X Model QP

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DATE : Mathematics (Standard) TIME : 3 HRS

General Instructions:

1. This Question Paper has 5 Sections A-E.

2. Section A has 20 MCQs carrying 1 mark each
3. Section B has 5 questions carrying 02 marks each.
4. Section C has 6 questions carrying 03 marks each.
5. Section D has 4 questions carrying 05 marks each.
6. Section E has 3 case based integrated units of assessment (04 marks each) with sub-
parts of the values of 1, 1 and 2 marks each respectively.
7. All Questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice in 2 Qs of 5 marks, 2 Qs
of 3 marks and 2 Questions of 2 marks has been provided. An internal choice has
been provided in the 2 marks questions of Section E
8. Draw neat figures wherever required. Take π =22/7 wherever required if not stated.

Section A consists of 20 questions of 1 mark each.
1. The LCM of the smallest two digit composite number and the smallest composite
number is 1
(a) 12 (b) 20 (c) 4 (d) 44
2. n – 1 is divisible by 8, if n is 1
(a) an integer (b) a natural number (c) an odd integer (d) an even number
3. If one of the zeroes of the cubic polynomial x3 + ax2 + bx + c is -1, then the product of 1
other two zeroes is
(a) b – a + 1 (b) b – a – 1 (c) a – b +1 (d) a - b – 1
4. 2 3 5 4 1
If 𝑥 + 𝑦 = 13 and 𝑥 - 𝑦 = -2, then x + y equals
1 5
(a) 1/6 (b) - 6 (c) 5/6 (d) - 6
5. The value of k for which the system of equations kx + y = k and x + ky = 1 has 1
infinitely many solution, is
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
6. If D(1,2), E(4, -3), F(-2, 4) are mid – points of the sides BC, CA, AB respectively of 1
ΔABC, then the coordinates of the centroid of ΔABC are
(a) (1,0) (b) (1,2) (c) (1,1) (d) (2,2)
7. In a ΔABC, right angled at B, the value of sin(A+C) is 1
(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) ½ (d)
8. 𝑡𝑎𝑛 2 𝜃 𝑐𝑜𝑡 2 𝜃 1
+ 1+𝑐𝑜𝑡 2 𝜃 =
1+𝑡𝑎𝑛 2 𝜃
(a) 1 (b) 2 tan2 θ (c) 2 cot2 θ (d) 2sec2 θ
9. ΔABC is such that AB = 3 cm, BC = 2 cm, CA = 2.5 cm. If ΔABC ~ ΔDEF and EF = 4 1
cm then perimeter of ΔDEF is
(a) 7.5 cm (b) 15 cm (c) 22.5 cm (d) 30 cm
10. If AM and PN are altitudes of ΔABC and ΔPQR respectively. If ΔABC ~ ΔPQR and 1
AB2 : PQ2 = 4 : 9, then AM : PN =
(a) 16 : 81 (b) 4 : 9 (c) 3 : 2 (d) 2 : 3
11. If two tangents inclined at an angle of 600 are drawn to a circle of radius 3 cm, then 1
length of each tangent is equal to
3 3
(a) cm (b) 6 cm (c) 3 cm (d) 3 3 cm
12. If the circumference of a circle and the perimeter of a square are equal, then 1
(a) area of the circle = area of the square
(b) area of the circle > area of the square
(c) area of the circle < area of the square
(d) nothing definite can be said about the relation between the areas of the circle and the
13. The radius of the base and height of a cone are 4 cm and 9 cm respectively. If its height 1
is decreased and base radius is increased each by 2 cm, then the ratio of the volume of
the new cone to that of the original cone is
(a) 5 : 2 (b) 7 : 4 (c) 9 : 2 (d) 8 : 3
𝑥 𝑥 2𝑥 𝑥 2𝑥 3𝑥
14. If the median of the data , 𝑥 , , , , , 𝑥 > 0 is 4, then x = 1
5 3 3 4 5 4
(a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 8 (d) 7
15. The circumference of a circle is 100 cm. The side of a square inscribed in the circle is 1
100 50 2 100 2
(a) 50 2 cm (b) 𝜋 cm (c) 𝜋 cm (d) 𝜋 cm
16. If the mean of the following frequency distribution is 2.6, then the value of p is 1
Variate (X) :1 2 3 4 5
Frequency(f): 4 5 y 1 2
(a) 3 (b) 8 (c) 13 (d) 24
17. The probability of getting a bad apple in a box of 400 apples is 0.035. The total number 1
of bad apples is
(a) 7 (b) 14 (c) 21 (d) 28
18. If sin θ – cos θ = 0, then the value of sin 6 θ + cos 6θ is 1
(a) 2/3 (b) 1/3 (c) ¾ (d) ¼
19. DIRECTION: In the question number 19 and 20, a statement of assertion (A) is 1
followed by a statement of Reason (R). Choose the correct option

