7–8 mill. m3 (Natural Resources Institute 2020).
The other sources of woody biomass can be divided into secondary and tertiary
forestry residues and trade. Trees grown outside of forests and short-rotation cop-
pice grown on forest or agricultural land are minor sources that are not discussed
here. The secondary forestry residues (aka industrial residues) are the side products
of wood processing or come from the production of wood products, and include
94 P. Anttila and H. Verkerk
sawdust and cutter chips, bark, slabs, lumpwood residues and black liquor (Lindner
et al. 2017).
The wood resource balance introduced by Cazzaniga et al. (2019b) does not
employ the same classification as above, but divides the secondary residues into
sawmill residues, other industrial residues, wood pellets and black liquor. In 2015,
over 87 mill. m3 of sawmill residues, 11 mill. m3 of other industrial residues, 38
mill. m3 of wood pellets and 67 mill. m3 of black liquor were used in the EU28
(Cazzaniga et al. 2019b). The cascading flows of these side-streams are illustrated
in Fig. 5.2.
Fig. 5.2 Woody biomass flows in the EU28 in 2015 (in mill. m 3 solid wood equivalent overbark).
(Source: Cazzaniga et al. 2019a)
5 Forest Biomass Availability 95
The growing stock and increment rates of Europe’s forests have been increasing
almost continuously over the last several decades (Gold et al. 2006; Forest Europe
2020a). In fact, Albania is the only country in the whole of Europe that has reported
a decrease in growing stock between 1990 and 2015. In recent years, the increase
has been especially rapid in Central-East Europe (including Ukraine, Belarus and
Georgia outside of the EU).
The major reasons for the increasing growing stock include: the fellings and
natural losses that together have been less than the gross increment; the increasing
increment rates and changes in forest management that have caused forests to
become denser (e.g. Vilén et al. 2016); nitrogen deposition (e.g. de Vries et al. 2009;
Etzold et al. 2020); as well as the combined effect of nitrogen deposition, increased
atmospheric CO2 concentrations and climate change (Pretzsch et al. 2014; Flechard
et al. 2020).
The relation of annual fellings to the net annual increment (NAI) is a key sustain-
ability indicator of wood production. Generally, if the fellings fall below the NAI,
the growing stock is increasing. Correspondingly, if the fellings are more than the
NAI, the growing stock is decreasing. On average, 75% of the NAI was utilised by
the EU28 in 2015 (Forest Europe 2020a). However, the utilisation rates varied con-
siderably, from 99% in Belgium to 44% in Romania (and probably even lower in
countries lacking data).
The NAI is only a rough estimate of the maximum potential availability of wood
from forests, as it does not consider the stocking level of the forests, imbalances in
forest age structures, the potential availability of biomass from primary residues, or
96 P. Anttila and H. Verkerk
Fig. 5.3 Estimated spatial distribution of forest biomass availability in 2020 (t⋅ha−1a−1) (left) and
unused potential per unit of land (t⋅ha−1a−1) (right). (Source: Verkerk et al. 2019)
5 Forest Biomass Availability 97
The utilisation rate of primary forestry residues is substantially lower than for
stemwood. Yet in places where the utilisation rate is high, the competition from resi-
dues can increase supply costs. For example, in southern Finland, the consumption
of residues is expected to top the harvesting potential (Anttila et al. 2018).
Dees et al. (2017) estimated the potentials for secondary forestry residues in the
EU28 to be 190 and 194 mill. m3 for 2020 and 2030, respectively. The total potential
was further broken down into residues from the sawmill industry, pulp and paper
industry, and other wood-processing industries, with shares of 43, 37 and 20% in
2012, respectively. Naturally, these potentials depend directly on the production of
the industries.
5.4 Research Implications
Forest owners typically have multiple objectives when managing their forests,
and their attitude to mobilising more wood is unclear. While harvest probability
generally increases with higher productivity of the region and species, there are
important differences in harvesting decisions relating to local conditions, such as
site accessibility, the state of the forest resource (age), specific subsidies, and the
importance of other forest services (Schelhaas et al. 2018). Forest owner behaviour,
and heterogeneity therein, should be considered in future studies on biomass avail-
ability (Blennow et al. 2014; Rinaldi et al. 2015; Stjepan et al. 2015; Sotirov
et al. 2019).
5.5 Key Messages
• Existing studies indicate that a higher harvest level from EU forests could be
sustained, but this will be associated with lower carbon storage in forest ecosys-
tems, as well as impacts on other functions that forests have, including
• There are large differences between the European regions regarding harvesting
potential and actual utilisation rate.
• The impacts of climate change on productivity are expected to vary across
Europe. Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of
forest disturbances, which can cause strong peaks in biomass availability and
disrupt timber markets.
100 P. Anttila and H. Verkerk
102 P. Anttila and H. Verkerk
The current level of the AAC has been criticised by Russian experts as
being an unrealistic overestimate of the wood production potential (Shvarts
2018; Strategiya razvitiya lesnogo…). The foremost reason for this is the
inadequate infrastructure, especially the lack of a comprehensive forest road
network and missing railway connections, which means that vast expanses of
Russia’s forests are currently simply unreachable. In addition, the AAC does
not take into account the natural conditions, such as slopes, forest quality or
use restrictions, adequately. It has been estimated that, without a considerable
investment in infrastructure, the realistic AAC for the whole of Russia is cur-
rently about 340 million m3 (Strategiya razvitiya lesnogo…).
In Fig. Box 5.1, the area covered by forests is contrasted with the forest
area considered accessible for transport. The accessible forests are concen-
trated on the European part of Russia, where the infrastructure is relatively
well developed and where the majority of the production capacity of the
Russian forest industry is located. However, the most easily accessible for-
ests, within a reasonable transportation distance to forest industry complexes,
were felled decades ago, which, combined with poor forest management prac-
tices, has led to a deterioration in forest quality; that is, coniferous forests
have been replaced by deciduous ones. Moreover, in some regions, a marked
share of the coniferous forests is accessible only during winter due to the low
bearing capacity of the forest soils, which, under warming climate conditions,
makes wood procurement vulnerable (Goltsev and Lopatin 2013). Thus, in
many regions in the European part of Russia, the forest industry is suffering
from an inadequate supply of coniferous timber assortments, especially saw-
logs, and simultaneously, there is practically no demand for deciduous pulp-
wood (State Council…2013). This situation has led to the overexploitation of
the remaining coniferous forests, while natural losses have grown rapidly in
the deciduous forests.
Various stakeholders in the Russian forest sector, including wood proces-
sors, logging companies, the Federal Forestry Agency (Rosleskhoz), regional
forest management bodies, and environmental non-governmental organisa-
tions, consider intensive sustainable forest management (ISFM) to be a viable
means for tackling the problems relating to the low productivity and deterio-
rating quality of the forests (Gosudarstvennaya programma Rossiyskoy…;
Shmatkov 2013a, b; Intensivnoye lesnoye khozyaystvo…2015). The forest
management practices under the ISFM are basically the same as those used in
the Nordic countries––mainly artificial regeneration, active tending of seed-
ling stands, first thinnings and other intermediate fellings, followed by the
final felling. By applying ISFM, more wood could be produced per hectare
and per year than currently, which would help to secure the wood supply for
the forest industry, while simultaneously easing the pressure on opening intact
forest areas to logging.
5 Forest Biomass Availability 103
Fig. Box 5.1 Forests and potentially productive forests accessible for transport. The area
of forested land (680 million ha) is based on Landsat data and includes areas with forest
cover (canopy cover) greater than 20% and potential regeneration areas, such as logging
sites and burnt areas. The FAO’s definition of a forest sets the canopy cover threshold at
10%, hence the difference in forest area estimates (680 vs. 815 million ha). Potentially
productive forests accessible for transport are forest areas (excluding nature-protection
areas and intact forest landscapes) in which the long-term potential average increment is
more than 1 m3ha−1 (based on the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
(MODIS) Net Primary Production product) and the forest transportation distance to an
existing road network is less than 1 km (Lopatin 2017)
104 P. Anttila and H. Verkerk
Fig. Box 5.2 Realised wood harvesting, the 2019 AAC, harvesting potentials under the
ISFM in exploitable forests and accessible forests in the whole of Russia and in the
European part of Russia. Accessible forests are the same as in Fig. 5.1. (Sources: Saint-
Petersburg Forestry…2015; Lopatin 2017; Finnish Forest Statistics 2020; Rosleskhoz
2020; Roslesinforg 2021; Yedinaya mezhvedomstvennaya 2021)
Russian experts have estimated that the ISFM could raise the harvesting
volumes to 3–4 m3ha−1 in the Northern Taiga Zone and to 5–6 m3ha−1 in the
Central and Southern Taiga Zones (Saint-Petersburg Forestry…2015). For
comparison, the harvesting intensity was 4.0 m3ha−1 (FAWS) in Finland in
2019 (Finnish Forest Statistics 2020). Figure Box 5.2. demonstrates the hypo-
thetical harvesting volumes for different harvesting intensities and for differ-
ent forest areas under the ISFM. If the ISFM was applied in all the forests
classed as exploitable, according to the Russian forest-use classification sys-
tem, and assuming that 4 m3ha−1 could be harvested, the total harvested vol-
ume would be 2.4 billion m3 across the whole of Russia; that is, almost tenfold
the current harvesting volumes or more than threefold the AAC. If the ISFM
was applied to the forest area considered accessible with the existing infra-
structure, the harvesting level would be 430 million m3, or roughly 60% of the
AAC and 1.9 times higher than the current harvesting volumes. On the
European part of Russia, applying the ISFM to the accessible forests would
hypothetically lead to a harvesting volume of twice the current fellings and
equal to the AAC. Thus, changing the forestry doctrine from extensive to
intensive could greatly increase forest productivity in Russia, as well as the
sustainable harvesting volumes. In several pilot areas, such as the Republics
5 Forest Biomass Availability 105
of Komi and Karelia, Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Irkutsk, Kirov and the Leningrad
region, forestry norms already allow ISFM practices. However, there are no
statistics on how large a scale the leaseholders have adopted, or are planning
to adopt, the ISFM methods.
Many factors need to be considered when interpreting the harvesting
potentials presented in Fig. 5.2. Although a forest area may be classed as
accessible, there may not be any demand for the wood due to the tree species
being wrong or the transportation distance to a processing plant being too
long. In other words, besides the physical accessibility, economic accessibil-
ity is also needed. Moreover, a shift to the forest management practices of the
ISFM requires investments in forest regeneration, the tending of seedling
stands and a forest road network, a skilled workforce, and time. Taking the
example of the road network, a ‘conditionally adequate’ road density for for-
estry is, on average, 5 m ha−1, according to a Russian assessment (State
Council…2013). The current forest road density is about 3 m ha−1, thus the
construction of 1 million km of new roads would be required to reach an
adequate density in Russia’s exploitable forests. The costs would be EUR 13
billion, using the Finnish pricing level (Finnish Forest Statistics 2020). In
practice, the costs would be more substantial, as road construction costs are
higher in Russia (Petrunin 2013; Havimo et al. 2017). To achieve the forest
road density in Finland (10 m ha−1; Uotila and Viitala 2000), more than 4 mil-
lion km of new roads and EUR 57 billion would be required. For comparison,
in 2019, forestry financing totalled EUR 1.1 billion, of which EUR 0.3 billion
was invested by the forest leaseholders (Accounts Chamber…2020).
How to create incentives for forest leaseholders to invest in management
activities with payback times that will, at best, be decades in the future, when
there are also no guarantees that the lease period will be continued? Where to
find enough workers to execute labour-intensive operations, such as tending
seedling stands and thinnings, which are not that common in Russia? At pres-
ent, using Finland as an example, the number of forestry workers in relation
to the exploitable forest area is four times higher than in Russia, and even
though there would be a willingness and the assets available to invest in forest
management as well as the necessary workforce, materialisation of the full
harvesting potential provided by the ISFM would take decades.
Russian forests are vast by area and volume, and for decades, the realised
harvesting volumes have been far less than the AAC, the growth or the myriad
different kinds of harvesting potential estimates. It would be tempting to inter-
pret that there is a substantial – even astronomical – potential to increase the
material use of forests in Russia. However, it is unrealistic to assume that the
harvesting levels could be raised considerably in the short or medium terms.
106 P. Anttila and H. Verkerk
This fact has also been acknowledged in the Russian forest sector develop-
ment strategy, whose most positive scenario for the harvesting level of 2030 is
286 million m3. In the long term, it would be quite possible to reinforce both
the growth and harvesting volumes greatly. However, in order to realise this
development path, several challenges have to be overcome. Infrastructure has
to be developed, forest management rethought, the use of wood diversified,
the operating environment stabilised, etc. Naturally, money is needed, but also
politically sensitive issues, such as the private ownership of forests and the
role of foreign investors, have to be discussed at a profound level.
The vast forest resources have always tempted non-Russian wood proces-
sors to source feedstock from Russia. However, the task has never been an
easy one. During the last few decades, Russia has aimed at restricting round-
wood exports, and the means to do this have included protective export duties,
quotas and different regulations that complicate export procedures (Karvinen
et al. 2019). In fact, after a years-long period of relatively stable trade condi-
tions, roundwood sourcing from Russia to Europe will again become signifi-
cantly more difficult in the very near future. A plan to ban exports of softwood
and valuable hardwood from Russia was announced at the end of 2020
(Presidential instructions…2020). As a consequence, tariff quotas for soft-
wood (spruce and pine) are to be removed from 2022 onwards (Government
Decree…396). Under the valid regulation on customs duties, this will lead to
prohibitive duties – for softwood, a minimum of €55 m −3 (Government
Decree…754). A new development that has been raised is the possibility of
restricting the export of softwood chips. It has been suggested that softwood
chips be added to the products crucial for the internal Russian market on
which temporary export restrictions or an export ban can be imposed (Draft of
Government Decree…). The message is quite clear – harvested roundwood
should be processed in Russia to create value added.
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5 Forest Biomass Availability 111
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Chapter 6
Carbon Sequestration and Storage
in European Forests
Abstract European forests have been acting as a significant carbon sink for the last
few decades. However, there are significant distinctions among the forest carbon
sinks in different parts of Europe due to differences in the area and structure of the
forests, and the harvesting intensity of these. In many European countries, the forest
area has increased through natural forest expansion and the afforestation of low-
productivity agricultural lands. Changing environmental conditions and improved
forest management practices have also increased the carbon sequestration and stor-
age in forests in different regions. The future development of carbon sequestration
and storage in European forests will be affected both by the intensity of forest man-
agement and harvesting (related to future wood demand) and the severity of climate
change and the associated increase in natural forest disturbances. Climate change
may also affect the carbon dynamics of forests in different ways, depending on
geographical region. Therefore, many uncertainties exist in the future development
of carbon sequestration and storage in European forests, and their contribution to
climate change mitigation. The demand for multiple ecosystem services, and differ-
ences in national and international strategies and policies (e.g. the European Green
Deal, climate and biodiversity policies), may also affect the future development of
carbon sinks in European forests.
Forests can contribute significantly to the global carbon cycle and climate change
mitigation by sequestering carbon from the atmosphere and storing it in forests (for-
est biomass and soil) and in wood-based products (with long life-cycles), and also
through the use of forest biomass to substitute for fossil-fuel-intensive materials,
products and fossil energy (Nabuurs et al. 2017; Leskinen et al. 2018). This is also
the case in Europe, where the majority of forests are managed. Forest management
has largely influenced the present tree species composition (Spiecker 2003) and
wood production potential (Rytter et al. 2016; Verkerk et al. 2019) of forests, and
will continue to do so for the coming decades (e.g. Koehl et al. 2010; Lindner
et al. 2014).
In Europe, the forest area and carbon storage have both increased since the 1950s
for several reasons. The forest area has increased by about 30% between 1950 and
2000, and by 9% since 1990 up to the present (Forest Europe 2020). This has
occurred through natural forest expansion and the afforestation of low-productivity
agricultural lands (e.g. Gold et al. 2006; Forest Europe 2015; Vilén et al. 2016). The
ratio of annual harvested timber to the total annual increment of forests is below
80% across Europe, remaining relatively stable for most countries for the last few
decades (European Environmental Agency [EEA] 2017). Additionally, improved
forest management practices and changing environmental conditions (e.g. nitrogen
deposition, climate warming and the elevation of atmospheric CO2 concentrations)
have increased the carbon sequestration and storage in European forests (e.g.
Pretzsch et al. 2014; Etzold et al. 2020). However, the growing (carbon) stock of
European forests has clearly increased more rapidly over the last few decades than
the forest area (e.g. 17.5 million ha between 1990 and 2015), as the average volume
per hectare has been increasing.
However, there are significant distinctions among the forest carbon sinks in dif-
ferent parts of Europe due to large differences in the forest area and structure (age
and tree species composition). These are related to differences in the prevailing
climatic and site conditions, the intensity of past and current forest management
activities, and the level of socioeconomic development (EEA 2016). In Northern
Europe, where the share of forest area is higher than in other parts of Europe, the
forest landscapes are dominated by mainly coniferous, (very often) single-species
and even-aged forests. In Central and Southern Europe, broadleaved deciduous and
mixed evergreen forests are more common (Forest Europe 2020). Overall, the for-
ests are more productive and have higher volumes of growing stock in Central
Europe than in other parts of Europe. Forest productivity is, nowadays, limited by
the length of the growing season and the relatively low summer temperatures in
Northern Europe, whereas in Southern Europe, it is limited by water availability,
with many forests also being located on sites with low potential for wood production.
The prevailing environmental conditions, current forest structure, management
traditions and different socioeconomic factors have also affected the intensity of
forest management. Management intensity varies from fully protective for
6 Carbon Sequestration and Storage in European Forests 115
The carbon dynamics in a forest ecosystem comprise the carbon uptake by trees
(and ground vegetation) in the above- and belowground forest biomass, and carbon
release through the autotrophic (metabolism of organic matter by plants) and het-
erotrophic (metabolism of organic matter by bacteria, fungi and animals) respira-
tion. The forest ecosystem is a carbon sink if it absorbs more carbon from the
atmosphere than it emits, resulting in an increase in the carbon storage of the forest
(forest biomass and soil). The carbon dynamics of a forest ecosystem are controlled
116 A. Kilpeläinen and H. Peltola
Table 6.1 Commonly used basic concepts of the sources, sinks and storage of carbon in a forest
Carbon Capture of CO2 from the atmosphere and its transformation into biomass
sequestration through photosynthesis
Carbon storage Amount of carbon (stock) in the forest biomass and soil that has been removed
from the atmosphere and stored in a forest ecosystem through carbon
Carbon sink A forest ecosystem is a carbon sink if it absorbs more carbon from the
atmosphere than it emits, resulting in an increase in carbon storage in the forest
ecosystem. The net ecosystem exchange is negative (NEE = NPP – RH, <0)
Carbon source A forest ecosystem is a carbon source if it emits more carbon into the
atmosphere than it absorbs, resulting in the consequent reduction of carbon
storage in the forest ecosystem. The net ecosystem exchange is positive
(NEE = NPP – RH, >0)
Carbon The carbon balance (NEE) of a forest ecosystem refers to the sum of carbon
balance absorbed by and emitted from the forest ecosystem. If the carbon absorption is
equal to the carbon emission, the carbon balance is zero
NEE net ecosystem CO2 exchange, NPP net primary production, RH heterotrophic soil respiration
by environmental (climate, site) conditions, and the structure (age, stocking, tree
species composition, etc.) and functioning of the forest ecosystem.
The carbon sequestration and stock of forest biomass may vary greatly in a forest
ecosystem over time, these are controlled by the initial stand characteristics, the
type and intensity of management (e.g. forest regeneration material, thinning and
fertilisation) (Routa et al. 2019) and the length of the rotation period (Lundmark
et al. 2018) or other time period being considered. The carbon stock in soil is gener-
ally relatively stable, although it is affected by carbon inputs from litter fall and
carbon outputs from the decay of litter and humus, the latter representing earlier
litter input of unrecognisable origin (Kellomäki et al. 2008). The decomposition of
old humus and litter contributes significantly to soil carbon emissions at the begin-
ning of the rotation period, but in the later stages of stand development, the decay of
new litter contributes more (e.g. Kilpeläinen et al. 2011). Generally, for most of the
duration of stand development, the stands act as carbon sinks (Table 6.1).
Management intensity affects the carbon sequestration and stocks in forest ecosys-
tems through changing the structure and functioning of an ecosystem. A managed
forest ecosystem sequesters carbon as trees grow, but loses carbon in harvesting. By
comparison, in unmanaged forest ecosystems (e.g. old-growth forests), the carbon
dynamics are affected by the age structure, the mortality of mature trees, natural
regeneration and the ingrowth of seedlings in canopy gaps (Luyssaert et al. 2008).
The annual growth rate of trees can be higher in managed than in unmanaged (intact)
6 Carbon Sequestration and Storage in European Forests 117
forest ecosystems, but the carbon sink is lower due to harvesting (Kellomäki 2017;
Moomaw et al. 2020). Older forest stands can store more carbon, but the rate at
which they remove additional carbon from the atmosphere is substantially lower,
and can even become negative as the mortality increases and exceeds the regrowth
(Gundersen et al. 2021). On the other hand, devastating abiotic (e.g. wind storms
and forest fires) and biotic (e.g. insect outbreaks) disturbances may cause a sudden
decrease in carbon sequestration and storage in forest ecosystems.
The use of appropriate, site-specific regeneration methods and materials (e.g.
improved regeneration materials with better growth rates and survival), the proper
timing and intensity of pre-commercial and commercial thinnings, and forest fertili-
sation on sites with limited nutrient availability, have been proposed as ways of
increasing carbon sequestration (and timber production) over one rotation in boreal
forests (e.g. Nilsen 2001; Saarsalmi and Mälkönen 2001; Bergh et al. 2014;
Haapanen et al. 2015; Hynynen et al. 2015). According to Olsson et al. (2005), in
addition to forest productivity, nitrogen fertilisation may also increase the sink and
storage of carbon in upland (mineral) soils in Norway spruce stands due to the
simultaneous increase in litter production and decrease in the decomposition of soil
organic matter and heterotrophic respiration in the soil. However, there have been
contradictory findings on the effects of nitrogen fertilisation on the decomposition
of soil organic matter and soil respiration (e.g. Magill et al. 2004; Frey et al. 2014;
Högberg et al. 2017). The maintenance of higher stocking in thinnings, together
with longer rotations, may also increase the annual mean carbon sequestration and
carbon stock in forest ecosystems over a rotation period (Liski et al. 2001; Routa
et al. 2019). Overall, carbon sequestration and storage may be increased in forests
in different ways by modifying current forest management practices. However, the
same measures may affect forests differently, as outlined in Table 6.2. Also,
Table 6.2 Possible measures to increase carbon sequestration and storage in forests over a stand
Carbon Carbon
Measures at stand level sequestration storage
Use of improved, more productive and climate-adapted forest + +
regeneration material
Proper region−/site-specific cultivation of different tree + +
Use of mixed-species stands +/− −
Maintenance of higher stocking in thinning + +
Use of fertilisation + +/−
Use of longer rotation − +
Use of shorter rotation in storm-, drought-, fire-, insect- or +/− −
fungus-prone forests
Decreased drainage (low-productivity peatlands) +/− +/−
No management +/− +
+ increase, − decrease, +/− direction of effect uncertain
118 A. Kilpeläinen and H. Peltola
20 10
Soil decomposition
5 6
4 Old humus
-5 NEE
-10 2
Sequestration New humus
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
Year Year
Fig. 6.1 Development of annual carbon flows of NEE (carbon sequestration + soil decomposition)
(a) and soil decomposition of new and old humus (b) in a boreal Norway spruce stand after a
clearcut over an 80-year rotation period with two thinnings at ages 40 and 60 years in southern
Finland. Redrawn from Kilpeläinen et al. (2011). Positive values denote carbon flowing to the
atmosphere, negative values denote carbon flowing to the ecosystem
Fig. 6.2 (a) NEE under different management regimes in a Norway spruce stand under boreal
conditions over a 160-year period under different management regimes. (b) Development of eco-
system carbon stocks (expressed as CO2) in trees (top) and soil (bottom) under different manage-
ment regimes. Values in parentheses in the legends indicate mean NEE (a) and mean carbon stock
(b) over the simulation period. Each reduction in the tree carbon stock corresponds to the harvest-
ing of timber from the ecosystem and its mobilisation to the technosphere as harvested wood
products. After Alam et al. (2017)
Figure 6.3 shows an example of how alternative forest management regimes (use
of better-growing seedlings, nitrogen fertilisation, higher stocking in thinning)
might increase the simulated NEE of a forest ecosystem under even-aged manage-
ment in a boreal upland Norway spruce stand with (BT, basic thinning) and without
(BT-NO BIO, no bioenergy harvesting) harvesting logging residues from a clearcut.
