Tumor Biomarkers
Tumor Biomarkers
Tumor Biomarkers
Tumor biomarkers, the substances which are produced by tumors or the body’s responses to tumors during tumorigenesis and
progression, have been demonstrated to possess critical and encouraging value in screening and early diagnosis, prognosis
prediction, recurrence detection, and therapeutic efficacy monitoring of cancers. Over the past decades, continuous progress has
been made in exploring and discovering novel, sensitive, specific, and accurate tumor biomarkers, which has significantly promoted
personalized medicine and improved the outcomes of cancer patients, especially advances in molecular biology technologies
developed for the detection of tumor biomarkers. Herein, we summarize the discovery and development of tumor biomarkers,
including the history of tumor biomarkers, the conventional and innovative technologies used for biomarker discovery and
detection, the classification of tumor biomarkers based on tissue origins, and the application of tumor biomarkers in clinical cancer
management. In particular, we highlight the recent advancements in biomarker-based anticancer-targeted therapies which are
emerging as breakthroughs and promising cancer therapeutic strategies. We also discuss limitations and challenges that need to be
addressed and provide insights and perspectives to turn challenges into opportunities in this field. Collectively, the discovery and
application of multiple tumor biomarkers emphasized in this review may provide guidance on improved precision medicine,
broaden horizons in future research directions, and expedite the clinical classification of cancer patients according to their
molecular biomarkers rather than organs of origin.
Brief history of tumor biomarkers development immunoglobulin light chains from the urine of a patient with
Biomarkers are designated as “a biological molecule found in multiple myeloma, and named it BJP, the first biochemical tumor
blood, other body fluids, or tissues that is a sign of a normal or biomarker described in diagnostic laboratory medicine3 (Fig. 1).
abnormal process, or a condition or disease. A biomarker may be The monitoring of BJP in urine has become one of the parameters
used to see how well the body responds to a treatment for a related to the diagnosis and prognosis of multiple myeloma.4 The
disease or condition” according to the National Cancer Institute discovery of BJP marks the beginning of research on tumor
(http://www.cancer.gov/dictionary). Tumor biomarkers exist in biomarkers. Subsequently, hormones, isozymes, and other tumor
tumor tissues or body fluids such as blood, urine, stool, saliva, biomarkers that displayed abnormalities during the occurrence
and are produced by the tumor or the body’s response to the and development of tumors were discovered. In 1927, Selmar
tumor.1 The goal of the tumor biomarker field is to develop Ashheim and Bernhard Zondek found a gonadal stimulating
sensitive, specific, reliable, cost-effective, reproducible, and power- substance—human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) from the blood
ful detection and monitoring strategies for tumor risk indication, and urine of pregnant women.5 Later on, HCG was identified as a
tumor monitoring, and tumor classification so that patients can tumor biomarker, which is frequently associated with gestational
receive the most appropriate treatment and doctors can monitor trophoblastic disease and testicular germ cell tumor.6 In 1959,
the progress, regression, and recurrence of the tumors.2 Since the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), the first “isoenzyme”, was discov-
discovery of Bence-Jones protein (BJP), the first tumor biomarker, ered in the bovine heart by Clement L Markert at Johns Hopkins
in 1846, this field has been through many stages and has made University,7 and numerous clinical evidence subsequently demon-
significant and substantial progress with the joint efforts of strated that LDH was an essential prognostic factor for different
researchers, clinical staff, and patients. tumors.8 In 1962, Meador found that some tumors spontaneously
produced adrenocorticotropic hormone-like substances, which
hindered the normal secretion mechanism of adrenocorticotropic
Discovery and exploration stage (1847–1962). In 1847, Henry hormone and induced metabolic abnormalities dominated by
Bence-Jones described the findings of a large number of hypokalemia.9 Despite the aforementioned breakthroughs in
Department of Biotherapy, Cancer Center and State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China; 2West China School of
Pharmacy, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China; 3School of Medicine, Tibet University, Lhasa 850000, China and 4National Chengdu Center for Safety Evaluation of Drugs,
State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China
Correspondence: Yinglan Zhao([email protected])
These authors contributed equally: Yue Zhou, Lei Tao, Jiahao Qiu
knowledge about tumor biomarkers, these biomarkers did not inhibitor, sotorasib, which was approved by the United States
translate from bench to bedside for cancer diagnosis or Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2021 for non-small cell
monitoring. lung cancer (NSCLC) treatment.24 The first human oncogene,
retinoblastoma (Rb) gene, was successfully cloned in 198625
Clinical application stage (1963–1978). The next significant (Fig. 1). After that, large numbers of proto-oncogenes, oncogenes,
advances came from GI Abelev who is well known for his 1963 tumor suppressors, receptors, and kinases were discovered, and
discovery that mice inoculated with liver cancer cells can some of them were successfully used as tumor diagnostic,
synthesize alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)10 (Fig. 1). AFP has been used prognostic, and therapeutic biomarkers.
as a biomarker in clinical screening, diagnosis, prediction, and
treatment evaluation of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).11 At Innovation and development stage (2005-). The rapid develop-
around the same time (in 1965), Goldenberg and Freeman found ment of science and technology is driving the field of tumor
that carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in fetal colon mucosa12 biomarkers to an innovation and development stage. An
contributed a crucial part in tumor diagnosis and prognosis increasing number of methods and technologies have been
evaluation of lung cancer,13 breast cancer,14 ovarian cancer,15 developed and applied in tumor biomarker discovery and
colorectal cancer (CRC),16 etc. The discovery of AFP and CEA has detection. The molecular biological technologies, such as geno-
promoted the clinical application of tumor biomarkers. However, mics, transcriptomics, proteomics,26 metabolomics,27,28 the clus-
the application of CEA as a tumor biomarker was later challenged tered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/
by Paul Lo Gerfo and his colleagues in 1971. They measured the CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9) gene-editing technology,29,30
level of CEA in the serum or plasma of 674 hospitalized patients by and high-throughput sequencing,31 make it possible to obtain
radioimmunoassay (RIA). It was found that CEA expression level large-scale information on the diversity of tumor biomarkers. In
was elevated in the serum of patients with multitudinous diseases, 2005, the first high-throughput sequencer was launched, which
but not cancer-specific, which hampered the potential absolute contributed to the sequencing technology. In recent years, nucleic
benefit of CEA assessment independent of other surveillance tools. acid-based liquid biopsy for monitoring cancer has attracted much
attention.32 For example, cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in the plasma of
Exploration stage (1979–2004). James Watson and Francis Crick’s cancer patients contains tumor-derived DNA sequences, which
discovery of the DNA double helix structure in 1953 ushered in a can be used as biomarkers for the early detection of cancer,
new era in tumor biomarker research.17 After this discovery, guiding treatment, and monitoring drug resistance.33 In 2016,
modern molecular biology significantly promoted the research on ExoDx Lung (ALK), the world’s first exosomal oncology diagnostic
tumor biomarkers, with a large number of genes involved in test, was launched. It can be used for the diagnosis of NSCLC and
tumor occurrence and progression being discovered. In 1979, p53 the screening of NSCLC patients for targeted therapy with
was found by David Lane and confirmed by other independent anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) inhibitors. Subsequently, the
groups.18,19 Although being considered as a cell tumor antigen at epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene mutation detection
the beginning, p53 was defined as a cancer suppressor gene in kit in plasma DNA samples was launched in 2018 and used to
198920 and more than 50% of p53 was mutant in cancer screen patients for EGFR-targeted drug therapy. China’s self-
patients.21 In 1981, Robert Weinberg and Geoffrey Cooper developed “CellRich” circulating tumor cell detection system was
discovered the small fragments of DNA in transgenic experiments approved by the National Medical Products Administration in
in which the transformation of mouse NIH/3T3 fibroblast cells 2018 and used to capture tumor circulating cells. Furthermore, the
transfected with DNA extracted from human tumors cell lines was emergence of “precision medicine” has pushed the field of tumor
successfully induced and soon followed the isolation of homo- biomarkers to a new stage, which requires the discovery of more
logous oncogenes HRAS and KRAS from human tumors.22,23 This effective tumor biomarkers and the integration of multiple tumor
discovery paved the way for the development of the first KRASG12C biomarkers to support personalized medicine.34
Fig. 4 The 14 cancer hallmarks-based biomarkers. Fourteen major characteristics of tumor cells have been proven so far, which have been
divided into acquired hallmarks including sustaining proliferative signaling, evading growth suppressors, resisting cell death, enabling
replicative immortality, inducing angiogenesis, activating invasion and metastasis, enabling hallmarks including genome instability and
mutation, tumor-promoting inflammation, nonmutational epigenetic reprogramming, and polymorphic microbiomes, and emerging
hallmarks including deregulating cellular metabolism, avoiding immune destruction, unlocking phenotypic plasticity, and senescent cells.
Each of the cancer hallmarks is involved in numerous essential biomarkers that play vital roles in tumor progression
KRAS mutation assays provide significant predictive information transcriptional upregulation of MYC and the nonoxidative pentose
on tumor progression and recurrence, which are of great value in phosphate pathway gene RPIA through activating MAPK, thereby
the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of PDAC.325 Consistently, enhancing nucleotide biosynthesis in PDAC cells.327
PDAC patients with KRASG12D mutation have shorter survival than In summary, KRAS mutations are among the most prevalent
all other PDAC patients.326 In lung adenocarcinoma patients, the drivers of tumorigenesis, and their activation is correlated with
patients with KRASG12C mutation have worse DFS than patients tumor progression and poor prognosis.334,335 The evidence
with nonG12C mutation KRAS or wild-type KRAS.324 presented above strongly suggests that KRAS is a crucial tumor
Mechanistically, KRAS drives tumor development and progres- biomarker.
sion through various signaling pathways. For example, the
extensive metabolic reprogramming induced by KRAS mutations, PI3K-AKT-mTOR: The PI3K-AKT-mTOR pathway plays valuable
such as glycolysis, glutamine metabolism, lipid metabolism, and roles in various cellular processes, such as cell proliferation,
nucleotide biosynthesis to facilitate tumorigenesis, has attracted angiogenesis, protein translation, and metabolic
much attention in recent years.327,328 KRAS-mutant cells exhibit reprogramming.302
the upregulation of glucose transporters329 and metabolic In normal cells, growth factor-stimulated PI3K activation leads
enzymes involved in the glycolysis,330,331 resulting in increased to the conversion of phosphatidylinositol-3,4-bisphosphate (PIP2)
glucose flux in the glycolytic pathway.329 KRASG12D stimulates to phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3), followed by the
hexosamine biosynthesis and the pentose phosphate pathway to recruitment of AKT and 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1 to
regulate glucose metabolism in PDAC.332 KRAS-mutant cells the plasma membrane. Following that, 3-phosphoinositide-
produce nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) dependent kinase 1 phosphorylates and activates AKT, thus
by promoting glutamine catabolism,329 and intracellular fatty acid phosphorylating the downstream mTOR complex, contributing to
uptake and oxidation.333 Furthermore, KRAS leads to the cell survival and proliferation.302,336,337 The atypical serine/
Fig. 5 The cancer invasion and metastasis and its targeted therapy. The tumor metastasis process consists of multiple steps. Initially, tumor
cells invade the surrounding stroma and extracellular matrix from the primary tumor site, and then intravasate into the bloodstream or the
lymphatics. Subsequently, tumor cells arrest in the circulation and arrive at distant organ sites, followed by extravasating and invading the
parenchyma of distant tissues. Finally, tumor cells adapt to the new microenvironment and grow to form metastatic colonization. EMT is the
basic embryonic developmental process that transforms polarized non-motile epithelial cells into motile and invasive mesenchymal cells.
Multiple cellular stress conditions including hypoxia, inflammation, metabolic stress, and signaling cascades, can induce the expression of EMT
transcription factors and prompt tumor metastasis. Meanwhile, MET amplification and mutation, the transcriptional dysregulation of c-MET,
degradation deficiency, and abnormal HGF production result in the abnormal expression of HGF/c-MET and tumor progression. Various
inhibitors including MMP inhibitors and HGF/c-MET inhibitors have been developed and emerging as promising tools in the suppression of
tumor metastasis. c-MET mesenchymal-epithelial transition factor, EMT epithelial-mesenchymal transition, HGF hepatocyte growth factor,
MMPs matrix metalloproteinases
for patients with early-stage resected PDAC.591 However, high lymphatics; (3) tumor cells survive in the circulation; (4) tumor
levels of MLKL are tied to poor prognosis in patients with colon cells arrest in the circulation and arrive at distant organ sites;
and esophageal cancers.596 The mRNA expression level of MLKL in (5)tumor cells extravasate and invade into the parenchyma of
gastric cancer tissues is significantly higher than that in normal distant tissues; (6) survival in the microenvironment and grow
tissues.592 The possible reason for this difference is that some to form metastatic colonization599–601 (Fig. 5). In 1889, Stephen
cancer cells activate necrosis to modulate the immune system, Paget vividly compared tumor metastasis to fertile “seeds”
and the exact mechanism needs to be further investigated.577 In (tumor cells) falling on “congenial soil” (the metastatic
short, MLKL is a potential prognostic biomarker for cancer microenvironment). 602,603 Many changes occur in “seeds”
patients. during the metastasis process, including proteolytic degrada-
tion of basement membranes and ECM, changes in tumor cell
Activating invasion and metastasis. Tumor metastasis is a adherence to cells and the ECM, and physical motility of tumor
process of transferring tumor cells from the primary lesion cells. 599,604 Meanwhile, homeostasis of “soil” is also altered
tumor to distant tissues and organ cascades.597,598 Tumor before tumor cells arrival by modulating the cellular composi-
metastasis is divided into multiple steps: (1) tumor cells invade tion, immune status, blood supply, and ECM of the metastatic
the extracellular matrix (ECM) and the surrounding stroma; (2) site to create a microenvironment conducive to tumor cell
tumor cells enter into the bloodstream directly or the colonization.605
Genome instability and mutation. DNA is a relatively stable ATR-CHK1/ ATM-CHK2: Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) is a
organic molecule and genomic maintenance systems monitor and kinase responsible for orchestrating cellular responses to DSB and
resolve damaged DNA, thus ensuring low mutation frequency replication stress, including DNA repair, checkpoint activation,
within cells. During tumor development, cancer cells induce the apoptosis, senescence, chromatin structural change, and tran-
accelerated accumulation of mutations by compromising genomic scription.742 Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein (ATR),
integrity or forcing genetically damaged cells to senescence or an essential regulator of the cellular replication stress response, is
undergo apoptosis.299 DNA damage response (DDR) coordinates involved in cell-cycle arrest, inhibiting the beginning of replication
DNA repair by regulating cell cycle checkpoints and other global origins, regulating global fork speed, and promoting fork
cellular responses. Genome instability and mutation caused by stabilization.743 ATM and ATR respond to DNA damage by
DDR defects are important hallmarks of cancer.733 phosphorylating hundreds of substrates.744 The checkpoint kinase
1 (CHK1) and checkpoint kinase 2 (CHK2) are the major substrates
PARP: DNA single-strand break (SSB) or single-strand nick are downstream of ATR and ATM, respectively, and are responsible for
primarily recognized by PARP1 or PARP2, which catalyze the downregulating the activity of CDKs, thereby preventing cell cycle
formation of poly (ADP-ribose) (PAR) chains on themselves and progression under stress. ATM is recruited to DSB sites and
neighboring target proteins.733 PARP1 and its activity in poly(ADP- promotes histone H2AX phosphorylation. Phosphorylated H2AX in
ribosyl)ation (PARylation) at SSBs recruit the scaffold protein turn recruits the mediator of DNA damage protein MDC1, and
XRCC1 which drives DNA ligase 3 (LIG3) and accessory repair subsequent MDC1 phosphorylation by ATM leads to recruitment
factors to rejoin disruptions. The poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase of DNA damage mediator proteins 53BP1 and BRCA1, thereby
(PARP) plays an important role in many cancer types, including promoting DSB repair.733
ovarian cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, and prostate ATM is frequently mutated or inactivated in a variety of tumors,
cancer.733 Furthermore, PAR chains are rapidly degraded by PAR including lung cancer, breast cancer, brain cancer,745 and
glycohydrolase which restores PARP and PARylated proteins to a pancreatic cancer.746 Endometrial cancer patients with ATM
de-(ADP-ribosylated) state to promote SSB repair. As PARylation is mutations exhibit a higher tumor mutational burden, a higher
a highly dynamic and transient process, the inhibition of both PAR neoantigen load, and increased expression levels of immune
glycohydrolase and PARP could reduce the repair efficiency of checkpoints. Thus, ATM mutations can act as an independent
SSBs, exhibiting their anticancer efficiency.733 Especially, PARP prognostic factor and a potential biomarker for immune
inhibitors have been demonstrated to block the SSB repair checkpoint therapy in endometrial cancer.747 Moreover, ATM
pathway and trigger synthetic lethality in cancers with homo- mutations are independently associated with longer OS in
logous recombination (HR) deficiency which results in impaired patients with metastatic CRC.748 ATM deficiency also renders
DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) repair.734,735 cancer cells sensitive to topoisomerase I inhibitors or PARP
inhibitors. PARP and topoisomerase I inhibitors lead to single-
BRCA1/2: In addition to SSB, DSB exerts a vital role in genome ended DSB, while ATM inactivation delays DNA damage repair,
integrity. There are two major DSB repair pathways in human cells: leading to toxic chromosome fusions.733
the nonhomologous end joining pathway and the HR pathway.733
The HR pathway uses the homologous DNA molecule (usually the Tumor-promoting inflammation. As one of the tumor hall-
sister chromatid) as the repair template. HR is initiated when marks,299 persistent inflammation plays an essential role in a
nuclease digests double-stranded DNA ends at DSB sites to variety of human cancers by manipulating cancer development,
produce ssDNA overhangs. Immediately afterward, BRCA1 facil- angiogenesis, malignant transformation, invasion and migration,
itates the recruitment of BRCA2 to DSB sites through interaction immune surveillance, and response to therapy.749,750
with PALB2, which loads RAD51 directly onto ssDNA ends. Inflammation-related regulators, including tumor necrosis factor-
Nucleoprotein filaments are formed on ssDNA by RAD51, which α (TNF-α), nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), and Nod-like receptor protein
subsequently promotes strand invasion and displacement loop (D- 3 (NLRP3), are potential tumor prognostic biomarkers.
loop) ss formation. Finally, the invasion strand is replaced and
strand annealing contributes to the HR completion.733 TNF-α: TNF-α, a vital member of the multifunctional TNF
BRCA1/2 maintain genomic integrity after DNA damage by superfamily, is a 17 kDa type II transmembrane protein that was
promoting accurate DNA repair via the HR pathway.733 BRCA1/2 first isolated from the serum of mice infected with Bacillus
regulate DNA replication by preventing nuclease degradation of Calmette-Guérin and endotoxin by E. A. Carswell in 1975.751,752 As
Fig. 6 The potential inhibitors that target cancer metabolic process. Glucose is taken up into the cell by glucose transporters GLUT1/4 and
phosphorylated by hexokinases HK1 and HK2. Glucose 6-phosphate (P) and its downstream intermediates can either be converted to
pyruvate or fuel biosynthesis through different pathways, such as the pentose phosphate pathway which provides ribose 5-P for nucleotide
synthesis. Fructose-6-P is involved in the hexosamine biosynthesis pathway. Glycerol 3-P production contributes to the serine and glycine
biosynthesis pathways which are regulated by the key enzymes PHGDH and SHMT1/2. Moreover, serine biosynthesis plays an essential role in
amino acid metabolism and nucleotide metabolism by regulating one-carbon metabolism which is mediated by the methylenetetrahy-
drofolate dehydrogenase MTHFD1. Pyruvate can be converted to lactate by LDH and exported through the monocarboxylate transporter
MCT-1. Besides, pyruvate can enter the TCA cycle as acetyl-CoA through the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier and pyruvate dehydrogenase.
