Notifictaion For University Research Fellowship of Main and Constituent Campuses of IKGPTU 1

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IKGPTU I/REG/NF/R 8^ol%t Dated: 15.05.2024

Sub.: University Research Fellowship (URF) of Main and Constituent
Campuses of I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University.

Consequent upon the approval made by the Board of Governors in its 81s meeting
held on 04.03.2024 on the basis of recommendations made by the 40n meeting of
Finance Committee IKGPTU held on 11.0t.2024, the University Research Fellowship
(URF) (Annexure 'A') is hereby notified in order to attract good Ph.D. Students as
researchers and to increase Research output.

This scheme is started within the approved budget plan that encompasses stipends,
research grants, mentorship resources, and outreach activities. University will fund
this scheme for a period of 03 years.

This is issued vide e-office File No. D-33/7271202L-R and D (Computer No.406 2s).

(Dr. S.K. Misra)

Endst. No. IKGPTU/REG/NF/R&D|Ph2-259 Dated: t5.05.2024
A copy of the above is forwarded to the following for information and necessary
action please.
1. All Head of Departments (Teaching)
2. All Directors (Constituent Campuses of IKGPTU)
3. Dean (R&D)
4. Finance Officer
5. Incharge Website: to upload on University website.

(Dr. S.K. )
University Research Fellowship Scheme (URF)



1. Introduction
The University Research Fellowship (URF) Scheme of the I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical
University (IKGPTU) is aimed to strengthen the research ecosystem of the
University. It is important to increase the number of full-time Ph.D. students in
the teaching departments of the University. The fellowship scheme will support
research students within the teaching departments of the University for fostering
academic excellence and advancing knowledge in the respective fields through
external research funding.
2, Objectives
The primary objective of the fellowship scheme is to strengthen the research
ecosystem by encouraging and supporting research-oriented students pursuing their
Ph.D. in Applied Sciences, Engineering & Technology, Management, Architecture,
Pharmacy, Life Science Technology, Bio-Energy, Journalism and Mass Communication,
and any other Teaching Department or Centre which may come up on the IKGPTU
Kapurthala Campus.
3. Program Features:
(a) Financial Support: The fellowship will offer financial assistance as mentioned
i) To start with, one fellowship to be awarded each year in three years in each
depaftment of IKGPTU.
ii) Fellowship amount shall be Rs. 12,000/- pm to be given for one year term
extendable upto 03 years on satisfactory performance.
iii) A candidate shall not be entitled for the fellowship, when registered during
the semester of course work.
iv) Fellowship can be withdrawn even during a given semester, if found guilty of
any act of indiscipline.
v) Each fellow to take teaching load of 8-10 hours/week for lab work.
vi) Contingenry: @ Rs. 15,000/- p.a. for initial two years as URF.
@ Rs. 20,000/- p.a. for 3'd year.
vii) DA : URF will not be entitled to DA
viii) HRA : URF will not be entitled to HRA. However, Hostel Accommodation, if
available, will be provided as per university norms.
(b) Research Mentors: Each Research Fellow shall be assigned one faculty as
Mentor/Guide from the teaching Depaftment of the University as per the research
interest of the URF and domain of specialization of the mentor. The mentor will
provide guidance, feedback, and support throughout the research process,
promoting a nufturing and collaborative research environment.
(c) Academic Duties: The research fellow, shall be assigned a teaching assignment
as a teaching assistant as per norms to assist the University in its classroom
teaching, and academic work, including tutorials, evaluation of the test papers,
laboratory demonstration, supervision of fieldwork, library activities like group
seminars and symposia. The total amount of time to be spent on such activities
should not exceed B to 10 hours a week.
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UniversiE Research Fellowship Scheme (URF)

