Email Best Practices - 2018
Email Best Practices - 2018
Email Best Practices - 2018
DO NOT share your email password.
DO NOT use company email or the Internet/ IT resources for your own
personal use. DO use email for business purpose only.
DO NOT send company data to your own private/personal mail account or DO remember email is not private.
to any unauthorized 3rd parties without consent. DO think twice before you reply to all.
DO NOT send or forward sensitive/ confidential company information DO never use an old email to hit reply and start typing about an entirely
to any party outside the group without approval from Management. new topic.
DO NOT forward internal communication to external parties without DO be careful when forwarding email on political or controversial issues.
consent. DO delete the email if the subject title or attachments is suspicious.
DO NOT just forward or reply an email thread. Delete all the irrelevant DO read it before you send it.
email sections + parties before you press the “SEND” button. DO use CC/BCC : field sparingly.
DO NOT communicate offshore matters to onshore users without consent. DO write a meaningful subject. Subject should accurately reflect the
DO NOT communicate with users in any publicly listed companies or third message content.
party unless necessary in the course of work. DO use email in a responsible, effective and lawful manner.
DO NOT use private mail to conduct company business. DO use company standard disclaimers clause as signature.
DO NOT use email to discuss confidential information. DO use standard font or format. Email should represent company image
DO NOT copy a message/attachment/any data to private PCs/Notebooks. not private.
DO NOT overuse CC, BCC fields or Reply to all. DO use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation.
DO NOT send emails which will harm company interests or violate laws. DO spell check and grammar check.
DO NOT send or forward emails containing libellous, defamatory, DO respond to emails in a timely manner.
offensive, racist or obscene remarks. DO avoid long sentences.
DO NOT send jokes, video, virus, warning, etc to a business address. DO scan email attachment for viruses.
Your email can be included in their blacklist of senders. DO compress or split big attachments to < 5MB.
DO NOT send large attachments or attach unnecessary files. DO when reply to email :
DO NOT write in CAPITAL. - Always keep below the original
DO NOT open emails from unknown senders. messages, where applicable.
DO NOT open email attachments that contain file types such as .exe, .vbs, - Delete image embedded in the original
.scr, .pif, etc as it may be harmful. image if they are not relevant.
DO NOT forward chain letters. - Keep only the first lines of the original
DO NOT reply to spam. messages, deleting the rest, if they are not relevant
DO NOT subscribe to mailing list. to your response.
DO NOT forget to delete spam/junk mail and make sure your trash/deleted DO answer all questions, and pre-empt further questions.
folders are emptied regularly. DO housekeeping to avoid mailbox reaching maximum limit.
DO NOT use personal message as signature.
DO NOT use background or fancy characters.