Various pathways influence the production of the mitochondrial acetyl-CoA, including fatty acid β-oxidation, glucose metabolism, and other
sources that can condense with oxaloacetate to form citrate, which can then be exported from the mitochondrion. Citrate via ACLY is a vital
source of cytoplasmic acetyl-CoA which forms malonyl-CoA by acetyl-CoA carboxylase ACC1 and ACC2. Subsequently, malonyl-CoA is
cyclically extended by the addition of carbons from acetyl-CoA by FASN to make saturated fatty acids. Fatty acid catabolism is initiated with
the formation of fatty acyl-CoA which is then converted by CPT1 to an acylcarnitine. Pyrimidine synthesis, a multistep process regulated by
key enzymes such as CAD and DHODH, can produce pyrimidine nucleotides from glutamine, carbonate, and aspartate. Meanwhile, glutamine
is taken up by transporters SLC1A5. Glutamate produced from glutamine by glutaminase enzymes can be used in glutathione synthesis. In
addition, the complex V (ATP synthase) and the electron transport chain consisting of four complexes including complex I/II/III/IV (CI–IV), are
promising targets for drug development. Inhibitors (red), key enzymes or transporters (blue), and key metabolites (purple) are shown. ACC
acetyl-CoA carboxylase, ACLY ATP-citrate lyase, BP bisphosphate, CAD carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 2, aspartate transcarbamoylase, and
dihydroorotase, CoA coenzyme A, CI–IV, complex I/II/III/IV, CV complex V, CPT1 carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1, DHODH dihydroorotate
dehydrogenase, FASN fatty acid synthase, GLUT1/GLUT4 glucose transporter 1/4, HK hexokinase, IDH1 isocitrate dehydrogenase 1, LDHA/B
lactate dehydrogenase A/B, MCT-1 monocarboxylate transporter 1, MTHFD1 methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase 1, P phosphate,
PHGDH phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase, PKM2 pyruvate kinase M2, SHMT serine hydroxymethyl transferase, SLC1A5 solute carrier family 1
member 5, TCA tricarboxylic acid
decarboxylation of isocitrate to generate α-ketoglutarate (α-KG). levels competitively inhibit α-KG-dependent lysine demethylases,
Cancer-associated IDH1 and IDH2 mutations occur almost leading to D2HG-induced dysregulation of histone and DNA
exclusively at different arginine residues in the active site of the methylation in cells, ultimately promoting tumor progression.793
enzyme.793 IDH1 and IDH2 mutations occur in a wide variety of IDH1/2 mutations have many advantages as easily detectable,
hematologic and solid tumors, including glioma, AML, intrahepatic reliable, and specific biomarkers. First, IDH1 and IDH2 mutations
cholangiocarcinoma, chondrosarcoma, thyroid cancer, and occur in highly restricted tumor types. Second, almost all tumor-
angioimmunoblastic T cell lymphoma.793–795 Mutant IDH1/2 derived mutant loci can be identified by simple PCR amplification
catalyzes the conversion of α-KG to D-2-hydroxyglutarate and sequencing with a low volume of tumor samples. Third, IDH1
(D2HG). D2HG is maintained at normal levels under physiological mutations can be identified by routine IHC.796 Fourth, techniques
conditions, whereas mutant IDH leads to a large intracellular for the noninvasive detection of 2-hydroxyglutarate (2-HG)
accumulation of D2HG in IDH mutant cancer. Elevated D2HG accumulation in glioma patients have been developed.797
Farnesyltr-ansferase Tipifarnib Approved Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma harboring HRAS mutations who have Kura Oncology /
progressed following platinum-containing chemotherapy
Lonafarnib (SCH66336) Approved Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome and progeroid laminopathies Merck & Co /
III Carcinoma, non-small cell lung, metastases, neoplasm NCT00050336 Terminated
III Myelodysplastic syndromes, leukemia, myelomonocytic, chronic, myelodysplasia, NCT00109538 Terminated
Salirasib II Non-small cell lung cancer NCT00531401 Completed
SOS BI-1701963 II Advanced solid tumors, KRASG12C mutation NCT04185883 Recruiting
MRTX0902 I/II Solid tumor, advanced solid tumor, non-small cell lung cancer, colorectal cancer NCT05578092 Recruiting
SHP2 RMC-4630 II Non-small cell lung cancer NCT05054725 Active, not
I/II Solid tumor NCT03989115 Completed
I/II Advanced solid tumors, KRASG12C mutation NCT04185883 Recruiting
I/II Metastatic neoplasm NCT04418661 Active, not
TNO155 I/II KRASG12C mutant solid tumors, non-small cell lung, carcinoma, colorectal, lung NCT04699188 Recruiting
cancer, pulmonary cancer
I/II Advanced cancer, metastatic cancer, malignant neoplastic disease NCT04330664 Active, not
Zhou et al.
Tumor biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis and targeted therapy
I/II Advanced solid tumors, KRASG12C mutation NCT04185883 Recruiting
RLY-1971 I Advanced solid tumors, metastatic solid tumors NCT05487235 Recruiting
I Solid tumor, unspecified, adult NCT04252339 Completed
I Colorectal cancer, non-small cell lung cancer NCT05954871 Recruiting
KRASG12C Adagrasib (MRTX849) Approved Solid tumors harboring KRASG12C oncogenic driver mutation, including non-small Mirati Therapeutics /
cell lung cancer and colorectal cancer
Sotorasib (AMG510) Approved KRASG12C-mutated locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer Amgen /
JNJ-74699157 (ARS- I Neoplasms, advanced solid tumors, non-small cell lung cancer, colorectal cancer NCT04006301 Completed
Divarasib (GDC-6036) III Non-small cell lung cancer NCT03178552 Recruiting
D-1553 II Non-small cell lung cancer NCT05383898 Recruiting
II Non-small cell lung cancer NCT05492045 Recruiting
II Solid tumor, non-small cell lung cancer, colorectal cancer NCT04585035 Recruiting
II Solid tumor NCT05379946 Not yet recruiting
JDQ443 III Non-small cell lung cancer NCT05132075 Recruiting
RMC-6291 I Non-small cell lung cancer, colorectal cancer, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, NCT05462717 Recruiting
advanced solid tumor
Non-KRASG12C MRTX1133 I/II Solid tumor, advanced solid tumor, non-small cell lung cancer, colorectal cancer, NCT05737706 Recruiting
affinity. It inhibits downstream signaling pathways by depleting
Company/Identifier Status
plasma membrane.951 NS1, a synthetic binding protein antibody,
interferes with RAS dimerization and blocks CRAF-BRAF hetero-
Source: All the information is derived from ClinicalTrials.gov (https://www.clinicaltrials.gov) and the United States Food and Drug Administration.gov (https://www.fda.gov/)
dimerization and activation.951,956 Recently, proteolysis-targeting
chimeras (PROTACs) technology can directly degrade targeted
proteins,308 which have been used to specifically degrade KRAS in
cancer cells.957 In addition, CRISPR/Cas9 screening is also applied
in the identification of RAS synthetic lethal gene.958 In addition,
fibroblasts-derived exosomes loaded with G12D siRNA (iExo-
somes) can effectively restrain PDAC tumor growth.959,960
Mesenchymal stromal cells-derived exosomes with KRAS are
currently in a phase I clinical trial (NCT03608631) evaluating
efficacy in patients with pancreatic cancer. A phase I clinical trial
Myelodysplastic syndromes, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
Myelodysplastic syndromes, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
p110γ IPI-549 II Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, head and neck cancer, head and NCT03795610 Recruiting
neck carcinoma, head and neck cancer stage IV, head and neck cancer
stage III, HPV-Related carcinoma, HPV-Related malignancy, HPV-Related
squamous cell carcinoma
II Bladder cancer, urothelial carcinoma, solid tumor, advanced cancer NCT03980041 Completed
II Breast cancer, renal cell carcinoma NCT03961698 Active, not
p110δ Idelalisib Approved Relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia Gilead Sciences /
Duvelisib Approved Relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia, small lymphocytic Verastem /
Umbralisib Approved Relapsed or refractory marginal zone lymphoma TG Therapeutics /
Dual PI3K/ Omipalisib I Solid tumors NCT00972686 Completed
mTOR (GSK2126458)
AKT Capivasertib (AZD5363) Approved HR + , HER2- locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer with one or AstraZeneca /
more PIK3CA/AKT1/PTEN-alterations
Ipatasertib (GDC0068) III Breast cancer NCT04060862 Active, not
GSK2141795 II Cervical cancer NCT01958112 Terminated
Tumor biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis and targeted therapy
CDK4/6 Palbociclib Approved HR+, HER2− advanced breast cancer in combination with Pfizer /
(PD0332991) hormonal therapy
Ribociclib (LEE-011) Approved HR+, HER2− advanced breast cancer in combination with Novartis /
hormonal therapy
Abemaciclib Approved HR+, HER2− advanced breast cancer in combination with Eli Lilly /
(LY2835219) hormonal therapy, monotherapy for advanced HR+, HER2−
breast cancer, adjuvant therapy for high-risk, early-stage HR+,
HER2− breast cancer in combination with hormonal therapy
Trilaciclib Approved Approved to reduce chemotherapy-induced bone marrow G1 Therapeutics /
suppression in patients with extensive-stage small cell lung
TQB3616 III HR+, HER2− in advanced breast cancer NCT05375461 Recruiting
III Breast cancer NCT05780567 Recruiting
III HR+, HER2− breast neoplasms NCT05365178 Not yet recruiting
SPH4336 III Locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer NCT05860465 Not yet recruiting
III Locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer NCT05744687 Recruiting
