Scarlet - Promo - Spent-D02

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SCARLET - Promo 2nd Draft -v04 by (Samantha Hamer)

Girly Films 81 Lustrells Vale Saltdean Brighton BN2 8FA Mob; +44 (0) 752 773 4974 Email: [email protected] Girly Films, all rights reserved, 2012


(Note:- Add more reference to her wild red hair, do another version with swearing toned down and shoot both in parallel) 1 INT. BRIGHTON APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY Bright summers light, streams through the wall of an architectural window. Falling onto a dishevelled, bruised and beaten young woman, as she starts to talk into a home video camera. Quite at odds with the exclusivity of the home that surrounds her. We can hear another womans voice and that of a child from another room. YOUNG WOMAN (nervous frustration) Ive had so much to bear. ..oh fuck, fuckin fuckery. Shittin thing ! Takes a couple of breaths to regain her composure. 2 EXT. BRIGHTON ROOFTOP - DUSK As we see the same YOUNG WOMANs elegantly unspoiled form, as it stands out of breath on a high roof top. Below her the electric city alights and begins to awake unto the night. She takes a couple of deep breaths to regain her composure and begins to dance. 3 INT. BRIGHTON APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY We see her retake a couple of breaths to regain her composure. YOUNG WOMAN Right, start again..ok Looks not into the cameras lens, but at its screen. YOUNG WOMAN (CONTD) I've had so much to bear these past few years.. We see a brief view of her talking on the screen. YOUNG WOMAN (CONT'D) ..I feel all but SPENT. Realizes she has been looking at the screen. 3 2 1

Girly Films, all rights reserved, 2012


YOUNG WOMAN (CONT'D) (frustrated) Shit ! gotta stop looking into that. Right into the camera. Looks at a note pad then into the camera lens and takes a deep breath. 4 EXT. BRIGHTON ROOFTOP - DUSK The YOUNG WOMANs unspoiled radiant form continues to dance with passion and freedom contrasting with her spoken words. YOUNG WOMAN (V.O.) I've had so much to bear these past few years I feel all but SPENT.. 5 INT. BRIGHTON APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY We see a brief view through the camera lens as she talks into it. YOUNG WOMAN ..And yet this darkness feels like and endless cloak.. Looks down briefly at the note pad. YOUNG WOMAN (CONTD) ..suffocating me so laboriously, that any moment.. 6 EXT. BRIGHTON ROOFTOP - DUSK We return to the YOUNG WOMANs rooftop dancing like a radiant angelic flame. YOUNG WOMAN (V.O.) ..I feel I have to breath is wrapped in another fold.. A light glints in the background. JUMP CUT TO: 7 INT. DINGY ROOM Light strobes to create staccato snapshots of a room that seeps of evil. We see a man, but a man no more within a frenzy that sets his pitch black eyes wide. YOUNG WOMAN (V.O.) ..of the cruellest drapery.
Girly Films, all rights reserved, 2012


While the fresh blood that covers his bare torso and face is flung into its own chilling dance as he is consumed by rage. JUMP CUT TO: 8 INT. BRIGHTON APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY Her eyes return to the note pad, this time reddened as emotion starts to take hold. She takes a staggered deep breath. YOUNG WOMAN Oh god. (sighs) She takes another staggered deep breath. The beauty in her eyes holding back the tears, but now filled with the dew of those to come. YOUNG WOMAN (CONT'D) (resisting emotion) Here is where my story starts I just wish it would end.. 9 EXT. BRIGHTON ROOFTOP - DUSK We return to the YOUNG WOMANs deaf-defying dancing as the dusk falls a little bit further away unto the night. YOUNG WOMAN (V.O.) ..but not in such mire.. JUMP CUT TO: 10 INT. DINGY ROOM As the flashes alight the form of his furied face, those pitch black eyes grow unnaturally in their setting. YOUNG WOMAN (V.O.) ..and misery. His teeth en-sharpen and tattoos inscribe themselves on his skin dripping blood, into streams that then fly into a another burst of rage. JUMP CUT TO: 11 EXT. BRIGHTON ROOFTOP - DUSK Back on the rooftop, we see the angelic form continue to dance. 11 10 9 8

Girly Films, all rights reserved, 2012


YOUNG WOMAN (V.O.) Yet like the most perverse of games no god could.. 12 INT. BRIGHTON APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY YOUNG WOMAN ..behold. She again looks to the note pad, as the salty dew slowly forms a droplet on her eyelash, clinging close as her eyelid gently folds. It is thrown in to the freedom of now a single lonely tear drop, as it falls to meet the air. We follow the tear drops decent as it hits the ink on the note pad below. The tear departs but leaves its mark on the word that once read hell. She sniffs. YOUNG WOMAN (CONT'D) (emotion seeping) ..Its repetition drags me to a new deeper hell each time that darkness calls.. 13 INT. BAR TOILET (Improve descriptions) Scarlet sucks and chews on a woman's ample breast, a woman that remains faceless in shadow, a woman with olive skin, her shirt torn open, Scarlet is then thrown against the sink area, mirror behind. YOUNG WOMAN (V.O.) ..far beyond any ruminant of sanity I had left in me. Arched backwards revealing her own breasts exposed the woman forces her head back by the neck slightly choking her with both hands. Scarlet's eye's roll back as her eyelids close, enrapturing the bliss of being fucked hard. 14 INT. BRIGHTON APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY Emotion takes hold. Tears start streaming down her bruised yet tender cheeks, her breathing shivers as her body follows. 14 13 12

