English Drill

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1. How often do you take a bath in a day?

2. How often do you wash your hair in day?

3. How often do you watch tv in a day?
4. How often do you play a game in a day?
5. How often do you sweep the floor in a day?
6. How often does your mother cook rice in a day?
7. How often does your mother wash the plate in a day?

A: How often do you eat rice in a day ?
B: I eat rice Three times in a day.

How often................in a week?

Make a dialogue and practice it!

1. How often do you go to school in a week?
2. How often do you go to English course in a week?
3. How often do you go to your grand mother in a week?
4. How often do you go to picnic in a week?
5. How often do you go shopping in a week?
6. How often does your father go to work in a week ?
7. How often does your mother go to market in a week ?
8. How often does your mother go to departement store in a week ?
9. How often does your mother go to school in a week ?

A: How often do you go to school in a week ?
B: I go to school six time in a week.

How often..................in a month ?

Make a dialogue and practice it!

1. How often do you visite to museum in a month ?
2. How often do you visite library in a month ?
3. How often do you go to picnic in a month ?
4. How often do you go shopping in a month ?
5. How often do you go to the beach in a month ?
6. How often do you go to the beach in a week ?
7. How often does your brother go fishing in a month ?
8. How often does your sister go swimming in a month ?

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9. How often do you go to the dentist in a month ?
10. How often do you go to the doctor in a month ?

How often.................in a year

Make a dialogue and practice it!

1. How often do you go to middle Java in a year ?
2. How How often do you go to East java in a year ?
3. How often do you go to West java in a year ?
4. How often do you go to Bali island in a year ?
5. How often do you go to surabaya shopping center in year ?

A : How often do you go to Bali island in a year ?
B : I go to Bali island once in a year

Once :1x In a year : dalam satu
Twice :2x tahun
Three times/thrice : 3 x Usually : biasanya
Four times : 4 x Sometime : kadang kadang
Five times : 5 x Seldom : jarang
Six times :6x Hardly ever: hampir tidak
Many times : berkali kali Ever : pernah
In a day : dalam satu hari Never : tidak pernah
In a week : dalam satu minggu

How long ..............?

Make a dialogue and practice it!

1. How long do you sleep in a day ?
2. How long do you do the English home work in a day ?
3. How long do you watch Tv in a day ?
4. How long do you operate a computer in a day ?

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5. How long do you play handphone in a day ?
6. How long do you have a breakfast ?
7. How long do you have a dawn prayer ?
8. How long does your brother listen a music in a day ?
9. How long does your sister sing a song ?
10. How long does your father work in a day ?

A : How long do you sleep in a day ?
B : I sleep for 8 hours in a day
A : How long do you have a dawn prayer ?
B : I have a dawn prayer for 5 minutes in a aday

Conversation Daily Activities

Make a dialogue and practice it!

A : What time do you get up everyday ?
B : I get up at 05.00 o’clock in the morning
A : What do you do after you get dressed ?
B : I wear shoes
A : What time do you have lunch each day ?
B : At 02.00 o’clock in the afternoon
A : What do you usually have befor dinner ?
B : I usually learn the lesson
A : What time do you leave your house everyday ?
B : I leave my house at 6 a.m. in everyday
A : How often do you eat in one day?
B : I eat thrice a day
A : Do you always have dinner with your family ?
B : No, I don’t. Because, my family is rarely at home at night
A : do you get up early everyday ?
B : yes, I do. Because, I have to go to school
A : What do you usually have for breakfast ?
B : Milk and bread
A : What do you usually have for dinner ?
B : fried rice
A : How do you feel when you get out of bed early ?
B : I feel very sleepy
A : What do you usually do before leaving home ?
B : I usually tidy room

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A : Do you always do your home activities regularly ?
B : No, I don’t. Because, sometimes, I am very busy
A : Do you always go home on time ?
B : No, I don’t. Because, I usually do the work in a friend’s house
A : What do you do in the afternoon ?
B : I usually listen to the radio in the afternoon
A : What do you do in the morning ?
B : I have breakfast and read the newspaper
A : Can you tell me the activities you do every day ?
B : I always get up at five o’clock. I take a bath and after that, I have
breakfast and go to
A : How much vacation time do you get a year ?
B : Four weeks
A : How far is your house from school ?
B : Well, about 20 minutes by motorcycle
A : What do you do after having lunch ?
B : I usually sleep

-Like ........best

Make a dialogue and practice it!

1. What food do you like best? 6. What fruit do you like best?
2. What beverage do you like best? 7. What dessert do you like best?
3. What juice ice do you like best? 8. What snack do you like best?
4. What soft drink do you like 9. What vegetable do you like
best? best?
5. What sea food do you like best? 10. What mineral water do you like
A: What food do you like best?
B: I like fried chicken best.