Dalpiciclib III Advanced breast cancer NCT05861830 NCT05861830
(SHR6390) III Female breast cancer NCT04842617 NCT04842617
III Advanced breast cancer NCT03966898 NCT03966898
Flavopiridol (L86- I/II Lymphoma NCT00445341 NCT00445341
8275) I/II B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, recurrent small NCT00058240 NCT00058240
lymphocytic lymphoma, refractory chronic lymphocytic
leukemia, waldenström macroglobulinemia
II Leukemia, lymphocytic, chronic NCT00464633 Recruiting
II B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, refractory chronic NCT00003620 Completed
lymphocytic leukemia, stage I–IV chronic lymphocytic
II Refractory multiple myeloma, stage I–III multiple myeloma NCT00047203 Completed
II Adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, recurrent pancreatic cancer, NCT00331682 Completed
stage IV pancreatic cancer
II Sarcoma NCT00005974 Completed
II Prostate cancer NCT00003256 Completed
II Adenocarcinoma of the gastroesophageal junction, diffuse NCT00991952 Completed
adenocarcinoma of the stomach, intestinal adenocarcinoma
of the stomach, mixed adenocarcinoma of the stomach,
recurrent gastric cancer, stage IIIA gastric cancer, stage IIIB
gastric cancer, stage IIIC gastric cancer, stage IV gastric cancer
II Lymphoma NCT00003039 Completed
II Kidney cancer NCT00016939 Completed
II Melanoma (skin) NCT00005971 Completed
II Endometrial cancer NCT00023894 Completed
II Lymphoma NCT00005074 Completed
II Liver cancer NCT00087282 Completed
I/II Recurrent adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia, recurrent adult NCT00016016 Completed
acute myeloid leukemia, secondary acute myeloid leukemia,
untreated adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia, untreated
adult acute myeloid leukemia
II B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, prolymphocytic NCT00098371 Terminated
leukemia, refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia
II Head and neck cancer NCT00020189 Completed
II Esophageal cancer NCT00006245 Completed
II Breast cancer NCT00020332 Completed
Source: All the information is derived from ClinicalTrials.gov (https://www.clinicaltrials.gov) and the United States Food and Drug Administration.gov (https://
autophagosomes with lysosomal fusion to block organelle and Antiapoptotic therapy. Controlling cancer growth by promoting
protein degradation processes, thereby inhibiting nutrient recy- apoptosis is an effective antitumor strategy, and various
cling.460 CQ can enter the lysosome as a freely diffusing apoptosis-based targeted therapies for tumors have been devel-
lysosomotropic agent and is deprotonated and trapped inside as oped. Currently, the main focus on inhibitor development is
a diacidic base in the lysosome.1156,1158 By sequestering the free targeting antiapoptotic family members. The inhibitors against
hydrogen ions required to maintain an acidic pH, CQ increases the BCL-2 are the most extensively studied, which include oligonu-
basicity of the lysosome, which renders pH-dependent lysosomal cleotides that target BCL-2 expression, and proapoptotic BH3
hydrolases and proteases, blocks lysosomal turnover, and inhibits mimetics that bind to antiapoptotic BCL-2 members (Table 5).463
the final stage of autophagy.1156 CQ and HCQ have been PNT-2258, a 24-base, single-stranded, chemically unmodified
extensively studied as safety autophagy distributors for the phosphodiester DNA oligonucleotide encapsulated in a specia-
treatment of various cancers, including breast cancer, melanoma, lized liposome, can target the regulatory region upstream of the
lung cancer, multiple myeloma, glioma, kidney cancer, prostate BCL-2 gene.1163 Navitoclax (ABT-263) is the second-generation,
cancer, CRC, and other advanced solid tumors.1156,1159–1161 potent, and orally bioavailable Bad-like BH3 mimetic with an oral
The fourth category is the degradation of the autophagosome bioavailability of 20 to 50% in preclinical models. ABT-263 disrupts
and lysosome for targeted proteins. PROTACs have been applied the interaction of BCL-2/BC-XL with pro-death proteins and
to selectively target the degradation of autophagosomes or induces BAX translocation, cytochrome c release, and ultimately
lysosomes and have promising applications.1136 apoptosis.463,1164 Navitoclax inhibits growth in multiple preclinical
In conclusion, there are various action mechanisms of tumor models1165 and is currently being evaluated in combination
autophagy inhibitors, which increase tumor chemotherapy drug with the PARP inhibitor olaparib for the treatment of TNBC and
sensitivity and inhibit tumor cell proliferation and metastasis.1159 ovarian cancer in a phase I clinical trial (NCT05358639). Palcitoclax
Small molecule autophagy inhibitors remain excellent tools for (APG-1252) is a dual BCL-2 and BCL-XL inhibitor with safe and well-
autophagy-targeted therapy with the advantages of easy admin- tolerated properties for treating patients with metastatic solid
istration, rapid onset of action, and mostly reversible.1136 Given tumors.1166 ABT-737 is the first small molecule designed to
the nonautophagic targeted effects of most current autophagic selectively bind the hydrophobic pocket within BCL-2, BC-XL, and
targets1162 and the existence of mitochondrial autophagy path- BCL-W, which is not bioavailable for oral administration. ABT-737
ways, the development of highly selective autophagy inhibitors is displaces BIM from BCL-2’s BH3-binding pocket, subsequently
crucial.1136 activates BAX and induces mitochondrial permeability, ultimately
leading to apoptosis.463,475,1167 ABT-737 has antitumor activity FLT-3 TKIs gilteritinib or sorafenib synergistically inhibited FLT-3/
against hematologic and solid tumors, including CLL, lymphoma, ITD mutant AML proliferation and promoted apoptosis.1172 The
and SCLC.475,1168,1169 In addition, ABT-737 exerts synergistic toxic reactions of venetoclax include mild diarrhea (52%), upper
cytotoxicity with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.475 AZD0466, a respiratory tract infection (48%), nausea (47%), and grade 3 or 4
novel BH3-mimetic inhibitor targeting BCL-XL and BCL-2, has neutropenia (41%).1173 S55746 (S-055746, BCL201) is an orally
potent antitumor activity in preclinical models of malignant selective BCL-2 inhibitor and can effectively impair hematological
pleural mesothelioma.1170 tumor growth.1174 Lisaftoclax (APG-2575), a selective oral BCL-2
Venetoclax (ABT-199), a selective inhibitor of BCL-2, has been inhibitor, demonstrates potent antitumor activity in preclinical
approved by the FDA for the treatment of CLL and AML.1171 models of hematologic malignancy.1175
Venetoclax inhibits the proliferation of BCL-2 overexpressing small ABBV-155 is a first-in-class selective BCL-XL inhibitor. ABBV-155
lymphocytic lymphoma.463 Venetoclax in combination with the monotherapy or in combination with paclitaxel or docetaxel is
COL-3 (NSC-683551) I Lymphoma, melanoma, neoplasm metastasis, renal cell carcinoma NCT00001683 Completed
I Unspecified adult solid tumor, protocol specific NCT00003721 Completed
Neovastat (AE-941) III Kidney cancer NCT00005995 Completed
III Adenocarcinoma of the lung, adenosquamous cell lung cancer, large-cell lung NCT00005838 Completed
cancer, squamous cell lung cancer, stage IIIA non-small cell lung cancer, stage IIIB
non-small cell lung cancer
Prinomastat (AG3340) III Lung cancer NCT00004199 Completed
III Prostate cancer NCT00003343 Completed
II Brain and central nervous system tumors NCT00004200 Completed
Marimastat (BB-2516) III Lung cancer NCT00003011 Completed
III Lung cancer NCT00002911 Completed
III Breast cancer NCT00003010 Completed
BMS-275291 II/III Lung cancer NCT00006229 Completed
Metastat(COL-3) I/II Brain and central nervous system tumors NCT00004147 Completed
Source: All the information is derived from ClinicalTrials.gov (https://www.clinicaltrials.gov)
domain of c-MET kinase (Fig. 5 and Table 7). The mechanism of demonstrated that the serious adverse events of foretinib include
action of HGF/c-MET inhibitors is mainly neutralization or abdominal pain (6.25%), dehydration (6.25%), malignant neoplasm
competition with HGF to inhibit receptor dimerization or induce progression (4.17%)(NCT00725712). Tivantinib (ARQ197) is a
c-MET degradation.677 highly selective, non-ATP competitive inhibitor of c-MET.1223
Tivantinib inhibits the autophosphorylation of c-MET in many
c-MET inhibitors: RTK is a cell surface receptor that binds to cancer cells and is highly selective for inactive or non-
growth factor ligands such as HGF, VEGF, EGF, etc., and activates phosphorylated forms of c-MET, thus effectively blocking the
downstream signaling pathways. A number of small molecule TKI activation of c-MET downstream effectors such as RAS, MAPK, and
have been developed that selectively and nonselectively inhibit STAT3, ultimately inhibiting tumor proliferation, invasion and
the catalytic activity of c-MET.1213 Significantly, two c-MET metastasis.1222,1224 Other nonselective c-MET inhibitors include
inhibitors, tepotinib developed by EMD Serono, and capmatinib glesatinib (MGCD-265), golvatinib (E-7050) and merestinib (LY-
developed by Novartis, have been approved by the FDA. Tepotinib 2801653), while selective c-MET inhibitors include tepatinib (EMD-
inhibits MET kinase activity with an IC50 value of 1.7 nM and 1214063), AMG-337 and capatinib (INC-280), which are approved
showed high selectivity for MET in screening against >400 for clinical use or undergoing clinical study.
