Learning Journal Unit 4

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Learning Journal Unit 3

Computer Science, University of the People

BUS 1101 - Principles of Business Management

Robin Cooper

Jul 18, 2024

Personal Mission and Vision Statements


As I navigate through my educational and professional journey, it's vital to have a clear

understanding of my personal mission and vision. These statements serve as guiding principles,

providing direction and motivation to achieve my goals. This essay will describe the process and

outcome of creating my personal mission and vision statements using The Five Step Plan

outlined in Chapter 4: Developing Mission, Vision, and Values from the textbook Business

Ethics by Byars and Stanberry (2019). Through this process, I gained insights into my personal

goals and values, and I will share the inspiration behind these statements and their relationship to

my aspirations.

The Five Step Plan

1.Identify Past Successes:

Process: Reflecting on my past achievements, I listed moments where I felt successful, including

academic accomplishments, professional milestones, and personal triumphs.

Outcome: I observed that my successes often involved problem-solving, teamwork, and personal

growth. For instance, successfully managing a complex project at work or excelling in a

challenging course at the University of the People.

2.Identify Core Values:

Process: I created a list of values that are important to me and narrowed it down by considering

what principles guide my decisions and actions.

Outcome: My core values include integrity, perseverance, continuous learning, and innovation.

These values are integral to my identity and influence my behavior and decisions.

3.Identify Contributions:

Process: I contemplated the ways I can contribute to my family, community, and workplace.

Outcome: I realized that my contributions often involve mentoring peers, volunteering in

community activities, and striving for excellence in my role as a packaging operator at Cementos


4. Identify Goals:

Process: I set short-term and long-term goals to understand my aspirations.

Outcome: My goals include completing my degree at the University of the People,

transitioning to a career in software engineering, and continuously improving my skills and


5.Write Mission and Vision Statements:

Process: Using the insights from the previous steps, I crafted statements that encapsulate my

purpose and aspirations.


Mission Statement:
"To drive innovation and excellence in software engineering through continuous learning,

integrity, and collaboration, while empowering others to achieve their potential."

Vision Statement:

"To become a leading software engineer who inspires and mentors others, contributing to

technological advancements that positively impact society."

Insights and Discoveries

Developing my mission and vision statements was a reflective and affirming process. I

discovered a consistent theme of integrity, perseverance, and a passion for learning and

innovation in my life. This exercise highlighted the importance of aligning my actions with my

long-term goals and values. It also provided clarity on my motivation to transition from a

packaging operator to a software engineer, emphasizing the significance of continuous learning

and mentorship.

Inspiration Behind the Statements

The inspiration for my mission and vision statements came from various sources, including my

personal experiences, role models, and educational journey. The support and guidance from my

family and mentors have been instrumental in shaping my aspirations. Additionally, reading

about successful software engineers who prioritize innovation and mentorship has reinforced my

belief in these values.

Relationship Between Goals, Values, and Statements

My personal goals and values are closely linked to my mission and vision statements. The drive

to innovate and excel in software engineering reflects my core values of continuous learning and

integrity. Similarly, my vision of becoming a leading software engineer who inspires others

aligns with my goals of professional advancement and community contribution. These

statements serve as a roadmap, ensuring that my actions and decisions are consistent with my

long-term objectives.

Key Takeaways

This activity underscored the importance of having clear personal mission and vision statements.

They provide direction and motivation, especially during challenging times. The process of self-

reflection was crucial in understanding my true aspirations and aligning them with my daily

actions. Articulating these statements has given me a sense of purpose and clarity, helping me

stay focused on my goals.


Creating personal mission and vision statements is a transformative process that provides clarity

and direction. By following The Five Step Plan, I was able to define my purpose and aspirations

meaningfully. These statements will guide my actions and decisions, ensuring that I remain true

to my values and achieve my goals. The insights gained from this process have been invaluable,

providing a deeper understanding of what drives and inspires me.


Byars, S. M., & Stanberry, K. (2019). Business Ethics. OpenStax College and Rice University.

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