Foods and Ingredients Desserts • Apple pie = kue seafood
• Bread = roti pai apel Bandeng : Milkfish
• Cheese = keju • Cake = kue Belut : Eel

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• Egg = telur • Candy = permen Cumi-cumi : Squid
• Fish = ikan • chocolate cake =kue Gurame : Carp fish
• Ketchup = saus tomat cokelat Gurita : Octapus
• Noodles = mi • cookies = kue kering Kepiting : Crab
• Peanuts = kacang • donut = donat Kerang : Sea shell
• Sandwich = roti isi • fruits = buah-buahan Lele : Catfish
• Shrimp = udang • ice cream = es krim Pari : Ray fish/sting-ray
• Toast = daging panggang • pie = kue pai Penyu : Turtle
• Corn = ja/gung • potato chips = keripik Sardencis/sareden :
• Wheat = gandum kentang Sardine
• Biscuits = biskuit • pudding = puding Teri : Tiny sea fish
• cake = kue Tongkol : Tuna
• corn bread = roti Drinks and Beverages Udang : Shrimp
jagung/ (Minuman)
• Doughnuts = donat • beer = bir fruit
• wheat bread = roti • Brandy = brendi, • Apple = Apel
tawar minuman beralkohol • Pear = pir
Vegetables • Cocoa = cokelat • Banana = pisang
Vocabulary • Cocktail = kokteil, • Papaya = pepaya
 Lettuce = selada minuman beralkohol • Mango = mangga
• Cabbage = kubis, kol dengan wiski • Coconut = kelapa
• Celery = daun seledri • Coffee = kopi • Avocado = alpukat
• Corn = ja/gung • Coke = minuman bersoda • Pineapple = nanas
• Cauliflower = kembang • green tea = the hijau • Watermelon = semangka
kol • ice coffee = es kopi • Lemon = jeruk lemon
• Broccoli = brokoli • ice tea = es teh • Orange = jeruk
• Spinach = bayam • juice = jus • Grapes = anggur
• Eggplant = terong • lemonade = minuman • Dates = kurma
• String bean / green limun • Strawberries = stroberi
bean = buncis hijau • liquor = sejenis minuman • Breadfruit = buah sukun
• Cucumber = mentimun beralkohol • Dragonfruit = buah naga
• Tomato = tomat • milk = susu • Durian = durian
• Carrot/ = wortel • Orange juice = jus jeruk • Guava = jambu biji
• Mushroom = jamur • soda = soda • Jackfruit = buah nangka
• Potato = kentang • soft drink = minuman • Lychee = buah leci
• Red pepper = cabai ringan • Mandarin orange = jeruk
merah • Tea = teh mandarin
• Onion = bawang • tomato juice = Jus • Passion fruit = buah
• Red onion = bawang tomat markisa
merah • Water = air putih • Pomegranate = buah
• Pearl onion = bawang • Whiskey = wiski delima
putih • Wine = anggur merah • Star fruit = belimbing
• Beans = buncis beralkohol • Longan fruit = kelengkeng
• Garlic = bawang putih
• Ginger = jahe

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What is your favorite...........?

Make a dialogue and practice it!

1. Who is your favorite singer?
2. What is your favorite song?
3. Who is your favorite foot ball player?
4. What is your favorite sport?
5. What is your favorite tv channel?
6. Who is your favorite actor?
7. Who is your favorite actress?
8. Who is your favorite teacher?
9. What is your favorite movie?
10. What is your favorite tourism place?

A: What is your favorite sport ?
B: My favorite sport is football.

Which one do you like better........or..............?

Make a dialogue and practice it!

1. Which one do you like better fried rice or gudeg rice?
2. Which one do you like better apple or manggoe?
3. Which one do you like better juice ice or tea ice?
4. Which one do you like better spinach or leaf vegetable?
5. Which one do you like better fish or lobster?
6. Which one do you like better meat ball or sate?
7. Which one do you like better going to malang or going to bali?
8. Which one do you like better climbing or hiking?
9. Which one do you like better swimming or diving?
10. Which one do you like better fishing or sailing?

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A: Which one do you like better fried rice or gudeg rice?
B: I like fried rice better than gudeg rice.

How to go to.........? .How do you go to......?

Make a dialogue and practice it!

1. How to go to mecca? 6. How to go to Bali island?
2. How to go to jakarta? 7. How to go to Genteng town?
3. How to go to Surabaya? 8. How to go to market?
4. How to go to Jember? 9. How to go to Mosque?
5. How to go to Banyuwangi 10. How to go to park?
A: How do you to go to Surabaya?
B: I go to surabaya by train.

