Departmental ACC H&M
Departmental ACC H&M
Departmental ACC H&M
Departmental Accounts
A business is generally split up into a number of departments when it sells different types of goods or carries
on several activities under the same roof. Such departments are found in businesses of all sizes (particularly
in urban areas). A department is generally a physical part of the rest of the business. It should not be assumed
that departmental accounts refers only to departmental stores. In fact, they refer to the verious facets of a
business. Each department is treated as a separate profit centre, though none of the departments is separated
geographically from the rest of the departments. This type of organisational subdivision creates a need for
internal information about the operating results of each department. Since different departments may have
different rates of growth, profitability and degrees of risk, managerial decisions in regard to pricing, closure
etc. can be made on the basis of such information.Therefore, the various pros and cons of the actions to be
taken to increase the over all profitability of the business concern can not be properly considered until the
departmental profits and losses are known.
9. It helps to calculate stock turnover ratio of each department separately, and thus the efficiency of each
department can be revealed.
10. Departmental accounting information also provides a basis for intelligent planning and control.
2. The expenses which have a direct bearing with the sales should be apportioned on the basis of net sales.
For example, advertisement expenses should be apportioned on the basis of departmental sales to
outside customers.
3. All other business expenses, e.g. rent, rates, lighting, heating, depreciation, insurance etc. should be
apportioned on the most logical basis. The nature of the expense, and the nature of the business will
determine the basis for apportionment of expenses. The basis for apportionment of some important
expenses are given below:
There are certain types of expenses, most being of a financial nature, which cannot be apportioned on a
suitable basis. Examples are loss on sale of investment or assets, damages payable for the infringement of law,
interest on bank loan etc. There are also some purely financial incomes which cannot be suitably apportioned
among different departments. To ascertain the total profit of a business as whole profits from all the departments
should be added. If department(s) suffers a loss, it should be deducted from the total profits of the other
departments. This figure should be brought down in one total and all the expenses should be deducted from
that figure to arrive at the net profit.
9.4 Departmental Accounts
Computerised System
If the number of departments are very large, the use of separate journal column for each department
would result in journal of unmanageable size. Now-a-days almost all large departmental stores are
using computer to record transaction data directly into a computerised accounting system. With the
help of computer terminals each department enter sales information into a main computer at the time
each sale is rung up. Journals, ledgers and other reports are prepared at the end of each month for
the use of the management.
Illustration 1
The following balances as at 31.12.2017 have been extracted from the books of Sri Ram & Co which has two departments:
Particulars Dept. A (~) Dept. B (~)
Opening Stock as on 1.1.2017 25,000 20,000
Purchases 2,30,000 1,90,000
Purchase Returns 2,000 1,000
Sales 6,33,000 4,92,000
Sales Returns 3,000 2,000
Wages 1,80,000 1,60,000
Miscellaneous Charges 35,000 32,000
Sundry Debtors ---- ~ 1,90,000; Sundry Creditors ---- ~ 1,73,000; Plant and Machinery ---- ~ 2,40,000; Leaseholds ----
~ 80,000; Buildings ---- ~ 1,20,000; Furniture and Fittings ---- ~ 48,000; Office and Selling Expenses ---- ~ 1,28,000; Cash
in hand on 31.12.2017 ---- ~ 8,000; Cash at Bank on 31.12.2017 ---- ~ 1,10,000; Capital ---- ~ 5,00,000.
Plant and Machinery is to be depreciated by 10%; Buildings by 2%; Furniture and Fittings by 5%; Leaseholds are to
be written-off by ~ 8,000. The stock on hand as on 31.12.2017: Department A ---- ~ 26,000; Department B ---- ~ 24,000.
All unallocated expenditure is to be apportioned in the ratio of the net sales of each department.
Prepare in columnar form, the Trading, Profit and Loss Account of the two departments and Balance Sheet of the
combined business as a whole on 31.12.2017.
Solution Sri Ram & Co
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 2017 Cr.
Particulars Dept A Dept B Particulars Dept A Dept B
To Opening Stock 25,000 20,000 By Sales less returns 6,30,000 4,90,000
To Purchases less returns 2,28,000 1,89,000 By Closing Stock 26,000 24,000
To Wages 1,80,000 1,60,000
To Gross Profit b/d 2,23,000 1,45,000
6,56,000 5,14,000 6,56,000 5,14,000
To Miscellaneous Charges 35,000 32,000 By Gross Profit b/d 2,23,000 1,45,000
To Depreciation:
On Plant & Machinery 13,500 10,500
On Furniture & Fittings 1,350 1,050
On Building 1,350 1,050
To Leaseholds 4,500 3,500
To Office & Selling Expenses 72,000 56,000
To Net Profit ---- transferred to Capital 95,300 40,900
2,23,000 1,45,000 2,23,000 1,45,000
Balance Sheet of Sri Ram & Co. as at 31st December, 2017 Cr.
Liabilities ~ ~ Assets ~ ~
Capital (opening) 5,00,000 Leaseholds 80,000
Add: Profit from Dept. A 95,300 Less: Written-off 8,000 72,000
Add: Profit from Dept. B 40,900 6,36,200 Buildings 1,20,000
Sundry Creditors 1,73,000 Less: Depreciation 2,400 1,17,600
Plant & Machinery 2,40,000
Less: Depreciation 24,000 2,16,000
Furniture & Fittings 48,000
Less: Depreciation 2,400 45,600
Closing Stock (~ 26,000 + 24,000) 50,000
Sundry Debtors 1,90,000
Cash at Bank 1,10,000
Cash in hand 8,000
8,09,200 8,09,200
9.6 Departmental Accounts
Illustration 2
From the following Trial Balance, prepare Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended
31.12.2017 and a Balance Sheet as on that date in the books of P & Co. (all figures in ~):
Particulars Dr. Cr.
Stock on 1.1.2017 Dept A 5,400
Dept B 4,900
Purchases Dept A 9,800
Dept B 7,350
Sales Dept A 16,900
Dept B 13,520
Wages Dept A 1,340
Dept B 240
Rent 1,870
Salaries 1,320
Lighting and Heating 420
Discount allowed 441
Discount received 133
Advertising 738
Carriage inwards 469
Furniture and fittings 600
Plant and Machinery 4,200
Sundry Debtors 1,820
Sundry Creditors 3,737
Capital 9,530
Drawings 900
Cash in hand 32
Cash at bank 1,980
Total 43,820 43,820
The following information is also provided:
(a) Rent, lighting and heating, salaries and depreciation are to be apportioned to A and B Departments as 2 : 1.
(b) Other expenses and incomes are to be apportioned to A and B Departments on suitable basis.
(c) The following adjustments are to be made:
Rent pre-paid ~ 370; Lighting and heating outstanding ~ 180; and Depreciation on Furniture & Fittings and Plant
& Machinery @ 10% p.a.
(d) The stock at 31.12.2017 : Department A ---- ~ 2,748; Department B ---- ~ 2,401.
Financial Accounting - II 9.7
Working Note: (1) Carriage inwards and discount received are apportioned in the purchase ratio and discount allowed and
advertisement in the sales ratio.
Particulars Dept. A Dept. B
(a) Carriage Inward 469 469
x 9,800 � ~ 268 x 7,350 � ~ 201
17,150 17,150
(b) Discount received 133 133
x 9,800 � ~ 76 x 7,350 � ~ 57
17,150 17,150
(c) Discount allowed 441 441
x 16,900 � ~ 245 x 13,520 � ~ 196
30,420 30,420
(d) Advertisement 738 738
x 16,900 � ~ 410 x 13,520 � ~ 328
30,420 30,420
(e) Rent (~ 1,870 -- 370) 1,500 1,500
x 2 � ~ 1,000 x 1 � ~ 500
3 3
(f) Lighting & heating (~ 420 + 180) 600 600
x 2 � ~ 400 x 1 � ~ 200
3 3
(g) Salaries 1,320 1,320
x 2 � ~ 890 x 1 � ~ 440
3 3
(h) Depreciation (~ 420 + 60) 480 480
x 2 � ~ 320 x 1 � ~ 160
3 3
9.8 Departmental Accounts
Illustration 3
M/s Suman Hosiery Mills produces three varieties of products: Sona, Mona and Dona. The cost of production during the
year 2017 of these varieties amounted to ~ 8,00,000. Output during the year were: Sona ---- 4,000 units; Mona ---- 8,000
units and Dona ---- 9,600 units.
Stock on 1st January, 2017 were: Sona ---- 450 units; Mona ---- 300 units and Dona ---- 600 units.
Sales during the year were: Sona ---- 4,100 units @ ~ 48 each; Mona ---- 7,700 units @ ~ 54 each and Dona ---- 10,000
units @ ~ 60 each. The rate of gross profit is the same in each case. Total departmental expenses of ~ 96,000 were to be
apportioned to various products in the ratio of 1:2:2.
Prepare Departmental Trading Account. [C.U.B.Com. (Hons.) ---- Adapted]
Solution M/s Suman Hosiery Mills
Dr. Departmental Trading Account for the year ended 31st December, 2017 Cr.
Particulars Sona Mona Dona Particulars Sona Mona Dona
To Opening Stock (Note 1) By Sales
Sona (450 x ~ 32) 14,400 Sona (4,100 x ~ 48) 1,96,800
Mona (300 x ~ 36) 10,800 Mona (7,700 x ~ 54) 4,15,800
Dona (600 x ~ 40) 24,000 Dona (10,000 x ~ 60) 6,00,000
To Cost of Production: By Closing Stock:
Sona (4,000 x ~ 32) 1,28,000 Sona (350 x ~ 32) 11,200
Mona (8,000 x ~ 36) 2,88,000 Mona (600 x ~ 36) 21,600
Dona (9,600 x ~ 40) 3,84,000 Dona (200 x ~ 40) 8,000
To Department Gross Profit
(331/3 of Sales) 65,600 1,38,600 2,00,000
2,08,000 4,37,400 6,08,000 2,08,000 4,37,400 6,08,000
Tutorial Note: Departmental expenses of ~ 96,000 should not be charged to Trading Account, because they are not directly related with
production. However, for the purpose of determining departmental net profit, these expenses are to be charged to: Sona ---- ~ 19,200; Mona
---- ~ 38,400; and Dona ---- ~ 38,400. The resultant profits will be: Sona ---- ~ 46,400; Mona ---- ~ 1,00,200; and Dona ---- ~ 1,61,600.
Working Notes: For the purpose of calculating G.P. ratio, the cost of production to be deducted from the sale value of goods produced only.
(1) Calculation of Rate of Gross Profit and Cost of Production
Sales value of goods produced: ~ ~
Sona : 4,000 x ~ 48 1,92,000
Mona : 8,000 x ~ 54 4,32,000
Dona : 9,600 x ~ 60 5,76,000 12,00,000
Less: Total cost of production 8,00,000
Expected Gross Profit 4,00,000
4,00,000 1
(a) Rate of gross profit = x 100 � 33 % �on sales�
12,00,000 3
(b) Respective departmental cost prices (i.e., Sales price less 33 1/3%) :
Sona : ~ 48 -- ~ 16 = ~ 32; Mona : ~ 54 -- ~ 18 = ~ 36; and Dona : ~ 60 -- ~ 20 = ~ 40.
(2) Calculation of Number of Units Unsold
Department Opening Stock (+) Production (----) Sales (=) Closing Stock
Sona (units) 450 4,000 4,100 350
Mona (units) 300 8,000 7,700 600
Dona (units) 600 9,600 10,000 200
Assumption : Cost of production and sales prices are constant for the last 2 years.
Illustration 4
Brahma Limited has three departments and submits the following information for the year ending on 31st March, 2011 :
Particulars A B C Total (~)
Purchases (units) 5,000 10,000 15,000 ----
Purchases (Amount) ---- ---- ---- 8,40,000
Sales (units) 5,200 9,800 15,300 ----
Selling price (~ per unit) 40 45 50 ----
Opening stock (units) 400 600 700 ----
You are required to prepare Departmental Trading Account of Brahma Limited assuming that the rate of profit on sales
is uniform in each case. [C.A. (IPCE) ---- May, 2011]
Financial Accounting - II 9.9
Working Notes :
(1) Calculation of Profit Margin Rate
Particulars ~ ~
Department A (5,000 units @ ~ 40) 2,00,000
Department B (10,000 units @ ~ 45) 4,50,000
Department C (15,000 units @ ~ 50) 7,50,000
Total Sales Value 14,00,000
Less: Purchases (given) 8,40,000
Gross Profit 5,60,000
Illustration 5
Rohit Choudhury is the proprietor of a retail business which has two main departments which sell respectively hardware
and electrical goods. On 31.12.2017, the balances in the books of the business were as follows :
Particulars Dr. (~) Cr. (~) Particulars Dr. (~) Cr. (~)
Capital 71,000 Drawings 3,000
Sales ---- Hardware 59,000 Buildings (Cost) 43,000
Electrical 29,500 Equipments at W.D.V. ---- Hardware 18,000
Purchases ---- Hardware 20,000 Electrical 7,000
Electrical 10,000 Debtors and Creditors 10,200 5,319
Stock on 1.1.2017 ---- Hardware 2,320 Bank 5,600
Electrical 2,136 Rent and Rates 1,580
Salaries ---- Hardware 20,560 Canteen Charges 875
Electrical 15,440 Heating and Lighting 880
Advertising 615 Insurance of Stock 940
Discount allowed ---- Hardware 400 General Administrative Expenses 2,073
Electrical 200 Total 1,64,819 1,64,819
Additional information ----
(i) At 31.12.2017, the following amounts were outstanding :
Salaries ---- Hardware ~ 250; Electrical ~ 170; Heating and Lighting ~ 20.
(ii) The general administrative expenses and the rent and rates included prepayments of ~ 33 and ~ 80 respectively.
(iii) Stocks at 31.12.2017 were : Hardware ~ 2,800; Electrical ~ 2,450.
(iv) Depreciation is to be provided on equipments at 10% on W.D.V.
(v) The managers of the hardware and electrical departments are to be paid a commission of 5% of the net profit (prior
to the commission payment) of the respective departments.
(vi) In apportioning the various expenses between the two departments due regard is to be given to the following
information :
Number of Workers Average Stock Levels (~) Floor Area (sq.ft)
Hardware 9 2,500 4,000
Electrical 6 2,200 2,000
(vii) The general administrative expenses are primarily incurred in relation to the processing of purchases and sales
Prepare a Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account and the Balance Sheet.
Solution Rohit Choudhury
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 2017 Cr.
Particulars Hardware Electrical Particulars Hardware Electrical
(~) (~) (~) (~)
To Opening Stock 2,320 2,136 By Sales 59,000 29,500
To Purchases 20,000 10,000 By Closing Stock 2,800 2,450
To Gross Profit c/d 39,480 19,814
61,800 31,950 61,800 31,950
To Salaries (including outstanding) 20,810 15,610 By Gross Profit b/d 39,480 19,814
To Advertising (Note 1) 410 205
To Discount Allowed 400 200
To Rent and Rates (Note 1) 1,000 500
To Canteen Charges (Note 1) 525 350
To Heating and Lighting (Note 1) 600 300
To Insurance of Stock (Note 1) 500 440
To General Administrative Exp. (Note 1) 1,360 680
To Depreciation on Equipments 1,800 700
To Managers’ Commission 604 41
To Net Profit (transferred to Capital) 11,471 788
39,480 19,814 39,480 19,814
Financial Accounting - II 9.11
Illustration 6
The following balances as at 31.12.2017 have been extracted from the books of David, the proprietor of a departmental
store :
Wages and Salaries ~ 1,42,500; Maintenance ~ 12,360; Rent ~ 27,050; Advertising ~ 15,000; Sundry Debtors
~ 41,900; Sundry Creditors ~ 16,800; Provision for doubtful debts ~ 5,000; Investments ~ 50,000; Furniture ~ 46,500; Cash
~ 21,550; Capital Account ~ 2,00,000; Current Account ~ 880 (Cr.); Drawings ~ 75,120.
