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Student name: Chante Mitchell Student no.: 203841

Date: 28/03/2021

Grade: 4 (four) Term: 1 (one)

Subject: Natural Science and Duration of lesson: 1 hour


Content area: Conditions for plant growth

Lesson topic What plants need to grow CAPS page no.: 17

or focus:

1. Prior knowledge of the topic

Students are able to recognize that plants need resources in order to

2. Learning Objectives (knowledge, skills, values or, attitude)

 By the end of the lesson the learner will be able to:

Understand that plants need light, water, warmth, and air to grow,
learners will have the opportunity to discuss and investigate some of
these properties to further enhance their understanding.

3. Assessment (identify method, what will be assessed, who will assess

and assessment tool)

Students will complete activity 2 (two) in their textbooks. (Natural Science and
Technology learners book grade 4 Platinum CAPS page 2) They will be
assessed on their knowledge of what plants need to survive and what effects
over watering or under watering can have on a plant.
4. Lesson phases

4.1 Introduction

I will show students a video of a plant wilting, https://youtu.be/5T9EcIJMdCg

when students are done watching the video. I will ask them to give me a few
reasons why they think the plant had died. Answers I am looking for include
1) Lack of water.
2) Lack of sunlight
Or any other viable answers will be accepted.

4.2 Lesson development

Students will read the notes in their textbooks (page 24-25 CAPS Natural
Science and Technology Platinum.) They would have been prepared for the
lesson in previous lessons and should have brought the materials for their
They would have brought.
A plastic container
A few beans seeds.
Some cotton wool
Students will proceed to plant their bean seeds

4.3 Consolidation of the lesson

Students will discuss what they need to provide their newly planted seeds
with, for them to germinate. They complete the activity in their textbooks and
complete the corrections.

5. Planned questions (Bloom's Taxonomy)

Indicate the phase in which you will ask the question

1. Knowledge:

List 3 characteristics of a plant.

2. Comprehension:

Explain why a bean seed which gets watered regularly but is planted in the
shade will die.

3. Application:
Suggest why you think a bean seed which is planted in the sun will die.

4. Analysis:

Identify what the purpose of the plants roots are.

5. Synthesis:

What ways are plants similar to a puppy?

6. Evaluation:

Why do you think a plant would die if it was over watered?

6. Extension or enrichment activities

The second part of the experiment would contribute to the extension activity,
students will write a short report about how the plant changed when it was kept
in a dark place compared to when it was kept in a well-lit place.

7. Learners needing special attention

Learners will be given more time during class to complete the work.

8. Homework

Learners will watch the following video https://youtu.be/tkFPyue5X3Q in

preparation for their next topic and so they can have a clearer understand of
how they seeds are growing and developing.

9. Reflective Self-assessment

9.2 Challenges/Limitations and reasons

Students might not bring all the resources.


I will have a few extra seeds, plastic containers, and cotton wool in case
they do not bring their own.

Challenges/Limitations and reasons

Load shedding might occur.


To avoid this from disrupting the lesson I will take my laptop and my
personal router so I can divide students into groups and let them watch the
video on my laptop.
Challenges/Limitations and reasons

Due to covid sometimes there are many children absent in a class.


To allow all students to participate, I will have a pre-recorded lesson

prepared before hand and notify parents that students who will not be
attending the live session should watch the pre-recorded one and complete
the all the activities from home.

9.3 Changes for future lessons




10. Resources)

CAPS Document



@Shomsky, A. 2008. Plant dying Time Lapse. [Online]. Available at:

https://youtu.be/5T9EcIJMdCg [ Accessed on 24 May 2021]
Adatia, R., Barker, K., Clitheroe., et al. 2017. Platinum Natural Science and
Technology Grade 4 Learners Book: Maskew Miller pp 24-25.
@Scishow kids.2015. How does a seed become plan. [Online]. Available at:
https://youtu.be/tkFPyue5X3Q [Accessed on 24 May 2021]
TNT201 Assignment 2
Topic 1: What Plants need to grow.
Chante Mitchell
203841 Waterfall Campus


I have chosen to incorporate science investigation into my lesson, since the topic I
will be teaching is focused on showing students that plants need resources such as
water, light, and air to thrive in their habitats.
For my lesson learners will complete a two-part experiment. The first part will involve
the learners planting their own plants and monitoring the growth of their plants. The
second part of the experiment will require them to prove that plants can not survive
without light and water.
To do this Students will plant their own seeds giving them the necessary resources
for survival. Students will record the growth of their plants (Department of Basic
Education. 2011. 17). If I have a total number of 20 (twenty) students and if each
student plants one bean plant, there should be a total twenty (20) bean plants in
For the second part of the experiment learners will then deprive half the plants (10
total plants) of water and observe the changes the plant will experience, they will
deprive the other half of the plants of light and observe how the plant changes.
Students should take a photo of the plant before the start of the second part of the
experiment and every day after that while they are conducting the experiment. These
photos will be used to help the students observe colour change, students will
continue to measure the growth of their plants. The purpose of this experiment is to
help the students understand that without necessities such as light and water a plant
cannot survive. If this experiment is successful students should also have a deeper
understanding of what a plant is and how it functions and that plants rely on water
and light for survival.

Lets Talk Science.2019. The needs of plants. [online]. Available at:

Needs of Plants | Let's Talk Science (letstalkscience.ca) [Accessed on 12 June

CAPS Document
Department of Basic Education. South Africa.
2011. Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS): Intermediate Phase.
Grades 4-7 Natural Science and Technology.
Pretoria: Government Printing Works

Anon,K. 2014. ‘What happens to water in plants’. Grow genius. [online].

Available at:
What Happens When Plants are Deprived of or Get Too Much Water (growgenius.co.uk)

Barman, C. R. et al. 2006. ‘Students’ Ideas About Plants & Plant Growth’, American
Biology Teacher (National Association of Biology Teachers). 68(2): 73–79.

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