kinases.1214 On February 3, 2021, the FDA granted accelerated
approval to tepotinib for adult patients with metastatic NSCLC Anti-c-MET antibodies: Onartuzumab, an Escherichia coli-derived,
harboring MET exon 14 skipping alterations.1215 Capmatinib, an humanized mAb against c-MET, can block the high-affinity
ATP-competitive, highly potent (IC50 value of 0.13 nM) and binding of HGFα chain but not HGFβ chain to c-MET.1225
selective MET inhibitor, was granted regular approval by the Preclinical studies found that onartuzumab effectively inhibits
FDA for the treatment of adult patients with metastatic NSCLC human glioblastoma and pancreatic cancer cell growth although
whose tumors have MET exon 14 skipping mutations in May further development of onartuzumab has been halted.1226
2020.1216 In addition, crizotinib (PF-02341066) is an orally Emibetuzumab (LY2875358) is a humanized anti-c-MET bivalent
bioavailable TKI that competitively inhibits the ATP-binding site antibody that effectively promotes internalization and degrada-
of tyrosine kinases and inhibits c-MET, ALK, AXL and TIE2 tion of c-MET, thereby blocking HGF-c-MET binding and HGF-
activity.679 Crizotinib effectively inhibits c-MET phosphorylation induced c-MET phosphorylation.1227 Emibetuzumab combined
and c-MET-dependent proliferation, migration, or invasion of with erlotinib is in a phase II clinical trial to evaluate their efficiency
tumor cells.679,1217 Notably, crizotinib has been approved for as a first-line treatment for patients with metastatic NSCLC with
patients with ALK-positive and ROS1-positive metastatic NSCLC.677 activated EGFR mutations (NCT01897480). LY3164530 is a
Cabozantinib (XL184) is an orally available TKI that targets a bispecific anti-EGFR/c-MET antibody produced by fusing an anti-
variety of kinases including MET, VEGFR2, RET, FLT-3, and KIT.1218 It EGFR single-chain variable fragment to the N-terminal end of the
has shown efficacy in patients with prostate cancer1219 and emibetuzumab heavy chain.1226 LY3164530 disrupts signaling by
advanced RCC.1220,1221 Foretinib (GSK1363089) is an oral and binding and internalizing c-MET and EGFR.1226 Its phase I clinical
potent TKI targeting c-MET and VEGFR2. It binds to the ATP- trial in patients with advanced or metastatic cancer has been
binding pocket of the above kinases and makes kinase completed. However, significant toxicities associated with EGFR
conformational changes. Foretinib has been tested in clinical inhibition and the lack of a potential predictive biomarker limit its
trials in a variety of tumors including papillary renal cancer, gastric future development.1228 Amivantamab (JNJ-61186372) is a bispe-
cancer, and head and neck cancer.1222 A phase II study of foretinib cific EGFR/c-MET antibody that binds the extracellular structural
in adults with HNSCC revealed that 50.0% of participants have domain of each receptor, thereby avoiding resistance at the TKI
stable disease, and 21.4% have progressive disease binding site.1229 Amivantamab effectively inhibits tumors in
(NCT00725764). Other phase II clinical trials of foretinib in solid various contexts, including tumors with T790M second-site
tumors (NCT00742131) and breast cancer (NCT01138384) have resistance mutation in EGFR, c-MET pathway activation,1230 and
been completed, but no results have been posted yet. Moreover, a EGFR exon 20 insertion driver mutations.1229 Amivantamab is
phase II study of foretinib in adults with gastric cancer currently being administered in monotherapy or combination
Tumor biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis and targeted therapy
Zhou et al.
with various drugs for cancer treatment in 15 clinical trials HGF for binding to MET. NK4 effectively inhibits neovasculariza-
(NCT04077463, NCT02609776, NCT05845671, and NCT05653427). tion, growth, invasion, and metastasis of many tumor cells.1243,1244
Encouragingly, amivantamab has been approved for marketing for The HGF/c-MET pathway serves a critical role in cancer and is an
the treatment of patients with metastatic NSCLC with EGFR exon attractive therapeutic target for cancer therapy. Over the past
20 insertion mutations and platinum-based chemotherapy resis- decade, great efforts have been devoted to the development of
tance (NCT04599712). selectively c-MET inhibitors. Although small molecule c-MET
SAIT301 is a monoclonal humanized antibody developed by inhibitors and antibody-based drugs have shown meaningful
Samsung that promotes c-MET degradation.1226,1231 SAIT301 clinical efficacy, the challenges of resistance and side effects
inhibits nasopharyngeal cell invasion and migration by down- remain to be addressed. The c-MET amplification and over-
regulating EGR-1 via the degradation of c-MET.1232 Its clinical expression, c-MET mutations, the activation of parallel signaling
phase I trial in c-MET-overexpressed metastatic CRC has been pathways, and the induction of HGF secretion are associated with
completed, and the most common adverse effects were acquired resistance after initial response to HGF/c-MET inhibitors.
decreased appetite (50.0%), hypophosphatemia, fatigue, and Therefore, how to overcome the acquired resistance as well as
dizziness (25.0%), diarrhea, and dyspnea (18.8%).1233 ABT-700 improve the safety of c-MET inhibitors needs to be solved
(h224G11) is a humanized bivalent mAb that inhibits c-MET urgently.1245 Moreover, stratifying patients appropriately based on
dimerization and activation. A phase I clinical trial of ABT-700 in the discovery of biomarkers may help identify the subgroups of
subjects with advanced solid tumors containing MET amplification patients who can benefit from anti- HGF/c-MET therapy.
or c-MET overexpression (NCT01472016) has been completed.
ARGX-111 is an afucosylated IgG1 antibody that competitively Targeting DDR pathways
binds c-MET, inhibits c-MET activity, and downregulates c-MET Multiple DDRs related small molecule inhibitors have been
expression on the cell surface.1234 A clinical phase I trial of ARGX- approved for clinical use or are under clinical investigation,
111 in patients with advanced cancer overexpressing c-MET has including PARP inhibitors, ATM inhibitors, ATR inhibitors, and
been completed (NCT02055066). In addition. DN30 is a mono- CHK1 inhibitors (Table 8). Herein we mainly focus on the inhibitors
valent chimeric Fab that induces the cleavage of the extracellular of PARP, ATM, ATR, and CHK1.
portion of c-MET, leading to the shedding of its ectodo-
main.1235,1236 DN30 inhibits tumor growth in human gastric PARP inhibitors. PARP inhibitors are selective for targeting tumors
cancer, lung cancer, and glioblastoma.1226 deficient in the HR DNA repair factor BRCA1 or BRCA2 (BRCA1/
2)741 or compromised HR.733 Six PARP inhibitors are currently
Anti- HGF antibodies: Rilotumumab (AMG-102), an anti-HGF approved for the clinical treatment of cancer patients including
mAb binding to HGFβ chain structural domain, specifically blocks the specific subgroups with BRCA1/2 mutation: olaparib, ruca-
the activation of c-MET.1237 In particular, rilotumumab selectively parib, niraparib, talazoparib, fuzuloparib, and pamiparib733 (Table 9).
alters the mature HGF, but shows no effect on the proteolytic Olaparib is the first PARP inhibitor introduced into clinical
activation process of pro-HGF.1238 To date, rilotumumab alone or practice.1246 In 2014, olaparib was approved for the treatment of
in combination with other anticancer drugs, such as antiangio- patients with BRCA1/2-mutated metastatic ovarian cancer who
genic agents, EGFR inhibitors, and chemotherapeutic agents, has had received three or more prior lines of chemotherapy.
