We're Not Afraid-1
We're Not Afraid-1
We're Not Afraid-1
(a) The statement "endless enormous seas rolling towards us" refers to
(b) Identify the literary device in "the screaming of the wind... ears."
2. The roar increased to a thunder as the stern moved up the face of the wave, and for a
moment I thought we might ride over it. But then a tremendous explosion shook the deck.
A torrent of green and white water broke over the ship, my head smashed into the wheel
and I was aware of flying overboard and sinking below the waves. I accepted my
approaching death, and as I was losing consciousness, I felt quite peaceful .
(b) The statement "a torrent of green and white water broke over the ship" means ____
(c) State briefly the meaning of "I was aware of... below the waves".
3. "Take the wheel", I shouted as I scrambled for the hatch.
Larry and Herb were pumping like madmen. Broken timbers hung at crazy angles, the
whole starboard side bulged inwards; clothes, crockery, charts, tins and toys sloshed about
in deep water.
b) What is statement "Larry and Herb were pumping like madmen" an example of?
4. The night dragged on with an endless, bitterly cold routine of pumping, steering and
working radio. We were getting no replies to our Mayday calls –which was not surprising
in this remote corner of the world. Sue's head had swollen alarmingly she had two
enormous black eyes and now she showed us a deep cut on her arm. When I asked her
why she hadn’t made more of her injuries before this, she replied, "I didn't want to worry
you when you were trying to save us all."
(a) The statement "The night dragged on with an endless, bitterly cold routine..." means that
(i) the crew were busy steering the ship to a safe spot by turns
(ii) the crew were frantically sending messages and pumping out water in rotation
(iii) it was a punishing schedule on a long, cold night
(iv) all of the above
(b) What do the words "No replies to our Mayday calls" mean? State briefly.
(c) The statement "not surprising in this remote corner of the world" refers to__________
5. But Wave walker rode out the storm and by the morning of January 6, with the wind
easing, I tried to get a reading on the sextant. Back in the chartroom, I worked on wind
speeds, changes of course, drift and current in an effort to calculate our position. The best
I could determine was that we were somewhere in 150,000 kilometres of ocean looking
for a 65 kilometre-wide island.
(a) The expression "rode out the storm" does NOT mean
(c) When the captain states -"we were somewhere... island," he is referring to__________
6. "It's out there in front of us," they chorused, "as big as a battleship."
I rushed on deck and gazed with relief at the stark outline of Ile Amsterdam. It was only a
bleak piece of volcanic rock, with little vegetation -the most beautiful island in the world!
(a) "It's out there in front of us, as big as a battleship," has a figure of speech. Identify it.
(b) The expression "gazed with relief at the stark outline of Ile Amsterdam" means___
(c) The captain calls it "the most beautiful island in the world" because
(i) it actually was the most beautiful island in the Indian ocean
(ii) it was made of volcanic rocks
(iii) it symbolized hope, safety and survival for the crew
(iv) although its vegetation was sparse, it was beautiful