Creation Era
Creation Era
Creation Era
The Fall
Satan—God’s enemy—enters the Garden
disguised as a cunning serpent.
The serpent misrepresents God and deceives Eve.
She eats fruit from the forbidden tree and gives
some to Adam, and he also eats.
Immediately, their eyes are “opened” (Genesis 3:7),
and they experience fear, shame, and guilt.
Naked and ashamed, Adam and Eve hide from
God confronts the couple. Adam blames Eve, and
Eve blames the serpent.
In response, GOD curses the serpent and promises
a Coming Seed (or offspring) who would destroy
God sheds innocent blood to produce the skins to
cover Adam and Eve’s shame.
He slays an innocent animal that He had just
declared “good” (Genesis 1:24-25) in order to cover
their nakedness, foreshadowing the means He
would use to pay the penalty for sin.
The theme of (substitutionary atonement—the
shedding of the blood of the innocent on behalf of
the guilty); appears throughout Scripture
In His mercy, God prevents the couple from going
back into the Garden, eating from the tree of life,
and living eternally condemned lives without the
hope of redemption.
The Flood
The descendants of both Cain and Seth multiply and fill the earth.
God instructs Noah to build a large boat with enough space for a
male and female of every animal, and seven pairs of each clean
animal. Noah believes and obeys God.
All flesh on the earth—every animal and human outside the ark—
dies in the flood.
After they spend a year on the boat, Noah, his family, and all the
animals are released by the Lord.
Instead, they stay in one place and build a huge tower called
Babel. In response, the Lord scatters the people over the face of
the earth and confuses their language.
The Creation Era reveals: