Fire Drill Story Author Autism Little Learners

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Sometimes we have fire

dril s at school. We practice
what we would do if there
were ever a fire.
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First, the fire alarm wil

go off. It wil make a The fire alarm wil probably
loud buzzing sound. have flashing lights too.
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Then, I can follow my teacher

I can take a deep breath and or an adult to the exit door. It
do my best to stay calm. is important to walk!
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We wil go outside and my

teacher wil find a safe spot My teacher wil check to make
for us to stand or sit. sure we are all outside.
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Fire dril s help us practice

what to do if there is a fire.
When the fire dril is all
I can try to stay calm, walk
done, we can go back inside.
and stay with my teacher.
Created by

in collaboration with

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