Unit 1

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Programming in Python-I

Mani Butwall,
Asst. Prof. (CSE)
• Introduction to Programming Fundamentals
• Programming Environment
• Principles of Programming
• What is Debugging ?
• Text editors and Debuggers
• Introduction to Flow-Chart
• Algorithm
What is Computer Programming?
• Program is a collection of instructions that can be executed by
a computer to perform a specific task.
• COMPUTER PROGRAMMING is a step by step process of
designing and developing various sets of computer programs
to accomplish a specific computing outcome.
• The process comprises several tasks like analysis, coding,
algorithm generation, checking accuracy and resource
consumption of algorithms, etc.
• The purpose of computer programming is to find a sequence
of instructions that solve a specific problem on a computer.
• Computer Programming is very easy if it is appropriately
managed. There are many computer programming languages
available so finalizing the right programming language is not
an easy task.
Basic of programming
• English is the most popular and well-known Human Language.
The English language has its own set of grammar rules, which
has to be followed to write in the English language correctly.
• Likewise, any other Human Languages (German, Spanish,
Russian, etc.) are made of several elements like nouns,
adjective, adverbs, propositions, and conjunctions, etc. So,
just like English, Spanish or other human languages,
programming languages are also made of different elements.
• Just like human languages, programming languages also follow
grammar called syntax. There are certain basic program code
elements which are common for all the programming
• Most important basic elements for programming languages
1. Programming Environment
2. Data Types
3. Variables
4. Keywords
5. Logical and Arithmetical Operators
6. If else conditions
7. Loops
8. Numbers, Characters and Arrays
9. Functions
10. Input and Output Operations
Applications of computer programming languages

Python Web and Internet Development, Scientific and Numeric applications,

Desktop GUIs, Business applications. It is widely used in AI and
Machine Learning space.

Java Mostly used for developing Android apps, web apps, and Big data.
R Data Science projects, Statistical computing, Machine learning
Javascript JavaScript usage include web/mobile app development, game
development, and desktop app development.

C++ C++ is widely used in Game Development, Advance Computations,

and Graphics Compilers

C# Widely used in Enterprise Cross-Applications Development, Web

PHP Web Development, Content Management Systems, eCommerce
SQL Used in Any Database
Types of Programming Languages

• There are two types of programming languages, which can

be categorized into the following ways:
1. Low level language
a) Machine language
b) Assembly language
2. High level language
a) Procedural-Oriented language
b) Object Oriented Language
c) Scripting Language
d) Natural language
1. Low level language
• This language is the most understandable language used by computer to
perform its operations. It can be further categorized into:
a) Machine Language (1GL)
• Machine language consists of strings of binary numbers (i.e. 0s and 1s)
and it is the only one language, the processor directly understands.
Machine language has an Merits of very fast execution speed and
efficient use of primary memory.
• Merits:
• It is directly understood by the processor so has faster execution time
since the programs written in this language need not to be translated.
• It doesn’t need larger memory.
• Demerits:
• It is very difficult to program using 1GL since all the instructions are to
be represented by 0s and 1s.
• Use of this language makes programming time consuming.
• It is difficult to find error and to debug.
• It can be used by experts only.
• b) Assembly Language
• Assembly language is also known as low-level language because to design a
program programmer requires detailed knowledge of hardware specification.
This language uses mnemonics code (symbolic operation code like ‘ADD’ for
addition) in place of 0s and 1s. The program is converted into machine code by
assembler. The resulting program is referred to as an object code.
• Merits:
• It is makes programming easier than 1GL since it uses mnemonics code for
programming. Eg: ADD for addition, SUB for subtraction, DIV for division, etc.
• It makes programming process faster.
• Error can be identified much easily compared to 1GL.
• It is easier to debug than machine language.
• Demerits:
• Programs written in this language is not directly understandable by computer so
translators should be used.
• It is hardware dependent language so programmers are forced to think in terms
of computer’s architecture rather than to the problem being solved.
• Being machine dependent language, programs written in this language are very
less or not portable.
• Programmers must know its mnemonics codes to perform any task.
• ADD A,B A=20 B=30
2. High level language
• Instructions of this language closely resembles to human
language or English like words. It uses mathematical notations
to perform the task.
• The high level language is easier to learn. It requires less time
to write and is easier to maintain the errors.
• The high level language is converted into machine language by
one of the two different languages translator
programs; interpreter or compiler.

• High level language can be further categorized as:
• a) Procedural-Oriented language (3GL)
• Procedural Programming can be defined as a programming
model which is derived from structured programming, based
upon the concept of calling procedure.
• Procedures, also known as routines, subroutines or functions,
simply consist of a series of computational steps to be carried
• Follows top-down approach.
• During a program’s execution, any given procedure might be
called at any point, including by other procedures or itself.
• Languages used in Procedural Programming:
• Merits:
• Because of their flexibility, procedural languages are able to
solve a variety of problems.
• Programmer does not need to think in term of computer
architecture which makes them focused on the problem.
• Programs written in this language are portable.
• Demerits:
• It is easier but needs higher processor and larger memory.
• It needs to be translated therefore its execution time is more.
• Object-oriented Programming Language
• This programming language views the world as a group of
objects that have internal data and external accessing parts of
that data.
• The aim this programming language is to think about the fault
by separating it into a collection of objects that offer services
which can be used to solve a specific problem.
• One of the main principle of object oriented programming
language is encapsulation that everything an object will need
must be inside of the object.
• Follows bottom up approach
• This language also emphasizes reusability through inheritance
and the capacity to spread current implementations without
having to change a great deal of code by using polymorphism.
• Scripting Programming Language
• These programming languages are often procedural and may
comprise object-oriented language elements, but they fall into
their own category as they are normally not full-fledged
programming languages with support for development of
large systems.
• Scripting languages do not require the compilation step and
are rather interpreted. For example, normally, a C program
needs to be compiled before running whereas normally, a
scripting language like JavaScript or PHP need not be
• For example, they may not have compile-time type checking.
Usually, these languages require tiny syntax to get started.
• Example: javascript,perl,python
• Natural language (5GL)
• Natural language are still in developing stage where we could write
statements that would look like normal sentences.
• Merits:
• Easy to program.
• Since, the program uses normal sentences, they are easy to
• The programs designed using 5GL will have artificial intelligence (AI).
• The programs would be much more interactive and interesting.
• Demerits:
• It is slower than previous generation language as it should be
completely translated into binary code which is a tedious task.
• Highly advanced and expensive electronic devices are required to
run programs developed in 5GL. Therefore, it is an
expensive approach.
How to choose a programming language?
• Computer programming is a set of written instructions that
the computer follows. These instructions can be written in
various languages.
• Each programming languages have their unique ways of
organizing the commands which are called syntax.
• Multiple programming languages can help you solve the same
programming problem. However, you need to select a
language that you feel is relevant to perform your task.
• If you decide that a language does not suit your business
requirement, you can always move on to a new language. Your
skill in the chosen language will also be a deciding factor.
• Expected software system response time, a number of
simultaneous users, security, maintains, compatibility with
web, mobile, devices are few other factors to consider while
choosing a language.
Programming Environments
• The term programming environment is sometimes reserved
for environments containing language specific editors and
source level debugging facilities; here, the term will be used in
its broader sense to refer to all of the hardware and software
in the environment used by the programmer.
• All programming can therefore be properly described as taking
place in a programming environment.
• Programming environments may vary considerably in
complexity. An example of a simple environment might consist
of a text editor for program preparation, an assembler for
translating programs to machine language, and a simple
operating system consisting of input-output drivers and a file
• Though Environment Setup is not an element of any
Programming Language, it is the first step to be followed
before setting on to write a program.
• When we say Environment Setup, it simply implies a base on
top of which we can do our programming. Thus, we need to
have the required software setup, i.e., installation on our PC
which will be used to write computer programs, compile, and
execute them. For example, if you need to browse Internet,
then you need the following setup on your machine −
• A working Internet connection to connect to the Internet
• A Web browser such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, etc.
Principles of Programming
• 1. Keep It Simple
• It sounds a little harsh, but it's a coding principle to live by.
What does this mean?
• It means you should be writing code as simple as possible.
Don't get caught up in trying to be overly clever or showing off
with a paragraph of advanced code. If you can write a script in
one line, write it in one line.
• Here's a simple function:
• function addNumbers(num1,num2)
• {
return num1 + num2;
• Pretty simple. It's easy to read and you know exactly what is
going on.
• Use clear variable names. Take advantage of coding libraries to
use existing tools. Make it easy to come back after six months
and get right back to work. Keeping it simple will save you the
2. Write DRY Code
• The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle means, plainly, not
repeating code. It's a common coding mistake. When writing
code, avoid duplication of data or logic. If you've ever copied
and pasted code within your program, it's not DRY code.
• Take a look at this script:
• function addNumberSequence(number)
• {
number = number + 1;
number = number + 2;
number = number + 3;
number = number + 4;
number = number + 5;
return number;
• Instead of duplicating lines, try to find an algorithm that uses
iteration. For loops, and while loops are ways to control code
that needs to run multiple times.
• DRY code is easy to maintain. It's easier to debug one loop
that handles 50 repetitions than 50 blocks of code that handle
one repetition.
3. Open/Closed
• This principle means you should aim to make your code open to
extension but closed to modification. This is an important principle
when releasing a library or framework that others will use.
• For example, suppose you're maintaining a GUI framework. You
could release for coders to directly modify and integrate your
released code. But what happens when you release a major update
four months later?
• Their code will break. This will make engineers unhappy. They won't
want to use your library for much longer, no matter how helpful it
may be.
• Instead, release code that prevents direct modification and
encourages extension. This separates core behavior from modified
behavior. The code is more stable and easier to maintain.
4. Single Responsibility
• The single responsibility principle says that every class or
module in a program should only provide one specific
functionality. As Robert C. Martin puts it, "A class should have
only one reason to change."
• Classes and modules often start off this way. Be careful not to
add too many responsibilities as classes get more complicated.
Refactor and break them up into smaller classes and modules.
• The consequence of overloading classes is twofold. First, it
complicates debugging when you're trying to isolate a certain
module for troubleshooting. Second, it becomes more difficult
to create additional functionality for a specific module.
5. Separation Of Concerns
• The separation of concerns principle is an abstract version of the
single responsibility principle. This idea states that a program should
be designed with different containers, and these containers should
not have access to each other.
• A well-known example of this is the model-view-controller (MVC)
design. MVC separates a program into three distinct areas: the data
(model), the logic (controller), and what the page displays (view).
Variations of MVC are common in today's most popular web
• For example, the code that handles the database doesn't need to
know how to render the data in the browser. The rendering code
takes input from the user, but the logic code handles the processing.
Each piece of code is completely independent.
• The result is code that is easy to debug. If you ever need to rewrite
the rendering code, you can do so without worrying about how the
data gets saved or the logic gets processed.
6. You Aren't Going To Need It (YAGNI)