The highest increases, compared to BT-NO BIO, were observed with the use of
improved seedlings in regeneration (i.e. 20% better growth than seedlings of forest-
seed origin) and nitrogen fertilisation (2–4 times during a rotation period at the
same time as thinning, depending on the management regime), along with the main-
tenance of (30%) higher stocking in thinnings over a rotation compared to the base-
line management. The increases in NEE in these regimes, compared to BT-NO BIO,
varied between 22 and 200%. Maintaining a higher growing stock over the rotation
also increased the carbon benefits when compared to BT.
Forest resources comprise mosaics of single stands with varying climatic and site
conditions and forest structures (age, tree species composition and stocking), which
together affect the future of carbon sinks and storage in forests, and the forest har-
vesting potential, in different regions (Hudiburg et al. 2009; Kilpeläinen et al. 2017;
120 A. Kilpeläinen and H. Peltola
Fig. 6.3 Annual NEE (t CO2 ha-1 year-1) of a Norway spruce stand under alternative management
regimes, with harvesting of logging residues, stumps and coarse roots (BT, BTF, BTG and
BT30FG, NT) and baseline forest management (BT-NO BIO), with no harvesting of logging resi-
dues. F nitrogen fertilisation, G use of genotypes with 20% increased growth, BT30 use of 30%
higher stocking in thinnings, NT no thinning. (After Kilpeläinen et al. 2016)
Thom et al. 2018). At the regional level, the development of carbon sequestration
and carbon storage in forests is strongly affected by the initial age structure of the
forests, which also affects possible management measures over time (Baul et al.
2020). Therefore, differences in past forest management regimes in European coun-
tries will also reflect the future potential of increased carbon sequestration, wood
production and carbon stocks in forests.
Heinonen et al. (2017) showed that, with around 73 million m3 of annual timber
harvesting, the carbon storage of Finnish forests (forest biomass and soil), exclud-
ing forest conservation areas, may remain quite stable over the 90-year simulation
period, compared to a situation with the initial growing stock (Fig. 6.4). However,
with a lower even-flow timber harvest, the 40–60 million m3 levels may increase
significantly. On the other hand, despite the harvesting level, the forest carbon stock
starts to decrease after the first 40 years of the simulation period due to the changing
forest age structure. This decline is also relatively greater at a lower harvesting
intensity, which is associated with a larger share of unmanaged forests with decreas-
ing growth and increasing mortality over time. Heinonen et al. (2017) did not con-
sider either the effects of intensified forest management or climate change on the
forest growth, or natural disturbances. By intensifying forest management, for
example, by using improved regeneration materials and nitrogen fertilisation on
6 Carbon Sequestration and Storage in European Forests 121
Fig. 6.4 Development of the carbon balance (i.e. the difference between sequestrated and released
carbon) in the forest biomass and soil in three cutting scenarios in Finland, for nine 10-year periods
under current climate. S40 and S60 denote cutting scenarios with 40 and 60 million m3 year-1 cut-
ting drains, respectively. In the SUS (sustainable) cutting scenario, the cutting drain was the high-
est possible (73 million m3 year-1), which it was assumed would not lead to decreasing growing
stock volume during the 90-year period without assuming improved forest management or climate
change. Redrawn from Heinonen et al. (2017)
Table 6.3 Possible measures to increase carbon sequestration and storage in European forests and
thus mitigate climate change
Carbon Carbon
Measures at regional (national) level sequestration storage
Increase forest growth by different measures + +
Reduce harvesting level + +/−
Increase forest conservation area + +/−
Reduce disturbance risks in storm-, drought-, fire- or insect- + +
prone forests by considering risk in adaptive management
Reduce deforestation and increase afforestation and reforestation + +
+ increase, – decrease, +/– direction of effects uncertain
upland forest sites, both the growing (carbon) stock and wood production could
increase under boreal conditions with minor climate change (e.g. the RCP2.6 forc-
ing scenario) in the coming decades (Heinonen et al. 2018a, b).
In European forests, the carbon storage (and sink) could be increased by modify-
ing current forest management practices and harvesting intensities. However, same
measures may affect the carbon sequestration and storage in different ways, espe-
cially over different time periods (Table 6.3).
When seeking to enhance the carbon storage in forests, it is important to bear in
mind that forest disturbances are likely to increase in the future, with changing cli-
mate (Seidl et al. 2014; Venäläinen et al. 2020). Given this, the risk of decreasing
forest carbon storage might increase, and therefore appropriate adaptation measures
would be required to minimise the harmful effects (see also Chap. 5). The severity
of climate change will also affect the carbon dynamics of forests through its effects
on forest regeneration, growth and mortality processes, as controlled by manage-
ment. These effects may also be contradictory, depending on the region.
Forests also contribute to climate through the absorption or reflection of solar
radiation, cooling as a result of evapotranspiration, and the production of
122 A. Kilpeläinen and H. Peltola
cloud-forming aerosols (Kalliokoski et al. 2020). These will affect the role of for-
ests in climate change mitigation. An increase in the aboveground forest biomass
and carbon stock, and the proportion of coniferous tree species in the growing stock,
may decrease the planet’s surface albedo (i.e. the reflection of solar radiation). This
may result in enhanced climate warming in opposition to a lower carbon stock and
greater proportion of broadleaf tree species (e.g. Lukeš et al. 2013). On the other
hand, in managed, even- and uneven-aged boreal Norway spruce stands with rela-
tively low average stocking over a management cycle, for example, the opposing
effects on radiative forcing of changes in the albedo and carbon stocks may largely
cancel each other out, providing few remaining net climate remediation benefits
(Kellomäki et al. 2021). Alternatively, the maintenance of higher ecosystem carbon
stocks in managed forests, or with no management, clearly implies greater net cool-
ing benefits. This is despite the lower albedo enhancing radiative absorption, and
thus enhancing warming. However, increasing the use of the no-management option
may require compensation for forest owners for lost harvest income (Kellomäki
et al. 2021).
Under sustainable forest management, the impacts of that management on eco-
system services other than carbon sequestration and its storage in forests, such as
the production of timber and non-wood products, the maintenance of biodiversity
and recreational value, should also be considered. This is important because carbon
storage in forests and the amount of deadwood (an indicator of biodiversity), for
example, correlate positively with each other, but negatively with harvested timber
volume and the economic profitability of forestry (Diaz et al. 2021). Lower manage-
ment and harvesting intensities will also lead to forest structures in which there are
more older trees, a larger share of broadleaves and a greater amount of deadwood
compared to forests under higher management and harvesting intensities (Heinonen
et al. 2017).
The future development of the carbon storage and sinks in European forests will be
affected by the intensity of forest management and harvesting (and thus wood
demand), the severity of the climate change (Kindermann et al. 2013) and the asso-
ciated increase in natural forest disturbances (Seidl et al. 2014) in the different
regions. In addition, the demand for multiple ecosystem services and different
national and international strategies and policies (e.g. European Green Deal, cli-
mate and biodiversity policies) will affect the intensity of forest management and
harvesting in those different regions. Thus, due to the complexity of the issue, there
are many uncertainties in the future development of carbon sequestration and stor-
age in European forests, and their ability to contribute to climate change mitigation.
In the EU Reference Scenario (EC 2016), forest harvests are projected to increase
by 9% between 2005 (516 million m3) and 2030 (565 million m3) due to a growing
6 Carbon Sequestration and Storage in European Forests 123
Fig. 6.5 Development of the EU-28’s emissions/removals in the forest sector in Mt. CO2eq. up to
2050 (EC 2016)
demand for energy biomass and material use (Fig. 6.5). Consequently, forest growth
is projected to decrease by 3%, and the carbon sink in forests by 32%, by 2030. This
may be partially compensated for by increasing the carbon sink through afforesta-
tion and decreasing emissions from deforestation. In 2050, total forest growth is,
however, clearly predicted to be higher than the wood harvests in this Reference
Scenario (Fig. 6.5). Assuming a constant harvest scenario (e.g. Pilli et al. 2017), the
carbon sinks in the forest pools of the EU-28 are estimated to decrease by 6% in
2030 compared to the average of the historical period 2000–2029. On the other
hand, based on projections for forest resources under alternative management and
policy assumptions, the increased carbon storage in the EU-28 forests could provide
additional sequestration benefits of approximately up to 172 Mt CO2 year-1 by 2050
(Nabuurs et al. 2017).
With the right set of incentives in place at the EU and Member States levels, the
EU has the potential to achieve an additional mitigation impact of 441 Mt CO2 year-1
by 2050 (Nabuurs et al. 2017). The measures to achieve this would include improv-
ing forest management, expanding the forested area (afforestation), substituting for
fossil- based materials and energy by wood, and setting aside forest reserves for
short-term carbon sequestration. In addition to mitigating GHG emissions, the sug-
gested measures could also adapt and build forest resilience, sustainably increase
forest productivity and incomes, and tackle multiple policy goals set for the future
(see also Chap. 9).
6.5 Research Implications
Changes in the intensity of forest management and harvesting will affect the carbon
sequestration potential of forests and the carbon storage in forests. Using different
forest management measures could help to increase these. However, it should be
124 A. Kilpeläinen and H. Peltola
noted that enhancing the carbon storage in forests through management may also
increase the effects of natural forest disturbances, such as wind storms, fires, drought
and pests. Therefore, it is crucial to consider how to increase forest resilience in the
EU through forest management. Adapting thinning regimes, shortening rotation
periods and using improved regeneration materials may help to decrease the vulner-
ability of forests to various natural disturbances, as well as providing the means for
maintaining and enhancing forest carbon sinks. It should also be considered how
and under what conditions various silvicultural methods, such as stand density con-
trol, fertilisation and mixed-species forests, could help to maintain and improve the
adaptation capacity, resilience and mitigation potential of forests in parallel.
Besides forest carbon sequestration and storage, wood-based products can pro-
vide significant carbon storage. Wood products may also be used to substitute for
fossil-fuel-intensive materials, products and energy (Nabuurs et al. 2017; Leskinen
et al. 2018). However, regional conditions vary significantly across the EU. This
partly explains the difficulties involved in quantifying the mitigation impacts of the
EU-level forests and the forest-based sector. Moreover, the large diversity of abiotic
and biotic circumstances and management practices also makes it challenging to
generalise the results of individual studies to the EU level. On the other hand, varia-
tions in the growth potential and forest utilisation rates in the various value chains
create a wide range of options for adaptation to, and mitigation of, climate change
in the EU, depending on regional conditions. Beyond adaptation and mitigation, the
simultaneous provisioning of multiple ecosystem services for society should also be
ensured, in a sustainable way, while increasing forest resilience to natural distur-
bances. This requires thought to be given to the uncertainties associated with cli-
mate change and the risks in forest-management decision-making, which are still
understudied topics, requiring further input.
6.6 Key Messages
• European forests have acted as carbon sinks for the last few decades due to
increases in the forest area, improved forest management and changing environ-
mental conditions.
• The future development of carbon sequestration and storage in European forests
will be affected both by the intensity of forest management and harvesting (asso-
ciated with future wood demand) and the severity of climate change and the
related increase in natural disturbances.
• The great diversity of abiotic and biotic circumstances, management practices
and forest utilisation levels in the different regions of the EU creates both a wide
range of options, but also challenges, for the adaptation to, and mitigation of,
climate change in different regions.
6 Carbon Sequestration and Storage in European Forests 125
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Chapter 7
Contribution of Wood-Based Products
to Climate Change Mitigation
E. Hurmekoski (*)
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Seppälä
Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland
A. Kilpeläinen
University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
J. Kunttu
European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland
carbon storage. HWPs1 act as temporary storage for the bio-based carbon seques-
trated by trees from the atmosphere. The impact of this carbon flow on net emis-
sions depends on the level of harvest and the products produced from wood. That is,
the HWP pool acts as a carbon sink when input to the product pool exceeds outflow
from the product pool (i.e. the product pool is increasing). In contrast, if the change
in the overall HWP carbon stock is negative, the HWP pool acts as a source of emis-
sions. In the GHG inventory reporting rules under the Paris Agreement, the HWP
sink impact of all HWPs manufactured in the producer countries is attributed to
producer countries, regardless of export destination (UN Framework Convention on
Climate Change [UNFCCC] 2018).
Unlike the carbon sinks represented by forests and HWPs, the substitution
impacts do not exist in the national inventory submissions for GHG reporting under
the UNFCCC, and they are thereby not a part of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) methodology for reporting emissions and removals.
Although this makes the substitution impacts invisible (Holmgren 2019), one can
argue that they are implicitly included in the form of reduced emissions in other
sectors, such as construction. However, the producer countries cannot therefore
directly benefit from the substitution impacts, as this would effectively lead to dou-
ble counting. That is, the producer would gain substitution credits explicitly, even
though these credits would already have been implicitly accounted for in the coun-
tries where the production of more emissions-intensive products were lowered as a
consequence of substitution, either in the export destinations of the HWPs or in
third-party countries that would have exported steel, for example. These substitu-
tion impacts can only be calculated and interpreted against a separately determined
reference, and are therefore not necessarily directly comparable to the absolute
reported emissions and sinks.
Substitution and HWP sinks can be a part of (national) climate policy, such as
when promoting wood construction in a government programme (e.g. Finnish
Government 2019), but should not be viewed in isolation from other climate- change
mitigation strategies (see Chap. 8). Despite their abstract nature, the substitution
and HWP sink impacts form an important part in the overall carbon flows associated
with forests and wood use to and from the atmosphere.
Climate-change mitigation measures are always forward-looking. Regardless of
the current situation, only additional measures compared to a baseline ought to be
regarded as mitigation. Thus, it is necessary to distinguish between the substitution
impacts and HWP carbon sinks originating from the current use of wood and the
possible changes in the use of wood. The former gives an estimate of the amount of
emissions that would occur if non -wood products were used in place of HWPs––
that is, the already achieved mitigation. Only the latter (i.e. a marginal increase in
the use of wood) can possibly be attributed to further efforts on climate-change miti-
gation. However, substitution can occur both ways. A reduction in the market share
HWPs are synonymous with forest-based products. The term HWP has been established in tech-
nical and policy nomenclature, despite it seeming somewhat illogical.
132 E. Hurmekoski et al.
of wood from the baseline may increase fossil emissions if, for example, wood was
replaced by coal in the energy sector or concrete in the construction sector.
Despite the fairly intuitive basic principles, quantifying the substitution and
carbon-storage impacts is technically complex and demanding. The results are also
highly dependent on the applied system boundaries and other assumptions. In this
chapter, we first introduce the basic approaches for quantifying HWP substitution
and sink impacts, and then draw attention to, and discuss, their potential pitfalls.
GHGalternative − GHGwood
DFi = , (7.1)
WU wood − WU alternative
where GHGalternative and GHGwood are the fossil GHG emissions resulting from the
use of the non-wood and wood alternatives, expressed in mass units of carbon
derived from CO2 equivalents in a timeframe of 100 years, and WUwood. and
WUalternative are the amounts of wood used in the wood and non-wood alternatives,
expressed in mass units of carbon contained in the wood (Sathre and O’Connor
2010). Using standardised carbon units results in a unitless ratio (tonne C/tonne C),
7 Contribution of Wood-Based Products to Climate Change Mitigation 133
which makes the DFs comparable across widely varying cases. A positive DF value
represents reduced emissions, where an alternative product is replaced by a wood-
based product, while a negative value stands for the opposite.
The DF ought to be disaggregated to separately assess the impacts of different
life-cycle stages––the production, use, cascading (reuse or recycle) and disposal
stages (Leskinen et al. 2018). It may be possible to attribute several life-cycle stages
to one DF, but doing so should be made explicit to avoid double counting.
Regarding the divisor in Eq. (7.1), the DFs can be estimated for either the amount
of wood (carbon) required to produce a wood-based product or the amount of wood
(carbon) contained in the final product. When upscaling the product -level substitu-
tion impacts to a region or a market, the latter approach is more straightforward to
apply, as this allows allocating the correct DF to the correct feedstock flow while
avoiding double counting (see Sect. 7.1.2).
Calculating DFs requires making a number of assumptions. For example, for
textiles, it is more straightforward than for a construction product, as one can assume
1 t of viscose to provide roughly the same function as 1 t of cotton or polyphenols,
while for construction products, one needs to consider at least the widely varying
densities of the materials and the design of the functions they provide in terms of
load-bearing capacity, service life, energy efficiency, fire load, etc.
Although DFs are specified for single-product pairs, their values can still range
significantly from one estimate to another. Also, there is large variation in DFs
between products and product categories (Table 7.1). Perhaps the most reliable
average DF values are for construction and energy, due to the relatively large num-
ber of cases assessed having relatively converging estimates. For example, for
chemicals, the DFs can vary significantly due to a very large number of possible
combinations of feedstock, pretreatment options, sugars, conversion technologies,
downstream processes, as well as end uses (Taylor et al. 2015).
Around half of all harvested wood is used for energy, including wood harvested
directly from forests or as sidestreams from and byproducts of wood harvesting and
industrial operations. When looking at emissions factors per unit of energy created,
the emissions from biomass burning are higher than those from burning fossil fuels
(e.g. Zanchi et al. 2012). As Table 7.1 suggests, bioenergy nevertheless results in
positive substitution impacts due to the DF capturing only fossil emissions, while
Table 7.1 Average displacement factors for broad product categories found in the literature
Average substitution impact for wood
Product category products (tC/tC)
Structural construction products 1.3
Non-structural construction products (e.g. window 1.6
panes, doors, flooring, cladding)
Textiles 2.8
Other (e.g. chemicals, furniture, packaging) 1–1.5
Average across all product categories 1.2
Energy 0.75
Soimakallio et al. (2016) for energy, Leskinen et al. (2018) for products
134 E. Hurmekoski et al.
the biogenic emissions are accounted for in the land use, land-use change and for-
estry (LULUCF) sector (see Chap. 8 and Sect. 7.1.2). For the same reason, the cli-
mate impact of different bioenergy fractions may differ substantially, even if not
reflected in the DF. That is, while the DF will be different depending on which
energy source the woody biomass is assumed to be substituting for, the release of
biogenic emissions in a counterfactual situation depends on, for example, whether
the biomass fraction is solid wood or byproducts and residues that would decay
more quickly if left in forests and not used for energy (e.g. Repo et al. 2012).
Based on a comprehensive review of studies that have estimated DFs for wood-
based products, the average DF for all included life-cycle stages has been estimated
to be 1.2 tC/tC across a wide range of wood products and substitute products
(Leskinen et al. 2018). This compares to an average of 2.1 tC/tC, determined previ-
ously by Sathre and O’Connor (2010). Although there can indeed be systematic
changes through time in the average DFs, the apparent difference between these two
average estimates may be partly incidental, but may also reflect differing scopes for
determining the DFs, such as in terms of separating biogenic and fossil carbon flows.
Importantly, the average substitution impact found in the literature (1.2–2.1 tC/
tC) should not be used as such, as it does not have a meaningful interpretation, for
at least two reasons. Firstly, the value is an arithmetic average of all those cases that
have been assessed in the literature so far, but ignores those wood uses that have not
been assigned a DF. Assessing an average DF for an entire market is more compli-
cated than defining a DF for a single pair of products. To estimate a weighted DF for
the overall wood use, it would be necessary to determine all wood flows related to
forest- based products and all of the alternative products that the forest-based prod-
ucts are substituting for. Taking the average DF reported in the literature and multi-
plying it by the total wood use to estimate the overall substitution impacts of wood
use would ignore the wood flows and those wood uses that have no substitution
impacts, therefore yielding a flawed result. Secondly, these DFs capture only the
difference in fossil-based emissions, while the biogenic carbon emissions are
counted as changes in the carbon stocks in forests and HWPs, which adds an impor-
tant aspect of time dynamics due to the circulation of carbon in ecosystems versus
permanent fossil emissions. The static product-level DFs therefore do not capture
the full impact of using wood on the climate over time, but do provide an important
piece of the overall calculation framework (see Chap. 8). In the following, we exam-
ine the process of upscaling substitution impacts from the product level to the mar-
ket level.
production data, consumption data or value-chain data (Knauf 2015). However, the
differences, in terms of calculation routines, are minor.
Deriving product-level substitution impact estimates requires having data on: (i)
the volume of demand (in mass units of carbon, tC) for a product or energy carrier;
(ii) the end-use distribution of the product (share of all end uses, %); (iii) the mix of
substitute products in the end market (market share, %); and (iv) a DF (tC/tC) for all
substitution cases (a product replacing another product in a specific end use). Taking
dissolving pulp, primarily used for textile fibres, as an example, Table 7.2 shows
which data are needed to derive a volume-weighted DF for an intermediate product.
These assumptions are very streamlined, as the case ignores other fibres in the mar-
ket, such as traditional wool and, more importantly, the emerging recycled fibres of
various origins. The case also assumes that all viscose and lyocell products perform
the exact same function as the fibre they are substituting for, which is unlikely to be
the case in reality. The products may have different qualities, such as moisture-
wicking properties, proneness to wrinkles, ability to be washed at different tempera-
tures, etc. Moreover, the average energy mix and production structure differs
between regions, which means different DFs for different regions; that is, the DFs
are not only product specific, but also region specific. Lastly, defining a weighted
DF for the end uses of dissolving pulp other than textiles would require an extensive
survey, as there are dozens of end uses, with dissolving pulp displacing possibly
more than one other material in each end use. Probably, the overall weighted DF for
dissolving pulp could therefore be higher than the case suggests, as a quarter of the
volume, with dozens of end uses, is ignored.
If the products were more complex than in the case of textile fibres, extensive
background analysis would be required to define all possible substitution cases and
their respective DFs. For example, different structural solutions in construction
(light frame versus massive frame) can produce a tenfold difference in the relative
wood-use intensity (cubic metres of wood used per square metre of a building) to
gain the same functionality, which ought to be mirrored in the respective DF esti-
mates to avoid large errors. There are also differences, for example, between the
end-use distributions of different wood species (Poljatschenko and Valsta 2021).
Moreover, there are opposite points of view––whether wood-based energy ought to
Table 7.2 Hypothetical example of the data required to derive a displacement factor (tC/tC) for
dissolving pulp
Specific Displacing what/ (production Weighted
End use/share product/end use share stage) DF
Textiles 75% Viscose 50% Polyolefins 75% 1.0 1.11
Cotton 25% −0.28
Lyocell 50% Polyolefins 75% 2.59
Cotton 25% 1.3
Other (explosives, 25% – –
detergents, sausage
skins, etc.)
136 E. Hurmekoski et al.
be assumed to substitute for an average energy mix or for fossil fuels only. Again,
the assumptions in such cases ought to be made case by case, as the marginal energy
sources may differ, for example, in heat production and power production, and may
vary between regions.
Once the data (i–iv) have been gathered and the necessary assumptions made, the
production-stage substitution impact (PSI) for a single product or energy carrier, i,
can be calculated as:
where DFi is the volume-weighted DF for the avoided fossil-based GHG emissions
(expressed as tC) per carbon contained in product i (tC), Si is the annual volume of
a wood product produced (MtC year−1) and t is year. For example, taking the annual
production of dissolving pulp in the world in 2018 (8.4 Mt) and multiplying it by the
weighted DF from the example in Table 7.2 (1.11 tC/tC), an estimate of avoided
emissions of 9.3 MtCO2eq/year is derived.
A similar exercise could be performed for all relevant life-cycle stages. For
example, the energy recovery of wood- based products at their end-of-life can yield
substitution impacts. The end-of-life substitution impact (ESI) for product i are
determined as:
where DF_EoLi is the avoided fossil-based carbon emissions (tC) per carbon con-
tained in product i (tC) for the end-of-life stage (incineration), and OF is the outflow
from the HWP pool (MtC year−1); that is, the volume of wood products accumulated
over decades of historical wood harvesting exiting the HWP pool as the wood prod-
ucts in use are gradually discarded. For example, assuming that the annual outflow
of products based on dissolving pulp from the HWP pool was the same as the annual
production in 2018 (8.4 Mt) (i.e. assuming a steady state HWP pool), and multiply-
ing this volume by a DF for energy (0.7 tC/tC), avoided emissions of 5.9 MtCO2eq/
year would be estimated. Together, the avoided fossil emissions from the production
and end-of-life stages would, in this hypothetical case, amount to 15.2 MtCO2eq/year.
Note that, without a separately defined reference for the interpretation, this over-
all estimate refers to the amount of avoided fossil emissions compared to a hypo-
thetical situation in which no wood would be used, and cannot therefore be directly
compared, for example, to the absolute HWP sink impacts that portray the changes
in carbon stocks in a distinct time period. To make the substitution impact compa-
rable, it is necessary to calculate the impact of a marginal change in the system
compared to a counterfactual scenario (see Chap. 8); that is, to focus on the addi-
tional substitution impacts.
To derive the substitution impacts for the total wood use in a given region and
time period, data (i–iv) should be gathered for each current or emerging wood-based
product and the product they are substituting for. If the different biomass streams for
the production and end-of-life stage substitution impacts are disregarded, the
7 Contribution of Wood-Based Products to Climate Change Mitigation 137
HWPs, on average (Heinonen et al. 2017). However, any such conclusions ought to
be assessed by comparing the impacts against a holistic counterfactual scenario (see
Chap. 8) due to various indirect and cascade impacts.
Compared to substitution, the HWP sink is more straightforward to estimate.
This is partly because it is included in the international GHG reporting guidance by
the IPCC (Rüter et al. 2019). However, it should be noted that the four approaches
detailed in the GHG reporting guidance (stock change, production, atmospheric
flow, simple decay) have differences in terms of their conceptual frameworks and
system boundaries (Rüter et al. 2019). The system boundary may cross national
borders, such as when applying the ‘production’ approach, in which the producing
country reports carbon stock changes from HWPs produced by that country, regard-
less of where the HWPs are consumed and used (Rüter et al. 2019). Thus, the policy
processes have been aimed at agreeing on the use of a common method for all par-
ties to avoid double counting across national GHG inventories in order to facilitate
the global stocktake of climate-change mitigation measures.
Despite there being more peer reviewed literature on the HWP sink impact than
on the substitution impact, there are still considerable uncertainties in the assump-
tions related to HWP sink estimates. Notably, the product half-lives are generally
assumed to vary between 0 (e.g. bioenergy) and 35 (e.g. sawnwood), but they remain
very difficult to assess reliably (e.g. Iordan et al. 2018). While the HWP sink impact
is currently marginal compared to the substitution impact, this could change in the
future due to the expected average decline in the substitution impacts and the simul-
taneously expected increase in the cascade use of wood (i.e. the reuse or recycling
of wood), which would extend the lifetime of the carbon in the technosphere before
it being released back to the atmosphere.
Before jumping to the estimates of overall substitution and HWP sink impacts,
some caveats must be re-emphasised. Importantly, the absolute substitution impact
values alone should not be interpreted as the climate benefits of wood use or as the
climate-change mitigation potential. Instead, they are components of the overall
carbon flow; they do not necessarily provide a meaningful interpretation in isolation
from other parts of the studied system and without comparison to a common refer-
ence. To guide managerial or policy decision-making, it is necessary to calculate the
overall substitution impacts of wood use and use this information in calculating the
net GHG emissions of the forest-based sector under different forest management
regimes and market structures (see Chap. 8).
140 E. Hurmekoski et al.
There are very few systematic analyses of the overall substitution impacts at the
global or European levels that depict the scale of fossil emissions avoided compared
to no wood use. At the global level, Roe et al. (2019) estimated that the avoided
emissions potential from increasing the demand of wood products to replace con-
struction materials ranged from 0.25 to 1 GtCO2eq/year. At the European level,
Holmgren (2020) estimated that the currently avoided emissions from the industrial
and energy uses of wood account for −410 MtCO2eq/year (not considering the fos-
sil emissions of the forest-based value chains of 51 MtCO2eq/year). In Finland, the
current annual substitution impacts of forest-based-sector activities have been esti-
mated as accounting for between 16.6 and 35 MtCO2eq, with a domestic harvest
level of 65–70 Mm3 (Soimakallio et al. 2016; Alarotu et al. 2020; Hurmekoski et al.
2020). According to the National Inventory Report submissions under the UNFCCC,
the HWP sink impact in the EU was −40.6 MtCO2eq/year in 2017, whilst in Finland,
it has varied between −6.6 and 1.6 MtCO2eq/year since 1990. Future research may
be able to provide more detailed estimates and a more comprehensive geographical
The absolute carbon pools related to forests are highly sensitive to the level of
harvesting, which can mean large annual fluctuations. One option to alleviate this
issue, in the context of substitution impacts, is to focus on the average values across
total wood use (tC/tC). Mirroring the overall shortage of substitution estimates,
there are also not many studies globally that have approximated the weighted DF for
overall wood use on a national level. These estimates range between 0.3 and 1.2 tC/
tC in different scenarios and with varying geographical and product scopes, with an
average of around 0.5 tC/tC (e.g. Werner et al. 2010; Braun et al. 2016; Suter et al.
2017; Kayo et al. 2018; Hurmekoski et al. 2020). It can be seen that the national-
level average substitution impact can be smaller than the average DF reported from
meta- analyses (1.2–2.1 tC/tC) (Sathre and O’Connor 2010; Leskinen et al. 2018),
which makes it all the more important to keep these values separate and to under-
stand the reason behind the difference––the scope of the wood flows and product
portfolios considered.
Future estimates of substitution impacts are uncertain, not only because of the long
time frames, per se, but more because of the ongoing structural changes in the
forest-based industries and their possibly evolving competitive positions. Some of
the new wood-based products may have superior environmental performance com-
pared to the current state, such as alternative solvent processes for regenerated cel-
lulose fibres for textiles (Rüter et al. 2016). This could increase the average
substitution impact of wood use if produced in place of the declining communication-
paper market, to which no significant substitution impact can be attributed
(Achachlouei and Moberg 2015).
7 Contribution of Wood-Based Products to Climate Change Mitigation 141
At the same time, we should expect an opposite trend that will diminish the aver-
age substitution impacts of wood use, such as emissions reductions in the energy and
industrial sectors to comply with the Paris Agreement target (e.g. Harmon 2019).
That is, these alternative products tend to be more energy intensive than wood-based
products, as indicated by positive DF values. When the average emissions from
energy production are lowered, the emissions reductions of the competing products
will be relatively greater than for wood-based products, thereby diminishing the
relative benefit of wood use. Besides the emissions from energy production, there
may be large reductions in the energy intensity of production processes, as well as
process-related emissions. For example, in the construction sector, the emissions
from calcination in the cement production process, which currently produces around
half the total emissions in cement production, could eventually be diminished (e.g.
Licht et al. 2012). In the chemicals and biofuels sector, CO2 could be captured and
used as a feedstock (e.g. Kruus and Hakala 2017), which could entirely change the
logic of substitution impact estimates, if applied on a large scale. Thus, when fossil
emissions are eventually phased out, there will be no fossil emissions to be avoided,
leading to a zero substitution impact potential, regardless of wood use.
In addition to direct emissions, the importance of recycling has been recognised
in the European Union Circular Economy action plan, which aims to improve
resource efficiency by keeping the value of materials, products and resources in the
technological ‘closed loop’ system for as long as possible by, for example, reuse,
recycling and product design (European Commission 2015). Technological solu-
tions may contribute to this target by: (i) minimising the virgin feedstock demand;
and (ii) improving the reuse and recycling possibilities of materials. The expected
increase in the recycling rates of non-wood products may further diminish the sub-
stitution impacts of forest-based products, such as in the case of replacing recycled
plastic compared to primary plastic. The impact of wood cascading on the substitu-
tion impacts remains unclear, depending on whether, for example, the recycled
wood products create additional demand, or if they substitute for existing wood
products. Production technologies that improve the durability, recyclability or
resource efficiency of wood-based products, such as laser scanning, improved saw-
ing techniques, waste separation technologies and recycling technologies, would
increase the HWP sink.
Thus, without investments in new wood-based products with superior environ-
mental profiles, the average substitution impacts of wood use can be expected to
diminish (e.g. Keith et al. 2015). This interplay of hypothetical developments and
innovations in the wood-based products sector and in competing sectors makes the
outlook very uncertain. Moreover, where the wood products and competing prod-
ucts are produced can make a difference, as the average energy profile and the pace
of emissions reductions may be different from one region to another. However, from
the environmental and societal perspectives, the competition between forest-based
products and alternative products is welcome, as it strengthens the incentives for
developing products and processes that cause less harm for ecosystems.
While there are still huge barriers to the large-scale uptake of novel negative
emissions technologies, they will be necessary in the long-term, due to the sluggish
142 E. Hurmekoski et al.
Seppälä et al. (2019) introduced the concept of a required DF, which depicts the
required scale of substitution impacts that would exceed the temporary loss of eco-
system carbon when wood is being harvested. In other words, it depicts the minimum
value for the average substitution impacts that would result in an immediate net
reduction of emissions, despite an increased level of harvesting. The level of the
required DF that would satisfy this condition has been estimated to be between 1.9
and 2.5 tC/tC (Seppälä et al. 2019; Köhl et al. 2020). This compares to an estimated
current weighted overall substitution impact of around 0.5 tC/tC in Finland
(Soimakallio et al. 2016; Hurmekoski et al. 2020), suggesting that the substitution
impacts alone would not be large enough to compensate for the loss of the forest
carbon sink , even in the medium- and long-term. In other words, in the Finnish con-
text, a marginal increase in the use of wood is unlikely to reduce the net carbon emis-
sions of wood use within the timespan of a century (see also Heinonen et al. 2017).
The Finnish forest sector is characterised by long rotation periods (60–120 years), an
intensive forest management regime with a young-stand-dominated age class struc-
ture, a relatively low level of natural disturbances, and a pulp- and paper-dominated
industry structure, which together help to explain this difference. In other regions, the
circumstances may allow opposite conclusions within a reasonable time frame.
However, it is important to acknowledge that the scope of the analysis leading to
these conclusions is limited. Added to the uncertainty of the substitution and carbon
sink estimates of forests and their products, such analyses tend to disregard other
possibly relevant determinants of net emissions, such as the possible risks and ben-
efits associated with the impact of climate change on forests, including increased
forest growth and the different abiotic and biotic damage caused to forests by wind-
storms, drought, insects, pathogens and forest fires. Such elements may have a deci-
sive impact on the conclusions, although state-of-the-art research faces difficulties
in capturing them all under a single framework. Moreover, mitigation strategies are
naturally influenced by a holistic assessment of efficiency and feasibility, which
7 Contribution of Wood-Based Products to Climate Change Mitigation 143
broadens the scope from physical carbon flows to, for example, the incentives cre-
ated by harvesting income to finance further mitigation measures.
Regardless of the harvest level, the net emissions of the forest-based sector can,
at least in principle, be reduced by changing the process and production structure to
increase resource efficiency and the share of products with very high DFs and long
life-spans, in addition to increasing the carbon sequestration with the help of for-
estry practices. More specifically, in terms of climate-change mitigation, improve-
ments in the wood utilisation patterns from the perspective of the climate can be
divided into two general actions: (i) reducing the share of energy involved in overall
wood use, and satisfying the operational energy demand of the pulp mills and saw-
mills through alternative, low-emissions energy sources or by increasing the energy
efficiency of such mills; or (ii) improving resource efficiency in the manufacturing
of products and/or applying more cascade loops to increase the length of HWP car-
bon storage. In general, the use of wood for energy, in most cases, produces a lower
DF compared to its material uses, while new wood-based products, such as chemi-
cals, textiles and mixed-material composites, exhibit the highest potential
(Soimakallio et al. 2016; Leskinen et al. 2018). Therefore, wood-material flows,
including secondary flows, such as sidestreams and waste wood, should primarily
be used for those high DF applications before being used as combustion for energy.
In wood construction, the substitution potential is, on average, estimated to be
slightly lower, but the HWP sink is considerably higher compared to many of the
new wood-based products. Thus, the assumed carbon-storage time of up to 70 years
compensates for the smaller substitution impact.
A big question mark in this context concerns the extent to which the production
structure could change. The market structure is simultaneously influenced by con-
sumer demand, the competitive advantage of a firm, industry, region or country to
produce a certain product, and the strategies of the industries. For example, it is
unrealistic to assume that the production of short life-span products with no substi-
tution impacts, such as hygiene papers, would come to a halt. Even if this was the
case in one region, the production would likely shift elsewhere, at least in part (see
Box 7.1). Nonetheless, besides reducing the direct energy use of industrial side-
streams, one clear opportunity relates to the declining demand for communication
papers, and the resulting increased availability of pulpwood for alternative uses,
such as packaging (Hurmekoski et al. 2018).
It is necessary to remember that, ultimately, the primary focus of any climate-
change mitigation strategy ought to be on minimising overall emissions to the atmo-
sphere rather than, for example, maximising the substitution impacts of wood use,
whether this means favouring certain products or, for example, changing forest
management practices for improved ecosystem resilience. Due to established indus-
tries being required to find several complementary emissions-reduction pathways to
meet the obligations of the Paris Agreement, the increased use of wood becomes all
the more relevant for climate-change mitigation, especially the more pessimistic the
overall climate policy outlook. However, as lignocellulosic resources will, in any
case, be insufficient for replacing the entire fossil-based economy, the uses of wood
will need to be prioritised in those markets where significant emissions reductions
144 E. Hurmekoski et al.
seem the most difficult to obtain, or where co-benefits on, for example, the water
footprint could be gained, markets allowing.
7.4 Research Implications
A few practical implications arise from the identified uncertainties. There is a need
to balance between expected developments in the forest-products markets and the
availability of data for the determination of DFs. While there can be alternative
ways for addressing the structural changes in forest-sector modelling to gain market
scenarios, we simply do not have data for accurately determining the DF for novel
wood-based products, or their counterparts that are not yet in production. We can,
however, make assumptions about the factors that will influence the outcome, and
can rely on sensitivity analysis to test their impact. Indeed, in future endeavours to
estimate the scale of the overall substitution impacts, a range of estimates based on
minimum and maximum assumptions should be considered, rather than a single
value, together with extensive sensitivity analysis on the critical uncertainties.
Focusing on marginal substitution, and using optimisation techniques to define opti-
mal substitution cases, allows for the formulation of tangible and policy- relevant
strategies (Smyth et al. 2017).
Importantly, there is a need for integrated modelling frameworks to capture the
various market dynamics, such as rebound effects. For example, Antikainen et al.
(2017) found that using textiles for longer before disposal, or substituting synthetic
fibres for MMCFs, increases the overall material consumption of the economy, as
this drives the consumption from textiles towards other commodities, which are
often more material-intensive than textiles, and because synthetic fibres are pro-
duced from the sidestreams of the oil industry. Such impacts cannot be captured by
focusing on the forest- product markets alone, but require a broader understanding
of the end-use markets and value chains, as well as consumer behaviour.
A further layer of complexity is added when the fossil carbon flows are com-
pared against the biogenic carbon flows. While GHG molecules and their impact on
the climate obviously cannot be told apart based on their origin, this distinction is
necessary when defining long-term mitigation strategies. In the next chapter of this
book, we combine the insights of Chaps. 6 and 7, highlighting the possible trade-
offs, and searching for no-regret mitigation strategies in light of these carbon flows.
7.5 Key Messages
• HWPs can influence the climate through two separate mechanisms. Firstly, when
wood is harvested from a forest, the carbon contained in the wood is stored in
wood-based products for months to decades. If the amount of wood products
entering the market exceeds the amount of wood products being discarded annu-
ally, this can lead to a HWP sink impact. Secondly, as wood-based products have,
on average, a lower fossil carbon footprint than alternative products, using wood
in construction, for example, can avoid larger fossil emissions by reducing the
production of cement and steel. This is a substitution impact. The international
GHG reporting conventions and the related IPCC guidance only cover the HWP
sink impact, but not the substitution impacts.
7 Contribution of Wood-Based Products to Climate Change Mitigation 147
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Chapter 8
Climate-Change Mitigation
in the Forest-Based Sector: A Holistic View
E. Hurmekoski (*)
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Kilpeläinen
University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
J. Seppälä
Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland
8.1 Introduction
This chapter contains a synthesis of the insights in Chap. 6, dealing with forests, and
Chap. 7, focusing on the technosphere. In this chapter, we adhere to the principle of
‘what the atmosphere sees’ regarding climate change. What we mean by this refers
to two aspects. Firstly, it is necessary to pay equal attention to all factors affecting
the climate impacts of the forest sector; that is, to simultaneously analyse a biologi-
cal ecosystem (forests), a technological system (industries) and a socioeconomic
system (markets). This is imperative for the designing and monitoring of climate-
change mitigation measures that ensure a net reduction in the atmospheric green-
house gas (GHG) concentrations in a desired time period.
Secondly, the principle of ‘what the atmosphere sees’ can also refer to the abso-
lute GHG emissions and sinks, in contrast to GHG emissions and sinks based on an
accounting framework used for monitoring and policy purposes. The accounting of
GHG emissions and sinks reported under national GHG inventories facilitates
tracking of the impacts of mitigation measures, for example, by comparing annually
reported values against a baseline. In the EU climate policy framework, forests and
forest bioenergy are regulated under the land use, land-use change and forestry
(LULUCF) sector, for example. Changes in carbon stocks in existing forests are
compared with forest reference levels––that is, the level of carbon sink tied to the
forest management regime of a historical reference period. Although the current
LULUCF regulation (EU 2018) contains several flexibilities, the principle is that, if
the sinks in managed forests decline below the reference level, in the accounting
framework, these emissions need to be reduced elsewhere in the LULUCF sector, or
in other sectors outside the EU emissions trading scheme. Thus, the LULUCF regu-
lation aims to make the forest and land- use sector comparable to all other economic
sectors in the EU climate policy, thereby emphasising the importance of short-term
mitigation outcomes over the possible long-term benefits of wood use. Such
accounting principles are a result of international policy processes that emphasise
the short and medium term in climate-change mitigation. In this chapter, we refer to
comparisons against a reference scenario (synonymous with a counterfactual sce-
nario) to facilitate the drawing of policy implications based on the effectiveness of
selected mitigation measures, but this should not be confused with internationally
negotiated GHG accounting principles.
The mitigation potential of the forest-based sector can be realised through sev-
eral alternative measures (e.g. Nabuurs et al. 2017a, b; St-Laurent et al. 2018;
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [IPCC] 2019), as summarised in
Table 8.1. There is, however, an important caveat––some of the forest-based climate-
change mitigation strategies are more effective on short-term climate impacts,
whereas others are better for long-term impacts, and also some of the measures may
be better suited for one particular regional context than another. Thus, there can be
trade-offs between the measures. Moreover, in real life, forests are used for multiple
purposes simultaneously, leading to mixed climate-change mitigation strategies that
consider the balancing of different societal objectives and needs for forests.
8 Climate-Change Mitigation in the Forest-Based Sector: A Holistic View 153
Table 8.1 Selected climate-change mitigation measures related to forests and wood utilisation
Type and timing of
Category impact Example and description
1A Increase Enhance sink: Afforestation and reforestation enhance forest carbon
forest area delayed impact sinks
1B Maintain Reduce source: Avoid land-use change: reducing deforestation
forest area immediate impact prevents biogenic emissions from occurring
2A Increase Enhance sink: Improve forest management: increasing the growth
site- level carbon delayed impact rate of forests and forest carbon sinks by, for example,
density using improved regeneration materials (seeds and
seedlings) or forest fertilisation
2B Maintain Reduce source: Avoid forest degradation: for example, protect
site- level carbon immediate impact old-growth forests to maintain forest carbon stocks and
density promote forest conservation (and biodiversity)
3A Increase Enhance sink: Apply principles of sustainable forest management:
landscape-level delayed impact enhancing forest carbon sequestration (growth) and
carbon stocks maintaining higher stocking in thinning (possibly also
longer rotations), while provisioning other ecosystem
3B Maintain Reduce source: Increase forest resilience to natural disturbances:
landscape-level immediate impact adaptation of forests and forest management to climate
carbon stocks change, for example, by increasing the species
diversity in forest stands, and forest resilience to
different abiotic and biotic damage by various means
(see Chap. 3)
4A Increase Enhance sink: Increase the share of long-lived wood products:
offsite carbon in immediate impact increasing the share of, for example, construction
wood products (if meeting also 1B, products in the overall wood-industry product portfolio
2B and 3B) to increase carbon storage outside the atmosphere,
irrespective of the amount of wood harvested
4B Increase Reduce source: Increase the share of low-emission wood products:
material and immediate impact increasing the share of, for example, textiles in the
energy (if meeting also 1B, overall wood-industry product portfolio to avoid fossil
substitution 2B and 3B) emissions, irrespective of the amount of wood
harvested; increasing material efficiency and clean,
non-burning energy in wood-based product chains to
avoid fossil emissions through the reallocation of
Modified after Nabuurs et al. (2007, Fig. 9.4). Note that the impacts of any strategy need to be
assessed on a case-by-case basis, and in a comprehensive framework, in order to avoid oversimpli-
fied conclusions
carbon stock in wood products) offsets the loss of carbon stored in the biomass at
the time of harvesting. The concept of carbon parity also takes into account the
accumulated ecosystem carbon that could have occurred had the harvest not taken
place. This leads to the comparison of a scenario with the defined activities against
a scenario without those activities––the counterfactual scenario. The repayment
period depends on, for example, the latitude (boreal, temperate or tropical), biomass
feedstock source (stemwood or residue), spatial scale (forest stand or landscape),
type of fossil fuel replaced (coal, oil or gas) and energy usage (heating or power
generation) (Geng et al. 2017), as well as the initial state of the forest, the forest
growth rate and the management practices (Valade et al. 2018).
Reviews focused on wood-based bioenergy have determined that the range of
parity times proposed in the literature exceeds two centuries (Lamers and Junginger
2013; Bentsen 2017). Bentsen (2017) found that the carbon debt and parity times
vary mostly due to the assumptions used, and that methodological rather than eco-
system- and management-related assumptions determine the findings. According to
Lamers and Junginger (2013), parity times are primarily influenced by the choice
and formulation of the reference scenario and the assumptions relating to fossil-
fuel-displacement efficiency. Generally, in the EU forest context, harvesting trees
for bioenergy has been estimated to have a parity time exceeding a century for final
fellings, less than a century for thinnings, and from a few years to a few decades for
forest residues (Nabuurs et al. 2017a, b; Pingoud et al. 2018). In some cases, such
as when using forest residues, dead or damaged wood from natural disturbance
sites, or new plantations on highly productive or marginal land, the net carbon ben-
efits can be almost immediate (Lamers and Junginger 2013). The parity times have
apparently been studied mostly in relation to bioenergy exclusively, so that evidence
on the range of parity times that consider all major GHG flows (i.e. including mate-
rial substitution impacts and HWP carbon sinks) remains limited. In one such
assessment for Canada, the parity time ranged from 43 years to more than a century
(Chen et al. 2018), depending on counterfactual assumptions. However, as noted by
Bentsen (2017), the lack of consensus on carbon debt and parity times among
researchers implies that the concept remains inadequate in itself for informing and
guiding concrete policy development, with too many of the outcomes and conclu-
sions relying on methodology and assumptions. Nonetheless, in the absence of bet-
ter metrics, these concepts are helpful in understanding––at least conceptually––the
temporal delay in climate benefits relating to an expanding bioeconomy.