The records relating to the stocks are : (all figures in ~)
Stock on 1.1.2017 Purchases Purchase Returns Stock on 31.12.2017
Dept. X 10,700 94,600 900 21,000
Dept. Y 68,000 2,20,980 2,200 61,600
Additional information :
(1) Department X sells articles for ~ 40 each which is equivalent to 80% above cost price, while department Y sells
articles for ~ 60 each which is equivalent to double the cost price.
(2) Write off bad debts ~ 3,300 and adjust the provision for doubtful debts to 10% of the remaining outstanding debtors.
These adjustments should be apportioned equally between department X and department Y.
9.12 Departmental Accounts
Illustration 7
Robinhood is a retail trader whose stores has two departments dealing in clothing and sports equipment respectively. The
following Trial Balance was extracted from books at 31.12.2017, the accounting year end :
Particulars Dr. (~) Cr. (~)
Sales ---- Clothing 1,20,000
Sports Equipment 1,60,000
Stock at cost at 1.1.2017 ---- Clothing 10,000
Sports Equipment 16,000
Purchases ---- Clothing and Sports Equipment 1,92,000
Establishment Expenses ---- Clothing 15,000
Sports Equipment 16,920
Sales and Administrative Expenses ---- Clothing 7,400
Sports Equipment 5,840
Capital 20,000
Reserve 21,460
Creditors 5,800
Bank Overdraft 2,300
Debtors 8,600
Building ---- At cost 20,000
Provision for Depreciation 800
Furniture ---- At cost 26,000
Provision for Depreciation 9,000
Vehicles ---- At cost 42,000
Provision for Depreciation 20,400
Total 3,59,760 3,59,760
Additional information ----
(a) Gross profit is earned as follows : Clothing ---- 1/3rd of sales; Sports equipment ---- 3/10th of sales.
(b) Stock is valued at cost on 31.12.2017 :
Clothing ~ 8,000; Sports equipment ~ 14,000
(c) Amounts prepaid at 31.12.2017 :
Establishment expenses ---- Clothing ~ 300.
(d) Amount outstanding on 31.12.2017 :
Sales and administrative expenses ---- Clothing ~ 200; Sports equipment ~ 700.
(e) The sales staff receive commission in June of each year based on the gross profit earned in their department in the
previous financial year :
Clothing ---- 2% of gross profit; Sports equipment ---- 3% of gross profit.
(f) In June 2017, additional furniture was acquired at a cost of ~ 4,000 was debited to purchases.
(g) Depreciation is provided annually on fixed assets at the following percentage of the cost of assets held at the relevant
accounting year end :
Building ---- 2%; Furniture ---- 10%; Vehicles ---- 20%.
(h) In August 2017, a motor vehicle which had been bought in January 2013 at a cost of ~ 6,000 was scrapped, the
firm did not receive anything for the scrap.
(i) The fixed assets depreciation is apportioned to departments as follows :
Clothing Sports Equipment
Building 1/2 1/2
Furniture 3/5 2/5
Vehicles 5/12 7/12
9.14 Departmental Accounts
You are required to prepare the Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31.12.2017 and the Balance
Sheet as on that date.
Solution Robinhood
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 2017 Cr.
Particulars Clothing Sports Particulars Clothing Sports
Equipment Equipment
(~) (~) (~) (~)
To Opening Stock 10,000 16,000 By Sales 1,20,000 1,60,000
To Purchases (Balancing figure) 78,000 1,10,000 By Closing Stock 8,000 14,000
To Gross Profit c/d (given) 40,000 48,000
1,28,000 1,74,000 1,28,000 1,74,000
To Establishment Expenses (Note 1) 14,700 16,920 By Gross Profit b/d 40,000 48,000
To Sales and Administrative Exp. (Note 2) 7,600 6,540
To Outstanding Sales Staff Comm. (Note 5) 800 1,440
To Depreciation on (Note 3) :
Building (1 : 1) 200 200
Furniture (3 : 2) 1,800 1,200
Vehicles (5 : 7) 3,000 4,200
To Loss on Scrap of Vehicle (Note 4) 500 700
To Net Profit (transferred) 11,400 16,800
40,000 48,000 40,000 48,000
Balance Sheet of Robinhood as at 31st December, 2017
Liabilities ~ Assets ~
Capital (opening) 20,000 Building 20,000
Add: Profit from Clothing 11,400 Less: Provision for depreciation 1,200 18,800
Add: Profit from Sports Equipment 16,800 48,200 Furniture (~ 26,000 + ~ 4,000) 30,000
Reserve 21,460 Less: Provision for depreciation 12,000 18,000
Creditors 5,800 Vehicles (~ 42,000 -- ~ 6,000) 36,000
Outstanding : Less: Provision for depreciation 22,800 13,200
Sales and Administrative Expenses (~ 200 + 700) 900 Stock (~ 8,000 + ~ 14,000) 22,000
Sales Staff Commission 2,240 Debtors 8,600
Bank Overdraft 2,300 Prepaid Establishment Expenses 300
80,900 80,900
Working Notes :
(1) Establishment Expenses
Clothing ---- ~ 15,000 -- ~ 300 (prepaid) = ~ 14,700.
(2) Sales and Administrative Expenses
Clothing ---- ~ 7,400 + ~ 200 (outstanding) = ~ 7,600.
Sports Equipment ---- ~ 5,840 + ~ 700 (outstanding) = ~ 6,540.
(3) Calculation of Depreciation
On Building ---- ~ 20,000 @ 2% = ~ 400.
On Furniture ---- ~ 30,000 @ 10% = ~ 3,000
On Vehicles ---- (~ 42,000 -- ~ 6,000) @ 20% = ~ 7,200.
(4) Loss on Scrap of Vehicle ~
Cost 6,000
Less: Accumulated depreciation (4 years @ ~ 1,200) 4,800
Written down value on the date the asset was scrapped 1,200
Amount realised Nil
Loss 1,200
Loss on scrap of vehicle will be shared by Clothing Department and Sports Equipment Department just like depreciation. Therefore,
clothing department will bear the loss of ~ 500 (5/12 of ~ 1,200) and sports equipment department will bear the loss of ~ 700
(7/12 of ~ 1,200).
(5) Sales staff will get commission in June, 2018 on the basis of gross profit of 2017. Therefore, in the Profit and Loss Account of
2017, provision must be made for such future payment.
Financial Accounting - II 9.15
Illustration 8
Praveen Choudhury commenced trading on 1.4.2017 as Highway Stores, retail stationers and confectioners, with an initial
capital of ~ 30,000 which was utilised in the opening of a business Bank Account. All receipts and payments are passed
through the Bank Account. The following is a summary of the items credited in the business Cash Book during the year
ended 31.3.2018:
Particulars (~) Particulars (~)
Purchase of fixtures and fittings : Rent for the period 1.4.2017 to 30.4.2018 13,000
Stationery department 26,000 Rates for the year ended 31.3.2018 5,700
Confectionery department 15,000 Electricity 3,700
Staff salaries : Advertising 11,000
Stationery department 22,000 Payment to suppliers 5,35,500
Confectionery department 15,400 Drawings 50,000
Illustration 9
X and Y are in partnership managing a small retail store which specialises in sweets and confectionary - managed by X
and newspapers and periodicals - managed by Y. The partnership agreement provides for X to receive three-fifths of the
profit, and Y two-fifths, each partner to be allowed 8% interest on capital and each to receive a commission of 10% of the
profit of their respective sections prior to any other appropriation of profit. During the year to 31st March 2018, a trial
balance extracted at that date revealed the following features. (all figures in ~).
Particulars Dr. Cr.
Capital - X 14,000
Y 8,000
Current Accounts - X 2,020
Y 250
Drawings - X 1,100
Y 900
Freehold shop premises 10,000
Equipment (at written-down value) :
Confectionery section 4,500
Periodical section 3,500
Purchases : Confectionery section 15,900
Periodical section 17,700
Stock at 1st April : Confectionery section 2,300
Periodical section 3,100
Sales : Confectionery section 18,500
Periodical section 21,500
Wages: Confectionery section 1,175
Periodical section 1,470
Miscellaneous expenses 230
Rates 500
Light and heat 400
Advertising 250
Debtors and creditors 1,800 2,100
Bad debts - Periodical section 95
Cash in hand 950
Cash at bank 50
Provision for doubtful debts : Periodical section 50
Total 66,170 66,170
Additional information available:
(i) Stock at 31st March, 2018 was ~ 3,600 in the Confectionery section, and ~ 4,400 in the Periodical section.
(ii) The partners have agreed that rates should be apportioned between the Confectionery and Periodical sections on
a 3:2 ratio, advertising on a 1:1 ratio, lighting and heating on a 2:3 ratio, and miscellaneous expenses on a 1:1 ratio.
(iii) Wages owing at 31st March, 2018 : ~ 25 and ~ 30 for the Confectionery and Periodical section respectively.
(iv) Advertising prepaid at 31st March, 2018 amounted to ~ 100.
(v) The provision for doubtful debts is to be increased to 5% of the debtors of the Periodical section, which amount
to ~ 1,500 at 31st March 2018.
(vi) Equipment of both sections is to be depreciated at 10% of the written-down value at 1st April, 2017.
(a) Prepare a Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the Confectionery and the Periodical sections, and also for the
business as a whole, for the year ended 31st March, 2018. (Note : A Balance Sheet is not required).
(b) Prepare an Appropriation Account for the year ended 31st March, 2018.
9.18 Departmental Accounts
Solution XY
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2018 Cr.
Confec- Periodical Total Confec- Periodical Total
Particulars tionery ~ Particulars tionery ~
To Opening Stock 2,300 3,100 5,400 By Sales 18,500 21,500 40,000
To Purchases 15,900 17,700 33,600 By Closing Stock 3,600 4,400 8,000
To Wages (Note 1) 1,200 1,500 2,700
To Gross Profit c/d 2,700 3,600 6,300
22,100 25,900 48,000 22,100 25,900 48,000
To Misc. Expenses 115 115 230 By Gross Profit b/d 2,700 3,600 6,300
To Rates 300 200 500
To Advertising 75 75 150
To Lighting & Heating 160 240 400
To Bad Debts ---- 95 95
To Prov. for Bad Debts ---- 25 25
To Depreciation 450 350 800
To Net Profit - transferred 1,600 2,500 4,100
2,700 3,600 6,300 2,700 3,600 6,300
Dr. Appropriation Account for the year ended 31st March, 2018 Cr.
Particulars ~ Particulars ~
To Commission: By Net Profit 4,100
X 160
Y 250
To Interest on Capital:
X 1,120
Y 640
To Share of Profit
X 1,158
Y 772
4,100 4,100
Working Notes:
(1) Wages : Confectionery ~ 1,175 + outstanding ~ 25 = ~ 1,200; and Periodical ~ 1,470 + outstanding ~ 30 = ~ 1,500.
(2) Miscellaneous expenses : Confectionery - 1/2 of ~ 230 = ~ 115 and Periodical - 1/2 of ~ 230 = ~ 115.
(3) Rates : Confectionery - 3/5 of ~ 500 = ~ 300 and Periodical 2/5 of ~ 500 = ~ 200.
(4) Advertising : Confectionery - 1/2 of (~ 250 -- ~ 100) = ~ 75 and Periodical 1/2 of ~ 150 = ~ 75.
(5) Lighting and heating : Confectionery - 2/5 of ~ 400 = ~ 160 and Periodical - 3/5 of ~ 400 = ~ 240.
Inter-Departmental Transfer
Sometimes prices are charged for goods or services transferred by one department to another department. Since
each department is considered as a separate profit centre, it is necessary to have separate records for
inter-departmental transfer. Generally a weekly or monthly Departmental Transfer Analysis Sheet is prepared
to arrange all inter-departmental transfer. The sheet may be in the following form:
Departmental Transfer Analysis Sheet
Date Supplying Departments Receiving Departments
2018 Dept X Dept Y Dept Z Dept X Dept Y Dept Z
April 3 400 ---- ---- ---- 400 ----
April 10 ---- 500 ---- 500 ---- ----
April 20 ---- ---- 300 ---- 300 ----
April 30 200 ---- ---- ---- ---- 200
600 500 300 500 700 200
Financial Accounting - II 9.19
At the end of the week/month, the transfer is recorded by passing the following entry:
Receiving Department Dr. [Transfer price]
To Supplying Department
Transfer prices can be cost-based or market-based. Dual pricing is also sometimes used. They are discussed below:
Cost-based Transfer Price
Under cost-based transfer pricing, the price may be based on actual cost, total cost or standard cost. Marginal
cost is also sometimes used as a basis of ascertaining transfer price. Standard cost is preferred to actual cost
since the inefficiency of one department cannot be passed on to another department. Taking full cost as transfer
price means that the supplying departments’ fixed cost becomes the variable cost of the receiving department.
Illustration 10
A firm had two departments X and Y. Department Y (which was a Manufacturing Department) received goods from
Department X as its raw materials. Department X supplied the said goods to Y at cost price. From the following particulars
you are required to prepare a Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on 31st December,
2017. (all figures in ~).
Particulars Dept X Dept Y
Opening Stock (as on 1.1.2017) 2,50,000 75,000
Purchases (from outside suppliers) 10,00,000 20,000
Sales (to outside customers) 12,00,000 3,00,000
Closing stock (as on 31.12.2017) 1,50,000 50,000
Illustration 11
A hotel proprietor has two departments, viz, (i) Apartment Department, and (ii) Meals Department. Following trial balance
of the business is given on 31.12.2017: (all figures in ~)
Provisions 15,500 Income from Apartment Department 46,000
Stock of provisions in the beginning 1,020 Income from Meals Department 32,000
Cash at bank 10,000 Capital 2,20,000
9.20 Departmental Accounts
Additional information: (i) The servants in the Apartment Department had occupied a room worth ~ 120 and took
meals worth ~ 60. Similarly, servants in the Meals Department had occupied a room worth ~ 150 and took meals worth ~
90; (ii) Wages are charged in the proportion of half to the Apartment Department, one- quarter to the Meals Department
and remaining to the General Profit and Loss Account; (iii) Increase provision for depreciation of Buildings to ~ 30,000;
(iv) A sum of ~ 800 representing accommodation ~ 240, and meals ~ 560 is to be charged to proprietor of the hotel.
You are required to prepare Final Accounts (including Balance Sheet) for the year ending 31.12.2017.
Dr. Departmental Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 2017 Cr.
Appartment Meal Appartment Meal
Particulars Dept. Dept. Particulars Dept. Dept.
To Opening Stock of Provisions ---- 1,020 By Income 46,000 32,000
To Provisions (purchases) ---- 15,500 By Drawings 240 560
To Depreciation on Building 5,400 600 By Meal Dept - transfer 150 ----
To Wages (Note 1) 3,000 1,500 By Appartment Dept - transfer ---- 60
To Appartment Dept. - transfer ---- 150
To Meal Dept. - transfer 60 ----
To Departmental profit 37,930 13,850
46,390 32,620 46,390 32,620
Dr. General Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 2017 Cr.
Particulars ~ Particulars ~
To Wages (Note 1) 1,500 By Departmental Profit (~ 37,930 + ~ 13,850) 51,780
To General Expenses 27,410 By Interest 1,130
To Net Profit ---- transferred to Capital 24,000
52,910 52,910
As per rule, receiving department will be debited and supplying department will be credited.
(i) Apppartment Dept. Dr. 60
To Meals Dept. 60
(ii) Meals Dept. Dr. 150
To Appartment Dept 150
Tutorial Note: No adjustment is required for providing facility to own departmental staff.
Illustration 12
Mohit Udyog operates a general business and the firm’s Trial Balance prepared at 31.12.2017 was as follows:
Particulars Dr. (~) Cr. (~) Particulars Dr. (~) Cr. (~)
Purchases : Cars 83,500 Debtors and Creditors 14,000 10,800
Petrol 27,500 Bank 4,700
Spare parts 4,000 Cash 14,600
Capital 62,000 Freehold Garage Premises 42,000
Stock on 1.1.2017 : Cars 9,000 Rates and insurance 1,900
Petrol 2,800 Sales : Cars 1,20,000
Spare parts 400 Petrol 32,000
Workshop wages 10,200 Spare parts 4,700
Plant and Equipment 7,000 Repairs 14,700
Car salesmen’s salaries 7,700 Petrol pump attendant’s wages 3,100
General expenses 6,300
Office wages 5,500 Total 2,44,200 2,44,200
Other information is as follows :
(1) The plant and equipment, all of which is used for repair work, is to be depreciated by 10%.
(2) Stocks at 31.12.2017 were ---- Cars ~ 7,400; Petrol ~ 1,600; Spare parts ~ 700.
(3) No entries have been made for the following ----
(i) Petrol used in demonstration runs cost ~ 200; (ii) Parts used in repair jobs cost ~ 750;
(iii) Repairs on cars subsequently sold were charged out at ~ 2,400.
(4) Expenses which cannot be specifically allocated to one activity are to be apportioned ----
60% to Cars; 10% to Petrol; 10% to Spare parts; 20% to Repairs.
(5) General expenses accrued amount to ~ 300, and a provision is to be made of ~ 500 for car salesmen’s commission.
Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account, preferably in columnar form, to show clearly the profit or loss in each
of the four main areas of business activity for the year ended 31.12.2017.
Also prepare the Balance Sheet at that date.
Solution Mohit Udyog
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 2017 Cr.
Particulars Cars Petrol Spare Repairs Particulars Cars Petrol Spare Repairs
Parts Parts
(~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~)
To Opening Stock 9,000 2,800 400 ---- By Sales 1,20,000 32,000 4,700 14,700
To Purchases 83,500 27,500 4,000 ---- By Inter Departmental Sales ---- 200 750 2,400
To Parts used in repairs ---- ---- ---- 750 By Closing Stock 7,400 1,600 700 ----
(Note 2)
To Repairs on cars sold 2,400 ---- ---- ----
(Note 3)
To Wages ---- 3,100 ---- 10,200
To Gross Profit c/d 32,500 400 1,750 6,150
1,27,400 33,800 6,150 17,100 1,27,400 33,800 6,150 17,100
To Office wages (Note 4) 3,300 550 550 1,100 By Gross Profit b/d 32,500 400 1,750 6,150
To Rates and insurance 1,140 190 190 380 By Net Loss ---- 1,000 ---- ----
To Salesmen’s salaries and 8,200 ---- ---- ----
commission(7,700 + 500)
To General expenses (Note 4) 3,960 660 660 1,320
To Demonstration petrol cost 200 ---- ---- ----
(Note 1)
To Depreciation on: ---- ---- ---- 700
Plant and Equipment
To Net Profit 15,700 ---- 350 2,650
32,500 1,400 1,750 6,150 32,500 1,400 1,750 6,150
9.22 Departmental Accounts
Illustration 13
Shri Gangaram sells two products manufactured in his own factory. The goods are made in two departments A and B for
which separate sets of accounts are maintained. Some of the manufactured goods of Department A are used as raw materials
by Department B and vice versa. From the following particulars, you are required to ascertain the total cost of goods
manufactured in these two departments: Dept. A Dept. B
Total units manufactured 10,00,000 5,00,000
Total cost to manufacture (excluding inter-departmental transfers) ~ 10,000 ~ 5,000
Department A transferred 2,50,000 units to Department B and the latter transferred 1,00,000 units to the former.
Department A has transferred 1/4th of the units produced to B, whereas Department B has transferred 1/5th of the units produced.
Let, X be the total cost of Department A and Y be the total cost of Department B.
Therefore, X = ~ 10,000 + 1/5 Y ... (1) and
Y = ~ 5,000 + 1/4 X ... (2)
Putting the value of Y in the first equation, we get
X = ~ 10,000 + 1/5 (~ 5,000 + 1/4 X)
= ~ 10,000 + ~ 1,000 + 1/20 X
or, X -- 1/20 X = 11,000,
Therefore X = ~ 11,579 (approx.)
Putting the value of X as ~ 11,579 in the 2nd equation, we get
Y = ~ 5,000 + 1/4 (~ 11,579)
or Y = ~ 7,895 (approx.)
Ascertainment of the Total Cost of Goods Manufactured
Particulars Dept. A Dept. B
Cost as ascertained above (~) 11,579 7,895
Less: Transfers to the other department (1/4) 2,895 (1/5) 1,579
Net cost of goods manufactured 8,684 6,316
Dual Pricing
To motivate both the departments, buying and selling departments may be debited and credited respectively
with two different prices. For example, buying department may be debited with the cost price and selling
department credited with the market price.
If the goods are transferred by one department to another department at a profit and at the end of the
accounting period such goods are included in the unsold stock, an appropriate adjustment must be made
for unrealised profit on stock. The entry is :
General Profit and Loss Account Dr.
To Provision for Unrealised Profit on Stock Account
At the beginning of the next year reverse entry will be passed.
Provision for Unrealised Profit on Stock Account Dr.
To General Profit and Loss Account
Illustration 14
Raman carries on a business of selling (both wholesale and retail) electrical materials. The wholesale and retail departments
are separately organised, all goods are purchased by the wholesale department which adds one-seventh on to cost for charging
out goods transferred to the retail department. At 31.12.2017, the total balance of the business as a whole is as follows :
Particulars Dr. (~) Cr. (~)
Capital 1,00,000
Freehold Premises 65,000
Motor Vans : Cost and Accumulated Depreciation (1.1.2017) 9,000 4,000
Motor Cars : Cost and Accumulated Depreciation (1.1.2017) 6,000 3,000
Fixtures etc : Cost and Accumulated Depreciation (1.1.2017) 7,800 7,300
Stock (1.1.2017) : Wholesale at Cost 65,000
Retail and provision for unrealised profit 32,000 4,000
Debtors (31.12. 2017) : Wholesale customers only 67,100
Creditors (31.12. 2017) 41,200
Bad Debts 6,800
Discount Received 4,850
Discount Allowed 8,500
Salaries : Van drivers 8,800
Warehouse staff 24,300
Shop staff 8,250
Car and Van running expenses 5,400
Other Expenses 15,500
Sales : Wholesale 3,40,000
Retail 96,000
Purchases 3,28,000
Cash and Bank (31.12. 2017) 400 21,800
Reserve 35,700
Total 6,57,850 6,57,850
Solution Raman
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 2017 Cr.
Particulars Wholesale Retail Total Particulars Wholesale Retail Total
(~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~)
To Opening Stock 65,000 32,000 97,000 By Sales 3,40,000 96,000 4,36,000
To Purchases 3,28,000 ---- 3,28,000 By Transfer to Retail 76,000 ---- ----
To Transfer from Wholesale ---- 76,000 ---- By Closing Stock 71,500 36,000 1,07,500
To Gross Profit c/d 94,500 24,000 1,18,500
4,87,500 1,32,000 5,43,500 4,87,500 1,32,000 5,43,500
To Bad Debts (Note 1) 6,800 ---- 6,800 By Gross Profit b/d 94,500 24,000 1,18,500
To Discounts Allowed (N 1) 8,500 ---- 8,500 By Discount Received 4,850 ---- 4,850
To Salaries : (Note 2)
Van drivers (Note 3) 6,600 2,200 8,800
Warehouse staff 24,300 ---- 24,300
Shop staff ---- 8,250 8,250
To Van Running Expenses 2,700 900 3,600
(Note 4a)
To Car Running Expenses 1,200 600 1,800
(Note 4b)
To Other Expenses 12,400 3,100 15,500
To Depreciation on :
Vans (3 : 1) 1,350 450 1,800
Cars (2 : 1) 800 400 1,200
To Net Profit c/d 34,700 8,100 42,800
99,350 24,000 1,23,350 99,350 24,000 1,23,350
To Provision for Unrealised Profit on Closing Stock (Note 5) 4,500 By Reserve b/d 35,700
To Reserve c/d 78,000 By Provision for Unrealised Profit on Opening Stock 4,000
By Net Profit b/d 42,800
82,500 82,500
Balance Sheet of Raman as at 31st December, 2017
Liabilities ~ Assets ~
Capital 1,00,000 Freehold Premises 65,000
Reserve 78,000 Motor Vans (at cost) 9,000
Creditors 41,200 Less : Accumulated Depreciation 5,800 3,200
Bank Overdraft 21,800 Motor Cars (at cost) 6,000
Less : Accumulated Depreciation 4,200 1,800
Fixtures (at cost) 7,800
Less : Accumulated Depreciation 7,300 500
Stock 1,07,500
Less : Provision for Unrealised Profit 4,500 1,03,000
Debtors 67,100
Cash 400
2,41,000 2,41,000
Working Notes :
(1) Goods are sold on credit by the wholesale department only. Therefore, discount allowed is totally related to wholesale department.
Similarly, bad debt is also related to wholesale department.
(2) Goods are purchased by wholesale department. Therefore, discount received is totally related to wholesale department.
(3) Out of four vans, one van is used by the retail department. Therefore, 1/4th of van driver’s salary is to be borne by the retail
department and 3/4th is to be borne by the wholesale department.
(4) There are four vans and two cars. Total running cost is ~ 5,400. Running cost of a car and a van (excluding driver’s salaries) do
not differ materially. Therefore, entire running cost will be distributed between van and car in the ratio of 2 : 1.
Vans running cost will be ---- 2/3 of ~ 5,400 = ~ 3,600.
Cars running cost will be ---- 1/3 of ~ 5,400 = ~ 1,800.
(a) Vans running cost will be shared by wholesale department and retail department in the ratio 3 : 1.
(b) Cars running cost will be shared by wholesale department and retail department in the ratio 2 : 1.
(c) Goods are transferred to retail deprtment by adding 1/7th to cost. Therefore, the unrealised profit on closing stock will be :
~ 36,000 � 1/8 = ~ 4,500.
Financial Accounting - II 9.25
Illustration 15
From the following data, prepare Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended December 31,
Particulars Dept. A Dept. B
Opening Stock 40,000 ----
Purchases from Outside 2,00,000 20,000
Wages 10,000 1,000
Transfer of Goods from Department A ---- 50,000
Closing Stock at cost to the Department 30,000 10,000
Sales to Outsiders 2,00,000 71,000
B’s entire stock represents goods from Department A which transfers them at 25% above its cost. Administrative and
Selling Expenses amount to ~ 15,000 which are to be allocated between Departments A and B in the ratio of 4 : 1
respectively. Also show the amount of provision to be made for unrealised profit. [C.U.B.Com. (Hons.) ---- 2007]
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 2006 Cr.
Particulars Dept A Dept B Total Particulars Dept A Dept B Total
(~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~)
To Opening Stock 40,000 ---- 40,000 By Sales 2,00,000 71,000 2,71,000
To Purchases 2,00,000 20,000 2,20,000 By Goods transferred to B 50,000 ---- ----
To Goods from Dept A ---- 50,000 ---- By Closing Stock 30,000 10,000 40,000
To Wages 10,000 1,000 11,000
To Gross Profit c/d 30,000 10,000 40,000
2,80,000 81,000 3,11,000 2,80,000 81,000 3,11,000
To Selling Expenses (4 : 1) 12,000 3,000 15,000 By Gross Profit b/d 30,000 10,000 40,000
To Net Profit c/d 18,000 7,000 25,000
30,000 10,000 40,000 30,000 10,000 40,000
To Provision for Unrealised Profit on Closing Stock (Note 1) 2,000 By Net Profit b/d 25,000
To Capital A/c (Net Profit transferred) 23,000
25,000 25,000
Working Note :
(1) Goods are transferred to Dept. A at cost plus 25%. It means the unrealised profit is 20% (25/125) on transfer price. Therefore,
unrealised profit on closing stock = 20% of ~ 10,000 = ~ 2,000.
Illustration 16
A & Co has two departments P and Q. Department P sells goods to Department Q at normal selling prices. From the
following particulars, prepare Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31.3.2017 and also
ascertain the Net Profit to be transferred to Balance Sheet :
Department P (~) Department Q (~)
Opening Stock 5,00,000 ----
Purchases 28,00,000 3,00,000
Goods from P ---- 8,00,000
Wages 3,50,000 2,00,000
Travelling Expenses 20,000 1,60,000
Closing Stock at cost to the Department 8,00,000 2,09,000
Sales 30,00,000 20,00,000
Printing and Stationery 30,000 25,000
The following expenses incurred for both the departments were not apportioned between the departments :
(a) Salaries ~ 3,30,000; (b) Advertisement expenses ~ 1,20,000; (c) General expenses ~ 5,00,000; (d) Depreciation is
to be charged @ 30% on the machinery value of ~ 96,000.
The advertisement expenses of the departments are to be apportioned in the turnover ratio. Salaries and depreciation
are to be apportioned in the ratio 2 : 1 and 1 : 3 respectively. General expenses are to be apportioned in the ratio 3 : 1.
[C.U.B.Com. (Hons) ---- Adapted]
9.26 Departmental Accounts
Solution A & Co
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2017 Cr.
Particulars Dept P Dept Q Total Particulars Dept P Dept Q Total
(~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~)
To Opening Stock 5,00,000 ---- 5,00,000 By Sales 30,00,000 20,00,000 50,00,000
To Purchases 28,00,000 3,00,000 31,00,000 By Goods transferred to Q 8,00,000 ---- ----
To Goods from Dept P ---- 8,00,000 ---- By Closing Stock 8,00,000 2,09,000 10,09,000
To Wages 3,50,000 2,00,000 5,50,000
To Gross Profit c/d 9,50,000 9,09,000 18,59,000
46,00,000 22,09,000 60,09,000 46,00,000 22,09,000 60,09,000
To Travelling Expenses 20,000 1,60,000 1,80,000 By Gross Profit b/d 9,50,000 9,09,000 18,59,000
To Printing and Stationery 30,000 25,000 55,000
To Salaries (2 : 1) 2,20,000 1,10,000 3,30,000
To Advertisement Expenses (3 : 2) 72,000 48,000 1,20,000
To General Expenses (3 : 1) 3,75,000 1,25,000 5,00,000
To Depreciation on Machinery (1:3) 7,200 21,600 28,800
To Net Profit c/d 2,25,800 4,19,400 6,45,200
9,50,000 9,09,000 18,59,000 9,50,000 9,09,000 18,59,000
To Provision for Unrealised Profit on Closing Stock (Note 2) 38,000 By Net Profit b/d 6,45,200
To Capital A/c (Net Profit transferred) 6,07,200 By Provision for Unrealised Profit on Opening Stock Nil
6,45,200 6,45,200
Working Notes :
(1) Gross Profit Ratio of Department P = � 100 � 25%
30,00,000 � 8,00,000
(2) Proportionate P Department’s stock in Department Q
Illustration 17
The firm "Tantuja" has two departments - first one is "cloth" and the second is "tailoring". Tailoring department gets all
its requirements of cloth from the cloth department at the usual selling price. From the following particulars prepare
Departmental Trading Account and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2018 : (all figures in ~)
Particulars Cloth Dept. Tailoring Dept.
Manufacturing Expenses ---- 1,08,000
Selling Expenses 45,000 18,000
Stock on 1.4.2017 5,40,000 72,000
Sales 36,00,000 7,20,000
Transfer of Cloth to Tailoring Dept. 4,50,000 ----
Purchases 30,60,000 45,000
Stock on 31.3.2018 9,00,000 1,35,000
The stock in Tailoring Department may be assumed to consist 80% cloth and 20% other expenses. General expenses
of the business for the year came to ~ 2,07,000. In 2016-17 the Cloth Department earned a gross profit of 30% on sales.
Solution Tantuja
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2018 Cr.
Particulars Cloth Tailoring Total Particulars Cloth Tailoring Total
To Opening Stock 5,40,000 72,000 6,12,000 By Sales 36,00,000 7,20,000 43,20,000
To Purchases 30,60,000 45,000 31,05,000 By Tailoring Dept. - transfer 4,50,000 ---- ----
To Cloth Dept. - transfer ---- 4,50,000 ---- By Closing Stock 9,00,000 1,35,000 10,35,000
To Manufacturing expenses ---- 1,08,000 1,08,000
To Gross Profit c/d 13,50,000 1,80,000 15,30,000
49,50,000 8,55,000 53,55,000 49,50,000 8,55,000 53,55,000
Financial Accounting - II 9.27
To Selling expenses 45,000 18,000 63,000 By Gross Profit b/d 13,50,000 1,80,000 15,30,000
To Departmental Profit c/d 13,05,000 1,62,000 14,67,000
13,50,000 1,80,000 15,30,000 13,50,000 1,80,000 15,30,000
To General expenses 2,07,000 By Departmental Profit b/d 14,67,000
To Provision for unrealised profit on Departmental By Provision for unrealised profit on Departmental
Closing Stock (Note 2) 36,000 Opening Stock (Note 2) 17,280
To Net Profit transferred to Capital 12,41,280
14,84,280 14,84,280
Working Notes:
(1) Calculation of unrealised profit on stock
13,50,000 1
Rate of Gross profit in cloth department = � 100 � 33 % on sales.
40,50,000 3
* (~ 36,00,000 + ~ 4,50,000) = ~ 40,50,000.
(2) Element of cloth in tailoring department = 80%
Therefore, element of cloth in opening stock ---- 80% of ~ 72,000 = ~ 57,600
Element of cloth in closing stock ---- 80% of ~ 1,35,000 = ~ 1,08,000
Unrealised profit including in opening stock = 30% of ~ 57,600 = ~ 17,280
Unrealised profit included in closing stock = 331/3% on ~ 1,08,000 = ~ 36,000.
Illustration 18
Modern Engineering Works carried on business with two departments : Raw Materials and Manufacturing. The finished
goods are produced by the Manufacturing Department with raw material supplied from Raw Materials Department at
selling price.
Prepare Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ending on 31st December, 2007 after allocation
of expenses on reasonable basis between the two departments.
Necessary particulars are furnished below :
Raw Materials Department Manufacturing Department
Opening Stock 60,000 10,000
Purchases 4,00,000 3,000
Raw materials transferred to Manufacturing Department 60.000 ----
Sales 4,40,000 90,000
Manufacturing Expenses ---- 12,000
Sellling Expenses 800 400
Closing Stock 40,000 12,000
It is estimated that the cost of closing stock in the hands of Manufacturing Department consists of 80% for raw materials
and 20% for manufacturing expenses. The rate of gross profit earned during the preceding year by the Raw Materials
Department was 10%. Other administrative expenses are as follows :
(i) Salaries ~ 2,500; (ii) Insurance premium ~ 800.
[C.U.B.Com. (Hons.) ---- 2008]
Solution Modern Engineering Works
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 2007 Cr.
Particulars R.M. Dept Mfg. Dept Total Particulars R.M. Dept Mfg. Dept Total
(~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~)
To Opening Stock 60,000 10,000 70,000 By Sales 4,40,000 90,000 5,30,000
To Purchases 4,00,000 3,000 4,03,000 By Raw Materials transferred to 60,000 ---- ----
To Manufacturing Expenses ---- 12,000 12,000 Manufacturing Dept.
To Raw Materials from R.M. Dept. ---- 60,000 ---- By Closing Stock 40,000 12,000 52,000
To Gross Profit c/d 80,000 17,000 97,000
5,40,000 1,02,000 5,82,000 5,40,000 1,02,000 5,82,000
To Selling Expenses 800 400 1,200 By Gross Profit b/d 80,000 17,000 97,000
To Salaries (Note 3) 2,119 381 2,500
To Insurance Premium (Note 4) 656 144 800
To Net Profit c/d 76,425 16,075 92,500
80,000 17,000 97,000 80,000 17,000 97,000
9.28 Departmental Accounts
To Provision for Unrealised Profit on Closing Stock (Note 1) 1,536 By Net Profit b/d 92,500
To Capital A/c (Net Profit transferred) 91,764 By Provision for Unrealised Profit on Opening Stock 800
93,300 93,300
Working Notes :
80,000 80,000
(1) Gross Profit Ratio of Raw Materials Department � � 100 � � 100 � 16%
�4,40,000 � 60,000� 5,00,000
(2) Provision for Unrealised Profit on Opening Stock = (10,000 �� 80%) �� 10% = ~ 800.
Provision for Unrealised Profit on Closing Stock = (12,000 � 80%) �� 16% = ~ 1,536.
(3) Salaries can be shared by the R.M. Dept and Mfg. Dept. in the ratio of Sales of each department. The ratio will be :
(4,40,000 + 60,000) : 90,000
or 5,00,000 : 90,000
or 50 : 9.
(a) Raw materials department’s share = 2,500 / 59 �� 50 = ~ 2,119
(b) Manufacturing department’s share = 2,500 / 59 �� 9 = ~ 381.
(4) Insurance premium can be shared by R.M. Dept. and Mfg. Dept. in the ratio of average stock of each department. The ratio will
be :
�60,000 � 40,000� �10,000 � 12,000�
= :
2 2
or 50,000 : 11,000
or 50 : 11
(a) Raw materials department’s share = 800 / 61 �� 50 = ~ 656.
(b) Mfg. department’s share = 800 / 61 ��11 = ~ 144.
Illustration 19
O and K are two departments of Red Company of Calcutta. O Department sells goods to K Department at normal market
prices. From the following particulars, prepare a Trading and Profit and Loss Account of the two departments for the year
ended 31st March 2018:
Particulars O K General
Stocks on April 1, 2017 12,000 Nil ----
Purchases 2,76,000 24,000 ----
Goods from O Dept. ---- 84,000 ----
Wages 12,000 19,200 ----
Salaries 8,000 5,000 ----
Stock on March 31, 2018 at cost to Dept. 60,000 21,600 ----
Sales 2,76,000 1,74,000 ----
Stationery and Printing 2,560 1,960 ----
Plant and Machinery ---- 14,400 ----
Salaries (General) ---- ---- 18,000
Miscellaneous Expenses ---- ---- 3,600
Advertisement ---- ---- 9,600
Bank charges ---- ---- 2,400
Depreciate Plant & Machinery by 10%. The general unallocated expenses are to be apportioned in the ratio ----
O:3, K:2. [C.U.B.Com. (Hons.) ---- Adapted]
Solution Red Company
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2018 Cr.
Particulas Dept O Dept K Total Particulas Dept O Dept K Total
To Opening Stock 12,000 ---- 12,000 By Sales 2,76,000 1,74,000 4,50,000
To Purchases 2,76,000 24,000 3,00,000 By Goods transferred to K 84,000 ---- ----
To Goods from Dept O ---- 84,000 ---- By Closing Stock 60,000 21,600 81,600
To Wages 12,000 19,200 31,200
To Gross Profit c/d 1,20,000 68,400 1,88,400
4,20,000 1,95,600 5,31,600 4,20,000 1,95,600 5,31,600
Financial Accounting - II 9.29
To Salaries 8,000 5,000 13,000 By Gross Profit b/d 1,20,000 68,400 1,88,400
To Printing & Stationery 2,560 1,960 4,520
To Salaries (General) 10,800 7,200 18,000
To Miscellaneous expenses 2,160 1,440 3,600
To Advertisement 5,760 3,840 9,600
To Bank charges 1,440 960 2,400
To Depreciation ---- 1,440 1,440
To Net Profit c/d 89,280 46,560 1,35,840
1,20,000 68,400 1,88,400 1,20,000 68,400 1,88,400
To Provision for unrealised profit on By Net Profit b/d 1,35,840
Departmental Closing Stock (Note 1) 5,600 By Provision for unrealised profit on Dept. Opening Stock Nil
To Capital A/c (net profit transferred) 1,30,240
1,35,840 1,35,840
Working Note:
1,20,000 1
(1) Gross profit ratio of Department O = � 100 � 33 %
� 2,76,000 � 84,000 � 3
84,000 1
= � 21,600 � ~ 21,600. Profit thereon : 33 % of 16,800 � ~ 5,600.
1,08,000 3
Illustration 20
M/s G,B,T carried on business as Drapers and Tailors in Jaipur. The partners G,B and T were in charge of the Departments,
X,Y and Z respectively. The partners are entitled to a remuneration equal to 50% of the profits (without taking the Partner’s
remuneration into consideration) of the respective departments of which they are in charge and the balance of the profits
are to be divided among G,B and T in the ratio of 5:3:2. The following are the balances of the revenue items in the books
for the year ending March 31, 2018:
Opening Stock : X ---- ~ 75,780; Y ---- ~ 48,000; and Z ---- ~ 40,000.
Purchases : X ---- ~ 2,81,400; Y ---- ~ 1,61,200; and Z ---- ~ 88,800.
Sales : X ---- ~ 3,60,000; Y ---- ~ 2,70,000; and Z ---- ~ 1,80,000.
Closing Stock : X ---- ~ 90,160; Y ---- ~ 34,960; and Z ---- ~ 43,180.
Salaries and wages ---- ~ 96,000; Advertising ---- ~ 4,500; Rent ---- ~ 21,600; Discount allowed ---- ~ 2,700;
Discount received ---- ~ 1,600; Sundry expenses ---- ~ 24,300; Depreciation on Furniture & Fittings ---- ~ 1,500.
(i) Prepare the Departmental Accounts for each of the three departments in columnar form.
(ii) Show the distribution of profits amongst the partners after taking into account the following:
(a) Goods having a transfer price of ~ 21,400 and ~ 1,200 were transferred from Departments X and Y respectively
to Department Z. The inter-departmental transfers are made at 125% of the cost.
(b) The various items shall be apportioned amongst the three departments in the following proportions:
Nos. Particulars Department X Department Y Department Z
1. Rent 2 2 5
2. Salaries 1 1 1
3. Depreciation 1 1 1
4. Discounts received 8 5 3
5. All the other expenses On the basis of the sales (excluding inter-departmental transfers) of each department.
(c) The opening stock of Department Z does not include any goods transferred from other departments, but the
closing stock includes ~ 17,100 valued at the inter-departmental transfer prices.
Solution G.B.T.
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit & Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2018 Cr.
Particulars Dept. X Dept. Y Dept. Z Particulars Dept. X Dept. Y Dept. Z
To Opening Stock 75,780 48,000 40,000 By Sales 3,60,000 2,70,000 1,80,000
To Purchases 2,81,400 1,61,200 88,800 By Transfer 21,400 1,200 ----
9.30 Departmental Accounts
Dr. Appropriation Account for the year ended 31st March, 2018 Cr.
Particulars ~ Particulars ~
To Provision for unrealised profit on Departmental By Departmental Profit 1,34,120
Closing Stock (Note 1) 3,420
To Net Profit c/d 1,30,700
1,34,120 1,34,120
To Partners’ Remuneration : By Net Profit b/d 1,30,700
G (1/2 of ~ 63,880) 31,940
B (1/2 of ~ 49,660) 24,830
T (1/2 of ~ 20,580) 10,290
To Share of Profit :
G (5/10 of ~ 63,640) 31,820
B (3/10 of ~ 63,640) 19,092
T (2/10 of ~ 63,640) 12,728
1,30,700 1,30,700
Working Notes: (1) 1/5 of ~ 17,100.
Illustration 21
X Ltd. has two departments A and B. From the following particulars prepare Departmental Trading Account and
Consolidated Trading Account for the year ending 31st December 2017. (all figures in ~)
Particulars Dept. A Dept. B
Opening Stock at cost 40,000 24,000
Purchases 1,84,000 1,36,000
Carriage Inward 4,000 4,000
Wages 24,000 16,000
Sales 2,80,000 2,24,000
Purchased goods transferred by Dept. B to Dept. A 20,000 ----
Purchased goods transferred by Dept. A to Dept. B ---- 16,000
Finished goods transferred by Dept. B to Dept. A 70,000 ----
Finished goods transferred by Dept. A to Dept. B ---- 80,000
Return of finished goods by Dept. B to Dept. A 20,000 ----
Return of finished goods by Dept. A to Dept. B ---- 14,000
Closing stock of Purchased goods 9,000 12,000
Closing stock of Finished goods 48,000 28,000
Purchased goods have been transferred mutually at their respective departmental purchase cost and finished goods at
departmental market price and that 20% of the finished stock (closing) at each department represented finished goods
received from the other department.
Financial Accounting - II 9.31
Solution X Ltd.
Dr. Departmental Trading Account for the year ended 31st December, 2017 Cr.
Dept. A Dept. B Dept. A Dept. B
Particulars ~ ~ Particulars ~ ~
To Opening Stock 40,000 24,000 By Sales 2,80,000 2,24,000
To Purchases 1,84,000 1,36,000 By Transfer : Purchased goods 16,000 20,000
To Carriage Inwards 4,000 4,000 Finished goods 80,000 70,000
To Wages 24,000 16,000 By Returns : Finished goods 14,000 20,000
To Transfer : Purchased goods 20,000 16,000 By Closing. stock : Purchased goods 9,000 12,000
Finished goods 70,000 80,000 Finished goods 48,000 28,000
To Returns : Finished goods 20,000 14,000
To Gross Profit c/d 85,000 84,000
4,47,000 3,74,000 4,47,000 3,74,000
Dr. Consolidated Trading Account for the year ended 31st December, 2017 Cr.
Particulars ~ Particulars ~
To Opening Stock (~ 40,000 + 24,000) 64,000 By Sales (~ 2,80,000 + ~ 2,24,000) 5,04,000
To Purchases (~ 1,84,000 + 1,36,000) 3,20,000 By Closing Stock :
To Carriage Inwards (~ 4,000 + 4,000) 8,000 Purchased goods (~ 9,000 + ~ 12,000 ) 21,000
To Wages (~ 24,000 + 16,000) 40,000 Finished goods (Note 2) 71,720
To Gross Profit 1,64,720
5,96,720 5,96,720
Tutorial Note : For combined Trading Account, inter-departmental transfer should be ignored.
Illustration 22
Bubbles Ltd has three operating departments. The details of operations of each department during 1998 had been as follows:
Department I (~) Department II (~) Department III (~)
Sales to Customers 4,00,000 6,00,000 8,00,000
Purchases from Outsiders 3,00,000 4,00,000 5,00,000
Opening Stock (out of local purchases) 80,000 1,00,000 1,20,000
Transfer to Department III 1,35,000 ---- ----
Closing Stock 50,000 50,000 1,00,000
9.32 Departmental Accounts
Common expenses :
Selling commission ~ 36,000; Depreciation ~ 45,000; Administration expenses ~ 1,60,000; Interest on capital ~
Stock of department III includes 20% transfers from department I.
Prepare Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account and ascertain the net profit of the company after considering
the following details :
Department I (~) Department II (~) Department III (~)
Fixed assets installed 3,60,000 2,00,000 1,60,000
Capital employed 2,00,000 3,00,000 3,00,000
Administration expenses to be shared 4/10 3/10 3/10
Department I transfers supplies to Department III at normal price less 10%. [C.U.B.Com. (Hons) ---- 1999]
Solution Bubbles Ltd
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 1998 Cr.