been studied in clinical trials in patients with various solid tumors Subsequently, in 2016, rucaparib, a second PARP inhibitor, was
such as prostate cancer, kidney cancer, and advanced authorized for the treatment of patients with advanced-stage
NSCLC.677,1239 Ficlatuzumab (AV-299), a humanized anti-HGF ovarian cancers harboring deleterious BRCA1/2 mutations who
antibody, has been studied in clinical trials as a monotherapy or had received two or more prior lines of chemotherapy. In 2019,
in combination with chemotherapeutic agents in patients with niraparib was approved for the treatment of patients with HR-
advanced pancreatic cancer (NCT03316599) and HNSCC deficient advanced-stage ovarian cancers who had received three
(NCT02277197). YYB-101 is a humanized HGF antibody which or more prior chemotherapy regimens.1246 Recently, in March
inhibits c-MET activation by binding to the HGFα chain.1226 A 2022, olaparib was approved by the FDA for the adjuvant
clinical phase I trial of YYB-101 in patients with refractory treatment of patients with hereditary BRCA1/2 mutations and
advanced solid tumors (NCT02499224) has shown that YYB-101 HER2- high-risk early breast cancer1247 as well as for the
exhibited favorable safety and efficacy in patients with refractory maintenance treatment of patients with BRCA1/2-mutated ovarian
solid tumors. A clinical phase Ib/ IIa trial of YYB10 in combination cancers who are in complete or partial remission after platinum-
with irinotecan in patients with metastatic or recurrent CRC based chemotherapy.1248 Moreover, PARP inhibitors are also used
(NCT04368507) has been completed, but no results are currently in patients with germline or somatic BRCA1/2-mutated ovarian
available. cancer as maintenance therapy (olaparib)1249 or post-
chemotherapy therapy (olaparib and rucaparib).1250 The FDA has
Antibody mimetic engineered protein against HGF: MP0250, an approved olaparib and talazoparib for the treatment of advanced
ankyrin repeat protein capable of neutralizing VEGF and HGF, or metastatic HER2- breast cancer patients carrying deleterious
effectively inhibits multiple myeloma-mediated osteolysis and germline BRCA1/2 mutations.1251,1252 Olaparib is also used for
myeloma cell invasion.1226 Meanwhile, MP0250 can effectively maintenance therapy in patients with germline BRCA1/2-mutated
improve bortezomib efficacy without increasing toxicity, suggest- metastatic pancreatic cancer.1253 Meanwhile, rucaparib has been
ing that MP0250 combined with cytotoxic therapy may be a applied for second-line treatment of patients with metastatic
promising therapeutic approach.1240 A phase II clinical evaluation castration-resistant prostate cancer with germline or somatic
of MP0250 in combination with bortezomib and dexamethasone BRCA1/2 mutations.1254 Significantly, PARP inhibitors have been
in patients with multiple myeloma (NCT03136653) has been approved as first-line systemic therapies for patients with ovarian
completed, although the result has not yet been disclosed. cancer.1246 However, acquired resistance to PARP inhibition is still
an urgent question, which usually results from three types of
Competitive analogs of HGF: NK4 is a synthetic intramolecular mechanisms: drug target-related effects including the upregula-
fragment of HGF, originally purified as a fragment from elastase- tion of drug efflux pumps or mutations of PARP or functionally
digested HGF samples.1241 NK4 contains the HGF α-chain related proteins; restoration of BRCA1/2 function leading to
N-terminal hairpin domain and 4 kringle domains (K1–K4),1242 restoration of HR; or loss of DNA end-protection and/or restoration
and lacks the 16 amino acids of the HGF C-terminus.1226 NK4 of replication fork stability.1246 Therefore, targeted strategies to
inhibits c-MET phosphorylation and activation by competing with overcome resistance to PARP inhibitors remain to be explored,
II Lung non-small cell squamous carcinoma, stage IV lung cancer NCT04216316 Recruiting
II Leiomyosarcoma, adult NCT04807816 Recruiting
I Advanced solid tumor NCT05246111 Completed
II Castration-resistant prostate carcinoma, metastatic prostate carcinoma, stage IV NCT03517969 Active, not recruiting
prostate cancer
II Ovarian serous tumor, recurrent fallopian tube carcinoma, recurrent ovarian carcinoma, NCT02595892 Active, not recruiting
recurrent primary peritoneal carcinoma
II Bladder small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, extensive stage lung small cell carcinoma, NCT03896503 Active, not recruiting
extrapulmonary small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, limited stage lung small cell
carcinoma, platinum-resistant lung small cell carcinoma, platinum-sensitive lung small
cell carcinoma, prostate small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, recurrent lung small cell
II Metastatic malignant solid neoplasm, refractory malignant solid neoplasm, NCT04266912 Active, not recruiting
unresectable malignant solid neoplasm
II Metastatic bladder urothelial carcinoma, metastatic renal pelvis and ureter urothelial NCT02567409 Active, not recruiting
carcinoma, metastatic ureter urothelial carcinoma, stage IV bladder urothelial carcinoma
Ceralasertib (AZD6738) III Advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer NCT05450692 Recruiting
Tumor biomarkers for diagnosis, prognosis and targeted therapy
Olaparib (Lynparza) AstraZeneca Ovarian (2014) Olaparib capsules in patients with BRCA1/2 mutant advanced-stage ovarian cancers who
have received ≥3 types of chemotherapies
Ovarian (2017) Maintenance therapy for advanced -ovarian cancer patients with PR or CR to platinum-
based chemotherapy
Ovarian (2018) First-line maintenance therapy for patients with BRCA1/2 mutant advanced-stage ovarian
Breast (2018) Patients with BRCA1/2 mutant HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer who have been
treated with chemotherapy
Breast (2022) Patients with BRCA1/2 mutant HER2-negative high-risk early breast cancer who have been
treated with adjuvant chemotherapy
Pancreatic (2019) Adult patients with germline BRCA-mutated metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Prostate (2020) Adult patients with HRR gene mutated metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
Rucaparib (Rubraca) Clovis Oncology Ovarian (2016) Patients with BRCA1/2-mutant ovarian cancer refractory to ≥ prior lines of treatment
Ovarian (2018) Maintenance treatment of patients with recurrent ovarian cancer
Prostate (2020) BRCA-mutated metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
Niraparib Tesaro Ovarian (2019) Patients with HR deficiency -positive, advanced ovarian cancer
Ovarian (2020) First-line maintenance treatment of patients with advanced ovarian cancer
Talazoparib Pfizer Breast (2018) Patients with germline BRCA-mutated, HER2-negative locally advanced or metastatic
breast cancer
Source: All the information is derived from the United States Food and Drug Administration.gov (https://www.fda.gov/)
and the identification of vulnerabilities of PARP inhibitor-resistant pharmacokinetic properties.1263 Phase II clinical trials of cerala-
tumors is still challenging. Illustrating the properties of HR- sertib in patients with osteosarcoma (NCT04417062) and
deficient cancers will rationalize the treatment strategies to advanced solid tumors (NCT04564027) are undergoing. Berzoser-
overcome resistance and improve the survival of patients.1246 tib (VX-970) is a highly potent, selective, and intravenous ATR
inhibitor with an IC50 value of 19 nM.1264 A phase II clinical trial of
ATM inhibitors. ATM is the apical DDR kinase that coordinates berzosertib in patients with NSCLC (NCT04216316) is ongoing.
DSB repair, and a variety of compounds have been developed for BAY1895344, another novel potent and selective ATR inhibitor,
selective inhibition of ATM.733 AZD0156 is a potent, selective, and exhibits strong monotherapy efficacy in cancers, and synergistic
orally active inhibitor of ATM,1255 and a phase I clinical trial of activity in combination with DNA damage therapies.1265 A phase II
AZD0156 (NCT02588105) for safety and preliminary efficacy in clinical trial of BAY1895344 in patients with recurrent solid tumors
advanced solid tumors has been completed, but no results have (NCT05071209) is in progress. Other ATR inhibitors, such as
been posted. AZD1390, belonging to the same potent series as ART0380, ATRN-119, IMP9064, M4344, and RP-3500, are also in
AZD0156, is an exquisitely potent, highly selective, and orally clinical trials. Studies also have found synergistic antitumor effects
bioavailable ATM inhibitor.1256 AZD1390 effectively sensitizes the of ATR inhibitors with immunotherapy and other anticancer
brain metastasis of breast cancers with DDR mutation to radiation drugs.733 ATR inhibitors in combination with PARP inhibitors are
therapy.1257 Multiple clinical trials of AZD1390 for cancer used in the treatment of tumors with BRCA1/2 mutations.733,1266
treatment are ongoing. M4076, an ATP-competitive ATM inhibitor Exploiting combination therapy based on ATR inhibitors may be a
with an IC50 value <1 nM, inhibits tumor cell growth by blocking promising strategy for cancer therapy.
