Major Duties Community Liaison Office Coordinator CLO 1 1

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The CLO is responsible for developing and managing a program based on community demographics
and post-specific needs. Development and implementation of the program has direct impact on post
morale and affects overall work performance, productivity, retention, community spirit, and individual and
family well-being in a foreign environment. The CLO develops evaluation criteria and conducts periodic
surveys to assess program efficacy. Based on analysis of formal and informal surveys, the CLO
develops and implements a long-range program plan that outlines goals to maintain and enhance
morale at post.


The duties of the CLO are defined in eight areas of responsibility: employment liaison, crisis
management and security liaison, education liaison, information and resource management, guidance
and referral, welcoming and orientation, community liaison, and events planning. The CLO develops
and administers a program plan across the eight areas, which is client‐driven and responsive to post‐
specific needs.

Employment Liaison:

 Advocate for family member employment opportunities within the Mission and on the local
economy; recommend policy initiatives to post management.
 Advertise employment opportunities within the Mission and on the local economy.
 Serve on the Post Employment Committee and advocate for family member preference.
 Promote negotiation of reciprocal bilateral work agreements.
 Encourage and facilitate alternative employment options such as telework and home‐based
 Organize and facilitate career planning workshops and employment seminars for family
 Inform family members on EFM employment programs managed by the DOS.
 Inform family members on employment resources within the DOS.
 Encourage and assist family members to apply for functional training.
 Publicize and promote the post Overseas Seasonal Hire Program (OSHP).
 Coordinate and maintain post's Family Member Employment Report (FAMER).

Crisis Management and Security Liaison:

 Relay critical security information between post management and the community.
 Represent the interests and concerns of community members when security or crisis situations
 Serve on the Emergency Action Committee with primary responsibility for rumor control.
 Work with RSO to organize security briefings, contingency planning seminars, and town
meetings to disseminate information and ensure emergency preparedness.
 Develop and maintain a warden system database for all employees and family members that
include safe haven information.
 Provide and explain evacuation regulations and allowances to community members.
 Provide departure and safe haven info to FLO during an evacuation.
 Work in the FLO Office as an evacuated CLO as circumstances and funding permit.
 Crisis aftermath ‐ work with post management to rebuild the community.

Education Liaison:

 Establish and maintain liaison with schools used by post families.

 Provide information and referral service on educational options available to employees and
family members at post. Provide current information and resources on overseas schools,
Washington area schools, boarding schools, education allowances, special needs resources,
home schooling, distance learning, adult education opportunities and childcare issues.
 Facilitate programs that support students and youth at post.
 Prepare annual School Summary Report for Office of Overseas Schools and Child Care Report
for FLO.

Information and Resource Management:

 Gather, maintain and disseminate information to the community, post management, and
appropriate functional offices in the Department.
 Pursue and develop resources within and outside the Mission to best serve constituent needs.
 Establish and maintain a community resource center that includes Internet/Intranet access.
 Develop and consolidate written resource materials under welcome/orientation/reentry, as
well as other areas of CLO responsibility.
 Develop client database and CLO page on post website.
 Market the CLO program to the community and post management to garner support for
 Submit semi‐annual activity report to FLO.
 Submit updated post information to OBC.

Guidance and Referral:

 Provide confidential support to individuals and groups within the community (divorce,
spouse/child abuse, adoption, death, mental health concerns).
 Utilize available resources to address concerns and meet needs.
 Recommend referrals as appropriate.
 Represent individual and/or collective concerns to post management as appropriate and help
formulate solutions and family friendly policies.

Welcoming and Orientation:

 Provide pre and post arrival information and resources to ensure successful acclimation to post
 Organize and maintain an effective sponsorship program.
 Organize post welcome activities.
 Coordinate official post orientation program.
 Coordinate reentry workshop for departing employees and family members.
Community Liaison:

 Establish and maintain an effective working relationship with all agencies and sections of the
 Pursue and develop effective working relationship with local community organizations and
resources that benefit members of the post community and enhance quality of life at post.
 Serve as community representative on Mission committees (IAHB, EAC, PEC and Commissary
 Attend country team and regularly scheduled briefings with ADMIN and the AMB or DCM.
 Establish a CLO Advisory Board to assist in defining program goals.
 Develop an effective working relationship with CLOs from other English‐speaking Missions.

Events Planning:

 Coordinate the development and implementation of relevant programs to enhance post morale
in the following three categories: U.S. traditions; Host country culture; and Social, educational
and recreational activities.
 Encourage volunteerism through community outreach.
 Facilitate morale‐enhancing seminars and workshops organized by other groups or individuals at

Participation in post committees/boards: The CLO is a full member of the Management staff team,
attends regularly scheduled Management meetings and meets one on one with the Management
Officer /Counselor on a regular basis. The CLO attends country team and is a member of the EAC, PEC,
lAHB, and association board at post The CLO meets on a regular basis with the Ambassador or DCM and
organizes the CLO Advisory Board at post, which serves as a sounding board and assists in defining CLO
program objectives.

Program funding responsibilities: Federal law prohibits the use of appropriated funds to support the CLO
program. The CLO Coordinator works with other organizations at post to defray the cost of programs
that are not self‐supporting, or to obtain advance funding for activities. CLOs with supportive and viable
employee associations at post submit an annual or semi‐annual budget proposal request for financial
support. The CLO may also organize in‐house fundraising activities in support of programs.

Note: “This position description in no way states or implies that these are the only duties to be
performed by incumbent. Incumbent will be required to perform other duties as assigned by the

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