(d) Patents: The filling of patents, technology transfer, and commercialization of

research outcomes if any will be done as per University rules.
(e) Medical: No separate/fixed medical assistance will be provided. However, the
fellow may avail of medical facilities available in the University.
(f) Leave: The fellowis entitled to a maximum period of 12 days of leave in a year in
addition to public holidays. They are not entitled to any other vacations.
4. Eligibility:
(a) Full-time Ph.D. students of IKGPTU working in the University teaching
Department shall be eligible for this fellowship.
(b) Students who have been declared eligible for Ph.D. admission in IKGPTU or are
enrolled in the Ph.D. program shall be eligible for this University fellowship.
(c) Fellowship shall be paid after the completion of the Ph.D. coursework.
(d) If any Ph.D. student is availing any other fellowship from funding agencies
(Government/Private) shall not be considered under this scheme.
(e) A candidate shall not be entitled for the fellowship when registered during the
semester of coursework.
(f) Fellowship shall be given to a candidate maximum for three years.
5. Selection Criteria:
(a) The eligible candidates shall have to apply by calling the applications for main
and constituent campuses through University website.
(b) The selection process for the fellowship shall be based on the basis of research
aptitude of the students and on the recommendation of the selection committee.
The selection committee shall be chaired by the Dean of the concerned Faculty,
HOD, and all faculty members of the concerned department as members.
(c) Students shall be required to submit research proposals outlining their intended
projects and how they align with the overall objectives of the fellowship.
(d) There shall be no exemption for NET/GATE or any such exam-qualified
candidates. The reservation policy of Govt. of Punjab will be followed as per
discipline wise. Eligibility for the URF shall be the same as per the Ph.D.
Regulations of IKGPTU.
(e) The application process and selection of fellows shall be coordinated by the
Department of Research and Development.
6. Procedure for Monitoring the Progress of the Scheme
(a) The performance of the URF shall be monitored by their respective RAC and the
Fellow shall be required to submit the six monthly progress reports to the
University (as per university Ph.D. guidelines).
(b) On completion of the 2ndyear of the fellowship, the fellow may apply through the
HOD of the concerned department for the 3'd year extension. The extension shall
be granted on the recommendation of RAC.
(c) It shall be mandatory to publish one research paper in the journals indexed by
SCI (for Science and Technology, Pharmacy, etc.) and for MBA indexed by ABDC
or SCI for the 3'd year extension of fellowship.
(d) The fellowship may be terminated at any time during the tenure/given semester,
if found guility of any act of indiscipline and the decision of the IKGPTU shall be
final and binding.
7. Cancellation of Fellowship
(a) A URF cannot claim for the absorption in the IKGPTU after termination/
completion of tenure of the fellowship or during the tenure of the fellowship.

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Univenity Research Fellowship Scheme (URF)

(b) The following are liable to cancellation in the cttse of:

i) Registration in Ph.D. is not within 6 months from the date of declaration of
Ph.D. result.
ii) Misconduct in performing the assigned academic duties in the Teaching
iii)Unsatisfactory progress of research wor( failure in any Ph.D. coursework
related to Ph.D.
iv) The candidate is found ineligible later at any stage.
v) Any false information furnished by the applicant or any fraudulent activity by
the Scholar/Fellow/Research Awardees shall lead to Penal action against the
8. Allocation of Fellowship
Each teaching Department of IKGPTU Main Campus Kapurthala shall be allocated one
01 URF in each
Sr. No. Name of Depaftment No. of Fellowship
1 Computer Science & Engineering 01

2 Mechanical Engineering 01

3 Electronics & Communication Engineering 01

4 Electrical Engineering 01

5 Civil Engineering 01

6 Physics 01

7 Chemistry 01

B Mathematics 01

9 Management Studies 01

10 Journalism and Mass Communication 01

11 Food Science and Technology 01

t2 Humanities, Languages and Cultural Studies 01

9. The allotment of mentor/supervisor sha!! made at the Department level as

per the following:
(a) Any Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in the teaching Department
shall be allocated not more than one (01) URF at a time.
(b) If any relaxation is required in criteria i) in the interest of the student at some
stage of the fellowship, HOD may do so with proper justification and with prior
approval of the Hon'ble Vice-chancellor.


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