Past Continuous B1-B2

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Once the B1 level is achieved, learners use an increasing range of adverbs.

He was still waiting at the traffic light. (Cambridge English: Preliminary; Italian)

He was actually acting like a ghost. (Cambridge English: Preliminary; Chinese)

Learners at the B1 level can also use the negative form of the past continuous.
However, the frequency of this form remains low (with speakers of Romance languages
using it most often).

I tried to phone her house, but her phone wasn’t working. (Cambridge English:
Preliminary; Spanish - Latin American)

I’m writing you this letter to tell you that we felt so bad when we heard you
weren’t working at the school any more. (CELSP; Spanish - Latin American)

Learners at the B1 level can also demonstrate skill in using the past continuous in questions.

What were you doing? (Cambridge English: Preliminary for Schools; Russian)

[talking about a dream] Everything was strange. Why was I following a green
fox? (Cambridge English: Preliminary; Spanish - Latin American)

B1 level learners use the past continuous to give a reason for something, often with because.

Because she was sitting in the corner, she could see the whole view of the café
in front of her. (Cambridge English: Preliminary; Arabic - Meghreb)

Yesterday a TV company came to my school because they were doing a

science quiz. (Cambridge English: Preliminary; Catalan)

Learners also use the past continuous to talk about ongoing repeated events in the past, often
with always.

Worst of all, in September it was always raining. (Cambridge English:

Preliminary; Portuguese)
He was always talking about this prize but I never thought he would win it.
(Cambridge English: Preliminary; Tamil)

Once the B2 level is achieved, learners are able to use the past continuous with an even wider
range of adverbs (in the normal mid position).

My younger brother was constantly bothering me. (Cambridge English: First;


One day, as she was wistfully walking in the dusk of that day, she told herself
she could either go on living her lonely life or make a huge effort to fit in. (Cambridge
English: First; French)

B2 level learners can use the past continuous to make a request or suggestion more polite or
less direct.

I was wondering if I could impose on you again for my next visit. (Cambridge
English: First; Chinese)

I was thinking that you could come to my house and see the movie. (CELSV;
Spanish - Latin American)

Once the B2 level is achieved, learners are able to use the past simple with a wider range of

We moved to New York last year

In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered America

B2 level learners can use the past simple to narrate stories from real life and books

Before I met my friend, I stopped at a cafeteria to drink a soda

In chapter 1, Johnathan Harker received a letter form Count Dracula in which

he invited him to his castle…

B2 level learners can use the past simple in combination to the past continuous to make a
narrative more interesting

I was working outside when I saw an accident

Johnathan Harker was planning to marry Mina Westenra when he got his
company’s order to travel to Transylvania.

Once the B2 level is achieved, learners are able to use the past simple to present sequences
of events in the past

First we bought some food, later we called our friends to have dinner together.

I got home, turned on the lights, took off my jacket, and sat on the sofa to watch
the game

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