SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS Comprehension & Cloze Passage Final Sheet

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SYNONYMS (a) Drug (b) Source

Directions (1-46) : In the following questions, out of (c) Paradise (d) Cure
the four alternatives, select the word similar in
meaning to the word give. 12. Vanquish
1. Indict (a) Outwit (b) Triumph
(a) Implicate (b) Elude (c) Subdue (d) Overrule
(c) Charge (d) Manifest 13. Enchant
2. Intrepid (a) Excite (b) Fascinate
(a) Ambitious (b) Determined (c) Animate (d) Impress
(c) Talkative (d) Fearless 14. Discriminate
3. Obnoxious (a) Compare (b) Distinguish
(a) Depressing (b) Disgusting (c) Comprehend (d) Connect
(c) Arrogant (d) Filthy 15. Knave
4. Grandeur (a) Emperor (b) Enchant
(a) Magnificence (b) Admiration (c) Solider (d) Scoundrel
(c) Happiness (d) Awe 16. Prodigal
5. Infatuation (a) Huge (b) Prodigious
(a) Emotion (b) Passion (c) Enormous (d) Wasteful
(c) Imagination (d) Compassion 17. Disparity
6. Tramp (a) Disseminate (b) Difference
(a) Wanderer (b) Cheat (c) Discord (d) Difficulty
(c) Traveller (d) Pilgrim 18. Censure
7. Diligent (a) Criticise (b) Warn
(a) Modest (b) Energetic (c) Advise (d) Evaluate
(c) Intelligent (d) Industrious 19. Obstinate
8. Prudent (a) Antagonistic (b) Obstruse
(a) Praise (b) Affection (c) Intrinsic (d) Stubborn
(c) Ambition (d) Charity 20. Pester
9. Adulation (a) Annoy (b) Insect
(a) Praise (b) Affection (c) Upset (d) Paste
(c) Ambition (d) Charity 21. Reparation
10. Mitigate (a) Aspersion (b) Correction
(a) Reduce (b) Increase (c) Compensation (d) Delegation
(c) Deceive (d) Explain 22. Baleful
11. Panacea (a) Harmful (b) Doubtful 1 Mobile Number:- 9161067088

(c) Useful (d) Helpful (a) Commencement (b) Insane
23. Indignation (c) Condone (d) A Suspension
(a) Hatred (b) Anger 36. Dauntless
(c) Disapproval (d) Contempt (a) Brave (b) Fascinate
24. Ellusive (c) Insane (d) Impress
(a) Baffling (b) Enticing 37. Chauvinism
(c) Directing (d) Soothing (a) Neutral (b) Aloof
25. Hoodwink (c) Zealotry (d) Evenhanded
(a) Defraud (b) Illicit 38. Fallacy
(c) Secret (d) Stare (a) Conformity (b) Surety
26. Articulate (c) Bias (d) Evidence
(a) Dominate (b) Distinct 39. Reproach
(c) Helpers (d) Unsteady (a) Commend (b) Laud
27. Eloquent (c) Exonerate (d) Admonish
(a) Fluent (b) Ignorant 40. Obliterate
(c) Rude (d) Significant (a) Construct (b) Annihilate
28. Nefarious (c) Revive (d) Initiate
(a) Iniquitous (b) Purposeful 41. Commemorate
(c) Suspicious (d) Virtuous (a) Opprobrium (b) Reproach
29. Pernicious (c) Disrepute (d) Celebrate
(a) Beneficial (b) Dangerous 42. Ravine
(c) Innocuous (d) Advantageous (a) Lucid (b) Patent
30. Boisterous (c) Abyss (d) Palpable
(a) Clamorous (b) Ferocious 43. Cynicism
(c) Fissiparous (d) Voluminous (a) Conviction (b) Bitterness
31. Haggard (c) Credence (d) Intuition
(a) Emaciated (b) Insane 44. Pinnacle
(c) Rejected (d) Ridicule (a) Culmination (b) Nadir
32. Surreptitious (c) Nethermost (d) Basal
(a) Hesitation (b) Secret 45. Morbid
(c) Impious (d) Artless (a) Ghastly (b) Animated
33. Inanition (c) Buoyant (d) Jaunty
(a) Lethargy (b) offensive 46. Whine
(c) Vacillating (d) Grasping (a) Gratification (b) Luxury
34. Dauntless (c) Thrill (d) Gripe
(a) Brave (b) Insane
(c) Playful (d) Ugly
35. Abeyance 2 Mobile Number:- 9161067088

