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Procedia Computer Science 218 (2023) 1384–1393

International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering

International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering
Real-time Assamese Sign Language Recognition using MediaPipe
Real-time Assamese Sign Language Recognition using MediaPipe
and Deep Learning
and Deep Learning
Jyotishman Bora, Saine Dehingia, Abhijit Boruah** Anuraag Anuj Chetia, Dikhit Gogoi
Jyotishman Bora, Saine Dehingia, Abhijit Boruah Anuraag Anuj Chetia, Dikhit Gogoi
Department of CSE, Dibrugarh University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dibrugarh 786004, India
Department of CSE, Dibrugarh University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dibrugarh 786004, India

People lacking the sense of hearing and the ability to speak have undeniable communication problems in their life. People with
hearing lacking the problems
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communicate ability
speak havewithundeniable
and others. Signproblems
languageinistheir life. People
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portion of using sign language
the human population who uses with themselves
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communication. Therefore,knownit is a
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interpretation uses
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language. languagehave
Much research for communication.
been carried outTherefore,
to acknowledgeit is a
necessity to develop
sign language technological
using technology fortools
mostfor interpretation
global languages.ofBut signthere
language. Much
are still research
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language development
using technology for dialects.
for local most global languages.
There But there
are 22 modern arelanguages
Indian still scopesandofmore
than 19000 oflanguages
tools and thattechniques
are spokenfor
sign language
regionally development
as mother tongue.for local
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work There
attempts to are 22 modern
develop Indianapproach
a technical languages forand more thanAssamese
recognizing 19000 languages that are spoken
Sign Language, which
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moderntongue. This work
languages attempts
of India. Usingtomachine
a technical approachthis
techniques, forwork
tried to Assamese
establish a Sign
systemLanguage, which
for identifying
handof the 22 modern
gestures languages Sign
from Assamese of India. Using machine
Language. learningoftechniques,
A combination this work
two-dimensional andtried to establish a system
three-dimensional imagesforofidentifying
the hand has
gestures gestures
been from Assamese
used to prepare Sign Language.
a dataset. A combination
The MediaPipe of two-dimensional
framework and three-dimensional
has been implemented imagesinofthe
to detect landmarks Assamese
An Assamesehas been
Signused to prepare
Language a dataset.
dataset Thedata
of 2094 MediaPipe framework
points has has been implemented
been generated, including nineto static
landmarks with in vowels
the images.and
An Assamese
consonants (অ,Sign Language
ই, ঈ, উ, এ, ও, dataset
ক, জ, ল)of 2094 dataAssamese
from the points has Signbeen generated,
Language. Theincluding
dataset wasnine static
used for gestures
training ofwith vowels and
a feed-forward
consonants (অ, ই,
neural network. Theঈ,model
উ, এ,yielded
ও, ক, জ,an ল) from the
accuracy Assamese
of 99%. Sign Language.
The results reveal thatThethedataset
methodwas used for training
implemented in this of a feed-forward
work is effective
for the network.
recognitionTheofmodel yielded
the other an accuracy
alphabets of 99%.
and gestures TheAssamese
in the results reveal
Signthat the method
Language. This implemented
method couldinalso thisbework
for the recognition of signs
the other
and alphabets andvarious
gestures for gestures in the
other Assamese
local languagesSignof Language.
India. This method could also be tried and tested
for the recognition of signs and gestures for various other local languages of India.
© 2023The
© 2023 TheAuthors.
Authors. Published
Published by ELSEVIER
by Elsevier B.V. B.V.
© 2023
This anThe
is an Authors.
open access Published
article by ELSEVIER
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Peer-review open access
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Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference
Conference on Machine
on Machine Learning
Learning andEngineering
and Data Data
Engineering under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Data
Keywords: Sign Language Recognition; Assamese Sign Language; Gesture recognition; 3D Image Recognition; MediaPipe; Neural network;
Keywords: Sign Language Recognition; Assamese Sign Language; Gesture recognition; 3D Image Recognition; MediaPipe; Neural network;

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of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Engineering

1877-0509 © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0)
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the International Conference on Machine Learning and
Data Engineering
Jyotishman Bora et al. / Procedia Computer Science 218 (2023) 1384–1393 1385
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1. Introduction

