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Power Systems-II - 2nd MID - -


1. What will happen when aline conductor of an over head supply line breakdown and touches the
earth [01D01]
a. current will flow to earth
b. supply voltage will increase
c. No current will flow in the conductor
d. supply voltage will decrease corona is

2. Insulators used on EHT transmission lines are made of [01M01]

a. PVC
b. Procelain
c. glass
d. steatile

3. The voltage rating of a multtiple shell (petticoat or rainshed) pintype insulation unit cannot be
increased beyond a limiting value by increasing the number of shells because [01M02]
a. The internal voltage distribution between shell becomes unequal
b. the leakage path resistance starts diminishing
c. the disruptive critical voltage for the material of the insulator is reached
d. the puncture voltage of the material of the insulator is reached

4. The topmost conductor in HV transmission line is [01S01]

a. R-phase conductor
b. y-phase conductor
c. B-phase conductor
d. Earth conductor

5. Corana is [01S02]
a. partial breakdown of air
b. complete breakdown of air
c. sparking between lines
d. deposition of dust

6. Which of the following statement is true regarding corona? [01S03]

a. corona takesplace at a voltage lower than breakdown voltage
b. corona takesplace at voltage higher than brakedown voltage
c. corona is a current phenonmenon
d. corona in creases the transmuission line efficiency

7. Corona is accompained by [01S04]

a. violet visible dischange in darkness
b. voltage higher than breakdown voltage
c. switching surgers
d. increase in transmission line efficiency

8. The colour of the neutral wire of 3-core flexible cable is [01S05]

a. blue
b. red
c. black
d. brown

9. Which of the following materials is not a constitutent of material used in making porcelain
insulators [01S06]
a. Kaolin
b. Quartz
c. silica
d. felspar

10. Pintype insulators are generally not used for voltages exceeding [01S07]
a. 66 KV
b. 33KV
c. 25KV
d. 11KV

11. The sag of the transmission line is least affected owing to [02D01]
a. weight of the conductor
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b. current through the conductor

c. atmospheric temperature
d. Ice deposion on the conductor

12. Hot template curves are plots of [02D02]

a. temperature and humidity
b. conductor sag and span lengths
c. conductor weight and sag
d. conductor length and sag

13. Metallic shielding provided on cables is usvally of thickness [02D03]

a. 0.1 - 0.8 mm
b. 3 - 5 mm
c. 10 - 15 mm
d. 15 - 25 mm

14. Conduit pipe is generally employed for protection of [02D04]

a. unsheathed cables
b. armoured cables
c. PVC shelthed cables
d. lead cables

15. Increase in temperature in overhead transmission lines causes [02M01]

a. increase in stress and length
b. decrease in stree and length
c. decrease in stress but increase in length
d. increase in stress but decrease inlength

16. The material commonly used for sheaths of under ground cable [02M02]
a. copper
b. lead
c. steel
d. rubber

17. The effect of bonding the cable is [02M03]

a. To increase the effective resistance and inductance
b. to increase the effectve resistance but reduce inductance
c. to reduce the effective resistance and inductance
d. to reduce the effective resistance but increase the inductance

18. Effect of temperature rise in over head lines is to [02S01]

a. Increase the sag and decrease the tension
b. decrease the sag and increase the tension
c. increase the sag and increase the tension
d. decrease the sag and tension

19. The sag of a transmission line conductor in summer is [02S02]

a. less than that in winter
b. more than that in winter
c. same as in winter
d. compensate for skin effect

20. Sheaths are used in cables to [02S03]

a. provides proper insulation
b. provide mechanical strength
c. prevent in gress of moistune
d. prevent electrical strength

21. The insulator is so designed that it should fail only by [03D01]

a. flash-over
b. low voltages
c. low currents
d. puncture

22. Compared with a solid conductor of the same radius corona appears on a stranded conductor at a
lower voltage, because stranding [03D02]
a. assists ionization
b. makes the current flow spirally about the axis of the conductors
c. produces obkique selections to a plane perpendicular to a axis of the conductor
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d. produces surfaces of smaller radius

23. Ozone effect can be detected by [03M01]

a. faint luminous glow of bluish colour
b. partial breakdown of air
c. short transmission lines
d. current phenonmenon

24. Whenever the conductors are dead ended or these is a change in the direction of transmission
line, the insulators used are of the [03M02]
a. pintype
b. suspension type
c. straintype
d. shackle type

