Ecm6450 Final Project

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September 25, 2024

Management consultancy report that compares two nations in terms of their e-commerce
adoption, focusing on their digital infrastructure and the strategies they are using to enhance
digital adoption.

Purpose of the Report
This management consultancy report aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the adoption
and development of e-commerce in two distinct nations: South Korea and Chad. These countries
are at two poles of digital use and connection growth; on the one hand, South Korea is one of the
most advanced countries in terms of technology; on the other hand, Chad has a lot of problems in
its path of digital development.

This report will compare two countries so as to understand the factors that drive the usage of e-
commerce in areas with healthy e-settings as well as the constraints facing e-commerce users in
areas that are not so endowed with e-settings. The findings will enable the drawing of
recommendations that will support the two countries to boost their e-commerce environment

Relevance of the Comparison

The growth of internet commerce has accelerated and disrupted economies around the world,
changing the faces of industries and consumers. But this growth has not been at the same level
for all the regions of the world due to the variation in digital infrastructure, government policies,
and technology adoption. The difficulties and failures of e-commerce in one country on the
Internet and using IT are priceless for another country that uses the Internet and IT to develop its
economy. Therefore, it is very interesting to compare e-commerce in South Korea, a developed
country with good Internet and mobile phones, and Chadian, where the problem with the Internet
is still acute.

By adopting this structure, the report will discuss the ways South Korea has protected and
sustained its competitiveness in e-commerce, and further, it will also recommend ways that Chad
needs to work on to ensure that it taps into international cooperation and invests to close the
digital divide needed for e-commerce.

Digital Condition Evaluation

A. South Korea
1. Digital Infrastructure
Broadband Access: However, it must be mentioned that South Korea has one of the most
advanced broadband infrastructures in the world, with 99% of the population having access to
the broadband internet. 95% of the population has a broadband connection, which ranks the
country among the world’s most connected nations.
High-Speed Internet: It has an average internet connection speed of 87 Mbps, making it have
one of the fastest internet speeds in the world. In addition, it has a fiber-optic penetration rate of
31%, guaranteeing the high performance and reliability of its internet connection needed in the
telecommunications business.
Mobile Internet: Mobile internet coverage is almost 99% reliable in South Korea, from where it
covers almost the entire nation. Mobile internet usage is also currently available in 98% of
households, and mobile connection speed is 105 Mbps.

2. Digital Adoption
ICT Exports: H1: Technologically, South Korea is a leading player in the exportation of ICT
products; it exports $188 billion worth of ICT products globally.
- E-Government: In the delivery of e-government services, the country is at the forefront in the
effective use of information technology in providing public services and streamlining the
performance of administrative tasks.

3. Public and private sectors

Investments: South Korea has been consistently investing in such new growth areas as 5G, the
IoT, AI, as well as smart city construction.
- Global Influence: South Korea is globally renowned to have an advanced digital nation, and
other nations refer to South Korea in their processes of upgrading their digital infrastructure and

B. Chad
1. Digital Infrastructure
Broadband Access: Chad is one of the least connected countries in the world, and its digital
ecosystem is quite lacking. Few people use the internet, and with those that do, they use it at an
average of 6.65 kb per second broadband internet connection.
4G Network Coverage: Currently, Chad has 4G network services, but by the year 2024, only
51.41% of the population may access 4G network services.
3G Network Coverage:. Compared to 3G network coverage, which stands at 73.45%, there are
significant improvements, although the connection speed is still slow and largely unreliable.

2. Digital Adoption
- Internet Penetration: Internet access still remains barely advanced; only around 15.57% of the
population have internet access. These results show that access to the Internet is limited because
only 170000 households accessed it in the last fiscal year.
- ICT Services: Currently, Chad is a very weak exporter of ICT services; its export value can be
estimated to be $2.19 per capital, and it is a testimony to the country’s difficulty in penetrating
the digital economy.

3. The government and international efforts pane African governments and international
organizations have responded to the specific demands of women and girls through public
policies and various interventions, forms of intervention.
Strategic Plan for Digital and Postal Development (PSDNP): Chad had laid down a vision for
enhancing the information and communication technology, involving sectors like health,
learning, and communication.
International Collaboration: Besides, governments and institutions like the United Nations
Economic Commission of Africa (UNECA have come up with ways on how Chad can enhance
the level of digitization and adopt technology. They represent important actions towards
increasing its digital preparedness.
E-Commerce Markets Strategic Focus for E-commerce Growth in Each Country
A. South Korea
1. This entails the provision of best-suited and better standards of advanced digital infrastructure.
Markets in South Korea also show a good adoption of e-commerce since they have a strong
infrastructure in place. To build on this, the government and private parties are embracing
emerging technologies like 5G, AI, and IoT to increase the speed, effectiveness, and customers’
convenience of e-commerce platforms. Interestingly, South Korea has very robust broadband and
mobile internet connections, which are vital for both buyers and sellers within the e-commerce

2. Accelerating Innovation in E-commerce Businesses

South Korea is actively supporting innovation presently with programs like the ‘Digital New
Deal,’ which makes companies innovate through logistics using artificial intelligence, smart
warehouses, and digital payment solutions, among others. These innovations are intended to
optimize the flow of the e-commerce platforms and make it convenient for B2C organizations to
expand their companies’ markets and distribution at home and abroad.

