Installing Groundwork Monitor 6.6 - Support - GWConnect

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Installing GroundWork Monitor 6.

6 - Support - GWConnect

Installing GroundWork Monitor 6.6

Installing GroundWork Monitor 6.6
Welcome to the installation Instructions for GroundWork Monitor Enterprise Edition, version 6.6. These instructions are maintained on the GroundWork Knowledge Base ( If you are reading these in a PDF or other offline form, you should check the online form for the most recent version. This document covers the Clean installation of GWMEE 6.6. This document is supplemented by the release notes, which contain details of issues fixed, new features, and items of interest to those users who have customized or significantly enhanced GroundWork Monitor Enterprise. You can download the release notes here: GWEE-6.6-Release-Notes.pdf Installing GroundWork Monitor 6.6 Prerequisites System Requirements Platform Requirements System configurations and Operating system settings Java Compatibility Externally Defined User Nagios Downloading GroundWork Monitor Enterprise Clean Installation Installation Methods GUI Install Text Based Install Unattended Install Remote Install Default login information License required for login Upgrade to 6.6 from a Previous Version NOTE: Before performing an installation please review all current Technical Bulletins for this version so you can prepare for any additional steps required either before or after the process. Technical Bulletins for this version of the product are listed here: No content found for label(s) tb 6-6.

System Requirements
The system requirements are unchanged from the prior release. GroundWork recommends the following minimum hardware specification for correct operation in production: 2 CPU, 3 GHz P4 or equivalent 4 GB RAM 160 GB disk Recommended hardware specification Quad Core 2 class CPU 8 GB RAM 200 GB disk for system 500 GB disk for application For smaller environments and evaluations GroundWork Monitor Enterprise Edition requires a minimum of 2GB of RAM and 4GB of disk for correct operation. Note: If GroundWork Monitor is installed on a system with less than 4 GB of RAM then it will be configured to operate within the limited resources. The system will have lower monitoring throughput and will only support a few concurrent users as a result.

Platform Requirements

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Installing GroundWork Monitor 6.6 - Support - GWConnect

GroundWork Monitor Enterprise Edition has been tested on the following platforms: RedHat Enterprise Linux 5 Server and 6.0 Server, 32- and 64-bit. CentOS 5, 32- and 64-bit. Novell SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 and 11, 32- and 64-bit. Ubuntu Server 8.04 LTS, 9.10, 10.04 32- and 64-bit. If installing in a virtualized environment, particularly VMware ESX, 64-bit installations with a single virtual CPU are recommended. Installation of VMware tools and configuration of host time synchronization is highly recommended in all VMware environments. Vmware appliances downloaded from GroundWork already have VMware tools installed, and it should not be necessary to re-install or update VMware tools for proper operation.

System configurations and Operating system settings

?Please read the following requirements carefully before you install GWMEE packages: We highly recommend that GWMEE is installed on a 64bit system. Note that GroundWork has dropped the support of 32bit systems with this release. The GroundWork installer must be able to install into /usr/local/groundwork. uid & gid of root must both be 0. The default group for root must be root. nagios user and group must be local to the system and not provided via directory services, ideally it does not already exist on the system. If the nagios user exists (not necessary) the default group for nagios must be nagios. Make sure that the system you install to does not have a pre-installed Apache server or MySQL database. The partition groundwork is installed to must allow setuid. If GWMEE is deployed to vmware, only allocate 1 cpu to the virtual machine.

Java Compatibility
GroundWork Monitor specifically requires Sun Microsystems' Java SDK version 1.6 Update 29. This software is included in the GroundWork installation bundle. Under some circumstances other Java packages can interfere with the Sun provided software. For Support to troubleshoot any reported issues with your system, other Java packages must be removed prior to installation by following these steps, or equivalent steps on Ubuntu-based systems. Query for existing Java packages:
rpm -qa | grep -i java rpm -qa | grep -i jdk

Remove the RPMs using:

rpm -e <name of RPM package>

Examples of conflicting Java packages include:

java-1.4.2-gcj-compat- gcc-java-3.4.6-3

Externally Defined User Nagios

GroundWork Monitor uses the user account named "nagios" for access control to several components in the system. For this reason we require that the nagios user NOT exist prior to installation. If you have the nagios user defined on the system, or in /etc/nsswitch.conf, or are using external authentication of another kind with the nagios user defined in a way that will inhibit the GroundWork installer from creating this user and its home directory, you must disable and remove all traces of it before the installation. To reenable it afterwards, you must take whatever steps necessary to ensure that the user number is the same as that used by the GroundWork installed user nagios. Also note that the nagios home directory is assumed to exist, and reside at /usr/local/groundwork/users/nagios.

