CEO Morning Brief 15-February-2023

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W E D N E S day, f e b rua r y 1 5 , 2 0 2 3 w w w. t h e e d g e m a r k e t s.

c o m
I ss u e 5 2 2 / 2 0 2 3

W E D N E S DAY, F E B RUA R Y 1 5 , 2 0 2 3 w w w. t h e e d g e m a r k e t s. c o m
ISSUE 522/2023

CEOMorningBrief HOME: Lynas’ Malaysian rare earths plant faces part closure as regulator keeps curbs p5
Some minority shareholders prefer Time dotCom not to sell stake in data center business p6
Jakel Capital CEO appointed as Cypark director p10
WORLD: Ueda nominated for central bank head as BOJ-favoured ‘outsider’ p14
Ford cutting 3,800 jobs as EV shift shrinks German, UK workforce p17

Reducing govt opex warrants a look into emoluments

Report on Page 3.

MACC to focus on
larger-scale graft cases
as corruption now
systemic, says PM
Report on Page 2.


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main attention is now on investigations that are

MACC to focus more effective [in fighting corruption], and at
the same time restoring public confidence in
on larger-scale fighting corruption,” he said.
Anwar was responding to Tawau Member
graft cases as of Parliament Lo Su Fui and Masjid Tanah
MP Datuk Mas Ermieyati Samsudin’s enquiry
corruption now on the government’s focus and strategies in
fighting corruption through the MACC, and
systemic, says PM his administration’s commitment to improving
legislation to protect whistleblowers.
“I agree with the call [to strengthen the
BY CHESTER TAY Whistleblower Protection Act], because many whistleblowers do not feel safe as they face
pressures,” he said, noting some of the whis­
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14):The Malaysian the Dewan Rakyat that Putrajaya is also look­ tleblowers include civil servants.
Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is di­ ing to strengthen the Whistleblower Protec­ “The government is studying provisions
verting its resources to focus on larger-scale tion Act 2010 in hope of countering fear that that would strengthen the Act and provide
graft cases to be more effective in fighting may come with exposing corruption. protection. We hope to table these enhance­
corruption, which has become systemic, “In the past, too much time and energy ments, [at the] latest in the next Parliament
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim have been spent on paying attention to ‘ikan sitting,” he said, while assuring the enhance­
told Parliament on Tuesday (Feb 14). bilis’ (small fry) — this is not effective, because ments are not meant to facilitate false accu­
Anwar, who is also finance minister, told corruption has become systemic.Therefore, the sations but to provide facts.

Govt will not introduce broad-based consumption tax

KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14): Prime Min­ BY CHESTER TAY ‘I will prevent treason in the form of
ister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim reiterat­ bribery’
ed the government’s stance of not recom­ Meanwhile, Putrajaya MP Mohd Radzi
mending a broad-based consumption tax Earlier, Wong requested the PM to state Md Jidin also asked whether Anwar’s de­
like the goods and services tax (GST) to the latest national debt position, the cause for cision to hold both the portfolios of the
help mend the country’s debt position. the increase every year, and the government’s PM and the Ministry of Finance (MOF)
“What we will tighten is reducing sub­ efforts in tackling the increasing debt. would be susceptible to abuse of power,
sidies to the rich, as what we have done Anwar updated that the national debt and eventually lead to more leakages.
to electricity subsidies,” Anwar told the level now amounts to RM1.5 trillion or Anwar responded by saying there were
Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday (Feb 14). 82% of gross domestic product, while the leakages as well during the Perikatan Na­
Anwar, who is also the country’s finance DSC in 2022 amounted to RM41 billion sional administration, when the porfolios
minister, was responding to a question from or 14% of the government’s revenue. of the PM and the MOF were separated.
Taiping Member of Parliament Wong Kah Anwar said the DSC is expected to be “There is truth to it that during the
Woh on whether the government would in­ RM46 billion this year, equivalent to 16% Barisan Nasional administration, there
troduce any new taxes to address the rising of the government’s revenue. were cases involving leakages like 1MDB
debt service charge (DSC). “In terms of effort, first and foremost is (1Malaysia Development Bhd), but under
“We don’t recommend the reintroduc­ improving governance, because among the the PN administration, much damage was
tion of the GST, or a broad-based con­ expenditure, billions of ringgit lost were due done as well. This was apart from 1MDB,
sumption tax,” said Anwar, adding that to weak management and leakages, which including expenditure in the Jana Wibawa
Putrajaya will seek to expand its revenue resulted in higher debt than growth for the project, flood mitigation projects, and other
stream by growing the economy going country’s economy. leakages, which are under investigation.
forward. “The rest are ensuring that we increase the “The issue is not whether the two [portfo­
“The pipeline of domestic and for­ government’s revenue, and reviewing public lios] are combined or not.The issue is abuse
eign investments should help to expand expenditure without burdening the public, of power to rob the people. Under the unity
our economy [on top of the savings from especially in the sectors of education, health government, I will do my best to prevent
targeted subsidies],” he said. and basic infrastructure,” he said. treason in the form of bribery,” Anwar said.


Reducing govt opex warrants

a look into emoluments
BY PRIYATHARISINY VASU Growing share of emoluments and retirement charges
in government opex
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 15): Last week­ (RM bil) Emoluments Retirement charges % of operating expenditure
end, the Advisory Committee for the fi­ 120 29.1 28.7 120
nance ministry set up by Prime Minister 25.9 27.5
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim underlined its 22.8
100 21 100
primary agenda, which includes advising 18.9
the finance minister on how to reduce the 80 14.1 14.8 80
federal government’s ballooning operating 13.6
expenditure (opex). 60 11.5 52.3 60
45.9 49.2
As the federal government seeks to low­ 44.8 45.5
38.8 41 40.4 40.5
34.9 36 35.9
er its fiscal deficit, opex reduction is one of 40 40
the necessary steps, aside from expanding 38.4
its revenue base, and managing its rising 20 20
spending on blanket subsidies. 46.7 50.1 60 61 66.9 70.1 73.1 77 80 80.5 83 85.9 86.5
Much attention has been given to the 0 0
expected targeted petrol subsidy, as the 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 20221
current blanket subsidy mechanism caused 1 Revised estimate Source: Ministry of Finance
total subsidy bills to jump to RM80 billion
last year, amid elevated oil prices.
However, when one talks about gov­ term fiscal sustainability, the multilateral Kim Leng, professor of economics at Sun­
ernment opex, the elephant in the room bank said. way University Business School.
is in another form: civil servants’ emolu­ “The growing trend in opex, particu­ “Of course, these rigid expenses cannot
ments and pensions that have grown year larly in structural expenditure, crowds out be cut back drastically without impacting
after year. funding of development projects, making the employment situation in the country.
In 2010, RM58.2 billion or 38.4% of it more difficult to achieve development It has to [be] managed in a prudent and
total opex of RM151.6 billion went to goals,” it said. compassionate manner,” said Yeah, who is
paying the salaries and benefits of public “In addition, the already high debt level also a member of the Advisory Committee.
sector workers. (61% of GDP as at end-June 2022) limits “The government has to be tactful and
By 2021, that number grew to a whop­ the government’s ability to increase its bor­ needs to find a balance in innovative ways
ping 52.3% or RM114.9 billion, and is ex­ rowings to fund development spending,” so that it does not reduce the support for
pected to rise to RM115.2 billion in 2022 the bank stressed. civil servant employees in terms of their
(40.5%) and RM119.8 billion in 2023 long-term retirement security,” said Yeah.
(44%), according to the Fiscal Outlook Pension system for future hires needs In order to reduce future pension lia­
and Federal Government Revenue Esti­ to be redesigned bilities, it is crucial for a new scheme to
mates 2023. Datametrics Research and Information be laid out in the nearest term, he added.
It is noted that federal government opex Sdn Bhd managing director Pankaj C Ku­ “It is a legacy system that the government
is funded entirely from its (the federal gov­ mar, when contacted, pointed to the long- has inherited, and it has to deliver on its
ernment’s) revenue. In 2022, the govern­ term impact of a bloated opex on the fed­ promises. Because it is unsustainable in the
ment benefitted from strong oil prices, eral government’s budget. long term, the system has to be redesigned.
wherein Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petro­ In order to make any changes to the What has been committed can continue; go­
nas)’s dividend was raised to RM50 billion, already well-oiled running salary and pen­ ing forward, the government has to come up
from the initially projected RM25 billion . sion scheme, Pankaj said the government with a new system for new employees so that
From 2010 to 2022, despite opex grow­ needs to be honest about whether the civil future liabilities can be reduced,” he said.
ing by 87% (from RM151.6 billion to service is too bloated. Pankaj added that the government
RM284.7 billion in 2022), emoluments “As far as the pension system is con­ could have natural attrition over a peri­
and pensions paid to government workers cerned, the government has to think of ways od of time.
grew faster by 98%. on how to restructure them instead of bal­ “For every two persons retiring, the gov­
The World Bank, in its Malaysia Eco­ looning to the level that it cannot sustain it. ernment should just hire one more.That way,
nomic Report February 2023, said rigid “It will become a burden to the future the number of civil servants will stagnate and
expenditures, namely obligations related generations as well. So all these questions come down. Because in this age, a lot of it
to salaries, pensions and interest payments, require very deep thoughts and political can be done by automation,” he pointed out.
“remain high and are expected to increase will. But it still needs to be done at some Both Pankaj andYeah agreed on moving
in 2023”. point,” Pankaj told The Edge. towards a retirement scheme for the public
The increased spending on these items, However, cutting or drastically mak­ sector that is similar to the Employees Prov­
together with the decline in revenue, re­ ing changes to public sector salaries and ident Fund, as it is the most viable and sus­
main constraints to the government’s fis­ pensions could be politically and socially tainable option to relieve the government of
cal space and pose a challenge to long- destabilising for the country, said Dr Yeah its pension burden for years to come.


KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14): The Malay­ and technology processes for high-per­
sian Investment Development Authority MIDA-approved formance computing solutions.
(MIDA) approved total foreign direct in­ 3. Ferrotec Holdings Corp announced an
vestment (FDI) of RM392.9 billion between FDI at RM392.9 bil investment of over RM500 million for the
2018 and 2021, of which RM300.5 billion construction of new manufacturing facil­
or 76.5% had been realised as at end-2021. for 2018-2021, says ities in the Kulim Hi-Tech Park, Kedah,
“The Ministry of International Trade for electro-mechanical assembly work
and Industry (MITI) will not just focus on deputy minister and fabrication of advanced materials
increasing the value of approved FDI, but for semiconductor equipment.
also intensify the strategy to realise FDI, 4. Smart Glove Holdings Bhd, which pro­
which will translate into economic activities BY CHESTER TAY duces various types of medical gloves
that deliver positive impact on the country,” from nitrile, natural rubber, polychlo­
said Deputy Minister Liew Chin Tong in roprene and other synthetic rubber, ex­
the Dewan Rakyat on Tuesday (Feb 14). going economic situation,” he said, adding panded its production capacity with in­
Liew was responding to Titiwangsa that the official data for approved FDI in vestment amounting to RM2 billion.
Member of Parliament Datuk Seri Johari 2022 will only be finalised by end-March
Abdul Ghani, who asked MITI to state the this year. Projects in 2021:
amount of FDI realised each year versus the Liew also listed some of the high-profile 1. Risen Solar with RM42.2 billion invest­
amount of investment approved by MIDA projects approved below: ment for design development activities
for 2018 to 2022. and manufacturing of solar modules and
Of the total FDI approved between 2018 Projects in January-September 2022: cells.
and 2021, RM350.6 billion were under the 1. Samsung SDI Energy Malaysia Sdn 2. RM30 billion investment approved for
manufacturing sector, followed by RM42.3 Bhd’s establishment of an electric vehi­ Intel Electronics.
billion under the services sector, said the cle battery cell manufacturing facility in 3. RM8.5 billion investment approved for
Iskandar Puteri MP. Malaysia, with a combined investment AT&S, an Austrian company, for design
The DAP lawmaker also said the main of RM7 billion in two phases, where the development and manufacturing of in­
FDI projects realised under the manufac­ first phase involves RM1 billion invest­ tegrated circuit substrate at the Kulim
turing sector were within the electrical and ment, followed by the remaining RM6 Hi-Tech Park, Kedah.
electronic industries, while the major drivers billion in the second phase. 4. SK Nexilis announced its first overseas
for realising FDI in the services sector in 2. TF-AMD Microelectronics Sdn Bhd production base in Sabah, with approved
2018-2021 were sub-sectors like the estab­ announced plans to expand its manu­ investment of RM4.29 billion.
lishment of principal hubs, support services facturing facilities at the Batu Kawan 5. Infineon Technologies (Malaysia)’s
and healthcare services. Industrial Park in Penang, with capital RM3.25 billion investment in Melaka.
“Normally, execution of these projects expenditure of almost RM2 billion, ex­ 6. TaiyoYuden’s RM680 million investment
takes one-to-two years to be realised de­ pecting to create over 3,000 jobs in fields for production of multilayer ceramic ca­
pending on the project’s scale and the on­ like semiconductor engineering, design pacitors in Sarawak.

KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14): Malaysia is He said Mida is committed to attract­

expected to provide up to 4,000 electrical Malaysia targets ing quality investments to support the EV
vehicles (EV) charging points this year, supply chain and Malaysia’s EV ecosystem,
said the Ministry of International Trade to have 4,000 EV particularly in critical components such as
and Industry (Miti). EV batteries, battery management systems,
Miti’s Industrial Development Division charging points battery packs, artificial intelligence, onboard
senior director Datuk Hanafi Sakri said Ma­ charging, charging infrastructure, and mod­
laysia currently has 900 EV charging points. this year, says Miti ular-based battery swapping technology.
“We have a national roadmap for EV “We are optimistic that EVs will become
charging stations where we are targeting more popular and more mainstream, pri­
to have about 10,000 charging stations Bernama marily due to the growing demand for green
by 2025, comprising 1,000 units direct transportation in the Asean region,” he said.
current type and 9,000 units alternating proposed to improve the EV ecosystem, On the same note, the Malaysia Au­
current or slow charging. particularly in terms of EV infrastructure tomotive, Robotics and IoT Institute
“Given the current momentum, I think to the Ministry of Finance (MOF), and (MARii) chairman Datuk Phang Ah Tong
we will be able to achieve the target,” he said hopes that the MOF will consider the pro­ said MARii is also supporting Malaysia’s
during the press conference at Malaysia’s EV posals and that it would be announced in commitment to its zero greenhouse gas
conference 2023 hereon Tuesday (Feb 14). the next budget on Feb 24. (GHG) target by 2050
Under the Low Carbon Mobility Blue­ Meanwhile, in his welcoming remarks, He said the institute offers its support
print 2021-2030, Malaysia aims to have EVs Malaysian Investment Development Au­ in the form of vendor development pro­
and hybrid vehicles account for at least 15% thority (Mida) chief executive officer Da­ grammes such as the Automotive Supplier
of the total industry volume (TIV) by 2030. tuk Wira Arham Abdul Rahman said as Excellence Programme, Lean Production
Hanafi said Miti fully supports the ex­ the co-secretariat of the National EV Task System Programme and Digital Engineer­
tension of the full import and excise duty Force (NEVTF), Mida is aggressively pur­ ing and Prototyping Programme.
exemptions for imported EVs until Dec suing investment opportunities in Malay­
31, 2024. sia and capitalising on prospects to spur
He also added that the ministry has the EV automotive segment. Read the full story


MELBOURNE/KUALA LUMPUR/ REUTERS erating licence remain,” chief executive

BENGALURU (Feb 14): Malaysian reg­ Amanda Lacaze said in the statement.
ulators renewed an operating licence for “We will now proceed with adminis­
Lynas Rare Earths’ Malaysian unit, the trative and legal appeals to ensure that
Australian company said on Tuesday (Feb Lynas is treated fairly and equitably as a
14), but they retained conditions that will foreign direct investor and a significant
prevent Lynas from importing and pro­ employer and contributor to the Malay­
cessing rare earths concentrate after July 1. sian economy.”
Lynas, the world’s biggest producer Under its new permit, Lynas will be
of rare earths outside China, will need to able to continue other parts of processing
close the cracking and leaching part of its until March 2026.
rare earths processing plant if the condi­ Lynas had applied to Malaysia’s reg­
tions are not removed before then, it said ulator for the conditions to be removed
in a securities filing to the stock exchange. because they “represent a significant var­
Malaysia’s government has raised con­ iation from the conditions under which...
cerns about radiation levels from the pro­ Lynas made the initial decision to invest
cess of cracking and leaching. in Malaysia”, it said.
“Lynas is not allowed to carry out any The decision puts a greater focus on the

Lynas’ Malaysian
activities that will produce radioactive construction timeline for Lynas’ cracking
waste in Malaysia after July 2023,” Ma­ and leaching facility in central Australia,

rare earths plant

laysia’s Science, Technology and Innova­ broker Canaccord said in a report, with
tion Minister Chang Lih Kang said in a Lynas able to use stockpiles for a time if

faces part closure

statement on Facebook on Tuesday. the plant is not ready by July 1.
But two International Atomic Energy Lynas ships rare earths concentrate to

as regulator
Agency reviews found the plant to be low Malaysia from its Mount Weld operations
risk and compliant with relevant regula­ in Central Australia where it is building the

keeps curbs
tions, Lynas noted. processing plant in the town of Kalgoorlie
The decision raises the prospect of to add capacity and mitigate Malaysia’s
an interruption to supply of neodymium regulatory risk.
and praseodymium (NdPr), which are “After the market fully digests this
used in magnets as crucial components BY MELANIE BURTON, ROZANNA LATIFF news, we see investor focus return to
of everything from iPhones to weapons & ROUSHNI NAIR the significant long-term value LYC of­
systems, later this year. Reuters fers, its strategic asset base and market
“After 10 years of safe operation in Ma­ leading position (ex China) in the NdPr
laysia we are disappointed that the con­ market,” Canaccord said, maintaining its
ditions that were applied to our 2020 op­ buy rating.

BENGALURU (Feb 14): India’s state- HAL is targeting export sales of 25 bil­

India’s HAL
owned Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd is in lion Indian rupees (US$302.15 million)
talks with at least four countries to sell its over the next few years, its director of op­

in talks on
light-combat aircraft, though it faces an up­ erations Jayadeva EP told Reuters.
hill battle to win the contract in Malaysia, the India has been one of the world’s biggest

Tejas fighter jet

company’s top executive said on Tuesday. importers of defence equipment for dec­
Malaysia has shortlisted the Tejas light ades, but it has punched below its weight

exports, faces
fighter jet for an order of around 16 planes, in the global arms export market.
and Argentina, Egypt and Botswana have Prime Minister Narendra Modi on

Malaysia setback
also expressed interest, HAL chairman and Monday set out ambitions to more than
managing director CB Ananthakrishnan triple the value of annual defence exports
told reporters at a conference during Aero to US$5 billion over the next two years,
India, the country’s biggest aviation event. and his government has been making dip­
He said in Malaysia, there had been BY KRISHN KAUSHIK lomatic efforts to export the Tejas.
a “slight setback” amid stiff competition Reuters The Indian government in 2021 gave
with a Korean rival. a US$6 billion contract to HAL for 83 of
“We have not received anything in black the locally produced Tejas jets for delivery
and white, but we are hearing that Koreans starting around 2023 — four decades
will get the order,” Ananthakrishnan said. after the design began in 1983.
“Notwithstanding that, still we are making out The Tejas has been beset by design and
attempts to push through our product.” other challenges, and was once rejected by
HAL is also in talks with the Philip­ the Indian Navy as too heavy.
pines to sell its light-combat helicopters, HAL plans to use the General Elec­
he added. tric-manufactured 414 engine on a sec­
“There is a lot of interest generated in ond generation of light-combat aircraft,
the global aerospace market. Sooner or later, Ananthakrishnan said, adding that it was
we will have a breakthrough order,” he said. in talks to produce those engines in India.
w e d n e s d ay f e b r u a ry 1 5 , 2 0 2 3 6 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

DNeX’s largest
sells stake to
exit Theta Edge
by justin lim

Some minority
The Edge that TDC can leverage its bal-
ance sheet to pay dividends and under-

take organic and inorganic expansion of
its data center business in the ASEAN re-

prefer Time
gion, including the option to form partner-
ships and joint ventures with global data

dotCom not to
center players, without divesting AIMS
and de-consolidating its high growth data

sell stake in data

center assets in the accounts.
“Shareholder activism is all about be-

center business
ing able to exercise your rights as a share-
holder. And if a minority shareholder has
concerns, he/she should ask the relevant KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14): Da-
questions at the EGM and hold the Board gang NeXchange Bhd (DneX)’s
by Priyatharisiny Vasu accountable,” Minority Shareholder Watch largest shareholder Arcadia Acres Group’s (MSWG) CEO Devanesan Ev- Sdn Bhd has ceased to be a substan-
anson commented when contacted by tial shareholder in Theta Edge Bhd.
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14): TIME dot- The Edge. Arcadia disposed of its entire
Com Bhd’s board will be seeking share- However he added it is important to ap- 16.53% stake in Theta Edge, com-
holders’ approval at its EGM on Wednes- preciate that there may not be unanimous prising 19.5 million shares, on Tues-
day (Feb 15) to sell its major stake in its views among the minority shareholders. day (Feb 14), according to a bourse
data center business to US infrastructure “Some may see value in the transaction filing.
investor DigitalBridge Group for RM2 bil- while some may not. What is important is The disposal consideration for the
lion cash. they act according to their honest beliefs. shares was not disclosed. Based on
The proposal is to pave the way to form The law provides rights to shareholders Theta Edge’s closing price of 70 sen
a partnership with DigitalBridge to further and they should use these rights if they on Tuesday, the 19.5 million shares
grow capital-intensive data center business, feel truly aggrieved,” he said. would be worth RM13.65 million.
in which TDC will be holding a smaller Pulau Kapas Ventures Sdn Bhd is the Arcadia had emerged as the sec-
30% stake. largest shareholder in TDC with 28.91% ond largest shareholder of Theta
Furthermore, the stake sale will help shareholding, followed by Khazanah Na- Edge after it acquired a 30.31%
unlock the value of TDC’s data center sional Bhd at 10.65%, Kumpulan Wang stake (32.5 million shares) in the IT
business. TDC intends to allocate RM1 Persaraan Diperbadankan (KWAP) has systems integration and telecommu-
billion for dividend. This will translate into 5.79%, and AIA Bhd has 5.32%. The top nication engineering services group
a dividend per share of 54 sen based on four shareholders collectively hold 50.67% on March 31, 2021.
issued share capital of 1.8 billion shares. stake in TDC. Arcadia subsequently trimmed its
However, some minority shareholders For the third quarter ended Sept 30, stake to 18.18% in October last year
are resisting the proposal. 2022, TDC’s net profit increased by via the disposal of some 13 million
To recap, TDC will sell 49% of the 18.1% to RM118.74 million compared Theta Edge shares.
ordinary shares and 100% of the irre- with RM100.54 posted in the same pe- A separate filing showed that the
deemable convertible preference shares riod in 2021. tranche was sold to Threadstone
in AIMS Data Centre Holding, and 21% Quarterly revenue increased 17.53% Capital Sdn Bhd.
of the ordinary shares in AIMS Data Cen- to RM407.57 million against RM346.76 Currently, Lembaga Tabung Haji
tre (Thailand) Ltd, according to the com- in 3Q21 driven by growth in retail and remains as the largest shareholder in
pany’s filing with Bursa Malaysia on Nov wholesale segment as well as continued Theta Edge, with a 30% stake com-
22 last year. healthy demand for its data and data center prising 32.18 million shares.
Some minorities raised concerns that offerings. Theta Edge’s share price has
upon divestment of AIMS, TDC will In the past year TDC’s share price has been on a downtrend since it hit
de-consolidate the high growth data center climbed 32% to RM5.30, and since the its peak of RM2.19 on Oct 8, 2021.
segment and thus the company may be announcement of the proposed divestment The stock closed up 0.5 sen or
losing a positive catalyst for its share price the share price has gained 8.18%. 0.72% at 70 sen on Tuesday, giv-
to appreciate. At Tuesday’s close TDC shares were un- ing the group a market capitalisation
A minority shareholder, who declined changed at RM5.30, giving the company of RM83 million.
to be named, wrote in a statement sent to a market capitalization of RM9.74 billion.
w e d n e s d ay f e b r u a ry 1 5 , 2 0 2 3 7 TheEdge CEO morning brief

h o m e

MyEG’s Asia Internet is a private vehicle of My-

EG’s managing director Wong Thean Soon, Cengild plans
better known as TS Wong. He emerged as
a Cuscapi shareholder in 2019. special issue to
shareholder Asia
Wong currently holds a direct stake of
13.209% in Cuscapi and an indirect stake comply with
Internet buys
of 8.111% through Asia Internet, making
him the biggest shareholder holding direct shareholding
8.8% stake in
and indirect stake of 21.32%.
The other substantial shareholders are requirement
Ultimate Quality Success, holding a 14.55%
stake; and Cuscapi’s executive chairman Jay-
akumar Panneer Selvam, with a 7.44% stake. by Izzul Ikram
Cuscapi’s share price closed 0.5 sen
by Syafiqah Salim higher at 22 sen on Tuesday (Feb 14), translating into a market capitalisation of KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14): Healthcare
RM207.87 million. service provider Cengild Medical Bhd has
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14): Asia Inter- MyEG ended the trading session in the proposed to undertake a special issue of
net Holdings Bhd, the largest single share- green — up 3.31% at 62.5 sen — valuing new shares to Bumiputera investors, to
holder in MyEG Services Bhd, bought it at RM4.67 billion. The stock regained comply with the Bumiputera equity con-
some 83.25 million shares, or 8.811% some lost ground after MyEG announced dition to be listed on the ACE Market.
stake, in point-of-sale system provider that vehicle owners and drivers will still It plans to issue 118 million new
Cuscapi Bhd. be able to renew road taxes and driving shares, or 12.6% of its enlarged issued
Asia Internet bought the block of shares licences through its existing channels. share base of 936.8 million, at an issue
via the direct business transaction on Feb MyEG’s shares have been bogged down price to be announced later.
10, according to the company’s filing to by heavy selling since last week, after news At an illustrative price of 45 sen —
Bursa Malaysia. It is not known from reports said that the Immigration Depart- a 9.09% discount to the five-day vol-
whom Asia Internet bought the shares. ment could directly handle all immigration ume-weighted average market price of
Coincidentally, Radio Port Ltd — an transactions from 2025. Wong, who holds Cengild shares up to and including Jan
offshore company — sold out its 6.02% a 12.13% stake in MyEG, bought five mil- 31, 2023, of 49.5 sen — the special is-
stake, or 56.9 million shares, in Cuscapi, lion shares in the group when MyEG’s sue is expected to raise RM53.1 million.
a separate filing to the exchange showed. share price was heading lower. Cengild’s special issue comes after the
Securities Commission Malaysia (SC)
on Jan 17 approved the company’s re-
sultant equity structure, pursuant to the
EPF trims its MyEG stake to below 5% proposed special issue under the equity
requirement for public listed companies.
The group was listed on the ACE Mar-
by Syafiqah Salim ket back in April last year, on condition that it will allocate 12.5% of its enlarged number
of issued shares to Bumiputera investors
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14):The Employ- within one year after achieving the profit
ees Provident Fund (EPF) has ceased to be requirement for companies seeking listing
a substantial shareholder of MyEG Services on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia.
Bhd after it sold 39.05 million shares, the Of the proceeds, Cengild said
company’s filing with Bursa Malaysia shows. RM51.94 million has been earmarked for
The shares were sold on Feb 10. How- MyEG’s share price recouped some lost the healthcare services provider’s work-
ever, the transaction price was not disclosed ground on Tuesday after the company clar- ing capital, while the remaining RM1.16
in the filing. ified that vehicle owners and drivers will million is to be utilised for the exercise’s
EPF had begun reducing its stake in still be able to renew their road taxes and estimated expenses.
MyEG since Feb 7 when it sold 49.65 mil- driving licences through existing channels. The shares will be issued to Bumi-
lion shares plus an additional 65.98 million At Tuesday’s closing, MyEG’s share putera investors to be identified, and ap-
shares on Feb 8. price was 3.31% higher at 62.5 sen, with proved by the Ministry of International
Meanwhile, Kumpulan Wang Persaraan a market capitalisation of RM4.67 billion. Trade and Industry.
Diperbadankan (KWAP) also sold 1.51 mil- “After Cengild Medical’s listing on the
lion shares in MyEG on Feb 10. ACE Market… the company has achieved
As MyEG share price remains low, the Read also: the profit requirement based on its audit-
company continued to buy back more ed profit after tax of RM9.39 million for
shares on the open market. MyEG’s Zetrix partners Uni Malaya the financial year ended June 30, 2022
On Tuesday (Feb 14), it bought back and CAICT in Malaysia-China G2G (FY2022),” Cengild said in a filing, add-
an additional two million shares at 63 sen programme ing that it is thus required to comply with
apiece for RM1.26 million, according to the Bumiputera equity condition by June
the group’s filing. 30, 2023.
In total, MyEG has spent RM5.4 million MyEG still facilitating road tax, driving
for eight million shares in its share buyback. licence renewals
Read the full story
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KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14): Betamek that Perodua, its major customer, contin-
Bhd has secured contracts worth RM123.5 ues to see rising demand for its vehicles.

bags Perodua
million to supply various electronics parts “Our partnership with Perodua spans
for a new Perodua model. over two decades, and we are delighted to

contracts worth
In a statement on Tuesday (Feb 14), the continue our relationship by supplying our
electronics manufacturing services (EMS) latest technology for the company’s latest

RM123.5 mil
provider said its unit Betamek Electronics vehicle models,” he added.
(M) Sdn Bhd on Monday received the let- As of January 2023, Perodua had
ter of appointment from Perusahaan Oto- 220,000 outstanding bookings to be ful-
mobil Kedua Sdn Bhd (Perodua). filled.
It said the supply of these parts com- by surin murugiah The car manufacturer recently an-
menced in the fourth quarter of the fi- nounced that it is looking to maximise its
nancial year ending March 31, 2023 production to 330,000 units and sales to
(4QFY2023), and is for a duration of six 314,000 units this year, underpinned by
years. outstanding orders carried forward from
The contracts are expected to contrib- last year as well as continued demand for
ute positively to earnings of the group its vehicles so far this year.
over a six-year period, commencing from The production target is 14.2% high-
FY2023, it said. er than Perodua’s 2022 tally of 289,054
Betamek managing director Mirzan vehicles produced, while the sales target
Mahathir said the company, which pro- is 11.3% higher than the 282,019 units
vides one-stop EMS solutions to automo- sold last year.
tive makers, is optimistic that demand for Betamek shares settled up 5.5 sen or
its vehicle audiovisual products and vehicle 10.28% at 59 sen, giving it a market cap-
accessories will continue to grow, given italisation of RM265.5 million.

MR DIY posts
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14): MR DIY FY2022 to 2.4 sen, compared with 2.95
Group (M) Bhd reported a marginal in- sen for FY2021.

flat 4Q net profit,

crease in net profit to RM136.08 million For FY2022 as a whole, MR DIY’s
for the fourth quarter ended Dec 31, 2022 cumulative net profit increased 9.52% to

declares lower
(4QFY2022), from RM134.55 million a RM472.95 million, from RM431.83 million
year earlier, on the back of a higher revenue. in FY2021. Full-year revenue rose 18.15%

interim dividend
Quarterly revenue rose 9.27% to to RM3.99 billion from RM3.37 billion.
RM1.07 billion from RM975.39 million The group said that given persistent
in 4QFY2021, driven by positive sales con- cost pressures, its price adjustments to
tributions from new stores, which grew its core product offering have led to the
20% year-on-year from 900 stores to 1,080 by justin lim improvement in gross profit margins in
stores, leading to a 15.2% increase in total 4QFY2022 compared to earlier in the year.
transactions to 38.1 million. “We have been fortunate to have de-
However, profit after tax was impact- 26.8%, led by higher staff costs, utility ex- livered continuous growth with revenue
ed by one-off prosperity corporate tax penses, and the depreciation of right-of-use reaching the RM4 billion mark on the
of RM10.2 million on subsidiaries with assets, which largely corresponded with an strength of consistent quarterly and annual
chargeable income above RM100 million, increase in the number of stores from con- performances,” said MR DIY chief exec-
the home improvement retailer said in a tinued business expansion, the group said. utive officer Adrian Ong in a statement.
filing with Bursa Malaysia. MR DIY declared an interim dividend He added that the group is optimistic
Profitability was also dragged by higher of 0.6 sen — compared with 0.9 sen paid a about its prospects going forward, given
administrative and other operating expens- year ago — to be paid on March 24, with the positive post-pandemic sentiment.
es. Administrative expenses rose 34.2% March 2 as the ex-date. “The more favourable freight environ-
while other operating expenses increased This brings the total dividend for ment and the strengthening of the Ma-
laysian ringgit against both the US dollar
and Chinese renminbi also favour a better
performance. [However] there are still con-
cerns on the impact on household income
given rising interest rate and increases in
cost of living,” he said.
Ong said the group has targeted to open
another 180 new stores in 2023, to bring
the nationwide total to over 1,200.
Shares in MR DIY closed two sen or
1.13% lower at RM1.75 on Tuesday (Feb
14), giving the group a market capitalisa-
tion of RM16.51 billion. Over the past one
year, the counter has depreciated 29.7%
from RM2.49.
w e d n e s d ay f e b r u a ry 1 5 , 2 0 2 3 9 TheEdge CEO morning brief
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companies, and the chief executive officer of

its investment arm, Jakel Capital Sdn Bhd.
“He had served in various senior posi- Anzo
tions at public-listed companies, the last
being the head, group corporate finance regulariastion
of Symphony House Bhd where he led
multiple corporate exercises leading to its plan deadline
successful reverse take-over and manage-
ment buyout in 2015 and subsequently the
postponed, shares
merger of its corporate services business
in 2018,” said Cypark in a bourse filing.
suspended from
Jakel Capital emerged as Cypark’s larg- Feb 21
Jakel Capital CEO
est shareholder last month after acquiring
a 27.33% stake via a private placement.

appointed as
The emergence of the investment arm by izzul ikram
of textile trading and property developer

Cypark director
Jakel Group as a shareholder of Cypark
led to Cypark’s share price more than dou- KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14): Anzo
bling in value. This prompted an unusual Holdings Bhd, which has been clas-
market activity query by Bursa Malaysia. sified as an affected listed issuer, has
by syafiqah salim Meanwhile, Cypark on Tuesday also ap- been granted a further extension un- pointed Mohd Adzahar Abdul Wahid as an til April 30 to submit its regularisa-
independent and non-executive director. tion plan to the relevant authorities.
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14): Cypark Re- He was a former director of Symphony The extension is subject to the ap-
sources Bhd has appointed J Muhammad House, Kencana Petroleum Bhd, Sapura pointment of a principal adviser by
Ashraf Muhammad Amir as its non-inde- Kencana Petroleum Bhd, Edra Global En- the loss-making integrated contractor
pendent and non-executive director, effec- ergy Bhd and TH Plantations Bhd. and timber service provider by March.
tive Tuesday (Feb 14). Cypark shares dropped 10 sen or 8.77% In the meantime, trading in Anzo
Muhammad Ashraf, 36, is the group to RM1.04 on Tuesday, valuing the renew- shares will be suspended from Feb
chief investment officer of Jakel group of able energy firm at RM804.03 million. 21, the group said in a bourse filing.
Bursa Securities said Anzo faced
delisting if it fails to submit its reg-
ularisation plan within the extended

Top Builders
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14): Bursa Secu- timeframe, or fails to obtain approval
rities has granted Practice Note 17 (PN17) and implement the plan within a time-

granted six-
company Top Builders Capital Bhd a six- frame stipulated by the authorities.
month extension to submit its regularisa- Last year, Anzo was granted a six-

month extension
tion plan to regulatory authorities. month extension to submit its regular-
According to a Bursa Malaysia filing on isation plan, from April 10 to Oct 31.

to submit
Tuesday (Feb 14), the new deadline for the On Oct 31, the group applied for
piling and engineering group to submit its a further six-month extension until

regularisation plan
regularisation plan to the Securities Com- April 30 this year to submit the plan.
mission Malaysia (SC) or Bursa Securities Anzo was classified as an affected
has been extended to June 29, 2023. listed issuer in October 2019, after
On Jan 3 the group had requested a its revenue on a consolidated basis
three-month extension from Dec 29, 2022. by izzul ikram represented 5% or less than its share
On Dec 1 last year, the company said capital based on the unaudited fi-
it was still in the midst of formulating a nancial statements for the financial
regularisation plan to address its financial However, its unaudited financial state- year ended July 31, 2019.
condition. ments for FY2022 also showed that its cur- More recently, the group reported
Top Builders fell into PN17 status in rent liabilities exceeded its current assets a higher net loss of RM27.71 million
June 2020, when the group’s external au- by RM108.55 million. for the year ended Sept 30, 2022, com-
ditor KPMG PLT expressed doubts over Top Builders previously posted three pared with RM24.33 million a year pri-
the company’s ability to continue as a going consecutive financial years of net losses — or, while revenue declined to RM23.03
concern as its current liabilities exceeded RM239.1 million in FY2021, RM144.35 million from RM29.96 million.
its current assets by RM21.6 million. million in FY2019 and RM26.93 million The FY2022 revenue of RM23.03
At the same time, the company’s equity in FY2018. million represented 14.71% of its
on a consolidated basis was less than 25% On Dec 30, 2020, the group had share capital of RM156.57 million
of its share capital. changed its financial year end from Dec for that year. Anzo has been in the
More recently, Top Builders’ unaudit- 31 to June 30. red since FY2013.
ed financial results for the financial year Trading of Top Builders shares has been Shares in Anzo finished half a
ended June 30, 2022 (FY2022) indicat- suspended since Nov 8 last year pending sen or 33.33% higher at two sen on
ed it had returned to the black with a net the submission of its FY2021 annual re- Tuesday (Feb 14), giving the group
profit of RM150.39 million on the back port. The counter last traded at two sen, a market capitalisation of RM22.32
of an approved scheme of arrangement. giving the group a market capitalisation million.
Revenue stood at RM19.63 million. of RM14.1 million.
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was part of donation programmes for school