3. Cross-border trading for the expansion of a business internationally

Currently, there is an increased inclination of South Korean e-commerce companies to seek
cross-border business and revenue streams for customer acquisition. Both Coupang and Naver
are pouring money into logistics networks to enhance the speed of international freight and
regionalize their services. To facilitate this push, governments are negotiating trade policies that
enhance cross-border operations of e-commerce.

4. Improving Consumer Confidence and Data Protection

One thing that South Korea can make efforts on is to improve consumer confidence towards
online shopping platforms. Some of these areas are putting in place highly effective policies on
national protection of data and security to ensure that any transaction carried out on the internet
is safe. Legal support of consumer protection during online purchases makes more individuals
engage in buying products on the Internet, influencing the market positively.

B. Chad
1. It is about creating the foundation for digital environments that people can inhabit.
For Chad, the first possibility to develop e-commerce is the creation of the necessary basis of the
digital environment. This includes availability of broadband connections, extension of the mobile
network coverage, and improvement of internet connection speed. It is important to attract
international partners and investments into building this infrastructure to extend 3G/4G networks
all over the regions of the country.

2. A favorable governance structure for e-commerce adoption by citizens is promoted by the

The role that the Chadian government can have towards making e-commerce move fast includes
coming up with the Chadian e-commerce strategy, which should encourage SMEs to participate
in the e-commerce activities. The government can involve organizations of intercontinental
nature, such as UNECA, to offer requisite courses and support to the local enterprises about the
utilization of online selling services, and it can give tax incentives or grants to those local
enterprises that are investing in the digital technologies.

3. Enhancing Awareness and Competence in Use of Technology

Another important area that needs to remain an important focus for Chad is increasing its
people’s rate of digital literacy. Success of e-commerce is fundamentally dependent on the
comfort level of the business as well as the consumer in adopting technology. Existing e-
government initiatives thus involve government ministries, NGOs, and international
organizations to create digital literacy programs that deliver practical training to business people
regarding the creation and administration of e-commerce ventures. Moreover, conducting and
promoting consumer education programs could also assist the public in getting used to engaging
in online purchasing and using digital payment methods.

4. Redeemers have to overcome barriers in order to access the digital payment systems.
The absence of proper digital payment means is one of the significant problems in Chad.
Proposed strategic thrusts that relate to the enhancement of financial solutions such as mobile
money services and digital banking can catalyze e-commerce in Uganda. Business collaborations
with Fintech firms will also assist in converting mobile payment platforms that operate in areas
with a poor internet connection, hence involving more people in electronic commerce.

5. Foreign Investment Attraction: To sustain growth, Chad has to direct resources towards the
development of the digital environment; the latter should be strengthened through an appeal to
international investors. This includes making the necessary adjustments for the country to be a
hub for FDI and growing the domestic environment to entice foreign e-commerce and
technology organizations to invest in the country by refining regulations that govern such
investments. Other external sources that can facilitate market development are also international
organizations and neighboring countries, which may offer the required infrastructure and funds.

Comparative Analysis

A. Underline the works in infrastructure and their accessibility.

South Korea: South Korea is ranked in the top of all world’s countries by the digital
infrastructure development index. Fixed broadband is highly penetrant—94% of the population
—and mobile broadband is also widespread, with speeds being among the fastest in the world.
Today the fiber-optics and 5G technologies reign, which guarantees high-quality connection and
availability of the newest digital services.

Chad: On the other hand, Chad’s IT landscape is very rudimentary. Three out of four citizens do
not have access to broadband internet, nor are they equipped with 3G or 4G mobile internet.
These capacities turned out to be insufficient to provide for a better Internet connection and build
the required amount of Internet-related infrastructure—that is why 60% of the population
remains effectively excluded from the digital world.

B. Adoption and Usage

South Korea: The ICT sector of South Korea is well-developed, and the population of this
country has a high level of digital literacy. It is important to note that the country has sizable ICT
exports and advanced e-government services that ensure many of its citizens can access digital
services. Such a figure confirms the high use of mobile and broadband internet, which is an
indication of the country’s technological development.

Chad: Chad in particular is far behind when it comes to the question of digital usage. Internet
usage is low, and the ability to consume digital goods and services continues to be restricted to
only a few people. ICT services remain the lowest, and the country does not even factor in the
global ICT markets. Due to low access to internet facilities and high costs that accompany its
usage, there is slow internet uptake.

C. Government and Corporate Position

South Korea: The South Korean government and private corporations have always been
investing in the next-generation technologies, including AI, IoTs, and 5G. The country also
targets developing itself into a smart city and digital hub of the world and setting an example for
others. This strategic management maintains the competency of South Korea as it looks into the
future for its market.

- Chad: Currently, the government of Chad, through partnerships with organizations such as the
UNECA, is working on enhancing the digital prospects of the country. However, the country’s
efforts are still in their infancy. A huge capital will be required to modernize it to the level of
developed countries, and progress will largely depend on foreign assistance and planning.