Girly Films, all rights reserved, 2012


YOUNG WOMAN (mumbled) Why, oh fuck why. Her, why her, fuck, fuck She puts her fingers to her nose. She stares into nothingness lost to her thoughts, slightly rocking. Then puts them to her mouth. MATCH CUT TO: 15 INT. DINGY ROOM A womans mouth flashes into a seconds clarity, succubus lips release a pierce forked tongue dripping with blood. JUMP CUT TO: 16 INT. BRIGHTON APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY YOUNG WOMAN (emotionally charged) You need to know this, you need to see it with your own eye's. Her nose wet and snivelling within every quivering breath, she wipes the flood from her face down across her sodden lips. YOUNG WOMAN (CONT'D) For the reality.. 17 INT. DINGY ROOM (Improve description,[MICHEAL], being tortured, [DOVE (reminder possibly rename with better one)] P3-10, matching style of shot. ) That same damaged fluorescent, flashes Snapshots. The broken beauty of a man being brutally tortured, by that same demonic form of the other. YOUNG WOMAN (V.O.) so much darker, so sickening.. The last flashs reveal a ghostly image in their place. A young boy desperately clutching a teddy, crying, pyjama bottoms wet from wee. 18 INT. BRIGHTON APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY A determination fuels her fight with her emotions. 18 17 16 15

Girly Films, all rights reserved, 2012


YOUNG WOMAN one would believe that it could not be some fiction.. Her eyes reddened and face still wet. MATCH CUT TO: 19 EXT. BRIGHTON ROOFTOP - DUSK We see the YOUNG WOMANs sparkling painted eyes as the features of the roof and the distant blurry city lights spiral around her as she dances. The final blue of dusk succumbing to the night. YOUNG WOMAN (V.O.) ..but to see with my eye's does not come close enough. To her seductive dress flowing as she jumps artistically and effortlessly into the air, as her red hair has a dance of its own, hits of red flame seem to flow through it. Catching her eyes yet again as she lands, a glint of flame within them. MATCH CUT TO: 20 INT. BRIGHTON APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - DAY We see in her eyes the emotion is now tamed, she takes the last brief look at the note pad. YOUNG WOMAN (boldly) This is my nightmare, but so many more have had so much more to bare, an agony that when compared to my own, we would not do them justice to attempt to comprehend. FADE TO WHITE. 21 EXT. BRIGHTON ROOFTOP - NIGHT As the music builds to a crescendo, the YOUNG WOMANS dancing builds to a spectacular and a captivating finale. The flames in her hair seem to take control wrap themselves around her burning her dress off as they do. YOUNG WOMAN (V.O.) (sincere) My name is simply Scarlet and I am simply a dancer. 21 20 19

Girly Films, all rights reserved, 2012


Now a naked, sylph like flaming goddess dances before us. As the word SCARLET is mentioned, a smoke like cloak of darkness unfurls and forms trailing off her movement, as if avoiding the spiralling flames. When they get close wide tendrils splay. She stops on her points, moving close, the Darkness seems behind her. Breathing fast as the flames die down to reveal her ash like skin, her piercing green eyes, all but for her hair. She starts walking towards the side of the roof, we follow then move ahead of her. We see red tendrils of windswept hair coming into view from the right, starting to frame the vista, holding their own time as if in water. As more of the hair flows across filling the frame. Closer we she the pale face of SCARLET as she has walked forward, staring out to the city scape, deep in contemplation. YOUNG WOMAN (worried) ...simply a dancer. SCARLETs face now angry, her red locks in their own dance but now starting to flare swirling red flames again. A tear departs turning to steam as it flows. Her eyes fire wide, her ash like skin cracks, releasing unnatural smoke in front of her. YOUNG WOMAN (CONTD) (psychotic) ...simply SCARLET! Jolt back, She shouts again, now in a demonic tone that cuts through emotion. SCARLET DONT FIRE MY.. ..MIND..! Her eyes seem to charge, from the glowing cracks in her ash like skin. As the word MIND is released so too is a bolt of swirling flame and light from her eyes. The flame disrupts the unnatural smoke, to flow out into the title SCARLET, hits of flame within it, her eyes turn to glowing ambers behind. The fluid title then catches light to form letters out of flame, as more unnatural black smoke cascades from them creating creature like forms, decaying and putrefying out SCARLET behind.
Girly Films, all rights reserved, 2012


The burning title has turned to hot embers, as the creature like shapes depart to a more graphic background of decay. As the decay takes the ambers it rips a whole, as the END BACKGROUND smashes in behind. TAG LINE unfurls in Magical smoke, leaves hot embers for a moment. DANCE ON THE DARK SIDE YOUNG WOMAN (V.O) (Spooky whispers) come Dance on the Dark Side. Swept away with Magical smoke.

End PLATE comes in repeating style:COMING SOON (Film Trailer style Plate with title & credits, and web site for SCARLET and TITLE TRACK BAND)

Girly Films, all rights reserved, 2012

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