Besides the temporal dynamics, it is necessary to note that the spatial scope of
the analysis can also influence the conclusions. The broader the spatial context, the
more policy-relevant the conclusions become. That is, compared to an analysis at
the single forest stand level, an analysis at the landscape level ought to consider a
more holistic range of contributing factors and interdependencies, even if this means
some detail is lost. Importantly, at the forested landscape level, there is no carbon
debt associated with a baseline harvest due to the mixture of stands in different
developmental stages that average this out. The landscape-level analysis is also
more relevant to analyses at the regional or national levels than the stand-level anal-
ysis. Still, it is clear that more carbon could have accumulated in the ecosystem in
the short to medium term with a lower harvest level, in the absence of natural
158 E. Hurmekoski et al.
disturbances, which is why the carbon parity period needs to be considered at all
levels of analysis (Nabuurs et al. 2017a, b).
It has been estimated that global net emissions ought to be reduced at an annual
rate of around 7% between 2020 and 2030 to be able to limit global warming to 1.5°
(Olhoff and Christensen 2019). This roughly equals the annual net emissions reduc-
tion produced in 2020 by the global lockdown measures, which were on an unprec-
edented scale, resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic (Olhoff and Christensen
2020). This urgency may be in conflict with the carbon parity times of several
decades associated with increased wood harvesting, although it has to be recognised
that this depends on the counterfactuals that should also account for various market
and ecosystem responses, for example, that current models typically ignore (see,
e.g., Favero et al. 2020). Nonetheless, due to the potentially existing carbon parity
period, it is necessary to track both the biogenic carbon dynamics and the fossil-
based production systems over time in order to enable the designation of realistic
and sustainable mitigation strategies that will not increase atmospheric carbon
within a given time period, and at the same time will allow a rapid run-down of the
fossil-based economy.
Importantly, although science can facilitate an understanding of the implications
of different time scales, this is not sufficient for judging how the short- and long-
term benefits should be appraised against one another, as this requires a value judge-
ment. Such judgements may also get confused in climate policy with the motives of
different stakeholder groups, such as the definition of sustainability (i.e. the level of
human interference with nature) (Camia et al. 2021). The appraisal of short- and
long-term climate-change mitigation measures also depends on the overall mix of
mitigation policies and strategies that exist outside the forest sector through time.
Thus, there is no conclusive view on what scale and in which time frame a tempo-
rary increase in atmospheric carbon can be tolerated in order to yield long-term
benefits. For example, the precautionary principle would suggest that a temperature
overshoot should be avoided, which might lead to the idea that the level of harvest-
ing should be immediately reduced to promote higher forest carbon sink for the
coming decades. However, biological sinks eventually become saturated, and may
be prone to natural disturbances, unless managed and continually harvested to meet
various human demands, so reducing the harvest level would ultimately cause
higher permanent fossil-based emissions (IPCC 2019).
It is widely recognised that the forest-based sector can play an important role in
climate-change mitigation. However, optimising between the short- and long-term
benefits can be tricky (IPCC 2019). An optimal harvesting intensity, from the view-
point of carbon sinks and the amount of wood utilised, will vary. Due to the
8 Climate-Change Mitigation in the Forest-Based Sector: A Holistic View 159
complexity of the system, it is not possible to draw a clear line at a level of harvest-
ing that could be characterised as (un)sustainable. Thus, there is clear motivation for
seeking ways to reduce the net GHG emissions of the forest-based sector that would
not lead to adverse consequences either in the short or the long term. In the follow-
ing, we explore some examples of how this could be achieved.
Increasing the net carbon-sink capacity of forests can be achieved by simultane-
ously improving their carbon sequestration while reducing their GHG emissions,
for example, in drained peatland forests. Forest fertilisation is the most effective
measure for increasing the carbon sequestration of forests in boreal locations in the
short term, whereas the use of improved forest regeneration material is an even
more effective measure in the long term, but their combined use is the most effective
(Heinonen et al. 2018). Also, on organic peatland forest soils, avoiding the unneces-
sary maintenance of ditches can result in lower decomposition rates in the peat layer
and its attendant GHG (especially CO2) emissions as a result of raising the
water table.
According to FAOSTAT data, the EU27’s share of world forest area was 3.9% in
2020. At the same time, the EU27’s share of world forest industry exports was
40.8% in 2019 (worth US$100 billion). With such an intensive focus on providing
forest-based products for global markets, the EU has a major opportunity to steer
sustainable production and consumption. Indeed, the substitution impacts and HWP
sinks of wood use could be increased without affecting the forest carbon sink via at
least three channels. Firstly, by increasing the resource efficiency and reducing the
carbon footprint of the current forest products in the entire value-chain relative to
the current situation. Secondly, by changing the portfolio of current products. The
byproducts of wood-using industries could be increasingly used to produce bio-
chemicals, for example, and to satisfy the operational energy demands of pulp mills
and sawmills using alternative (renewable) energy sources or by increasing the
energy efficiency of such mills. Thirdly, by innovating new forest-based products
with higher substitution impacts than the current forest products, and replacing the
latter. Increasing the relative use of wood in the construction, textiles, packaging
and chemicals markets in place of, for example, graphic papers would reduce the
demand for concrete, steel, cotton, plastic and oil derivatives, and would plausibly
result in reduced net emissions, ceteris paribus. However, even if the product port-
folio could be influenced by strategies or policies, the demand for forest-based
products will largely be shaped by consumer preferences, industry competitiveness
and the availability of alternative products to satisfy the same needs. Moreover, the
impacts of changes in the product portfolio ought to be assessed case by case, and
considering the possible indirect impacts. Targeting an increase in the share of long-
lived wood products does not guarantee climate benefits in itself, due to the markets
adjusting to the changing supply and demand, which may lead to unwanted spill-
over impacts. However, it may be possible to use industrial byproducts for construc-
tion, for example, in the form of concrete additives or walls made of nanocellulose,
which might increase both the HWP sink and the substitution impacts compared to
the baseline. Finally, markets will also always demand short-lived products, such as
packaging, hygiene papers and textiles, and it makes sense to produce these with as
160 E. Hurmekoski et al.
low a carbon footprint as possible, which might also mean using wood-based
A key aspect for sustainability lies in addressing the overconsumption of natural
resources, meaning that the demand for virgin raw materials––in particular, single-
use, non-renewable materials––needs to be reduced. Apart from reducing consump-
tion through carbon pricing, for example, this could be achieved by increasing
recycling and reuse (circular economy, cascade use), and by increasing the resource
efficiency of production (e.g. Böttcher et al. 2012). Increasing circularity (i.e. the
cascading use of wood biomass) leads to a longer delay in the release to the atmo-
sphere of the biogenic carbon that is stored in wood-based products, while also
reducing the need to harvest virgin biomass. However, an increase in cascading use
requires the avoidance of harmful substances in wood-based products, as these
could hinder the effective recycling and reuse of these wood materials (European
Commission 2018). Thus, eco-design is a key measure for improving the circularity
and substitution effects of wood products for the future.
Besides mitigation strategies, it is necessary to simultaneously build forest resil-
ience against the changing climate and increased forest disturbances, notably by
moving from monoculture forests to mixed forests (see Chap. 4). This will also
require the adaptation of industry production structures to accommodate the chang-
ing wood supply. According to Dugan et al. (2018), the most effective forest-sector
mitigation measures are likely to be those that retain or enhance the co-benefits and
ecosystem services of forests, such as biodiversity, water quality and the economy,
in addition to achieving climate-change mitigation benefits. Moreover, the mitiga-
tion portfolios need to be regionally differentiated in order to be effective (e.g.
Smyth et al. 2020).
8.5 Key Messages
• The climate impact of the forest-based sector value chain, from forestry to the
disposal of forest-based products, should be analysed from the point of view of
‘what the atmosphere sees’––that is, what is the net GHG impact on the atmo-
sphere of changes in all product stages. The net climate impact of wood use is the
sum of complex interactions between net carbon sinks in forests (tree and soil
carbon sinks: see Chap. 6) and changes in the GHG emissions of the techno-
sphere (HWP carbon sinks, substitution impacts: see Chap. 7), as well as the
biophysical impacts related to forests (albedo, aerosols, black carbon: see Chaps.
3 and 6). The net impacts are influenced by the selected time frame, as well as
future assumptions about markets (market structure, leakage effects), forest
management regimes, the risks of carbon sink reversals (natural disturbances),
etc. All these determinants ought to be assessed against a counterfactual sce-
nario––what would the carbon balance have been if the selected mitigation strat-
egies were not followed?
8 Climate-Change Mitigation in the Forest-Based Sector: A Holistic View 161
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8 Climate-Change Mitigation in the Forest-Based Sector: A Holistic View 163
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Chapter 9
Climate-Smart Forestry Approach
Abstract The climate-smart forestry approach was pioneered in 2015 and has been
generating increasing interest since then. It was developed as a response to the often
very narrow and partial perspective on how forests and the forest-based sector can
contribute to climate-change mitigation. Moreover, its basis is the understanding
that, in order to effectively enhance climate mitigation, efforts should be made to
find synergies and minimise trade-offs with the other ecosystem services forests
provide, such as biodiversity, wood production and recreation. By doing this, greater
support can be generated for climate mitigation measures. The approach acknowl-
edges that there is no one-size-fits-all toolkit to cover all circumstances, but rather
measures have to be tailored according to regional characteristics and institutions.
In summary, climate-smart forestry is a holistic approach to how forests and the
forest-based sector can contribute to climate-change mitigation that considers the
need to adapt to climate change, while taking into account specific regional settings.
9.1 Background
The climate-smart forestry (CSF) approach was originated by Nabuurs et al. (2015,
2017), with further elaborations and arguments in Nabuurs et al. (2017), Kauppi
et al. (2018), Jandl et al. (2018), Yousefpour et al. (2018), Bowditch et al. (2020) and
Verkerk et al. (2020). The first CSF pilots were introduced in the Netherlands in
2019 (Dutch Climate Accord 2018). The CSF concept, as such, was introduced
L. Hetemäki (*)
European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland
Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
e-mail: [email protected]
H. Verkerk
European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland
earlier by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) under the concept of
climate-smart agriculture at the Hague Conference on Agriculture, Food Security
and Climate Change in 2010 (FAO 2013). The FAO used CSF in a very broad sense,
and primarily in addressing the developing countries.1 Nabuurs et al. (2015, 2017)
introduced CSF specifically in the context of the Paris Climate Agreement and the
EU’s land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) policy, and since then, it
has been further elaborated to highlight the linkages with climate-change adaptation
(Verkerk et al. 2020).
The main idea of the CSF approach is expressed in the following statement:
climate-smart forestry is a holistic approach to how forests and the forest-based
sector can contribute to climate-change mitigation that considers the need to adapt
to climate change, while taking into account specific regional settings. Stated like
this, it may seem overly generalised and not necessarily providing any significant
new insight. However, the discussions, scientific literature, policies (e.g. greenhouse
gas [GHG] reporting to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change [UNFCCC] and EU LULUCF) and interests around forests and the forest-
based sector in the last few decades have illustrated how narrow, partial and incom-
plete they often are. There is a common tendency to stress only some specific
aspect(s), such as forest sinks, forest product substitution and storage, mitigation or
adaptation, but rarely are all these viewed simultaneously, in a holistic approach.
Moreover, the discussions of, for example, LULUCF have often been technically
quite demanding, while quantifying carbon sinks for LULUCF is complicated and
involves many uncertainties. Against this backdrop, a holistic CSF approach, tai-
lored to individual regional settings, is more novel and significant than it sounds.
Before going into detail on the CSF approach, it is useful first to outline the
background and motivation behind how the approach came to be, and what it can
offer in the future. In doing this, we base the discussion on Nabuurs et al. (2015,
2017) and Verkerk et al. (2020), in particular.
In 2015, intensive preparations for the UNFCCC COP21 Paris meeting were being
made. During this process, the European Forest Institute carried out a study to
understand how European forests and the forest sector could best contribute to cli-
mate mitigation targets (Nabuurs et al. 2015). This was a pioneering study that put
forward the CSF approach. The approach then went on to be further developed in
Nabuurs et al. (2017), where it was used specifically to address the situation
It may be noted that the state forests of Finland (Metsähallitus) also introduced climate-smart
forestry into their operations (Vaara et al. 2018). See, also, the European Forest Institute video on
9 Climate-Smart Forestry Approach 167
regarding the Paris Climate Agreement and the European Commission’s (2016b)
legislative proposal to incorporate GHG emissions and removals associated with
LULUCF into its 2030 Climate and Energy Framework. The Climate and Energy
Framework was aimed at a total emissions reduction of 40% by 2030 for all sectors
combined, as part of the Paris Agreement (UN 2015; European Commission
2016a, b).
Even during the negotiations leading up to the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, the forest
sector’s role in climate mitigation was being discussed. However, concerns about
the consequences of incorporating the existing forest sink into the climate targets
resulted in the policy of imposing significant limits on the role of forests in climate-
change mitigation (Ellison et al. 2014). In the EU policies, particular requirements
relating to “caps”, and “forest (management) reference levels” (now called forest
reference levels) were introduced. This set of rules evolved into the EU LULUCF
proposal (European Council 2017), which was later adapted as a regulation
(European Council 2018). Nabuurs et al. (2017) raised concerns about the LULUCF
proposal due to it limiting the role of forests and the forest sector in climate policy,
expressing that this role could be much greater than what had been assessed in the
initial impact assessment report (European Council 2016a).
Against this backdrop, Nabuurs et al. (2017) argued that the EU forest-based
sector could contribute much more to climate mitigation than was the current state,
and what had been conventionally understood. They also interpreted CSF as a more
specific climate-focused approach under the more general Sustainable Forest
Management concept (Forest Europe 1993). The key idea behind CSF is that it con-
siders the whole value chain––from forest to wood products and energy––in climate
mitigation and adaptation, with a focus on what the atmosphere ‘sees’, and giving
less consideration to GHG reporting and accounting conventions. It contains a wide
range of measures that can be applied to provide positive incentives for more firmly
integrating climate objectives into the forest-based-sector framework. Consequently,
Nabuurs et al. (2017) argued that CSF is more than just storing carbon in forest
ecosystems––it rather builds upon three main objectives: (1) reducing and/or remov-
ing GHG emissions; (2) adapting and building forest resilience to climate change;
and (3) sustainably increasing forest productivity and income.
These CSF objectives can be achieved by tailoring policy measures and actions
to the regional circumstances of forest-based sectors in the EU Member States.
Nabuurs et al. (2017) quantified an indicative potential mitigation impact of the EU
forest-based sector by 2050 (Table 9.1), and suggested policy measures to incentiv-
ise action according to the three main CSF objectives.
The core of CSF is that it not only aims to realise climate-change mitigation, but
also tries to achieve synergies and minimise trade-offs with other forest functions,
such as adaptation to climate change, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services
and the bioeconomy. By reducing and/or removing GHG emissions, adapting and
building forest resilience, and sustainably increasing forest productivity and income,
it tackles multiple policy goals, such as many of those stressed in the UN Sustainable
Development Goals. Nabuurs et al. (2017) argued that the greater the synergies and
the fewer the trade-offs between climate policy and other societal and forest-related
168 L. Hetemäki and H. Verkerk
Table 9.1 The climate-smart forestry approach potential mitigation effect in the EU (all numbers
are approximations and contain large uncertainties)
Main category of Forest Mitigation effect (Mt
management measure Sub-measure CO2/year)
1. Improve forest management 172
1a. Full-grown coppice 56
1b. Enhanced productivity and 38
improved management
1c. Reduced disturbances, 35
deforestation, drainage
1d. Material substitution using wood 43
2. Expand forest area 64
3. Substitute for energy 141
4. Establish forest reserves 64
Total 441
Source: Nabuurs et al. (2017)
goals, the more likely the climate objectives would be effectively implemented in
To look in more detail at what types of measures CSF could include, Nabuurs et al.
(2017) provided a summary. Here, we also summarise the potential measures and
approximate their impacts on climate mitigation at the EU level. However, the esti-
mates should be regarded as rough estimates indicating the potential relative scales
rather than absolute and precise figures.
Although EU forests cover 40% of the land area, the scientific literature has
occasionally pointed to a limited, but additional, mitigation role for EU forests on
the order of 90–180 Mt. CO2/year by 2040 (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change 2007). Nabuurs et al. (2017), however, found that, with the implementation
of CSF, EU forests and the forest sector could play a much larger role. They indi-
cated that the current annual mitigation effect of the EU forest-based sector, via
contributions to the forest sink, and material and energy substitution, is on the scale
of 13% of the current total EU emissions. With the right set of incentives, and
through the implementation of CSF goals in the EU and Member States, Nabuurs
et al. (2017) approximated (with high uncertainties) that the additional potential
climate mitigation could be around 440 Mt. CO2/year by 2050. Table 9.1 illustrates
the different CSF measures and approximate magnitudes that could be implemented
in the EU to increase the forest-based sector’s climate-mitigation impact (Nabuurs
et al. 2017). As stated above, the estimation is only indicative and not precise, and it
9 Climate-Smart Forestry Approach 169
does not, for example, estimate the mitigation potential against a baseline counter-
factual scenario, the importance of which is highlighted in Chap. 8 of this book.
Projections of forest resources under alternative management and policy assump-
tions––derived from a number of different studies––indicate that carbon storage in
existing EU forests could continue to increase, providing additional sequestration
benefits of approximately up to 172 Mt. CO2/year by 2050 (Nabuurs et al. 2017).
Measures to achieve this could include the enhanced thinning of stands, leading to
additional growth and higher-quality raw materials, regrowth of new species or
provenances, the planting of more site-adapted species and provenances, and regen-
eration using faster-growing species and provenances. For example, large areas of
low-productivity hardwoods, previously only used for firewood production (some
350,000 km2 of old coppice forests), could be regenerated and replaced by more-
productive mixed deciduous and coniferous forests, generating an additional sink of
~56 Mt. CO2/year. This could be done by using new provenances better adapted to
future climates, without the need for exotic species.
An increase in the productivity of forests through the above could potentially
yield an addition to the forest sink of ~38 Mt. CO2/year in the long term. Moreover,
productivity growth would add ~35 million m3 of future harvest potential to the
EU’s fellings of 522 million m3, although possible trade-offs with other services
would need to be considered. The long-term use of harvested-wood products (HWP)
can also contribute to mitigation by substituting for the use of fossil fuels and
energy-intensive materials, such as steel and concrete in the construction sector.
According to Nabuurs et al. (2017), favouring wood-use in the construction sector
(when carried out in synergy with the above-mentioned production increase) could
potentially help avoid future emissions on the order of ~43 Mt. CO2/year.
Emissions occur in European forests as well. Annual deforestation, as exempli-
fied by land-use conversions to infrastructure of close to 1000 km2/year, causes
emissions of ~15 Mt. CO2/year. Further, natural disturbances, such as bark-beetle
outbreaks, windstorms and forest fires, on average, cause emissions of ~18 Mt. CO2/
year. The draining of peat soils under forests emits ~20 Mt. CO2/year. Forest man-
agement and the improved protection of forest areas in the EU can reduce all of
these emissions. In Spanish forests, for example, a more active management regime
that also aims to introduce better-adapted species could significantly reduce fire risk
and thus land-use change. Nabuurs et al. (2017) conservatively estimated that, if
two-thirds of the above emissions could be avoided, this would reduce emissions by
a further ~35 Mt. CO2/year.
However, more importantly than focusing on the approximate and uncertain
quantitative estimates of the mitigation impact (Table 9.1) is considering the types
of forest management measures that could be implemented to enhance the EU’s
forest-based-mitigation potential. Below, we summarise a possible forest-
management toolkit for enhancing climate-change mitigation (modified and
extended from Nabuurs et al. 2013, p. 4). When applying it, it is essential to bear in
mind that there is no one-size-fits-all toolkit that accommodates all circumstances,
but rather it has to be tailored according to regional characteristics and institutions.
170 L. Hetemäki and H. Verkerk
and other ecosystem services. Such a development requires holistic policy frame-
works and action plans that incorporate the requisite innovations, institutions, infra-
structures and investments (i.e. the four ‘I’s in Rockström et al. 2017). According to
Verkerk et al. (2020), in order to implement these, it is important to develop eco-
nomic instruments, such as taxes, subsidies and public procurement, as well as
introducing extended producer responsibilities, incentives for retaining value in the
circular economy processes, and supporting all the initiatives in the context of
greening the finances.
In order to illustrate what role CSF could play in different regions of the EU
countries in further detail, and how local circumstances may impact its measures,
we turn to look at four case studies––the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany
and Spain.
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Chapter 10
Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study:
Czech Republic
Emil Cienciala
10.1 Czech Forestry
E. Cienciala (*)
IFER – Institute of Forest Ecosystem Research, Jílové u Prahy and Global Change Research
Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic
e-mail: [email protected]
Planned Sanitary
Harvest volume (Mm3/year)
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Fig. 10.1 Harvest volume for the period 1990–2019 showing planned and sanitary felling inter-
ventions. In 2019, the share of sanitary felling of the total harvest reached 95% at the country level.
Apart from the volume of 32.6 Mm3 extracted from the forest in 2019, there is an additional
~6.3 Mm3 of unprocessed wood volume, mostly of dead standing trees, due to an insufficient har-
vesting capacity. (Czech Statistical Office 2020)
10 Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Czech Republic 175
recent years (Zalud et al. 2020). (4) An inadequate response from the responsible
state authorities and the Czech Forests state enterprise to the accelerating forest
dieback in the country (Czech News Agency 2020). The Czech Forest Act includes
specific expectations for forest owners or entrusted bodies to fulfil their forestry
obligations––for various reasons, mostly linked to issue 1, above––and these have
not been adequately executed.
In the next section, the CSF principles are outlined, and their alignment with the
urgent need to manage current Czech forest decline, create more resilient ecosys-
tems and improve the outlook for Czech forestry (Table 10.1) is assessed.
The CSF concept (Nabuurs et al. 2017, 2018; Verkerk et al. 2020) builds on three
pillars: (1) as a climate-mitigation service, by enhancing carbon storage in forests
and wood products, in conjunction with other ecosystem services; (2) through adap-
tive forest management to increase resilience and improve the health of forest
stands; and (3) in the substitution of non-renewable carbon-intensive materials, by
using sustainably produced wood resources. The CSF concept represents a more
mature strategy than the early, overly carbon-accounting-focused approaches and
policies, such as those driven by the Kyoto Protocol. Those policies prioritising
mitigation actions using forest resources disregarded the following essential aspects
176 E. Cienciala
(and not only from the Czech forestry point of view): (1) the long-term forestry
production cycle; (2) the importance of other ecosystem services, such as water
retention, soil protection and biodiversity; and (3) perhaps most importantly, the
essential, non-separable linkage between forest adaptation and mitigation––a sim-
ple recognition that, without adaptation, there is no mitigation. In other words, spe-
cifically under changing environmental conditions, adaptation management must be
prioritised in order to secure the sustained provisioning of ecosystem services,
including climate mitigation. Failure to adequately adapt forests and forestry (within
an appropriate time and scope) is predestined to result in undesired reverse effects,
with forestry turning into a significant source of emissions instead of the expected
sink. This risk is being increasingly internationally recognised (Anderegg et al.
2020), and is also plainly demonstrated by the current situation in Czech forestry, as
detailed in the following sections.
CSF clearly links essential ecosystem services, stressing adaptation to secure
forest health and increase resilience, and promoting the important substitution func-
tion that wood products offer. However, CSF should also consider other fundamen-
tal constraints, such as governance issues and the legacy of past management. When
reviewing the factors responsible for the current forest decline in the Czech Republic,
as highlighted above, it becomes clear that a holistic CSF approach also needs to
address factors relating to governance, business models and/or specific management
actions against bark beetle outbreaks (Hlasny et al. 2019).