The Census of 2011 mentions that out of the population of disabled people of 2.68 crores (2.21% of the total
population) in India, there are around 1027835 people, including 545179 male and 482656 female, who suffer from
hearing and speech impairment. This group of people have developed their language to communicate among
themselves, known to us as Sign language. Sign languages use visual human body movements and gestures to express
one’s thoughts. Sign languages vary from region to region. For example, there is American Sign Language in the
United States of America, whereas Indian Sign Language in India. There is also a part in different sign languages
where native language alphabets are expressed by fingerspelling hand signs. Assamese Sign Language is such a sign
language where there are hand signs for different individual Assamese alphabets.
Over the past years, we can find many trials to develop sign language recognition (SLR) systems. Although much
work has been done in different sign languages worldwide, there seems to be significantly less work done in regional
dialects of India like the Assamese language. There are two types of SLR architecture on the basis of input data: glove-
based [1], [2], [3] and vision-based [4], [5]. Glove-based SLR architecture involves usage of smart gloves to measure
position, orientation, velocity etc. of hands using microcontrollers and sensors. Vision-based SLR techniques use
cameras to detect hand gestures. Computer vision-based SLR systems are usually based on extracting features such
as edge detection, skin colour segmentation, gesture detection, hand shape detection etc. But most of these solutions
are too computing power consuming to run in real-time on low-end computation devices like mobile phones and hence
are limited to platforms with high computing power. Moreover, the hit and miss of hand-tracking mechanisms is
almost evident in all of these approaches.
This work contributes to a deep learning powered Assamese Sign Language Recognition system focused on
recognizing a few fundamental letters of the Assamese Alphabet. The approach includes a methodology that involves
implementation of a hand tracking solution provided by Google’s open-source project, MediaPipe [6]. Along with it,
a deep learning algorithm is implemented on this solution to produce a fast, inexpensive, lightweight, and easy-to-
deploy system that can be used as the core of a complete sign language recognition system.
This work adopts the hand landmarks detection approach at the core of the complete model. Using MediaPipe’s
hand tracking model, 21 hand landmarks in each image containing hand signs from Assamese Sign Language have
been detected. The landmarks are then collected as coordinate points, normalized, and saved in a .csv file as data-
points. A feedforward neural network model than takes these data-points as input, and after training the model, real-
time hand sign recognition with OpenCV has been implemented using the trained model. Fig. 1 gives an overview of
the complete project. The prepared model for 9 Assamese alphabets is highly efficient, accurate, portable, and
lightweight. This paper discusses the entire procedure of developing our model, along with the results and analysis of

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the complete project

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2. Literature Review

Das et al. [5] have researched on deep learning-based sign language recognition system with processed static
images implemented on American Sign Language gestures. The dataset consisted of 24 labels of static gestures of
alphabets from A to Z, excluding J. There were approximately 100 images per class in the dataset captured on an RGB
sensor. The methodology included using of Inception V3 convolutional neural network model to train the model. After
training and testing the model, the average accuracy rate of validation was over 90%, with the most outstanding
validation accuracy being 98%. They concluded that the relatively new Inception V3 model could be an appropriate
model for static sign language detection when provided with a dataset of properly cropped images.
Sahoo [7] used machine learning to work on Indian sign language recognition. This research focused on the static
hand gestures in Indian sign language for the numeric values (0-9). A digital RGB sensor was used to capture the
images of the signs to build the dataset. The dataset contained 5000 total images, with 500 images for each digit from
0 to 9. Two classifiers were used based on the supervised learning technique to train the model: Naïve Bayes and k-
Nearest Neighbor. K-Nearest Neighbor technique slightly performed better than the Naïve Bayes classifier in this
research as the average accuracy rates of k-NN and Naïve Bayes were 98.36% and 97.79%, respectively.
Ansari and Harit [4] researched classifying Indian sign language static gestures using images with 3d depth data.
The images were captured using Microsoft Kinect, which enables 3d depth information capturing along with the 2D
image. The dataset totaled 5041 images of static hand gestures and was labeled with 140 classes. K-means clustering
was used to train the model. In the research, they were able to score a 90% accuracy rate for 13 signs and 100%
accuracy for three signs making it up to 16 alphabets (A, B, D, E, F, G, H, K, P, R, T, U, W, X, Y, Z) recognition with
an average accuracy rate of 90.68%.
Rekha et al. [8] worked on 23 static and three dynamic signs of the Indian Sign Language dataset. They used skin
color segmentation to locate hands. Edge orientation and texture were used as features to train a multiclass SVM on
which they achieved a success rate of about 86.3%. However, their approach was too slow to implement as a practical
gesture recognition algorithm.
Bhuyan et al. [9] used a dataset of 8 gestures from Indian Sign Language consisting of 400 images. They used a
skin colour based segmentation technique for hand detection, then used nearest neighbor classification, and finally
achieved a recognition rate above 90%.
Pugeault & Bowden [10] worked on a real-time recognition system for recognition of the alphabets in American
Sign Language. A dataset consisting of 24 classes with 48,000 3D depth images captured using a Kinect sensor was
used. Gabor filters and multi-class random forests were used and highly accurate classification rates were achieved.
Keskin et al. [11] used an approach involving object recognition by parts to recognize signs indicating digits of
American Sign Language. Their dataset had ten classes with a total of 30,000 3d depth images captured using a Kinect
sensor, and they achieved about 99% accuracy rate.
Ren et al. [8] used a threshold-based technique for segmentation of hands from Kinect captured images. They had
ten classes with 1000 images in total in their dataset. The accuracy rate achieved was about 93%.
Halder and Tayade [12] used the MediaPipe framework to get multi-hand landmarks and used Support Vector
Machine (SVM) for Real-time detection of hand signs. The average accuracy achieved was about 99%.

3. Data Collection Procedure

3.1. Simulation Environment

KScan3D software was used for 3D image capturing with the Microsoft Kinect sensor. OpenCV library was used
to capture 2D image using RGB webcam and visualization of 3D hand landmarks extracted by MediaPipe hand
tracking model. Deep learning was implemented on the Jupyter Python notebook web application.

3.2. Image collection

Images of subjects posing with gestures of Assamese Sign Language were captured using a Microsoft Kinect sensor
and an RGB webcam. The advantage of using a Microsoft Kinect sensor is that it collects depth data for individual
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pixels of the image, and using that data 3D model of a person can be created. Further, the 3D depth image captured
with the Microsoft Kinect sensor is used to produce multiple images of a person from different angles. This process
also makes the model more robust and adaptable to varying angles of the hand signs after training. Along with the
images produced from the Microsoft Kinect sensor, 2D RGB images of the signs were also captured with an RGB
webcam. Sample of 3D and 2D images collected during the process are shown in Fig. 2(a) and Fig. 2(b) respectively.
The ratio of the number of images from the Kinect sensor to the number of images from the webcam is approximately

a. b.

Fig. 2. (a) 3D Image captured with Microsoft Kinect; (b) 2D Image captured with RGB webcam.

3.3. Detection of hand landmarks using MediaPipe

MediaPipe framework is used to build machine learning pipelines for time-series data such as video, audio, etc.
Google first introduced it to perform real-time video and audio analysis on YouTube. In 2019, MediaPipe’s public
release enabled researchers and developers to integrate and use this framework in their projects. Unlike most high
computing power demanding machine learning frameworks, MediaPipe can run efficiently, maintaining its accuracy
and robustness on devices with low computing power, such as androids and embedded IoT devices.
MediaPipe toolkit altogether consists of the MediaPipe framework and MediaPipe solutions. The MediaPipe
framework is developed using C++, Java, and Objective C programming, which consists of 3 key APIs –
 Calculator API
 Graph Construction API and
 Graph Execution API
MediaPipe solutions comprise 16 pre-trained TensorFlow and TensorFlow Lite models on top of the MediaPipe
framework built for specific use cases. This work leveraged the MediaPipe solution to infer hand landmarks from
images of hand signs. This hand-tracking model outputs 21 3D landmark points (as shown in Fig. 3) on a hand from
a single frame. To achieve this, two dependent models are used simultaneously. First, a Palm Detection Model detects
the palms of hands in the images since it is easier to detect rigid objects like palms and fists rather than a complete
hand. Cropped palm images from this model are passed onto the next model, which is the Hand Landmark Model.
This model precisely detects 21 3D hand landmark points in the detected hand region using regression. The complete
model is trained on approximately 30,000 manually annotated real-world images. The model is very well-trained and
robust and hence it can detect and map hand landmark points accurately, even on partially visible hands in most cases.
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Fig. 3. 21 3D hand landmarks localized by MediaPipe hand tracking model

The hand tracking model from MediaPipe was passed through all the collected images of hand signs from Assamese
Sign Language. The model output x, y, and z coordinates of the hand landmark points from the images, among which
only x and y coordinates are necessary and sufficient for training the final model. Therefore, the z coordinates were
eliminated, and the remaining coordinate points (x and y) of the hand landmarks for different hand signs are stored in
a .csv file. Fig. 4 shows how the milestones are saved as coordinates. These coordinates were the data points using
which the final dataset was generated and used to train the final model.

