Venky safety

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1) a) What are the LSA code requirements regarding marking of Lifeboat and
inflatable Life Rafts?
Markings on Liferaft
The container shall be marked with:
1. maker's name or trade mark;
2. serial number;
3. name of approving authority and the number of persons it is permitted to carry;
5. type of emergency pack enclosed;
6. date when last serviced;
7. length of painter;
8. maximum permitted height of stowage above waterline (depending on drop-test height and
length of painter); and
9. launching instructions.
Markings on lifeboats The number of persons for which the lifeboat is approved shall be clearly marked on it in clear
permanent characters. The name and port of registry of the ship to which the lifeboat belongs shall be marked on
each side of the lifeboat's bow in block capitals of the Roman alphabet. Means of identifying the ship to which the lifeboat belongs and the number of the lifeboat shall
be marked in such a way that they are visible from above. Each lifeboat shall be fitted with a permanently affixed approval plate, endorsed by the
Administration or its representative, containing at least the following items:
1. manufacturer’s name and address;
2. lifeboat model and serial number;
3. month and year of manufacture;
4. number of persons the lifeboat is approved to carry; and
5. the approval information required under paragraph production lifeboat shall
be provided with a certificate or declaration of conformity which, in addition to the above
items, specifies:
6. number of the certificate of approval;
7. material of hull construction, in such detail as to ensure that compatibilityproblems in
repair should not occur;
8. total mass fully equipped and fully manned;
9. the measured towing force of the lifeboat; and
10. statement of approval as to sections 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 or 4.9.
b) Briefly write about the weekly and monthly inspection routine for above?
Lifeboat inspection
The following item to be examined and checked for satisfactory condition and operation.

1. Inspection of hook , their attachment

2. On load release gear and reset operation .
3. Running for 3 min for life boat engine and verifying gear box and gear train are engaged

4. For cargo ships moved from their stowed position, without any persons on board, to the extent
necessary to demonstrate satisfactory operation of launching appliances, if weather and sea
conditions so allow


1. Turned out from their stowed position, without any persons on board if weather and sea conditions
so allow.

2. Inspection of lifeboat equipment, Verification of satisfactory condition of item as per checklist

require by regulation 36.1

3. Monthly testing of water spray systems on lifeboats in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions
and then flushed through with fresh water

5 yearly

Hydrostatic test of air cylinders

Q.2) a) What is Risk Assessment?

Basically the risk assessment process is concerned with observing the company’s activities and
operations, identifying what might go wrong, and deciding upon what should be done in order to
prevent it. The areas pertained to are:
 Identification of hazards
 Assessment of the risks concerned
 Application of controls to reduce the risks
 Monitoring of the effectiveness of the controls
The identification of hazards is most important since in determines the course of actions to be
followed thereafter. Observation of the activities helps in achieving perfect accuracy and
completeness which again can only be accomplished by a systematic process. For this it is
necessary to have professional training and instruction to assure its application in a thorough and
consistent manner. Also it is important to keep in mind that hazards must not be confused with
incidents whereas incidents must not denote consequences.
The marine risk assessment helps in evaluation of each hazard associated with the risks in terms
of the likelihood of harm and its potential aftermath. This assists in enabling the company to
imply priorities and exploit its scarce resources for greatest effect.
While settling with the application of controls, it is essential to take the frequency of the activity
into account so that a potential moderate risk may be more important to be addressed upon than
a rare but substantial risk.
Q.4) Explain with reference to Maslow’s hierarchy theory, how you will motivate your
subordinates to give maximum productivity in their daily during their full tenure.
b) Describe the requirements of SOLAS Chapter II-I relating to protective coating of dedicated
sea water ballast tanks and double side skin space?

SOLAS (International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea) Chapter II-1 deals with the
construction and subdivision of ships. Specifically, regarding protective coatings for dedicated sea
water ballast tanks and double side skin spaces, the relevant requirements are outlined in SOLAS
Chapter II-1, Regulation 3-2.

Here’s a summary of these requirements:

1. Purpose and Scope:

o The regulations require that specific types of protective coatings are used to prevent
corrosion and maintain the integrity of dedicated sea water ballast tanks and double
side skin spaces. These areas are critical for maintaining the ship's stability and
structural integrity.
2. Ballast Tanks:
o Dedicated sea water ballast tanks must be coated with a protective coating system
that is designed to withstand the harsh marine environment. The coating system
should be appropriate for sea water and capable of providing long-term protection
against corrosion.
o The coatings should be applied according to the manufacturer’s specifications and
industry standards, ensuring they are suitable for the intended use and can endure
exposure to sea water.
3. Double Side Skin Spaces:
o Double side skin spaces, which are the areas between the outer hull and the inner
plating or bulkheads, must also be protected with an appropriate coating system.
This is essential to prevent corrosion in these confined spaces, which can be
challenging to inspect and maintain.
4. Approval and Standards:
o The protective coatings used must meet the standards set by recognized authorities
such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International
Association of Classification Societies (IACS).
o Coatings must be tested and approved to ensure they provide the required level of
protection and performance under marine conditions.
5. Maintenance and Inspection:
o Regular maintenance and inspections are required to ensure the protective coatings
remain effective over time. Any damage or deterioration in the coating should be
promptly repaired to prevent corrosion from compromising the ship's structural
6. Documentation and Compliance:
o Ships must maintain documentation proving that the protective coatings meet
SOLAS requirements and that they have been properly applied and maintained.
Compliance with these regulations is subject to inspection by maritime authorities.

Q.6) Describe the objectives of ISM Code:

1.2 Objectives 1.2.1 The objectives of the Code are to ensure safety at sea,
prevention of human injury or loss of life, and avoidance of damage to the
environment, in particular to the marine environment, and to property. 1.2.2 Safety-
management objectives of the Company should, inter alia: .1 provide for safe
practices in ship operation and a safe working environment; .2 assess all identified
risks to its ships, personnel and the environment and establish appropriate
safeguards; and .3 continuously improve safety-management skills of personnel
ashore and aboard ships, including preparing for emergencies related both to safety
and environmental protection. 1.2.3 The safety-management system should ensure:
.1 compliance with mandatory rules and regulations; and .2 that applicable codes,
guidelines and standards recommended by the Organization, Administrations,
classification societies and maritime industry organizations are taken into account.

a) Describe the role of DPA as per ISM code within your organization. Describe the responsibility
of company to provide necessary resources and support to DPA and Master for effective
implementation off safety management system as per ISM code

To ensure the safe operation of each ship and to provide a link between the Company and those on board,
every Company, as appropriate, should designate a person or persons ashore having direct access to the
highest level of management. The responsibility and authority of the designated person or persons should
include monitoring the safety and pollution- prevention aspects of the operation of each ship and ensuring
that adequate resources and shore-based support are applied, as required.


6.1 The Company should ensure that the master is: .1 properly qualified for command; .2 fully conversant
with the Company's SMS; and .3 given the necessary support so that the master's duties can be safely

6.2 The Company should ensure that each ship is: .1 manned with qualified, certificated and medically fit
seafarers in accordance with national and international requirements; and .2 appropriately manned in order
to encompass all aspects of maintaining safe operation on board.* * Refer to the Principles of minimum
safe manning, adopted by the Organization by Resolution A.1047(27)
6.3 The Company should establish procedures to ensure that new personnel and personnel transferred to
new assignments related to safety and protection of the environment are given proper familiarization with
their duties. Instructions which are essential to be provided prior to sailing should be identified,
documented and given.

6.4 The Company should ensure that all personnel involved in the Company's SMS have an adequate
understanding of relevant rules, regulations, codes and guidelines.

6.5 The Company should establish and maintain procedures for identifying any training which may be
required in support of the SMS and ensure that such training is provided for all personnel concerned.

6.6 The Company should establish procedures by which the ship's personnel receive relevant information
on the SMS in a working language or languages understood by them.

6.7 The Company should ensure that the ship's personnel are able to communicate effectively in the
execution of their duties related to the SMS.

b) Explain the basic principles of effective resource management.

Effective resource management is crucial for achieving organizational goals, optimizing

operations, and ensuring sustainability. The basic principles of effective resource management

1. Planning and Forecasting:

o Strategic Planning: Establish clear goals and objectives for resource utilization
based on the organization’s strategic vision. This involves forecasting future needs
and preparing plans to meet these needs efficiently.
o Resource Allocation: Allocate resources (human, financial, material) based on
priority and necessity to ensure that critical areas receive adequate attention.
2. Resource Identification and Inventory:
o Inventory Management: Maintain a comprehensive inventory of available resources.
This includes tracking and documenting all resources, such as personnel, equipment,
and finances.
o Resource Evaluation: Regularly assess the availability, condition, and suitability of
resources to ensure they meet current and future needs.
3. Optimization and Efficiency:
o Resource Utilization: Maximize the use of available resources by minimizing waste
and redundancy. Implement processes and practices that ensure resources are used
o Process Improvement: Continuously review and improve processes to enhance
resource utilization and reduce inefficiencies.
4. Monitoring and Control:
o Performance Monitoring: Establish metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs)
to monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of resource use. Regularly review
performance against these metrics.
o Control Mechanisms: Implement control mechanisms to manage and adjust
resource allocation as needed. This includes setting up procedures for addressing
issues and making corrections.
5. Risk Management:
o Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks and challenges that could impact resource
management. Develop strategies to mitigate these risks and ensure continuity.
o Contingency Planning: Create contingency plans for unforeseen circumstances that
may affect resource availability or utilization.
6. Cost Management:
o Budgeting: Develop and manage budgets to ensure that resources are allocated
according to financial constraints and organizational priorities.
o Cost Control: Monitor and control costs to prevent overspending and ensure that
financial resources are used effectively.
7. Communication and Coordination:
o Effective Communication: Ensure clear communication regarding resource needs,
availability, and usage among all stakeholders. This helps in aligning efforts and
avoiding misunderstandings.
o Coordination: Coordinate resource management activities across different
departments or teams to achieve overall organizational goals.
8. Sustainability and Long-Term Planning:
o Sustainable Practices: Implement practices that promote the sustainable use of
resources, considering environmental, social, and economic impacts.
o Long-Term Planning: Plan for the long-term needs of the organization, including
future resource requirements and potential growth or changes in demand.
9. Training and Development:
o Skills Development: Invest in training and development to ensure that personnel
have the skills needed to manage and utilize resources effectively.
o Knowledge Sharing: Encourage knowledge sharing and best practices within the
organization to enhance overall resource management capabilities.

What are the various signs will you notice as a sign of fatigue?

atigue can manifest in various ways, affecting both physical and mental well-being. Recognizing
the signs of fatigue is crucial for addressing it effectively and preventing further complications.
Here are some common signs of fatigue:

Physical Signs

1. Persistent Tiredness: A constant feeling of tiredness or lack of energy that doesn’t improve
with rest.
2. Muscle Weakness: Reduced strength or difficulty performing tasks that usually require
minimal effort.
3. Exhaustion: Feeling physically drained and unable to recover with normal rest or sleep.
4. Sleep Issues: Problems such as difficulty falling asleep, frequent waking during the night, or
feeling unrefreshed after sleep.
5. Increased Sensitivity: Heightened sensitivity to pain or discomfort.
6. Headaches: Frequent or severe headaches that might be related to physical strain or lack
of rest.
7. Digestive Problems: Issues like upset stomach, constipation, or changes in appetite.

Mental Signs

1. Difficulty Concentrating: Trouble focusing on tasks, making decisions, or following

2. Memory Problems: Forgetfulness or difficulty recalling information.
3. Decreased Motivation: A lack of interest or enthusiasm in activities that were previously
engaging or enjoyable.
4. Irritability: Increased irritability, mood swings, or emotional instability.
5. Feeling Overwhelmed: A sense of being overwhelmed by responsibilities or daily tasks.
6. Poor Judgment: Making mistakes or poor decisions due to impaired cognitive function.

Behavioral Signs

1. Reduced Performance: Decline in work or task performance, with a noticeable decrease in

efficiency and productivity.
2. Withdrawal: Avoiding social interactions or withdrawing from activities and responsibilities.
3. Neglect of Responsibilities: Difficulty maintaining daily responsibilities or personal care
4. Increased Absenteeism: Taking more sick days or frequent absences from work or other

Emotional Signs

1. Feelings of Hopelessness: Experiencing feelings of hopelessness or despair about the

2. Increased Stress: Higher levels of stress or anxiety, possibly due to perceived inability to
handle workloads or demands.
3. Depression: Symptoms of depression, such as persistent sadness, a lack of interest in
activities, or changes in sleep and appetite.

Safety-Related Signs

1. Drowsiness: Excessive drowsiness or falling asleep during activities where it is dangerous,

such as driving or operating machinery.
2. Reduced Reaction Time: Slower reaction times that could impact safety and performance,
especially in high-risk environments.

b) Explain Risk Assessment for entry into Double bottom Ballast tanks for purpose
of inspection

Risk Assessment for entry into Double Bottom Ballast Tanks, particularly for the purpose of
inspection, involves identifying potential hazards and implementing control measures to ensure
the safety of personnel and the environment. Double bottom ballast tanks are confined spaces,
and inspection requires careful planning due to the risks involved. Here’s how a typical risk
assessment would be conducted:

1. Hazard Identification:

 Oxygen Deficiency: The confined space may have low oxygen levels, which can pose a risk
of suffocation.
 Toxic Gases: The tanks may contain hazardous gases (e.g., hydrogen sulfide, CO2) from
ballast water or previous cargo.
 Engulfment: The risk of water or sludge engulfment, which can cause drowning or
 Structural Hazards: Slippery surfaces, poor lighting, and sharp edges within the tank can
lead to slips, trips, falls, or injury.
 Restricted Access/Egress: Limited space for movement can make evacuation difficult in
an emergency.
 Physical Strain: Working in a cramped environment for extended periods may cause fatigue
or musculoskeletal issues.
 Corrosion or Weak Structures: The tank’s structural integrity may be compromised,
increasing the risk of accidents.
 Heat Stress: Depending on environmental conditions, there could be risks of heat
exhaustion inside the tank.

2. Risk Assessment Process:

 Step 1: Job Analysis:

o Outline the tasks required for the inspection.
o Identify the equipment needed (e.g., personal protective equipment (PPE), breathing
apparatus, gas detectors).
o Determine the duration of the inspection and the number of personnel required.
 Step 2: Evaluate Hazards:
o Atmospheric Testing: Before entry, the atmosphere inside the tank must be tested
for oxygen levels and toxic gases using gas detection equipment.
o Ventilation: Ensure adequate ventilation to remove toxic gases and provide fresh air.
o Lighting and Communication: Portable, explosion-proof lighting and a reliable
communication system between the team inside the tank and those outside must be
 Step 3: Control Measures:
o Confined Space Entry Permit: Ensure all procedures are followed in line with a
confined space entry permit.
o Training and Competence: Only trained personnel should be allowed to enter the
tank. All individuals must be familiar with confined space entry procedures,
emergency protocols, and equipment.
o PPE and Safety Gear: Provide appropriate PPE such as helmets, gloves, harnesses,
non-sparking tools, and gas masks or air-supplied breathing apparatus if needed.
o Standby Personnel: Assign a dedicated standby team outside the tank to monitor
the workers and initiate rescue operations if required.
o Rescue Plan: A detailed rescue plan, with ready-to-use rescue equipment like
harnesses, winches, and retrieval lines, must be in place.
 Step 4: Implementing the Plan:
o Execute the inspection following all safety protocols. Ensure that atmospheric
conditions are continuously monitored, and all personnel are aware of potential risks.
 Step 5: Monitoring and Reviewing:
o Continually assess the working conditions during the inspection and adjust the
safety measures if necessary.
o After the job is completed, review the risk assessment to capture lessons learned
and improve future operations.

3. Regulatory References and Guidelines:

 ISM Code (International Safety Management Code): Emphasizes safety management

systems, including risk assessments for confined spaces like ballast tanks(ISM-Code).
 SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) Regulations: Provides guidance on safety procedures for
working in confined spaces(annex-3-life-saving-app…).
 Company-Specific Procedures: Most companies will have their own safety management
systems in line with international guidelines, including procedures for confined space entry
and inspection.

4. Emergency Preparedness:

 Rescue Team: A trained rescue team should be on standby with proper rescue equipment.
 First Aid: Ensure that first aid kits and personnel trained in emergency response are
available on site.
 Continuous Monitoring: Use real-time gas detection and communications to monitor the
atmosphere and communicate with the personnel inside the tank.

By conducting a thorough risk assessment and implementing these control measures, the risk of
injury, illness, or accidents during the inspection of double bottom ballast tanks can be
significantly minimized.

Q.3) a) What are the essential elements you will allocate while setting the priorities?
b) What are the factors will you, as a chief officer, consider while delegating various tasks to

a) Essential Elements to Allocate While Setting Priorities

As a chief officer, setting priorities is crucial for ensuring the smooth operation of the ship. The
essential elements to allocate when setting these priorities include:

1. Safety:
o The safety of the crew, passengers (if any), and the ship itself should always be the
top priority. This includes tasks related to safety drills, equipment checks, and
emergency preparedness.
o Compliance with international maritime safety regulations like SOLAS, ISM Code, and
the vessel’s Safety Management System (SMS) should be adhered to at all
2. Operational Efficiency:
o Tasks that directly impact the ship’s operation, such as cargo handling, ballast
management, and navigation duties, should be prioritized according to the schedule
and operational requirements.
o Ensure that machinery and equipment maintenance is conducted in a timely manner
to avoid breakdowns during operations(CAP & CAS SURVEY).
3. Legal and Regulatory Compliance:
o Prioritize tasks that ensure compliance with international conventions like MARPOL,
STCW, and other local maritime laws(Harmonized System of Su…)(ISM-Code).
o Survey requirements, such as Enhanced Survey Programmes (ESP) or other
inspections, must be scheduled and executed as needed(ENHANCED SURVEY
4. Crew Well-being:
o Ensure that crew members’ working hours are within limits, fatigue management is
handled effectively, and the working environment is conducive to good morale(5.
o Conduct regular training and ensure continuous professional development of the
5. Communication:
o Regular and clear communication within the team, between watchkeepers, and with
shore personnel must be maintained. Good communication is critical for decision-
making and coordination of tasks(1. COMMUNICATION)(2. ASSERTIVENESS).
6. Environmental Considerations:
o Allocate tasks that ensure the ship operates in an environmentally responsible
manner, such as ballast water management and pollution prevention(Harmonized
System of Su…).

b) Factors to Consider While Delegating Tasks to Subordinates

When delegating tasks as a chief officer, the following factors should be considered:

1. Competence and Experience:

o Assign tasks based on the qualifications, certifications, and experience of each crew
member. Ensure the person delegated is competent and knowledgeable about the
2. Workload and Fatigue:
o Take into account the current workload and fatigue levels of the crew. Delegating too
many tasks to the same person may cause fatigue, leading to errors or accidents(5.
3. Complexity and Risk of the Task:
o High-risk tasks such as working in confined spaces, inspections, or operations in
harsh environments should be delegated to crew members with proven experience
and reliability(CAP & CAS SURVEY)(2. ASSERTIVENESS).
4. Training and Skill Development:
o Provide opportunities for junior officers and crew to develop their skills by delegating
tasks that offer learning opportunities, while ensuring they are properly
supervised(3.LEADERSHIP)(4. MOTIVATION).
5. Leadership and Communication Skills:
o Some tasks require leadership or strong communication abilities, especially those
involving coordination between multiple departments or outside authorities.
Delegate these tasks to individuals with proven leadership and communication
6. Time Sensitivity:
o Urgent tasks should be delegated to crew members who can complete them
efficiently within the required time frame without compromising
7. Availability and Readiness:
o Ensure the person delegated to a task is physically and mentally ready for the task.
This is especially important for time-sensitive or critical tasks(5. FATIGUE).

By considering these factors, you can delegate tasks effectively, ensuring the safety, efficiency,
and well-being of the entire crew and the vessel.