Particulars Dept I Dept II Dept IIl Total Particulars Dept I Dept II Dept III Total
(~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~)
To Opening Stock 80,000 1,00,000 1,20,000 3,00,000 By Sales 4,00,000 6,00,000 8,00,000 18,00,000
To Purchases 3,00,000 4,00,000 5,00,000 12,00,000 By Transfer to Dept III 1,35,000 ---- ---- ----
To Transfer from Dept I ---- ---- 1,35,000 ---- By Closing Stock 50,000 50,000 1,00,000 2,00,000
To Gross Profit c/d 2,05,000 1,50,000 1,45,000 5,00,000
5,85,000 6,50,000 9,00,000 20,00,000 5,85,000 6,50,000 9,00,000 20,00,000
To Selling Commission 8,000 12,000 16,000 36,000 By Gross Profit b/d 2,05,000 1,50,000 1,45,000 5,00,000
To Depreciation 22,500 12,500 10,000 45,000
To Administrative Expenses 64,000 48,000 48,000 1,60,000
To Interest on Capital 22,500 33,750 33,750 90,000
To Net Profit c/d 88,000 43,750 37,250 1,69,000
2,05,000 1,50,000 1,45,000 5,00,000 2,05,000 1,50,000 1,45,000 5,00,000
To Provision for Unrealised Profit on Closing Stock (Note 2) 6,667 By Net Profit b/d 1,69,000
To Net Profit (Transferred) 1,62,333 By Provision for Unrealised Profit on Opening Stock Nil
1,69,000 1,69,000
Working Notes :
(1) Goods transferred by Department I to Department III at normal price less 10%. Normal price of goods transferred to Department
III = ~ 1,35,000 / 90 � 100 = ~ 1,50,000.
Normal Gross Profit of Department I would have been : ~
Sales to outside customers 4,00,000
Transfer to Department IIl at normal price (as calculated above) 1,50,000
Less: Cost of Goods Sold : ~
Opening Stock 80,000
Purchases 3,00,000
Less: Closing Stock 50,000 3,30,000
Gross Profit 2,20,000
Normal rate of Gross Profit = � 100 � 40%
(a) Cost of goods transferred to Department III = 60% of ~ 1,50,000 = ~ 90,000.
(b) Value of goods transferred to Department III = ~ 1,35,000
Therefore, profit on goods transferred (b -- a) = ~ 1,35,000 -- ~ 90,000 = ~ 45,000.
45,000 1
Ratio of profit made by Department I on goods transferred to Department III = � 100 � 33 %
1,35,000 3
(2) Stock of Department III includes 20% transferred from Department I, i.e., 20% of ~ 1,00,000 = ~ 20,000.
Therefore, unrealised profit on closing stock = 33 /3% of ~ 20,000 = ~ 6,667.
Financial Accounting - II 9.33
Illustration 23
Vijoya Ltd has three departments, I, N and K. For the year ended 31.12.1999, the information is given below :
Paticulars I (~) N (~) K (~)
Stock on 1.1.1999 13,500 18,000 27,000
Materials consumed 36,000 54,000 ----
Manufacturing expenses 22,500 45,000 ----
Stock on 31.12.1999 18,000 63,000 36,000
Unrealised profit on stock on 1.1.1999 ---- 4,500 6,000
Sales ---- ---- 1,53,000
Each department values its stocks at cost to the department concerned. Whereas department I transferred goods to
department N at 30% above departmental cost, department N transferred to departrment K at 25% above departmental
cost. Other expenses were : Staff remuneration ~ 6,000; Stationery ~ 4,500; Rent ~ 27,000; Depreciation ~ 18,000; and
Advertising ~ 13,500. These expenses are to be shared by the departments in the ratio of gross profit.
Prepare Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account. [C.U.B.Com (Hons) ---- 2000]
Solution Vijoya Ltd
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 1999 Cr.
Particulars Dept. I Dept. N Dept. K Total Particulars Dept. I Dept. N Dept. K Total
(~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~)
To Opening Stock 13,500 18,000 27,000 58,500 By Sales ---- ---- 1,53,000 1,53,000
To Direct Materials 36,000 54,000 ---- 90,000 By Transfer to Dept. N 70,200 ---- ---- ----
To Manufacturing Expenses 22,500 45,000 ---- 67,500 By Transfer to Dept. K ---- 1,55,250 ---- ----
To Transfer from Dept. I ---- 70,200 ---- ---- By Closing Stock 18,000 63,000 36,000 1,17,000
To Transfer from Dept. N ---- ---- 1,55,250 ----
To Gross Profit c/d 16,200 31,050 6,750 54,000
88,200 2,18,250 1,89,000 2,70,000 88,200 2,18,250 1,89,000 2,70,000
To Staff Remuneration 1,800 3,450 750 6,000 By Gross Profit b/d 16,200 31,050 6,750 54,000
To Stationery 1,350 2,587 563 4,500 By Net Loss c/d 4,500 8,625 1,875 15,000
To Rent 8,100 15,525 3,375 27,000
To Depreciation 5,400 10,350 2,250 18,000
To Advertising 4,050 7,763 1,687 13,500
20,700 39,675 8,625 69,000 20,700 39,675 8,625 69,000
To Net Loss b/d 15,000 By Provision for Unrealised Profit on Opening Stock 10,500
To Provision for Unrealised Profit on Closing Stock( Note 2) 15,989 (~ 4,500 + ~ 6,000)
By Profit and Loss A/c ---- Transfer 20,489
30,989 30,989
Working Notes :
(1) Calculation of the Value of Transfer
(a) From Dept I to N ~ (b) From Dept N to K ~
Opening stock 13,500 Opening stock 18,000
Add: Materials consumed 36,000 Add: Materials consumed 54,000
Add: Manufacturing expenses 22,500 Add: Manufacturing expenses 45,000
72,000 Add: Transfer (as calculated) 70,200
Less: Closing stock 18,000 1,87,200
Cost of goods transferred 54,000 Less: Closing stock 63,000
Add: Loading @ 30% 16,200 Cost of goods transferred 1,24,200
Value of transfer 70,200 Add: Loading @ 25% 31,050
Value of transfer 1,55,250
9.34 Departmental Accounts
30 70,200
� [ 63,000 � ] = ~ 6,032
130 54,000 � 45,000 � 70,200
Total provision for unrealised profit = ~ 6,032 (Dept N) + ~ 9,957 (Dept
K) = ~ 15,989.
Illustration 24
M/s Auto Garage consists of three departments ---- Spares, Service and Repairs. Each department is managed by a manager
who is paid a commission which has been fixed @ 5%, 10% and 10% respectively of the departmental profits. In the
absence or adequacy of profits, a minimum commission of ~ 3,000 is to be paid to the manager. Inter-departmental transfers
of goods and services are made on the basis of a loaded price given as under :
from Spares to Service 5% above cost
from Spares to Repairs 10% above cost
from Repairs to Service 10% above cost
For the year ended 31.3.2018, the books had already been closed and positions drawn. On a scrutiny subsequently made,
it was discovered that the closing stock of the departments included inter-departmental transfers at loaded price. From the
following details, you are to prepare a revised statement, recomputing the profits or losses of each of the departments.
Particulars Spares Service Repairs
Book results Loss ~ 19,000 Profits ~ 25,200 Profits ~ 36,000
Inter-departmental transfers at loaded price ---- ~ 10,500 from spares and ~ 22,000 from repairs ~ 2,100 from spares
Solution In the books of M/s Auto Garage
Statement Showing Recomputation of Departmental Profits and Losses for the year ended 31.3.2018
Particulars Spares Services Repairs
(~) (~) (~)
Net Profit / Loss (Given) (--) 19,000 25,200 36,000
Add Back : Commission of Departmental Manager (Note 1) 3,000 3,000 4,000
(--) 16,000 28,200 40,000
Less: Adjustment of Unrealised Profits included in Stocks (Note 2) (--) 691 ---- (--) 2,000
Revised Departmental Profit / Loss (--) 16,691 28,200 38,000
Less: Commission Payable to Departmental Manager (Note 3) (--) 3,000 3,000 3,800
Actual Net Profit / Loss (--) 1,961 25,200 34,200
Working Notes :
(1) Commission of Departmental Managers already taken into Consideration
Spares : This department has incurred a loss. Therefore, commission will be maximum of ~ 3,000.
Service : (i) Actual commission = 1/9 of ~ 25,200 = ~ 2,800.
(ii) Minimum commission = ~ 3,000.
Therefore, commission will be ~ 3,000.
Repairs : (i) Actual commission = 1/9 of ~ 36,000 = ~ 4,000.
(ii) Minimum commission = ~ 3,000.
Therefore, commission will be ~ 4,000.
(3) Commission payable to Departmental Managers based on correct Profit (i.e., after considering unrealised profit on stock)
Spares : This department has incurred a loss. Therefore, commission will be minimum of ~ 3,000.
Service : (i) Actual commission = 10% of ~ 28,200 = ~ 2,820.
(ii) Minimum commission = ~ 3,000.
Therefore, commission will be ~ 3,000.
Repairs : (i) Actual commission = 10% of ~ 38,000 = ~ 3,800
(ii) Minimum commission = ~ 3,000.
Therefore, commission will be ~ 3,800.
Illustration 26
On the basis of the following information relating to a departmental organisation having departments X and Y, prepare
Department Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31.03.2016 :
Particulars Dept. X (~) Dept. Y (~) Particulars Dept. X (~) Dept. Y (~)
Stock as on 1.4.2015 30,000 30,000 Stock as on 31.3.2016 40,000 30,000
Purchases 2,00,000 1,00,000 Sales 4,50,000 2,50,000
Wages 25,000 20,000 Building 4,00,000 5,00,000
Salaries 20,000 10,000 Machinery (W.D.V. as on 31.3.2016) 2,00,000 2,00,000
Goods from Dept. X (at cost) ---- 10,000 No. of Staff 30 20
Other common expenses :
(a) Salaries ~ 20,000; (b) Advertisement ~ 14,000.
Rate of depreciation of fixed assets 10% p.a. [C.U.B.Com. (General) ---- 2016]
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2016 Cr.
Dept. X Dept. Y Dept. X Dept. Y
Particulars ~ ~ Particulars ~ ~
To Opening Stock 30,000 30,000 By Sales 4,50,000 2,50,000
To Purchases 2,00,000 1,00,000 By Goods Sent to Dept. Y 10,000 ----
To Wages 25,000 20,000 By Closing Stock 40,000 30,000
To Goods romr Dept. X ---- 10,000
To Gross Profit c/d 2,45,000 1,20,000
5,00,000 2,80,000 5,00,000 2,80,000
To Salaries (Departmental) 20,000 10,000 By Gross Profit b/d 2,45,000 1,20,000
To Salaries (Common) (Note 1) 12,000 8,000
To Advertisement (Note 2) 9,000 5,000
To Depreciation : (Note 3)
on Building 40,000 50,000
on Machinery 20,000 20,000
To Net Profit 1,44,000 27,000
2,45,000 1,20,000 2,45,000 1,20,000
Working Notes :
(1) Common salaries are to be divided between the departments in the ratio of number of staff, i.e., 3 : 2.
Dept. X : � 3 = ~ 12,000.
Dept. Y : � 2 = ~ 8,000.
(2) Advertisement expenses are to be divided between the departments in the ratio of sales, i.e., 9 : 5.
Dept. X : � 9 = ~ 9,000.
Dept. Y : � 5 = ~ 5,000.
(3) Depreciation :
Dept. X : on Building ---- ~ 4,00,000 � 10% = ~ 40,000.
on Machinery ---- ~ 2,00,000 � 10% = ~ 20,000.
Dept. Y : on Building ---- ~ 5,00,000 � 10% = ~ 50,000.
on Machinery ---- ~ 2,00,000 � 10% = ~ 20,000.
Financial Accounting - II 9.37
Illustration 27
From the following particulars of Mr. Nobel having a Departmental Organisation with two departments P and Q. Prepare
a Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31.03.2015 :
Particulars Department P (~) Department Q (~)
(i) Stock as on 01.04.2014 40,000 35,000
(ii) Purchase 2,50,000 2,00,000
(iii) Goods from Department Q 30,000 ----
(iv) Salaries 60,000 45,000
(v) Wages 30,000 30,000
(vi) Sales 4,50,000 3,50,000
(vii) Other Expenses 10,000 10,000
(viii) Machinery 2,00,000 2,00,000
(ix) Stock as on 31.03.2015 35,000 40,000
Other information :
(a) Total administrative expenses ~ 10,000.
(b) General electricity expenses ~ 20,000.
Department P and Q have light points 20 and 30 respectively.
(c) Rate of Depreciation on Machinery @ 20% p.a. [C.U.B.Com. (General) ---- 2015]
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2015 Cr.
Dept. P Dept. Q Dept. P Dept. Q
Particulars ~ ~ Particulars ~ ~
To Opening Stock 40,000 35,000 By Goods Sent to Dept. P ---- 30,000
To Purchases 2,50,000 2,00,000 By Sales 4,50,000 3,50,000
To Goods from Dept. Q 30,000 ---- By Closing Stock 35,000 40,000
To Wages 30,000 30,000
To Gross Profit c/d 1,35,000 1,55,000
4,85,000 4,20,000 4,85,000 4,20,000
To Salaries 60,000 45,000 By Gross Profit b/d 1,35,000 1,55,000
To Other Expenses 10,000 10,000
To Administrative Expenses (Note 1) 5,625 4,375
To General Electricity (Note 2) 8,000 12,000
To Depreciation on Machinery (Note 3) 40,000 40,000
To Net Profit 11,375 43,625
1,35,000 1,55,000 1,35,000 1,55,000
Working Notes :
(1) Administrative expenses will be shared by departments in the ratio of sales, i.e., 9 : 7.
Dept. P = � 9 = ~ 5,625.
Dept. Q = � 7 = ~ 4,375.
(2) General electricity will be shared by departments in the ratio of light points, i.e., 2 : 3.
Dept P = � 2 = ~ 8,000.
Dept. Q = � 3 ~ 12,000.
(3) Depreciation on Machinery :
Dept. P = ~ 2,00,000 � 20% = ~ 40,000.
Dept. P = ~ 2,00,000 � 20% = ~ 40,000.
9.38 Departmental Accounts
Illustration 28
On the basis of the following information related to two departments of D & E Ltd., prepare Departmental Trading and
Profit and Loss Account :
Particulars Dept. D (~) Dept. E (~)
Stock as on 1.4.2013 30,000 30,000
Purchases 3,00,000 1,00,000
Goods from D Dept. (at cost) ---- 50,000
Salaries 40,000 30,000
Wages 20,000 20,000
Sales 5,00,000 2,00,000
Other Expenses 20,000 10,000
Machinery 1,00,000 1,00,000
Stock as on 31.3.2014 (at cost) 30,000 30,000
Other information :
(a) Administratie expenses of ~ 10,000 are to be apportioned in the ratio of 3 : 2 between D and E.
(b) General electricity expenses ~ 30,000. Department D and E have light points 30 and 20 respectively.
(c) Rate of depreciation on machinery is 10% p.a. [C.U.B.Com. (General) ---- 2014]
Solution D & E Ltd.
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2014 Cr.