Fig. 4. Coordinates of the hand landmark points excluding z coordinates

3.4. Data cleaning and normalization

The MediaPipe hand landmarks model gives the coordinates indicating hand landmark points based on the
placement of the pixels containing the landmark points in the image. Therefore, the coordinates of two images of the
same hand sign with different arrangements in the frame can be vastly distant. This increases the difficulty of training
the model. To solve this problem, the wrist's landmark point has been considered (donated by index 0 in the hand
landmarks list) to have x and y coordinates as (0,0) and accordingly adjusted the coordinates of all the other landmark
points relative to the wrist point. Then we further normalized the coordinate values to be in the range of [0,1] by
dividing all the coordinates by the largest absolute coordinate value obtained by relative adjustment in the landmarks
list. After normalization of the coordinates, they were collected in the .csv file. Fig. 5 demonstrates the coordinate
normalization procedure.
After collecting coordinates in the .csv file, it was passed through a pandas’ library function to detect null entries.
Sometimes in blurry images, the model fails to detect hands, producing void entries. Cleaning of these void entries is
necessary to train an unbiased model. Therefore, we detected the null entries and removed them from the file using
their indices.
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Fig. 5. Hand landmarks coordinates normalization example

3.5. Generated Data

Initially, nine fingerspelling hand signs from Assamese Sign Language were selected, referring to 9 different
Assamese alphabets developed by Vaani® Foundations in 2021. Since we could not find any previous work regarding
Sign Language Recognition in Assamese Sign Language, we have started from the most basic signs: static, posed by
one hand, and distinct from each other. The 9 selected alphabets are- অ, ই, ঈ, উ, এ, ও, ক, জ and ল.
The total data points (coordinate points) in the dataset was 2094, with 200-300 data points for each class. 75% of
the data points were randomly selected and utilized as a training set, and the remaining data points were considered
as the test dataset. The training process of the recognition model was initiated from 200 data points in each class, and
subsequently, more data was fed into the model by experimenting with different data points added to different classes
to maximize the model's efficiency and accuracy. Fig. 6 shows the dataset's exact number of data points for each
category, along with sample pictures of different signs.

Fig. 6. Sample size and gesture for each category of the Assamese alphabet

4. Training the Model with Custom Feedforward Neural Network

After creating the dataset, the next task is the training of a feedforward neural network with the data. The neural
network included one input layer and one output layer along with four hidden layers, including two dense layers and
two dropout layers. The dense layers perform matrix-vector multiplication in the background, and the dropout layers
1390 Jyotishman Bora et al. / Procedia Computer Science 218 (2023) 1384–1393
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reduce the overfitting of the model by modifying outgoing edges of hidden layer neurons randomly and resetting it to
0 at each iteration during the training process. A ReLU activation function was used in the hidden layers, and a
Softmax activation function was used in the output layer. Table 1 presents the configuration of the sequential model
implemented in this work.
After construction, the model was compiled using an Adam optimizer which is computationally efficient and
appropriate for model training with large data/parameters. The loss function was set to Sparse Categorical
Crossentropy, which gives loss between actual and predicted labels. The accuracy metric was used for the evaluation
of the model, which depicts how often the prediction is equal to the actual label. An early stopping function was used
in training the model, which stops the training if there is not much variation in the calculated loss and accuracy in 20
consecutive training steps. Initially, the epoch value of the training was set to 1000, but the model's training was
completed in 341 epochs and stopped using the early stopping function. Training accuracy obtained was 99.40%, and
the calculated loss was 0.1090.

Table 1: Configuration of the used feedforward neural network

Model: “sequential”

Layer (type) Output Shape No of Parameters

dropout (Dropout) (None, 42) 0
dense (Dense) (None, 20) 860
dropout_1 (Dropout) (None, 20) 0
dense_1 (Dense) (None, 10) 210
dense_2 (Dense) (None, 10) 110
Total parameters: 1,180
Trainable parameters: 1,180
Non- trainable parameters: 0

5. Results and Analysis

5.1. Quantitative Analysis of the Model

The classification_report and confusion_matrix libraries from python's scikit-learn toolkit were used for
quantitative analysis of the test dataset. The classification_report library produces an evaluation report of our model
with matrices - accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score. Along with them, the matrix 'support' represents the
performance of the model in real-time recognition.
The accuracy matrix measures correctly predicted labels by the model from the complete dataset. Equation (1)
shows the mathematical formulation of the accuracy matrix.
The precision matrix measures the model's accuracy out of the predicted positives. It calculates the number of
actual positives in the predicted positives. It is an excellent measure to consider when the False Positive (FP) cost is
high. Equation (2) depicts the mathematical formula of the precision matrix.
The recall matrix measures how many predictions our model labels correctly as positives. It is a measure considered
when the high cost is associated with False Negatives (FN). Equation (3) is the mathematical formulation of the recall
F1 score provides a cumulative measure by combining recall and precision. Equation (4) gives the mathematical
formulation of this matrix.