Shah Alam Umno uniforms for orphans.
All offences were allegedly committed Samaiden
division chief in September 2017 in Klang.
The charges, framed under Section 403 unit receives
pleads not guilty of the Penal Code, are punishable under
the same Act. two notices of
to six charges of If found guilty, Azhari could face im-
prisonment of between six months and arbitration for
misappropriation five years, and whipping. He is also liable
to a fine. RM12.21 mil
and forgery He was also slapped with three charges
of using forged documents on three sepa-
rate instances in May 2010. Charged under by Lam Jian Wyn
by Tarani Palani Section 471 of the Penal code, he faces im- prisonment for a term which may extend to
two years, or a fine, or both. KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14): Sa-
SHAH ALAM (Feb 14): Shah Alam Umno Charged before Sessions Court judge maiden Group Bhd’s wholly owned
division chief Datuk Azhari Shaari on Tues- Rozilah Salleh, Azhari pleaded not guilty subsidiary Samaiden Sdn Bhd (SSB)
day (Feb 14) pleaded not guilty to six counts and claimed trial. has received two notices of arbitra-
of misappropriation and forgery involving Deputy public prosecutor Allan Suman tion from Ditrolic Sdn Bhd concern-
“ibadah korban” programme funds total- Pillai prosecuted, while the Umno division ing claims for two work packages
ling RM440,000. chief was represented by Ashok Kandiah worth a combined RM12.21 million.
Azhari, 52, was charged with three counts Shanmuganathan. In a filing to Bursa Malaysia, the
of dishonest misappropriation of property Speaking to The Edge, Allan Suman con- Ace Market-listed company said
worth RM240,000 allocated for the Batu firmed that the court set RM80,000 bail SSB had been appointed as a sub-
Tiga and Kota Anggerik state legislative as- with two sureties, and ordered the accused contractor for the work packages,
semblies’ “Korban Perdana programmes”, to surrender his passport. which were part of a 100 megawatt
as well as misappropriating RM200,000 that The case is fixed for mention on April 13. alternating current large scale solar
photovoltaic plant project in Keri-
an, Perak.
SSB had issued four adjudication
KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14): The Sessions claims for the packages against Dit-
Court here was told on Tuesday (Feb 14) that Rozman’s father, rolic. The adjudicator decided that
former Labuan Member of Parliament Da- Ditrolic was to pay RM2.68 million
tuk Rozman Isli’s father and younger brother younger brother in respect of the first work package
were shareholders with the lowest shares in (WP3) and RM1.46 million for the
Labuan Liberty Port Management Sdn Bhd hold lowest shares second work package (WP4) to SSB.
(LLPM), which is the temporary operator of The second adjudication for both
the Labuan Federal Territory Merdeka Port in LLPM, work packages is currently ongoing.
Terminal. “... the adjudicated sums have not
Assistant Registrar of Companies at the says witness been received by SSB from Ditrolic
Marketing and Business Development Di- subsequent to the adjudication deci-
vision of the Companies Commission of sion. SSB had subsequently issued
Malaysia, Adlin Shahira Mohd Roslan, 31, Bernama the necessary notices pursuant to
said Isli Siput and Tony Noolan each owned CIPAA [the Construction Industry
31,250 units of the company’s three million public body, the Deputy Chairman of the La- Payment and Adjudication Act 2012]
paid-up shares. buan Port Authority, to have used his position on Jan 5, 2023 for WP3, Jan 13, 2023
“The information is based on the compa- to obtain gratification, namely an employ- and Jan 16, 2023 for WP4, to both
ny’s annual report for a period of four years, ment contract as the operator for Dermaga Ditrolic and the project owner, i.e.
namely 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020,” she said Merdeka Pelabuhan Labuan for LLPM, in Kerian Solar Sdn Bhd for direct pay-
when reading out her witness statement at which his father and younger brother have ment of both adjudicated sums to be
Rozman’s trial for allegedly using his position an interest in. made by the project owner to SSB
to obtain bribes, namely an employment con- The offence was allegedly committed at within 14 days. However, to date, no
tract as an operator of Labuan Port Merde- the TKSU Meeting Room, Level 9, Ministry payment has been received by SSB
ka Dock for LLPM, in which his father and of Transport Malaysia, Jalan Tun Hussein, from either Ditrolic or the project
younger brother have an interest. Precinct 4, Putrajaya, between 2.30pm and owner,” said Samaiden.
The 22nd prosecution witness told the 5.30pm on March 21, 2018. On Feb 8, SSB received notices of
court that the annual report was supplied by He is charged under Section 23(1) of the arbitration from Ditrolic concerning
SSM, following a request from the Malay- MACC Act and can be punished under Sec- the disputes, with estimated claims
sian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). tion 24(1) of the same Act, which carries a of RM8.12 million and RM4.09 mil-
Cross-examined by lawyer Muhammad maximum sentence of 20 years in prison and lion for the work packages.
Rafique Rashid Ali, representing Rozman, Ad- a fine of five times the value of the bribe, or
lin Shahira said Rozman’s father and younger RM10,000, whichever is higher, if convicted.
brother each held 1.04% shares in LLPM. The hearing before judge Rozina Ayob Read the full story
Rozman, 59, is charged as an official of a continues on March 6.
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news In brief

reuters Anwar: Process of reinstating

Malaysia, Indonesia to ink halal Parliamentary Services Act should
industry pact in June be expedited
JAKARTA (Feb 14): Malaysia and KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14): Prime
Indonesia are expected to sign a Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim
memorandum of cooperation (MOC) said the process of reinstating the
in June to encourage halal sector trade Parliamentary Services Act should be
between the two nations, said the expedited to ensure that Parliament
Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs. is free from executive power. He said
Its secretary-general Nizar Ali said the Parliament’s transformation effort is also
ministry’s Halal Product Assurance vital to maintain democracy and freedom
Agency and the Department of Islamic of expression in the country. “It has to
Development Malaysia (Jakim) had been and the director of Malaysia’s Halal be expedited. The attorney general has
negotiating on the MOC since the middle Council,” he said in a statement. Malaysia been notified. Some issues are being
of 2022 and the draft was finalised in and Indonesia are among the Organisation scrutinised and need to be simplified, so
January. “The MOC’s draft has already of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries as not to avoid problems when we table
been finalised, and any revisions must listed among the top 20 halal export it [in Parliament],” he said after attending
be discussed together with Indonesia’s countries in the 2022 Annual OIC Halal the prime minister-meets-senators
Halal Product Assurance Agency, Jakim Economy Report 2022. — Bernama programme in Parliament on Tuesday
(Feb 14). The Act, which was first enacted
in 1963 and repealed in 1992, had to be
Selangor Information Technology restored to give Parliament autonomy
and Digital Economy Corp to select over its administration, and to enable it
10 start-ups to pitch in Silicon Valley to play the role of check and balance in
in April monitoring the government’s executive
SHAH ALAM (Feb 14): The Selangor power for the benefit of the people and
Information Technology and Digital the nation, according to Anwar. — Bernama
Economy Corporation (Sidec) will select
the 10 best tech start-ups to represent SCIB terminates RM56 mil EPCC
Malaysia at pitching showcases in both the contract in Indonesia
Silicon Valley and Washington DC, United KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14): Sarawak
States (US), this April. Its chief executive Nga: Six criteria to strengthen town Consolidated Industries Bhd (SCIB) has
officer, Yong Kai Ping, said the 10 start- planning provisions, policies terminated a proposed engineering,
ups would be selected under the Pitch KUALA LUMPUR (Feb 14): The Ministry of procurement, construction and
Malaysia USA Series 2023, the pinnacle Local Government Development is committed commissioning (EPCC) project worth
programme by Sidec aimed at highlighting to strengthening town planning provisions RM55.59 million, involving earthworks
the country’s promising start-ups and place and policies by focusing on six development for the Prabumulih-Muara Enim tolled
them in the spotlight of global investors to criteria. Minister Nga Kor Ming said the road in Sumatera, Indonesia. The civil
scale globally. Yong said the start-ups from ministry, through the Town and Country engineering specialist’s wholly owned
all states can send their applications from Planning Department (PLANMalaysia), will unit SCIB International (Labuan) Ltd
Feb 20 until March 10, and the 10 start- focus on connectivity of neighbourhoods, (SCIBILL) issued a notice of termination
ups selected will be announced on March sustainable township planning, multi-sized to PT Cipta Multi Sarana (PTCMS) on
16. He said the criteria for companies open spaces, visual permeability as passive Monday (Feb 13), amid a lack of progress
applying for Pitch Malaysia include being security, adaptation of renewable energy, in the project arising from Covid-19
incorporated for fewer than 10 years; and sustainable communities. He said the pandemic uncertainties and initiatives to
raising US$500,000 from a venture matter requires continued effort from various review and update SCIB’s order books.
capitalist firm or an institutional investor; parties, including local experts, to strengthen SCIBILL secured the EPCC project from
generating at least US$1 million in revenue the quality of town development planning, PTCMS in August 2020. SCIB managing
over the last 12 months; and developing and to turn it into a platform to share director Rosland Othman said there are
new technology, products or services, experiences and hold discussions on national no penalties or liquidated ascertained
provide disruptive innovations and scaling development planning policies. It is hoped damages to SCIBILL over the termination
new markets. — Bernama to also strengthen strategic partnerships, of the project. This is not the first contract
and act as a foundation in the preparation of termination by SCIB this year. In late
the Town Development Planning Provisions, January, the group withdrew from EPCC
Policies and Guidelines Implementation contracts involving a specialist hospital
Guide. “Besides the sharing of housing project in Johor Bahru. The group is also
expertise abroad, such as with the Housing proposing a 10% private placement to
and Development Board [of Singapore], the raise up to RM10.98 million mainly for
ministry is also ready to accept the views repayment of bank borrowings and to fund
and knowledge-sharing from local housing its working capital requirements. — by
experts,” he said in a statement on Tuesday Syafiqah Salim
(Feb 14). — Bernama
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US inflation stays
WASHINGTON (Feb 14): US consumer losing steam, and the strength of the labour
prices rose briskly at the start of the year, a market continues to pose upside risks to

elevated, adding
sign of persistent inflationary pressures that wage growth and service prices.
could push the Federal Reserve to raise The details of the report showed shelter

pressure for more

interest rates even higher than previously was “by far” the largest contributor to the
expected. monthly advance, accounting for almost

US Fed hikes
The overall consumer price index half of the rise. Used car prices — a key
climbed 0.5% in January, the most in three driver of disinflation in recent months —
months and bolstered by energy and shelter fell for a seventh month. Energy prices rose
costs, according to data out Tuesday from for the first time in three months. Shelter
the Bureau of Labor Statistics.The measure by Reade Pickert, Augusta Saraiva costs, which are the biggest services com-
was up 6.4% from a year earlier. Excluding & Chris Middleton ponent and make up about a third of the
food and energy, the so-called core CPI ad- Bloomberg overall CPI index, rose 0.7% last month.
vanced 0.4% last month and was up 5.6% Owners’ equivalent rent and rent of prima-
from a year earlier. Economists see the gauge ing consumer resilience, underscore the ry residence increased by the same amount,
as a better indicator of underlying inflation durability of the economy — and price while hotel stays also climbed.
than the headline measure. pressures — despite aggressive Fed policy. Because of the way the housing met-
The median estimates in a Bloomberg The data support officials’ recent asser- rics are calculated, there’s a significant lag
survey of economists called for a 0.5% tions that they need to hike rates further between real-time price changes and the
monthly advance in the CPI and a 0.4% and keep them elevated for some time, government statistics.
gain in the core measure. Both annual and possibly to a higher peak level than The January report incorporated new
measures came in higher than expected. previously expected. weights for the consumer basket to try to
US stock futures erased gains and The path to stable prices will likely be more accurately capture Americans’ spend-
Treasury yields rose after the report. both long and bumpy. The goods disin- ing habits.The shelter components are now
The figures, when paired with January’s flation that has driven the slide in overall a larger share of the overall index, while
blowout jobs report and signs of endur- inflation in recent months appears to be used cars make up a smaller portion.