ANTONYMS (a) Definite (b) Inchoate

Directions (1-39) : In the following questions, out (c) Dismal (d) Sullen

of the four alternatives, select the word Opposite 13. Waggish

in meaning to the word give. (a) Jocular (b) Whimsical

1. Squander (c) Flippant (d) Solemn

(a) Frivol (b) Dissipate 14. Desecrate

(c) Hoard (d) Expend (a) Sanctify (b) Profane

2. Dominate (c) Befoul (d) Defile

(a) Surrender (b) Prevail 15. Lugubrious

(c) Dictate (d) Command (a) Clumsy (b) Lucid

3. Rebuke (c) Optimistic (d) Sinister

(a) Admonition (b) Censure 16. Vexatious

(c) Scold (d) Flattery (a) Calamitous (b) Treachery

4. Bifurcate (c) Soothing (d) Pliable

(a) Combine (b) Ramify 17. Ostentation

(c) Furcate (d) Diverge (a) Comical (b) Insane

5. Drift (c) Modest (d) Swanky

(a) Stumble (b) Float 18. Phlegmatic

(c) Slide (d) Scud (a) Ardent (b) Indifferent

6. Adamant (c) Prohibit (d) Merciless

(a) Rigid (b) Flexible 19. Churlish

(c) Fixed (d) Unshakable (a) Belittle (b) Courteous

7. Pellucid (c) Fervent (d) Uncouth

(a) Torpid (b) Explicit 20. Implicate

(c) Murky (d) Limpid (a) Disentangle (b) Impersonate

8. Clandestine (c) Complicate (d) Impose

(a) Abrupt (b) Illicit 21. Vacate

(c) Permanent (d) Wary (a) Evacuate (b) Validate

9. Nugatory (c) Occupy (d) Empty

(a) Delusive (b) Futile 22. Candid

(c) Unreal (d) Productive (a) Outspoken (b) Frank

10. Naive (c) Devious (d) Disguised

(a) Artful (b) Candid 23. Culpable

(c) Credulous (d) Sincere (a) Defendable (b) Blameless

11. Raucous (c) Careless (d) Irresponsible

(a) Dulcet (b) Hoarse 24. Rectitude

(c) Jarring (d) Torrent (a) Dishonestly (b) Disrespect

12. Nebulous (c) Untidiness (d) Helpless 3 Mobile Number:- 9161067088

25. Sedate (a) Haziness (b) Legal right
lacking in (c) Disinclination (d) Camaraderie
(a) (b) weak
confidence 33. Puerile
(c) Flippant (d) Ill-informed (a) Fresh (b) Suspenseful
26. Disdain (c) Matured thinking (d) Easily attainable
(a) Praise (b) Equivocate 34. Veneration
(c) Salvage (d) Turbulence (a) Embezzlement (b) Awe
27. transient (c) Disrespect (d) Farsighted
(a) Slippery (b) Slipshod 35. Ignominy
(c) Permanent (d) Original (a) Entrance (b) Activity
28. Pathetic (c) Eligibility (d) Honour
(a) Rapturous (b) Friendly 36. Deleterious
(c) Conscious (d) Desolate (a) Dilatory (b) Harmless
29. Copious (c) Being delicate (d) Salubrious
(a) Grand (b) Affluence 37. Ascetic
(c) Meagre (d) Weird (a) Ardent (b) Indulging in pleasure
30. Obliterate (c) Careless (d) Patriotic
(a) Devastate (b) Perpetuate 38. Austere
(c) Clear (d) Uncomplicated (a) Accused (b) Polite
31. Insolence (c) Unpleasant (d) Improbable
(a) Futuristic (b) Respectfulness 39. Parsimonious
(c) Tolerance (d) Aptitude (a) Partisan (b) Permissible
32. Predilection (c) Revealing (d) Extravagant 4 Mobile Number:- 9161067088