An earlier CSF case study using the Czech Republic (Nabuurs et al. 2018) included,
among other things, a mitigation-impact projection based on a calibration period up
to 2015. The model projection up to 2100 reported that the anticipated adaptive
management would result in a smaller sink in Czech forests in relation to the
business-as-usual scenario, only providing additional mitigation benefits after 2080,
together with more resilient forest stands. That study, however, did not anticipate
the scale of the current drought-induced forest decline that the Czech Republic has
been experiencing since 2015. This development significantly and negatively affects
the mitigation outlook for Czech forestry for the coming decades.
The carbon budget of Czech forestry, as reported in the recent greenhouse gas
emissions inventory submission (National Inventory Report, CHMI 2020) is illus-
trated in Fig. 10.2. The effect of the recent decline in coniferous forest stands is
obvious in the rapidly declining sink that became an emissions source in 2018, for
the first time since 1990. This means that the forest sector, which used to offset
about 6% of Czech national emissions, has turned into yet another source category,
with a notable magnitude of emissions. The contribution of harvested-wood prod-
ucts (HWPs) still counts, mostly acting as a sink in the Czech circumstance, and
corresponding to the generally increasing total harvest volume (Fig. 10.1). However,
the annual offset represented by HWPs is estimated to be about 1 Mt. CO2 for the
10 Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Czech Republic 177
A. Forest land G. Harvested wood products
Emissions (Mt CO2 eq.)
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Fig. 10.2 Emissions contribution from the Czech forestry sector (preliminary data of IFER as of
April 2020). Negative values represent the sinking of emissions, positive values represent a source
of emissions. The data shown distinguish between the major United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change emissions categories: A––forest land, where emissions are deter-
mined mainly based on changes in living biomass; G––HWPs, where emissions are determined
based on changes in this pool
period 1990–2020, which is small in comparison to the total emissions of the coun-
try (134 Mt. CO2 eq. as of 2018). Overall, the emissions contribution from forestry,
including the HWPs offset, is currently 4.5% of the total emissions of the country
(Czech Hydrometeorological Institute 2020).
Data on woody material used for bioenergy remains uncertain, but has been esti-
mated to represent about 12% of the total harvest, annually (i.e. close to 2 Mm3 of
wood volume or about 1 Mt. of biomass), as of 2018. However, the extent to which
this amount contributes indirectly as a substitution effect in the energy sector is dif-
ficult to ascertain due to the inherent uncertainty in the related statistics and/or miss-
ing information.
In addition, there is the contribution of fast-growing woody plantations for
energy purposes, which is commonly accounted for under agriculture. In the Czech
Republic, the spatial extent of such systems is only about 3 kha, and this has stag-
nated for various reasons, with the result of currently producing only a marginal
climate-mitigation effect.
The forest policy-makers in the country did recognise the need to significantly
improve forest-stand resilience, specifically in the second National Forestry
Programme (Krejzar 2008). In the progamme’s Key Action 6, 12 measures were
178 E. Cienciala
The development of Czech forest policy reflects the growing urgency and better
comprehension of the wide role of forest resources in society, with a notably
increased accentuation of environmental services and sustainability. In this respect,
Czech forest policy is becoming fully consistent with the current trends in European
policy, as expressed by Forest Europe, among other entities. For example, the
Concept (of forestry policy: Ministry of Agriculture 2020), in its goals, accords with
the recently announced ambitions of the European Commission’s Mission on Soil
Health and Food (Veerman et al. 2020) under the Horizon Europe Research and
Innovation Programme, which also concerns forestry.
The CSF principles align, in part, with the declared long-term goals of the Czech
Concept up to 2035. Specifically, the CSF pillars 2 (adaptive forest management)
and 3 (enhanced use of HWPs) address the goals of Concept 2035. However, it is
still to be seen to what extent the CSF’s primary goals of enhanced carbon storage
mitigation is prioritised as part of the current Czech forestry strategy, which has
very much been focused on the immediate management of the current local environ-
mental crisis.
What is expected, in terms of mitigation, from the Czech forestry sector in the com-
ing decades? The most recent outlook for mitigation was presented in the Czech
National Forest Accounting Plan (Ministry of the Environment 2017), in conjunc-
tion with setting a national forest reference level (FRL) under EU regulation
2018/841. The two presented scenarios were prepared using the calibrated CBM-
CSF3 model (Kull et al. 2016), and present a rather pessimistic outlook for Czech
forestry, in which it is projected to lose much of its carbon sequestration capacity in
the coming decades. In Fig. 10.3, we show two corresponding scenarios of emis-
sions (red and black), together with a third scenario (green) representing the most
up-to-date (as of June 2020) projection estimates (IFER—unpublished data 2019)
for combatting the current drought-induced bark beetle outbreak.
Each of these scenarios include emissions from the change in biomass carbon
stock and the HWP contribution, combined. The red scenario represents a develop-
ment with re-occurring bark beetle outbreaks each decade, whilst the black scenario
shows the pessimistic outlook of bark beetle outbreaks resulting in a reduction in
spruce growing stock by 80% by 2050, with the corresponding remaining areal
representation of spruce reduced to 10–15%, compared to ~50% as of 2018. The
green scenario counts on a more rapid stabilisation of forest health, with a resulting
reduction in spruce management approaching 20% by forest area. This green sce-
nario means a return to an overall carbon sink in the forest (biomass + HWPs) by
2030. The sink capacity would then remain strong for the following two decades,
mainly due to the significantly reduced harvesting potential of conifers and the only
gradually increasing harvesting possibilities in broadleaved tree species.
180 E. Cienciala
NIR 2019 est.
RED scenario
Emissions (Mt CO2 eq.)
6 BLACK scenario
GREEN scenario
1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Fig. 10.3 Outlook of the emissions balance in Czech forestry to 2050, expressed by three sce-
narios, each including the biomass carbon pool and the contribution of harvested wood products
(IFER—unpublished data as of June 2020). See the text for the narrative of individual scenarios
Obviously, this possible development will have a significant impact on the eco-
nomics of forest owners. The requisite sanitary measures are, and will remain,
costly, and will not be compensated for by wood sales. As is already known, the
wood price has dropped significantly due to a current wood oversupply in European
countries. The Czech Republic currently sells its wood also to China, despite low
prices and increased transaction costs. The fact that the country is not able to
increase its own wood-processing capacity to make products with increased value
does not help the situation. However, with respect to the key mitigation instrument
of the EU––regulation 841/2018 on accounting for the land use, land-use change
and forestry sector during the ‘Paris’ period of 2021–2030––the Czech Republic
faces a challenge. The key element of this regulation is setting the FRL based on
management practices (including harvesting level), as of 2000–2009. With the cur-
rent down-correction imposed by the European Commission, the FRL for the Czech
Republic is set to ~6.1 Mt. CO2 eq. for 2021–2025. With respect to the projected
emissions in the green scenario, this FRL would be surpassed by 14 Mt. CO2 annu-
ally, representing an unforeseen economic loss for the country, realised through the
emissions allowance system. Clearly, there is a need to adjust the reference level
using technical correction, considering the major changes Czech forests have been
experiencing recently as a result of the disturbances.
10 Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Czech Republic 181
The case of the Czech Republic shows the importance of tailoring the general CSF
approach to regional circumstances. The bark beetle disturbance/calamity of recent
years has progressed to such a massive scale that the most immediate task for CSF
would be to enhance the adaptation and resilience of Czech forests, thereby also
seeking to increase their carbon sink potential in the long term. One important part
of CSF in the Czech case is that it needs to be institutional, organisational and have
governance aspects in general. These need to be fine-tuned and updated in a way
such that more efficient measures can be undertaken for adapting and improving
forest resilience, and sustaining the long-term environmental and social require-
ments of Czech forests. It is further stressed that:
1. Mitigation is to be understood as only one of the vital ecosystem services pro-
vided by forest ecosystems. Under the Czech conditions, soil protection, water
regulation and hosting biodiversity are increasingly being recognised as priority
services that are important to local society.
2. Preserving and increasing carbon storage in the long term is possible only
through the establishment of healthy, resilient and sustainably used forest eco-
systems, well adapted to changing growth environments, which implies that
adaptation must be prioritised to ensure a sustained mitigation effect from
The current priorities of Czech forestry must be to halt forest decline, restore the
lost vegetation cover on clearcut soils, and intensify adaptive management in order
to create resilient forest ecosystems than can cope better with changing climate and
extreme climate events.
Anderegg WRL, Trugman AT, Badgley G, Anderson CM, Bartuska A, Ciais P, Cullenward D,
Field CB, Freeman J, Goetz SJ, Hicke JA, Huntzinger D, Jackson RB, Nickerson J, Pacala
S, Randerson JT (2020) Climate-driven risks to the climate mitigation potential of forests.
Science 368(6497):eaaz7005.
Cienciala E (2012) Key Action 6 – Mitigate impacts of expected global climate change and extreme
meteorological events. Lesnicka práce 4, 232–234, in Czech
Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) (2020) National greenhouse gas inventory report,
NIR (reported inventory 2018). CHMI, Prague.
parties/2020. Accessed 16 June 2021
Czech News Agency (CNA) (2020) Too slow reaction of Czech Forest, S.A., on the bark beetle
outbreak, stated the Czech Republic Supreme Audit Office.
6b220ee8. Accessed 16 June 2021, in Czech
Czech Statistical Office (2020) Forestry - 2019. The publication Forestry gives overall information
on forestry activities in the Czech Republic, accessible digitally at
182 E. Cienciala
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International License (, which permits use, sharing,
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Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not
included in the chapter’s Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by
statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from
the copyright holder.
Chapter 11
Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study:
Heli Peltola, Tero Heinonen, Jyrki Kangas, Ari Venäläinen, Jyri Seppälä,
and Lauri Hetemäki
Abstract Finland is the most forested country in the EU – forests cover 74–86% of
the land area, depending on the definition and source. Increasing carbon sequestration
from the atmosphere, and by storing it in forests (trees and soil) will be one important
part of the Finnish climate smart forestry strategy. However, just maximizing the car-
bon storage of forests may not be the best option in the long run, although it may
provide the best climate-cooling benefits in the short term. This is because the increas-
ing risks of large-scale natural disturbances may turn forests, at least partially, into
carbon sources. The climate change adaptation and mitigation should therefore be
considered simultaneously. Different adaptation and risk management actions will be
needed in Finnish forests in the coming decades to increase forest resilience to mul-
tiple damage risks. This could be done, for example, by increasing the share of mix-
tures of conifers and broadleaves forests instead of monocultures. Yet, the CSF
strategy should also include the production of wood-based products that act as long-
term carbon storage and/or substitute for more GHG-emission-intensive materials and
energy. Doing this in a way which also enhances biodiversity and sustainable provi-
sioning of multiple ecosystem services, is a key. Moreover, increasing forest land – for
example, by planting on abandoned or low-productivity agricultural land, especially
on soils with a high peat content – would enhance climate change mitigation.
Finland is the most forested country in the EU, in terms of land area (Table 11.1).
Depending on the definition of forest land, and the source, forests cover 74–86% of
the land area. Finland’s forests account for around 14% of the total EU27 forest
land. The volume of growing stock and increments have almost doubled in the past
five decades (Fig. 11.1; Finnish Forest Statistics 2019, 2020). Improved forest
Fig. 11.1 Development of growing stock volume on forest land and poorly productive forest land,
and total roundwood removals, increment and drain of the growing stock, in past decades in
Finnish forests. (Sources: Finnish Forest Statistics 2019, 2020)
which are mostly located in Northern Finland (Table 11.1). These forests are impor-
tant for both recreation, tourism and biodiversity. Biodiversity is preserved in
Southern Finland, in forests that are also used for wood production, through the
government-funded Forest Biodiversity Programme (METSO, annual funding of
7–10 million euros). This targets forest owners, with the aim of increasing voluntary
forest protection on their lands by 96,000 ha by 2025. Preserving and improving the
biodiversity values of forests are also considered in the everyday management of
commercial forests.
There are increasing EU and domestic pressures to increase the capacity of the
forest carbon sink in Finland, such as the Green Deal and the updating of the land
use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) regulation. According to the LULUCF
regulation, for Finland, the reference level for a forest carbon sink with forest prod-
ucts is 29.4 million CO2- equivalent (CO2-eq.) tons in 2021–2025 (Suomen ilmasto-
paneeli 2021). However, the actual forest carbon sink can vary significantly from
one year to the next, along with the annual harvesting levels (since the 1990s, these
have been 17.5–47.4 Mt CO2-eq., annually), which are largely affected by forest-
industry business cycles. For example, in 2018 the forest carbon sink was clearly
lower than in the previous and succeeding years, due to a higher total annual volume
of harvested roundwood (Table 11.1). Given the various demands on Finnish for-
ests, it is necessary to find a balance. Moreover, it is crucial to try to minimize the
trade-offs and maximize the synergies between the different uses of forests. In this
case-study, we analysed what the climate-smart forestry (CSF) approach could
mean in the Finnish context in the coming decades.
Fig. 11.2 Left: Spatial distribution of the percentage change in tree growth (diameter) in Finland
over all tree species on upland (mineral) forest inventory plots, given separately for the coming two
30-year periods (2040–2069 and 2070–2099), under the RCP2.6 and RCP4.5 scenarios, compared
to the period 1981–2010 (Kellomäki et al. 2018). If considering peatlands, the positive and nega-
tive impacts would be slightly stronger. The temperature sum lines across the country separate the
southern (TS > 1200 d.d.), central (1000 d.d. < TS < 1200 d.d.), and northern (TS < 1000 d.d.)
boreal regions. Right: Timber volume development (top) and average carbon stock in trees and soil
(bottom) on forest land currently available for timber production in Finland in 2016–2116, with
scenarios of 60-, 70- and 80-Mm3 year−1 timber cutting targets under the RCP2.6 scenario, with
intensified forest management (data from Seppälä et al. 2019). The increasing abiotic and biotic
damage risks under climate change were not considered in these scenario analyses
in the wood harvesting level always results in less carbon being sink and a lower
forestry carbon balance (including carbon in the forest and wood-based products),
compared to a situation where wood harvesting is not increased in the coming few
decades (Heinonen et al. 2017; Seppälä et al. 2019). On the other hand, a consider-
ation of the substitution effects of wood-based products may change this for-
estry carbon balance, the magnitude of change depending on the production
portfolio (Hurmekoski et al. 2020).
Multiple abiotic and biotic disturbance risks to Finnish forests and forestry are
expected to increase at different spatial and temporal scales, which may at least
partially eliminate the positive effects of climate change on forest productivity and
carbon sinks (Reyer et al. 2017). Warmer and wetter winters are expected to increase
damage by windstorms, heavy snow loading and pathogens (e.g. Heterobasidion
spp, root rot), while warmer and drier summer conditions are expected to increase
insect pests (e.g. European spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus), droughts and for-
est fires, particularly in coniferous forests. The occurrence of different damaging
agents (excluding snow extremes) is expected to increase, especially in southern
and middle Finland (Mäkelä et al. 2014; Lehtonen et al. 2016a, b; Ruosteenoja et al.
2018; Venäläinen et al. 2020). A shortening of the soil frost period from late autumn
to early spring will increase the wind damage risk, despite no great change in the
wind regime (Lehtonen et al. 2019). Wind- and snow-damaged timber left in the
forest will increase the amount of breeding material for bark beetles, an outbreak of
which may, together with drought, further increase forest fire risk, through increased
amounts of easily flammable deadwood. Attacks by Heterobasidion species may
increase due to increasing tree injuries during harvesting in the unfrozen soil season
(Honkaniemi et al. 2017). Wood decay will also increase the risk of wind damage
due to poorer anchorage and stem resistance of trees.
Different adaptation and risk management actions will be needed in Finnish forests
in the coming decades in order to adapt appropriately to climate change and to
increase forest resilience to multiple damage risks (Venäläinen et al. 2020). Possible
adaptation and risk management actions evaluated in Finland, have so far consid-
ered almost solely even-aged forestry. However, some of these are also applicable to
uneven-aged and mixed-species forestry.
11 Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Finland 189
In the southern boreal zone, a decrease in the cultivation of Norway spruce may
be needed, particularly on forest sites with a relatively low water holding capacity,
which are more suitable for Scots pine. Also, the potential for an increase in spring
and summer droughts should be considered when planting seedlings or seeding in
order to increase the success of forest regeneration. Additionally, by favouring
growing mixtures of conifers and broadleaves (e.g. spruce and pine, spruce and
birch, or pine and birch) instead of monocultures, forest resilience may be increased
against multiple damage risks. Overall, timely precommercial thinning and more
frequent or heavier commercial thinnings may also be needed in order to increase
forest resilience and forest growth and to avoid an increase in natural mortality in
stands that are too dense. A shortening of the rotation length may also be needed in
order to increase forest resilience, especially for Norway spruce, which may be
subject to multiple forest disturbance risks (e.g. wind damage, drought,
European spruce bark beetle and Heterobasidion spp, root rot).
In planning and implementing thinnings and clearcuts, the increasing risks of
wind damage should be considered, especially in the southern and central boreal
zones, where strong winds will blow more frequently under unfrozen soil condi-
tions (Laapas et al. 2019). Especially on high-risk areas, heavy thinnings should be
avoided on the upwind edges of new clear cuts, and the creation of large height dif-
ferences should be avoided between adjacent stands in the final harvesting, respec-
tively (Heinonen et al. 2009). It is also recommended that forest fertilization is
avoided at the same time as thinning in high-risk areas for wind and snow damage.
Consequently, in the middle and northern boreal zones, timely precommercial and
commercial thinning may increase the resilience of Scots pine and birch stands to
snow damage. Also, the avoidance of forest fertilization on forest sites at high alti-
tudes is suggested in order to decrease snow damage risks, regardless of tree species
(> 200 m above sea-level). Timber damaged by wind and snow should also be har-
vested in a timely manner and transported out of the forest (also undamaged har-
vested timber) in order to avoid unnecessarily increasing the amount of breeding
material for bark beetles. This also holds for bark-beetle-infested and Heterobasidion-
infected trees.
Because climate change will induce multiple damage risks in Finnish forests and
forestry, the probability of devastating cascading events is also projected to increase
(Venäläinen et al. 2020). However, their severity may vary significantly at different
spatial and temporal scales. Therefore, frequent adjustments to forest management
practices in response to changing growing conditions will be required, in order to
adapt to climate change and maintain forest resilience. This is also important from
the climate change mitigation point of view because large-scale natural disturbances
may act as significant carbon sources (Kauppi et al. 2018). Therefore, the multiple
risks to forests need to be considered simultaneously in the planning and implemen-
tation of forest management. The flexible use of diverse management strategies,
instead of one single management strategy (e.g. even-, uneven- and any-aged man-
agement) may help to ensure forest resilience and simultaneously provide multiple
ecosystem services for society (Díaz-Yáñez et al. 2020).
190 H. Peltola et al.
A forest-rich country like Finland can contribute to climate change mitigation espe-
cially by increasing carbon sequestration from the atmosphere, and by storing it in
forests (trees and soil), but also by producing wood-based products that can act as
long-term carbon storage and/or can substitute for more GHG-emission-intensive
materials and energy (Hurmekoski et al. 2020). Whether the carbon sink of Finnish
forests (and the forest sector) will remain at the current level or increase/decrease in
the future will strongly depend on the intensity of forest management and harvest-
ing related to wood demand in the coming decades (see Heinonen et al. 2017, 2018).
The carbon sink will also be affected by the severity of climate change and natural
disturbances (Venäläinen et al. 2020).
In order to increase the climate benefits of harvested wood, it should be increas-
ingly used for products and fuels that will release fewer GHG emissions to the
atmosphere than the fossil-based products and fuels it is substituted for (Hurmekoski
et al. 2020). However, the substitution effects must be, on average, even doubled for
additional wood harvest if, for example, 80 Mm3 year−1 is harvested annually instead
of 60 Mm3 year−1 (in the coming 100 years) (Seppälä et al. 2019). This would be
needed in order to compensate the lower carbon stocks of Finnish forests with
increased harvest levels (Seppälä et al. 2019). On the other hand, lower harvesting
levels in Finland would most likely increase harvesting in other countries. In the
longer term, all sustainable uses of renewable wood that compensate for the use of
fossil resources might be seen as remaining beneficial because we should be giving
up using fossil resources as soon as possible, from the viewpoint of mitigating cli-
mate warming in the long term.
Forest growth will also decline, along with aging, which, together with a large
volume of growing stock, could promote multiple natural disturbances and, conse-
quently, carbon release into the atmosphere over the long term. Old-growth forests
also sequestrate less carbon than younger forests, but they may offer significant
carbon storage (Gundersen et al. 2021; Kellomäki et al. 2021). Forests also contrib-
ute to several other climate impacts, in addition to GHG emissions (e.g. albedo,
biogenic aerosols, evaporation and surface roughness), which may be affected,
directly or indirectly, through changes in forest cover and structure, and by the
intensity of forest management and harvesting (Kalliokoski et al. 2020; Kellomäki
et al. 2021). The opposing effects of changes in albedo and carbon stocks may also
largely cancel each other in managed forests with little remaining net climate effect
(Kellomäki et al. 2021). In short term, no management option may provide larger
net climate benefits than even-aged or uneven-aged management, but increasing use
of this option may require proper incentives such as compensation for lost harvest
incomes for forest owners.
11 Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Finland 191
Despite the important role of the Finnish forest sector in the national GHG balance,
maximizing the carbon storage of forests may not be the best option in the long run,
although it may provide the best climate-cooling benefits in the short term. This is
because an increase in large-scale natural disturbances (e.g. storms, forest fires and
European spruce bark beetle outbreaks) may turn forests, at least partially, into car-
bon sources that release large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. Instead, in
CSF, it is preferential to both increase the carbon stocks and sinks in forests, and
increasingly use harvested wood for products and fuels, which will release fewer
GHG emissions into the atmosphere, rather than the fossil-based products and fuels
they are substituting for. At the same time, maintaining biodiversity and sustainably
provisioning multiple ecosystem services should be ensured (Heinonen et al. 2017;
Díaz-Yáñez et al. 2020).
Overall, living forest biomass and mineral soils (decaying organic matter and
soil organic matter) remove carbon from the atmosphere (net carbon sink), and
organic soils (peatlands) emit carbon (net carbon source) (Fig. 11.3). The harvesting
level affects forest carbon storage and sinks more than forest management practices
and ongoing climate change (Heinonen et al. 2017, 2018; Seppälä et al. 2019).
Fig. 11.3 Emissions (positive sign) and removals (negative sign) of Mt CO2-eq. from different
land-use categories (top) and forest land (bottom) in 1990–2019 in Finland (*partial estimation for
2019). (Source: Statistics Finland 2020)
192 H. Peltola et al.
However, forest carbon sinks and storage could be increased in even-aged for-
estry by increasing the use of improved forest regeneration material and forest fer-
tilization, and by maintaining sufficient growing stock in thinnings (Lehtonen et al.
2021). Also, nutrient leaching and GHG emissions may be decreased on peatlands
by maintaining a high enough soil water table level. This could be done by using
uneven-aged forestry (especially selective cuttings) on suitable sites, and by avoid-
ing unnecessary ditch network maintenance (Ojanen et al. 2019; Leppä et al. 2020a,
b; Finér et al. 2020). This is necessary because a low soil water table will increase
CO2 emissions (Ojanen et al. 2019), and N2O emissions, especially on fertile peat-
land sites (Minkkinen et al. 2020). On the other hand, CH4 emissions may be nota-
ble on peatland sites with a high soil water table.