Statement A (Assertion): If 11 divides 627264, then 11 divides 792

Statement R( Reason) : Let p be the prime number and a be a positive integer, if p
divides a2, then p divides a

(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation
of assertion (A)
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of assertion (A)
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
20. Statement A (Assertion): If c is a variable, then the centroids of the triangles having 1
vertices at P(1, a), Q(c,b) and R(c2 , 1) will never lie on y – axis.
Statement R( Reason) : If x – coordinate of a point is not zero, it does not lie on y -

(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct
explanation of assertion (A)
(b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of assertion (A)
(c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
Section B consists of 5 questions of 2 marks each.
21. If 49x+51y= 499, 51 x+49 y= 501, then find the value of x and y 2
22. If the bisector of an angle of a triangle bisects the opposite side, prove that the triangle 2
is isosceles.
23. In a given figure, two circles touch each other at the point C. Prove that the common 2
tangent to the circles at C, bisects the common tangent at P and Q.

24. The length of minute hand of a clock is 14 cm. find the area swept by the minute hand 2
in one minute.
A horse is placed for grazing inside a rectangular field 70 m by 52 m and is tethered to
one corner by a rope 21 m long. On how much area can it graze?
25. 1−cos 2𝑥 2
If x = 300, verify that sin x =
Show that : 2 (cos 60 + sin 30 ) – (tan 2 600 + cot 2 450 ) + 3 sec2 300 = 4
4 0 4 0

Section C consists of 6 questions of 3 marks each.
26. Prove that 5 - 3 is an irrational number. 3
27. If the product of the zeros of the polynomial ax2 – 6x – 6 is 4, find the value of a. 3
28. The sum of a two digit number and the number formed by interchanging the digit is 3
132. If 12 is added to the number, the new number becomes 5 times the sum of the
digits. Find the number.
A train covered a certain distance at a uniform speed. If the train would have been 6
km/h faster, it would have taken 4 hours less than the scheduled time. And, if the train
were slower by 6 km/h, it would have taken 6 hours more than the schedules time. Find
the length of the journey.
29. If a hexagon ABCDEF circumscribes a circle, prove that 3
AB + CD + EF = BC + DE+FA.
In a given figure, l and m are two parallel tangents at A and B. The tangent at C makes
an intercept DE between l and m. Prove that ∠DEF = 900

30. If sec θ + tan θ = p, obtain the values of sec θ, tan θ and sin θ in terms of p. 3
31. A bag contains 12 balls out of which x are white. 3
(i) If one ball is drawn at random, what is the probability that it will be a white ball?
(ii) If 6 more white balls are put in the bag, the probability of drawing a white ball with
be double than that in (i) . Find x.
Section D consists of 4 questions of 5 marks each.
32. A plane left 30 minutes later than the schedule time and in order to reach its destination 5
1500 km away in time it has to increase its speed by 250 km / hr from its usual speed.
Find its usual speed.
A swimming pool is filled with three pipes with uniform flow. The first two pipes
operating simultaneously fill the pool in the same time during which the pool is filled
by the third pipe alone. The second pipe fills the pool five hours faster than the first
pipe and four hours slower than the third pipe. Find the time required by each pipe to
fill the pool separately.
33. Prove that if a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle intersecting the other two 5
sides in distinct points, then the other two sides are divided in the same ratio.