Dept. D Dept. E Dept. D Dept. E
Particulars ~ ~ Particulars ~ ~
To Opening Stock 30,000 30,000 By Sales 5,00,000 2,00,000
To Purchases 3,00,000 1,00,000 By Goods Transferred to Dept. E 50,000 ----
To Goods Transferrd from Dept. D ---- 50,000 By Closing Stock 30,000 30,000
To Wages 20,000 20,000
To Gross Profit c/d 2,30,000 30,000
5,80,000 2,30,000 5,80,000 2,30,000
To Salaries 40,000 30,000 By Balance b/d 2,30,000 30,000
To Other Expenses 20,000 10,000 By Net Loss ---- 36,000
To Administrative Expenses 6,000 4,000
To General Electricity Expenses (Note 1) 18,000 12,000
To Depreciation on Machinery (Note 2) 10,000 10,000
To Net Profit 1,36,000 ----
2,30,000 66,000 2,30,000 66,000
Working Notes :
(1) General electricity expenses are to be shared by the departments in the ratio of light points, i.e., 3 : 2.
Department D : � 3 = ~ 18,000.
Department E : � 2 = ~ 12,000.
(2) Depreciation :
Department D : ~ 1,00,000 � 10% = ~ 10,000.
Department E : ~ 1,00,000 � 10% = ~ 10,000.
Illustration 29
From the following particulars of a departmental organisation having two departments B and N, prepare a Departmental
Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2012 :
Particulars B Dept. (~) N Dept. (~)
Stock as on 1.4.2011 20,000 2,000
Purchases 3,00,000 30,000
Goods from B Dept. (at cost) ---- 40,000
Wages 15,000 20,000
Financial Accounting - II 9.39
Other information :
Salaries ~ 18,000; Miscellaneous expenses ~ 6,300.
Advertisement expenses ~ 9,000; Bank charges ~ 900.
Depreciate Plant and Machinery by 20%.
Expenses are to be apportioned between Dept. B and Dept. N in the ratio 2 : 1. [C.U.B.Com. (General) ---- 2013]
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2012 Cr.
Dept. B Dept. N Dept. B Dept. N
Particulars ~ ~ Particulars ~ ~
To Opening Stock 20,000 2,000 By Goods transferred to Dept. N 40,000 ----
To Purchases 3,00,000 30,000 By Sales 4,00,000 2,00,000
To Goods from Dept. B ---- 40,000 By Closing Stock 20,000 7,000
To Wages 15,000 20,000
To Gross Profit c/d 1,25,000 1,15,000
4,60,000 2,07,000 4,60,000 2,07,000
To Salaries 10,000 15,000 By Gross Profit b/d 1,25,000 1,15,000
To Stationery 2,700 1,700
To Depreciation on Plant and Machinery 10,000 10,000
To Salaries (2 : 1) 12,000 6,000
To Advertisement Expenses ( 2 : 1) 6,000 3,000
To Miscellaneous Expenses (2 : 1) 4,200 2,100
To Bank Charges (2 : 1) 600 300
To Net Profit 79,500 76,900
1,25,000 1,15,000 1,25,000 1,15,000
Illustration 30
Prepare Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account from the following particulars assuming that the rate of gross
profit is same in each case :
Particulars Dept. A Dept. B Dept. C
Purchases at total cost of ~ 1,00,000 1,000 units 2,000 units 2,400 units
Closing Stock (1.1.2010) 120 units 80 units 152 units
Sales (1.1.2010) 1,020 units 1,920 units 2,496 units
@ ~ 20 each @ ~ 22.50 each @ ~ 25 each
General expenses of ~ 7,530 is to be apportioned between all the three departments in the ratio of 2 : 2 : 1.
[C.U.B.Com. (General) ---- 2012]
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended ... Cr.
Particulars Dept. A Dept. B Dept. C Particulars Dept. A Dept. B Dept. C
(~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~)
To Opening Stock (Note 4) 2,240 ---- 4,960 By Sales (Note 6) 20,400 43,200 62,400
To Purchases (Note 2) 16,000 36,000 48,000 By Closing Stock (Note 5) 1,920 1,440 3,040
To Gross Profit c/d 4,080 8,640 12,480
22,320 44,640 65,440 22,320 44,640 65,440
To General Expenses 3,012 3,012 1,506 By Gross Profit b/d 4,080 8,640 12,480
To Net Profit 1,068 5,628 10,974
4,080 8,640 12,480 4,080 8,640 12,480
9.40 Departmental Accounts
Working Notes :
(1) Calculation of Profit Margin Rate
Particulars ~ ~
Suppose Purchase Units = Sales Units
Department A (1,000 units @ ~ 20) 20,000
Department B (2,000 units @ ~ 22.50) 45,000
Department C (2,400 units @ ~ 25) 60,000
Total Sales Value 1,25,000
Less: Purchases (given) 1,00,000
Gross Profit 25,000
Rate of Gross Profit � � 100 � 20%
(2) Calculation of Purchase Price and Total Purchases of Each Department
Particulars Dept. A Dept. B Dept. C
Selling Price per unit (~) 20.00 22.50 25.00
Less: Gross Profit 20% of Sales 4.00 4.50 5.00
Purchase Price per unit (X) 16.00 18.00 20.00
Number of Units Purchased (Y) 1,000 2,000 2,400
Total Purchases (X) x (Y) (~) 16,000 36,000 48,000
Illustration 31
From the following information, prepare Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st
December, 2010 :
Particulars Dept. A (~) Dept. B (~) Dept. C (~)
Stock on 1.1.2010 6,000 7,000 3,000
Purchases 7,000 6,500 4,700
Sales 12,000 10,000 6,000
Direct Expenses 2,000 1,500 700
Rates of Gross Profit 40% 30% 20%
Financial Accounting - II 9.41
Indirect Expenses :
Sundry expenses ~ 700; Salaries ~ 840 and Rent ~ 560.
The indirect expenses are charged in proportion to departmental turnover.
[C.U.B.Com. (General) ---- 2011]
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 2010 Cr.
Particulars Dept. A Dept. B Dept. C Particulars Dept. A Dept. B Dept. C
(~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~)
To Opening Stock 6,000 7,000 3,000 By Sales 12,000 10,000 6,000
To Purchases 7,000 6,500 4,700 By Closing Stock (Note 1) 5,800 6,500 2,900
To Direct Wages 2,000 1,500 700
To Gross Profit c/d 2,800 1,500 500
17,800 16,500 8,900 17,800 16,500 8,900
To Sundry Expenses (6 : 5 : 3) 300 250 150 By Gross Profit b/d 2,800 1,500 500
To Salaries (6 : 5 : 3) 360 300 180
To Rent (6 : 5 : 3) 240 200 120
To Net Profit 1,900 750 50
2,800 1,500 500 2,800 1,500 500
Working Notes : (1) Calculation of Closing Stock of Each Department
Department Dept. A Dept. B Dept. C
Opening Stock 6,000 7,000 3,000
Add: Purchases 7,000 6,500 4,700
13,000 13,500 7,700
Less: Cost of Goods Sold (Note 2) 7,200 7,000 4,800
Value of Closing Stock 5,800 6,500 2,900
(2) Calculation of Cost of Goods Sold : (3) Ratio of Turnover :
A : ~ 12,000 � (100% -- 40%) = ~ 7,200. A:B:C
B : ~ 10,000 � (100% -- 30%) = ~ 7,000. 12,000 : 10,000 : 6,000
C : ~ 10,000 � (100% -- 20%) = ~ 4,800. or, 6 : 5 : 3
Additional information :
(i) The servants of the Apartment Dept. had occupied a room for 5 days @ ~ 120 per day and took meals worth ~ 600.
Similarly the servants of the Meals Dept. had occupied a room for 6 days @ ~ 120 per day and took meals worth
~ 900.
(ii) Wages are charged in the portion of 1/2 to the Apartment Dept., 1/4 to the Meals Dept. and the remaining to the
General Profit and Loss Account.
9.42 Departmental Accounts
(iii) Increase provision for depreciation on building to ~ 28,000 and on furniture and equipments by ~ 1,000.
(iv) A sum of ~ 800 representing accommodation ~ 240 and meals ~ 560 is to be charged to the hotel proprietor.
You are required to prepare Departmental Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on 31.03.2016.
[C.U.B.Com. (Hons.) ---- 2017]
Dr. Departmental Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2016 Cr.
Apartment Meal Apartment Meal
Particulars Dept. Dept. Particulars Dept. Dept.
To Opening Stock of Provisions ---- 1,020 By Income 46,000 32,000
To Food and Provisions (Purchase) ---- 15,500 By Drawings 240 560
To Depreciation on : By Apartment Dept - transfer ---- 600
Building (Note 1) 7,200 800 By Meal Dept - transfer 720 ----
Furniture and Equipments (Note 2) 900 100
To Wages (Note 3) 3,000 1,500
To Apartment Dept. - transfer ---- 720
To Meal Dept. - transfer 600 ----
To Departmental Profit 35,260 13,520
46,960 33,160 46,960 33,160
Tutorial Notes :
(1) No adjustment is required for providing facility to own department staff. Therefore, room charges of Apartment department and
meal charges of meal department are to be ignored.
(2) It has been asked in the question to prepare ‘Departmental Profit and Loss Account’. Therefore, gross profit has not been calculated
Working Notes :
(1) Depreciation on Building ~
Closing balance of provision for depreciation on building 28,000
Less: Opening balance of provision for depreciation on bulding 20,000
Depreciation for the year 8,000
Depreciation of Meal Dept. = 1/10 of ~ 8,000 = ~ 800.
Depreciation of Apartment Dept. = 9/10 of ~ 8,000 = ~ 7,200.
(2) Depreciation on Furniture and Equipment is ~ 1,000. The question is silent about the sharing of this deprec iation. We assumed
that it is to be shared in the same ratio of depreciation on building. Therefore, the depreciation on furniture and equipment will be
shared as follows :
Meal Dept. : 1/10 of ~ 1,000 = ~ 100
Apartment Dept. : 9/10 of ~ 1,000 = ~ 900.
(3) Division of Wages :
Apartment Dept : 1/2 of ~ 6,000 = ~ 3,000.
Meal Dept. : 1/4 of ~ 6,000 = ~ 1,500.
General Profit and Loss = 1/4 of ~ 6,000 = ~ 1,500.
Illustration 33
M/s. Mega Co. has two departments A and B. From the following particulars, prepare Departmental Trading Account and
General Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2016 :
Particulars Dept. A (~) Dept. B (~)
Opening Stock (at cost) 70,000 54,000
Purchases 3,92,000 2,98,000
Carriage Inward 6,000 9,000
Wages 54,000 36,000
Sales 5,72,000 4,60,000
Purchased Goods Transferred :
By Dept. B to A 50,000 ----
By Dept. A to B ---- 36,000
Finished Goods Transferred :
By Dept. B to A 1,50,000 ----
By Dept. A to B ---- 1,75,000
Return of Finished Goods :
By Dept. B to A 45,000 ----
By Dept. A to B ---- 32,000
Financial Accounting - II 9.43
Closing Stock :
Purchased Goods 24,000 30,000
Finished Goods 1,02,000 62,000
Purchased goods have been transferred mutually at their respective departmental purchase cost and finished goods at
departmental market price. 30% of the closing finished stock with each department represents finished goods received
from the other department.
[C.U.B.Com. (Hons.) ---- 2016]
Solution M/s Mega Co.
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2016 Cr.
Dept. A Dept. B Dept. A Dept. B
Particulars ~ ~ Particulars ~ ~
To Opening Stock 70,000 54,000 By Sales 5,72,000 4,60,000
To Purchases 3,92,000 2,98,000 By Transfer : Purchased goods 36,000 50,000
To Carriage Inwards 6,000 9,000 Finished goods 1,75,000 1,50,000
To Wages 54,000 36,000 By Returns : Finished goods 32,000 45,000
To Transfer : Purchased goods 50,000 36,000 By Closing stock : Purchased goods 24,000 30,000
Finished goods 1,50,000 1,75,000 Finished goods 1,02,000 62,000
To Returns : Finished goods 45,000 32,000
To Gross Profit c/d (transferred to General 1,74,000 1,57,000
Profit and Loss Account)
9,41,000 7,97,000 9,41,000 7,97,000
Dr. General Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2016 Cr.
Particulars ~ Particulars ~
To Stock Reserve : By Gross Profit b/d :
In Closing Stock of Dept. A 8,312 Dept. A 1,74,000
In Closing Stock of Dept. B 4,610 Dept. B 1,57,000
To Net Profit 3,18,078
3,31,000 3,31,000
Illustration 34
A firm has two departments - Raw materials and Manufacturing. The finished goods are produced by the manufacturing
department with raw materials supplied by Raw Materials Department at selling price. From the following information,
prepare Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on 31st March, 2014 :
9.44 Departmental Accounts
It is estimated that the cost of closing stock of Manufacturing Department consists of 75% of raw materials and 25%
for manufacturing expenses. The rate of gross profit earned during the preceding year by the Raw Materials Department
was 10%. After allocating the following expenses on reasonable basis between the two departments work out the net profit
of the firm as a whole :
(i) Salaries ~ 2,500.
(ii) Insurance premium ~ 800. [C.U.B.Com. (Hons.) ---- 2015]
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2014 Cr.
Particulars R.M. Dept Mfg. Dept Total Particulars R.M. Dept Mfg. Dept Total
(~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~)
To Opening Stock 60,000 10,000 70,000 By Sales 4,40,000 90,000 5,30,000
To Purchases 4,00,000 3,000 4,03,000 By Raw Materials transferred to 60,000 ---- 60,000
To Manufacturing Expenses ---- 12,000 12,000 Manufacturing Dept.
To Raw Materials from R.M. Dept. ---- 60,000 60,000 By Closing Stock 40,000 12,000 52,000
To Gross Profit c/d 80,000 17,000 97,000
5,40,000 1,02,000 6,42,000 5,40,000 1,02,000 6,42,000
To Selling Expenses 800 400 1,200 By Gross Profit b/d 80,000 17,000 97,000
To Salaries (Note 3) 2,119 381 2,500
To Insurance Premium (Note 4) 656 144 800
To Net Profit c/d 76,425 16,075 92,500
80,000 17,000 97,000 80,000 17,000 97,000
To Provision for Unrealised Profit on Closing Stock (Note 2) 1,440 By Net Profit b/d 92,500
To Net Profit 91,810 By Provision for Unrealised Profit on Opening Stock (Note 2) 750
93,250 93,250
Working Notes :
80,000 80,000
(1) Gross Profit Ratio of Raw Materials Department � � 100 � � 100 � 16%
�4,40,000 � 60,000� 5,00,000
(2) Provision for Unrealised Profit on Opening Stock = (10,000 �� 75%) �� 10% = ~ 750.
Provision for Unrealised Profit on Closing Stock = (12,000 � 75%) �� 16% = ~ 1,440.
(3) Salaries can be shared by the R.M. Dept and Mfg. Dept. in the ratio of Sales of each department. The ratio will be :
(4,40,000 + 60,000) : 90,000
or 5,00,000 : 90,000
or 50 : 9.
(a) Raw materials department’s share = 2,500 / 59 �� 50 = ~ 2,119
(b) Manufacturing department’s share = 2,500 / 59 �� 9 = ~ 381.
(4) Insurance premium can be shared by R.M. Dept. and Mfg. Dept. in the ratio of average stock of each department. The ratio will
be :
�60,000 � 40,000� �10,000 � 12,000�
= :
2 2
or 50,000 : 11,000
or 50 : 11
(a) Raw materials department’s share = 800 / 61 �� 50 = ~ 656.
(b) Mfg. department’s share = 800 / 61 ��11 = ~ 144.