25. For a 400 kV line, the no.of dics in an insulator string is around [03M03]
a. 37
b. 31
c. 25
d. 16

26. The no.of discs in a string of insulators for 400KV ac overhead transmission line lies in the range
of [03M04]
a. 32 to 33
b. 22 to 23
c. 15 to 16
d. 9 to 10

27. Which of the following statements regarding corona are true?

1. It causes radio interference
2 It attenuates lighting surges
3 It amplifies switching surges
4 It causes powerloss
5 It is more prevalent in the middle conductor of a transmission line employing a flat conductor
Select the correct answer using the codes given below [03S01]
a. 1,3,5
b. 2,3,4
c. 1,2,4,5
d. 2,3,4,5

28. The current drawn by the line owing to corona loss is [03S02]
a. non-sinusoidal
b. sinusoidal
c. dc
d. square

29. In context of corona, with smooth and polished conductors [03S03]

a. There will be no corona glow
b. corona glow will be uniform along the length of the conductor
c. there will be minimum power loss
d. hissing sound will be more intense

30. Which type of insulators are used on 132 KV transmission lines? [03S04]
a. Pintype
b. Disctype
c. Shackel type
d. pin and shackel type

31. Which of the following statements is correct? [04D01]

a. Ice on conductors increases skineffect
b. wind pressure reduces corona effect
c. wind pressure in taken to act at perpendicular to that for ice
d. Ice on conductors reduces the sag

32. The maximum tension in a section of over head line conductor between two supports of unequal
height occurs at [04D02]
a. the higher support
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b. the lower point

c. the mid point of the conductor
d. the effect of ice and wind

33. The materials used for armouring of an underground cable is ? [04D03]

a. aluminium
b. galvanizedsteel wire
c. copperwire
d. leadwire

34. Which of the following protects the under ground cables against mechanical injury? [04D04]
a. armouring
b. bedding
c. sheath
d. corona

35. Between two supports, due to sag the conductor takes the form of [04M01]
a. semicircle
b. catenary
c. hyperbola
d. circle

36. The bedding on a cable consists of [04M02]

a. steel wires
b. hession tape
c. rubber tape
d. copper wire

37. The size of conductor used in power cables depends on [04M03]

a. operating voltage
b. power factor
c. current to be carried
d. type of insulation used

38. The effect of ice deposition on conductor is to increase the [04S01]

a. weight of the conductor
b. transmission losses
c. resistance of flow of current
d. skin effect

39. Stringing chart is useful [04S02]

a. for finding the sag in the conductor
b. in the design of tower
c. in the design of insulator string
d. finding the distance between towers

40. The thickness of insulation layer provided on the conductor in cables depends upon [04S03]
a. operating voltage
b. current to carried
c. power factor
d. resistance

41. Stranded conductors usually have a central wire a round which there are successive layers of
6,12,18,24 wires for n-layers, the total number of indicidual wires is [05D01]
a. 3n(n+1)
b. 2n(n+1)
c. 3n(n+1)+1
d. 2n(n+1)+1

42. The non-uniform distribution of voltage across the units in a strings of suspension type insulators
is due to [05D02]
a. un equal self capacitance of the units
b. non uniform distance of seperation of units from the tower body
c. the existence of stray capacitance between the metalli junctions of the units and the
d. non uniform distance between the cross arms and the units

43. In a suspension type insulactor the potential drop is [05D03]

a. maximum across the lowest disc
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b. maximum across the topmost disc

c. uniformly distributed over the discs
d. non uniformaly distributed over the discs

44. The voltage across the various discs of a string of suspension-insulators having identical discs is
different due to [05D04]
a. surface leakage currents
b. series capacitance
c. shunt capacitance to grount
d. series and shunt capacitances

45. To reduce corona effect usually [05M01]

a. The distance between the conductors is reduced
b. the conductor diameter is reduced
c. bundled conductors are used
d. stranded conductors are used

46. 100 % string efficiency means [05M02]

a. one of the insulator discs shorted
b. zero ptential across each disc
c. equal potential across each insulator disc
d. infinite potential across each disc

47. Corona loss can be reduced by the use of hollow conductors because [05S01]
a. The current density is reduced
b. the eddy current in the conductor is elinminated
c. for a given cross section, the radius of the conductor is increased
d. of better ventilation in the conductor

48. Bundled conductors reduce [05S02]

a. surface electric strees of conductor
b. increase the line reactance
c. decreases the line capacitance
d. decreases the line inductanc

49. Corona loss in a transmission line is dependent on [05S03]

a. diameter of the conductor
b. material of the conductor
c. height of the conductor
d. size of the conductor