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Comprehension & Cloze Passage

Directions (1-5) : In the following passage some of the summer.
words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the (b) the nights are longer in October than
help of the alternatives given. Select the most midsummer.
appropriate option for each blank. (c) the train arrived later than usual.
As I stepped out of the train I felt unusually (d) he had walked unduly slowly.
solitary since I was the only passenger to alight. I was 4. The writer found it difficult to keep to the path
accustomed to arriving in the summer, when holiday- because of
makers throng coastal resorts and this was my first visit (a) the darkness and narrowness of the path.
when the season was over. My destination was a little (b) poor visibility and grassy track.
village which was eight miles by road. It took only a (c) the darkness and his slow pace.
few minutes for me to come to the foot of the cliff (d) poor visibility and dew on grass.
path. When I reached the top I had left all signs of 5. When he settled himself on the fork of the tree
habitation behind me. I was surprised to notice that the the writer
sky was already aflame with the sunset. It seemed to be (a) had a sound sleep.
getting dark amazingly quickly. I was at a loss to (b) was disturbed by noise of animals
account for the exceptionally early end of daylight (c) was too afraid to sleep.
since I did not think I had walked unduly slowly. Then (d) tried to sleep but without much
I recollected that on previous visits I had walked in Directions (1-5) : In the following passage some of the
high summer and now it was October. words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the
All at once it was night. The track was grassy help of the alternatives given. Select the most
and even in daylight showed up hardly at all. I was appropriate option for each blank.
terrified of hurtling over the edge of the cliff to the Some people seem to think that sports and games
rocks below. I felt my feet squelching and sticking in are unimportant things that people do, at times when
something soggy. Then I bumped into a little clump of they are not working, instead of going to the cinema,
trees that loomed up in front of me. I climbed up the listening to the radio, or sleeping. But in actual fact,
nearest trunk and managed to find a tolerably sports and games can be of great value, especially to
comfortable fork to sit on. The waiting was spent by people who work with their brains most of the day, and
my attempts to identify the little stirrings and noises of should not be treated only as amusements.
animal life that I could hear. I grew colder and colder Sports and games make our bodies strong,
and managed to sleep only in uneasy fitful starts. At prevent us from getting too fat, and keep must healthy.
last when the moon came up I was on my way again. But these are not their only uses. They give us valuable
1. The writer felt unusually solitary because practice in making eyes, brain and muscles work
(a) he was feeling very lonely without his together. In tennis, our eyes see the ball coming, judge
family. its speed and direction and pass this information of to
(b) he was missing the company of other the brain. The brain then has to decide what to do, and
holiday - makers. so on, so that the ball is met and hit back where it
(c) his destination was little village eight ought to go. All this must happen with very great
miles away. speed, and only those who have had a lot of practice at
(d) there was no one to meet him. tennis can carry out his complicated chain of events
2. "I left all signs of habitation behind me." This successfully. For those who work with brains most of
means that he the day, the practice of such skills is especially useful.
(a) came to a place where there were very 1. The author thinks that
few houses (a) sports and games are unimportant
(b) was in front of a large collection of (b) sports and games are important
cottages (c) going to the cinema is important
(c) had come very far from places where (d) sleeping is important
people lived 2. Sports and games are important especially to
(d) had just passed a remote village people who work with their
3. It became darker than the writer expected (a) brains (b) hands
because (c) heart (d) body
(a) the nights are shorter in autumn than in 3. Sports make 5 Mobile Number:- 9161067088