Plane : pesawat Pedicap : becak
Bus : bis Subway : kereta api bawah tanah
Train : kereta Speedboat : perahu motor cepat
Taxi : taksi Rowboat : perahu dayung
Ship : perahu Helicopter : helikopter
Motor bike : sepeda motor Airplane : pesawat terbang( kecil
Bike : sepeda dayung )
Doccart : dokkar Airliner : pesawat terbang
On foot : Jalan kaki (besar)

How do you……………?

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Make a dialogue and practice it!
1. How do you drive car?
2. How do you walk?
3. How do you sing a song?
4. How do you dance jaipong dance?
5. How do you speak English?
6. How do you do jogging?
7. How do you study the school lesson?
8. How does Mr. John speak English?
9. How does your brother drive a car?
10. How does your mother advise you?

Drive : mengemudi Carelessly : dengan
Walk : berjala sembrono
Advise : menasehati Calmly : dengan tenang
Dance ; menari Seriously : dengan serius
Sing : menyanyi Hard : dengan giat
Quikly : dengan cepat Patiently : dengan sabar
Fast : dengan cepat/
Fluently : dengan lancer
Beautifully : dengan indah
Slowly : dengan pelan
Sweetly : dengan merdu

Get up

Make a dialogue and practice it!

1. What time do you get up?
2. Who wakes you up ?
3. How does your mother wake you up?
4. What do you do after getting up ?
5. Do you set the alarm to get you up ?
6. What do you feel after getting up ?
7. Do you feel fresh after getting up ?

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8. Do you feel healthy after getting up ?
9. Do you feel tired after getting up ?
10. What do you feel your body after getting up ?

A: What time do you get up?
B: I get up at 04.0
A: Who wakes you up ?
B: My mother

Who : siapa
Wakes you up : membnagunkanmu
Do : melakukan
Set : menata
Feel : merasa
Fresh : segar
Tired: lelah
Healthy: sehat


Make a dialogue and practice it!

1. What time do you do jogging?
2. How often do you do jogging in a week?
3. Where do you do jogging?
4. How long do you do jogging?
5. Whom do you do jogging with?
6. What do you feel after jogging?
7. Do you feel your body strong after jogging?
8. Do you feel your body healthy after jogging?
9. Do you feel your body fresh after jogging?

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10. Do you get more power to your body after jogging?

A : What time do you do jogging?
B : I do jogging at four am
A : How often do you do jogging in a week?
B : 4 times in a week

Jogging : lari lari kecil
How often : berapa sering
Where : di mana
Get more power: lebih banyak mendapatkan tenaga
Whom : siapa
With : dengan
Strong : kuat
How long : berapa lama


Make a dialogue and practice it!

1. What time do you have a breakfast ?
2. Whom do you have a breakfast with ?
3. How long do you have a breakfast ?
4. What is your favorite food for having a breakfast ?
5. What beverage do you like best to drink?
6. Which one do you like better eating meat ball or fried chicken?
7. What do you feel after having a breakfast ?
8. Do you feel full stomach ?
9. Do still feel hungry ?
10. What do you feel after drinkimg mineral water ?

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A : What is your favorite food for having a breakfast ?
B : Sea food

Food : makanan
Beverage : minuman
Which one : yang mana
like better : lebih suka
like best : paling suka
meat ball : daging
feel : merasa
hungry : lapar
full stomach : thirsty

Go to school

1. What time do you go to school?

2. What time do you come back?
3. What time do you get a break?
4. When do you go to school in a week?
5. How often do you go to school in a week?
6. How do you go to school?
7. Whom do you go to school with?
8. How far to go to school from your house?
9. How long do you go school by motor bike?
10. Tell me the way to your house?
11. Is it nice way to go to your school?
12. What do you think of your school?


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A : How do you go to school?
B : I go to school by motor bike

come back : pulang
think : pendapat
How : bagaimana (naik apa
How far : berapa jauh
How long : berapa lama
Tell : katakana padaku
nice way : jalanya enak
broken way : jalanya rusak
rocky way : jalanya berbatu
dusty way : jalanya berdebu
muddy way : jalanya becek
get a break ; istirahat

Going to English course

Make a dialogue and Practice it!

1. What time do you go to English course?
2. Where do you go to English course?
3. When do you go to english course?
4. Whom do you go to English course with?
5. What do you go to English course for?
6. How long do you take an English course in a day?
7. What English program do you take?
8. Who teach you English?
9. What do you do after going to English course?
10. How do you study English?
11. Do you study English seriously?
12. Do you take speaking class?
13. Do you understand grammatical English?
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14. Do yo speak English everyday ?
15. Do you go to English course alone ?