Financial Accounting - II 9.45
Illustration 35
Raju & Co. has two departments X and Y. Dept. X sells goods to Dept. Y at normal selling price. From the following
particulars, prepare a Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2013 and also
ascertain the net profit to be transferred to Balance Sheet :
Particulars Dept. X (~) Dept. Y (~)
Opening Stock 1,00,000 ----
Purchases 23,00,00 2,00,000
Goods from Dept. X ---- 7,00,000
Wages 1,00,000 1,60,000
Travelling Expenses 20,000 14,000
Sales (excluding Departmental transfer) 23,00,000 15,00,000
Printing and Stationery 10,000 8,000
Closing Stock at cost to the Dept. 5,00,000 1,80,000
The following expenses incurred for both the departments were not apportioned between the departments :
Salaries ~ 2,70,000; Advertisement expenses ~ 90,000; General expenses ~ 8,00,000.
Depreciation should be charged at 25% on the machinery value of ~ 96,000. Advertisement expenses are to be
apportioned in the turnover ratio, salaries in 2 : 1 ratio and depreciation in 3 : 1 ratio between Departments X and Y. General
expenses are to be apportioned in the ratio of 3 : 1.
[C.U.B.Com. (Hons.) ---- 2014]
Solution Raju & Co
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2013 Cr.
Particulars Dept X Dept Y Total Particulars Dept X Dept Y Total
(~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~)
To Opening Stock 1,00,000 ---- 1,00,000 By Sales 23,00,000 15,00,000 38,00,000
To Purchases 23,00,000 2,00,000 25,00,000 By Goods transferred to Y 7,00,000 ---- ----
To Goods from Dept X‘ ---- 7,00,000 ---- By Closing Stock 5,00,000 1,80,000 6,80,000
To Wages 1,00,000 1,60,000 2,60,000
To Gross Profit c/d 10,00,000 6,20,000 16,20,000
35,00,000 16,80,000 44,80,000 35,00,000 16,80,000 44,80,000
To Travelling Expenses 20,000 14,000 34,000 By Gross Profit b/d 10,00,000 6,20,000 16,20,000
To Printing and Stationery 10,000 8,000 18,000
To Salaries (2 : 1) 1,80,000 90,000 2,70,000
To Advertisement Exp. (Note 3) 60,000 30,000 90,000
To General Expenses (3 : 1) 6,00,000 2,00,000 8,00,000
To Depreciation on Machinery (3:1) 18,000 6,000 24,000
To Net Profit c/d 1,12,000 2,72,000 3,84,000
10,00,000 6,20,000 16,20,000 10,00,000 6,20,000 16,20,000
To Provision for Unrealised Profit on Closing Stock (Note 2) 46,667 By Net Profit b/d 3,84,000
To Capital A/c (Net Profit transferred) 3,37,333 By Provision for Unrealised Profit on Opening Stock Nil
3,84,000 3,84,000
Working Notes :
10,00,000 10,00,000
(1) Gross Profit Ratio of Department X = � 100 � � 100 � 331�3%
23,00,000 � 7,00,000 30,00,000
(2) Proportionate of X Department’s stock in Department Y
Unrealised profit = of ~ 1,40,000 = ~ 46,667.
(3) Advertisement expenses are to be apportioned in the ratio of turnover. The ratio will be :
(23,00,000 + 7,00,000) : 15,00,000
or, 30,00,000 : 15,00,000 or, 2 : 1.
(a) Department X’s share = 2/3 of ~ 90,000 = ~ 60,000.
(b) Department Y’s share = 1/3 of ~ 90,000 = ~ 30,000.
9.46 Departmental Accounts
llustation 36
A Ltd. has three departments X, Y and Z. From the following particulars, prepare a Departmental Trading Account for the
year ended 31st December, 2012 :
Particulars Dept. X (~) Dept. Y (~) Dept. Z (~)
Stock on 1.1.2012 48,000 72,000 24,000
Purchases 2,92,000 2,48,000 96,000
Actual Sales 3,45,000 3,18,800 1,49,200
Gross Profit on Normal Selling Price 20% 25% 331/3%
During the year certain items were sold at discounts and these discounts were reflected in the sales figure shown above.
The items sold at discounts were :
Particulars Dept. X (~) Dept. Y (~) Dept. Z (~)
Sales at Normal Price 20,000 6,000 2,000
Sales at Actual Price 15,000 4,800 1,200
[C.U.B.Com. (Hons.) ---- 2013]
Solution A Ltd.
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 2012 Cr.
Particulars Dept X Dept Y Dept. Z Particulars Dept X Dept Y Dept. Z
(~) (~) (~) (~) (~) (~)
To Opening Stock 48,000 72,000 24,000 By Sales (Actual) 3,45,000 3,18,800 1,49,200
To Purchases 2,92,000 2,48,000 96,000 By Closing Stock (Note 1) 60,000 80,000 20,000
To Gross Profit c/d 65,000 78,800 49,200
4,05,000 3,98,000 1,69,200 4,05,000 3,98,000 1,69,200
Working Notes : (1) Calculation of Closing Stock of Each Department
Department Dept. X Dept. Y Dept. Z
Opening Stock 48,000 72,000 24,000
Add: Purchases 2,92,000 2,48,000 96,000
3,40,000 3,20,000 1,20,000
Less: Cost of Goods Sold (Note 2) 2,80,000 2,40,000 1,00,000
Closing Stock 60,000 80,000 20,000
(2) Calculation of Cost of Goods Sold
Department Dept. X Dept. Y Dept. Z
Actual Sales 3,45,000 3,18,800 1,49,200
Add: Discount Allowed 5,000 1,200 800
Sales at Normal Price (A) 3,50,000 3,20,000 1,50,000
Rate of Gross Profit 20% 25% 331/3%
Gross Profit (B) 70,000 80,000 50,000
Cost of Goods Sold (A -- B) 2,80,000 2,40,000 1,00,000
Illustration 37
A firm has two departments, Ex and Zed. Department Ex transfers goods to Department Zed at normal selling price while
Department Zed transfers goods to Department Ex at cost plus 10%. From the following figures, prepare Departmental
Trading and Profit and Loss Account and General Profit and Loss Account for the year 2011 :
Particulars Ex (~) Zed (~)
Stock ---- 1st January, 2011 1,50,000 25,000
Sales 11,00,000 2,20,000
Purchases 6,00,000 1,15,000
Transfer to other department 1,00,000 1,50,000
Rent and Rates 10,000 15,000
Wages 1,00,000 30,000
Stock ---- 31st December, 2011 1,00,000 20,000
Advertisement ---- ~ 15,000 (to be apportioned based on Sales excluding transfer) General expenses ~ 23,000 (not to
be apportioned) Stock on 31.12.2011 includes transferred goods as 39,600 12,000
[C.U.B.Com. (Hons.) ---- 2012]
Financial Accounting - II 9.47
Dr. Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 2011 Cr.
Ex Dept. Zed Dept. Ex Dept. Zed Dept.
Particulars ~ ~ Particulars ~ ~
To Opening Stock 1,50,000 25,000 By Sales 11,00,000 2,20,000
To Purchases 6,00,000 1,15,000 By Transfer (Contra) 1,00,000 1,50,000
To Wages 1,00,000 30,000 By Closing Stock 1,00,000 20,000
To Transfer (Contra) 1,50,000 1,00,000
To Gross Profit c/d 3,00,000 1,20,000
13,00,000 3,90,000 13,00,000 3,90,000
To Rent and Rates 10,000 15,000 By Gross Profit b/d 3,00,000 1,20,000
To Advertisement (Note 1) 12,500 2,500
To Net Profit c/d 2,77,500 1,02,500
3,00,000 1,20,000 3,00,000 1,20,000
Dr. General Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December, 2011 Cr.
Particulars ~ Particulars ~
To General Expenses 23,000 By Gross Profit b/d :
Provision for Unrealised Profit on Closing Stock (Note 2) 6,600 Dept. Ex 2,77,500
To Net Profit 3,50,400 Dept. Zed 1,02,500
3,80,000 3,80,000
Working Notes :
(1) Advertisement will be divided in the ratio of sales (excluding transfer). The ratio will be :
Ex : Zed
11,00,000 : 2,20,000
or, 5 : 1
Ex’s share = � 5 = ~ 12,500.
Zed’s share = � 1 = ~ 2,500.
(2) Calculation of Stock Reserve :
(a) Rate of gross profit on sales of Dept. Ex
3,00,000 3,00,000
= � 100 � � 100 � 25%
�11,00,000 � 1,00,000� 12,00,000
Stock reserve in the closing stock of Dept. Ex = 12,000 � 25% = ~ 3,000.
(b) Stock reserve in the closing stock of Dept. Zed = � 10 = ~ 3,600.
Total Stock Reserve = ~ 3,000 + ~ 3,600 = ~ 6,600.
Now, the balance of Memorandum Stock Account will represent the closing stock at selling price.
Loading on closing stock is to be carried forward. The balance of Memorandum Mark-up Account will
represent gross profit.
Illustration 38
Southern Store Ltd. is a retail store operating two departments. The company maintains a Memorandum Stock Account
and Memorandum Mark-up Account for each of the departments.
Supplies issued to the departments are debited to the Memorandum Stock Account of the department at cost plus the
mark-up, and departmental sales are credited to this account. The mark-up on supplies issued to the departments is credited
to the mark-up account for the department.
When it is necessary to reduce the selling price below the normal selling price, i.e., cost plus mark-up, the reduction
(mark-down) is entered in the Memorandum Stock Account and in the mark-up account. Department Y has a mark-up of
331/3% on cost and Department Z 50% on cost.
Following information has been extracted from the records of Southern Store Ltd. for the year ended 31st December,
2017 (all figures in ~) :
Particulars Dept. Y Dept. Z
Stock (1.1.2017) at cost 24,000 36,000
Purchases 1,62,000 1,90,000
Sales 2,10,000 2,85,000
Financial Accounting - II 9.49
1. The stock of Department Y at 1st January 2017 includes goods on which the selling price has been marked down
by ~ 510. These goods were sold in January 2017 at the reduced price.
2. Certain goods purchased in 2017 for ~ 2,700 for department Y, were transferred during the year to department Z,
and sold for ~ 4,050. Purchase and sale are recorded in the purchases of department Y and the sales of department
Z respectively, but no entries in respect of the transfer have been made.
3. Goods purcahsed in 2017 were marked down as follows: Dept. Y Dept. Z
Cost 8,000 21,000
Mark down 800 4,100
At the end of the year there were some items in the stock of department Z, which had been marked down to ~ 2,300.
With this exception, all goods marked down in 2017 were sold during the year at the reduced prices.
4. During stock taking at 31st December 2017 goods which had cost ~ 240 were found to be missing in department
Y. It was determined that the loss should be regarded as irrecoverable.
5. The closing stock in both departments are to be valued at cost for the purpose of the annual accounts.
You are required to prepare for each department for the year ended 31st December 2017:
(a) a Trading Account;
(b) a Memorandum Stock Account; and
(c) a Memorandum Mark-up Account.
Solution Southern Stores Ltd.
Dr. Trading Account for the year ended 31st December 2017 Cr.
Particulars Dept. Y Dept. Z Particulars Dept. Y Dept. Z
To Opening Stock, at cost 24,000 36,000 By Sales 2,10,000 2,85,000
To Purchases 1,62,000 1,90,000 By Dept. Z - transfer 2,700 ----
To Dept Y - transfer ---- 2,700 By Profit & Loss A/c - goods lost 240 ----
To Gross profit 51,518 92,496 By Closing stock (Note 1) 24,578 36,196
2,37,518 3,21,196 2,37,518 3,21,196
Illustration 39
M/s Bright & Co., had found departments A,B,C and D, each department being managed by a departmental manager whose
commission was 10% of the respective departmental profit, subject to a minimum of ~ 6,000 in each case. Inter-departmental
transfers took place at a ‘loaded’ price as follows:
From Department A to Department B : 10% above cost; From Department A to Department D : 20% above cost
From Department C to Department D : 20% above cost; From Department C to Department B : 20% above cost
For the year ended 31st March 2018, the firm had already prepared and closed the Deparmental Trading and Profit and
Loss Account. Subsequently it was discovered that the closing stock of departments had included inter-departmentally
transferred goods at loaded price instead of cost price.
From the following information, prepare a statement re-computing the departmental profit or loss: (all figures in ~).
Particulars Dept A Dept B Dept C Dept D
Final Profit / Loss 38,000 (Loss) 50,400 (profit) 72,000 (profit) 1,08,000 (profit)
Inter-departmental transfers included at 70,000 (22,000 from Dept A and 4,800 (3,600 from Dept C
loaded price in the departmental stock 48,000 from Dept C) and 1,200 from Dept A)
Illustration 40
X Ltd. has a factory which has two manufacturing departments A and B. Part of the output of A Department is transferred
to B Department for further processing and the balance is directly transferred to the selling department.
The entire production of B department is transferred to the selling department. Inter-department Stock transfers are
made as follows:
A Department to B Department at 20% over departmental cost;
A Department to Selling Department at 30% over departmental cost;
B Department to Selling Department at 25% over departmental cost.
The following information is given for the year ending 31st December 2017 :
Particulars Department A Department B Selling
M.T. ~ M.T. ~ M.T. ~
Opening Stock 60 60,000 20 40,000 50 1,60,000
Raw material consumption 100 1,10,000 30 30,000
Labour charges 60,000 80,000
Sales 6,00,000
Closing Stock 40 60 60
Out of total production in A Department 30 M.T. were for transfer to the Selling Department and the balance to B
Department. The per tonne material and labour consumption in A Department on production to be transferred directly to
the Selling Department is 200 per cent of the labour and material consumption on production meant for B Department.
Prepare Department Profit and Loss Account.
Working Notes :
(1) Department A M.T. (2) Department B M.T.
Total Input 160 Total Input 140
Closing Stock 40 Closing Stock 60
Total Output 120 Total Output 80
Transfer to selling department 30 Total cost incurred (~ 40,000 + 30,000 + 80,000 + 1,33,920) ~ 2,83,920
Transfer to Department B 90 Less: Closing stock (60/120 ~ (30,000 + 1,33,920) ~ 81,960
Equivalent production in terms of these transferred to Dept B M.T. ~ 2,01,960
Transfer to selling department 30 x 2 60 Add: Profit @ 25% on cost ~ 50,490
Transfer to Dept B 90 x 1 90 Transfer price ~ 2,52,450
150 Profit element in transfer price ~ 22,320
~ (Ratio of profit = 22,320 / ~ 1,63,920)
Total cost incurred ~ (60,000 + 1,10,000 + 60,000) 2,30,000 Increase in stock (81,960 -- 40,000) ~ 41,960
Less: Value of closing stock (~ 1,10,000/100 x 40) 44,000 Additional reserve = 41,960/1,63,920 x 22,320 = ~ 5,713
Cost of production of 150 equivalent (MT) 1,86,000 Amount considered for valuation of stock ~
(i) Transfer to Selling Dept (~ 1,86,000/150 x 60) 74,400 Materials consumed directly 30,000
Add: Profit @ 30% on cost 22,320 Transfer from Dept A 1,33,920
Transfer price 96,720 1,63,920
9.52 Departmental Accounts
Key Points
� A department is generally a physical part of the rest of the business. It should not be assumed that departmental
accounts refers only to departmental stores. In fact, they refer to the verious facets of a business. Each department
is treated as a separate profit centre, though none of the departments is separated geographically from the rest of
the departments.
� Distinction between Departmental Accounts and Branch Accounts
¤ In case of a dependent branch, all important accounting records are kept at the head office. The branch maintains
only Cash Account and Customers Account (if necessary). However, an independent branch, usually maintains
its own books of account and prepares its own Trading and Profit and Loss Account. In case of Departmental
Accounts, all accounting records are maintained at one place and Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss
Account is prepared accordingly.
Financial Accounting - II 9.53
1. (a) State briefly the advantages to be derived from a system of Departmental Accounts.
(b) What difficulties are there in the way of arriving at the net profit of each department?
2. Is there any difference between Branches and Departments, from the accounting point of view?
3. Explain the distinguishing features between Departmental Accounts and Branch Accounts and the advantages derived
from Departmental Accounts.
