Emwtl Unit1 Previous Questionss
Emwtl Unit1 Previous Questionss
Emwtl Unit1 Previous Questionss
1. A lossless transmission line used in a TV receiver has a capacitance
of 50pF/m and an inductance of 200 nH/m. Find the characteristic
impedance for section of a line 10 meter long.
2. A lossless transmission line of length 100m has an inductance of
30mH and a capacitance of 20nF. Find 1) propagation velocity and
2) phase constant at an operating frequency of 100kHz.
3. A distortion less transmission line of length 20m has an inductance
of 20H and a capacitance of 20nF. Find (i) phase constant at an
operating frequency of 10KHz (ii) characteristic impedance.
4. An air line has characteristic impedance of 70 Ω and phase
constant of 5 rad/m at 1MHz. Calculate the inductance per meter
and capacitance per meter.
5. A lossless line of length 10m and f is 5KHz has an inductance of 5H
and capacitance of 10nF. Find (i) propagation velocity (ii)
characteristic impedance.
6. A distortion less transmission line of length 50m has inductance of
15mH and capacitance 20µF at 10KHz. Find (i) phase velocity (ii)
phase constant (iii) characteristic impedance.
7. A lossy cable with R 2.5 Ω/m, L 1H/m, C 1pF/m and G 0 operates at
5MHz. Find attenuation constant and phase constant.
8. A transmission line in which no distortion is present as the
following parameter characteristic impedance 60, attenuation
constant 20mNP/m, phase velocity 0.7c, c is velocity of light in
(II) Wavelength
Theory Questions
1. Draw a T-equivalent transmission line circuit and explain each part.
2. Give T and pi equivalent network representation for a transmission
3. Draw an equivalent circuit of a transmission line and why circuit
parameters are called distributed parameters?
4. Explain phase and group velocities in transmission line with supporting
5. Explain primary and secondary constants along with relations between
6. List out propagation parameters of general transmission line, loss less
and distortion less lines.
7. Define and derive propagation constant equation of a transmission
8. Define characteristic impedance and derive the expression for it.
9. Define and explain the properties of an Infinite line and Lossless line.
10. Derive characteristic impedance equation of a lossless
transmission line.
11. Define distributed and conventional circuit elements. Draw an
equivalent circuit of two- wire transmission line.
12. Derive the transmission line equation.
13. Write in detail about primary and secondary constants of
transmission line.
14. Derive the parameters for distortion less line and lossless line.
15. Name the types of distortions on the transmission line and
16. Discuss about infinity line.
17. Draw an equivalent circuit of a two wire trans- mission line and
mention its applications.
18. What are the major losses that occur in transmission lines? How
is a lossless line characterized?