Increasing forest land – for example, by planting on abandoned or low-
productivity agricultural land, especially on soils with a high peat content – would
be a positive action when it comes to climate change mitigation. On the other hand,
also decreasing the deforestation may be effective; currently, deforestation is occur-
ring at a rate of about 10,000 ha, or 0.04% of the total forest area, annually
(Kärkkäinen et al. 2019). Increasing the use of by-products for textiles and wood–
plastic composites, in place of kraft pulp and biofuel, may also help to provide
greater overall substitution credits compared to increasing the level of wood use for
construction (Hurmekoski et al. 2020).
To conclude, forests and forest-based bioeconomy can contribute considerably to
climate change mitigation in forested countries like Finland, through reducing GHGs
in the atmosphere, especially by increasing the carbon sequestration and storage in
forests, but also through carbon storage in wood-based products with long life-cycles
and the substitution of fossil-intensive resources (Hurmekoski et al. 2020). However,
at the same time, there is a pressure to both diversify forest management and increase
the provisioning of versatile ecosystem services for society. The forest management
implemented today strongly affects the future supply of different ecosystem services
(Heinonen et al. 2017). Overall, CSF requires appropriate adaptations of forest man-
agement and utilization of forests under climate change, by taking account the multi-
ple risks to forests and forestry. Different management strategies may be needed,
depending on the region (and site) and time span, in order to ensure forest resilience
and the simultaneous provisioning of multiple ecosystem services for society. This is
important also from the climate change mitigation point of view.
Acknowledgments Heli Peltola thanks the financial support from the OPTIMAM project (grant
number 317741) funded by the Academy of Finland.
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194 H. Peltola et al.
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Chapter 12
Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study:
Climate change and its impacts on forests has been an important topic for practitio-
ners and scientists for more than two decades. Due to the federal system in Germany,
however, a consistent and unified strategy for the whole country has never been
implemented. Instead, the different states (i.e. Bundesländer) have come up with
individual approaches to deal with the ever-increasing, mostly negative impacts of
climate change on forests, such as the biotic and abiotic disturbances that have, in
recent years, reached critical levels across the whole country (see below).
Bolte et al. (2009) analysed the need and strategies for forest management mea-
sures to enhance adaptation to climate change in the German states. The important
role of increasing biotic threats has been acknowledged by all stakeholders. Only
slight differences have been found regarding tree species’ adaptive potential to cli-
mate change, with Norway spruce expected to have a low adaptive potential, while
introduced species, such as Douglas fir and red oak, have been assumed to be more
200 M. Hanewinkel et al.
adaptive. Several native species, such as European beech, have been considered as
being quite tolerant in the face of climate change effects. The most obvious differ-
ences detected were regarding adaptation strategies. While some states have pre-
ferred active adaptation (e.g. forest transformation aimed at replacing sensitive tree
species), others have come out more in favour of a combination of active adaptation
and risk minimisation strategies (e.g. by establishing tree species mixtures). Passive
adaptation has predominantly been a less-preferred option.
Since Bolte et al.’s (2009) assessment, the situation in Germany’s forests has––
similarly to the rest of Europe––dramatically changed. A series of storms, extreme
drought events and bark-beetle attacks, in addition to forest fires in 2018–2020,
have led to the greatest amount of forest damage in Germany since World War
II. The Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMEL) has esti-
mated that, in 2018–2020, around 180 million m3 of wood have been damaged, and
an area of 285,000 ha has had to be reforested (BMEL 2020/Internet source no. 3).
Most of the damage is directly associated with the impacts of climate change.
Norway spruce and Scots pine are the tree species that have been most affected, but
native species, such as European beech and silver fir, have also exhibited severe
problems. This casts doubt on the hypothesis that a more ‘natural’ forest composi-
tion, in terms of species, would significantly increase the resistance and resilience
of forests in Germany under climate change. In 2020, the German government
assigned the record sum of almost €550 million to support forest owners in dealing
with the damage. Discussion on how to best use these funds is ongoing.
12.3.1 Economic Costs
harvested-wood products pool, within a framework that accounted for both the
financial impacts on the downstream industries and those on the values of non-
market goods and forest services. They showed that these costs could amount to
several billion euros per year, and that the cost-effectiveness could be very low. That
is, the abatement costs per ton of CO2 may be very high due to the high environmen-
tal costs.
Fig. 12.1 Results of the multi-objective optimisation model for balancing forest profitability and
carbon sequestration for the most abundant tree species in Germany. (a) Total cost incurred to
increase carbon-sequestration (in PTE) levels in situ for the different species analysed. (b) Levels
of carbon sequestration attained with different preferences for carbon sequestration over forest
profitability. (c) Marginal cost curve for increasing carbon sequestration (i.e. the carbon supply
curve). (d) Allocated sequestration potential for each species with increasing carbon price
(Fig. 12.1b). Similarly to the supply function and total cost, different species dis-
played varying sequestration potential. This resulted from both the total areal share
of the species and the biological potential (i.e. the carbon sequestration rates).
Taking into account the maximum sequestration potential, spruce represented 36%
of the total sequestration share, followed by pine (25%), beech (23%) and oak
(16%) stands. Spruce stands had the largest share of forest area and growth rates,
leading to higher sequestration levels. Despite the similar areal coverage, pine
stands produced a smaller contribution, resulting from the lower growth rates of this
species and the typically poorer sites it occupies, predominantly in sandy soils,
which also have lower carbon storage capacity.
Considering that different species display diverging potentials to deliver ecosys-
tem services, integrative approaches are required to ensure an efficient use of forest
resources (WBGU 2020). For example, the promotion of mixed stands can balance
the trade-offs related to production and climate-mitigation goals, as well as increase
their resilience to disturbances and reduce the risks of catastrophic carbon losses
(Jactel et al. 2017).
Figure 12.1d shows the share of the sequestration capacity realised with increas-
ing compensation levels, up to the maximum potential. Hence, an earlier increase in
carbon sequestration indicates a higher suitability of the species for increasing car-
bon sequestration. We found that pine and beech stands were preferable for mitiga-
tion actions, with a full allocation of the forests to carbon storage from compensations
above €100 PTE−1, and a slightly better suitability of pine stands. Conversely, spruce
and oak stands were fully allocated to carbon sequestration actions only under high
compensation payments of above €189 PTE−1 for the former and €228 PTE−1 for
the latter.
The carbon sequestration levels computed here amounted to 4–11% of the coun-
try’s carbon emissions in 2019–805 Mt. CO2 (or approximately 8–23% if no carbon
discounting is applied), which is compatible with previous estimates (Dunger et al.
2014). Therefore, forests may substantially contribute to the realisation of climate
targets in the country.
The Wissenschaftlicher Beirat (2016) concluded that, in the agriculture and for-
estry sectors, forests play the most important role in carbon sequestration. In the
package ‘moderate climate protection’, which predicts a mitigation effect of 65 Mt.
CO2eq./year, forests are expected to contribute 43% of the total (28 Mt. CO2eq.). In
the ‘ambitious climate protection’ case, forestry and HWPs contribute 56 Mt.
CO2eq. from a total of 130–135 Mt. CO2eq. Adding this to the actual contribution of
almost 130 Mt. from the forestry sector would make up for around 180 Mt. CO2,
thus amounting to an impact equal to 22% of the current level of yearly greenhouse
gas emissions.
The potential to improve the mitigation effect of Germany’s forests and the forest
sector is of the same magnitude as Nabuurs et al. (2017) estimated for the impact of
CSF measures on the whole of the EU (25%). However, it should be noted that the
simulation analysis for Germany has several limitations. First, the potential to
increase the forest area in Germany is naturally limited due to the high population
density (250 people/km2) and high pressure on land use for buildings and
204 M. Hanewinkel et al.
infrastructure, especially around the urban areas. Second, Germany already has a
comparably high standing volume per hectare, limiting the increase in carbon in the
living biomass. An Öko-Institut (2018) study indicated that the standing volume in
Germany could be doubled, but we consider this to be unrealistic. Third, the poten-
tial to increase the standing volume by improved management through the conver-
sion of coppice forests into high forests is limited, as coppices play virtually no role
in management schemes in Germany. Fourth, Germany’s forests are under increas-
ing pressure from abiotic and biotic disturbances, as can be seen in the devastating
drought and bark-beetle damage from 2018 to 2020. Hence, a high accumulation of
biomass by CSF actions may increase the vulnerability of stands to windstorms and
drought occurrences (e.g. Temperli et al. 2020). Similarly, fuel accumulation in
unmanaged pine stands may pose the risk of wildfires, and extreme damage events
in spruce stands may trigger the occurrence of bark-beetle outbreaks. The occur-
rence of such disturbance events could thus hinder climate-mitigation actions (Seidl
et al. 2014).
The previous analysis only considered the role of forests in mitigation (and adapta-
tion), but wood products can also play a significant role in the mitigation potential
of the forest sector. Germany is a major producer of sawnwood and wood panels,
and both the carbon storage in wood products and the substitution of wood for
energy-intensive materials, especially in the construction sector, may contribute
substantially to climate targets.
Bösch et al. (2017) estimated that wood substitution effects were up to the same
order of magnitude––up to 18 Mt. CO2 year−1––as the forest carbon sink, depending
on the wood utilisation scenario. It should be noted, however, that an increase in the
mitigation potential associated with substitution effects was accompanied by a
decrease in the sequestration potential of the forests due to the higher levels of wood
Recent investments have been made in Germany to increase the production of
new biomaterials and products that can replace fossil-based products. For example,
UPM Biofuels has invested in a new biorefinery plant in the city of Leuna, with the
capacity to produce 220,000 t of biochemicals annually (UPM Biofuels 2020).
These biochemicals will enable a switch from fossil-based products to sustainable
alternatives over a range of end uses, such as plastics, textiles, cosmetics and indus-
trial applications. The plant is planned to start producing by the end of 2022. In
2020, the German government set out plans to accelerate its low-carbon transition
by investing €3.6 billion in projects that help to strengthen its bioeconomy and cre-
ate a market for bio-based products (
An increase in the utilisation of wood products and improvements in the steward-
ship of wood imports are also predicted in the national climate action plan. The
12 Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Germany 205
removal of barriers to the use of durable wood products (e.g. building regulations)
and further investment in research and development towards the creation of new
wood products are also being promoted, highlighting the importance of wood-based
materials in the country’s climate-mitigation portfolio. In addition, the WBGU
(2020) has recommended boosting the use of timber in construction. According to
the WBGU, timber from locally adapted, sustainable forestry offers effective pos-
sibilities for long-term carbon storage.
Currently, because of the severe damage being done to forests in Germany, a public
discussion has developed on how to manage forests under the impacts of climate
change and how best to adapt the forests and increase their resistance and resilience
to the changing environmental conditions. As this discussion has to do with the
optimal strategy for combining mitigation and adaptation, it directly touches
upon CSF.
It seems that two different groups have emerged, with fundamentally different
approaches and opinions on how to manage forests under climate change. One
approach, which you might call ‘passive adaptation’, is to keep the forests dense in
order to maintain a cooler inner climate, and aims at a spontaneous adaptation using
maximum natural processes, which opposes the classical forest management that
has been practised over decades. This approach is supported by a highly diverse
group, as well as certain specific regions (e.g. the Upper Rhine Valley). Some mem-
bers of this group have expressed their opinions in an open letter to the Minister of
Agriculture, thus putting pressure on politicians and bringing the case to a public
debate. The alternative approach to this is what you might call the ‘active adaptation
approach’, which aims at anticipating and adapting to the expected pressures posed
by climate change. For example, promoting mixed forest stands, including the
implementation of non-native species, and replanting large areas destroyed by
drought and consecutive bark-beetle attacks with more resilient forest composi-
tions. This active-adaptation approach has been supported by an official statement
from the Scientific Board for forest policy of the Ministry of Agriculture and another
official statement from the majority of German forest scientists (Deutscher Verband
Forstlicher Forschungsanstalten [DVFFA] 2019).
The CSF (Chap. 9) approach combines all forest-based-sector mitigation possi-
bilities (sink, substitution and storage) and adaption in a holistic way. Regarding
adaptation, we point to a generic concept that has recently been developed
(Yousefpour et al. 2017), which takes into account the cost efficiency (Fig. 12.2).
According to this, a business-as-usual (BAU) strategy may still be the optimal
choice if the cost of change (adaptation) exceeds the expected benefits. If the cli-
mate change impacts are low, a low-cost reactive adaptation may suffice. For scarce
206 M. Hanewinkel et al.
Fig. 12.2 Schematic allocation of different adaptation strategies in terms of costs and benefits
under climate change. BAU business as usual
and valuable forest resources, especially under considerable climate change impacts,
a proactive and robust strategy would be more suitable. The robust strategy is a
more costly adaptation strategy, but it represents a better fit to the uncertainties
inherent in climate change, and guarantees the provision of ecosystem services
under all plausible climate-change scenarios.
Besides the importance of active adaptation, the Scientific Board of the Ministry
of Agriculture (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat 2016) has proposed a list of measures for
forestry and the forest sector to enhance their mitigation effect:
• Safeguard productive forests to sustainably use their potential for climate
• Plant adapted and productive tree species, especially drought-tolerant conifers
mixed with deciduous tree species.
• Increase the longevity of timber-based products and promote their cascade usage.
• Take into account climate protection effects when assigning protected areas in
• Guarantee the protection of forest soils.
• Consult with and supervise small and medium private and community forest
enterprises to reach climate protection goals.
12 Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Germany 207
German forests are characterised by high standing volumes and productivity. They
could play an important role in the overall potential of the country to mitigate cli-
mate change. Their potential to take up greenhouse gas emissions is in the range of,
or even higher than, the average European forest. In addition, Germany is a major
producer of sawnwood and wood-based panels, which also offers potential for cli-
mate mitigation, in terms of substituting for fossil-based materials and products and
storing carbon in wood products.
On the other hand, climate change is already exerting severe economic, environ-
mental and social impacts on German forests and the forest-based sector, and this
trend is likely to continue and intensify in the future. There is a political debate tak-
ing place about how best to deal with this damage and minimise the risks in the
future, asking, for example, how best to optimise the mitigation potential of the
forests while at the same time adapting the forests to deal with ongoing climate
change. This situation calls for a very careful balancing of strategies and a holistic
approach, which the CSF framework can provide.
Our simulation indicated that the opportunity costs of using high-valued and
productive species, such as Norway spruce, for mitigation purposes (i.e. by the in-
situ accumulation of carbon) produces high opportunity costs, while species of less
208 M. Hanewinkel et al.
value, such as European beech, would be better suited for this purpose. In order to
follow a systematic approach to addressing the challenges of combining mitigation
and adaptation, we propose a generic framework for adaptation that takes into
account the cost efficiency of all measures, and includes this in suggesting the most
efficient ways to increase the mitigation potential of the forests in Germany. Current
and emerging forest bioeconomy products also offer significant potential for the
future mitigation potential via substitution and carbon storage.
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Chapter 13
Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Spain
Abstract In Spain, 55% of land area is covered by forests and other woodlands.
Broadleaves occupy a predominant position (56%), followed by conifers (37%) and
mixed stands (7%). Forest are distributed among the Atlantic (north-western Iberian
rim), Mediterranean (rest of the peninsula including the Balearic Islands) and
Macaronesian (Canary Islands) climate zones. Spanish woodlands provide a multi-
plicity of provisioning ecosystem services, such as, wood, cork, pine nuts, mush-
rooms and truffles. In terms of habitat services, biodiversity is highly relevant.
Cultural services are mainly recreational and tourism, the latter being a crucial eco-
nomic sector in Spain (including rural and ecotourism). Regulatory services, such
as erosion control, water availability, flood and wildfire risk reduction, are of such
great importance that related forest zoning and consequent legislation were estab-
lished already in the eighteenth century. Climate change in Southern Europe is fore-
cast to involve an increase in temperature, reduction in precipitation and increase in
aridity. As a result, the risks for natural disturbances are expected to increase. Of
these, forest fires usually have the greatest impact on ecosystems in Spain. In
2010–2019, the average annual forest surface area affected by fire was 95,065 ha.
The combination of extreme climatic conditions (drought, wind) and the large pro-
portion of unmanaged forests presents a big challenge for the future. Erosion is
another relevant risk. In the case of fire, mitigation strategies should combine modi-
fication of the land use at the landscape level, in order to generate mosaics that will
create barriers to the spread of large fires, along with stand-level prevention mea-
sures to either slow the spread of surface fires or, more importantly, impede the
possibility of fire crowning or disrupt its spread. Similarly, forest management can
play a major role in mitigating the impact of drought on a forest. According to the
land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) accounting, Spanish forests
absorbed 11% of the total greenhouse gas emissions in 2019. Investments in climate-
smart forestry provide opportunities for using all the different parts of the Spanish
forest-based sector for climate mitigation––forest sinks, the substitution of wood
raw materials and products for fossil materials, and the storage of carbon in wood
products. Moreover, this approach simultaneously helps to advance the adaptation
of the forest to changing climate and to build forest resilience.
As in many other southern European regions, the land cover of Spain has changed
considerably in the last century. The abandonment of a substantial proportion of
rural activities in the primary sector since the 1960s has led to a progressive, spon-
taneous afforestation of many parcels. Consequently, Spain today has 55% of its
land area covered by forests and other woodlands (Ministerio para la Transición
Ecológica [MITECO] 2018). Broadleaves occupy a predominant position (56%),
followed by conifers (37%) and mixed stands (7%) (Fig. 13.1). The most wide-
spread forest formations are open forest (the dehesas), typically used for agrofor-
estry, followed by Mediterranean oak (chiefly Quercus ilex) and pine
Fig. 13.1 Forest cover map of Spain. (Source: Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y
Marino, 2008)
13 Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Spain 213
(chiefly Aleppo pine). However, Pinus pinaster and Pinus sylvestris are the most
important tree species in terms of timber volume. The rich ecosystem diversity is
reflected in the more than 20 dominant tree species, which are distributed among the
Atlantic (north-western Iberian rim), Mediterranean (rest of the peninsula including
the Balearic Islands) and Macaronesian (Canary Islands) climate zones.
There is a large potential for increasing the use of domestic wood in Spain. Far
from the typical European harvest rates, only one-third of the annual growing stock
in Spain is harvested (Fig. 13.2) (Montero and Serrada 2013). While Spanish citi-
zens tend to only consume small amounts of wood (0.8 m3/inhabitant/year – about
half that of Central Europe and well below what Northern European countries con-
sume), the aggregated annual timber consumption is almost double the domestic
harvest. This means that, despite the available timber stock, over half of the demand
needs to be covered by imported wood. The harvest intensity, however, varies con-
siderably among autonomous communities, ranging from 10 to 30% in most
Mediterranean regions, up to 60–70% in the Atlantic northern and north-western
regions (with a maximum of 88% in Galicia).
Highly fragmented private parcels constitute most of the forest land (MITECO
2018), with more than 99% occupying less than 10 ha. Despite the clear manage-
ment challenges this situation implies, over 80% of the wood harvest takes place on
Fig. 13.2 Key Spanish forest and forestry data. (Source: Author elaboration based on MITECO
2018, Montero and Serrada 2013)
214 E. Górriz-Mifsud et al.
privately owned land, indicating that most productive forests (Eucalyptus, Pinus
radiata, both of which are introduced species) tend to be owned by family forest
owners. Only 18% of the forested land is subject to a management plan
(MITECO 2018).
Beyond timber and fuelwood, Spanish forests also produce relevant non-timber
forest products such as cork, pine nuts, chestnuts, resin, black truffles and wild
mushrooms. Their value and markets are often imperfectly captured by the trade
statistics, as are other ecosystem services (e.g. biodiversity conservation, water pro-
vision, amenities, carbon sequestration). Of the Spanish forests, 41% are nature-
protection areas.
13.3 Forest Disturbances
13.3.1 Wildfires
The risks for abiotic (forest fires, erosion, drought, storms, etc.) and biotic (insects,
disease) natural disturbances are expected to increase due to climate change (e.g.
Seidl et al. 2014). Of these, forest fires usually have the greatest impact on
13 Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Spain 217
ecosystems in Spain. In 2010–2019, the average annual forest surface area affected
by fire was 95,065 ha (MITECO 2021a). The combination of extreme climatic con-
ditions (drought, wind) and the large proportion of unmanaged forests presents a big
challenge for the future. Erosion is another relevant risk. Most Spanish forests
located on the steepest alpine and sub-alpine slopes are protected (Nabuurs
et al. 2018).
Under climate change, extreme fire-weather conditions that can lead to large and
catastrophic fires are expected to become more common (Piñol et al. 1998) as the
number of extreme dry periods increases. Climate-change scenarios indicate an
increase of 2–2.5 times the number of fires, 3.4–4.6 times the forest area burned,
and 3–3.9 times the wooded area burned (Vázquez De La Cueva et al. 2012). An
important aspect to consider is that the long-term impact on the vegetation or the
adaptation of plants to fire does not depend on single events, but on fire regimes––
that is, the fire characteristics for a given area over a certain period (Krebs et al.
2010). However, climate change is not the only factor that will modify the fire
regimes on the Iberian Peninsula; other factors will define the size, frequency and/
or severity of the fires (Moreno et al. 2014). Moreover, changes in the fire activity
have not been, and probably will not be, homogeneous over the Spanish territory.
Past observations (Moreno et al. 2014) and future predictions (Jiménez-Ruano et al.
2020) have indicated that, in north-eastern Spain, there has been a general increase
in fire activity both over an entire year and during the vegetative season, although
this tendency is expected to decrease in the medium term (2036). On the other hand,
in Spain overall, there is a trend towards fewer wildfires with lower intensities, and
a reduction in the area burnt (MAPA 2019). This decrease can be attributed to
improvements in, and expenditure on, fire suppression over the last few decades.
However, even though past observations and future forecasts seem relatively opti-
mistic, it is widely understood that the accumulation of fuel resulting from agricul-
tural abandonment (Pausas and Paula 2012), areas of past fire exclusion (Piñol et al.
2005) and the expected increase in the number of days subject to extreme fire
weather may lead to the unexpected occurrence of very large and catastrophic fires
(Costa et al. 2011).
Interactions between the multiple drivers of global change can have diverse effects
on the future condition of Mediterranean forests. Water scarcity will certainly be
one of the most important agents of forest dynamics and their provision of services
in the coming decades. The expected increase in evapotranspiration rates due to ris-
ing temperatures will come with a general reduction in water availability and greater
precipitation irregularity, leading to more frequent, intense and prolonged droughts
and hot spells. Many tree species in Spain will be particularly vulnerable to these
events, including Pinus sylvestris, Fagus sylvatica and Abies alba. Decline in
growth and increased die-back have already been reported in Pinus sylvestris
218 E. Górriz-Mifsud et al.
Climate change may affect the distribution of pathogens and hosts. Among the most
relevant pests, the pine processionary moth causes most concern for conifer forests
in Spain. It is expanding northwards and towards higher elevations due to milder
winter conditions (Roques et al. 2015)––a trend shared across western Mediterranean
Europe. This expansion may eventually accelerate the process of natural succession
(i.e. the replacement of conifers by Quercus species), although higher rates of forest
compositional change may be expected if more-destructive pest outbreaks than pine
processionary moth occur (Gil-Tena et al. 2019). Imported pests, such as the pine
nematode, entail additional relevant threats. Haran et al. (2015) indicated an
13 Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Spain 219
expected expansion of the pine nematode towards higher altitudes, with the proba-
bility of it spreading into the Pyrenees, towards France and the rest of Europe.
In terms of disease, the pine pitch canker that affects Pinus pinaster and
Phytophthora cynnamomi that mainly affects oaks can be highlighted. Serra-Varela
et al. (2017) found that almost the entire Spanish distribution of Pinus pinaster will
face an abiotic-driven exposure to pitch canker (due to the predicted increase in
drought events under climate change), while the north-western edge of the Iberian
Peninsula is predicted to face reduced exposure. Duque-Lazo et al. (2018b) indi-
cated that oak decline provoked by Phytophthora cynnamomi may be reduced in
Andalusian forests (southern Spain) until 2040, although the suitability of the habi-
tat is predicted to increase after that.
