Business Math Mod6
Business Math Mod6
Business Math Mod6
Quarter 1 – Module 6:
Gross Margin, Trade Discount
and Discount Series
Business Mathematics – Grade 11
Self-Learning Module (SLM)
Quarter 1 – Module 6: Gross Margin, Trade Discount and Discount Series
First Edition, 2020
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directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to
understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-
step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teachers are also
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Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part
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tests. Read the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the
tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.
What I Need to Know
Hi there, my dear student! This 6th module will help you master the gross
margin, trade discount and discount series. Getting to understand the relationship
between margin and mark-up is vital for a business. Do the Math wrong and you
may end up losing money without even realizing it. On the other hand, if done right
it can help in planning and implementing your long term and short term strategic
What I Know
Before going through this module, let us find out how much you already know
about gross margin, single trade discount and discount series. After taking and
checking this short test, take note of the items that you were not able to answer
correctly and look for the right answer as you go through this module.
1. What do you call the sales minus the cost of goods sold?
a. mark-down
b. b. margin
c. c. mark-on
d. d. mark-up
2. What do you call the amount the manufacturer deducts from the list price of
the item?
a. discount series
b. margin
c. mark-up
d. trade discount
3. What is the account used to report the selling price of the merchandise?
a. cost of sales
b. list price
c. margin
d. sales
4. A product sells for ₱100 and costs ₱85 to manufacture it. How much is the
margin in percentage?
a. 0.15%
b. 0.85%
c. 15%
d. 85%
5. A seller of books wanted a mark-up based on cost of 20%. If his book costs
₱550, how much will be the mark-up?
a. ₱27.50
b. ₱110
c. ₱2,750
d. ₱11,000
6. Mona sold her craft at a selling price of ₱750. The cost of her craft amounts
to ₱475. What is the gross profit margin?
a. 0.37%
b. 0.58%
c. 37%
d. 58%
7. The list price of an electric fan is ₱1,200. A certain appliance store can buy
the electric fan at the list price less 20%. What is the trade discount?
a. ₱24
b. ₱96
c. ₱240
d. ₱960
8. The list price of an electric fan is ₱1,200. A certain appliance store can buy
the electric fan at the list price less 20%. What is the net price of the electric
a. ₱240
b. ₱960
c. ₱1,104
d. ₱1,176
9. DJ’s regular pork supplier gives her a 5% discount on her meat purchases
every week. If the price of the pork this week is ₱375 per kilo and he is
planning to buy 1.5 kilos, how much trade discount will he receive from this
a. ₱28.13
b. ₱187.50
c. ₱281.50
d. ₱534.37
10. For the year-end party, Joerdan gave each of his 34 classmates a shirt with a
unique design for their class remembrance. He found a supplier who gives
8% discount for a minimum of 25 shirts purchased. The total cost of the
shirts Joerdan purchased amounted to ₱3,910. How much was the unit
selling price of the shirts?
a. ₱105
b. ₱115
c. ₱125
d. ₱135
11. A distributor was able to buy an item for ₱736 after a trade discount series
of 15/10/4. How much was the original selling price of this item?
a. ₱900.18
b. ₱902.18
c. ₱1,000.18
d. ₱1,002.18
12. John found a set of surround sound speakers for his bistro that lists for
₱600 and a trade discount series of 15/10/5. What is the net price that
John will pay?
a. ₱416.05
b. ₱420.05
c. ₱426.05
d. ₱436.05
13. John found a set of surround sound speakers for his bistro that lists for
₱600 and a trade discount series of 15/10/5. How much is the trade
a. ₱183.95
b. ₱179.95
c. ₱173.95
d. ₱163.95
14. Joel found an oval mat cutter that he wants to purchase and use in framing
pictures. It lists for ₱1,500 and has a trade discount series of 30/20/10.
What is the single discount equivalent?
a. 0.40
b. 0.496
c. 0.504
d. 0.60
15. Joel found an oval mat cutter that he wants to purchase and use in framing
pictures. It lists for ₱1,500 and has a trade discount series of 30/20/10.
How much is the trade discount?
a. ₱600
b. ₱744
c. ₱756
d. ₱900
That’s good! You have tried your best. Now, keep going until you have reached
the end of this module
Lesson Gross Margin, Trade
6 Discount and Discount
Hey there! Are you excited to take this 6th module for this quarter? Awesome!
It’s great to know that you are now ready to explore new learning. Recalling your
previous module, you have learned that when you venture on business, you have to
decide on setting the price right.
What’s In
In the 5th module, you have learned how to differentiate mark-on, mark down
and mark-up and obtain mark-on, mark down and mark-up given the price of a
product. So, let’s review on the following terms for you to better understand the
lessons in this module.
₱ 120 ₱ 100
1. 2. 3.
₱ 399
6. 7. 8.
B. Write True if the statement is correct, False if otherwise.
What’s New
How are you doing? Have you recalled the formulas and solutions in solving
mark-up based on cost/selling price? So now, let me introduce to you the new topic
through this next activity. In this activity, you will be able to differentiate mark-up
from margin and understand the key terms involve in the buying and selling
Margin –
1. Numerically, it is
percentage of
selling price.
Markup –
Numerically, it is
a cost multiplier.
Defined as a
Function of:
Margin – Sales.
Markup – Cost.
Expressed from
3. the Perspective
Margin – Seller.
Markup – Cost.
Margin – (selling
price – Cost
price) / Selling
Markup – (selling
price – Cost
price) / Cost price
Discounted price Sale Price
Break Even Price
What is It
You have learned in the previous activity the difference between mark-up and
margins, and some terms/concepts in the buying and selling process.
The focus of our discussion this week will be bigger businesses as compared
to the ones that were discussed last week. This module will focus on the
mathematics of buying and selling. In business situations, it is necessary to find
the missing information. The cost, mark-up, margins, selling price, and discounts
are related so that when any two amounts are known, the third amount can be
Example 1: If a flower pot sells for ₱300 & costs ₱200 to produce, its margin
would be calculated as ₱100. Margin = ₱300 - ₱200 = ₱100. If expressed in
percentage terms, the margin percentage will be 33.33% (calculated as the gross
margin divided by total sales i.e. (₱100/₱300) X 100. This is the mark-up based on
sales or selling price.
The difference between profit margin and mark-up is that profit margin is
sales minus the cost of goods sold; meanwhile, mark-up is the amount by which
the cost is increased on a product to arrive at the selling price.
In this example, the mark-up is the same as the gross profit, or ₱6,000,
because the selling price was ₱15,000 and the cost was ₱9,000 to produce.
However, the mark-up percentage is shown as a percentage of the cost as opposed
to a percentage of revenue with gross margin. Thus, using the same numbers as an
example, the mark-up percentage would be equal to (₱15,000 - ₱9,000) / (₱9,000)
or 66.67%.
Profit margin and mark-up show two different sides of the transaction. The
profit margin shows the profit as it relates to the selling price or the revenue
generated, whereas the mark-up shows the profit as it relates to the cost amount.
Typically, mark-up determines how much money is being made on a specific item
relative to its direct costs, whereas profit margin takes into consideration total
revenues and total costs from various sources and various products.
What is the difference between Single Trade Discount and Discount Series?
How to compute Trade Discount using a Single trade discount rate?
1. Identify the single trade discount rate and the list price.
2. Multiply the list price by the decimal equivalent of the single trade discount
Trade discount = single trade discount rate x list price
Because the trade discount is deducted from the list price to get the net price,
once you know the trade discount, you can calculate the net price.
Example1. What is the net price (N) of a compressor nebulizer with a list price of
₱1,050.00 subject to 15% discount?
To get the discount, we deduct the net price from the list price.
Discount = List price – Net price
= ₱1,050.00 - ₱892.50
= ₱157.50
This checks the result we got when we multiplied the list price by the
discount rate to get the discount.
Example 2. How much is the discount and the net price of a cellular phone listed at
₱5,720.00 if given a 20% and 5% discount?
For a series of discount, there are three methods that we can use.
a. Method 1. Multiply the list price by the first discount rate. The next discount
rate is then applied on the difference between the list price and
the first discount to get the second discount. Then, we deduct
the second discount from the said difference. We continue with
the same process depending on the number of discounts in the
Our total discount is equal to the first discount plus the second discount.
b. Method 2. Deduct the first discount rate from 100% and multiply the list
price by the rate obtained. Deduct the second discount rate from
100% and multiply the first balance obtained by the second
balance rate obtained.