SINGAPORE (Feb 14): Singapore is plan- that adult Singaporeans would receive as

Singapore sees
ning yet another year of a slim budget defi- the GST is raised, including an addition-
cit, emphasising how it will fund protec- al S$300 for all Singaporean households

another year of
tion for the most vulnerable households next January when the rate is increased
and businesses against persistent inflation. to 9% as planned, from 8% now, Wong

budget gap as
The city-state aims to narrow the short- said. Among measures to help especially
fall to 0.1% of gross domestic product in the younger families, the government would

inflation bites
year starting April from a revised 0.3% gap adjust existing child subsidies to target the
this year, Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence most vulnerable, and boost the “baby bo-
Wong said in his annual budget speech to nus cash gift” by S$3,000 for all eligible
Parliament on Tuesday (Feb 14). It will do Singaporean children born from today.
so by boosting revenue by 7.1%, including by Faris Mokhtar, Michelle Jamrisko Just as the government has looked to pre-
raising taxes on high-value property trans- & Low De Wei pare households and businesses for a change
actions, and lowering expenditure by 2.6%. Bloomberg in spending plans in the post-pandemic era —
The S$104-billion (US$78.4-billion) coming on the heels of a further loosening in
spending plan is meant to nudge residents its mask mandate — the revenue side of the
further into a post-Covid reality, while seek- budget also required some careful balance.
ing to blunt near-term cost-of-living pres- In addition to leaning on an increase in
sures. Headline inflation that’s still seen the GST rate, the government is planning
running hot at 6.5% is complicating policy higher taxes on some property transactions
as the trade-reliant Singapore also stares that would affect 15% of homes, and lux-
down a gloomy global growth outlook. ury cars and tobacco.
In order to help Singaporeans absorb high- Singapore also intends to raise its effec-
er costs, Wong said the government would tive tax rate for multinational enterprises to
increase subsidies by S$3 billion to lower-in- 15% from 2025, in line with the so-called
come households to defray the higher goods BEPS 2.0 global agreement to increase
and services tax (GST), as well as inflation. Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong the floor rate.
Wong said he expects price-growth to remain
high at least through the first-half of the year. future generations of Singaporeans.”
“Other governments spent more dur- “So we will continue to uphold our Read also:
ing this pandemic too. But they largely practice of fiscal prudence and the prin-
financed their additional spending by bor- ciples that underpin the protection of our Singapore to raise effective corporate tax
rowing, which will eventually have to be reserves,” including keeping plans to raise to 15% from 2025
repaid by future generations,” Wong said. the GST rate further, Wong said, in what
“In contrast, our reserves allowed Singa- he had previously described as his “Val-
pore to respond quickly without falling entine’s Day present” to Singaporeans. Singapore to double paternity leave, raise
into debt, or burdening either current or The government would boost the aid cash gifts for babies
w e d n e s d ay f e b r u a ry 1 5 , 2 0 2 3 14 TheEdge CEO morning brief

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Ueda nominated for central bank head

as BOJ-favoured ‘outsider’
(Feb 14): Japanese Prime Minister Fumio by Toru Fujioka ing. “You were the pillar that ensured our
Kishida’s government nominated Kazuo Bloomberg theory wasn’t just pie in the sky.”
Ueda to helm the Bank of Japan (BOJ) on Parliamentary hearings to scrutinise Ue-
Tuesday (Feb 14) in a move likely to pave bloomberg da’s current views will start on Fe. 24. Mar-
the way for a gradual paring back of the ket players will be checking that Ueda isn’t
central bank’s full-bore stimulus. His background planning the fireworks that Kuroda set off
Ueda, a university professor and for- gives him the at his first meeting a decade ago when he
mer BOJ board member with a PhD from billing of a unveiled his massive bond-buying plans.The
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is neutral outsider new governor is slated to start on April 9.
Kishida’s surprise choice to replace current with academic An important difference with Kuroda’s
Governor Haruhiko Kuroda. start at the BOJ is that Ueda will likely face
Dubbed “Japan’s Ben Bernanke” by for-
heft who can intensive market speculation betting against
mer Treasury Secretary Larry Summers,
rationally the BOJ’s yield curve control from Day 1.
Ueda hasn’t had a say in BOJ policymak- judge how to Ueda warned against a premature tighten-
ing since 2005. His background gives him reshape policy. ing of policy in an article last year. He also
the billing of a neutral outsider with aca- pointed out the difficulty of managing a soft
demic heft who can rationally judge how landing for the dismantling of yield control.
to reshape policy without a long-running “Long-term yield curve control isn’t suit-
attachment to the current stimulus setup. “The Bank of Japan’s current policy is ed for policy tweaks,” Ueda wrote in the
“Ueda doesn’t have the strong policy col- appropriate and monetary easing needs to Nikkei article in July. “Once its ceiling is
our of Governor Kuroda,” said Junki Iwa- be continued at this point,” he said. raised by a little, it will create market spec-
hashi, senior economist at Sumitomo Mit- The currency quickly pared its gains af- ulation for another rate hike, possibly spark-
sui Trust Bank. “Changes are likely to take ter the comments on Friday, suggesting that ing a massive selloff of government bonds.”
place, but he probably won’t rush them.” investors were starting to reassess the view That’s exactly what the BOJ faced just
By contrast, Deputy Governor Masayoshi that rapid change might be on the agenda. weeks ago after it doubled the cap above its
Amamiya might have had more difficulty Ueda has moderated a number of BOJ 10-year yield target in December, a move
taking a neutral stance on any review of conferences over the years including a work- that intensified market expectations for a
stimulus, given that he has been one of the shop in November on the mechanism of wage move toward normalisation. The central
key architects of policy over the last decade growth, a focal point for the BOJ as inflation bank spent a record ¥23.7 trillion (US$179
and more. Until news of Ueda’s likely nom- rises to twice the pace of its 2% inflation target. billion) in January to buy government bonds
ination broke on Friday, Amamiya had been Under Kuroda, the BOJ has insisted that to keep yields under the new 0.5% cap.
the favourite to land the top job at the BOJ. stimulus must stay in place until there are Those bets against the BOJ are an indica-
The surprise choice left many investors sufficient gains in pay to support stable in- tion of the pressure Ueda will face as he tries
Googling Ueda’s name and assuming policy flation once import prices settle down. to chart a safe course away from the massive
change would now likely come sooner rather Ueda called on the BOJ to carefully easing of Kuroda. Communication with mar-
than later. An initial strengthening of the yen watch developments in both inflation and kets will be critical as will getting the right take
and a rise in yields pointed in that direction. wages, but added that it’s hard to predict on how much he can hint at the policy direc-
For an outsider, though, Ueda has main- the path of pay in Japan. As an economist he tion without triggering waves of speculation.
tained enough contact with the BOJ to sug- may be loathe to act quickly without seeing Some 71% of BOJ watchers said in Janu-
gest he is a well known quantity for insiders a large body of evidence. ary that the central bank has problems with
at the central bank. A key BOJ decision Ueda is known to its communications strategy following the
“He is an economist who has maintained have taken issue with is the move away from December tweak.
close ties with the BOJ over the past 20 years,” zero interest rates in 2000. As a board mem- Ueda said on Friday that he wants to
Kentaro Koyama, chief Japan economist at ber he had overseen the introduction of un- conduct policy logically by looking at the
Deutsche Bank Group and a former BOJ of- conventional policy but argued that more outlook of economy and offering explana-
ficial, wrote in a report. “In addition, many time was needed to assess developments tions that are easy to understand.
former students of Ueda’s University of Tokyo when the BOJ voted to ditch the policy and “As he’s a professor, he at least doesn’t have
seminars serve at the BOJ.Therefore, commu- push up rates. He dissented. a clear political constraint on the direction of
nication between Ueda and BOJ staff would Following last week’s news of his likely policy,” Iwahashi said. “But we still have to
be expected to proceed smoothly.” nomination, his out-of-print book about the keep an eye on his skills of communication.”
Amamiya turned down the governor’s job zero interest rate policy got so popular that
when approached by the government, accord- its price skyrocketed more than 18 times
ing to some media accounts. A Financial Times from its face value of ¥1,870. Read also:
report indicated that Amamiya then recom- When Ueda left the central bank in 2005,
mended Ueda for the post instead. then BOJ Governor Toshihiko Fukui de- Ueda may raise rates by October, yen to
When Ueda spoke to reporters on Friday scribed it as the loss of a living encyclopedia. gain — expert
after the yen strengthened, he issued a reas- “Just saying you have been a pillar of “The nominated BOJ head might be in a
surance that could have been taken straight theory is too insufficient as an expression,” position to tighten monetary policy rather
from the songbook of Kuroda or Amamiya. Fukui said at the end of Ueda’s last meet- than continuing to ease.”
w e d n e s d ay f e b r u a ry 1 5 , 2 0 2 3 15 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

CNPC set to seal

SINGAPORE/LONDON (Feb 13): China Kaabi has said the state energy compa-
National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) is close ny is negotiating supply deals with many

mega Qatari
to finalising a deal to buy liquefied natural potential buyers and they would be an-
gas (LNG) from QatarEnergy over nearly nounced when agreements are reached.

LNG deal
30 years from the Middle Eastern exporter’s State-controlled CNPC, China’s top gas
massive North Field expansion project, three importer, last year also stepped up gas im-
people with knowledge of the matter said. ports from Russia, by pipeline and tanker,
If sealed, this would be the second such snapping up supply that was no longer go-
deal between major LNG exporter Qatar by Chen Aizhu & Marwa Rashad ing to Europe due to sanctions amid Mos-
and the world’s No 2 LNG buyer, as Bei- Reuters cow’s war on Ukraine.
jing looks to beef up gas supply and diversify Chinese customs data showed the coun-
its sources in a drive to replace coal and cut na’s energy policy on supply diversification. try’s imports of Qatari LNG surged 75%
carbon emissions. Therefore the deal will eventually strengthen last year from 2021 to 15.7 million tonnes,
CNPC’s talks follow a deal announced the energy giant’s competitiveness. making up a quarter of the nation’s total
last November by China’s Sinopec, in which Sinopec said in November the gas pur- imports, while China’s total LNG imports
QatarEnergy agreed to supply 4 million chase agreement was part of an “integrated shrank nearly 20%.
tonnes of LNG annually for 27 years, the partnership”, which indicated the Chinese In contrast, imports from Australia and
longest duration LNG supply contract ever firm could be considering acquiring a stake in the United States dropped 30% and 77%
signed by Qatar. Qatar’s North Field expansion export facility. respectively from 2021, to 21.9 million
“CNPC has agreed on the major terms The two companies have yet to announce tonnes and 2.09 million tonnes.
with Qatar in a deal that will be very similar any stake investment. QatarEnergy last year signed five deals
to Sinopec’s,” said a Beijing-based state-oil As Beijing’s ties with the United States with international majors for the North
official who declined to be named as he is and Australia — Qatar’s two biggest LNG Field project, a two-phase expansion plan
not authorised to speak to the media. export rivals — are strained, Chinese national that will boost Qatar’s liquefaction capac-
CNPC declined to comment. QatarEner- energy firms increasingly see Qatar as a safer ity to 126 million tonnes per year by 2027
gy did not respond to a request for comment. target for resource investment. from 77 million tonnes.
“This is a good move for CNPC, securing Sinopec and CNPC would not opt for Each of the five majors — TotalEner-
additional long term supply from a reliable such long-duration supply contracts unless gies, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, ENI
and well positioned partner. This will fur- they were also hoping to acquire small stakes and Shell — signed a joint-venture agree-
ther insulate from market volatility, diversify in the North Field expansion export facility, ment with QatarEnergy that includes an
supply while optimising between the state a second Beijing-based state gas official said. equity investment in liquefaction export
owned units,” said Toby Copson, global head QatarEnergy has maintained a 75% stake facilities.
of trading at Trident LNG. overall in the North Field expansion, that
Wei Xiong, analyst at Rystad Energy, said will cost at least $30 billion, and could give
although CNPC dominates China’s piped gas up to a 5% stake to some buyers, QatarEn- Read also: China’s wind and solar now
imports, it still needs other import options to ergy Chief Executive Officer Saad al-Kaabi almost enough to power every home —
mitigate any potential risk, in line with Chi- has said. govt data

Countries warn
BRUSSELS (Feb 13): Denmark, Germany, attempt to limit price spikes.
the Netherlands, Estonia, Finland, Luxem- The seven countries said in their letter that

EU against ‘crisis
bourg and Latvia have warned Brussels not schemes to do this — like contracts for dif-
to rush into major changes to the European ference (CfDs) — could play a role but they

mode’ overhaul of
Union’s electricity market in response to the should be voluntary, focus on new renewable
energy crisis, calling instead for limited tweaks generation, and still “react” to the market.

