hw02 Solution

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Math 263 Assignment 2 Solutions

1) Find the angle at which the following curves intersect:

r1 (t) = cos t i + sin t j + t k, r2 (t) = (1 + t)i + t2 j + t3 k.
Solution. We first find the point of intersection of the two curves,
by setting
(1) cos t1 = 1 + t2 , sin t1 = t22 , t1 = t32 ,
and solving for t1 and t2 . The first two equations may be combined
to obtain t42 + (1 + t2 )2 = 1, which upon simplification yields
(1 + t22 )(1 + t2 )(1 − t2 ) = (1 + t2 )2 ,
or, (1 + t2 )(1 + t2 − (1 − t2 )(1 + t22 )) = 0,
or, (1 + t2 )(2t2 − t22 + t32 ) = 0,
or, t2 (1 + t2 )(t22 − t2 + 2) = 0.
The two real solutions of the above equation are t2 = 0, −1. Of
these, t2 = −1 is inadmissible since this would imply t1 = −1, and
the pair t1 = t2 = −1 does not satisfy the first two of the displayed
equations in (1). Thus there is only one point of intersection, given
by t1 = t2 = 0.
The tangent vectors to the curves r1 and r2 at the point of inter-
section are given by
r01 (0) = − sin 0i + cos 0j + k = j + k,
r02 (0) = i + 2(0)j + 3(0)2 k = i
respectively. The angle θ between these two vectors can therefore
be computed using the dot product:
r01 (0) · r02 (0) π
cos θ = = 0, so θ= .
|r01 (0)||r02 (0)| 2

2) Evaluate :
i + t sin(πt)j dt.
0 1 + t2
Solution. We compute the two integrals separately:
Z 1 Z 1

1  t=1 π
dt = 1− 2
dt = t − arctan(t) t=0 = 1 − ,
0 1+t 0 1+t 4

1 1
t t=1 1
t sin(πt) dt = − cos(πt) t=0 + cos(πt) dt = .
0 π π 0 π
Note that we have used integration by parts to evaluate the second
integral. Thus the answer is (1 − π/4)i + π1 j. 
3) Find the tangential and normal components of the acceleration vec-
tor of the particle whose position function is given by
ti + t2 j + 3tk.
Solution. Let r(t) = ti + t2 j + 3tk. Then r0 (t) = i + 2tj + 3k, and
r00 (t) = 2j. The tangential and normal components of the accelera-
tion vector, denoted by aT and aN respectively are given by
r0 (t) · r00 (t) 4t
aT = 0
=√ ,
|r (t)| 10 + 4t2
|r0 (t) × r00 (t)| | − 6i + 2k| 40
aN = 0
= √ = .
|r (t)| 10 + 4t2 10 + 4t2

4) A gun is fired with angle of elevation 30◦ . What is the muzzle speed
if the maximum height of the shell is 500 m?
Solution. If v0 denotes the muzzle speed, the parametric equations
of the trajectory of the shell are
x = (v0 cos 30◦ )t, y = (v0 sin 30◦ )t − gt2 .
The maximum height of the shell will be attained when y 0 (t) = 0,
i.e., 21 v0 − gt = 0, or t = v0 /(2g). Setting this value of t into y, we
v02 p
= 500, or v0 = 20 10g meters.

5) Find an equation of the osculating plane of the curve
x = cos 2t, y = t, z = sin 3t
at the point (1, π, 0).
Solution. Let r(t) = cos 2ti + tj + sin 3tk, so r0 (t) = −2 sin 2ti +
j + 3 cos 3tk, and r00 (t) = −4 cos 2ti − 9 sin 3tk. The plane to be
determined passes through the point (1, π, 0) and is perpendicular
to the binormal to the curve at this point. We proceed therefore

to compute the direction of the binormal, which is perpendicular to

both the tangent and normal vectors.
The unit tangent vector T(t) points in the direction of r0 (t) and
the unit normal vector in the direction of T0 (t). More precisely,
r0 (t) r00 (t)
0 d 1
T(t) = 0 , so that T (t) = 0 + r0 (t),
|r (t)| |r (t)| dt |r0 (t)|
r0 (t) × r00 (t)
r0 (t) × T0 (t) = .
|r0 (t)|
Thus the direction of the binormal is the same as that of r0 (t)×r00 (t).
Evaluated at t = π, the cross product in the last line is = (j − 3k) ×
(−4i) = 4(k + 3j). The equation of the osculating plane is therefore
3(y − π) + (1)(z − 0) = 0 or 3y + z = 3π.

6) At what point on the curve x = t3 , y = 3t, z = t4 is the normal
plane parallel to z = 43 (x + y) − 2?
Solution. We need to find the point on the curve where the tangent
vector 3t2 i + 3j + 4t3 k is parallel to the vector 3i + 3j − 4k, i.e.,
3t2 3 4t3
= = , in other words t = −1.
3 3 −4
The point in question is therefore (−1, −3, 1). 

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