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In the equations (1), (2), (3), and (4), TP, TN, FP, and FN represent True Positive, True Negative, False Positive,
and False Negative, respectively.
Table 2 shows the classification report of the implemented Feed-Forward model in detail. The average accuracy
achieved by the model is 99%, as shown in the report.

Table 2. Classification report of the Feedforward model

Class label Precision Recall F1 score Support
1 1.00 1.00 1.00 57
2 1.00 1.00 1.00 55
3 0.96 1.00 0.98 26
4 0.99 1.00 0.99 72
5 1.00 0.99 0.99 70
6 1.00 1.00 1.00 50
7 0.98 0.98 0.98 48
8 1.00 0.99 0.99 68
9 1.00 1.00 1.00 53
accuracy 0.99 499
macro avg 0.99 0.99 0.99 499
weighted avg 0.99 0.99 0.99 499

The confusion_matrix library is used for the analysis of the real-time performance of the model. It provides a
confusion matrix measuring the number of accurately predicted labels. It also enables visualization of deviation of
prediction in case of false predictions by the model. Fig. 7 shows the confusion matrix of the model.

Fig. 7. Confusion matrix of the used feedforward neural network

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5.2. Real-time recognition

Figure 8 presents the snapshots from real-time recognition system implemented with OpenCV open-source library
using the model. The model is accurately able to recognize live gestures from the Assamese sign language both in 2D
(Fig. 8 (a)) as well as 3D (Fig. 8 (b)) environments.

a. b.
Fig. 8. (a) Real-time sign recognition on webcam video stream; (b) Real-time sign recognition on 3D images from Kinect sensor.

5.3. Comparative Analysis

The comparative analysis of the results achieved in this work with the works in the literature is presented in Table
3 and Table 4. Table 3 presents the analysis of the works done with respect to the 2D image and vision based approach
whereas Table 4 presents the analysis for 3D vision based approaches.

Table 3. Comparative analysis of this work and other 2D image based approaches
Sign Language Authors Approach Accuracy Year of

American Sign Language Das et al. [5] CNN based Inception V3 model 90% 2018
Indian Sign language Rekha et al. [8] Skin color segmentation with SVM 86.3% 2011
Indian Sign language Sahoo [7] k-NN and Naïve Bayes classifier 98% 2021
American, Indian, Italian Halder and MediaPipe with SVM 99% 2021
and Turkey Sign Language Tayade [12]
Assamese Sign Language This approach MediaPipe with Feedforward neural 99% 2022
(this work) network

Table 4. Comparative analysis of this work and other 3D image based approaches
Sign Language Authors Approach Accuracy Year of

Indian Sign language Ansari and Harit [4] k-means clustering 90.68% 2016
American Sign language Keskin et al. [11] Object recognition by parts 98% 2013
American Sign Language Pugeault and Bowden MediaPipe with SVM 75% 2011
Indian Sign Language Kumar et al. [13] Spatio-temporal graph kernels 98.75% 2022
Assamese Sign Language This approach MediaPipe with Feedforward 99% 2022
(this work) neural network
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6. Conclusion

This work attempts to provide a visual solution for the sign language recognition problem in the regional Indian
language, where different sets of alphabets exist for each. A state-of-the-art methodology has been adapted to
implement the solution using advanced tools like MidiaPipe. Both real-time and static gestures have been tried to be
recognized by training a self-generated 3D and 2D image dataset to a Feed Forward Neural Network. The classification
results claim that compared to other models in the literature, which require high computation power and longer training
time, this approach of sign language recognition using the MediaPipe hand tracking solution is more effective and
faster for classifying complex hand signs and gestures including alphabets. Moreover, the implementation of
MediaPipe also ensures accurate tracking of the hand movements with different motions in the finger phalanges and
finger joint deviations. Also, due to its lightweight characteristic, the model becomes more robust and can be
implemented over various computing devices with different computing power without losing speed and accuracy.
This work can be further extended to include recognition of more signs from the Assamese Sign Language, including
dynamic gestures involved in daily life communications. Also, various deep learning techniques can be tested after
implementing MediaPipe’s hand tracking solution to increase the accuracy and efficiency of the model.


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