Two of the most significant threats to Spanish forests, where the risk might be
heightened in the future, are drought and fire. In the case of fire, it is widely recog-
nised that mitigation strategies must be implemented at different scales (Gil-Tena
et al. 2019). These should combine modification of the land use at the landscape
level, in order to generate mosaics that will create barriers to the spread of large
fires, along with stand-level prevention measures to either slow the spread of surface
fires or, more importantly, impede the possibility of fire crowning or disrupt its
spread (Loepfe et al. 2012). When implementing forest management interventions,
it has been demonstrated that modifying the structure and composition of the forest
at the stand level has an impact by reducing fire occurrence and damage (González
et al. 2007). Consequently, specific management methods are being applied in cer-
tain regions of Spain (Piqué et al. 2017). It is clear that integrating these methods
into the landscape, considering the spatial component of fire spread, has a much
greater chance of mitigating the negative impacts of forest fires, or will facilitate the
efficiency of suppression efforts, if specific measures are applied to high-priority
areas (Gonzalez-Olabarria et al. 2019). Similarly, forest management can play a
major role in mitigating the impact of drought on a forest (Martínez-Vilalta et al.
2012). Many of the management options considered to be appropriate for reducing
competition for water resources (e.g. thinning) or for increasing the efficiency of the
uptake and use of existing water (i.e. by favouring certain species admixtures based
on their functional traits) (De Cáceres et al. 2021) may also be considered beneficial
for reducing fire risk. The National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change
2021–2031 actually considers these risks and mitigation goals as part of a broad,
intersectoral plan (MITECO 2021b) and more-detailed forest-accountability plan
(MITECO 2018).
220 E. Górriz-Mifsud et al.
According to the land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) accounting,
Spanish forests absorbed 11% of the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in
2019 – 314.529 Kt CO2 eq. Table 13.1 details the impact of different forest sub-
sector activities. The substitution of forest biomass for fossil-based energy in Spain
is also important to take into account in this balance because of its potential and low
cost (Turrado Fernández et al. 2016). The current energy consumption derived from
biomass is close to 4 Mtoe. The 2030 bioenergy target of the National Integrated
Plan for Energy and Climate indicates a need for an additional 1.6 Mtoe year−1 of
electricity generation and 0.41 Mtoe year−1 for heating (MITECO 2020). These
targets are perfectly achievable considering the estimated Spanish potential biomass
for energy of 88.7 Mtoe year−1 (or 17.3 Mtoe year−1 for heating), with the portion
coming from forests being 33.8 Mtoe year−1 (or 5.8 Mtoe year−1 for heating). This
includes lumber industry residues, roundwood and other woody biomass from for-
estlands. Notably, the above figures do not take into account other potential sources,
such as woody energy crops, and residues and side streams of the pulp and paper
industry (Paredes-Sánchez et al. 2019). The use of timber in housing and construc-
tion (e.g. cross-laminated timber, plywood and sawn wood) is gaining more impor-
tance, although it is still far from reaching its potential use. Wood can store carbon
for decades in buildings and can replace the use of fossil-intensive materials, such
Table 13.1 Contribution of Spanish forests and wood products to the GHG balance in 2019, and
the forest reference levels (FRLs)
IPCC LULUCF sub-classes GHG (Kt CO2 eq.) FRL 2021–2025
Forestland remaining as forestland −29372.48 −29,303
Land converted to forestland 123.84
Cropland converted to forestland −2386.28
Grassland converted to forestland −1417.93
Wetlands converted to forestland −2.31
Settlements converted to forestland 0.00
Other land converted to forestland −46.43
Forestland converted to cropland 91.31
Forestland converted to grassland 292.00
Forestland converted to settlements 201.71
Forestland converted to other land 0.00
Harvested wood products −2191.22 −1732
Wildfires (N2O, CH4) Not available 330
Prescribed burning (N2O, CH4) Not available 2
Forest contribution to the 2019 GHG −34707.78 −30,703
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Source: MITECO (2018, 2021a)
13 Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Spain 221
as steel and concrete, therefore offering opportunities for climate mitigation in one
of the most CO2-intensive industry sectors.
Investments in climate-smart forestry provide opportunities for using all the dif-
ferent parts of the Spanish forest-based sector for climate mitigation––forest sinks,
the substitution of wood raw materials and products for fossil materials, and the
storage of carbon in wood products (Nabuurs et al. 2018). Moreover, this approach
simultaneously helps to advance the adaptation of the forest to changing climate and
to build forest resilience. The potential of non-wood forest products as substitutes
for non-renewable materials has been poorly assessed so far. However, in terms of
cork, Sierra-Pérez et al. (2018) comprehensively assessed its life-cycle for the pur-
pose of building insulation. According to the study, using cork for insulation can
have a positive CO2 mitigation impact. The benefits are obvious when contrasted
with mainstream, inorganic fibrous materials. Similarly, PricewaterhouseCoopers
(PwC) and ECOBILAN (2008) found that the production of cork stoppers emitted
less CO2 (1.53 g CO2/piece) than screw caps (37.17 g CO2/piece) and synthetic caps
(14.83 g CO2/piece). When also accounting for the offsetting effect resulting from
cork-oak forest management, cork stoppers become even more competitive
(−113.2 g CO2/piece).
Many Mediterranean tree species have traits that give them the capacity to respond
to the most frequent disturbances in an area––most notably, wildfires and drought
events (response traits). However, because of the speed of current environmental
change, the occurrence and severity of most disturbances has increased in forests
across Europe (Senf and Seidl 2021). In the Mediterranean region, the severity,
frequency and size of burned forest areas has increased over the last few decades
(Turco et al. 2018), as have drought severity, heat waves and insect outbreaks
(Balzan et al. 2020). The increasing frequency, size and severity of these distur-
bances will, in many cases, be beyond historical norms, and forests will likely often
be overcome, particularly at the southern edges of their distributions (Vilà-Cabrera
et al. 2012).
The concern about forest responses to disturbances has made resilience a new
paradigm for researchers, managers and policy-makers. Considering resistance and
resilience as two related, but distinct, components of ecosystem responses to distur-
bances, the resistance–resilience framework can provide a good understanding of
post-disturbance forest dynamics (Sánchez-Pinillos et al. 2019), and may contribute
to guiding climate-smart forestry and adaptive silviculture. Sánchez-Pinillos et al.
(2016) developed the Persistence Index (PI) to assess the capacity of communities
to maintain their functions and services following disturbances. The PI is based on
the diversity, abundance and redundancy of response traits, under the assumption
that an ecosystem will be more resilient and resistant to disturbances if it contains a
greater share of species with a given set of traits that allow them to cope with
222 E. Górriz-Mifsud et al.
The Spanish forest sector accounted for 0.6% of the Gross Added Value in 2018, of
which 0.9% came from forestry works, 0.19% from the timber and cork industry
and 0.36% from the paper industry (INE 2021b). However, these figures do not
consider the added value generated by most of wildfire management activities,
hunting or forest foods (truffles, mushrooms, chestnuts, etc.), and therefore it clearly
underestimates the total value of the forest-based sector. In 2011–2019, the Spanish
forest sector employed about 130,000 people (INE 2021a).
Policies will be crucial for implementing a successful transition to a sustainable,
circular bioeconomy and in contributing to the EU Green Deal Objectives in the
coming decades. Policies such as the Next Generation Funds for COVID-19 recov-
ery are supporting these objectives. For example, the funds include initiatives for
increasing cross-laminated timber production, and the number of bioenergy plants
and biorefineries. Spain’s Bioeconomy Strategy 2015–2030 (Lainez et al. 2018) and
the Climate Change Law 7/2021 provide incentives for moving to carbon neutrality,
a necessary part of which will involve sustainable forest management and adapting
forests to the changing climate.
13 Climate-Smart Forestry Case Study: Spain 223
Using forest biomass to replace fossil raw materials and products––the root
cause of climate change––is essential. This implies increasing the use of forest bio-
mass in, for example, the construction, packaging and textile sectors, and also for
energy purposes, at least in the coming decade or two before other renewables (e.g.
hydrogen) become more available. However, in Spain, forest management is the
responsibility of the autonomous regions, and therefore it is crucial that they are
ready to make the necessary changes at the regional level. Despite the large expan-
sion of Spanish forestland in recent decades, the agricultural component of most
bioeconomic initiatives is also important, and so it is necessary to advance and
coordinate actions in both sectors. This is indeed being done, for example, in the
Catalan Bioeconomy Strategy (2021–2030), the Basque Roadmap towards a
Bioeconomy (2019), the Andalusian Circular Bioeconomy Strategy (2018), the
Galician Agenda for the Forest Industry (2018), the recently established Research
Centre for Rural Bioeconomy in Aragón, the CLAMBER project (Castilla–La
Mancha Bio-Economy Region), and the Plan for Boosting Agro-food Bioeconomy
in Castilla-y-León. The climate-smart forestry approach could play an important
role in achieving the objectives of these strategies in the coming decades.
Acknowledgements We thank Jonas Oliva for his review of the biotic risks. Part of this chapter
has been developed within the H2020 FIRE-RES project (Grant agreement ID: 101037419).
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Chapter 14
The Way Forward: Management
and Policy Actions
Lauri Hetemäki, Jyrki Kangas, Antti Asikainen, Janne Jänis, Jyri Seppälä,
Ari Venäläinen, and Heli Peltola
Abstract Along with the evidence and analyses expounded on in this book, this chap-
ter provides conclusions and suggestions concerning policy implications. These are
based on a perspective that calls attention to the need for a holistic approach to look at
the nexus of forests, the bioeconomy and climate change. Moreover, it is emphasised
that, given the different uses of forests and the scarcity of forest resources, it makes
sense to try to find ways to maximise synergies and minimise trade-offs between the
different usages of forests. The forest-based sector contributes to climate-change miti-
gation via three channels––forests are a carbon sink, forest-based products can substi-
tute for fossil-based products, and these products can store carbon for up to centuries.
However, achieving these mitigation potentials in the future depends on forests being
made resilient to the changing climate. Therefore, mitigation and adapting forests to
climate change are married, both needing to be advanced simultaneously. Globally
and in the EU, around 80–90% of the CO2 emissions originate from the use of coal,
L. Hetemäki (*)
European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland
Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Kangas · J. Jänis · H. Peltola
University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
A. Asikainen
Natural Resources Institute, Helsinki, Finland
J. Seppälä
Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland
A. Venäläinen
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland
oil and natural gas. Consequently, the core issue in the fight against climate change is
the phasing out of fossil-based products. Reaching this goal will not be possible with-
out substituting also forest-based bioproducts for the purposes we are using oil, coal
and gas for today. In the EU, this implies paying more attention to the need to develop
new innovations in the forest bioeconomy, improve the resource efficiency and circu-
larity of the bioproducts already available, and monitor the environmental sustainabil-
ity of the bioeconomy.
The quote preceding this chapter is fitting for the topic of this book––the nexus of
forests, the bioeconomy and climate change. How are forests, the bioeconomy and
climate change interlinked, and how do they impact on each other? As this book has
demonstrated, the answers to these questions are characterised by complexity and a
fair number of features that point even to wicked problems. When you first think
you have found a clear and simple answer, a second thought reveals it to be only
partially useful, or applicable only under a set of restrictive conditions or, in the
worst case, simply wrong.
In this chapter, we provide insights and recommendations for policy actions.
Along with the evidence and analyses expounded on in the previous chapters, these
are also based on a perspective that emphasises the need for a holistic approach for
viewing the nexus of forests, the bioeconomy and climate change. By this, we mean
the following.
First, the approach is based on a self-evident, but often forgotten, fact. That is,
forest resources are not limitless, but always scarce, despite being renewable. This
is true even for the most forested country in the EU––Finland––where forests
account for 74% of the land area. Moreover, there are multiple needs for forests and
their use, such as providing raw materials, biodiversity, food (e.g. berries and mush-
rooms), recreation, hunting and carbon sequestration. Their importance has also
evolved over time, especially in response to changing societal values, human needs,
environmental change and technological development. For example, forest carbon
sequestration has become a large societal need only in the last decade. The scarcity
of forest resources relative to human need has always created potential trade-offs
between the different uses of forests.
These facts bring to the fore the second most important feature of this book’s
approach. That is, given the different uses of forests and the scarcity of forest
resources, it makes sense to try to find ways to maximise synergies and minimise
trade-offs between the usages. Oftentimes these possibilities are not fully
14 The Way Forward: Management and Policy Actions 231
appreciated by people, policy-makers or even scientists, who may, for example, find
the trade-offs between wood production and climate mitigation or between wood
production and biodiversity inevitable. Therefore, one seems to have to choose an
either/or. However, these trade-offs are not always inevitable and, in cases where
these exist, there is usually the possibility of trying to minimise the trade-offs and
maximise the synergies. This could be done e.g. using multi-objective forest man-
agement in which the simultaneous maximisation of multiple objectives increases
the overall production levels of several ecosystem services (Biber et al. 2020; Díaz-
Yáñez et al. 2020; Krumm et al. 2020). Indeed, it has even been argued that, in a
modern society for example, biodiversity is necessary to the bioeconomy, and vice
versa (Hetemäki et al. 2017; Palahi et al. 2020a, b). On the other hand, to achieve
climate-change mitigation goals in the long term, forests should also be used for
products that can substitute for fossil-based raw materials, the use of which is the
root cause of climate change.
If one accepts the principle of these arguments, then the need to find synergies
and minimise trade-offs between the bioeconomy, climate-change mitigation and
biodiversity becomes a necessity. The downside of understanding this is that the
world becomes much more complex. As a result, there is no longer any one single
and simple solution to how the forest-based sector could, in the best possible way,
contribute to climate-change mitigation or ensure biodiversity. Instead, diverse and
tailored solutions are needed to accommodate different regions and circumstances.
In this book, we have argued that climate-smart forestry, tailored to regional cir-
cumstances, provides a useful approach for increasing the forest-based sector’s
mitigation potential and helping forests adapt to the changing climate, while at the
same time paying attention to the other needs for forests.
The chapters in this book have included discussions on the feedback impacts
between the natural biological world (forests) and social and technological pro-
cesses (the technosystem), as well as the leakage impacts between regions.
Moreover, it has become clear that, for research to derive results, it always needs to
impose restrictions and assumptions, and analyse each phenomenon from some
very particular perspective. Also, it is impossible to formulate alternative scenarios
(counterfactuals) and evaluate their impacts with certainty. For example, in theory,
we could compare the development of forest carbon sinks under two alternative
scenarios involving wood harvesting levels. In one, the current level of annual wood
harvesting in the EU is maintained, whilst in the other, the forest carbon sink is
increasing due to a reduction in annual wood harvesting of 50% by 2050. What
would be the impacts and differences between these two scenarios in terms of
climate-change mitigation? The list of key impacts one would need to consider for
this comparison is daunting––carbon sequestration in forests, the substitution
impact of wood products, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions technology
232 L. Hetemäki et al.
in order to sustain the provisioning of wood and ecological, social and cultural ser-
vices, while avoiding harmful (positive) climate feedbacks from fire, wind, pest and
drought disturbances. Consequently, climate-change mitigation needs to be
addressed simultaneously with other objectives, and the right balance of measures
must be found that are politically possible to implement in the shortest time possi-
ble, because we are in a hurry to mitigate climate change.
Another issue that is important to bear in mind when interpreting scientific
results is that the issue at hand can be more diverse and extensive than what the
research may have considered. Let us illustrate this point with one example. In
Chaps. 7 and 8, the role of wood as a substitute for fossil-based products was taken
up. Related to this, a frequent suggestion from the research is that wood should not
be used for short-lived products, such as energy and packaging, but instead for long-
lived products that store carbon for a long period, such as wooden buildings. Also,
the European Commission (2021) “leaked” Forest Strategy draft document recom-
mended moving from short-lived wood products to long-lived ones. However, it is
uncertain how workable this suggestion is in practice.
First, the world will not do without short-lived products, such as packaging,
hygiene and textiles. They should also be made as low-carbon as possible. Short-
lived products can also help to reduce CO2 emissions. For example, food packaging
helps to reduce food waste, and therefore also food production, which is associated
with CO2 emissions. Short-lived products may also be made from a different wood
material than long-lived products––pulpwood, wood chips and production by-
products (e.g. lignin) could be used. Logs are usually more suitable for producing
long-lasting products, such as wooden buildings. Second, it might be possible that,
in some cases, the net carbon mitigation impact of a short-lived forest-based product
may be greater than for a long-lived product (Leskinen et al. 2018). This could also
be possibly, for example, in the case when a country exports short-lived, wood-
based textile fibres to China, where they help to replace synthetic, oil-based textiles
in a manufacturing process that is also heavily coal based, versus using the wood
fibre for some more long-lived product in the exporting country. For example, the
EU27 exported 63% of its dissolving pulp in 2019, mainly to China and India. In
these countries, dissolving pulp is used to replace synthetic (oil-based) fibres in the
textile industry. Third, the climate-mitigation perspective is not the only important
perspective; there are other possible environmental factors, such as plastics waste in
the oceans or the quantity of materials used. Finally, the average service life of
wood fibres in short-lived products could be substantially prolonged using recycling
practices. For the reasons above, recommendations to use wood only in long-lasting
products could be an oversimplification, and not necessarily optimal for climate
Despite these complexities, it is self-evident that the forest-based sector can
improve its performance in climate-change mitigation, for example, by reducing the
use of fossil fuels in every part of the value chain, from harvest to the end-product
market. Improvements in resource and production efficiency and circularity along
the product chain can also decrease emissions and enhance biodiversity (e.g. less
wood needs to be harvested, ceteris paribus).
234 L. Hetemäki et al.
Public perception studies have shown that EU citizens appreciate forests mostly for
the environmental services they provide; that is, as places for biodiversity, but also
for their climate effects and the recreational opportunities they offer (Ranacher et al.
2020). However, Ranacher et al. (2020) also indicated that the potential role of the
forest bioeconomy in climate mitigation is not well understood by the public.
However, there are no clear research results that explain why this might be so. One
guess is that this could be partly related to the fact that an increasing number of EU
citizens live in urban areas, and they might be more inclined to appreciate the ser-
vices that forests provide, rather than the products and welfare that is generated by
the forest bioeconomy (Mauser 2021). In the EU in 2019, urban and peri-urban citi-
zens accounted for a 75% share of the population, and therefore their views weight
particularly strongly in public perceptions.1
For urban citizens, forests may have different meanings than for rural people and
for those who live in and manage forests. Urban citizens may also be unaware of the
benefits they derive from the forest-based sector. During an ordinary day, they may
use or benefit from several wood-based products, such as buildings, furniture, food,
packaging, clothing and energy, without realising that these are based on forests.
Some of the benefits of the forest bioeconomy may be even more hidden; for exam-
ple, in some EU countries with significant amounts of forests and forest industries
(e.g. Austria, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Sweden), wood production and forest
products help to generate income-, capital- and corporate-tax revenues, besides the
more visible employment and income opportunities. These tax revenues can be used
14 The Way Forward: Management and Policy Actions 235
to fund such things as social security, education and other societal infrastructure for
the benefits of all citizens.2
Understandably, the forest-based sector and the benefits it generates may lie out-
side the urban bubbles in which the bulk of us live in the EU. Clearly, the forest-
based sector has an interest and responsibility itself to communicate and inform the
public of its sector and why it is important. In addition, to achieve a greater accep-
tance of the forest bioeconomy among citizens and policy-makers, it is important to
provide facts about how the forest bioeconomy can be applied in order to respond to
the more ambitious targets of climate-change mitigation and biodiversity
However, when EU or national policies are designed, it is also the responsibility
of the European Commission, the European Parliament and national politicians to
be informed and to be appreciative of the many benefits––not only some––that the
EU forest-based sector provides for society. On the other hand, just as important is
to acknowledge that the forest-based sector can also generate visible or hidden dis-
benefits for society, in terms of negative externalities, such as the loss or lack of
biodiversity, the carbon sink, recreational opportunities and flood control. These
disbenefits can be significant, especially if the forests are not managed and their
bioproducts are not produced sustainably.
The European Green Deal (European Commission 2019) proposal did acknowl-
edge the potential disbenefits of the forest sector and suggested important measures
to tackle these. However, it failed to fully appreciate the potential benefits, such as
a sustainable forest bioeconomy for climate mitigation and for achieving the SDGs
(Palahí et al. 2020a, b). Emphasising only some of the benefits of forests is more
likely to enhance the polarisation on this topic in society, which in turn could back-
fire by making it more difficult to further climate-mitigation and biodiversity objec-
tives. In summary, it is essential that policy-makers have a holistic approach to the
forest-based sector, and take into account all the many diverse impacts it can have,
not just some.
The European Green Deal (European Commission 2019) has set the overarching
targets for EU policies in the coming years. At the heart of it is achieving climate
neutrality by 2050, halting biodiversity loss and reaching the SDGs. In other words,
paving the way to policies that will help the EU to live within the planetary boundar-
ies. According to the messages coming from this book, how should the EU-forest-
based sector help in this, and what types of policies could support this?
For example, in Finland, the major forest-industry companies are the highest corporate tax-
payers, the 10 largest of these alone paying €321 million in corporate taxes in 2019. For compari-
son, this is about the same amount that all the banks and insurance companies in the top 100
corporate tax-payers (17 companies) paid in 2019 (€335 million).
236 L. Hetemäki et al.
The urgency of mitigating climate change is key due to its potentially widespread
and drastic impacts. Climate change also impacts all the other goals of the EU, such
as biodiversity and the SDGs. The urgency itself makes things more difficult, espe-
cially in forests and the forest-based sector, which rely on slowly renewable––from
decades to centuries––nature and wood. The urgency has also shifted political and
public eyes to the land sector (agricultural land and forests) for help in reaching the
climate-mitigation goals. There is an expectation that the speed at which we can
reduce the root cause of climate change––burning fossil raw materials––is too slow
for the set targets. Therefore, simultaneously increasing carbon storage and the for-
est sink in the coming decades is necessary, despite the fact that this could poten-
tially become an excuse for some to continue to use fossil materials. Nevertheless,
the reality seems to be that the EU will need larger land-based sinks in order to
reach carbon neutrality by 2050 (IPCC 2019; Simon 2020).
As Chap. 2 explained, the EU27 forests account for 3.9% of the world’s forests.
Given this, it can have only a marginal direct impact at the global level via increased
forest carbon sequestration. But every region has to contribute to climate mitigation.
The aggregate impact of different regions counts, in the end, towards the global for-
est sink. Moreover, the indirect impacts of increasing EU forest carbon sequestra-
tion in the coming decades may be even more important. The EU is one key region
in which the forest area, the annual volume growth of growing stock and the forest
carbon stock have increased in the last decades. What is notable is that this hap-
pened at the same time as the EU27 wood production increased by 43%, from 1990
to 2019 (FAOSTAT 2021). The forest area has increased through natural forest
expansion and the afforestation of low-productivity agricultural lands. Improved
forest management practices and changing environmental conditions (e.g. nitrogen
deposition and climate change) have increased the annual volume growth, carbon
sequestration and storage of the EU forests. These have also been increasing because
the annual wood harvesting has clearly been lower than the annual volume growth
of the forests for a number of decades. This example of how to continue to increase
forest growth and the carbon stock is important for other, less successful regions.
The book suggest various ways in which forest carbon sequestration can be
increased in the future. Accordingly, the intensity of forest management and har-
vesting, and the severity of climate change and the associated increases in natural
forest disturbances, will together determine the future development of carbon
sequestration and storage in EU forests. Increasing the use of tailored adaptive for-
est management measures, such as the site−/region-specific cultivation of different
tree species and genotypes (improved regeneration material), adjusting the fre-
quency and intensity of thinnings and rotation lengths, using forest fertilisation and
growing mixed forests, may still help to increase carbon sequestration and enhance
forest resilience in the EU under the changing climate. Carbon sequestration may
also be increased by increasing the forested area through natural forest expansion
and the afforestation of low-productivity agricultural lands. However, forest carbon
14 The Way Forward: Management and Policy Actions 237
sink can also decrease due to an increase in natural forest disturbances. Overall,
though, carbon sequestration and sinks in EU forests are likely to increase in the
coming decades, as long as the annual wood harvesting and natural drain remains
lower than the annual volume growth of the forests.