Downloading GroundWork Monitor Enterprise

Customers with an existing GWOS subscription may download this release from: [Download GroundWork Monitor 6.6] GWOS Quickstart customers may download the release by logging in to their fulfillment page and navigating to the My Downloads page.

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Installing GroundWork Monitor 6.6 - Support - GWConnect

Clean Installation
Transfer the GWOS software to the server it is being installed on. Change the permissions of the binary to executable. For example, with the 32-bit installer binary:
chmod +x groundworkenterprise-6.6.0-br238-gw1248-linux-64-installer.bin

Installation Methods
The installer package supports 3 modes: GUI, text, and unattended. The default is GUI if an X server is running, otherwise text mode will be used. GroundWork does not recommend running X server in a production deployment due to the unnecessary overhead.

GUI Install
From a system with X server running, simply double-click on the bin file or go to the command shell and execute the downloaded file. Alternatively simply execute the installation package:

Text Based Install

From a command shell, execute the binary with the text-mode installation selected:
./groundworkenterprise-6.6.0-br238-gw1248-linux-64-installer.bin --mode text

Unattended Install
From a command shell, execute the binary with the unattended-mode installation selected:
./groundworkenterprise-6.6.0-br238-gw1248-linux-64-installer.bin --mode unattended

This will perform an unattended installation that will not prompt the user for any information. Passing the 'optionfile' command line option lets you specify installation options in a separate file. The option file should contain one line per option, using the format key=value. You can use any of the options accepted by the installer. For information on valid options, execute the binary with the --help switch. For example, to use a MySQL password specified in the options
./groundworkenterprise-6.6.0-br238-gw1248-linux-64-installer.bin --mode unattended --optionfile gwinstall.ini

Where gwinstall.ini consists of:


Remote Install
Using SSH, access a remote server and use the text based install (see above). This is the most common way to install GroundWork Monitor remotely. If you perform the remote install from a machine that runs an X server, you can use SSH with the -X option and run the install with the GUI mode. Example:
ssh -XC -l root target-machine ./groundworkenterprise-6.6.0-br238-gw1248-linux-64-installer.bin

Note GroundWork Monitor includes all prerequisites and components within a single installation package. The software components of GroundWork Monitor are installed under /usr/local/groundwork with the exception of the log rotation configuration and the start/stop script named /etc/init.d/groundwork. It is used as follows: /etc/init.d/groundwork [start|stop] This script can also be used to restart individual services. For example:
/etc/init.d/groundwork restart nagios

Default login information

There are 3 users defined in GroundWork by default: admin (password: admin) operator (password: operator) user (password: user)

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Installing GroundWork Monitor 6.6 - Support - GWConnect

Please be sure to adjust these user names and passwords according to your security policy. Note that the admin user is special and should not be renamed or deleted without special configuration steps. Note that you will need to update the portal.proxy.password in /usr/local/groundwork/config / if you change the user account password.

License required for login

At first login, the admin user must copy-and-paste their license key into the portal application under Administration, GroundWork License. Each license is valid for the subscription duration purchased. Each GWOS installation has a single license file that controls access to the application user interface. The license file affects only user access to the GWOS portal; it does not affect the ability to start/stop application components or the data gathering, processing or notification features of the solution. License key validity is checked at user login and is affected by: The subscription start and end dates. The number of monitored devices configured. Whether the Network Service is enabled. Please see this How-to on GroundWork Connect for more information: /How-to+Determine+and+adjust+your+device+count

Upgrade to 6.6 from a Previous Version

The current version of GWMEE 6.6 does not support upgrades from previous versions. Version GWMEE 6.6.1 that supports upgrade will be available soon.

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Installing GroundWork Monitor 6.6 - Support - GWConnect

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