energy market
to the system. Electricity industry lobbying group Eu-
The European Commission is drafting a relectric has also warned against making
revamp of EU electricity market rules, with CfDs mandatory, which it says could un-
the aim of better cushioning consumer bills dermine competition in the power market
from fossil fuel price spikes and avoiding a by Kate Abnett and deter investors.
repeat of the surge in electricity prices trig- Reuters In their letter, the seven countries backed
gered last year by cuts to Russian gas supply. an idea already mooted by the Commission
The seven countries, led by Denmark, must ensure the market still functions and to make it easier for consumers to choose
said in a letter that Europe’s existing market incentivises massive investment in renewable between fluctuating and fixed-price power
design has fostered years of lower electricity energy, they said. contracts.
prices, helped expand renewable energy, and “Any reform going beyond targeted ad- But they pushed back on another Com-
ensured enough power was produced to meet justments to the existing framework should mission suggestion to extend a temporary EU
demand and avoid shortages. be underpinned by an in-depth impact as- measure which claws back windfall revenue
“We must resist the temptation to kill the sessment and should not be adopted in crisis from non-gas generators.
golden goose, that our single market for elec- mode,” said the letter to the Commission, “That could compromise investors’ confi-
tricity has been in the last decade,” said Lars which was seen by Reuters. dence in the needed investments,” the coun-
Aagaard, Denmark’s energy minister. Other countries, including Spain and tries said in the letter, citing EU estimates that
The countries said there was some room France, are seeking deeper reform. Spain hundreds of billions of euros in renewable
for improvement, particularly in light of soar- has proposed a shift to more long-term, energy investments are needed annually to
ing power costs last year. But any changes fixed-price contracts for power plants, to help countries quit Russian fossil fuels.
w e d n e s d ay f e b r u a ry 1 5 , 2 0 2 3 16 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

Adani’s flagship
MUMBAI (Feb 14): Gautam Adani’s flagship Some other earnings highlights:
firm swung to a profit and pledged to lower

swings to profit
leverage, as the Indian billionaire tries to win • It produced 2.5 million tonnes of coal
back investor confidence after a bruising re- from Carmichael mine in Australia and

amid short seller

port from a short seller wiped out more than shipped two million tonnes. Production
US$120 billion of his empire’s market value. rose almost 32% from the preceding

Adani Enterprises Ltd, based in the ty- quarter, while shipments were flat.
coon’s home city of Ahmedabad in western • Its portfolio of eight airports across In-
India, posted a net income of 8.2 billion dia saw a 40% jump in passenger move-
rupees (US$99.1 million) for the quarter ments to 20.3 million people, compared
ended Dec 31, it said in a filing on Tuesday, by PR Sanjai, Atul Prakash, to the same quarter last year.
compared with a loss of 116.3 million rupees Katrina Nicholas & Rajesh Kumar Singh • Data Center in Chennai, the only oper-
in the same period last year. There weren’t Bloomberg ational one so far, will increase capacity
enough brokerages tracking the company to 33 megawatts, while those in Noida,
to derive an average profit forecast. weathered a brutal past few weeks that saw Hyderabad and Mumbai are underway.
Revenue surged 42% across business- its US$2.5 billion share sale shelved and its • Land acquisition is going on for data cen-
es to 266.1 billion rupees, the filing said. stock plunge after US-based Hindenburg tres that will come up in Navi Mumbai,
Integrated resource management, which Research accused it of accounting fraud Visakhapatnam, Pune and Hyderabad.
mostly consists of coal trading, is the big- and stock manipulation in a Jan 24 report.
gest topline contributor and saw a 38% Despite the ports-to-power conglom- The Adani Group is said to have halved
jump to 175.9 billion rupees, boosted by erate denying the allegations, it triggered its revenue growth target and delayed capi-
an increase in volumes and higher prices. a massive selloff. Hindenburg said in its tal spending plans, Bloomberg News report-
Revenue from mining, airports and new report that it had taken a short position ed earlier this week, citing people familiar
energy also more than doubled in the De- in Adani’s companies through US-traded with the matter. The Indian tycoon has
cember quarter. Total costs climbed 37% bonds and non-Indian-traded derivatives. gone into damage-control mode and is
to 261.7 billion rupees. seeking to rebuild investor, as well as lender,
Shares rose almost 2%, paring this Temporary volatility confidence in the robustness of his empire.
year’s decline to 55%. “The current market volatility is temporary,” The conglomerate said on Feb 6 that
The earnings will be a tailwind for Adani Chairman Adani said in the earnings state- founders’ prepaid loans worth US$1.11 bil-
Enterprises, which has a motley mix of ment. “As a classical incubator with a vision lion to release pledged shares across three
businesses spanning coal mining, airports, of long-term value creation, Adani Enterpris- Adani firms. The ports unit has announced
data centres, digital services and metals. es will continue to work with the twin ob- plans to repay some debt in the year starting
Known for incubating new Adani business- jectives of moderate leverage and looking at April, while the conglomerate plans to prepay
es that are then spun off, the company has strategic opportunities to expand and grow.” a US$500 million bridge loan due next month.

(Feb 14): Dabur India Ltd, a major consum- “Southeast Asia is where we are not present,
er goods maker controlled by the billionaire Dabur weighs our competitors are all present in Southeast
Burman family, is scouting for acquisitions
at home and in Southeast Asia as it works acquisitions to Asia,” Malhotra said. “The immediate envi-
ronment is very volatile with currencies playing
to establish its presence in a new overseas
market amid heated domestic competition.
expand across India, havoc, I think once this settles down, then we
might look at some inorganic opportunity.”
On the back of its US$71 million purchase
of spice producer Badshah Masala Pvt Ltd in
Southeast Asia While Reserve Bank of India governor
Shaktikanta Das said last week that de-
October, the 139-year-old firm, which sells mand in rural India was showing signs of
traditional Ayurvedic medicine and herbal by Chris Kay improvement, Malhotra said inflation —
products including toothpaste and shampoo, Bloomberg above the central bank’s target of 6% for
is evaluating other targets in health, food and much of the past year — continues to be
personal care in those markets, chief execu- Tata Consumer Products Ltd is looking to “pinching the business big time.”
tive officer Mohit Malhotra said. bulk up its portfolio through acquisitions. His concerns echo those expressed by
“There are a lot of opportunities,” Mal- Last year, Hindustan Unilever Ltd pur- Sanjiv Mehta, the CEO of Unilever’s Indi-
hotra, 53, said in an interview at Dabur’s chased wellness brand Zywie Ventures Pvt and an arm, who last month warned that vol-
headquarters in the New Delhi satellite a minority stake in health supplement maker umes in rural India still have a “long way
city of Ghaziabad. “The valuations as rela- Nutritionalab Pvt, while Adani Wilmar Ltd to go” before fully recovering.
tive to what they were in the past have be- made acquisitions including the Kohinoor Dabur’s earnings have likewise been im-
come more reasonable now.” He declined ready-made curries and rice label from Mc- pacted, with net income falling 5.4% in the
to name any brands or firms on his radar. Cormick Switzerland. At home, Dabur has last quarter, missing analyst estimates as its
The expansion comes as Dabur faces also been struggling with elevated inflation that costs rose and operating margin declined.
intensifying competition from deep-pock- has eaten into the spending power of Indians, The company’s shares have retreated 5.2%
eted rivals — including global consumer particularly in the country’s rural hinterland, so far this year.
titan Unilever plc — which are swooping where the company makes half its sales. “The business environment in India
in on upstart Indian brands. Powerful In- continues to be pretty challenging,” Mal-
dian conglomerates led by two of Asia’s ‘Very volatile’ hotra said. “The next quarter is also going
richest men, Mukesh Ambani and Gau- Dabur, which already sells products in more to be pretty tough, so we don’t see inflation
tam Adani, also have ambitious plans to than 120 countries, is also looking at deals actually getting tame — but next year going
scale up in the household retail space, while to help gain a foothold in Southeast Asia. forward things will become a little better.”
w e d n e s d ay f e b r u a ry 1 5 , 2 0 2 3 17 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

(Feb 14): Ford Motor Co will dismiss some 7,000 direct employees, making diesel engines
11% of its workforce in Europe in the latest Ford cutting 3,800 at Dagenham and transmissions at the Hale-
sign of industrial disruption caused by the wood facility. It also has an engineering center
automotive sector’s shift to electric vehicles. jobs as EV shift at Dunton in Essex. The company intends
Of the total 3,800 jobs to go, workers in to make the reductions through voluntary
Germany and the UK will be hardest-hit with shrinks German, agreements, it said Tuesday.
about 2,300 and 1,300 positions to be elim- The US manufacturer’s confirmation of
inated respectively over the next three years, UK workforce further cuts at its European business add to a
Ford said Tuesday. Germany’s IG Metall last lengthy period of decline in the region.Years
month estimated estimated around 3,200 of restructuring have seen the sale or closure
people would lose their jobs. by William Wilkes of a number of factories amid broad job cuts.
“Paving the way to a sustainably profitable Bloomberg Its passenger car market share last year was
future for Ford in Europe requires broad- 4.4% with sales totaling just over 510,000
based actions and changes in the way we de- ment teams. The company is also trimming cars, according to the European Automobile
velop, build and sell Ford vehicles,” Martin jobs in the US as Chief Executive Officer Jim Manufacturers’ Association.
Sander, general manager of Ford’s electric-ve- Farley targets US$3 billion in annualized sav- Next in line is Ford’s plant at Saarlouis,
hicle business in Europe, said in a statement. ings while investing more than US$50 billion Germany, where 4,600 workers make Fo-
“This will impact the organizational structure, in EVs through 2026. cus compact cars. The automaker will cease
talent, and skills we will need in the future.” The company, with about 173,000 em- making the model by 2025 with no plans to
Ford is shifting its model lineup in Europe ployees globally, had some 35,000 positions produce other vehicles there after that. The
to battery-only by 2035 and has previously in Europe as of the end of last year, with company is in talks with potential buyers of
said that the reduced complexity of electric Cologne its biggest plant with some 14,000 the plant, including China’s BYD Co, ac-
cars would lead to smaller product-develop- workers. In the UK, the company has some cording to people familiar with the matter.

staff from emergency departments, intensive

Britain loses 2.5 mil care units and cancer care services would Amazon workers at UK
days to worst strikes
likely have the biggest impact on patients
we’ve seen,” Saffron Cordery, deputy chief
warehouse set further
executive at NHS Providers, said in an strike dates
since 1990 emailed statement at the weekend.
Junior doctors are expected to vote in
their thousands in support of strikes with by Muvija M
by Eamon Akil Farhat a ballot closing next week and industrial Reuters
Bloomberg action due early March. More ambulance
drivers in southern England andYorkshire LONDON (Feb 13): Workers at an Amazon
(Feb 14): The economy lost nearly 2.5 mil- also joined the wider NHS dispute over warehouse in Britain will walk out for seven
lion working days to strikes last year as Brit- the weekend and will take part in upcom- further days in an escalation of a dispute over
ain suffered its most severe industrial action ing strikes. pay, their trade union said on Monday.
since Margaret Thatcher was in power. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s govern- Last month GMB union members at the
The Office for National Statistics said ment has refused to lift public sector re- warehouse in Coventry, central England,
Tuesday that 843,000 working days were lost muneration for the current fiscal year be- staged the first ever strike at the US e-com-
due to labour disputes in December, making yond levels proposed by pay review bodies merce giant’s operations in Britain.
it the worst month in more than a decade. that it insists are independent. Unions say GMB said more than 350 staff at Coventry
That took the total for June to the end they will keep fighting, with rail workers warehouse would now take further industrial
of the year to 2,472,000 days lost. The last and Royal Mail staff being re-balloted for action on Feb 28, March 2 and March 13-17.
time it was worse was 1989-90, toward the the right to hold strikes into the summer “Amazon bosses can stop this industrial
end of Thatcher’s time as prime minister. Up and possibly beyond. action by doing the right thing and negoti-
until June, the ONS had temporarily stopped Private sector wages have outpaced the ating a proper pay rise with workers,” GMB
measuring the data due to Covid. public sector in the last two years, but the senior organiser Amanda Gearing said in the
Unions are railing against pay offers that rate of increase in government roles has statement.
fall behind the UK’s rate of inflation. jumped to 4.2% according to official data Amazon, which employs 75,000 people
Protests have escalated this year with ma- released Tuesday — the fastest since 2006. across the UK, did not immediately respond
jor walkouts held by hundreds of thousands Climbing salaries are raising concern that to Reuters’ request for a comment.
of rail staff, civil servants, teachers and work- inflation could remain persistently high. It has previously said it already offers com-
ers in the National Health Service and else- While the strikes may not have had a petitive pay and comprehensive benefits.
where in the public sector. On Feb 1 as many huge effect on GDP, shops, bars and res- The company increased starting pay by 50
as half a million went on strike together. taurants in city centers have suffered from pence to a minimum of between 10.50 and 11.45
The crisis looks set to worsen after the disruption on the public transport system. pounds per hour last year, compared with a gov-
RMT union rejected another pay offer for Footfall at shopping areas near central Lon- ernment mandated National LivingWage which
rail workers at the end of last week, raising don offices was up more than 36% year-on- will rise to 10.42 pounds an hour from April.
the prospect of more train strikes. year last week as commuters returned fol- GMB has said the Amazon Coventry workers
Nurses’ strikes extending over two con- lowing train strikes at the start of the month, are demanding 15 pounds an hour, to help cope
secutive days could become more common, according to data company Springboard. A with surging inflation and a cost-of-living crisis
according to reports. year earlier, many Britons were still working which has sparked strikes across a range of dif-
“A continuous 48-hour strike that includes from home due to the Omicron variant. ferent sectors in Britain over the last few months.
w e d n e s d ay f e b r u a ry 1 5 , 2 0 2 3 18 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