Using the above theorem prove that a line through the point of intersection of the
diagonals and parallel to the base of the trapezium divides the non parallel sides in the
same ratio.
34. A solid consisting of a right cone standing on a hemisphere is placed upright in a right 5
circular cylinder full of water and touches the bottom. Find the volume of water left in
the cylinder, if the radius of the cylinder is 60 cm and its height is 180 cm, the radius of
the hemisphere is 60 cm and height of the cone is 120 cm, assuming that the
hemisphere and the cone have common base.
A right triangle, whose sides are 15 cm and 20 cm, is made to revolve about its
hypotenuse. Find the volume and surface area of the double cone so formed.
(Use π = 3.14)
35. A frequency distribution of the life times of 400 T.V picture tubes tested in a tube 5
company is given below. Find the average life of tube.
Life time (in hrs) Frequency
300 – 399 14
400 – 499 46
500 – 599 58
600 – 699 76
700 – 799 68
800 – 899 62
900 – 999 48
1000 – 1099 22
1100 - 1199 6
Case study based questions are compulsory.
36. A hockey field is the playing surface for the game of hockey. Historically, the game
was played on natural turf (grass) but nowadays it is predominantly played on an
artificial turf. It is rectangular in shape – 100 yards by 60 yards. Goals consist of two
upright posts placed equidistant from the centre of the backline, joined at the top by a
horizontal crossbar must be 2.14 metres (7 feet) above the ground. Each team plays
with 11 players on the field during the game including the goalie. Positions you might
play include:
Forward: A shown by player A, B, C and D
Mid fielders: As shown by player E, F and G
Fullbacks: As shown by player H, I and J
Goalie: As shown by player K.
Using the picture of a hockey field below, answer the following question:
(i) The coordinates of the centroid of ΔEHJ are___________ 1
(ii) The point on x – axis equidistance from I and E is __________ 1
(iii) If a player P needs to be at equal distances from A and G, such that A, P and G are 2
in straight line, then find the position of P .
What are the coordinates of the position of a player Q such that his distance from K
is twice his distance from E and K, Q and E are collinear?
37. John wants to participate in a 200 m race. He can currently run that distance in 51
seconds and with each day of practice it takes him 2 seconds less. He wants to do it in
31 seconds.

(i) The minimum number of days he needs to practice to achieve the goal is ______ 1
(ii) The common difference of the A.P having an = 2n + 3 as nth term is ___________ 1
(iii) Find out the A.P for the given situation. 2
Find out the value of x, for which 2x, x + 10, 3x + 2 are three consecutive terms of
an A.P
38. A satellite flying at a height h is watching the top of the two tallest mountains in
Uttarakhand and Karnataka, them being Nanda Devi (height 7,816 m) and
Mullayanagri (height 1930 m). The angle of depression from the satellite, to the top of
Nanda Devi and Mullayanagri are 300 and 600 respectively. If the distance between the
peaks of two mountains is 1937 km, and the satellite is vertically above the mid – point
of the distance between the two mountains.

Based on the above information answer the following questions:

(i) The distance of the satellite from the top of Nanda Devi is 1
(ii) The distance of the satellite from the top of Mullayanagiri is 1
(iii) What is the angle of elevation if a man is standing at a distance of 7816 m from 2
Nanda Devi?
If a mile stone very far from, makes 450 to the top of Mullayanagiri mountain. Find
the distance of this mile stone from the mountain.

Sample Question Paper (JAN – 2023)


1 B 6 C 11 D 16 B
2 C 7 B 12 B 17 B
3 A 8 A 13 B 18 D
4 C 9 B 14 B 19 A
5 A 10 D 15 C 20 A

21. Adding the two equation and dividing by 10, we get x + y = 10 ---------(1)
Subtracting the two equations and dividing by -2, we get x – y = 1--------- (2)
By solving these equation (1) and (2), we get x = 11/2 and y = 9/2
22. Let ABC be a triangle in which, the bisector AD of ∠A bisects the side BC. We have to prove
that AB = AC. In Δ ABC, AD is the bisector of ∠A.
∴ =  = 1 [D is the mid – point of BC ∴ BD = DC]

 AB = AC
 Hence, the triangle ABC is isosceles.
23. In the given figure, PR and CR are both tangents drawn to the same circle from an external point
∴ PR=CR …(1)
Also, QR and CR are both tangent drawn to the same circle from an external point R.
∴ QR=CR ….. (2)
From (1) and (2) we get PR=QR
∴ R is the mid-point of PQ
i.e., the common tangent at C bisects the common tangents at P and Q.
24. Length of minute hand=14cm
360 0
Now, angle made by minute hand in 1min= = 60
60 0

60 60 22
∴ area swept by minute hand = 0
× πr2 = × × 14 × 14
360 360 0 7

= = 10.26cm2
Given: rectangular field 70m by 52m and rope 21m long
Area = πr2

1 22
Area of grass grazed by horse = x x (21)2 cm2
4 7

= = 346.5cm2
25. We have, x = 300  2x = 600  cos 2x = cos 600  cos 2x =
1−cos 2𝑥 1− 1 1 1
∴ = 2
= = and, sin x = sin 300 =
2 2 4 2 2

