Syllabus of The Course B1+ - Upper Intermediate
Syllabus of The Course B1+ - Upper Intermediate
Syllabus of The Course B1+ - Upper Intermediate
1. Course Information
The course is part of the academic unit: Instituto Virtual de Lenguas INVIL
The course does not have a re-Take Course designed by: Luz Aleida Prada
Course updated by: Luz Aleida Prada
Date of design: June 13th, 2024 Date of update: July 12th, 2024
Course Description:
The English course B1+ at the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia has been
structured based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages,
which is the intermediate level of generative use of the language, at the point where
the student can interact independently showing a certain mastery of the language.
At the end of this course, the students will be able to understand the main points of
the information that he might receive in a clear and standard way on matters that are
regularly encountered during work, studies, free time, etc. They will be able to handle
most situations that may arise while traveling in an area where the target language is
spoken. They will be able to produce simple and cohesive texts on topics that are
familiar or of personal interest, and will be able to describe experiences and events,
dreams, hopes and ambitions, and briefly explain and substantiate their views and
The course has been structured under the B-learning model, which means that the
students will find many tools in the virtual campus and will have synchronic meetings,
with the tutor and their classmates, through which their communication skills will be
strengthened to achieve a certain degree of autonomy in the use of the language. This
is a theoretical-practical course of three (3) academic credits, which include the
independent study and tutorial support, for a total of 144 hours of academic work,
distributed in 96 hours of independent study, 12 hours of in-presence work under the
implementation of the b-learning strategy and 36 hours of tutorial support and
2. Course competence:
3. Learning outcomes:
4. Learning Strategy:
This Learning Strategy is based on: the accomplishment of previous tasks to achieve
the main task that is composed of three stages, the preparation, the task itself and
the report, and finally, the subsequent tasks of language analysis and practice.
• Task 6: Final Exam: Students, through the final objective test, will be able to
experiment the learning process of the course topics.
• UNAD, INVIL English B1 (2024). Unit 2-7: Manage interactions. Taken from:
• UNAD, INVIL English B1 (2024). Unit 2-8: Listening. Taken from:
Unit 2: Manage conversations
In this unit, the following contents will be addressed:
• Module 9: Critique and review different kind of texts. State a position. Listen to
and respond to arguments.
• UNAD, INVIL English B1 (2024). Unit 3-9: Text review. Taken from:
• UNAD, INVIL English B1 (2024). Unit 3-10: Stories. Taken from:
• Module 11: Describe hope and plans. Talk about abstract themes. Relate present
with future.
• Module 12: Develop an argument. Present a main topic and support ideas in
anargument. Understand the logics of argumentation.
• UNAD, INVIL English B1 (2024). Unit 3-11: Hopes and plans. Taken
• UNAD, INVIL English B1 (2024). Unit 3-12: Develop an argument. Taken from:
6. Organization of Weekly Academic Activities and Course Evaluation Plan
Initial Moment:
The evaluation criteria for this activity are: To check the previous knowledge in English.
The highest score for this activity is 25 points.
Intermediate Moment
Evaluation of Task 2:
The evaluation criteria for this activity are: Proper use of abilities acquired in the
course such as listening skills.
The highest score for this activity is 85 points.
Evaluation of Task 3:
The evaluation criteria for this activity are: Ability to understand the main points of
simple conversation and to describe experiences, events, desires and aspirations, as
well as to justify personal views.
The highest score for this activity is 90 points.
Evaluation of Task 4.
The evaluation criteria for this activity are: Proper use of abilities acquired in the
course such as reading skills.
The highest score for this activity is 85 points.
Evaluation of Task 5.
The evaluation criteria for this activity are: Ability to produce simple texts and to
describe experiences, events, desires and aspirations, as well as to justify personal
The highest score for this activity is 90 points.
Final Moment
Evaluation of Task 6:
The evaluation criteria for this activity are: Proper use of abilities acquired in the
course such as grammar, vocabulary, listening and reading.
The learning evidences for this activity are: The score obtained by the students.
To develop the course activities, you will have the support of a teacher or tutor. The
options for this academic support are: