Ion For Lean
Ion For Lean
Ion For Lean
1. Defects and wastage - Reduce defects and unnecessary physical wastage, including excess use of raw material inputs, preventable defects, costs associated with reprocessing defective items, and unnecessary product characteristics which are not required by customers; 2. Cycle Times - Reduce manufacturing lead times and production cycle times by reducing waiting times between processing stages, as well as process preparation times and product/model conversion times;
3. Inventory levels - Minimize inventory levels at all stages of production, particularly works-in-progress between production stages. Lower inventories also mean lower working capital requirements;
4. Labor productivity - Improve labor productivity, both by reducing the idle time of workers and ensuring that when workers are working, they are using their effort as productively as possible (including not doing unnecessary tasks or unnecessary motions);
5. Utilization of equipment and space - Use equipment and manufacturing space more efficiently by eliminating bottlenecks and maximizing the rate of production though existing equipment, while minimizing machine downtime; 6. Flexibility - Have the ability to produce a more flexible range of products with minimum changeover costs and changeover time.
Most of these benefits lead to lower unit production costs for example, more effective use of equipment and space leads to lower depreciation costs per unit produced, more effective use of labor results in lower labor costs per unit produced and lower defects lead to lower cost of goods sold. In a 2004 survey by Industry Week Magazine, U.S. companies implementing lean manufacturing reported a median savings of 7% of Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) as a result of implementing lean. We believe that the savings many actually be higher for companies in Vietnam considering the higher levels of waste which they typically have compared to U.S. based manufacturers. Another way of looking at Lean Manufacturing is that it aims to achieve the same output with less input less time, less space, less human effort, less machinery, less material, less costs. When a U.S. equipment manufacturing company, Lan tech, completed the implementation of lean in 1995, they reported the following improvements compared to their batch-based system in 1991 Manufacturing space per machine was reduced by 45%; Defects were reduced by 90% Production cycle time was reduced from 16 weeks to 14 hours - 5 days; and Product delivery lead time was reduced from 4-20 weeks to 1-4 weeks
Key Principles of Lean Manufacturing Key principles behind Lean Manufacturing can be summarized as follows: 1. Recognition of waste The first step is to recognize what does and does not create value from the customers perspective. Any material, process or feature which is not required for creating value from the customers perspective is waste and should be eliminated. For example, transporting materials between workstations is waste because it can potentially be eliminated. 2. Standard processes Lean requires an the implementation of very detailed production guidelines, called Standard Work, which clearly state the content, sequence, timing and outcome of all actions by workers. This eliminates variation in the way that workers perform their tasks.
3. Continuous flow Lean usually aims for the implementation of a continuous production flow free of bottlenecks, interruption, detours, backflows or waiting. When this is successfully implemented, the production cycle time can be reduced by as much as 90%. 4. Pull-production Also called Just-in-Time (JIT), Pull-production aims to produce only what is needed, when it is needed. Production is pulled by the downstream workstation so that each workstation should only produce what is requested by the next workstation. 5. Quality at the Source Lean aims for defects to be eliminated at the source and for quality inspection to be done by the workers as part of the in-line production process. 6. Continuous improvement Lean requires striving for perfection by continually removing layers of waste as they are uncovered. This in turn requires a high level of worker involvement in the continuous improvement process
What kinds of companies benefit most from lean? o Lean is most widely used in industries that are assembly-oriented or have a high amount of repetitive human processes. These are typically industries for which productivity is highly influenced by the efficiency and attention to detail of the people who are working manually with tools or operating equipment. For these kinds of companies, improved systems can eliminate significant levels of waste or inefficiency. Examples of this include wood-processing, garment
manufacturing, automobile assembly, electronics assembly and equipment manufacturing. o Since Lean Manufacturing eliminates many of the problems associated with poor production scheduling and line balancing, Lean Manufacturing is particularly appropriate for companies that dont have ERP systems in place or dont have strong material requirements planning (MRP), production scheduling or production allocation systems in place. This is particularly significant in Vietnam where we believe that many private Vietnamese manufacturing companies are operating significantly below their potential capacity, or experiencing a high level of late-deliveries, due to problems with their current production scheduling and production management systems. o Lean Manufacturing is also appropriate in industries for which it is a strategic priority to shorten the production cycle time to the absolute minimum as a source of competitive advantage for the company.
y Recently, some companies in Vietnam have actively conducted training and implemented lean methods to eliminate process inefficiencies. This resulted in an improvement to their production and service lead times. For example, Toyota Ben Thanh, a service center of Toyota in Vietnam, has implemented lean methods to significantly reduce the process time for its automobile maintenance service from 240 minutes to 45-50 minutes per car, and as a result, increased the total number of cars processed at each service center from 4-6 cars up to 16 cars per day. Toyota Ben Thanh achieved significant reductions in the process lead time by successfully eliminating unnecessary waiting time, inefficiencies of physical motions and process flow
Lean Manufacturing Concepts Value Creation and Waste : In Lean Manufacturing, the value of a product is defined solely based on what the customer actually requires and is willing to pay for. Production operations can be grouped into following three types of activities: a. Value-added activities are activities which transform the materials into the exact product that the customer requires. b. Non value-added activities are activities which arent required for transforming the materials into the product that the customer wants. Anything which is nonvalue-added may be defined as waste. Anything that adds unnecessary time, effort or cost is considered non value-added. Another way of looking at waste is
that it is any material or activity for which the customer is not willing to pay. Testing or inspecting materials is also considered waste since this can be eliminated insofar as the production process can be improved to eliminate defects from occurring.
c. Necessary non value-added activities are activities that dont add value from the perspective of the customer but are necessary to produce the product unless the existing supply or production process is radically changed. This kind of waste may be eliminated in the long-run but is unlikely to be eliminated in the nearterm. For example, high levels of inventory may be required as buffer stock, although this could be gradually reduced as production becomes more stable.
Main Kinds of Waste Originally 7 main types of waste were identified as part of the Toyota Production System. However, this list has been modified and expanded by various practitioners of lean manufacturing and generally includes the following: 1. ver-production Over-production is unnecessarily producing more than demanded or producing it too early before it is needed. This increases the risk of obsolescence, increases the risk of producing the wrong thing and increases the possibility of having to sell those items at a discount or discard them as scrap. However, there are some cases when an extra supply of semi-finished or finished products are intentionally maintained, even by lean manufacturers.
2. Defects In addition to physical defects which directly add to the costs of goods sold, this may include errors in paperwork, provision of incorrect information about the product, late delivery, production to incorrect specifications, use of too much raw materials or generation of unnecessary scrap. 3. Inventory Inventory waste means having unnecessarily high levels of raw materials, works-in-progress and finished products. Extra inventory leads to higher inventory financing costs, higher storage costs and higher defect rates.
4. Transportation - Transportation includes any movement of materials that does not add any value to the product, such as moving materials between workstations. The idea is that transportation of materials between production stages should aim for the ideal that the output of one process is immediately used as the input for the next process. Transportation between processing stages results in prolonging production
cycle times, the inefficient use of labor and space and can also be a source of minor production stoppages. 5. Waiting Waiting is idle time for workers or machines due to bottlenecks or inefficient production flow on the factory floor. Waiting also includes small delays between processing of units. Waiting results in a significant cost insofar as it increases labor costs and depreciation costs per unit of output.
6. Motion Motion includes any unnecessary physical motions or walking by workers which diverts them from actual processing work. For example, this might include walking around the factory floor to look for a tool, or even unnecessary or difficult physical movements, due to poorly designed ergonomics, which slow down the workers. 7. Correction Correction, or reprocessing, is when something has to be re-done because it wasnt done correctly the first time. This not only results in inefficient use of labor and equipment but the act of re-processing often causes disruptions to the smooth flow of production and therefore generates bottlenecks and stoppages. Also, issues associated with reworking typically consume a significant amount of management time and therefore add to factory overhead costs.
Lean Manufacturing Tools & Methodologies Standard Work Standard work (also called standardized work or standard process) means that production processes and guidelines are very clearly defined and communicated, in a high level of detail, so as to eliminate variation and incorrect assumptions in the way that work is performed. In Lean Manufacturing, standard work has several main elements: 1. Standard work sequence - This is the order in which a worker must perform tasks, including motions and processes. This is clearly specified to ensure that all workers perform the tasks in the most similar ways possible so as to minimize variation and therefore defects. Ideally this is so detailed as to clearly describe every single hand movement by a worker. For example, in wood cutting, the standard work sequence would describe every specific cut and operating step from machine setup to materials handling, cutter adjustment, manual movements and processing time. In an assembly process, it would describe the exact sequential step-by step motions by which the item is assembled.
2. Standard timing time is the frequency with which a single piece is produced. time is used to clearly specify and monitor the rate at which a process should be occurring at various production stages. For lean manufacturers, time of each production process is actively managed and monitored so that a continuous flow can occur.
3. Standard in-process inventory This is the minimum unit of materials, consisting primarily of units undergoing processing, which are required to keep a cell or process moving at the desired rate. This should be clearly determined since it is necessary to maintain this minimum amount of in-process inventory in order to not cause unnecessary downtime.
Toyota Production System Although Lean Manufacturing originated with the Toyota Production System (TPS), Lean Manufacturing has been adopted by many companies and has therefore become broader than what TPS encompasses. TPS can be seen as the way one particular company has implemented lean in a very pure form. In TPS, several key themes are emphasized 1. Standard Work All production process are highly specified in terms of work content, sequence of events, timing and outcome. The objective is to eliminate any variation in the way that workers perform their responsibilities. 2. Direct handoffs Every customer/supplier connection must be direct, and there always must be an unambiguous yes-or-no way to communicate production requests between suppliers and customers. This ensures maximum accountability by suppliers and ensures optimal communication flow.
3. Production flow - The pathway for every product and service must be simple and direct, with a predetermined flow. This means that goods do not flow to the next available person or machine but to a specific person or machine and that this person or machine is as close as possible to its supplier. 4. Worker empowerment for process improvement - All improvements must be made in accordance with the scientific method, under the supervision of an expert, but should originate at the lowest possible level in the organization. Toyota encourages workers to propose improvements to the production process which can be implemented on a trial basis, but any changes to the production process must be defined in detail in accordance with Toyotas standards for Standard Work, as described above.