(a) hands and legs work together Directions (1-5) : In the following passage some of the
(b) the members of a team work together words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the
(c) the players and the spectators come together help of the alternatives given. Select the most
(d) eyes, brain and muscles work together appropriate option for each blank.
4. The game cited by the author is "People very often complain that poverty is a
(a) Football (b) Tennis great evil and that it is not possible to be happy unless
(c) Cricket (d) Hockey one has a lot of money. Actually, this is not necessarily
5. In tennis, what is to be done is decided by true. Even a poor man, living in a small hut with none
(a) the umpire's action of the comforts and luxuries of life, may be quite
(b) the audience reaction contented with his lot and achieve a measure of
(c) the player's brain happiness. On the other hand, a very rich man, living in
(d) the player's heart a place and enjoying everything that money can buy,
Directions (1-5) : In the following passage some of the may still be miserable, if, for example, he does not
words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the enjoy good health or his only son has taken to evil
help of the alternatives given. Select the most ways. Apart from this, he may have a lot of business
appropriate option for each blank. worries which keep him on tenterhooks most of the
In these days of cable television the ratio has time. There is a limit to what money can buy and there
again become popular. As in the days before the .... (1) are many things which are necessary for man's
.... of television, people switched on their radios first happiness and which money cannot procure.
thing in the morning. Channels of every .... (2).... can Real happiness is a matter of the right attitude
be heard broadcasting news and songs of every ....(3) and the capacity of being contented with whatever you
........ More than anything else, people prefer to listen have is the most important ingredient of this attitude".
.... (4).... which bring refreshing change to the ..... (5) 1. The phrase "on tenterhooks" means
..... routine of their everyday lives. (a) in a state of thoughtfulness
1. (a) advent (b) appearance (b) in a state of anxiety
(c) birth (d) genesis (c) in a state of sadness s
2. (a) range (b) variety (d) in a state of forgetfulness
(c) frequency (d) category 2. It is true that
3. (a) state (b) language (a) money alone can given happiness.
(c) description (d) kind (b) money always give happiness.
4. (a) into the song (b) from the songs (c) money seldom gives happiness.
(c) the songs (d) to the songs (d) money alone cannot given happiness.
5. (a) packed (b) monotonous 3. A rich man's life may become miserable if he
(c) exciting (d) light (a) has evil son, bad health and business worries
Directions (1-5) : In the following passage some of the (b) does not enjoy good health
words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the (c) has business worries
help of the alternatives given. Select the most (d) has business worries and his only son has
appropriate option for each blank. taken to evil ways s
One rainy day I watched a neighbour ...... (1).... 4. Which of the following is the most appropriate
to push her toddler in a pram with one hand and control title to the passage?
her Doberman with the other. The dog didn't want to (a) Poverty a great evil
get its feet we and was refusing to walk. I was about to (b) The key of happiness s
put on jacket and offer ...... (2)..... help when the trio (c) Contentment, the key to happiness
disappeared .........(3)...... some hedges. When they (d) Money and contentment
reappeared, she .... (4)..... to have sorted out her 5. Which of the following statement is true?
problem: the toddler, attached to the dog's leash, was (a) Only a poor but contented man can be happy.
..... (5)..... running through mud puddles, and the dog (b) A poor but contented man can never be
was in the pram. happy.
1. (a) struggling (b) to struggle (c) A poor but contented man can be happy.
(c) being struggle (d) was struggling (d) A poor but contented man is always happy.
2. (a) lot (b) the
(c) some (d) few
3. (a) on (b) above
(c) to (d) behind
4. (a) was (b) seemed
(c) looked (d) seem
5. (a) generally (b) hardly
(c) fiercely (d) joyously 6 Mobile Number:- 9161067088

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