Medi Connect Spiral Model Case Study

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Software Engineering (CSC-502) Dept.

of Computer Engineering

A comprehensive report upon the Software Development Lifecycle for
the project - using the waterfall methodology.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for reducing physical contact
between patients and healthcare providers became more critical. This project
aims to develop MediConnect, a Hospital Management System that facilitates
seamless and contactless interaction between patients and doctors. This project
adopts the Waterfall Model for its development. The Waterfall Model is a linear and
sequential approach where each phase depends on the deliverables of the previous
one. This model is particularly suitable for MediConnect as it provides a
structured and disciplined approach, ensuring that all requirements are clearly
defined before the development begins. The phases include requirements
gathering, system design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance.
Each phase is completed before moving on to the next, ensuring that the final
product is robust, reliable, and meets all specified requirements.
The implementation of MediConnect will not only enhance patient care by
providing flexible and remote consultation options but also improve the efficiency of
healthcare providers, ensuring a more organized and accessible healthcare

1.Developing The MediConnect

1. Technical Feasibility
1.Unit Testing and Integration Testing:Unit Testing: Implement unit tests for individual
components of both the frontend and backend using frameworks typescript. This ensures
that each function or module performs as expected in isolation.

Integration Testing: Use tools like Jest with React Testing Library or Cypress for frontend
integration tests, and Postman or Supertest for backend API testing. Integration tests verify
that different parts of the application work together correctly.

2. End-to-End Testing(Cypress or Selenium): Employ these tools to simulate user

interactions and test the entire application flow from the user's perspective. End-to-end
testing helps in validating the overall functionality of the system.

3. Performance Testing: Load Testing: Use tools like Apache JMeter or Gatling to simulate
high user loads and ensure that the system can handle peak traffic without performance

1 A.Y. 2024 - 25
SoRware Engineering (CSC-502) Dept. of Computer Engineering

2. Economic Feasibility
For a project like MediConnect, economic feasibility includes evaluating initial
costs and long-term benefits. The initial expenses involve several key

Software Tools: Budget approximately $5 to $10for licenses for development

tools, frameworks, and APIs.

Infrastructure Costs:Domain and SSL Certificates: Expect to spend $10 to $15 for
domain registration and SSL certificates to ensure secure data transmission.

Deployment(Testing Tools): Costs for testing tools and services might range from
$5 to $10

Deployment Costs: Additional expenses for deploying and maintaining the

application could be around $40 to $50

Overall, the initial investment for developing, testing, and hosting MediConnect
could be between $35 and $60.

2. Requirement Analysis for MediConnect

1. Functional Requirements
• Appointment Management: Patients can book, reschedule, or cancel
appointments, and doctors can manage their schedules and approve or decline
• Virtual Consultations: Integration with video conferencing tools to enable
online consultations between patients and doctors.
• User Dashboards: Patients and doctors have personalized dashboards to
view and manage appointments, health records, and notifications.

2. Non-Functional Requirements
• Security: Ensure encryption of sensitive data and compliance with healthcare
regulations like HIPAA or GDPR.
• Performance: The system should be responsive and support multiple users
simultaneously with minimal delay.
• Scalability: The platform must be scalable to handle increasing user loads
and data without performance issues.

SIGCE 2 A.Y. 2024 - 25

SoRware Engineering (CSC-502) Dept. of Computer Engineering

The following system design architecture meets the project specifications:

fig. 1.3.1. The System DesignArchitecture

SIGCE 3 A.Y. 2024 - 25

SoRware Engineering (CSC-502) Dept. of Computer Engineering

The project will be developed in three phases: Backend, Frontend, and
Deployment. TypeScript will be the main language of choice, with PostgreSQL as
the database solution. The Backend development will consist of building RESTful
APIs using Node.js (TypeScript), leveraging Express.js for routing and
middleware management. TypeORM or Prisma will be used as an ORM to interact
with the PostgreSQL database, ensuring smooth data management and queries.
In the Backend, additional components will include:
• Authentication Module: Implementing JWT for secure user authentication
and authorization.
• Data Management Module: Handling CRUD operations for managing user
data, appointments, and other resources.
• Integration with Third-Party Services: Such as payment gateways (e.g.,
Stripe) and messaging services.

The maintenance phase of the project will focus on ensuring the continuous
performance, security, and scalability of the MediConnect system after its initial
deployment. This phase includes the following key activities:
1. Regular Updates and Bug Fixes:
1. Implement a systematic process for monitoring and addressing bugs or
issues reported by users.
2. Regularly update the system dependencies, including the TypeScript
language, Node.js, React, and other libraries, to keep up with the latest
features and security patches.
3. Introduce new features based on user feedback or technological
advancements to enhance the system's capabilities.
2. Performance Monitoring and Optimization:
1. Utilize monitoring tools such as Prometheus and Grafana to track
system performance metrics, including response times, server load, and
database performance.
2. Regularly review and optimize queries in PostgreSQL to ensure efficient
data retrieval and storage.
3. Scale the application infrastructure as needed using Kubernetes, adding
or removing resources based on user demand to maintain optimal

SIGCE 4 A.Y. 2024 - 25

Software Engineering (CSC-502) Dept. of Computer Engineering


The development of the MediConnect system represents a significant step

forward in modernizing healthcare delivery by leveraging technology to bridge the
gap between patients and healthcare providers. Through its comprehensive
features, including appointment management, virtual consultations, and
personalized dashboards, MediConnect aims to enhance accessibility, reduce
physical contact, and streamline healthcare processes, particularly in scenarios
where in-person visits are challenging.

By focusing on meticulous planning, including functional and non-functional

requirements, and ensuring thorough maintenance post-deployment, MediConnect
is poised to deliver a reliable, secure, and efficient solution for both patients and
healthcare providers. This project not only meets current needs but is also
designed with future scalability and adaptability in mind, making it a valuable tool
in the evolving landscape of healthcare technology.

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