1−cos 2𝑥
Hence, sin x =

2 (cos 4 600 + sin 4 300) – (tan 2 600 + cot 2 450 ) + 3 sec2 300
1 4 1 4 2 2 2
=2 + - 3 + (1)2 + 3
2 2 3

1 1 4
=2 + – (3 + 1) + 3 x
16 16 3
1 1
=2x -4+4=
8 4

26. Let us assume on the contrary that 5 - 3 is rational. Then, there exist co – prime positive
integers a and b such that
𝑎 𝑎
5 - 3 =  5 - = 3
𝑏 𝑏
 = 3
5𝑏 −𝑎
 3 is rational [∵ a,b are integers ∴ is a rational number]

This contradicts the fact that 3 is irrational. So, our assumption is incorrect.
Hence, 5 - 3 is an irrational number.
27. Let α , β be the zeros of the polynomial ax2 – 6x – 6. Then,
−6 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚
αβ= [∵α β = ]
𝑎 𝑐𝑜𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑥 2
 It is given that α β = 4
6 6 3
4 = -  a = - = - .
𝑎 4 2

28. Let unit's digit =y and the ten's digit =x

So, the original number =10x+y
After interchanging the digits, New number =x+10y
The sum of the number =10x+y
The sum of the digit =x+y
According to the question, (10x+y)+(x+10y)=132
and 10x+y+12=5(x+y)
From Eq. (i), we get x=12−y…( iii )
On substituting the value of x=12−y in Eq. (ii), we get
On putting the value of y=8 in Eq. (iii), we get
So, the Original number =10x+y
Hence, the two digit number is 48.
Let the actual speed of the train be x km/hr and the actual time taken be y hours. Then,
Distance covered =(xy)km ..(i) [∴ Distance = Speed × Time]
If the speed is increased by 6 km/hr, then time of journey is reduced by 4 hours i.e., when speed
is (x+6)km/hr, time of journey is (y−4) hours.
∴ Distance covered =(x+6)(y−4)
⇒xy=(x+6)(y−4) [Using (i)]
⇒−2x+3y−12=0 ..(ii)
When the speed is reduced by 6 km/hr, then the time of journey is increased by 6 hours i.e., when
speed is (x−6) km/hr, time of journey is (y−6) hours.
∴ Distance covered =(x−6)(y+6)
⇒xy=(x−6)(y+6) [Using (i)]
⇒x−y−6=0 (iii)
Thus, we obtain the following system of equations:
By using cross-multiplication, we have,

⇒x=30 and y=24

Putting the values of x and y in equation (i), we obtain
Distance =(30×24)km =720km.
Hence, the length of the journey is 720km.
29. Let ABCDEF be a hexagon.It is circumscribe a circle.
AM = AR -----(i)
BM = BN ---------(ii)
CN = CO ----------(iii)
DO = DP ----------(iv)
EP = EQ ----------(v)
FQ = FR --------- (vi)
adding (i) and (ii) we get
AM + BM = AR + BN
⇒ AB = AR + BN
adding (iii) and (iv) we get
CO + DO = CN + DP
⇒ CD = CN + DP
adding (v) and (vi) we get
EQ + FQ = EP + FR
⇒ EF = EP + FR
Adding all these we obtain
AB + CD + EF = AR + ( BN + CN ) + (DP + EP) + FR = BC + DE + FA
∴ AB + CD + EF = BC + DE + FA
Since triangles drawn from an external point to a circle are equal.
Thus, in triangles AFD and DFC, we have
DA=DC and DF=DF and AF=CF [Radii of the same dircle]
So, bt SSS−criterion of congruence, we have
Similarly, we can prove that
Now, ∠ADC+2∠CEB=180 0[sum of the interior angles on the same sides of transversal is 1800 ]
⇒2∠CDF+2∠CEF=1800 [using equation (i) and (ii)]
[∵∠CDF,∠CEF and ∠DEF are angles of a triangle∵∠CDF+∠CEF+∠DEF=1800]
⇒180 0 −∠DEF=90 0 ⇒∠DEF=900
30. We have, sec θ + tan θ = p ------------ (i)
1 1
∴ sec θ - tan θ =
sec θ + tan θ
 sec θ - tan θ = 𝑝 -------------(ii)

Adding and subtracting (i) and (ii), we get

1 1
(sec θ + tan θ) + (sec θ - tan θ) = p + 𝑝 and, (sec θ + tan θ) - (sec θ - tan θ) = p - 𝑝
1 1 1 1 1 1
 2 sec θ = p + 𝑝 and 2 tan θ = p - 𝑝  sec θ = 2 (p + 𝑝 ) and tan θ = 2 (p - 𝑝 )
1 1
tan 𝜃 (p − ) 𝑝2− 1
2 𝑝
 Now, sin θ = sec 𝜃  sin θ = 1 1 = 𝑝2+ 1
(p+ )
2 𝑝

