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A review of the evidence on how to gauge the psychological effects of mindfulness meditation on
the health of cancer patients
Describe the concept of mindfulness meditation and comprehensively evaluate the tools used to
assess the psychological effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) on health in
cancer patients. The psychological tools used in seven research (2000-2005) to gauge how
MBSR affected cancer patients' health were examined. A one-group pre- and post-test design
was utilized in the majority of investigations. The post-MBSR results for each instrument were
distinct, pointing to various yet intriguing correlations. There wasn't enough information available
for some instruments to determine which ones would be reliable or suitable for use in upcoming
intervention research. More intervention research studies of MBSR in cancer patients and a
reexamination of particular instruments are needed to advance knowledge of MBSR, according to
the conclusions.
Positive effects of mindfulness meditation on female teachers' mental health amid Italy's
COVID-19 outbreak
Anselmo Roberto Paolone, Damiano Cantone, Franco Fabbro, Andrea Paschetto, Alessio Matiz,
and Cristiano Crescentini
Environmental Research and Public Health: An International Journal, 17 (18), 6450, 2020
It has been established that the Covid-19 pandemic and the ensuing public health efforts have a
detrimental effect on people's mental health. In particular, it was noted that women were more
likely than males to experience signs of stress, anxiety, and depression, and that resilience was a
crucial component of good mental health outcomes. An Italian female teacher sample (n = 66,
age: 51.5 7.9 years) was evaluated in the current study using self-report measures one month
before and one month after the commencement of the Covid-19 lockout.
systematic assessment of the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on workers' mental

The study's goal was to assess the impact of mindfulness-based stress reduction on workers'
mental health.
Perform a systematic review of 23 studies, two of which had high methodological quality, 15 of
which had medium quality, and six of which had low quality diversity of the service reviewed. The
review focused on the effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on the health of the
employees. Reduced levels of emotional tiredness (a burnout component), stress, psychological
discomfort, sadness, anxiety, and occupational stress were the best results, according to our
data. It was discovered that mindfulness, personal accomplishment (a factor in burnout),
(occupational) self-compassion, sleep quality, and relaxation had all improved.
following research from the systematic review
A systematic review of mindfulness meditation practice as a healthcare intervention
There were notable improvements in spirituality and beneficial health measures to evaluate the
efficacy of mindfulness as a healthcare intervention using systematic computerized, randomised
controlled trials and evaluation using methodological criteria higher quality studies. Conclusions
Despite the dearth of precise, trustworthy, and validated mindfulness measurements,
mindfulness exhibits promise as a beneficial healthcare intervention, and further research is
The effectiveness of mindful parenting for parents and mindful training for ADHD kids
Dorreke Peijnenburg, Susan M. Bögels, and Saskia Van der Oord
Child and Family Studies Journal 21, 139–147 (2012)
This study assessed the efficacy of an 8-week mindfulness program for ADHD in children aged 8
to 12 and a concurrent mindful parenting program for their parents. Before, immediately after the
8-week training, and during the 8-week follow-up, parents (N = 22) answered questions about
their own ADHD symptoms, their child's ADHD and ODD symptoms, parenting stress, parental
overreactivity, permissiveness, and mindful awareness. Teachers noted the child's ODD and
ADHD behaviors. To account for the effects of time and repeated measurement, a within-group
waitlist was utilized. The training was given in a group setting. They weren't

The impact of medication therapy management in older oncology patient
One hundred eighteen patients received at least one session of MTM. We identified and
attempted to resolve 361 DRPs, and the most common DRPs were drug interactions (117 cases,
32.4 %), adverse effects (114 cases, 31.6 %), and non-adherence (48 cases, 13.3 %). Forty-four
interventions were performed by pharmacists and forty cases (91 %) were accepted by
physicians. Almost two third of these interventions were deemed significant (or higher) by the
judges. Seventy-two patients completed PSS. There was statistically significant improvement in
patients’ satisfaction level after the service was provided.
MTM is an important platform in identifying and managing DRPs. Patients are generally satisfied
with MTM services.

The effect of massage on pain in cancer patients
Evaluating the effectiveness of nursing interventions in decreasing pain is a top priority for
clinical research. Unfortunately, most of the research on cancer pain relief has been limited to
treatment studies involving the administration of analgesics. Research is needed to determine
which nonanalgesic methods of pain control are effective and under what conditions.
Consequently, an experimental study was designed to test the effectiveness of massage as an
intervention for cancer pain. Twenty-eight patients were randomly assigned to a massage

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