50. The string efficiency of a string of suspension insulatorsis dependent on [05S04]

a. size of the insulators
b. number of discs in the string
c. size of tower
d. placing of conductor

51. The sag of the conductors of transmission line is 2.5m when the span is 250m Now if the height
of supporting tower is increased by 25 % the sag will [06D01]
a. reduce by 25 %
b. increase by 25 %
c. reduce by 12.5 %
d. remain Unchanged

52. The minimum clearance of high voltage lines from ground across streets is [06D02]
a. 3m
b. 5m
c. 6m
d. 8m

53. Empire tape is [06D03]

a. varnished cambric
b. impregnated paper
c. valcanised dubber
d. en amelinsulation

54. The relative permittivity of rubber is b/w [06D04]

a. 0.5 - 1
b. 2 - 3
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c. 5-8
d. 10 - 15

55. The sag is inverrely proportional to the [06M01]

a. weight of the conductor
b. length of the span
c. working tensile strength of conductor
d. temperature

56. The insulating material used for cables should have all of the following except [06M02]
a. high diclectric strength, high mecahanical strength, high tensile strength and plasticity, high resistivity
and high viscosity at impregnation temperatre
b. low thermal coefficient , low permittivity, acid proof non inflammable and non hygroscopic
c. high water absorption
d. capability of with standing high rupturing vlgs

57. Dielectric strength of rubber is about [06M03]

a. 10 Kv/mm
b. 20 Kv/mm
c. 30 Kv/mm
d. 100 Kv/mm

58. The effect of wind pressure is more predominant on [06S01]

a. insulators
b. transmission lines
c. supporting towers
d. line conductors

59. The sag of the conductors of a transmission line is 2.5m when the span is 250m. Now if the
height of supporting tower is increased by 25 % the sag will [06S02]
a. reduce by 25 %
b. increase by 25 %
c. reduce by 12.5 %
d. remain unchanged

60. The insulating material most commonly used for powercable is [06S03]
a. PVC
b. paper
c. rubber
d. copper

61. The string efficiency of a high voltage line is around [07D01]

a. 100 %
b. 80 %
c. 40 %
d. 10 %

62. The diameter of each strand is "d'' then the diameter of n-layer stranded conductor will be
a. (2n+1)d
b. 3(n+1)d
c. 2n+1)d
d. 3(n-1)d

63. The equivalent capacitor arrangement of a two string insulator is shown in the figure (a) . The
max voltage that each unit with stand should not exceed 175 KV. The line vtg of the complete
string is
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a. 17.5 KV
b. 33 KV
c. 35 KV
d. 37.3 KV

64. In humid weather, the corona occurs at a voltage [07M01]

a. much less than that needed in fair weather
b. much higher than that needed in fair weather
c. equal to that needed in fair weather
d. equal to that needed operating voltage

65. If the frequency of a transmission system is canged from 50HL to 100Hz the string efficiency
a. will increase
b. will decrease
c. remain unchanged
d. may increase or decrease depending on the line parameters

66. A 66Kv system has string insulator having 5 discs and the earth to disc capacitance ratio of 0.10,
the string efficiency will be [07M03]
a. 89 %
b. 75 %
c. 67 %
d. 55 %

67. Corona accurs between two transmission conductors when they [07S01]
a. have high potential difference
b. have low potential difference
c. carry dc power
d. are not closely spaced

68. In context of corona which statement is not true? [07S02]

a. corona is voltage effect
b. corona takesplace on short transmission lines
c. corona is accompained with power loss
d. corona attenuates lighttening surges

69. Corona can be reduced by [07S03]

a. increasing the operating vtg
b. reducing the spacing between conductors
c. increasing the effective conductor diameter
d. reducing the operating voltage

70. In the string efficiency of insulators can be in creased by [07S04]

a. reducing the no.of strings
b. increasing the no.of strings
c. correct grading of insulators of various capacitances
d. changing the orientation of strings
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71. The maximum safe temperature of paper insulated cables is about [08D01]
a. 60 0C
b. 950C
c. 135 0C
d. 165 0C

72. In paper insulated cables, the conductor cross section is usually limited to [08D02]
a. 50mm2
b. 250mm2
c. 600mm 2
d. 1200mm2

73. When suppoprts are at equal levels the sag will be [08M01]

74. Tower height depends upon [08M02]

a. weight of the conductor
b. length of the span
c. Tension of the conductor
d. cost of the conductor

75. The conductor sag should be kept to a minimum in order to [08S01]

a. avoid extra pole height for sufficient clearance above ground level
b. in order to increase the conductor material required
c. increase the weight of the conductor
d. reduce the tension in the line

76. low sag means [08S02]

a. a loose wire and low tension
b. a tight wire and high tension
c. a loose wire and high tension
d. a tight wire and low tension

77. In hilly areas, the conductors suspended b/w supports at [08S03]

a. equal levels
b. unequal levels
c. ground level
d. low wind pressure level

78. Paper as an insulating material has the maindraw back that it [08S04]
a. is hygroscopic
b. has poor dielectric strength
c. has low insulation resistivity
d. has high capacitance

79. The dielcetric strenght of impregnated paper is about [08S05]

a. 30Kv/mm
b. 20Kv/mm
c. 15 Kv/mm
d. 5 Kv/mm

80. Single core cables are usually not provided with armouring in order to [08S06]
a. avoid excessive loss in the armour
b. make the cable more flexible
c. make the cable non-hygroscopic
d. make the cable more hygroscopic

81. The changing current in a transmission line increases due to corona effect because corona
increases [09D01]
a. line current
b. effective line vtg
c. power loss in lines
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d. the effective conductor diameter

82. Corona is likely to occur maximum increase of [09D02]

a. distribution lines
b. transmission lines
c. domestic wiring
d. service mains

83. The chances of occurances of corona are maximum during [09M01]

a. humid weather
b. dry weather
c. winter
d. hot summer

84. The relationship between tension and sag is dependent on the [09M02]
a. loading conditions and temperature variations
b. corona effect
c. ferrenti effect
d. skin effect

85. Stringing charts can be drawn between [09M03]

a. temperature - tension and temperature - sag
b. temperature and tower length
c. tension and sag
d. sag and length

86. Which of the following affect the corona least [09S01]

a. mean free length
b. atmospheric temperature
c. number of ions
d. size and change per ion

87. The effect of corona is [09S02]

a. increased energyloss
b. increased reactance
c. increased inductance
d. increased capacitance

88. The vertical sag in the conductor is given by [09S03]


89. The tension is inversely proportional to the [09S04]

a. tower height
b. temperature
c. line length
d. weith of the conductor

90. The use of horizontal spacing eliminates [09S05]

a. swinging effect of conductors
b. the danger caused by unequal ice loading
c. the danger caused by wind pressure
d. unless horizontal cleasances

91. The insulators used in guy cables are [10D01]

a. egg or stay insulators
b. shackle insulators
c. pintype insulators
d. disctype insulators

92. Consider the following statement:

In case of suspnsion type insulators, the string efficiency can be improved by
; ; ; ; ;a ; ; ; ; ; using a long cross-arm
; ; ; ; ;b ; ; ; ; ; using a guard ring
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;; ; ; ;c ; ; ; ; ; grading the insulator discs

;; ; ; ;d ; ; ; ; ; reducing the cross arm length of these statements [10G01]
a. a and c are correct
b. b,c and d are correct
c. `b' and `d' are correct
d. `a' and `c' are correct

93. In a cable of conductor diameter `d' and over all diameter with dielectric material `D' the max
dielectric stress [10M01]
a. occurs at the conductor surface and is proportional to d
b. pccurs at the conductor surface and is proportional to 1/d
c. occurs at the middle of the dielectric and is proportional to 1/d
d. occurs at the outer surface of the dielectric and is proportional to D

94. The depth of trench required for laying under ground cables by direct laying method [10M02]
a. 1.2mm
b. 0.8mm
c. 0.5mm
d. 0.2mm

95. In a cable the sheath radius is `R' and conductor redius `r', As `r' changes from 0-5R to 0.25R
themax. Voltage that gradientin the dielectric. [10M03]
a. decreass of about 6 %
b. increases by about 6 %
c. increases by about 15 %
d. decreases by about 15 %

96. In capacitance grading of cables, the dielectric used is [10S01]

a. composite
b. homogeneous
c. hygroscopic
d. porous

97. Minimum distance of under ground cable from the foundation of building should be [10S02]
a. 100Cm
b. 50Cm
c. 10Cm
d. 5 Cm

98. A cable carrying ac has [10S03]

a. leakage losses only
b. hysterisis losses only
c. hysterisis and leakage losses only
d. hysterisis, leakage and friction losses

99. The ratio of puncture voltage to the flashover voltage of a line insulator is [10S04]
a. equal to 1
b. lower than 1
c. much greater than 1
d. much less than 1

100. The insulators may fail due to [10S05]

a. flashorer
b. open circuits
c. weather conditions
d. sparking between lines

101. Presence of ozone owing to corona [11D01]

a. improve the powerfactor
b. reduces the powerfactor
c. corrodes the material
d. improves regulation

102. Sag template is very a convenient method for [11D02]

a. allocating the positions and height of the towers / supports
b. allocating the size and length of the towers /supports
c. Reducing the tower height and weight of the conductor
d. increasing the tower height and reducing the weight of the conductor
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103. Minimum horizontal clearence of a low voltage line from residential buildings must be [11D03]
a. 0.6m
b. 1.2m
c. 0.9m
d. 1.6m

104. The only advantages of corona is that it [11M01]

a. produces a pleasing luminous glow
b. makes line current sinusoidal
c. works as a safety valve for surges
d. ozone gas is produced

105. An overhead line has a span of 200m. the line conductor weighs 0.7Kg lm. What is the max. sag if
the max allowable tension in the lines is 1400Kg [11M02]
a. 2.6m
b. 2.5mtrs
c. 2.4mtrs
d. 2.3mtrs

106. Corona is affected by [11S01]

a. operating voltage
b. increase in reactance
c. weight of the conductor
d. length of the transmission line

107. Corona has the disadvantages of [11S02]

a. Introducing the hormonics, pre dominately third hormonics into the transmissionlines
b. works as a safely value for surges
c. powergain
d. in doesnot intenference with neigh bouring communication ckts

108. The dielectric strength of air under normal conditions is around [11S03]
a. 30Kv/cm
b. 100Kv/cm
c. 150Kv/cm
d. 200Kv/cm

109. Sag is provided in overheadlines so that [11S04]

a. safe tension is not exceeded, repair can be done
b. safe tension is exceeded, repair cannot be done
c. safe tension is not exceeded and also repair cannot be done
d. safe tension is exceeded, repair can be done

110. The conductors are provided by the dampers which [11S05]

a. prevent the loading
b. prevent the resonant vibrations
c. eliminates the drag
d. reduces the irregular deposition of sleet

111. Glass insulators can be used up to _ _ KV under ordinory atmospheric conditions and _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ well upto _ _ _ _ _ KV in dryatmosphere [12D01]
a. 30 to 50 KV
b. 25 to 50 KV
c. 15 to 50 KV
d. 10 to 50 kv

112. The capacitance of a cable increases [12D02]

a. linearly with the increae in cable length
b. linearly with the decrease in cable kength
c. exponentially with the increase in cable length
d. exponentially with the decrease in cable length

113. The charging current drawn by the cable [12D03]

a. lags behind the voltage by 900
b. leads the voltage by 90 0
c. leads the voltage by 1800
d. lags the voltage by 1800
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114. Wet flash over voltage is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dry flashover voltage of an insulator. [12M01]
a. more than
b. less than
c. equal to
d. better than

115. To obtain the minimum value of stress in cables the ratio (R/r) should be [12M02]
a. 2.13
b. 2.718
c. 1.96
d. 1.5

116. The purpose of grading in transmission line is to [12S01]

a. reduce the earth capacitance of the lowest unit
b. increase the earth capacitance of the lowest unit
c. reduce the transmission line losses
d. increase the transmission line losses

117. The use of guard ring [12S02]

a. equalises the voltage distribution between insulator discs
b. in unnecessary complications
c. decreases string efficiency
d. increases partial break down afair

118. Shackle insulators are used on [12S03]

a. high voltage lines
b. low voltage lines
c. medium voltage lines
d. ground level

119. The surge impedance of a 50 miles long underground cable is 50Ω , for a 25 miles length it will be
a. 25Ω
b. 50Ω
c. 100Ω
d. 250Ω

120. In underground cables, the electro static stress is [12S05]

a. maximum at conductor surface and minimum at the sheath
b. minimum at conductor surface and miximum at sheath
c. same at the conductor and sheath
d. zero at the conductor aswell as on the sheath

121. Disruptive corona begins in smooth cylindrical conductors in air at NTP if the electric field
intensity at the conductor surface [13D01]
a. 21.1 KV (rms)/cm
b. 21.1 KV (peak)/cm
c. 21.1KV (avg)/cm
d. 21.1 Kv (rms)/m

122. If a 132Kv line passes over a residential building the minimum vertical clearance from the roof of
the building shall be [13D02]
a. 4.57m
b. 5m
c. 6m
d. 3m

123. The minimum clearance b/w 132Kv transmission line & ground is about [13M01]
a. 6.4m
b. 3.2m
c. 10.5m
d. 7.5m

124. The tensile strength of aluminium is [13M02]

a. 0.35 times of that of copper
b. 0.43 times of that of copper
c. 0.45 times of that of copper
d. 0.55 times of that of copper
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125. The dielectric strength of air is [13S01]

a. proportional to barometric presure
b. proportional to absolute temperature
c. inversely proportional to barometric pressure
d. inversely proportional to absolute temperature

126. Visual critical voltage is [13S02]

a. lower than disruptive criticalvtg
b. higher than disruptive critical vtg
c. equal to critical voltage
d. proportional to barometric pressure

127. Power loss due to corona is directly proportional to [13S03]

a. spacing blw conductors
b. radius of conductor
c. supply frequency
d. critical voltage

128. Cirtical voltage limit of a transmission line is increased by [13S04]

a. increasing the radius of the conductors
b. increasing the spacing b/w the conductors
c. reducing the spacing b/w conductors
d. reducing the radius of the conductors

129. For a 400KV line, the spacing between phase conductors is around [13S05]
a. 8m
b. 11m
c. 14m
d. 17m

130. The difference in level b/w the points of supports and the lowest point called [13S06]
a. tension
b. sag
c. corona
d. condictivity

131. The insulation resistance of a cable of length 10Km is 1mΩ. For a length of 100km of the same
cable, the insulation resistance will be [14D01]
a. 1mΩ
b. 10mΩ
c. 0.1mΩ
d. 0.01mΩ

132. Consider the following statements:

increase of suspension type insulators, the string efficiency can be improved by
a ; ; ; ; ; ; using a longer cross arm
b ; ; ; ; ; ; using a guard ring
c ; ; ; ; ; ; grading the insulator discs
d ; ; ; ; ; ; reducing the cross arm length of these statements [14G02]
a. 1,2 and 3 are correct
b. 2,3 and 4 are correct
c. 2 and 4 are correct
d. 1 and 3 are correct

133. When ever the conductor are dead ended or there is a charge in the direction of transmission line,
the insulators used are of the [14M01]
a. pin type
b. suspension type
c. strain type
d. shackel type

134. With the rise in temperature, the insulation resistivity [14M02]

a. remains unchanged
b. decreases linearly
c. increases linearly
d. reduces exponentially

135. Strain type insulators are used where the conductors are [14S01]
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a. at low line voltage

b. at intermediate anchor towers
c. at high line voltage
d. at high anchore towers

136. For 66Kv lines the number of insulator discs used as [14S02]
a. 3
b. 6
c. 8
d. 12

137. Ten discs usually suggest that the transmission line voltage is [14S03]
a. 11Kv
b. 33Kv
c. 66Kv
d. 132Kv

138. At bridge crossings and near the railwaytrack ternarylead cables are used because they [14S04]
a. are of high tensile strength
b. are of low coefficient of thermal expansion
c. are of low specific granvity
d. can with stand shocks and vibrations

139. The insulation resistance of the cable decreases with the [14S05]
a. increase in length of cable
b. decrease in length of cable
c. electric stresses
d. mechanical stresses

140. The powerfactor of an openended cable can be improved by [14S06]

a. increase the capacitance
b. decrease the capacitance
c. increase the conductor resistance
d. increase the insulation resistance

141. The skin effect in conductor results in [15D01]

a. increase inits dc resistance
b. decrease in to ac resistance
c. increases in its ac resistance
d. decrease in its dc resistance

142. In order to permit safe tension in the conductors [15M01]

a. They are fully streched but are not allowed to have a dip on sag
b. They are fully stretched but are allowed to have a dip
c. they are fully stretched and are allowed to have a dip
d. they are not fully stretched but are not allowed to have

143. In effect of wind and ice loading, the total weigth of the conductor per unit length is [15M02]

144. Skin effect exists in [15M03]

a. cable carrying dc current
b. dc transmission line only
c. ac transmission line only
d. dc as well as ac tranmission lines

145. The horizontal component of tension is [15S01]

a. variable throughout the length of the wire
b. constant through out the length of the wire
c. minimum at minimum length of the wire
d. maximum at the maximum length of the wire

146. The conductor sets itself in a plane at an angle 'θ' to the vertical where [15S02]
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a. tan
b. tan
c. cos
d. sin

147. The vertical sag is [15S03]

a. s tan θ
b. s sin θ
c. s con θ
d. s cot θ

148. Increasing the frequency of transmission line will [15S04]

a. increase shunt rectance
b. decrease line resistance
c. increase line resistance
d. decrease series reactance

149. Skin effect in a conductor becomes more pronounced [15S05]

a. at higher frequency
b. at lower frequency
c. at dc
d. dt sharp points in line

150. Skin effect [15S06]

a. increases the effective resistance and effective internal reactance
b. reduces the effective resistance and effective internal reactance
c. increases the effective resistance and but reduces internal reactance
d. reduces the effective resistance but increases internal reactance

151. A suspension type insulator has three units with self capacitance e and ground capacitance of
0.2c having a string efficiency of [16D01]
a. 78 %
b. 80 %
c. 82 %
d. 84 %

152. The insulation used in a cable designed for use on 1000Kv is usually [16D02]
a. impregnated paper
b. compressed SF6 gas
c. prc
d. lead paper

153. In compressed gas insulated cable SF6 has the gas pressure in the range of [16D03]
a. 10-20 mm Hg
b. 80-100 mm Hg
c. 3-5 Kg/cm 2
d. 40-50 Kg/cm 2

154. The unit nearest to the conductor in suspension type insulator string is under [16M01]
a. minimum electrical stress
b. maximum electrical stress
c. short circuit
d. open circuit

155. A shorter string has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ string efficiency than a larger one [16M02]
a. low
b. more
c. moderate
d. equal

156. Sulphur hexafluoride cable is insulated by [16M03]

a. impregnated paper
b. poly vinyl chloride
c. high pressure oil
d. compressed gas
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157. String efficiency decides [16S01]

a. current distribution along the string
b. potential distribution along the string
c. mechanical strength of the disc
d. electrical stress of the string

158. The longer the cross arm. the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the string effiency [16S02]
a. lesser
b. greater
c. medium
d. very much lesser

159. Cables used in automobiles and are welding sets are usually [16S03]
a. paper insulated
b. VIR
c. high proccure gas insulated
d. oil-filled

160. Dancing is caused by the action of fairly strong wind on a wire covered with ice when the ice
coating happens totake a form which makes [17D01]
a. a good tensile strength
b. a good air-foil sectio
c. a good sag
d. a good loading effect

161. The conductor clearence to ground at the time of greatest sag should not be less than some
specified distance [17D02]
a. usually b/w 8 to 16m
b. usually b/w 6 to 12m
c. usually b/w 16 to 32m
d. usually b/w 9 to 18m

162. The harmful of these vibrations occur at [17M01]

a. the clamps (or) supports
b. the ground level of the tower
c. mid point of the supports
d. the highest height of the tower

163. Proximity of a line to the earth surface [17M02]

a. doesnot effect its capacitance to natural
b. increases the capacitance to natural
c. decreases the capacitance to netural
d. does effect its capacitance to neatural

164. Ferranti effect on the long overhead line is experiented when it is [17M03]
a. lightly loaded
b. on full load at unity power factory
c. on full load at 0.8 power factory lead
d. on any load

165. The formula for working tension [17S01]


166. Wind loading increase the sag in the direction of resultant loading but [17S02]
a. increases the horizontal component
b. decreases the vertical component
c. decreases the tensile strength
d. increases both horizontal and vertical componenets

167. The skin effect of a conductor reduces with the rise in [17S03]
a. supply prequency
b. resistivity of the conductor matrial
c. cross section of conductor
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d. permeability of conductor material

168. Following effects are associated with transmission lines

1 skin effect
2 coronaeffect
3 proximity effect
The effective resistance of a conductor is increased by [17S04]
a. 1 only
b. 2 and 3 only
c. 1 and 3 only
d. 1,2 and 3

169. Under no load conditions the current in a transmission line is because of [17S05]
a. capacitance effect
b. corona effect
c. proximity effect
d. backflow from earth

170. As the operating voltage and consequently the electric stress on the dielectric of solid type cable
is increased from alow value, the dielectric power factor cos θ increases veryrapidly. This is due
toincrease in [18D01]
a. resistivity of dielectric material
b. ionisation in the voids present in the dielectric
c. core- to- core capacitance of the cable
d. core - to earth capacitance of the cable

171. Oil - filled cables have the draw back (s) of [18M01]
a. no possibility of impregnation after sheatling
b. greater cost and complicated laying of cables and maintenance
c. high thermal resistance
d. all the above

172. String efficiency can be improved by grading the insulators the voltage is [18M02]
a. proportional to capacitance
b. inversely proportional to capacitance
c. proportional to inductance
d. inversely proportional to industance

173. The guard ring introduces capacitance b/w [18M03]

a. metal fittings and top of the tower
b. metal fitting and line conductor
c. top of the tower and line conductor
d. line conductor and below the tower

174. Cables generally used beyond 66 kv are [18S01]

a. oil filled
b. betted
c. H-type
d. SL type

175. The cables used for 132 Kv are [18S02]

a. high tension
b. super tension
c. extro super voltage
d. extro hightension

176. Able used for 220 KV lines invariably [18S03]

a. compressed iol or compressed gas insulater
b. paper insulated
c. mica insulated
d. steel insulated

177. The string efficiency is given by [18S04]

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178. The inequality in voltage distribution increases with [18S05]

a. the decrease of no.of discs in the string
b. the increase of no.of discs in the string
c. the decrease in lengthof the arm
d. the increase in length of the arm

179. The greater the value of K (K= ) in suspension type dusulators [18S06]
a. the less non uniformis the potential across the discs and lesser is the string efficiency
b. the more non uniform is the potential across the discs and lesses is the string efficiency
c. the less non uniform is the potential across the discs and more is the string `η'
d. the more non uniform is the potential across the discs and more is the string `η'

180. The effective resistance of a conductor will be the same as ohmic resistance when [19D01]
a. Voltage is low
b. current is the true sunusoidal
c. current is uniformly distributo in the x-section of the conductor
d. Voltage is high

181. Small wires (or) wires oflight material are subjected [19M01]
a. to more swining by the wind than heavy conductor
b. to less swining by the wind than heavy conductor
c. to more swining by the wind than less conductor
d. to less swining by the wind than less conductor

182. Volume of ice per unit length is given by [19M02]

c. 2πdt
d. td(π+t)

183. The corona loss on a perticular ssystem at 50 Hz is 1 Kw/km perp[hase. The corona loss at 60Hz
would be [19M03]
a. 1 Kw /km per phase
b. 0.83 Kw /km per phase
c. 1.2 Kw /km per phase
d. 1.13 Kw /km per phase

184. Spacing of conductors should be such so as to provide [19S01]

a. safety against corona
b. safety against flashover
c. safety against skineffect
d. dangerous voltages

185. Dielectric hysterisis loss in a cable varies as [19S02]

a. impressed voltage
b. (impressed vtg)2
c. (impressd vtg)1/2
d. (impressed vtg)3/2

186. While laying 33Kv underground cable the minimum bending radius should be [19S03]
a. 12D
b. 30D
c. 100D
d. 200D ; ;D - is the cable diameter

187. Corona losses are minimized when [19S04]

a. conductor size is reduced
b. smooth conductor is used
c. sharp points are provided in the line hard wave
d. current density in conductors is reduced

188. Skin effect depends upon [19S05]

a. current density in conductors
b. permeabilily of conductor material
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c. sensilivity of the material

d. reliability of size

189. The conductor carries more current on the surface in comparision to its more. This phenomenon
is called the [19S06]
a. skin effect
b. corona
c. feranti effect
d. lenz's effect

190. When an insulator breaks down by puncture it is _ _ _ _ _ _ damaged [20D01]

a. only partially
b. permanently
c. temporarly
d. fully

191. Multicore cables generally use [20D02]

a. oval shaped conductors
b. square conductors
c. ellipse shaped conductors
d. rectangle shape canductors

192. In a 3 - phase, 4- wire cable, the x-sectional area of neutral conductor is [20D03]
a. half of the area of phase conductors
b. eaual to the area of phase conductor
c. double the area of phase conductor
d. 1.5 times the area of phase conductor

193. In a string of suspension insulators, if the unit nearest to the conductor breakdown then other
units will [20M01]
a. also breakdown remain intact
b. not breakdown remain intact
c. also breakdown not remain intact
d. not breakdown not remain intact

194. Single core cable should have armour made of [20M02]

a. magnetic material
b. non-magnetic and non - conducting material
c. non - magnetic but conducting material
d. magnetic but non conducting material

195. The inslator is so designed that it should fail only by [20S01]

a. puncture
b. flashover
c. breakdown
d. voltage stress

196. The discs of the strain insulators are used in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ plane [20S02]
a. horizontal
b. vertical
c. smooth
d. rapid

197. Suspension type insulators are used for voltages beyond [20S03]
a. 11 Kv
b. 33 Kv
c. 400 Kv
d. 132 Kv

198. Solid type cables are not considered suitable for operating voltages exceeding 66 Kv because
a. skin effect dominates on the conductor
b. there is a danger of break down of insulation because of fonnation of voids in the layers of
c. there is a corona loss b/w conductor and sheath material
d. insulation may melt due to heating

199. In a 3 - core extra high voltage cable a metrllic screen around each core insulation is provided to
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a. facilitate heat dissipation

b. give mechanical strength
c. obtain vadical electric stress
d. obtain long hudiral electric stress

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