1 1 1 1 𝑝2− 1
 Thus, we obtain sec θ = 2 (p + 𝑝 ) and tan θ = 2 (p - 𝑝 ) and sin θ =𝑝 2 + 1

31. A bag contains 12 balls of which 'x' are white.

(i) Probability of drawing a white ball = x/12
(ii) 6 more white balls are put in the bag.
New probability of picking a white ball =

According to question,
Probability of white ball in case (ii) = 2 x probability of white ball in case (i)
𝑥+6 𝑥
Or, =2x
18 12
𝑥+6 𝑥
Or, =
18 6

Or, 6×(x+6)=18×x
Or, 6x + 36 = 18x
Or, 12x = 36
No. of white balls initially = 3
32. Let x be the usual speed of the plane
Increased speed=x+250
Time taken by plane in usual circumstaces, t 1 = speed / distance
t1 = 1500 / x
Time taken by plane due to delay, t2 = distance / (x+250)
Difference in times = Delay in departure
x2 + 250 x – 750000=0
x 2 +1000x−750x−750000=0
∴ The usual speed of the plane is750 km/h.
Let V be the volume of the pool and x the number of hours required by the second pipe alone to
fill the pool. Then, the first pipe takes (x+5) hours, while the third pipe takes (x−4) hours to fill
the pool. So, the parts of the pool filled by the first, second and third pipes in one hour are
respectively , and .
𝑥 +5 𝑥 𝑥−4

Let the time taken by the first and second pipes to fill the pool simultaneously be t hours.
Then, the third pipe also takes the same time to fill the pool
∴( + ) t = Volume of the pool
𝑥 +5 𝑥
Also, t = Volume of the pool
∴( + )t= t
𝑥 +5 𝑥 𝑥−4
1 1 1
 + =
𝑥 +5 𝑥 𝑥−4

 (2x+5)(x−4)=x2+5x⇒x2−8x−20=0⇒x2−10x+2x−20=0⇒(x−10)(x+2)=0
 ⇒x=10 or x = −2
But x cannot be negative. So x=10
Hence the timings required by first, second and third pipes to fill the pool individually
are 15 hours, 10 hours and 6 hours respectively.
Given DE∥BC

In △ADE and △ABC

∠DAE=∠BAC(common angle)

∠ADE=∠ABC[∵DE∥BC ∴corresponding angles are equal]



It is proved that if a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle intersecting the other two side, then
it divides the two sides in the same ratio.

34. Given, Radius of cone=60cm

Height of cone=120cm

Radius of hemisphere=60cm

Radius of cylinder=60cm

Height of cylinder=180cm

Volume of cone is, 1/3 πr2h

= π x 602 x 120 = 14000 π cm3
Volume of hemisphere is, 4/3 πr3h
= π x 603 x h = 2π x 20 x 602 cm3 = 40π x 602 cm3
= 144000 cm3

Volume of cylinder is,

=πr 2 h

=π×60 2×180

=648000πcm 3

Volume of water left in cylinder is

= πr2h – 1/3 πr2h - 4/3 πr3h


=360000π =1130400 cm3 = 1.1314 m3.


Let ABC be the right angled triangle such that AB=15cm and AC=20cm

Using Pythagoras theorem we have




Let OB=x and OA=y
Applying pythagoras theorem in triangles OAB and OAC we have
Putting x=9 in x2+y2=225 we get
Thus we have OA=12cm and OB=9cm
Volume of the double cone = volume of cone CAA' + volume of cone BAA'
Surface area of the double cone = curved surface area of cone CAA′ + curved surface area of
cone BAA′

35. Here, the class- intervals are formed by exclusive method. If we make the series an inclusive one the
mid-values remain same. So, there is no need to convert the series into an inclusive form.

Let the assumed mean be A= 749.5 and h= 100.

Calculation of Mean

Hence, the average life time of a tube is 715 hours.

36. (i) (- 2/3, 1)
(ii) (1/2 , 0)
(iii) (2, 3/2) OR (0, 1)
37. (i) 11
(ii) 2
(iii) 51, 49, 47, ….. OR 6
38. (i) 1118.36 km
(ii) 1937 km
(iii) 450 OR 1930 m

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