English course : Kursus Inggris
Where : dimana/
When : kapan
Whom ,,,with : dengan siapa
How : bagaimana,naik apa
Take : mengambil
Who : siapa
have a prayer

Have …….a prayer

Make a dialogue and Practice it!

1. What time do you have a dawn prayer?
2. How long do you have a prayer?
3. When do you have a prayer?
4. How often do you have a prayer in a day?
5. Where do you have a prayer?
6. What do you do before having a prayer?
7. How do you have a prayer?
8. What do you have prayer for?
9. Why do you have a prayer?
10. Do you have a prayer every day?
11. Do you love our god?
12. Do you love our prophet?
13. Do you love our holly Qur’an?
14. Do you have a prayer in the mosque?
15. Do you have a prayer at home?

A : How do you have a prayer?
B : solemnly

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have a dawn prayer : Sholat subuh
have a morning prayer : Sholat dhuha
have a midday prayer : Sholat dhuhur
have a noon prayer : Sholat asar
have a sunset prayer : Sholat magrib
have a night prayer : Sholat isyak
have a midnight prayer: Sholat tahajut
pray : Sholat
our god : Tuhan kita
mosque : masjid
holly Qur’an : kitap suci alqur’an
prophed : nabi

Watch TV

Make a dialogue and practice it

1. What time do you watch tv ?
2. How long do you watch tw ?
3. What favorite tv channel do you like best?
4. What favorite movie do you watch ?
5. What favorite music do you watch?
6. What favorite news do you watch?
7. When do you watch TV?
8. Where do you watch TV?
9. What for do you watch TV?
10. How often do you watch TV?
11. Do you like watching horror movie?
12. Do you like watching action movie?
13. Do you watch television at night?
14. Do you watch television at morning?
15. What do you think of TV ONE?

Example :

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A : What favorite tv channel do you like best?
B : Indosiar TV

Action movie ; film aksi
Channel : saluran
Like best : paling suka
News : berita
What for : untuk apa
Horror movie : film horor
Watch : menonton

Go to mousque

Make a dialogue and practice it !

1. What time do you go to mosque for having a dawn prayer?
2. When do you go to mosque?
3. How often do you go to mosque?
4. How do you get to the mosque?
5. Is it far going to the mosque?
6. How far to get the mosque?
7. How do you go to the mosque?
8. What do you go to the mosque for?
9. Do you go to the mosque for praying
10. Do you go to the by on foot or by motor bike

A: When do you go to the mosque?
B: everyday

Is it far : apakah itu jauh
Is it near : apakah itu dekat
How far : berapa jauh

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have a dawn prayer; sholat subuh
praying ; sholat

What do you wear for.............?

1. What do you wear for jogging? 9. What do you wear for cooking?
2. What do you wear for going to 10. What do you wear for praying?
school? 11. What do you wear for
3. What do you wear for driving a travelling?
car? 12. What do you wear for jungle
4. What do you wear for hiking? tracking?
5. What do you wear for climbing ? 13. What do you wear for cycling?
6. What do you wear for 14. What do you wear for playing
swimming? foot ball?
7. What do you wear for working? 15. What do you wear for fighting ?
8. What do you wear for sleeping?

A : What do you wear for going to school?
B : I wear a school uniform

School uniform : seragam Tie : dasi
T shirt : kaos Shirt : kemeja
Glove : sarong tangan Backpack : ransel
Helmet : helem Glasses : kaca mata
Jacket : jaket Rope : tali
Shoes : sepatu Rain coat : jas hujan
Pajamas : baju tidur Moslem dress : baju muslim

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What do you use for………..?

1. What do you use for eating? 9. What do you use for washing your
2. What do you use for drinking? hair?
3. What do you use for ironing? 10. What do you use for cleaning the
4. What do you use for washing bath tub?
plate? 11. What do you use for bathing?
5. What do you use for washing 12. What do you use for frying egg?
your dress? 13. What do you use for mopping?
6. What do you use for writting? 14. What do you use for slicing meat?
7. What do you use for singing a 15. What do you use for peeling apple ?
8. What do you use for watching

A: What do you use for bathing?
B: I wear a dipper for bathing

Spoon : sendok Cattle : ceret
Fork : garbu Iron : setrika
Plate : piring Washing mechine: mesin cuci
Knife : pisau Shower : pancuran
Bowl : mangkok Brush : sikat
Glass : gelas Napkin : serbet
Cup : cangkir Dipper : gayung

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