Aluminium Grade

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M/s 7 star aluminium


INDIA OR U.K U.S.A. OR CANADA DescripBon of designaBon

O O Annealed
M F As fabricated , as manufactured or as cost

- T3 Solu:on heat- treated , and cold worked

W T4 Solu:on heat-treated,naturally aged and amenable to
ar:ficial ageing

P T5 Ar:ficially aged or Precipita:on heat – treated

WP T6 Solu:on heat-treated & precipita:on heat-treated

H-21 H-1 Strain hardened to specified strength

H-22 H-32 ¼ Hard stabilized

H-24 H-34 ½ Hard stabilized

H-26 H-36 ¾ Hard stabilized

H-28 H-38 Fully hard , stabilized

ALLOY IS Condi 0.2% UlBm Elong Typ Typical ApplicaBon & properBes
Bon proof ate ate % ical
SpecificaBon stress tensil on bri
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EIB 19500 M - 6.5 23 18 Used in electrical conductors ,bus bars,
rectangular and tubular connectors and high
electrical conduc:vity applica:ons.

EIC 19000 M - 6.5 20 20 Used where formability is a major

requirement and strength and s:ffness are
not. Used in chemical processing
equipments, refrigera:on and accessories for
electrical conductors
E91E 63401 WP 16.5 20.5 7 - Good for high strength, electrical bus bars,
fi_ngs conductors etc.

NE-3 31000 M - - - - Jute bobbins & other specific applica:ons.

HE-9 63400 M - 11 13 - The best general proper:es, architectural
W 8 14 17 45 sec:ons such as window & door frames,
WP 15.5 19 7 62 curtain walling, hand rail wall
facing ,trimmings & moulding, window
sec:ons in transport , irriga:on tubing etc,
anodizing finish in goods.

HE-15 24345 W 23.5 39.5 10 Aircrab , structures , truck frames etc.

WP 42.5 49.0 6.0 requiring very high strength, heat treatable,
workability & corrosion resistance fair,
weldability good for arc & resistance welding.
HE-20 65032 M - 11.0 12 - General structural & architectural
W 11 19 14 60 applica:ons such as railings supports
WP 23.5 28.5 7 90 transporta:on components, etc. where both
surface finish & strength are important can
be anodized

HE-30 64430 M - 11 - - Structural applica:ons of all kinds such as

W 11 19 60 60 road and rail transport and vehicle bridges,
WP 25 30 95 95 cranes, roof towers, marine applica:ons,
rivets etc. good wear resistance &
New US(A Aluminium Cop Magnes Silico Iro Mangane Zin TI. And/or Chromiu
A) per ium n n se c grain- m

19000 1100 99.0 min 0.1 - 0.5 0.6 0.1 - - -

19500 1050 99.5 min 0.05 - 0.3 0.4 0.05 - - -

24345 2014 Remainder 3.8- 0.2-0.8 0.5-1. 0.7 0.3-1.2 0.2 *0.3 *0.3
5.0 2
3100 3003 Remainder 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.7 0.8-1.5 0.2 0.2 0.2

52000 5052 Remainder 0.1 1.7-2.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.25
53000 5086 Remainder 0.1 2.8-4.0 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.25

55000 5556 Remainder 0.1 4.5-5.5 0.6 0.7 1.5 0.2 0.2 0.25
63400 6063 Remainder 0.1 0.4-0.9 0.3-0. 0.6 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1

64430 6351 Remainder 0.1 0.4-1.2 0.6-1. 0.6 0.4-1.0 0.1 0.2 0.25
65032 8061 Remainder 0.15 0.7-1.2 0.4-0. 0.7 0.2-08 0.2 0.2 0.15-0.3
-0.4 8 Min or cr 5

NOTE 1. Titanium and /or other grain refining elements and/or chromium may be present at the op:on
or the supplied provided the total content does not exceed 0.3 percent.

2. composi:on limits are in percent maximum unless shown otherwise.

India Old) U.S.A. Canada Germany France
19500 E IB 1050 IS A1 99.5 99.6A - A-5 -

19000 E 1C 1100 2S A1 99.0 99.0A AI -3 A-4 A-2

- E 1E EC CIS E-AI 99.5 EC AI -1 - -

63401 E91E 6101 D50S - GS 10B - -

31000 NE 3 3003 3S A1 MN - - 3003 -

52000 NE 4 5052 M57S A1 MG2 GR 20A A2-Si A-G3 AM

53000 NE 5 5086 54S A1 MG GM40A - - -

55000 NE 6 5556 A56S A1MG5 - - - -

63400 HE 9 6063 50S A1 MG SI GS 10A A2-S5 A-SC -

62400 HE 10 6051 C51S A1MG Si - - - -

24345 HE 15 2014 20S A1CU CS 41A A3-SI AU4SG AK3

65032 HE 20 8061 65S A1 MG Si GS 11A A2-S4 - -

64430 HE 30 6351 B 518 A1 Mg Si - - 6081(NP) -

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Contact us for further information :- Phone Number

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