Scope and Importance of Geology

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 It is defined as that of applied science which deal with the application of geology for a
safe, stable and economic design and construction of a civil engineering project.

 Engineering geology is almost universally considered as essential as that of soil

mechanics, strength of material, or theory of structures.

 The application of geological knowledge in planning, designing and construction of

big civil engineering projects.

 The basic objects of a course in engineering geology are two folds.

 It enables a civil engineer to understand the engineering implications of certain

condition should relate to the area of construction which is essentially geological in

 It enables a geologist to understand the nature of the geological information

that is absolutely essentially for a safe design and construction of a civil engineering

The scope of geology can be studied is best studied with reference to major activities
of the profession of a civil engineer which are

 Construction

 Water resources development

 Town and regional planning



Geology is a relatively recent subject. In addition to its core branches, advancesin geology in
allied fields have lead to specialized sciences like geophysics, geochemistry, seismology,
oceanography and remote sensing.

Main and Allied branches of geology:

The vast subject of geology has been subjected into the following branches:
Main Branches Allied Branches
 Physical geology
 Engineering geology
 Mineralogy
 Mining geology
 Petrology
 Geophysics
 Structural geology
 Geohydrology
 Stratigraphy
 Geochemistry
 Paleontology
 Economic geology

Physical geology:
This is also variously described as dynamic geology, geomorphology
etc. It deals with:

i) Different physical features of the earth, such as mountains, plateaus, valleys,

rivers.lakes glaciers and volcanoes in terms of their origin and development.

ii) The different changes occurring on the earth surface like marine transgression,
marine regression, formation or disappearance of rivers, springs and lakes.

iii) Geological work of wind, glaciers, rivers, oceans, and groundwater ands their role
in constantly moulding the earth surface features

iv) Natural phenomena like landslides, earthquakes and weathering.

This deals with the study of minerals. Minerals are basic units with different rocks
and ores of the earth are made up of.
Details of mode of formation, composition, occurrence, types, association, properties
uses etc. of minerals form the subject matter of mineralogy. For example: sometimes quartzite
and marble resemble one another in shine, colour and appearance while marble disintegrates and
decomposes in a shorter period because of its mineral composition and properties.

Petrology deals with the study of rocks. The earths crust also called lithosphere is
made up of different types of rocks. Hence petrology deals with the mode of formation,
structure, texture, composition, occurrence, and types of rocks. This is the most important
branch of geology from the civil engineering point of view.

Structural geology:
The rocks, which from the earths crust, undergo various deformations, dislocations
and disturbances under the influence of tectonic forces. The result is the occurrence of
different geological structures like folds, fault, joints and unconformities in rocks. The details
of mode of formation, causes, types, classification, importance etc of these geological
structures from the subject matter of structural geology.

The climatic and geological changes including tectonic events in the geological past
can also be known from these investigations. This kind of study of the earth’s history through
the sedimentary rock is called historical geology. It is also called stratigraphy (Strata = a set
of sedimementary rocks, graphy description).

Economic geology:
Minerals can be grouped as general rock forming minerals and economic minerals.
Some of the economic minerals like talc, graphite, mica, asbestos, gypsum, magnesite,
diamond and gems. The details of their mode of formation, occurrence, classification.
Association, varieties, concenteration, properties, uses from the subject matter of economic
geology. Further based on application of geological knowledge in other fields there is many
other allied branches collectively called earth science.
Some of them described here are:
 Engineering geology
 Mining geology
 Geophysics
 Geo hydrology
 Geochemistry

Engineering geology:
This deals with the application of geological knowledge in the field of civil
engineering, for execution of safe, stable and economic constructions like dams, bridges and
Mining geology:
This deals with the application of geological knowledge in the field of mining. A
mining engineer is interested in the mode and extent of occurrence of ores, their association,
properties etc. It is also necessary to know other physical parameters like depth direction
inclination thickness and reserve of the bodies for efficient utilization. Such details of mineral
exploration, estimation and exploration are dealt within mining geology.
The study of physical properties like density and magnetism of the earth or its parts.
To know its interior form the subject matter of geophysics. There are different types of
geophysical investigations based ion the physical property utilized gravity methods, seismic
methods, magnetic methods. Engineering geophysics is a branch of exploration geophysics,
which aims at solving civil engineering problems by interpreting subsurface geology of the
area concerned. Electrical resitivity methods and seismic refraction methods are commonly
used in solving civil engineering problems.
Geo hydrology:
This may also be called hydrogeology. It deals with occurrence, movement and nature
of groundwater in an area. It has applied importance because ground water has many
advantages over surface water. In general geological and geophysical studies are together
taken up for groundwater investigations.
This branch is relatively more recent and deals with the occurrence, distribution,
abundance, mobility etc, of different elements in the earth crust. It is not important from the
civil engineering point of view.

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