Strategies for the development of e-commerce

A. South Korea

1. AI and Data Analytics Adoption to Rise

Promote the adoption of e-commerce businesses that use artificial intelligence and data analysis
in delivering customer experience, supply chain management, and inventories. AI development
investment in South Korea should also be continued to strengthen the following position of
South Korea in e-commerce innovation areas.

2. Improving the logistics and delivery services

It is also key to enhancing the transportation networks for faster delivery, such as engaging local
messengers on delivery and incorporating drones on delivery. Enhancing the fulfillment process
can improve customer satisfaction and increase the sales of products online.

3. Enhancing Cyber Security Practices

With the increase in use of e-commerce, it is important to countercheck the enhanced security
that will be embraced to protect customers data. Consumer skepticism can be addressed by
investing in cybersecurity technologies and creating awareness of programs.
4. Article Review: Supporting Sustainable Business Models in Electronic Commerce
Lobby retail Internet firms to embrace green policies, including packing materials and delivery
that do not harm the planet. This might help to build brand image and attract a consumer base
that is ecology-conscious.

5. Create partnerships between startups and large companies.

Establish points of contact between big companies and new Internet startups focused on e-
commerce. It can result in preparing unique inventions and new business developments while
promoting startups.

B. Chad

1. Finance Digital Development

There is a need to direct more resources toward increasing both the spread of Internet
connections and their quality across Ukraine. Collaboration with global institutions may help
obtain the financing necessary to support infrastructure initiatives, as well as professional

2. The basis for the creation of a national e-commerce framework

Propose a complete e-commerce framework for the nation, which includes the setting of policy
objectives, legal measures, as well as business promotion instruments. This framework should
give motivation to the local businesses to move their operations online and set out distinct rules
for the safe e-trade.

3. Improve the programs on digital literacy.

They should start large-scale campaigns to raise awareness of digital competencies among both
businesses and consumers. Seemingly, training programs can be effectively implemented with
the help of NGOs and private businesses to teach the population the necessary level of digital

4. Education on how to receive and make payments through the digital payment platforms огра
Fotro, S. M. (2019). Mobile money versus traditional banking: Understanding young Kenyan
consumers’ payment preferences. Journal of Services Research, 18(1), 83.
Promote the use of near-field communication as well as the use of mobile payment systems and
applications. The partnerships with the fintech firms can expand the ways for offering safe
means of payment since the density of banking services in rural regions is rather low.

5. Develop Partnerships for the Public and Private Sector

Promoting the development of the three entities, which include the government, private sector,
and international partners for e-commerce. Some opportunities may include making use of
resources and experience to create the appropriate infrastructure and support e-commerce

6. Champion local e-commerce start-up companies

Fund local businessmen who wish to venture into e-business firms. Solutions might involve
creating opportunities for microfinance and business development with focused incubation and
mentorship in order to foster the creation of an e-commerce economy.
Here's a conclusion for your management consultancy report on e-commerce growth in South
Korea and Chad:


Comparison of South Korea and Chad shows that there are still many differences between
developed and developing countries in terms of digital usage and e-commerce development,
which are predicated on the differences in their economic, technological, and social
environments. South Korea exemplifies the highest level of e-commerce development
throughout the world due to a well-developed digital environment, a high percentage of Internet
users, and governmental encouragement of technology growth. This environment further
encourages the growth of e-commerce, which is still experiencing growth with new
advancements like artificial intelligence and big data.

On the other hand, there are a number of obstacles that Chad has to overcome in order to develop
a proper e-commerce industry. Internet connectivity remains a considerable challenge in the
country, and the population as a whole is still relatively inexperienced when it comes to the
online shopping experience due to the below-average infrastructure that can support it fully. Still,
the outlined recommendations concerning Chad present a clear strategy of how international
partners can help to support local development initiatives and thereby to narrow the digital gap.

They should also pursue strategic, individualistic activities appropriate for each nation’s
environment. The South Korean government should further develop and sustain this trend and
improve its e-commerce environment while representing a country like Chad that needs to make
basic improvements in putting down the right environment for e-commerce. Thus, the indicated
strategies will facilitate the possibility of increasing the potential of e-commerce for the Čecho
Slovak Republic and Hungary for further economic development and improved standards of
living for its citizens.

In conclusion, this report reveals that more attention is required in the implementation of
solutions for the enhancement of e-commerce development. By investing more collectively and
with a green approach, both South Korea and China have an opportunity to spearhead a more
connected value chain and harness the potential e-commerce presents.

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Invest Korea. (2024). World’s best digital infrastructure. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from

We Are Tech Africa. (2024, June 11). Chad seeks UNECA collaboration to boost digital
transformation. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from

Statista. (2024). Digital & connectivity indicators - Chad. Retrieved September 11, 2024, from

Statista. (2024). E-commerce in South Korea: Market insights and forecasts. Statista.

Lloyds Bank. (2024). E-commerce in Chad: Market potential and insights. Lloyds Bank Trade.

ECDB. (2024). Personal care market in Chad: E-commerce revenue and growth projections.

KoreaPro. (2024, February). Why South Korea’s e-commerce boom faces global integration
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