WASHINGTON (Feb 13): Officials from Chi- Officials hope to resolve China’s concerns
na, India, Saudi Arabia and Group of Seven na- China, US to about cutoff dates to protect new financing
tions will participate in a first virtual meeting of from debt restructuring by the end of the
a new sovereign debt roundtable on Friday, the participate in first year, one of the sources said.
International Monetary Fund said on Monday, G7, International Monetary Fund and
confirming an earlier Reuters report. meeting of new World Bank officials have long pushed for fast-
The roundtable will also include officials er and broader efforts to deliver debt relief to
from countries that have requested debt treat- debt roundtable heavily indebted nations to avoid cuts in social
ments under the Group of 20 common frame- services that they fear could tip off social unrest.
work — Ethiopia, Zambia and Ghana — as well on Feb 17 USTreasury Secretary JanetYellen and other
as middle-income countries such as Sri Lanka, G7 officials see China, now the world’s largest
Suriname and Ecuador, which have faced their sovereign creditor, as the main stumbling block
own debt crises, three sources had earlier said. by Andrea Shalal for quicker work on debt treatments.They are
The meeting will be co-chaired by the IMF, Reuters also pushing for agreement by G20 members
the World Bank and India, the current leader of on expanding the common framework to in-
the Group of 20, and comes a week before G20 clude middle-income countries.
finance officials are due to gather in Bengaluru, The meeting will be Eric LeCompte, executive director of the
India, from Feb 23-25. An in-person meeting co-chaired by the IMF, Jubilee USA Network, a coalition of reli-
of the roundtable expected on Feb 25 and a gious, development and advocacy groups,
formal launch is planned at the IMF-World
the World Bank and said support for the matter was growing
Bank spring meetings in April. India, the current leader among other countries. But China’s oppo-
Brazil, which will lead the G20 next year, of the Group of 20. sition — and that of Russia — remained
is also taking part, one of the sources said. significant a “stumbling block”, he said.
An IMF spokesperson confirmed the first “The majority of countries support expand-
roundtable meeting would take place on Fri- participants — the Institute of Internation- ing these policies to middle-income countries,
day, and said more details would be released al Finance (IIF), the International Capital but China is the biggest challenge,” LeCompte
in the near future. Markets Association and two private-sector said, adding that Europe had gone through a
“The objective is to bring together key financial institutions that have asked not to similar period of reluctance on debt relief in
stakeholders involved in sovereign debt re- be identified, one of the sources said. the 1990s, but eventually came around.
structuring, from traditional creditors from Creation of the body comes amid grow- Also on the agenda will be China’s re-
advanced economies, to new creditors like ing frustration about the slow pace of dis- peated calls for World Bank and other mul-
China, Saudi Arabia, India, as well as the cussions on debt relief for Zambia, which tilateral development banks to participate in
private sector and debt countries to address first requested help two years ago. Organ- debt reductions — a proposal firmly rejected
the current shortcomings,” they said. isers say the roundtable could help resolve by US officials, who argue that those lend-
The roundtable will include the Paris issues in principle and will not focus on ers already offer highly concessional loans
Club of official creditors and private sector Zambia or other individual cases. and grants to countries in crisis.

WELLINGTON (Feb 14): New Zealand de- Authorities have evacuated beach settle-
clared a national state of emergency for only ments and are still asking people to leave home
the third time in its history on Tuesday as Cy- New Zealand as rivers continue to swell and the tide rises.
clone Gabrielle caused widespread flooding, Roads are closed, mobile phone services are
landslides and huge ocean swells, forcing evac- declares national down and some towns are cut off.
uations and stranding people on rooftops. Hipkins said it was too early to say how
“It has been a big night for New Zealanders emergency as many people had been displaced or injured.
across the country, but particularly in the up- No deaths have been confirmed.
per North Island...a lot of families displaced, Cyclone Gabrielle Parliament will sit briefly Tuesday after-
a lot of homes without power, extensive dam- noon but will then be adjourned until Feb
age done across the country,” Prime Min- wreaks havoc 21 because of the cyclone.
ister Chris Hipkins told reporters after the Local media are publishing photographs
declaration. and video of people sitting on top of buildings
Gabrielle is 100km east of Auckland, near by Lucy Craymer & Renju Jose surrounded by flood water, of houses swept
the east coast of the country’s North Island Reuters to the bottom of hills by landslides and of
and is expected to move east-southeast, rough- roads under water.
ly parallel to the coast. A volunteer firefighter remained inside a
Kieran McAnulty, minister of emergency house that had slid down a hill in a beachside
management, said that while New Zealand town, the national fire and emergency service
was now through the worst of the storm, more said. Another had been rescued and was in
rain and high winds were expected. critical condition in hospital, it said.
The country was suffering from extensive A New Zealand navy warship is heading to
flooding, landslides and damage to roads and a yacht that turned on its emergency beacon
infrastructure, he added. this morning off the east coast.
Severe weather would extend to the up- New Zealand declared national emergen-
per South Island as the cyclone moved, the reuters cies after an earthquake in 2011 and when
weather forecaster said. the Covid-19 pandemic hit in 2020.
w e d n e s d ay f e b r u a ry 1 5 , 2 0 2 3 19 TheEdge CEO morning brief

w o r l d

Ferrari heir races

LONDON/MILANO (Feb 14): Piero Fer- A Ferrari representative declined to
rari put in place a succession plan last year comment.

onto world’s
to sustain the wealth his family has accumu- Piero first emerged as a billionaire in
lated over the past seven decades building 2015 following the New York initial pub-

richest list with

supercars emblazoned with the logo of a lic offering of the business his father Enzo
prancing black horse. founded more than six decades earlier.The

400% stock boom

And now, as he prepares to pass on his company’s shares have since surged more
billions, his fortune is picking up speed. than 400% and also boosted the fortune
Piero, 77, recently joined the ranks of of the billionaire Agnelli dynasty, Ferra-
the world’s 500 richest people for the first ri’s largest shareholder with a 24% stake
time as Ferrari NV benefits from wealthy by Benjamin Stupples & Daniele Lepido through holding company Exor NV.
buyers less affected by rising inflation and Bloomberg Piero inherited his Ferrari stake from his
interest-rate hikes. father, who died in 1988 at age 90. Enzo
Shares of the Maranello, Italy-based bloomberg worked as a race driver for Alfa Romeo
automaker are trading near record highs before founding his automaker soon after
after full-year results beat expectations the end of World War II.
and the company raised its 2023 outlook Piero, Ferrari’s vice chairman since
on strong demand for high-margin mod- 1988, also owns a stake in Italian luxury
els like its new €390,000 (US$418,000) yacht builder Ferretti Group and is chair-
Purosangue crossover. The manufacturer man of engineering services firm HPE
is also making a push into more sustain- COXA. He’s previously said he has no
able vehicles and plans to unveil its first plans to sell his Ferrari holding — his big-
fully electric Ferrari in 2025, chief exec- gest asset — and in December set up a
utive officer Benedetto Vigna said in an family trust to manage it for his descend-
interview this month. ants, though he retains voting control over
Piero now has a net worth of US$5.6 the shares during his lifetime.
billion through a roughly 10% stake in the “My father really loved knowing what
supercar maker, making him the world’s the fans were thinking,” Piero said about
467th-richest person, according to the Enzo in a video released last month.
Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Ferrari’s vice chairman Piero Ferrari “He was a person who listened to people.”

Amazon will
(Feb 14): A tech advocacy group has urged verse killer acquisition,” which is a merger
the European Commission to investigate where a company buys something it could

hoover up
and block Inc’s proposed have developed on its own to the detriment
US$1.65 billion deal to buy robot vacuum of innovation.

home data in
firm iRobot Corp. “We’re working cooperatively with the
Foxglove, a London-based nonprofit, relevant regulators in their review of the

iRobot deal, tech

wrote to the European Union’s antitrust merger,” a spokesperson for Amazon said
arm Tuesday to voice “grave concerns” over in a statement, while declining to comment

advocacy group
the tech giant’s purchase of the maker of the on the Foxglove letter.
Roomba robot vacuum maker, according to The iRobot deal, announced in August,

a letter seen by Bloomberg News. It signed is already facing an in-depth review by the
the letter jointly with organizations SOMO, Federal Trade Commission in the US that
Open Markets Institute, and the Balanced could extend the antitrust review by months
Economy Project. or years.
“Amazon already monitors our doorsteps by Katharine Gemmell The deal drew an investor lawsuit against
and listens in on our dinner conversations, Bloomberg iRobot in Delaware. Senator Elizabeth War-
and the proposed merger will put Amazon ren and other Democratic lawmakers have
inside our living rooms,” the letter said. “It asked the FTC to reject the deal, Axios re-
will deepen Amazon’s retail and consumer ported in September, citing a statement
data moats, bolster its vast ecosystem and from Warren.
market dominance, and cause harm to con- The FTC, which is also examining Am-
sumers and competition in ways that can- azon’s US$3.5 billion acquisition of 1Life
not necessarily be fully conceived of today.” Healthcare Inc, is preparing a potential anti-
Seattle-based Amazon’s planned acqui- trust case against Amazon, although the al-
sition of iRobot is facing increasing scrutiny legations and timeline for filing a complaint
from regulators, investors and politicians are not yet set, Bloomberg reported earlier
as the ecommerce giant seeks more inter- this month, citing unidentified people fa-
net-connected devices in people’s homes, Among its concerns, Foxglove is worried miliar with the probe.
where it already offers the Ring doorbell that iRobot’s technologies collect granular Foxglove has previously taken on Meta
and Alexa smart speaker. data on users’ homes, which could provide Platforms Inc’s Facebook and Palantir Tech-
The criticism comes as Amazon may a goldmine of domestic data for Amazon nologies Inc. It wrote a similar letter about
face an antitrust lawsuit in the US as soon and even create home maps. Foxglove also iRobot to the UK’s Competition and Mar-
as this spring. said the deal could result in a so called “re- kets Authority in November.