DSB repair and enhances the sensitivity of tumor cells to radiation
therapy both in vitro and in vivo.1258,1259 A phase I clinical trial of CHK1 inhibitors. CHK1, a downstream effector of ATR, is activated
M4076 in advanced solid tumors is active (NCT04882917). The by DDR, and its inhibitors effectively suppress the proliferation of
dual ATM and DNA-PK inhibitor XRD-0394 is a novel, potent, and cancer cells with high levels of replication stress.1267 Some CHK1
orally active dual inhibitor.733 A phase I clinical trial of XRD-0394 inhibitors have been evaluated or are currently under evaluation
for the treatment of metastatic locally advanced solid tumors and in clinical trials, especially in combination with DNA damaging
recurrent cancer is recruiting, but no data are yet publicly available agents such as gemcitabine, cisplatin, and camptothecin.733,1268
(NCT05002140). LY2603618 is the first selective and potent CHK1 inhibitor.1269
Given the important role of ATM in DSB signaling and repair, However, the phase II evaluations of LY2603618 in combination
ATM inhibition combination therapy is currently an attractive with pemetrexed in patients with advanced NSCLC revealed no
strategy for cancer therapy in various clinical trials. ATM inhibitors significant clinical activity and increased risk of thromboembolic
enhance the anticancer activity of DNA damage agents such as events, which hindered its further development (NCT00988858,
topoisomerase inhibitors1260 and PARP inhibitor.1261 Collectively, NCT01139775).1270,1271 MK-8776 (SCH900776) is a selective CHK1
ATM-targeted therapy has a promising potential in cancer therapy. inhibitor that induces cell death when it combines with
antimetabolite drugs, such as hydroxyurea, gemcitabine, or
ATR inhibitors. ATR kinase maintains accurate DNA replication by pemetrexed in xenograft models.1269 However, clinical trials of
regulating the DNA replication initiation and the process of MK-8776 combined with gemcitabine or cytarabine in patients
replication forks, supporting that ATR is an important target for with solid tumors or hematological malignancies have been
cancer therapy. To date, several ATR inhibitors have been completed and the results have shown no positive efficacy but
developed.733,1262 Ceralasertib (AZD6738) is a selective and potent some adverse events such as mucositis, nausea, and prolonged QT
ATR inhibitor with good solubility, bioavailability, and interval (NCT01870596, NCT00779584). LY2880070 is an oral,
appropriate dosage regimen and administration time will facilitate Targeting tumor cell metabolism
NF-κB targeted therapy in the clinic.764 Moreover, multiple other The precedent of targeting the metabolism of cancer cells was
inhibitors such as antibodies, cytokines and chemokines inhibitors, created by Sydney Farber and colleagues in the 1940s, who
and inhibitors of inflammatory transcription factors, are in clinical successfully used antifolate agents such as aminopterin to induce
trials and the results are eagerly anticipated. remission in childhood ALL.1285 This discovery led to the
CTLA-4 Ipilimumab Colorectal cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, melanoma mesothelioma, non-small cell lung Bristol Myers Squibb
cancer, renal cell carcinoma
PD-1 Cemiplimab Basal cell carcinoma, cervical squamous cell cancer, non-small cell lung cancer Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
Nivolumab Colorectal cancer, esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, gastric Bristol Myers Squibb
cancer, hodgkin lymphoma, head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma,
mesothelioma, non-small cell lung cancer, renal cell carcinoma, urothelial carcinoma
Pembrolizumab Breast cancer, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, esophageal squamous cell cancer, Merck & Co
endometrial carcinoma, esophageal carcinoma, gastric carcinoma, hepatocellular
carcinoma, hodgkin lymphoma, non-small-cell lung cancer, melanoma, mesothelioma,
Merkel cell carcinoma, non-small cell lung cancer, primary mediastinal large B-cell
lymphoma, renal cell carcinoma, small-cell lung cancer, urothelial carcinoma, biliary tract
Dostarlimab -gxly Advanced or recurrent mismatch repair-deficient/microsatellite instability-high GlaxoSmithKline
endometrial cancer, recurrent or advanced mismatch repair-deficient solid tumors
PD-L1 Atezolizumab Breast cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, melanoma, non-small cell lung cancer, small-cell Genentech
lung cancer, urothelial, alveolar soft part sarcoma, urothelial carcinoma
Avelumab Merkel cell carcinoma, renal cell carcinoma, urothelial carcinoma EMD Serono
Durvalumab Non-small cell lung cancer, small-cell lung cancer, urothelial carcinoma, biliary tract cancer, AstraZeneca UK Limited
hepatocellular carcinoma
Source: All the information is derived from the United States Food and Drug Administration.gov (https://www.fda.gov/)
L1 (Table 11). These inhibitors are now widely used for the stage III NSCLC in 2018.1319 Avelumab is a fully human IgG1 mAb
treatment of various cancers, including NSCLC, melanoma, with a wild-type IgG1 crystallizable fragment (Fc) region, which
uroepithelial carcinoma, HNSCC, CRC, HCC, and Hodgkin’s enables avelumab to utilize both adaptive and innate immune
lymphoma.1316 Nivolumab (Opdivo) and pembrolizumab (Key- mechanisms to suppress cancer cells.1320 Similarly, avelumab
truda) are particularly extensively used in clinical therapy. obtained accelerated approval for the treatment of patients with
Nivolumab, developed by Bristol Myers Squibb, is the first clinical locally advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma in 2017, and
anti-PD-1 antibody approved in 2015 for the treatment of subsequently approval for first-line treatment of patients with
advanced SCLC and metastatic squamous NSCLC. After that, advanced RCC in combination with axitinib in 2019.1320 Compared
pembrolizumab, developed by Merck & Co, was approved by the with many oncology regimens, PD-1/PD-L1 blockade is associated
FDA for the first-line treatment of patients with metastatic NSCLC with fewer adverse events including fatigue, diarrhea, and
in 2016.1312 Different from nivolumab, the prescription of decreased appetite which are well tolerated. Moreover, there are
pembrolizumab requires confirmed PD-L1 overexpression on still a large number of clinical trials undergoing to evaluate the
tumors. At the same time, atezolizumab (Tecentriq) by Roche therapeutic potential of the above inhibitors.
was approved by the FDA in 2016 to treat patients with advanced In addition to antibodies, novel strategies targeting PD-1/PD-L1
and metastatic urothelial carcinoma. Another two new PD-L1 were developed. For example, AC-1, an antibody-based PROTAC
antibodies, durvalumab (Imfinzi) and avelumab (Bavencio), were termed AbTAC, simultaneously bound PD-L1 and E3 ligase RNF43
approved in 2017. Furthermore, Innovent Biologics in China to degrade cell-surface PD-L1 via lysosomal degradation in
developed a PD-1 antibody named sintilimab which achieved different cell lines with high PD-L1 expression levels.1321,1322
good efficiency after neoadjuvant administration.1317 Dostarlimab Considering only a small fraction of cancer patients (lower than
(Jemperli) developed by GSK was approved in 2021 and used in 50%) respond to PD-1/L1 inhibitors which are far from satisfactory,
patients with mismatch repair-deficient advanced solid immune combination therapy which may improve the efficacy
tumors.1318 and expand the beneficiary population attracted much attention.
There are currently three PD-L1 mAbs, atezolizumab, durvalu- The combinations of immune checkpoint blockade and costimu-
mab, and avelumab, approved by the FDA for the treatment of latory receptor activation, such as PD-L1 × 4-1BB (MCLA-145) and
NSCLC and merkel cell carcinoma. Atezolizumab, a humanized PD-1 × ICOS (XmAb23104), are under clinical investigation
IgG1 mAb, abrogates antibody-dependent cytotoxicity and pre- (NCT03922204, NCT03752398). Monovalent trispecific antibody
vents depletion of PD-L1-expressing T cells.1316 Based on its NM21-1480 (αPD-L1, α4-1BB and αHSA) and GNC-038, a tetra-
favorable safety and efficacy profile, the FDA accelerated the specific IgG-scFv conjugated antibody (αCD19/CD3/4-1BB/PD-L1)
approval of atezolizumab in May 2016 for the treatment of locally are in phase I clinical trials (NCT04442126 and NCT05192486).
advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma treatment after the Checkpoint blockades incorporation with BsAbs achieved tumor-
failure of cisplatin-containing chemotherapy, and subsequently localized and TAA-dependent checkpoint blockage. For example,
approved for the treatment of advanced metastatic NSCLC during IBI315, an anti-PD-1 × HER2 developed by Innovent Bridge, is
or following platinum-containing chemotherapy in October under phase I clinical study for patients with HER2-expressing
2016.803 In addition, atezolizumab is the first ICI approved in advanced solid tumors (NCT04162327). Anti-PD-1 × CTLA-4 BsAbs,
combination with carboplatin and etoposide to treat advanced including AK104, MEDI5752, and MGD019, are expected to
SCLC. Durvalumab is a fully human IgG1 mAb that binds PD-L1 synergistically inhibit PD-1 and CTLA-4 double-positive lympho-
with high affinity and specificity.803 Durvalumab obtained cytes, which are under clinical investigations (NCT06035224,
accelerated approval of the FDA in 2017 for the treatment of NCT04522323, and NCT05293496).