• This principle means you should never code for functionality

on the chance that you may need in the future. Don't try and
solve a problem that doesn't exist.
• In an effort to write DRY code, programmers can violate this
principle. Often inexperienced programmers try to write the
most abstract and generic code they can. Too much
abstraction causes bloated code that is impossible to
• Only apply the DRY principle only when you need to. If you
notice chunks of code written over and over, then abstract
them. Don't think too far out at the expense of your current
code batch.
7. Document Your Code
• Any senior developer will stress the importance of documenting your code with
proper comments. All languages offer them and you should make it a habit to
write them. Leave comments to explain objects, enhance variable definitions,
and make functions easier to understand.
• Here's a python function with comments guiding you through the code:

//This function will add 5 to the input if odd, or return the number if even

• def evenOrOdd(number)
• {
//Determine if the number is even
if(number % 2 == 0):
• {
return number
//If the number is odd, this will add 5 and return
• {
return number + 5
• }
• leaving comments is a little more work while you're coding,
and you understand your code pretty well right?
• Leave comments anyway!
• Try writing a program, leaving it alone for six months, and
come back to modify it. You'll be glad you documented your
program instead of having to pour over every function to
remember how it works. Work on a coding team? Don't
frustrate your fellow developers by forcing them to decipher
your syntax.
8. Refactor
• It's hard to accept, but your code isn't going to be perfect the
first time. Refactoring code means reviewing your code and
looking for ways to optimize it. Make it more efficient while
keeping the results exactly the same.
• Codebases are constantly evolving. It's completely normal to
revisit, rewrite, or even redesign entire chunks of code. It
doesn't mean you didn't succeed the first time you wrote your
• You're going to get more familiar with a project over time. Use
that knowledge to adjust your existing code to be DRY, or
following the KIS principle.
9. Clean Code At All Costs
• Don't try to pack a ton of logic into one line. Leave clear
instructions in comments and documentation. If your code is
easy to read it will be easy to maintain.
• Good programmers and readable code go hand-in-hand. Leave
comments when necessary. Adhere to style guides, whether
dictated by a language or your company.
What is Debugging?
• Software programs undergo heavy testing, updating,
troubleshooting, and maintenance during the development
process. Usually, the software contains errors and bugs, which
are routinely removed. Debugging is the process of fixing a
bug in the software.
• It refers to identifying, analyzing and removing errors. This
process begins after the software fails to execute properly and
concludes by solving the problem and successfully testing the
software. But, it is considered to be an
extremely complex and tedious task because errors need to
be resolved at all stages of debugging.
Why do we need Debugging?
• The process of debugging begins as soon as the code of
the software is written. Then, it continues in successive stages
as code is combined with other units of programming to form
a software product. Debugging has many benefits such as:
• It reports an error condition immediately. This allows earlier
detection of an error and makes the process of software
development stress-free and unproblematic.
• It also provides maximum useful information of data
structures and allows easy interpretation.
• Debugging assists the developer in reducing
useless and distracting information.
• Through debugging the developer can avoid complex one-use
testing code to save time and energy in software
Steps involved in Debugging
• The different steps involved in the process of debugging are:

• 1. Identify the Error: A bad identification of an error can lead
to wasted developing time. It is usual that production errors
reported by users are hard to interpret and sometimes the
information we receive is misleading. It is import to identify
the actual error.
• 2. Find the Error Location: After identifying the error
correctly, you need to go through the code to find the exact
spot where the error is located. In this stage, you need to
focus on finding the error instead of understanding it.
• 3. Analyze the Error: In the third step, you need to use a
bottom-up approach from the error location and analyze the
code. This helps you in understanding the error. Analyzing a
bug has two main goals, such as checking around the error for
other errors to be found, and to make sure about the risks of
entering any collateral damage in the fix.
• 4. Prove the Analysis: Once you are done analyzing the
original bug, you need to find a few more errors that may
appear on the application. This step is about writing
automated tests for these areas with the help of a test
• 5. Cover Lateral Damage: In this stage, you need to create or
gather all the unit tests for the code where you are going to
make changes. Now, if you run these unit tests, they all should
• 6. Fix & Validate: The final stage is the fix all the errors and
run all the test scripts to check if they all pass.
Debugging Tools
• Debugging tool is a computer program that is used to test and
debug other programs. A lot of public domain software like
gdb and dbx are available for debugging. They offer console-
based command line interfaces. Examples of automated
debugging tools include code based tracers, profilers,
interpreters, etc.
Some of the widely used debuggers are:
1. Radare2
2. WinDbg
3. Valgrind
Language Processors
• Assembly language is machine dependent yet mnemonics that are
being used to represent instructions in it are not directly
understandable by machine and high Level language is machine
• A computer understands instructions in machine code, i.e. in the
form of 0s and 1s. It is a tedious task to write a computer program
directly in machine code.
• The programs are written mostly in high level languages like Java,
C++, Python etc. and are called source code. These source code
cannot be executed directly by the computer and must be converted
into machine language to be executed.
• Hence, a special translator system software is used to translate the
program written in high-level language into machine code is
called Language Processor and the program after translated into
machine code (object program / object code).
• The language processors can be any of the following three
• 1. Compiler
• The language processor that reads the complete source
program written in high level language as a whole in one go
and translates it into an equivalent program in machine
language is called as a Compiler.
Example: C, C++, C#, Java In a compiler, the source code is
translated to object code successfully if it is free of errors. The
compiler specifies the errors at the end of compilation with
line numbers when there are any errors in the source code.
The errors must be removed before the compiler can
successfully recompile the source code again.>
• Assembler
The Assembler is used to translate the program written in
Assembly language into machine code. The source program is
a input of assembler that contains assembly language
instructions. The output generated by assembler is the object
code or machine code understandable by the computer.
The translation of single statement of source program into
machine code is done by language processor and executes it
immediately before moving on to the next line is called an
• If there is an error in the statement, the interpreter
terminates its translating process at that statement and
displays an error message.
• The interpreter moves on to the next line for execution only
after removal of the error. An Interpreter directly executes
instructions written in a programming or scripting language
without previously converting them to an object code or
machine code.
Example: Perl, Python and Matlab.
Difference between Compiler and Interpreter

A compiler is a program which coverts the

interpreter takes a source program and runs
entire source code of a programming
it line by line, translating each line as it
language into executable machine code for a
comes to it.

Compiler takes large amount of time to

Interpreter takes less amount of time to
analyze the entire source code but the
analyze the source code but the overall
overall execution time of the program is
execution time of the program is slower.
comparatively faster.

Compiler generates the error message only

Its Debugging is easier as it continues
after scanning the whole program, so
translating the program until the error is
debugging is comparatively hard as the error
can be present any where in the program.

Generates intermediate object code. No intermediate object code is generated.