EV sales passing US$1 tril catches

carmakers on wrong foot
OSLO (Feb 14): Global spending on electric BY COLIN MCKERRACHER It’s even more extreme in China, where EVs
vehicles is surging. According a new report pub­ Bloomberg will likely be over 30% of sales this year, up
lished by BloombergNEF on investment in the from just 5% in 2019. That’s a huge change in a
energy transition, annual spending on passenger timeframe well within the normal life cycle of a
EVs hit US$388 billion in 2022, up 53% from vehicle platform. Japanese automakers’ market
the year before. share in China is now starting to slip, to 21% of
With the 2022 tally included, the total value new-vehicle sales last year from 25% in 2020.
of electric vehicles sold to date in the passenger Alarm bells are ringing at the Japanese au­
vehicle segment has now crossed US$1 trillion. tomakers now, with Honda revamping its EV
There are a few ways to look at that figure. At strategy and Toyota installing new management
the most basic level, if an automaker didn’t have preaching an EV-first strategy.
a decent EV strategy, they missed out on their Changing course will take a while. Toyota has
share of a trillion-dollar revenue opportunity said it won’t have a new dedicated EV platform
over the last decade. ready for launch until 2027. While that might
That sounds like a big number, but global get accelerated, it reflects the timescales tradi­
auto sales are worth around US$2.5 trillion a tional automakers operate on.
year. So, over the last 10 years since EVs first That sounds like Toyota may well still succeed.The company has
showed up in the modern era, the value of total a big number, shown impressive adaptability over its 85-year his­
car sales has been roughly US$25 trillion. In but global auto tory, but the point here is that the next vehicle cycle
that context, the cumulative value of EV sales sales are worth is absolutely critical to turning the ship around. If
is relatively modest. Total profits from EVs also around US$2.5 it misses the mark, the consequences will be dire.
are much lower. Many other automakers face a similar situation,
Still, growth rates matter, and almost 60%
trillion a year. with their platforms for models due to arrive from
of total EV spending occurred in just the last 2026 to 2028 largely set. It will take a few years to
18 months. This year will break records again, find out if they’ve made the right bets.
with passenger EV sales likely to comfortably There are still many challenges ahead as EV
exceed US$500 billion. This is now a very ma­ sales take off. Even after the phenomenal growth
terial, very fast-moving part of global auto sales. of late, only about 3% of the 1.3 billion pas­
The auto industry operates on long prod­ senger cars on the road globally will be electric
uct cycles. While it feels like there’s a constant at the end of this year. Soaring demand is also
stream of new products, many are just cosmetic placing real strains on the battery supply chain
updates to existing models — facelifts, in in­ and public charging infrastructure.
dustry parlance. To understand product cycles Still, the first trillion dollars highlighted in
and what happens next, it’s important to look BNEF’s report marks the beginning of real ma­
at vehicle platforms. High-volume automakers teriality in the auto sector. EVs have captured mind
develop new platforms that underpin vehicles share and excitement from industry watchers for
over what is usually a six- to 10-year period. The years.They’re now capturing real market share, too.
platforms take years to develop, cost billions of BLOOMBERG

dollars and ideally are versatile, allowing auto­

makers to use different body structures cater­
ing to a wider variety of consumer preferences.
These platforms also allow for component
sharing across many models, which is a neces­
sary part of the cutthroat economics of building
vehicles at scale around the world.
Long development cycles also mean that if
an automaker has been caught wrongfooted, it
can take quite a while to realise the full impact
of mistakes. The trillion-dollar EV sales mark is
probably the point where it becomes clear that
some automakers made the wrong bets.
Japanese automakers illustrate this well. All
of the Japanese brands combined sold less than
5% of the EVs purchased globally last year, and
none were among the top 10 EV brands by vol­
ume. This wasn’t a problem in 2019, when plug-
in vehicles were just 2.6% of global auto sales,
but it’s worrisome when they’ll likely be closer
to 18% of sales in 2023.


CPO RM 3,977.00-20.00 OIL US$ 85.210.12 RM/USD 4.3162 RM/SGD 3.2646 RM/AUD 3.0117 RM/GBP 5.2406 RM/EUR 4.6460

Top 20 active stocks

(%) (RM MIL)
MY EG SERVICES BHD 345.50 0.020 0.625 -28.16 4645.00
HONG SENG CONSOLIDATED BHD 156.00 0.010 0.210 -4.55 1072.80
SAPURA ENERGY BHD 61.53 -0.010 0.045 28.57 719.10
BETAMEK BHD 59.93 0.055 0.590 14.56 265.50
VELESTO ENERGY BHD 55.81 -0.005 0.230 53.33 1889.60
CSH ALLIANCE BHD 54.06 -0.015 0.050 25.00 69.10
PESONA METRO HOLDINGS BHD 53.98 -0.010 0.290 26.09 201.50
REVENUE GROUP BHD 42.98 0.045 0.490 -27.41 236.30
VISDYNAMICS HOLDINGS BHD 40.34 -0.055 0.975 40.29 170.80
VOLCANO BHD 36.99 0.035 0.775 59.79 127.90 World equity indices
ZEN TECH INTERNATIONAL BHD 30.85 0.005 0.030 50.00 24.30 (%) (%)
IRIS CORP BHD 29.15 0.005 0.120 -7.69 391.50 DOW JONES 34,245.93 376.66 1.11 INDONESIA 6,941.86 41.72 0.60
TOP GLOVE CORP BHD 28.51 -0.010 0.760 -16.02 6085.60 S&P 500 4,137.29 46.83 1.14 JAPAN 27,602.77 175.45 0.64
EA TECHNIQUE M BHD 27.12 0.065 0.315 85.29 167.10 NASDAQ 100 12,502.31 197.39 1.60 KOREA 2,465.64 12.94 0.53
ATA IMS BHD 25.78 -0.010 0.325 44.44 390.90 FTSE 100 7,983.55 35.95 0.45 PHILIPPINES 6,791.24 -47.52 -0.69
L&P GLOBAL BHD 28.47 0.020 0.680 0.00 380.80 AUSTRALIA 7,430.86 13.11 0.18 SINGAPORE 3,318.20 -6.50 -0.20
PT RESOURCES HOLDINGS BHD 24.71 0.045 0.655 21.3 350.4 CHINA 3,293.28 9.12 0.28 TAIWAN 15,654.48 110.20 0.71
CYPARK RESOURCES BHD 23.52 -0.100 1.040 121.28 805.5 HONG KONG 21,113.76 -50.66 -0.24 THAILAND 1,652.76 -12.13 -0.73
META BRIGHT GROUP BHD 20.60 -0.010 0.175 2.94 340.79 INDIA 61,032.26 600.42 0.99 VIETNAM 1,038.64 -5.06 -0.48
Data as compiled on Feb 14, 2023 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Feb 14, 2023 Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by %) Top losers (ranked by %)

(%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (%) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
AT SYSTEMATIZATION BHD 0.015 50.00 829.1 0.00 90.0 VSOLAR GROUP BHD 0.005 -50.00 1,831.3 -50.00 24.2
ANZO HOLDINGS BHD 0.020 33.33 877.2 33.33 22.3 IQZAN HOLDING BHD 0.030 -25.00 30.0 -14.29 6.7
BORNEO OIL BHD 0.020 33.33 3,869.9 -20.00 193.5 CSH ALLIANCE BHD 0.050 -23.08 54,064.1 25.00 69.1
MMAG HOLDINGS BHD 0.020 33.33 549.5 -20.00 48.4 JOE HOLDING BHD 0.020 -20.00 5,760.1 0.00 61.2
EA TECHNIQUE M BHD 0.315 26.00 27,123.8 85.29 167.1 MLABS SYSTEMS BHD 0.020 -20.00 1,778.7 0.00 29.0
BCM ALLIANCE BHD 0.025 25.00 65.1 0.00 50.9 SAPURA ENERGY BHD 0.045 -18.18 61,532.3 28.57 719.1
METRONIC GLOBAL BHD 0.025 25.00 273.3 25.00 38.3 KOMARKCORP BHD 0.050 -16.67 116.8 -9.09 28.9
SANICHI TECHNOLOGY BHD 0.025 25.00 141.0 0.00 35.1 LAMBO GROUP BHD 0.025 -16.67 170.7 -54.55 38.5
ZEN TECH INTERNATIONAL BHD 0.030 20.00 30,845.7 50.00 24.3 SCOMI ENERGY SERVICES BHD 0.060 -14.29 1,367.5 9.09 28.1
DFCITY GROUP BHD 0.440 15.79 11.0 14.29 46.4 SMTRACK BHD 0.040 -11.11 1,218.7 -20.00 46.8
TAS OFFSHORE BHD 0.265 12.77 19.5 43.24 47.1 JERASIA CAPITAL BHD 0.045 -10.00 15.1 28.57 4
BINA PURI HOLDINGS BHD 0.045 12.50 2,060.3 12.50 93.5 PERMAJU INDUSTRIES BHD 0.045 -10.00 405.4 0.00 87.2
TWL HOLDINGS BHD 0.050 11.11 885.0 42.86 199.2 PELIKAN INTERNATIONAL CORP 0.530 -9.40 7,293.1 41.33 319.7
BARAKAH OFFSHORE PETROLEUM 0.050 11.11 3,413.0 100.00 50.1 MINETECH RESOURCES BHD 0.050 -9.09 1,114.5 -9.09 76.3
NEXGRAM HOLDINGS BHD 0.050 11.11 862.1 -28.57 22.1 TAMBUN INDAH LAND BHD 0.865 -8.95 2,623.7 13.07 380.0
SEG INTERNATIONAL BHD 0.730 10.61 6.6 13.18 893.2 CYPARK RESOURCES BHD 1.040 -8.77 23,523.2 121.28 805.5
BETAMEK BHD 0.590 10.28 59,934.4 14.56 265.5 GREEN PACKET BHD 0.055 -8.33 210.6 0.00 108.9
ABM FUJIYA BHD 0.430 10.26 7.3 0.00 77.4 INDUSTRONICS BHD 0.055 -8.33 3,068.0 -26.67 38.9
REVENUE GROUP BHD 0.490 10.11 42,978.1 -27.41 236.3 PNE PCB BHD 0.060 -7.69 435.1 9.09 33.6
NEXTGREEN GLOBAL BHD 0.815 9.400 1,315.2 8.67 646.8 CITRA NUSA HOLDINGS BHD 0.060 -7.69 47.2 -7.69 43.2
Data as compiled on Feb 14, 2023 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Feb 14, 2023 Source: Bloomberg

Top gainers (ranked by RM) Top losers (ranked by RM)

(RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP (RM) (‘000) CHANGE CAP
(%) (RM MIL) (%) (RM MIL)
MALAYSIAN PACIFIC INDUSTRIES 33.080 0.940 70.7 15.02 6,579.5 NESTLE MALAYSIA BHD 137.000 -1.000 30.60 -2.14 32,126.5
FRASER & NEAVE HOLDINGS BHD 26.800 0.760 365.6 24.19 9,829.7 KHIND HOLDINGS BHD 3.120 -0.130 12.50 0.65 131.2
PETRONAS GAS BHD 17.520 0.460 608.6 2.34 34,667.4 HARRISONS HOLDINGS MALAYSIA 6.960 -0.120 39.20 4.98 476.6
HEINEKEN MALAYSIA BHD 29.380 0.380 521.0 16.59 8,875.6 KLUANG RUBBER CO MALAYA BHD 3.880 -0.120 4.50 -2.02 241.3
HEXTARTECHNOLOGIES SOLUTIONS 26.400 0.380 114.0 54.75 3,396.3 BATU KAWAN BHD 22.880 -0.100 3.80 2.60 9,000.6
KUALA LUMPUR KEPONG BHD 22.100 0.360 451.8 -1.16 23,833.3 CYPARK RESOURCES BHD 1.040 -0.100 23,523.20 121.28 805.5
CARLSBERG BREWERY MALAYSIA 24.860 0.300 185.0 8.65 7,600.9 FAR EAST HOLDINGS BHD 3.700 -0.100 1.20 0.00 2,197.2
KESM INDUSTRIES BHD 9.040 0.240 65.5 28.77 388.9 MALAYSIA AIRPORTS HOLDINGS 6.900 -0.090 2,495.80 5.18 11,448.4
PMB TECHNOLOGY BHD 4.950 0.200 1,650.6 17.86 6,252.0 SUNGEI BAGAN RUBBER CO MALAYA 3.310 -0.090 3.00 -1.78 219.3
BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO 12.060 0.160 119.9 7.49 3,443.5 TAMBUN INDAH LAND BHD 0.865 -0.085 2,623.70 13.07 380.0
KOTRA INDUSTRIES BHD 6.140 0.160 31.8 -6.97 908.7 SEE HUP CONSOLIDATED BHD 1.060 -0.070 5.50 -7.83 84.3
PETRONAS DAGANGAN BHD 22.400 0.160 159.4 -2.61 22,253.4 PLS PLANTATIONS BHD 0.975 -0.065 5,929.10 4.84 428.6
VITROX CORP BHD 8.080 0.150 83.4 5.62 7,633.1 AURELIUS TECHNOLOGIES BHD 2.680 -0.060 505.50 46.45 1,055.9
PPB GROUP BHD 17.700 0.140 312.2 1.49 25,180.0 D&O GREEN TECHNOLOGIES BHD 4.790 -0.060 974.90 11.92 5,928.3
HONG LEONG INDUSTRIES BHD 8.940 0.120 8.2 -2.83 2,856.1 HAP SENG CONSOLIDATED BHD 7.000 -0.060 136.20 9.37 17,427.7
UMW HOLDINGS BHD 3.900 0.120 3,978.4 12.39 4,556.3 PELIKAN INTERNATIONAL CORP 0.530 -0.055 7293.1 41.33 319.7
DIGI.COM BHD 4.240 0.100 2706.7 6 49741.6 VISDYNAMICS HOLDINGS BHD 0.975 -0.055 40,341.40 40.29 170.8
PRESS METAL ALUMINIUM 5.250 0.100 3707.2 7.58 43258 BERMAZ AUTO BHD 2.110 -0.050 1886.3 -0.94 2457.3
SIGNATURE INTERNATIONAL BHD 2.430 0.100 832.6 3.40 704.3 QL RESOURCES BHD 5.890 -0.050 2,248.90 6.90 14,334.2
SCIENTEX BHD 3.600 0.090 475.10 11.80 5,583.8 MHC PLANTATIONS BHD 0.945 -0.045 260.70 -6.44 185.7
Data as compiled on Feb 14, 2023 Source: Bloomberg Data as compiled on Feb 14, 2023 Source: Bloomberg

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