patients with advanced or metastatic urothelial carcinoma who
have disease progression following platinum-containing che- Other ICIs. In addition to PD-1/PD-L1 and CTLA-4, novel immune
motherapy, and for the treatment of patients with unresectable checkpoints including lymphocyte activation gene-3 (LAG-3), T cell
DNMTi Azacitidine (Vidaza) Approved Acute myeloid leukemia, chronic myelomonocytic Celgene /
leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes
Decitabine (Dacogen) Approved Acute myeloid leukemia, chronic myelomonocytic MGI Pharma & /
leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes SuperGen
Guadecitabine III Acute myeloid leukemia NCT02920008 Completed
III Myelodysplastic syndromes, leukemia myelomonocytic NCT02907359 Completed
III Leukemia myeloid acute NCT02348489 Completed
NTX-301 I Acute myeloid leukemia, myelodysplastic syndromes, NCT04167917 Recruiting
chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
MG98 I Unspecified adult solid tumor NCT00003890 Completed
HDACi Belinostat (Beleodaq) Approved Peripheral T-cell lymphoma Spectrum Pharma /
Panobinostat Approved Multiple myeloma Novartis /
Romidepsin (Istodax) Approved Cutaneous T cell lymphoma Gloucester Pharma /
Vorinostat (Zolinza) Approved Cutaneous T cell lymphoma Merk Sharp
Abexinostat III Renal cell carcinoma NCT03592472 Recruiting
ACY-241 I Multiple myeloma NCT02400242 Active, not
I Malignant melanoma NCT02935790 Completed
I Advanced solid tumors NCT02551185 Completed
I Non-small cell lung cancer NCT02635061 Active, not
AR-42 III Neurofibromatosis type 2 NCT05130866 Recruiting
CUDC-907 II Relapsed and/or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma NCT02674750 Completed
including myc alterations
II Thyroid neoplasms, poorly differentiated and NCT03002623 Terminated
undifferentiated thyroid cancer, differentiated thyroid
II Prostate cancer NCT02913131 Terminated
CXD101 II Colorectal neoplasms malignant NCT03993626 Unknown
II Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma NCT03873025 Withdrawn
II Hepatocellular carcinoma NCT05873244 Recruiting
Entinostat III Advanced breast cancer NCT03538171 Unknown
III Breast adenocarcinoma, HER2/Neu negative locally NCT02115282 Active, not
advanced breast carcinoma, metastatic breast carcinoma, recruiting
recurrent breast carcinoma
Givinostat (ITF2357) II Multiple myeloma NCT00792506 Terminated
II Chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms NCT01761968 Active, not
II Hodgkin’s lymphoma NCT00496431 Terminated
II Hodgkin’s lymphoma NCT00792467 Completed
Mocetinostat II Urothelial carcinoma NCT02236195 Completed
(MGCD0103) II Lymphocytic leukemia chronic NCT00431873 Completed
II Hodgkin’s lymphoma NCT00358982 Terminated
II Lymphoma NCT00359086 Completed
II Myelogenous leukemia acute, myelodysplastic syndromes NCT00374296 Terminated
II Lymphoma relapsed and refractory, diffuse large B-cell NCT02282358 Terminated
lymphoma and follicular lymphoma
II Myelodysplastic syndrome, acute myelogenous leukemia NCT00324220 Completed
Resminostat (4SC- II Hepatocellular carcinoma NCT00943449 Completed
201) II Advanced colorectal carcinoma NCT01277406 Completed
II Hepatocellular carcinoma NCT02400788 Completed
II Hodgkin’s lymphoma NCT01037478 Completed
II Lymphoma NCT02953301 Active, not
Two reversible LSD1 inhibitors, CC-90011 and SP-2577 (Seclidem- inhibitor, which showed a manageable safety profile in a phase I
stat), have undergone preclinical studies and clinical trials, showing clinical trial for advanced solid tumors (NCT03895684). Additionally,
promising results for treating different types of tumors. Celgene clinical trials have been initiated to investigate the combination of
developed CC-90011, the first reversible LSD1 inhibitor, for clinical SP-2577 with topotecan, cyclophosphamide (NCT03600649), and
trials targeting relapsed or refractory solid tumors and NHL azacytidine (NCT04734990) for cancer treatment.
(NCT02875223), as well as advanced solid and hematological tumors
(NCT03850067, NCT04350463, NCT04628988, and NCT04748848). BET inhibitors. In contrast to targeting the enzymatic domains
Salarius Pharmaceuticals developed SP-2577, another LSD1 reversible responsible for modifying epigenetic marks, an alternative
Bismuth colloidal pectin granules quadruple therapy IV Gastric cancer, helicobacter pylori infection NCT04660123 Completed
IV Gastric cancer, helicobacter Pylori infection NCT04209933 Completed
Itraconazole IV Hematologic neoplasms NCT02895529 Terminated
Source: All the information is derived from ClinicalTrials.gov (https://www.clinicaltrials.gov)
metronidazole is the standard protocol for H. pylori eradica- BCL-XL mediated resistance to apoptosis in ovarian cancer, breast
tion.853,1364 In addition, phytomedicines and probiotics are also cancer, and prostate cancer. Inhibition of DNA replication through
used to treat H. pylori infections.1365 Bismuth collisional tubercu- small molecule inhibition of the kinase CDC7 using XL413 or TAK-
losis has been used in clinical trials to treat the eradication rate of 931 leads to senescence induction in liver cancers.1374 Inhibition
H. pylori infection in cancer patients, as well as to evaluate the of the telomerase complex has been identified as inducing
improvement of symptoms and the incidence of adverse replicative senescence in anticancer therapy. Imetelstat, GX301,
reactions.853 Itraconazole is a broad-spectrum triazole antifungal and BIBR1532, potent telomerase inhibitors, effectively induce
agent with favorable pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic senescence and suppress cancer cell proliferation in preclinical or
profiles and is used for the prevention or treatment of systemic clinical trials.1370,1375
fungal infections.1366,1367 Itraconazole inhibits cell proliferation, Another approach to induce senescence is by modulating the
invasion, and migration of oral OSCC cells by suppressing the epigenome of cancer cells. Decitabine, a DNMT inhibitor, and
Hedgehog pathway-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis.1368 vorinostat, an HDAC inhibitor, upregulate the expression of
Moreover, itraconazole can inhibit the proliferation and growth of multiple tumor suppressor genes, such as CDKN2A and TP53, thus
CRC cells by promoting autophagy and apoptosis, and it is an inducing cellular senescence via these pathways in various cancer
effective treatment for CRC.1369 In summary, the microbiota is an cells.865,1376
important driver of cancer, and targeting the microbiota in the gut Moreover, numerous other drugs and antibodies can induce
is meaningful in precision cancer care. However, the field requires senescence in cancer cells. Tamoxifen, an estrogen receptor
further elucidation of the specific mechanisms by which micro- antagonist, and bicalutamide, an androgen receptor antagonist,
organisms impact cancer processes. Shortly, targeting microbiota can induce senescence in breast cancer or prostate cancer.1377
in the gut may emerge as a promising tool for cancer care. Trastuzumab and pertuzumab, which are antibodies targeting
HER2, cause senescence in breast cancer. BRAF and MEK inhibitors,
Therapeutic strategies for targeting cellular senescence such as vemurafenib and trametinib, show great senescence-
Induction of tumor cell senescence has been demonstrated as one inducing effects in melanoma.1378
of the underlying mechanisms by which cancer therapies such as
radiation, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy exert their Senolytics. Although TIS contributes to antitumor effects and
antitumor activity. Paradoxically, lingering senescent cells (SnCs) treatment outcomes, increasing evidence has demonstrated that
in tumor tissues fuel tumor progression, relapse, and metastasis the accumulation of SnCs can stimulate the relapse and metastasis
partly through the expression of the SASP.865 Based on the above of cancers. Thus, selective clearance of SnCs with senolytics will
observations, targeted therapeutics inducing tumor cell senes- prevent tumor relapse and metastasis, overcome drug resistance,
cence followed by senolytics to selectively clear newly induced and minimize toxic side effects.
SnCs, which is called “one-two punch” cancer therapy, represent To date, drugs or compounds targeting the apoptosis modulator
an emerging and promising new strategy in cancer treatment. BCL-2/BCL-XL, PI3K-AKT-mTOR, BET, tyrosine kinases, and GLS have
Moreover, the application of senomorphic drugs which reduce the exhibited promising effects on the clearance of senescent
production and secretion of SASP factors has attracted attention cells.865,1370 Apoptosis resistance is a feature shared by both cancer
in cancer therapy.1370,1371 and senescent cells; thus, blocking antiapoptotic proteins could
selectively eliminate senescent cells. ABT-737 was one of the first
Therapy-induced senescence (TIS). The currently available tar- senolytics selectively targeting BCL-2, BCL-XL, and BCL-W, thus
geted therapeutics for inducing senescence include blocking the removing SnCs by reactivating the apoptotic pathway.475 After that,
cell cycle, triggering DNA damage, manipulating epigenetic Navitoclax (ABT-263), a Bcl-2/Bcl-xL inhibitor, and venetoclax (ABT-
modulators, and regulating tyrosine kinases. As cell cycle arrest 199), a BCL-2 inhibitor, were developed and used as adjuvant
is a hallmark of senescent cells, drugs that inhibit CDK or enhance therapies with radiation to selectively eliminate TIS cells, and
levels of CDK inhibitor proteins are currently being used in increase the survival of tumors, including glioblastoma, melanoma,
senescence-inducing cancer therapy.1372 In particular, CDK4/6 and lung cancer cells.1379,1380 In addition, the PI3K/AKT inhibitors
inhibitors such as palbociclib, abemaciclib and ribociclib, which dasatinib and quercetin selectively kill senescent cells and reduce
are approved by the FDA for the treatment of advanced breast the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines.862 An mTOR inhibitor
cancer, are able to induce senescence in various cancer cells.864 significantly reduced the tumor burden and increased survival in
PF-06873600, a triple CDK2/4/6 inhibitor, is a potent senescence xenograft cancer models after treatment with a DNA-replication
inducer in various cancer models, and is ongoing in breast cancer kinase CDC7 inhibitor, which induced senescent liver and lung
in combination with endocrine therapy.1373 AURKs and PLKs, cancer cells.1374 Another drug screen identified the BET family
which are serine/threonine kinases essential for cell mitosis, are protein degrader as a senolytic drug and validated that ARV825, a
potential targets for senescence-inducing therapy.1370 Multiple PROTAC of BET, possesses strong senolytic activity.1381
PLK1 inhibitors, such as BI-6727, and AURK inhibitors, such as Immune-targeted therapy may be an effective way to clear
alisertib, are currently undergoing clinical investigation senescent cells.862 For example, chimeric antigen receptor T cells
(NCT02273388 and NCT06095505). targeting the cell surface protein, urokinase-type plasminogen
Triggering DNA damage is another strategy to induce activator receptor were found to be effective in clearing senescent
senescence. For example, PARP inhibitors, including veliparib cells after mice with lung adenocarcinomas were exposed to MEK
and olaparib, induce a reversible senescent phenotype caused by and CDK4/6 inhibitors to induce senescence.1382