Examples: C, C++, Java Examples: Python, Perl

Flow Chart
• A flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of an algorithm.
• A flowchart can be helpful for both writing programs and
explaining the program to others.
• Also called: process flowchart, process flow diagram
• A flowchart is a picture of the separate steps of a process in
sequential order. It is a generic tool that can be adapted for a
wide variety of purposes, and can be used to describe various
processes, such as a manufacturing process, an administrative
or service process, or a project plan.
• Elements that may be included in a flowchart are a sequence
of actions, materials or services entering or leaving the
process (inputs and outputs), decisions that must be made,
people who become involved, time involved at each step,
and/or process measurements.
1. To develop understanding of how a process is done
2. To study a process for improvement
3. To communicate to others how a process is done
4. When better communication is needed between people
involved with the same process
5. To document a process
6. When planning a project
Flowchart symbols
Add two numbers entered by the user
Find the largest among three different numbers entered
by the user
• What is Algorithm?
• Algorithms are simply a series of instructions that are
followed, step by step, to do something useful or solve a
• The word Algorithm means “a process or set of rules to be
followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations”.
• Therefore Algorithm refers to a set of rules/instructions that
step-by-step define how a work is to be executed upon in
order to get the expected results.

• It can be understood by taking an example of cooking a new
recipe. To cook a new recipe, one reads the instructions and
steps and execute them one by one, in the given sequence.
• The result thus obtained is the new dish cooked perfectly.
Similarly, algorithms help to do a task in programming to get
the expected output.
• The Algorithm designed are language-independent, i.e. they
are just plain instructions that can be implemented in any
language, and yet the output will be the same, as expected.
• As one would not follow any written instructions to cook the
recipe, but only the standard one. Similarly, not all written
instructions for programming is an algorithm. In order for
some instructions to be an algorithm, it must have the
following characteristics:
• Clear and Unambiguous: Algorithm should be clear and
unambiguous. Each of its steps should be clear in all aspects
and must lead to only one meaning.
• Well-Defined Inputs: If an algorithm says to take inputs, it
should be well-defined inputs.
• Well-Defined Outputs: The algorithm must clearly define
what output will be yielded and it should be well-defined as
• Finite-ness: The algorithm must be finite, i.e. it should not end
up in an infinite loops or similar.
• Feasible: The algorithm must be simple, generic and practical,
such that it can be executed upon will the available resources.
It must not contain some future technology, or anything.
• Language Independent: The Algorithm designed must be
language-independent, i.e. it must be just plain instructions
that can be implemented in any language, and yet the output
will be same, as expected.
How to Design an Algorithm?
• In order to write an algorithm, following things are needed as
a pre-requisite:
1. The problem that is to be solved by this algorithm.
2. The constraints of the problem that must be considered
while solving the problem.
3. The input to be taken to solve the problem.
4. The output to be expected when the problem the is solved.
5. The solution to this problem, in the given constraints.
6. Then the algorithm is written with the help of above
parameters such that it solves the problem.
• Example: Consider the example to add three numbers and print the
• Step 1: Fulfilling the pre-requisites As discussed above, in order to
write an algorithm, its pre-requisites must be fulfilled.
• The problem that is to be solved by this algorithm: Add 3 numbers
and print their sum.
• The constraints of the problem that must be considered while
solving the problem: The numbers must contain only digits and no
other characters.
• The input to be taken to solve the problem: The three numbers to
be added.
• The output to be expected when the problem the is solved: The
sum of the three numbers taken as the input.
• The solution to this problem, in the given constraints: The solution
consists of adding the 3 numbers. It can be done with the help of ‘+’
operator, or bit-wise, or any other method.
Algorithm to add 3 numbers and print their sum:

2. Declare 3 integer variables num1, num2 and num3.
3. Take the three numbers, to be added, as inputs in variables
num1, num2, and num3 respectively.
4. Declare an integer variable sum to store the resultant sum
of the 3 numbers.
5. Add the 3 numbers and store the result in the variable sum.
6. Print the value of variable sum
7. END
Algorithm for Simple Interest
• 1. Start
• 2. Declare 3 floating point variables p,r,t
• 3. Declare SI as floating point variable
• 4. SI=(p*r*t)/100
• 5. Print and store the result in SI
• 6.Stop
Algorithm Complexity
What is Algorithm Complexity and How to find it?
• An algorithm is defined as complex based on the amount of
Space and Time it consumes. Hence the Complexity of an
algorithm refers to the measure of the Time that it will need
to execute and get the expected output, and the Space it will
need to store all the data (input, temporary data and output).
Hence these two factors define the efficiency of an
The two factors of Algorithm Complexity are:
1. Time Factor: Time is measured by counting the number of
key operations such as comparisons in the sorting algorithm.
2. Space Factor: Space is measured by counting the maximum
memory space required by the algorithm.
• Therefore the complexity of an algorithm can be divided into
two types:
1. Space Complexity: Space complexity of an algorithm refers to
the amount of memory that this algorithm requires to

2. Time Complexity: Time complexity of an algorithm refers to

the amount of time that this algorithm requires to execute and
get the result. This can be for normal operations, conditional if-
else statements, loop statements, etc.

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