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Q2 Gen Math Week 5

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School GRADE 11


Daily Lesson Log
KILVEN D. MASION Learning Area
Teaching Dates and 2nd
Week 5 (Tuesday & Thursday) – 1:30-
Time Quarter

Teaching Date and Time Tuesday (1:30 – 3:30) Thursday (1:30-3:30)

A. Content Standards basic concepts of stocks and bonds. basic concepts of stocks and bonds.
B. Performance Standards use appropriate financial use appropriate financial instruments involving stocks and
instruments involving stocks and bonds in formulating conclusions and making decisions.
bonds in formulating conclusions
and making decisions.
C. Learning Illustrates stocks and bonds. Describes the different markets for stocks and bonds.
Competencies/Objective (M11GM-IIe-1). (M11GM-IIe-3).
s Distinguishes between stocks and Analyzes the different market indices for stocks and bonds
bonds. (M11GM-IIe-4).
D. LC Codes M11GM-IIe-1) (M11GM-IIe-3)
(M11GM-IIe-2) (M11GM-IIe-4)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material Quarter 2 Quarter 2
pages Module 8: Stocks and Bonds Module 9: Different Markets for Stocks and Bonds
First Edition, 2021 (Pages 1-27) First Edition, 2021 (Pages 1-27)

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials for

Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources

C. Teaching Strategies Lecture-Discussion Method Lecture-Discussion Method

Cooperative & Collaborative Cooperative & Collaborative Learning
D. Integration Science/Current Events/Business Science/Current Events/Business Math
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson Let’s say that it's time to invest your Many of us deal with stocks and bonds (or want to!) but have
or Presenting New Lesson money. So, how exactly are you no idea what are their worth. Maybe you want to try
going to allocate that money? After investing. You may want a better understanding of your
all, a well-diversified portfolio investments. Or, if you work for a big corporation, your
strategy is recommended before you employer may sell shares, and you need to determine
start to buy assets such as stocks whether it’s worth the price. Either way, it is good to know
and bonds. the difference between stocks and bonds and have a basic
understanding of how they are valued.
B. Establishing a Purpose for What’s In (pages 4-5) What’s In
the Lesson It’s Puzzle Time! (pages 5-6)
C. Presenting What’s New (page 6) What’s New (page 7)
examples/instances of the
Lesson Questions to Ponder Scenario 1: In which company will you invest your money?
1. Based on the given song, can you Why?
define stocks? How about bonds?
2. Distinguish the difference Scenario 2: Whose bonds will you buy? Why?
between stocks and bonds?
3. Between stocks and bonds, which
do you prefer to invest your money?
D. Discussing new concepts What is It? (pages 7-8) Definition of Terms in Relation to Stocks
and practicing new skills
#1 Stock valuation is considered to have high value if the
stockholder gets higher dividend at present and in the future,
otherwise the stock is considered to have a low value. The
computation of the stock value is necessary in order to know
if the stock market value is cheap or expensive at a given
E. Discussing new concepts What’s more (page 9) Definition of Terms in Relation to bonds.
and practicing new skills
#2 Note: The coupon rate is used only for computing the coupon
amount, usually paid semi-annually. It is not the rate at
which money grows. Instead current market conditions are
reflected by the market rate, and it will be used to compute
the present value of future payments
F. Developing mastery (Leads What’s more (page 9) Example 1: A certain financial institution declared a ₱
to Formative Assessment # 30,000,000 dividend for the common stocks. If there is a
3) total of 700,000 shares of common stocks, how much is the
dividend per share?
G. Finding practical What I Can Do (page 10) Scenario 1.
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living Your grandparents gave you ₱ 175,000.00 on your 16th
birthday. You were instructed to invest the money so that the
earnings can be used to pay for your tuition fee in college.
Having heard about the risks and rewards of the stock
market from your parents, you become interested in buying
stocks in a particular company. Below are the options given
to you by your parents: Option1: Company ABC’s selling
stock is ₱ 1,500.00 per share that will have a dividend of ₱
200.00 per year. The stock can be sold after two years at
₱2,000.00 and the market requires a rate of return of 15%.
Option2: Company XYZ’s selling stock is ₱ 1,000.00 per share
that will have a dividend of ₱ 180.00 per year. The stock can
be sold after two years at ₱2,000.00 and the market requires
a rate of return of 7%. In which company will you invest your
money? Why?
H. Making Generalizations and STOCKS Total Dividend
abstractions about the Companies sell shares of ownership
Dividend per share=
Total Shares
lesson in their company to raise money to
finance operations, plan expansion, Divident =( Dividend Percemtage ) x ( Par Value ) x ( No of Shares )
and so on. These ownership shares
are called stocks. The buyers of the dividend per share
stock (stockholders) receive stock Stock yield ration=
certificates verifying the number of
market value
shares of stocks they own. The two
basic types of stocks are common
stock and preferred stock.

Sometimes companies raise money
by selling bonds instead of stock.
When you buy a stock, you become
a part-owner in the company. To
raise money, companies may not
want to sell more stocks and thus
dilute the ownership of their current
stock owners, so they sell bonds.
I. Evaluating Learning Perform the task below. What’s More
Suppose you have savings in the
bank that you want to invest in Activity 1.1
stocks and bonds instead of setting Activity 1.2
up in a new business. Write one to Activity 1.3
two paragraphs discussing what
method you can use to make the (page 13)
investment and explain the reasons
for your decision. * with rubrics
J. Additional activities for Study the rest of the concept of What I Can Do
application or remediation stocks and bonds
(page 16)
1. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
2. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation.
3. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
4. No. of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
7. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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