Forest conservation can play an important role in achieving carbon neutrality in
the EU by 2050, but it is difficult to see how it could be the whole solution. Recent
evidence from those regions that have not managed or harvested their forests for a
long period of time, and that have suffered from serious disturbances, including for-
est fires, bark-beetle outbreaks and storms, for example, points to this conclusion
(Högberg et al. 2021). Such regions occur e.g. in Australia, California, Canada,
Russia and, in the EU, the Czech Republic, Portugal and Spain. As a result, forests
have been destroyed and large amounts of GHGs have been emitted to the atmo-
sphere. According to Camia et al. (2021), the wood harvested due to natural distur-
bances reached over 100 million m3 (22.8% of the total removals) in 2018, in just 17
of the EU Member States that were surveyed. Moreover, old, unmanaged forests
seem to sequester carbon less than young, managed forests (Gundersen et al. 2021).
Thus, not managing forests and conserving them (which is clearly needed for many
reasons) may also pose serious risks for climate-change mitigation. Between the
extremes of conservation and deforestation, there are options for sustainably man-
aging forests in ways that can retain them for generations as a source of a wide
variety of ecosystem services.
In summary, it seems apparent that conserving the bulk of EU forests may not be
an optimal climate-mitigation strategy (Nabuurs et al. 2017; EU 2018; IPCC 2019).
The question is more about synergies and trade-offs between forest carbon sinks
and forest management intensity in the short and medium terms. The land use, land-
use change and forestry (LULUCF) regulation (EU 2018) allows member states to
increase their forest utilisation for industrial and energy-production purposes in the
future, if they can maintain or strengthen their long-term carbon sinks in forests and
wood products. The EU wants to see a climate-neutral pathway to 2050 where the
sinks of the LULUCF sector and all GHG emissions caused by humans are taken
into account.
are: (1) strengthen and scale-up the bio-based sectors, unlock investments and mar-
kets; (2) deploy local bioeconomies rapidly across Europe; and (3) understand the
ecological boundaries of the bioeconomy. In these ways, the Bioeconomy Strategy
will maximise the contribution of the bioeconomy to the major EU policy priorities
of sustainability, the creation of jobs, climate objectives, and the modernisation and
strengthening of the EU industrial base. However, it is necessary to develop the
bioeconomy in a way that lessens pressures on the environment, values and protects
biodiversity and enhances all ecosystem services.
The role of, and necessity for, the forest bioeconomy in climate mitigation and
the phasing out of fossil raw materials and products has been demonstrated in this
book and in several studies (e.g. Hetemäki et al. 2017; Hurmekoski et al. 2018;
IPCC 2019; Palahí et al. 2020a, b). Globally and in the EU, around 80–90% of the
CO2 emissions originate from the use of coal, oil and natural gas. Consequently, the
core issue in the fight against climate change is the phasing out of fossil fuels and
materials. If major efforts are not put into tackling these, they will remain a nui-
sance. In this context, it is difficult to see how climate mitigation can be possible
without also using forest biomass to replace fossil-based raw materials and prod-
ucts. The forest bioeconomy is not going to be a sufficient way to solve the climate-
change challenge on its own, but it is a necessary part of it.
In 2018 in the EU27, the GHG emissions were 3893 Mt. CO2eq., of which 83.5%
came from two sectors––energy production and industry (Eurostat data). In
2010–2016, EU forests helped to remove, on average every year, 10.4% of the total
EU CO2eq. emissions (Eurostat data). Including the impact of harvested-wood
products, this figure was 11.3%, on average (Eurostat data). The EU is aiming to be
climate-neutral by 2050––that is, a region with net-zero GHG emissions. Therefore,
given the above figures, it is clear that the main priority should be to reduce emis-
sions from fossil-based energy and industry to get them as close to zero as possible.
Increasing EU forest removals will not reach this policy target. That is not to say
that they are not important, or that the LULUCF regulation is needed to enhance
this. Clearly, the EU has to do its share to increase the forest sink and removals, and
in this way, show how it can be done. However, it is very important that the LULUCF
regulation does not lead the debate and draw the focus of EU climate-change miti-
gation towards technical and relatively smaller issues, and away from the main issue
itself, which is phasing out fossil fuels (Appiah et al. 2021, Berndes et al. 2018).
This implies paying more attention to the need to develop new innovations in the
forest bioeconomy, as well as improve the resource efficiency and circularity of cur-
rent bioproducts.
In summary, it is essential that we use forest-based bioproducts for the same
purposes we are currently using oil, coal and gas. However, given that it is unrealis-
tic to phase out all fossil production by 2050, any remaining GHGs from these need
to be balanced with an equivalent amount of carbon removal, for example by
increasing the forest sink and through direct carbon capture and storage (CCS) tech-
nologies. Indeed, as Nabuurs et al. (2017) have argued, the EU can significantly
increase the forest-based sector mitigation impact through forest removals and
14 The Way Forward: Management and Policy Actions 239
In the EU, climate mitigation is a top priority, but not the only one. The SDGs are
also important priorities, and these include responsible consumption and produc-
tion, sustainable cities and communities, and affordable and clean energy, among
other things. According to the statistics reported in Chap. 1 (Box 1.1), employment
in the forest bioeconomy in the EU28 was about 2.5 million, generating around
€277 billion value added, in 2015. Moreover, wood-based construction, textiles and
packaging are viewed as promising ways to make the EU’s construction, clothing
and packaging industries more sustainable.
Phasing out fossil-based industries will create a need to replace lost jobs (see
Chap. 4, Box 4.3). Moreover, as the EU has emphasised, the Just Transition
Mechanism is a key tool for ensuring that “the transition towards a climate-neutral
economy happens in a fair way, leaving no one behind” (European Commission
2020). Even if the climate disaster looms with a 2, 3 or 4 °C temperature rise, it is
possible that people could still reject the societal transition if they believe it to be
unjust. As the former American Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, has said “No
policy—no matter how ingenious—has any chance of success, if it is born in the
minds of a few and carried in the hearts of none”. The better the climate mitigation
measures support other economic and societal goals and needs, the wider and stron-
ger support they are likely to get amongst the citizens of the EU Member States. As
a result, the mitigation measures could be adapted more promptly, and their imple-
mentation could be more efficient.
In summary, the circular forest bioeconomy may meet many diverse societal
needs in the EU, along with its climate mitigation impact. Clearly, the success of
meeting all these needs depends on how well the Member States are also able to
impose the environmental sustainability of the forest bioeconomy. For this to hap-
pen, improving forest management and better adapting forests to the changing cli-
mate, increasing the resource efficiency of forest bioeconomy products, their
circularity and new product innovations, as well as monitoring the bioeconomy’s
environmental sustainability are a must.
Key Messages
1. The forest-based sector3 contributes to climate change mitigation via three
channels––forests are a carbon sink, forest-based products can substitute for
fossil based-products, and these products can store carbon for up to centu-
ries. However, in order to produce climate benefits, the possible loss of carbon
stock (sinks) in forests due to harvesting should be smaller than the increased
The forest-based sector is here understood to include forests, forestry and forest-based products
and energy.
240 L. Hetemäki et al.
GHG benefits of wood utilisation in the selected time frame. To achieve this
mitigation objective in the future, forests also need to be resilient to changing
climate. Therefore, mitigation and adapting forests to climate change are
married, and both need to be advanced simultaneously.
2. The root cause of climate change and the scale of the impacts of different mea-
sures to mitigate it are important to keep in mind. Sometimes in the climate
discussion, these self-evident facts seem to get lost, and small and large mea-
sures and impacts may get mixed. Globally and in the EU, around 80–90% of
the CO2 emissions originate from the use of coal, oil and natural gas.
Consequently, the core issue in the fight against climate change is the phasing
out of fossil fuels. It is essential to acknowledge that reaching this goal will not
be possible without also using forest-based bioproducts to substitute for the
current use of oil, coal and gas. In the EU forest-based context, this implies pay-
ing more attention to the need to develop new innovations in the forest
bioeconomy, improving the resource efficiency and circularity of current bio-
products, and imposing and monitoring the environmental sustainability of
the bioeconomy.
3. The optimal strategy to use forests and the forest-based sector to mitigate cli-
mate change, and to adapt them to the changing climate, requires a holistic
approach. There is no single, optimal way for the forest-based sector to contrib-
ute to maximising mitigation and adaptation gains. Conserving forests only for
carbon sequestration (storage, sinks) or using forests only for producing wood
for forest bioproducts will not work. Both are needed for many different rea-
sons, as the chapters in this book have explained. Moreover, the optimal strat-
egy needs to be tailored to the regional circumstances and characteristics. It
may also need to be adjusted frequently over time as climate change proceeds.
4. European forests belong mainly to the boreal and temperate forests. The life-
cycles of the trees in these forests range from less than 100 years in managed
forests to several hundred years in natural forests. The harvesting of trees to
produce wood products takes place over a range of 20–100 years after one for-
est regeneration. Therefore, when making decisions on forests, it is essential to
keep in mind a time horizon of up to a century. However, this is becoming
increasingly difficult in our evermore rapidly changing world, in which con-
tinuous change is the norm. Also, the urgency of mitigating climate change and
halting the loss of biodiversity call for rapid actions. This situation heightens
the importance of the holistic approach and the involvement of all science dis-
ciplines and societal perspectives to plan sustainable actions regarding the
entire forest-based sector. No single political party or interest group is likely to
have the wisdom, and perhaps not always even the interest, to see the holistic
5. The risks of large-scale disturbances induced by weather extremes, such as
droughts, storms and forest fires, have to be taken into account when appropri-
American writer Upton Sinclair once stated: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something
when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
14 The Way Forward: Management and Policy Actions 241
ate forest management measures are being defined over time to adapt to the
changing climate. Carbon circulates between the atmosphere and forests either
through natural cycles (e.g. decaying litter and organic matter and forest fires),
or through harvesting and the use of wood for materials and energy. A viable
forest sector enables the management of forests over large areas and adjust-
ments to forest management measures, when needed. The recovery of damaged
wood or the reduction of the fuel load in forests is possible on a large scale, if
there is a techno-system to enable both the harvesting and use of wood for the
needs of society.
6. The willingness of forest owners and society to adopt certain forest manage-
ment measures depends on how they impact the other benefits generated by
forests. The more synergies that can be found and the fewer trade-offs between
them, the more likely and effectively they can be implemented. In short, the
effectiveness of the management measures needs to be assessed in their socio-
economic context.
7. The EU is not an island and its activities have impacts beyond its borders, for
better or worse. It can serve as a good example to other regions of how ambi-
tious climate and biodiversity goals can be achieved simultaneously. It can also
demonstrate how the synergies can be maximised and the trade-offs minimised
between a circular bioeconomy, climate-change mitigation and the maintenance
of biodiversity. On the other hand, the EU climate mitigation and biodiversity
policies can have negative leakage impacts on the climate-change mitigation
and biodiversity in non-EU countries (Kallio et al. 2018; Dieter et al. 2020).
Consequently, the EU should assess the impacts of its policies in the global
context, not only within its own borders.
8. The world states are evermore interconnected, and therefore the problems they
face tend to be increasingly global in nature, such as climate change, biodiver-
sity loss, economic crises and pandemics. However, the consequences of such
crises, and how they are solved, vary significantly, depending on regional fea-
tures, such as national institutions and decision-making. How countries have
been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic is a good example of this. The
nexus between forests, the bioeconomy and climate-change mitigation is no
different. These things are linked by global challenges and opportunities, but
their optimal implementation requires tailoring to regional and local circum-
stances––one size does not fit all. It is essential to acknowledge this when the
EU is planning policies related to forests, the bioeconomy and climate-change
mitigation for its Member States. It can be argued that the stronger the EU is,
the better it will succeed in coordinating common actions, but with Member
State level tailoring and optimisation.
9. It is important that science-based bodies like the IPCC and the IPBES make syn-
theses of the available knowledge and inform policy-making. However, the tech-
nical and scientific knowledge is always partial, uncertain and can even be
contradictory. That is not to say that such knowledge is not valuable and needed.
Rather, it points to the fact that to effectively deal with global-scale problems like
climate change, multiple forms of knowledge and expertise are required.
Moreover, how to best use the forest-based sector to mitigate and adapt to climate
242 L. Hetemäki et al.
change is not just a reducible engineering-type of problem, like how to get a man
to the moon. Rather, it is a complex technological, economic, social, cultural
and value problem. “In the end the decisions are made by policymakers, and
therefore, the decisions are political not scientific. In most societies, these deci-
sions rest on democratic mandate, and so it should be” (Hetemäki 2019, p. 15).
10. The fundamental transformation of our society to carbon neutrality and sustain-
ability is probably the greatest socio-political question we have faced since
World War II. It has to be carried out in a way that people see it as just.
Otherwise, there is a danger that the whole process will be derailed and the
transition will not happen. This is also true in the EU forest-based sector.
14 The Way Forward: Management and Policy Actions 243
244 L. Hetemäki et al.
For example, the Commissioner for Environment, Virginijus Sinkevičius, still referred to
Ceccherini et al. (2020) results as important and valid in an interview by the main Swedish news-
paper Dagens Nyheter, 14 June 2021.
14 The Way Forward: Management and Policy Actions 245
Therefore, it is important that the people who work in, and make a living
from, forests and the forest-based sector are engaged and treated in a just
way, so that they feel ownership of, and are willing to contribute effectively to,
the transition.
Parkhurst J (2017) The politics of evidence: from evidence-based policy to the good governance
of evidence. Routledge studies in governance and public policy. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN
Evidence.pdf. Accessed 10 Jan 2021
Pielke RA (2007) The honest broker: making sense of science in policy and politics. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge
Priebe J, Mårald E, Nordin A (2020) Narrow pasts and futures: how frames of sustainability transfor-
mation limit societal change. J Environ Stud Sci.
Ranacher L, Sedmik A, Schwarzbauer P (2020) Public perceptions of forestry and the forest-
based bioeconomy in the European Union. Knowledge to action 03. European Forest Institute,
Simon F (2020) Commission under fire for including ‘carbon sinks’ into EU climate goals.
EURACTIVE 18 Sept 2020.
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UNESCO (2015) UNESCO science report: towards 2030.
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Wernick IK, Ciais P, Fridman J et al (2021) Quantifying forest change in the European Union.
Nature 592:E13–E14.
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Lauri Hetemäki
A forest is the opposite of the cake in the adage, which you either eat or have. In order to
have your forest cake, you must eat it; if you eat it properly, you get even more of it.
Egon Glesinger said this in 1949, but has it been evidenced in the last few decades
(Glesinger 1949)?1 Unfortunately, the world’s forest area has been declining––for
example, from 1990 to 2020 by 177 million ha––which is a little more than the total
forest area of the EU27 (159 million ha) (FAOSTAT 2021). This deforestation has
been taking place mainly in Africa and South America. But there are positive exam-
ples as well––with the help of appropriate forest management (among other fac-
tors), the EU27 has in the last three decades increased its forest area by 14 million
ha (10%), equivalent to almost the combined total land area of Austria, Belgium and
the Netherlands. The volume of wood in forests––the growing stock––has increased
even more rapidly, from about 19 to 27 billion m3, or 43% (Eurostat 2020). Yet, in
the last three decades, the EU27 has also used 13 billion m3 of roundwood for forest
products and energy (FAOSTAT 2021). Thus, it seems that Glesinger’s statement
holds true: the EU27 has both eaten the forest cake substantially, but at same time
has also made it much bigger.
But neither life, welfare nor the bioeconomy is primarily about quantity, but
rather about quality. Simple forest and roundwood statistics hide other factors that
we value and view as important in our forests, such as biodiversity, forest carbon
sinks, recreation, culture––in short, all the forest ecosystem services. Although in
the EU, the carbon stock in forests has been increasing over the past three decades,
climate policy targets require this to be increased even more in the future. Also,
there is significant agreement that biodiversity in the EU forests needs to be further
How to handle all the different and increasing demands for forests in a balanced
and sustainable way will remain a key policy and practical forest management issue
Glesinger, E. (1949) The Coming Age of Wood. Simon and Schuster, New York. http://www.
in the decades to come. In this context, this book has argued for the need for a holis-
tic approach, rather than sometimes-voiced partial actions and overly simplified
instructions. Moreover, we have explained that the climate-smart forestry approach,
as outlined in this book, tailored to regional circumstances, provides a useful way to
move forward. This will require abandoning some conventional thinking, such as
seeing the bioeconomy and climate mitigation or the bioeconomy and biodiversity,
as separate and always in opposition to each other. All of these are needed, and with
clever management, they can be mutually supporting. Properly cared for, forests are
great all-rounders––they produce climate benefits, biodiversity and recreation,
food, as well as one of the most versatile and useful raw materials on earth.
Creative destruction The term was coined by Joseph Schumpeter in the 1940s. It
refers to the continuous process of entire industries rising and falling as a result
of established goods and services getting substituted by innovations and changes
in the operating environment.
Decomposition Carbon lost in the heterotrophic respiration.
Demand An economic principle depicting consumers’ willingness to purchase
goods and services. In practice it means the amount or value of a good consumed.
Derived demand For non-consumer products, the demand can be modelled by
assuming that the demand for a forest-based product is a function of the same
factors that affect the demand for the final uses of the product.
Displacement factor A measure for the amount of fossil GHG emissions avoided
per one unit of HWPs consumed in place of a specific alternative product.
Diversification Diversification refers to markets becoming more heterogeneous. In
the context of forest-based products, it refers to the declining trend in some of
the large volume product groups and the simultaneous emergence of new prod-
uct groups.
Ecosystem services The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, a United Nations
report describing the condition and trends of the world’s ecosystems, categorizes
ecosystem services as: (1) Provisioning Services such as food, clean water, fuel,
timber, and other goods; (2) Regulating Services such as climate, water, and
disease regulation as well as pollination; (3) Supporting Services such as soil
formation and nutrient cycling; and (4) Cultural Services such as educational,
aesthetic, and cultural heritage values, recreation, and tourism.
ESM Earth system models simulate all relevant aspects of the Earth system. They
include physical, chemical and biological processes, and therefore reach beyond
their predecessors, the global climate models (GCM), which just represented the
physical atmospheric and oceanic processes.
Forest sector A term used to describe forestry and forest industries. The Forest
Sector Outlook Studies (UNECE-FAO) have defined the forest sector as to cover
both, forest resources and the production, trade and consumption of forest prod-
ucts and services. Forest products include all the primary wood products manu-
factured in the forest processing sector (sawnwood, wood-based panels, paper
and paperboard) and the main inputs or partly processed products used in the
sector (roundwood, wood pulp, wood residues and recovered paper). Secondary
or value-added forest products (such as wooden doors, window frames and fur-
niture) are not covered.Forest-based sector: Is a more recent and more extensive
concept than the “forest sector”. In addition to forest sector, it includes the whole
value chains from basically all industries (or industry sectors) that use wood as
a main raw-material, such as forest based bioenergy, biochemicals, biotextiles,
construction, packages, hygiene products, etc.
Forest reference level A fixed target level for the forest carbon sink. It is used, for
example, in the accounting of emissions and sinks in the EU LULUCF regulation.
Functional unit A reference to which the inputs (raw materials and land use) and
outputs (emissions) of a good or service are calculated, such as a square meter of
a multi-storey building with a specific design and properties.
254 Glossary
LULUCF sector Land use, land use change and forestry sector. It is one of the sec-
tors in the classification of human activities in GHG reporting, comprising forest
land, cropland, grassland, wetlands, settlements and other land.
Market Markets consist of suppliers and consumers of a given product. The prices
and quantities of products are in equilibrium as a consequence of intersecting
supply and demand curves.
Net Annual Increment (NAI) Average annual volume over the given reference
period of gross increment less that of natural losses on all trees to a minimum
diameter of 0 cm (d.b.h.). Source:
Net ecosystem exchange (NEE) A measure of the net exchange of CO2 between
an ecosystem and the atmosphere.
Net ecosystem production Heterotrophic respiration deducted from net primary
Net primary production Carbon lost in plant respiration deducted from gross pri-
mary production.
New forest-based products Products in the introduction, growth or renewal phase
of the product life cycle. The demand for new forest-based products is mainly
determined by factors unrelated to economic activity.
No-regret pathway A scenario that depicts measures for achieving desired out-
comes with minimum trade-offs between different objectives.
Normal good The demand for a normal good increases when income increases,
and decreases when income decreases
Operating environment An umbrella term for the external factors influencing the
markets of a given industry, often categorised into political, economic, social,
technological, environmental and legal factors.
Outlook study Outcome of a foresight exercise that applies various futures
research methods.
Price elasticity A unit change in demand as a result of a unit change in the price of
a given good. It can be perceived as the slope of the demand curve. Elasticities
can also be determined for various demand shifters such as income.
Product lifecycle The entire lifespan of a product from introduction to saturation
to decline in demand. Note the difference between the lifespan of a single prod-
uct from production to disposal (used in life cycle assessment) and the lifespan
of a product as a part of an industry (used in economics).
RCP Representative Concentration Pathway is a greenhouse gas concentration tra-
jectory adopted by the IPCC.
Rebound effect An additional unit of a product consumed does not lead to a unit
reduction in other consumption, due to indirect impacts to e.g. available income.
Reporting of GHG emissions Calculation and publication of the emissions and
sinks of all sectors, following jointly agreed technical guidance. Reporting of
GHG emissions: See Chap. 8.
Resilience In science, there are many dimensions of resilience concept. For
example, ecological resilience is the capacity of an ecosystem to respond to a
perturbation or disturbance by resisting damage and recovering quickly. Such
256 Glossary
perturbations and disturbances can include events such as fires, flooding, wind-
storms, insect population explosions, and human activities such as deforestation,
pesticide sprayed in forests, and the introduction of exotic plant or animal spe-
cies. Climate resilience is the ability of systems to recover from climate change.
Roundwood Wood in its natural state as felled, with or without bark. It may be
round, split, roughly squared or in other forms. Roundwood can be used for
industrial purposes, either in its round form (e.g. as transmission poles or piling)
or as raw material to be processed into industrial products such as sawn wood,
panel products or pulp; or it can be used for energy purposes (fuel wood).
Structural change A significant and permanent change in the structure of an
industry, such as a change in the shares of sub-industries from the total produc-
tion. If caused by substitution, a structural change can be detected by a statistical
test for income elasticity.
Substitute product See Chap. glossary
Substitution impact Avoided fossil emissions, when wood products are used in
place of more fossil emission intensive products. Note that this does not signify
the climate change mitigation potential of forest-based products, but is an impor-
tant determinant for it.
Substitution An increase in demand for one good in place of another good. A per-
fect substitute provides interchangeable value or service, either in terms of eco-
nomic utility or technical function.
Sustainability The most often quoted definition comes from the UN World
Commission on Environment and Development: “sustainable development is
development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the abil-
ity of future generations to meet their own needs.” In the charter for the UCLA
Sustainability Committee, sustainability is defined as: “the integration of envi-
ronmental health, social equity and economic vitality in order to create thriving,
healthy, diverse and resilient communities for this generation and generations to
come. The practice of sustainability recognizes how these issues are intercon-
nected and requires a systems approach and an acknowledgement of complexity.”
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) The Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed
to be a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. The
SDGs were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are
intended to be achieved by the year 2030. They are included in a UN Resolution
called the 2030 Agenda or what is colloquially known as Agenda 2030.
Techno sphere (techno-system) A generic concept for differentiating the system
boundaries between ecosystems and man-made systems. It includes all products
and processes outside ecosystems and may refer to the entire lifespan of forest-
based products after harvesting.
Trend forecast A simplistic depiction of the future direction of a time series, if it
would develop along the lines of a selected historical period. It should not neces-
sarily be regarded as a prediction, but a helpful baseline, against which possible
deviations from the trend can be assessed.
Glossary 257