4. How the following indirect expenses are distributed amongst different departments?
(i) Rent; (ii) Insurance premium; (iii) Lighting; (iv) Advertisement; (v) Depreciation; and (vi) Managing Director’s
1. Grewal Brothers own a business which has two departments, A and B.
The following balances appeared in the books for the year ended 31.12.2017 :
Particulars Dept A (~) Dept B (~) Total (~)
Stock (1.1.2017) 5,800 6,400 12,200
Purchases 40,000 50,000 90,000
Sales 1,50,000 1,00,000 2,50,000
Wages of shop assistants 21,800
Rent, rates and insurance 4,320
Stationery and office expenses 1,260
Motor vehicle expenses and depreciation 3,240
Carriage on purchases 1,440
Light and heat 1,270
9.54 Departmental Accounts
You are required to prepare a Columnar Trading Account as specified above and Profit and Loss Account (columnar
form is not required) for the year ended 31.12.2017, taking into consideration the following :
(a) Carriage on purchases which is to be apportioned to the separate departments in proportion to purchases, and
wages to be allocated on the same basis as sales.
(b) Stock on 31.12.2017 was: Dept A ---- ~ 9,000; Dept B ---- ~ 6,000.
(c) An amount owing for insurances, ~ 120, has not been recorded in the books.
(d) The provision for doubtful debts which is shown in the books at ~ 300 is to be increased to ~ 400.
2. Raj Singh runs a business which has two departments. The following balances were extracted from his books on
30.6.2018 :
Particulars Dept. A (~) Dept. B (~) Common Expenses ~
Opening Stock on 1.1.2018 12,000 13,000 Commission payable 1,500
Purchases 24,520 36,544 Salaries 15,100
Sales 86,030 89,070 Advertising 2,500
Closing Stock 12,100 13,300 Rates 1,450
Wages 22,800 21,200 Insurance 400
Returns in 1,030 4,070 Repairs 800
Returns out 520 544 Lighting and heating 2,000
You are required to prepare Departmental Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the six month ended on 30.6.2018,
after taking into account the following information :
(a) (i) Salaries of ~ 400 are outstanding;
(ii) Rates ~ 250 have been paid in advance; and
(iii) Insurance ~ 80 is prepaid.
(b) Commission, salaries and advertising are to be charged to the departments in proportion to net turnover (sales
minus returns in); all other expenses are to be apportioned 1/4th to department A and 3/4th to department B.
3. M/s Z & Co has two departments. You are required to prepare the Trading and Profit and Loss Account for each
department for the year ended on 31st March, 2018 on the basis of the following information :
Particulars Dept. I (~) Dept. II (~)
Opening Stock (1.4.2017) 25,000 20,000
Purchases 2,30,000 1,90,000
Sales 6,33,000 4,92,000
Sales Returns 3,000 2,000
Closing Stock (31.3.2018) 30,000 18,000
Wages 80,000 60,000
Salaries 40,000 25,000
Other common expenses : Rent ~ 15,000; Electricity ~ 6,000; Depreciation ~ 18,000; Selling expenses ~ 8,000.
Some other relevant information is given below :
Particulars Dept.A (~) Dept. B (~)
Light Points 18 9
Value of Assets (~) 1,50,000 1,20,000
Floor Area (sq.ft.) 300 200
4. A departmental stores carries on its business through five departments, A, B, C, D and E.
(i) The following information for 2017 is now made available to you:
Salaries and Commission ~ 11,020; Rent and Rates ~ 2,900; Insurance ~ 1,160; Miscellaneous Expenses ~ 2,610.
All these expenses are chargeable to each department in proportion to the cost of the articles sold in the respective
(ii) The following balances as at 31.12.2017 were ascertained: (all figures in ~)
Particulars A B C D E
Opening stock at cost 10,000 6,000 15,000 8,000 9,000
Purchases 1,00,000 60,000 20,000 52,000 60,000
Sales 96,000 62,000 19,000 46,000 60,000
Closing stock at cost 23,000 8,000 6,000 2,000 11,000
Prepare the Profit and Loss Account to show the final result of each department and also the combined results with
respective percentages on sales.
Financial Accounting - II 9.55
5 The Trading and Profit and Loss Account of Hindustan Electronics for the year ending March 31, 2018 is as under:
(all figures in ~).
To Purchases: By Sales:
Transistors (X) 1,60,000 Transistors (X) 1,75,000
Tape Records (Y) 1,25,000 Tape Records (Y) 1,40,000
Spare parts for servicing & repair jobs (Z) 80,000 Servicing and repair jobs (Z) 35,000
To Wages 48,000 By Stock on 31.3.2018
To Rent 10,800 Transistors (X) 60,100
To Sundry Expenses 11,000 Tape Records (Y) 20,300
To Net Profit 40,200 Spare parts for servicing and repair jobs ( Z ) 44,600
4,75,000 4,75,000
Prepare Deparqtmental Accounts for each of the three Departments X, Y and Z mentioned above after taking into
consideration the following:
(a) Transistors and Tape Recorders are sold at the showroom. Servicing and repairs are carried out at the workshop.
(b) Wages comprise: Showroom 3/4; Workshop 1/4.
It was decided to allocate the showroom wages in the ratio of 1:2 between Departments X and Y respectively.
(c) The workshop rent is ~ 500 per month. The rent of the showroom is to be divided equally between Dept X & Y.
(d) Sundry expenses are to be allocated on the basis of the turnover of each department.
6. The Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December 2017 of D Q Holidays Limited, a company which
provides holidays at several resorts in Jammu and Kashmir is as follows: (all figures in ~).
Agents’ commission 90,600 Sales of holidays 9,06,000
Hire of aeroplanes 1,05,000 Net loss for the year 10,000
Coaches from airport to resort 7,000
Hotel accommodation 5,81,400
Salary & expenses of resort representatives 32,000
Brochures, advertising, head office and common costs 1,00,000
9,16,000 9,16,000
The managing director has complained to you, as chief accountant, that the form of presentation of this Profit and
Loss Account does not tell him where or why the net loss has been incurred and is of little use for management
You are required to redesign the Profit and Loss Account, using also the information given below, so that it will
overcome the complaints of the managing director. You are given the following information:
1. The public book their holidays with the company through local travel agents who were paid a commission of
10% of the gross price of the holiday.
2. Holidays were offered at six resorts in Jammu and Kashmir, namely P, Q, R, S,T and U.
3. Only one hotel was used in each resort.
4. Flights were from Delhi Airport to three airports in Jammu and Kashmir, as follows:
Airport For resorts Annual cost (~)
X P and Q 30,000
Y R and S 40,000
Z T and U 35,000
5. Separate coaches were used for the journey from the aiport to each resort hotel. The annual costs of these were:
To Resort : P ---- ~ 1,100; Q ---- ~ 900; R ---- ~ 1,400; S ---- ~ 1,100; T ---- ~ 1,700; and U ---- ~ 800.
6. The annual cost of hotel accommodation at each resort were:
P ---- ~ 3,05,900; Q ---- ~ 1,53,200; R ---- ~ 22,600; S ---- ~ 45,400; T ---- ~ 10,200; and U ---- ~ 44,100.
7. A separate representative was employed at each resort, and the annual costs were:
P ---- ~ 5,000; Q ---- ~ 4,500; R ---- ~ 6,000; S ---- ~ 5,500; T ---- ~ 5,700; and U ---- ~ 5,300.
8. Sales of holidays at the various resorts were:
P ---- ~ 4,80,000; Q ---- ~ 2,49,000; R ---- ~ 30,000; S ---- ~ 60,000; T ---- ~ 24,000; and U ---- ~ 68,000.
7. Shivam Ltd has three departments D1, D2 and D3. From the following particulars calculate :
1. The Departmental Gross Profit for the year ended 31st March, 2018.
2. The values of stocks as on 31st March, 2018 :
9.56 Departmental Accounts
You are instructed to prepare the accounts and are given further information as follows:
1. Provision is to be made for depreciation for the year of plant and machinery on cost at the end of the year at the
rate of 10 per cent in the case of the farm and 71/2 per cent in case of the cannery.
2. During the year tractor, included in farm plant and machinery at a cost of ~ 600 and in respect of which depreciation
of ~ 500 had been provided was sold for ~ 300 and was replaced by a new tractor costing ~ 800.
3. Fruit to the value of ~ 2,200 was supplied by the farm to the cannery.
4. Stocks in hand on December 31 2017, were valued as follows: Farm ~ 300, Cannery ~ 1,720.
5. Amounts owing, excluding loan interest accrued due at the end of the year were: Purchases : Cannery (included
in stock but not entered in the books) ~ 140; Trade expenses ~ 80.
6. Bought ledger balances at the end of the year included ~ 320 for cans supplied. Since the books were closed the
supplier agreed to allow ~ 160 as the cans were sub-standard. This allowance had been taken into account in
valuing the stock on December 31, 2017.
7. All expenses except where otherwise indicated, are to be apportioned on the basis : Farm ---- one-fourth, Cannery
---- three-fourths.
8. Orchard is to be charged ~ 2 per week for expenses incurred on his private car.
9. Freehold land, sold for ~ 850, had cost ~ 350.
10. Pippin, the manager of the cannery, is to be credited with 5 per cent of the cannery profits after charging his
You are required to prepare (a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account showing, separately, the net profit or loss of the
farm and of the cannery for the year ended December 31, 2017, and (b) Balance Sheet as on that date. Ignore taxation.
10. The following is the Trial Balance of Automatic Motors and Garage on March 31 2018:
Particulars Dr. Cr. Particulars Dr. Cr.
Opening Stock : Capital Account 76,250
Petrol and Oil 1,675 Drawings 8,500
Spare Parts and Tyres 5,500 Sales :
Tools 2,200 Petrol and Oil 23,000
Hire Cars 72,000 Spare Parts and Tyres 37,000
Purchases : Garage Receipts 4,000
Tools 4,000 Repairs Department 14,000
Spare Parts and Tyres 32,000 Hire Receipts 70,000
Petrol and Oil 41,250 Licence fees & permit fees for HireCars 3,000
Advertising Expenses 4,500 Office expenses 4,000
Rent, Rates and Taxes 12,000 Sundry Debtors 400
Insurance Premia : Sundry Creditors 1,200
On Hire Cars 4,000 Commission received on cars sold 5,000
Fire, theft and burglary cases 425 Loan 4,000
Wages : Cash in hand and at bank 2,000
Drivers 12,000
Repairs Department 16,500
Office 7,500
Garage 1,000 2,34,450 2,34,450
9.58 Departmental Accounts
13. You are given the following particulars of a business having three departments:
Particulars Purchases Opening Stock Sales
Department A 1,000 Units 120 Units 1,020 Units @ ~ 20 each
Department B 2,000 Units 80 Units 1,920 Units @ ~ 22.50 each
Department C 2,400 Units 152 Units 2,496 Units @ ~ 25 each
Additional information:
(i) Purchases were made at a total cost of ~ 92,000.
(ii) The rate of gross profit is the same in each case.
(iii) Purchases and sales prices are constant for the last two years.
Prepare Departmental Trading Account for the year 2018.
14. You are given the following particulars of a business having three departments:
Particulars Purchases Opening Stock Closing Stock
Department A 1,500 Units 200 Units 100 Units
Department B 1,000 Units 300 Units 160 Units
Department C 2,000 Units 150 Units 200 Units
Additional information:
(i) Purchases were made at a total cost of ~ 92,000.
(ii) The percentage of gross profit on turnover is the same in each case.
(iii) Purchases and sales prices are constant for the last 2 years.
(iv) Selling price per unit: Department A ~ 20; Department B ~ 25; and Department C ~ 30.
You are required to prepare Departmental Trading Account.
15. A company manufacturing electric components operates with two departments. Transfers are made between the
departments of both purchased goods and manufactured finished goods. Goods purchased are transferred at cost and
manufacturing goods are transferred only at selling price as in the case with open market.
Transactions for the year ended 30th June, 2018 are given below:
Particulars Dept X (~) Dept Y (~)
Opening Stock 20,000 15,000
Sales 1,90,000 1,35,000
Wages 12,500 7,500
Purchases 1,00,000 80,000
Closing stock :
Purchased goods 2,000 5,000
Manufactured goods 7,000 8,000
The following were the transfers from Department X to Department Y : purchased goods ~ 6,000 and finished goods
~ 20,000 and from Department Y to Department X : purchased goods ~ 5,000 and finished goods ~ 35,000.
Stocks were valued at cost to the department concerned. Only in closing stock of manufactured goods in the
departments transferred finished goods are 20%.
Draw out Departmental Trading Account and the Company’s Trading Account for the year ended 30th June 2018.
Guide to Answers
Practical Questions
1. Gross Profit : Deparment A ---- ~ 99,480; Department B ---- ~ 40,080;
Net Profit : ~ 1,29,250.
2. Departmental Profits : A ---- ~ 27,470; B ---- ~ 15,110.
3. Departmental Profits : A ---- ~ 2,57,500; B ---- ~ 1,93,500.
4. Departmental Profits : A ---- ~ 3,693; B ---- ~ 462; C ---- ~ 11,769 (loss); D ---- ~ 15,538; and E ---- ~ 1,538.
5. Net Profits : Department X ---- ~ 55,200; Department Y ---- ~ 4,500; Loss : Department Z ~ 19,500.
9.60 Departmental Accounts
6. Departmental Profits / Loss : Q ---- ~ 15,10,000; S ---- ~ 41,000 (Loss); U ---- ~ 20,000 (Loss); Total (Loss) ~ 10,000.
7. Departmental Gross Profit : D1 ---- ~ 32,500; D2 ---- ~ 39,400; D3 ---- ~ 24,600.
Closing Stock : D1 ---- ~ 30,000; D2 ---- ~ 40,000; D3 ---- ~ 10,000.
8. Departmental Gross Profit : X ---- ~ 17,319; Y ---- ~ 10,593; and Z ---- ~ 2,583.
Departmental Net Profit : X ---- RS 5,993; Y ---- ~ 864; and Z ---- ~ 660 (loss).
Balance Sheet total ---- ~ 57,541.
9. Departmental Gross Profit : Farm ---- ~ 780; Cannery ---- ~ 4,230.
Departmental Net Profit : Farm ---- ~ 260 (loss); Cannery ---- ~ 1,200.
Net Profit of the business as a whole ---- ~ 1,590;
Balance Sheet total ---- ~ 22,966.
10. Departmental Net Profit : Garage ---- ~ 1,525; Petrol ---- ~ 4,775; Spare parts ---- ~ 11,300; Car Hire ---- ~ 550;
Repairs ---- ~ 7,300 (loss); Net profit transferred to Capital Account ---- ~ 2,130.
Balance Sheet total ---- ~ 72,100.
11. Departmental Profit : A ---- ~ 44,500; B ---- ~ 8,200; C ---- ~ 7,100 (loss).
12. Departmental Loss : Department A ---- ~ 2,000; Department B ---- ~ 1,000; Department C ---- ~ 1,000;
Net loss transferred to Profit and Loss Account ~ 4,918.
13. Rate of Gross Profit : 25%. Departmental Gross Profit : A ---- ~ 4,080; B ---- ~ 8,640; and C ---- ~ 12,480.
14. Rate of Gross Profit : 20%. Departmental Gross Profit : A ---- ~ 6,400; B ---- ~ 5,700; and C ---- ~ 11,700.
15. Departmental Gross Profit : X ---- ~ 52,500; Y ---- ~ 59,500; Company’s Profit ---- ~ 1,11,110.
Rate of Gross Profit : X ---- 25%; Y ---- 35%.
Unrealised Profit on Stock : X ---- ~ 49; Y ---- ~ 400.