Q.5) a) A coaster has collided with you anchored ship, a loaded crude oil tanker, on which you
serving as Chief Officer. Cargo is escaping from above the waterline. List the initial and
actions that you will take

Initial Actions

1. Sound the Alarm:

o Immediately sound the general alarm to alert the crew about the emergency.
2. Activate Emergency Response Plan:
o Initiate the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) to prevent further
pollution and manage the situation.
3. Assess the Situation:
o Quickly assess the extent of damage and the location of the cargo leakage.
Determine if there are any injuries to the crew or immediate dangers to the vessel’s
o Identify the nature of the oil leak (type of crude, rate of escape, location above the
waterline, etc.).
4. Stop Cargo Operations (if applicable):
o If cargo operations are ongoing (such as internal transfers or ballasting),
immediately stop them to avoid exacerbating the leak.
5. Notify the Master:
o Inform the Master of the situation and provide detailed information about the
damage, cargo escape, and any immediate risks.
6. Alert the Relevant Authorities:
o Notify the coastal authorities, port control, the company, and any nearby vessels
about the collision and the potential pollution threat.
o Send out a pollution warning to nearby ships and port authorities using appropriate
communication channels (VHF, etc.).
7. Deploy Anti-Pollution Measures:
o Deploy oil spill containment booms, if available, around the leak to prevent the oil
from spreading further.
o Have oil spill response equipment, such as absorbent materials, ready for immediate
8. Isolate the Damaged Tank:
o Isolate the leaking tank by closing relevant valves, if possible, to stop or reduce the
cargo escape.
o If safe, reduce pressure in the damaged tank to minimize leakage by pumping the
cargo into an empty tank or into a safer part of the vessel.

Subsequent Actions

1. Stabilize the Vessel:

o Ensure the stability of the ship is maintained by taking ballast if required. Monitor the
list and trim of the vessel carefully to avoid further stressing the damaged area.
2. Emergency Communication:
o Maintain open lines of communication with the authorities, reporting developments
as they occur. Inform the oil spill response team, salvage companies, and the
company’s crisis management team.
3. Prevent Fire Risk:
o As crude oil is highly flammable, ensure all ignition sources are eliminated. Stop any
non-essential electrical equipment and maintain a fire watch on deck.
o Have fire-fighting equipment, including hoses and foam, ready in case of a fire.
4. Monitor for Spillage:
o Continuously monitor the extent of the spillage and report to the authorities.
Document the incident with photos and logs, ensuring that all actions are recorded.
5. Evacuate Non-Essential Personnel (if necessary):
o In the case of a serious risk of explosion or worsening of the situation, consider
evacuating non-essential personnel to a safer location.
6. Coordinate with Salvage Teams:
o Coordinate with any salvage team that may be dispatched by the authorities or
company. Ensure safe access for salvage or emergency response teams to the ship.
7. Maintain Continuous Situation Awareness:
o Continue to assess the ship's condition, cargo, and weather. Adjust the emergency
plan as needed to address any new developments.
8. Environmental Protection:
o As the pollution threat continues, deploy additional pollution control measures if
available, such as skimmers or additional booms.
o Liaise with environmental protection agencies to minimize the environmental impact
of the spillage.
9. Assist in Investigations:
o Be prepared to assist authorities in any investigations that may follow, including the
collection of evidence such as logs, photographs, and witness statements.

By following these initial and subsequent actions, you can mitigate the impact of the collision,
manage the cargo escape, and minimize the environmental damage effectively.

Q.7) a) How as a Chief officer on a Chemical tanker with hectic work schedule, will you prevent
fatigue to the crew members?

To prevent fatigue among crew members on a chemical tanker with a hectic work schedule, a
Chief Officer should focus on managing the workload, providing adequate rest periods, and
creating a balanced work environment. Here’s how these measures can be implemented, based on
the documents provided, especially the Fatigue Presentation and relevant maritime guidelines:

1. Workload Management:

 Distribute workload evenly: Ensure that the tasks are distributed fairly among the crew so
that no individual is overburdened. In case of critical operations, employ more hands to
reduce the strain on specific crew members.
 Prioritize tasks: Identify critical tasks and plan schedules to focus on those. Less urgent
work should be deferred to avoid overworking the crew during busy periods. This follows
the guidelines for maintaining good performance by preventing excessive
workloads(Fatigue Presentation ).
 Create a flexible watch system: Depending on the intensity of the work, the traditional 4-
on/8-off watch system might need adjustments, especially during port operations and
cargo handling. Ensure proper rotations to allow adequate rest for all crew members.

2. Rest Periods and Compliance with Regulations:

 Strictly enforce rest periods: As per the International Safety Management (ISM) Code and
maritime regulations, ensure the crew gets sufficient rest. Compliance with rest hour
requirements (SOLAS, MLC) is essential(ISM CODE)(Fatigue Presentation ). Monitoring
working hours is critical to ensuring that the crew receives the legally required rest periods.
 Schedule breaks and naps: Encourage short naps and breaks during the day to allow crew
members to recharge, especially during long workdays. Napping can be particularly
effective in combating fatigue(Fatigue Presentation ).

3. Training and Awareness:

 Fatigue awareness training: Educate the crew on recognizing fatigue symptoms, such as
forgetfulness, poor coordination, and slow decision-making. Encourage them to report
when they feel fatigued so adjustments can be made(Fatigue Presentation ).
 Encourage open communication: Create a working environment where crew members feel
comfortable discussing their fatigue or inability to continue safely. They should know that
it’s acceptable to request rest breaks if they feel exhausted.

4. Environmental and Ship-Specific Considerations:

 Manage environmental factors: Pay attention to noise, temperature, and ship motion, as
they can affect sleep quality. Ensure the crew gets adequate rest in comfortable and quiet
conditions(Fatigue Presentation ). Minimize exposure to harsh weather conditions during
deck operations by scheduling tasks appropriately.
 Plan for shifts in port operations: Port operations can be very demanding due to frequent
turnarounds, particularly for chemical tankers. Plan shifts that allow for sufficient off-duty
time after these high-stress operations(Fatigue Presentation ).

5. Health and Well-being:

 Maintain crew’s physical fitness: Encourage regular exercise and a balanced diet. Crew
members should avoid heavy meals or excessive caffeine intake before sleep, as these can
disrupt their rest(Fatigue Presentation ).
 Support crew mentally and emotionally: Fatigue is also influenced by psychological factors
such as stress. Regular check-ins with the crew, addressing personal concerns, and
ensuring a good social environment onboard can help mitigate these issues(Fatigue
Presentation ).

By applying these measures effectively, the Chief Officer can reduce the risks of fatigue and
ensure a safer, more efficient operation on the chemical tanker.

Q.1) a) Describe maintenance & inspection requirements of Life Saving Equipments as per
SOLAS Chapter III.
b) Prepare a list of Life Saving Appliances required as per SOLAS Chapter III for a chemical
tanker built 2010 engaged in International Voyages.

Q1. a) Maintenance & Inspection Requirements of Life Saving Equipment as per


The maintenance and inspection of Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) are critical to ensuring the safety
of crew and passengers at sea. According to SOLAS Chapter III, which deals with life-saving
appliances and arrangements, here are the key requirements for maintenance and inspection:

1. Regular Maintenance (SOLAS III/20.4 & III/20.6)

 Monthly inspections: All life-saving appliances must undergo regular monthly inspections to ensure
that they are in good condition, properly stowed, and ready for immediate use. The inspection
includes items like lifeboats, life rafts, lifejackets, and other safety equipment(annex-3-life-saving-
 Detailed annual inspections: More comprehensive inspections must be performed at least once a
year by qualified personnel. These inspections must ensure the functionality and integrity of all life-
saving appliances.
 Servicing intervals: Lifeboats, rescue boats, launching appliances, and on-load release gear must be
serviced at regular intervals (not exceeding five years), often requiring shore-based servicing(annex-
3-life-saving-app…)(Fatigue Presentation ).
 Hydrostatic releases and other critical items: Equipment such as hydrostatic release units must be
serviced annually by approved service providers, with intervals not exceeding 12 months.
Hydrostatic tests for inflatable life rafts and lifejackets must also be conducted(annex-3-life-saving-
 Immersion suits and thermal protective aids: Regular inspections and air pressure tests for
immersion suits must be performed every 3 years, with more frequent checks required for suits
older than 10 years(annex-3-life-saving-app…).

2. Operational Readiness (SOLAS III/20.2)

 All life-saving appliances must be in a state of operational readiness at all times. This means they
should be easily accessible and capable of being used in emergencies without hindrance(annex-3-

3. Testing of Lifeboat and Rescue Boat Equipment (SOLAS III/20.7)

 Lifeboat and rescue boat engines must be tested weekly, and the boats themselves should be
launched and maneuvered in water at least once every three months. The launching appliances,
winches, and davits must also be tested regularly under operational conditions(annex-3-life-saving-

4. Inspection of Personal Life-Saving Appliances

 Lifejackets and immersion suits: These must be inspected monthly to check for any damage, tears,
or signs of deterioration. Lifejackets and immersion suits should also be stored properly to prevent
 Lifeboats and life rafts: Inspections should ensure that these are properly secured, have
appropriate equipment on board (e.g., pyrotechnics, food, water, and first aid), and are not
obstructed(annex-3-life-saving-app…)(Fatigue Presentation ).

5. Record-Keeping (SOLAS III/20.8)

 A log of all inspections, servicing, and maintenance must be kept on board, documenting the date of
the inspection, the person responsible, and the next scheduled inspection(annex-3-life-saving-

Q1. b) List of Life-Saving Appliances Required for a Chemical Tanker Built in 2010 on
International Voyages (as per SOLAS Chapter III)

For a chemical tanker built in 2010, engaged in international voyages, the following life-saving
appliances must be carried on board, in accordance with SOLAS Chapter III:

1. Lifeboats and Rescue Boats:

 Lifeboats: Each side of the tanker must be equipped with a lifeboat, which can be a free-fall or davit-
launched lifeboat, depending on the vessel’s design. Lifeboats should be equipped with the
necessary provisions (food, water, first aid, thermal protective aids, etc.)(annex-3-life-saving-
app…)(Fatigue Presentation ).
 Rescue boats: At least one rescue boat must be provided, which can be a separate boat or one of
the lifeboats designed for both rescue and lifeboat purposes(annex-3-life-saving-app…).

2. Life Rafts:

 Inflatable life rafts: Life rafts capable of accommodating the total number of persons on board
must be provided, with at least one life raft on each side of the vessel. Alternatively, a life raft that
can be transferred from one side to the other may be acceptable(annex-3-life-saving-app…).

3. Personal Life-Saving Appliances:

 Lifejackets: Each person on board must have a lifejacket, with additional lifejackets readily available
near muster stations and lifeboat stations(annex-3-life-saving-app…)(annex-3-life-saving-app…).
 Immersion suits: Each crew member must have an immersion suit, which should be readily
accessible near the lifeboat stations(annex-3-life-saving-app…).

4. Lifebuoys and Line-Throwing Appliances:

 Lifebuoys: At least 8 lifebuoys must be carried, some fitted with self-igniting lights and some with
buoyant lifelines(annex-3-life-saving-app…)(Fatigue Presentation ).
 Line-throwing appliance: At least one line-throwing appliance must be carried on board, with a
minimum of four projectiles(annex-3-life-saving-app…).

5. Distress Signals:

 Pyrotechnic signals: A sufficient number of rocket parachute flares and hand flares must be carried,
typically 12 rocket parachute flares, and additional hand flares as required(annex-3-life-saving-app…).

6. Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB):

 An EPIRB that operates on the 406 MHz frequency must be installed for sending distress signals to
satellite systems(annex-3-life-saving-app…)(Fatigue Presentation ).
7. Search and Rescue Transponder (SART):

 At least one SART should be carried on board for locating the vessel or lifeboats during search and
rescue operations(annex-3-life-saving-app…)(Fatigue Presentation ).

8. Emergency Escape Breathing Devices (EEBD):

 EEBDs must be provided in accommodation and machinery spaces, in sufficient numbers to allow
safe escape(annex-3-life-saving-app…).

9. Fire Extinguishers and Fireman’s Outfits:

 Although primarily related to fire safety, fire extinguishers and fireman’s outfits (including breathing
apparatus) are considered critical life-saving equipment as well(annex-3-life-saving-app…).

By ensuring compliance with SOLAS Chapter III, a chemical tanker will have the necessary life-
saving appliances on board, improving the chances of survival in case of emergency.

Q.2) a) How is a ship security plan made and what are its contents and draw procedure for its
b) List the items covered during the Chief Officer’s weekly safety inspection of ship as
prescribed in code of Safe Working Practices

Q2. a) How a Ship Security Plan (SSP) is Made and Its Contents, Along with Revision

1. Development of a Ship Security Plan (SSP)

The Ship Security Plan (SSP) is a key document required by the International Ship and Port Facility
Security (ISPS) Code, aimed at establishing procedures and measures to ensure maritime security
and prevent security-related incidents. Here's how an SSP is typically made:

 Security Assessment: Before developing an SSP, a Ship Security Assessment (SSA) is

conducted to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities. This assessment examines ship
operations, trade routes, ports visited, and historical incidents involving the ship or similar
vessels(IMO structure).
 Consultation with Relevant Authorities: The development of the SSP involves close
collaboration with the flag state administration, recognized security organizations, and port
state authorities to ensure compliance with international regulations such as the ISPS Code
and SOLAS(IMO structure).
 Ship Security Officer (SSO): The Ship Security Officer, along with the Company's designated
person, plays a crucial role in preparing the SSP. The SSO ensures that the plan is
customized for the specific ship's type, operations, and routes(IMO structure).

2. Contents of a Ship Security Plan (SSP)

The SSP contains several key elements to ensure the security of the vessel and its crew.
According to the ISPS Code and SOLAS, the SSP includes:

 Security Responsibilities: Clear definition of security duties for shipboard personnel and the
Ship Security Officer (SSO)(IMO structure).
 Communication Procedures: Protocols for communicating security threats and responses,
including coordination with port facilities and the ship’s management(IMO structure).
 Security Levels and Actions: Specific measures for each of the three security levels defined
in the ISPS Code (normal, heightened, and imminent threat), including access control, cargo
screening, and restricted areas(IMO structure).
 Access Control: Procedures for controlling and monitoring access to the ship, including
measures to prevent unauthorized access(IMO structure).
 Restricted Areas: Designation and protection of restricted areas on board (e.g., the bridge,
engine room) to prevent unauthorized entry(IMO structure).
 Ship Security Alert System (SSAS): Activation procedures for the ship security alert system
to notify authorities in the event of a security threat(IMO structure).
 Drills and Exercises: Procedures for conducting regular security drills and exercises,
ensuring the preparedness of the crew to handle potential security breaches(IMO structure).

3. Revision Procedure for the Ship Security Plan

To ensure the SSP remains effective and up-to-date, the plan must be regularly reviewed and

 Regular Audits and Reviews: The SSP should be audited periodically, especially after
security incidents, major changes in ship operations, or when new threats arise(IMO
 Incorporating Feedback from Drills and Real Incidents: Results from security drills and real
incidents must be incorporated into the plan to improve its effectiveness. Feedback should
be documented and analyzed to adjust security measures accordingly(IMO structure).
 Approval by Authorities: Any revisions to the SSP must be approved by the relevant flag
state administration or recognized security organization. Once revised, the updated version
must be submitted for verification and approval(IMO structure).
 Crew Training on Revisions: After the plan has been revised, the ship’s crew must be
briefed on the changes. Additional training or drills should be conducted to ensure the crew
understands the updated procedures(IMO structure).

Q2. b) Items Covered During the Chief Officer’s Weekly Safety Inspection of Ship as
Prescribed in the Code of Safe Working Practices

As part of the safety management system, the Chief Officer is responsible for conducting weekly
safety inspections. According to the Code of Safe Working Practices (CSWP), the following key
items are typically covered during these

1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Checks:

o Ensuring that all PPE (helmets, gloves, safety shoes, goggles, etc.) are in good condition and
readily available for use(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
o Verifying that PPE is used correctly by all crew members during
2. Fire Safety Equipment:
o Checking the availability, accessibility, and functionality of firefighting appliances, including
fire extinguishers, fire hoses, and fire blankets(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
o Inspecting fire detection and alarm systems for proper
3. Life-Saving Appliances:
o Inspecting life-saving appliances such as life rafts, lifeboats, lifejackets, and immersion suits
for proper stowage and condition(annex-3-life-saving-app…)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
o Verifying that lifeboat engines and launching equipment are operational(annex-3-life-saving-
4. Emergency Exits and Escape Routes:
o Ensuring that all emergency exits and escape routes are clear of obstructions and properly
5. Confined Space Safety:
o Checking the safety of confined spaces by inspecting ventilation, gas detection equipment,
and ensuring that the confined space entry procedures are being
6. Mooring and Lifting Gear:
o Inspecting mooring ropes, winches, lifting gear, and wires for signs of wear, tear, or damage.
Ensuring compliance with maintenance schedules(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
7. Electrical Safety:
o Verifying that electrical systems are safe, with all wiring properly insulated and electrical
panels clear of obstructions(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
8. Access and Work Areas:
o Ensuring that access ladders, gangways, and walkways are safe, well-lit, and free from
o Inspecting tools and equipment in use for any defects that could lead to
9. Machinery Space Safety:
o Checking the condition of machinery and ensuring that guards and emergency stops are in
place and functional(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
10. Housekeeping and General Cleanliness:
o Ensuring that all areas of the ship, particularly working areas and living quarters, are kept
clean and tidy to avoid slip, trip, and fall hazards(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
11. Medical and First Aid Supplies:
o Verifying that the ship’s medical supplies and first aid kits are adequately stocked and that
medications are within their expiration dates(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
12. Safety Signage and Notices:
o Ensuring that all safety signs, muster lists, and safety instructions are legible and properly
displayed throughout the vessel(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

By covering these items during the weekly inspection, the Chief Officer helps ensure that the ship
remains safe for all crew members, reducing the risk of accidents and improving overall
operational safety

Q.3) a) What are the parts of ship’s hull most liable for corrosion and how you counteract this
from getting corroded.
b) Enumerate the inspection schedule for cargo handling crane.

Q3. a) Parts of a Ship’s Hull Most Liable for Corrosion and Methods to Counteract

Corrosion is a significant issue for ships, especially for vessels like chemical tankers that operate
in harsh marine environments. The following parts of a ship’s hull are most vulnerable to corrosion:

1. Ballast Tanks:

 Reason for corrosion: Ballast tanks are constantly exposed to seawater, which can lead to severe
corrosion due to the presence of dissolved oxygen and salts.
 Countermeasure: Regular inspection and maintenance of ballast tanks are essential. Cathodic
protection (such as sacrificial anodes or impressed current systems) is widely used to reduce
corrosion by making the metal surface less likely to oxidize. Coating the inside of ballast tanks with
specialized anti-corrosion paint also helps prevent corrosion(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

2. Hull Below the Waterline:

 Reason for corrosion: The hull below the waterline is constantly in contact with seawater, leading to
electrochemical reactions that cause corrosion.
 Countermeasure: Anti-fouling coatings and cathodic protection systems are applied to protect the
underwater hull. Regular cleaning to remove marine growth (biofouling) and frequent inspection are
also necessary to prevent degradation(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

3. Deck Area and Superstructure:

 Reason for corrosion: The deck and superstructure are exposed to saltwater spray and atmospheric
conditions, which can cause corrosion over time, especially in cracks, crevices, and weld joints.
 Countermeasure: Regular painting and surface treatment are essential for these areas. The use of
high-quality marine-grade coatings is necessary to protect the deck and superstructure from salt
and weather-related corrosion(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

4. Bilge Areas:

 Reason for corrosion: Bilges often contain stagnant water and may have oil and other corrosive
substances mixed in, making them prone to corrosion.
 Countermeasure: Bilges must be kept dry and clean at all times. Regular cleaning and inspection
are essential. Coating the bilges with anti-corrosion materials also helps mitigate the

5. Cargo Holds (for Chemical Tankers):

 Reason for corrosion: Cargo holds on chemical tankers may be exposed to aggressive chemicals,
causing chemical corrosion.
 Countermeasure: Use of corrosion-resistant materials like stainless steel in the construction of the
cargo holds, as well as applying chemical-resistant coatings, is critical. Regular washing and
neutralizing chemical residues between voyages are also important preventive

6. Propeller and Rudder Areas:

 Reason for corrosion: These areas are prone to galvanic corrosion due to the interaction of
dissimilar metals in the presence of seawater.
 Countermeasure: The use of sacrificial anodes on the propeller and rudder helps prevent galvanic
corrosion. Regular inspections and replacement of anodes when necessary are important steps to
maintaining protection(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

7. Weld Seams and Joints:

 Reason for corrosion: Weld seams are more prone to corrosion due to residual stresses from
welding and the potential for poor-quality welds that allow moisture ingress.
 Countermeasure: High-quality welding practices combined with anti-corrosive coatings on weld
seams can significantly reduce the risk of corrosion. Regular inspection of welds for cracks or signs
of corrosion is essential(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

Q3. b) Inspection Schedule for Cargo Handling Crane

Cargo handling cranes are critical equipment on ships, especially for vessels like chemical tankers,
where precise and safe handling of cargo is essential. To ensure the safe operation of cargo
cranes, a structured inspection and maintenance schedule must be followed:

1. Daily Inspections:

 Visual checks for wear and tear: Check wire ropes, hooks, pulleys, and other load-bearing parts for
any signs of wear, corrosion, or damage. Ensure that moving parts are well-lubricated(annex-3-life-
 Hydraulic and electrical systems: Visually inspect the hydraulic systems for leaks and the electrical
components for proper functioning, paying attention to connectors, switches, and control systems.
 Operational testing: Conduct a short operational test of the crane's lifting, swinging, and lowering
movements to ensure smooth functionality(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

2. Weekly Inspections:

 Load-bearing parts: A more thorough inspection of load-bearing components such as ropes, hooks,
and sheaves. Ensure that wire ropes are in good condition and show no signs of fraying or
 Brake systems: Test the crane's brake system to ensure it is functioning properly under different
loads and stopping conditions(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
 Lubrication: Ensure that all moving parts, such as hinges, pulleys, and wire ropes, are properly
lubricated to reduce friction and wear(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

3. Monthly Inspections:

 Structural inspection: Examine the crane’s main structure, including the jib and base, for any signs
of stress, cracks, or corrosion. Look for paint damage or rust spots that could indicate underlying
 Wire rope inspection: Conduct a detailed inspection of the wire ropes, paying attention to areas that
pass over pulleys or drums, as these are prone to wear. Any rope with significant wear or fraying
should be replaced immediately(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Hydraulic systems: Check hydraulic oil levels, inspect hoses for leaks or wear, and ensure that seals
and gaskets are in good condition(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

4. Quarterly Inspections:

 Load testing: A load test should be conducted quarterly to ensure that the crane can safely lift and
maneuver the maximum load it is rated for. During load testing, closely monitor the crane's
performance for any abnormalities(annex-3-life-saving-app…)(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
 Safety devices: Test all safety devices, including limit switches, overload alarms, and emergency
stop systems, to ensure they function correctly(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

5. Annual Inspections:

 Thorough inspection by certified personnel: An annual inspection should be conducted by a

qualified inspector or service provider to assess the overall condition of the crane. This should
include a detailed examination of all structural, hydraulic, and mechanical
 Non-destructive testing (NDT): Use non-destructive testing methods, such as ultrasonic or
magnetic particle testing, to check for internal defects in the crane’s structural components that
might not be visible during routine inspections(annex-3-life-saving-app…).
 Certification renewal: Ensure that the crane’s certification is renewed after a successful inspection,
confirming that it meets all regulatory standards and is safe for

6. Five-Yearly Inspection:

 Overhaul of critical components: Every five years, a major overhaul of critical components such as
wire ropes, brakes, and hydraulic systems should be carried out. All critical components should be
either replaced or thoroughly serviced to ensure long-term operational safety(annex-3-life-saving-
 Load test with certification: A comprehensive load test with certification should be conducted to
verify that the crane is capable of operating under its maximum rated load

By adhering to this comprehensive inspection schedule, the Chief Officer ensures the cargo
crane's safety and functionality, minimizing the risk of equipment failure and accidents.

Q.4) a) Draw a contingency plan and procedure for a ship having blackout condition. Restoration
of power is to be done.
b) What you understand by Emergency preparedness as per ISM code.

Q4. a) Contingency Plan and Procedure for a Ship Facing a Blackout Condition

In the event of a blackout on board a ship, it is essential to have a well-structured contingency plan
to restore power safely and effectively while ensuring the safety of the crew, ship, and
environment. Below is a step-by-step contingency plan and procedure for dealing with a blackout
and restoring power.

Contingency Plan for Blackout Condition

Objective: To safely manage the ship during a blackout condition and restore power while
ensuring the safety of the crew and vessel.

Responsibility: Chief Engineer (engine room operations), Chief Officer (deck operations), and
Master (overall command).

Procedure for Managing a Blackout Condition:

1. Initial Response:
o Alarm Activation: Automatic alarms will sound indicating loss of power. The Officer of the
Watch (OOW) must immediately notify the Master and Chief Engineer.
o Stop ship’s movement: If the ship is underway, bring it to a controlled stop, maintaining
communication with nearby vessels and authorities(ISM CODE).
o Engage emergency power: Emergency power systems, including emergency generators, will
activate to provide power for essential systems such as navigation, communication, and
emergency lighting(ISM CODE).
2. Assess the Situation:
o Identify the cause: The Chief Engineer and engineering crew must proceed to the engine
control room to diagnose the cause of the blackout. Potential causes include:
 Fuel supply issues
 Electrical faults (generator, circuit breakers)
 Mechanical failure (main engine, auxiliary engines)(ISM
o Check auxiliary systems: Verify the functionality of cooling, lubrication, and control air
systems to ensure no critical systems have failed.
3. Immediate Safety Measures:
o Bridge team action: The OOW on the bridge must ensure that emergency communication
equipment (VHF radio) is operational and inform nearby vessels of the ship’s status if
o Control steering: Engage emergency steering to maintain navigational safety, particularly in
high-traffic or shallow waters(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
o Monitor essential systems: Check the operation of emergency lighting, fire detection
systems, bilge pumps, and ventilation(ISM CODE).
4. Restoring Power:
o Start emergency generator: If not automatically started, manually activate the emergency
generator to power essential systems.
o Check fuel systems: Ensure that the fuel supply to the generators is uninterrupted. If there is
an issue, switch to a backup fuel tank or system(ISM CODE).
o Start auxiliary generator: Attempt to restart one of the auxiliary generators manually. Once
stable, use the generator to restore power to the main systems and start sequential load
distribution to prevent overloading(ISM CODE).
o Check the main engine: After power is restored, assess the condition of the main engine. If
necessary, reset safety devices such as the emergency stop and start the main engine
following normal procedures(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).
5. Post-Blackout Checks:
o System reset: Once power is restored, check all critical systems for damage or malfunction
(e.g., navigation, communication, ventilation, and propulsion systems).
o Record the incident: Ensure that the blackout is logged in the ship’s logbook, detailing the
cause, actions taken, and the time taken to restore power(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
6. Inform relevant parties:
o Notify authorities: Once power has been restored, inform the flag state authority, company,
and port control as per standard operating procedures. If the blackout caused any significant
delay or incident, a detailed report must be prepared and submitted(ISM

Procedure for Power Restoration:

1. Check all electrical switchboards for faults.

2. Switch off non-essential loads before attempting to restart any generator to prevent further
3. Start auxiliary engines manually to bring back essential loads.
4. Sequentially restore systems starting from the most critical to the least critical (navigation,
propulsion, communication systems, followed by hotel loads).
5. Conduct post-blackout safety checks, ensuring all systems are functioning properly and
reinitializing any automated systems that were reset during the blackout.

Q4. b) Emergency Preparedness as per ISM Code

Emergency preparedness is a key aspect of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code,
which is designed to ensure the safety of ships, crew, and the marine environment. According to
the ISM Code, emergency preparedness refers to the processes and procedures established to
ensure a ship and its crew can respond effectively to emergencies.

Key Elements of Emergency Preparedness under ISM Code:

1. Identification of Potential Emergencies:

o A ship’s Safety Management System (SMS) must include a procedure to identify potential
emergency scenarios. These can include fire, collision, grounding, oil spills, equipment
failures (such as blackouts), piracy, and other situations that could threaten the safety of the
ship and the environment(ISM CODE).
2. Development of Emergency Procedures:
o The company must establish documented procedures to deal with each identified
emergency. This includes detailed contingency plans that outline specific actions to be
taken by crew members, the roles and responsibilities during an emergency, and
communication protocols to be followed(ISM CODE)(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
3. Emergency Drills and Exercises:
o The ISM Code mandates regular emergency drills and exercises to ensure that crew
members are familiar with emergency procedures. Drills for emergencies such as fire,
abandon ship, man overboard, and power failure are conducted frequently to ensure
preparedness(ISM CODE)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
4. Communication During Emergencies:
o The SMS must ensure that there are clear lines of communication during emergencies, both
internally (within the crew) and externally (with port authorities, rescue services, and the
ship’s operating company). Procedures must also exist for using emergency communication
equipment such as VHF radios and EPIRBs(ISM CODE)(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
5. Availability of Emergency Equipment:
o Emergency equipment, such as life-saving appliances (lifeboats, life rafts, immersion suits),
firefighting equipment, and communication tools, must be well-maintained and ready for
immediate use. The ISM Code requires regular inspections and maintenance of this
equipment(ISM CODE).
6. Master’s Authority:
o As per the ISM Code, the Master of the ship has overriding authority to make decisions
related to safety and pollution prevention during emergencies. The Master is empowered to
take all necessary actions, including requesting assistance from the company and external
authorities, to safeguard the crew and ship(ISM CODE).
7. Review and Improvement:
o After any emergency or drill, a review must be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the
procedures and identify areas for improvement. Any lessons learned are incorporated into
revised emergency procedures, ensuring continuous improvement of the SMS(ISM CODE).

In summary, emergency preparedness in the ISM Code is about being ready for unexpected
situations through identification of risks, planning, regular drills, clear communication, and
ensuring that all necessary equipment is functional and accessible. It requires continuous training,
assessment, and improvement to ensure a ship and its crew are capable of responding effectively
to emergencies

Q.5) a) What is the purpose of a work permit? Using a shipboard example explain the importance
a Hot Work Permit.
b) Describe the precautions to be taken before switching on the welding machine?

Q5. a) Purpose of a Work Permit and Importance of a Hot Work Permit

Purpose of a Work Permit

A work permit is a formal document used on board ships to ensure that specific high-risk tasks
are performed safely and under controlled conditions. It sets out the necessary precautions, safety
measures, and authorization before beginning a hazardous operation. The main purposes of a
work permit include:

 Ensuring that all risks are identified, assessed, and mitigated before commencing work.
 Establishing clear communication between those performing the work and the officers or crew in
 Ensuring that all required safety measures and personal protective equipment (PPE) are in place.
 Providing written authorization to proceed with hazardous tasks only when it is safe to do

Hot Work Permit on a Ship – Example and Importance

A Hot Work Permit is required for any operation involving open flames, sparks, or high heat that
could ignite flammable materials. Hot work typically includes welding, cutting, grinding, and other
operations that produce high temperatures.

Example: Hot Work in the Engine Room

In a chemical tanker, performing hot work in the engine room requires strict controls due to the
presence of flammable materials such as fuel, oil, and vapors. The hot work permit system
ensures that:

1. Risk Assessment: A risk assessment is conducted to identify potential hazards like oil leaks,
flammable gases, or the presence of combustible materials.
2. Ventilation: Adequate ventilation is ensured to disperse any flammable vapors, especially in
confined spaces(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(Fatigue Presentation ).
3. Fire Watch: A fire watch is assigned to monitor the area with appropriate firefighting equipment,
ensuring quick response in case of a fire outbreak(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
4. Isolation of Fuel Sources: Fuel lines or other sources of flammable materials are isolated to prevent
accidental ignition(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
5. Gas-Free Certificate: For enclosed or confined spaces, a gas-free certificate is obtained, confirming
that the space is safe for hot work(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).

Importance of a Hot Work Permit

 Prevents fire hazards: Hot work permits ensure that precautions such as fire watches, isolating
flammable materials, and checking for gas-free conditions are taken to prevent fires.
 Ensures compliance with safety protocols: It requires adherence to safety measures and checks
that safety equipment (fire extinguishers, PPE, etc.) is available.
 Prevents accidents in hazardous environments: By controlling the environment where hot work is
performed, it reduces the risk of explosions or fires in spaces with flammable vapors or

Q5. b) Precautions to Be Taken Before Switching on the Welding Machine

Welding operations on board ships can pose significant hazards, such as fire, electric shock, and
injury. Therefore, strict precautions must be taken before switching on a welding machine. Below
are key safety measures to ensure safe welding operations:

1. Inspection of Equipment:

 Welding machine: Visually inspect the welding machine for any signs of damage or wear. Ensure
that all components, including cables, connectors, and switches, are in good condition.
 Welding cables: Check for cuts, fraying, or damaged insulation on cables. Replace damaged cables
immediately to prevent electric shock or short circuits(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Electrode holder: Ensure the electrode holder is clean and in proper working condition. Loose or
damaged electrode holders can cause arcing, which can lead to injury or

2. Location and Ventilation:

 Choose a safe location: Welding should be conducted in a well-ventilated area, free from flammable
materials. The welding site should be isolated from fuel lines, electrical panels, and other potential
fire hazards(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Ensure proper ventilation: Adequate ventilation is essential, especially in confined spaces, to
prevent the buildup of hazardous fumes and gases from the welding process. In confined spaces,
additional ventilation equipment may be required(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

 Wear appropriate PPE: Welders must wear flame-resistant clothing, welding gloves, and a face
shield or welding helmet with the appropriate shade of filter to protect against UV and IR radiation.
Goggles should also be worn to protect against sparks and debris(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Insulated footwear: Ensure that insulated footwear is worn to prevent electric shock, particularly in
wet or conductive environments(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

4. Electrical Safety:

 Disconnect power: Before making any adjustments to the machine or replacing welding electrodes,
the machine should be turned off and disconnected from the power
 Check grounding: Ensure the welding machine is properly grounded to prevent electrical shock. Use
only approved grounding devices, and ensure the ground clamp is securely connected to a
conductive surface(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

5. Fire Prevention:

 Remove flammable materials: All flammable materials, such as fuel, oil, or gas cylinders, should be
removed from the welding area. If it’s not possible to remove flammable materials, proper shielding
must be used to contain sparks and hot metal(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
 Fire extinguisher availability: Keep a fire extinguisher readily available at the welding site. Ideally, a
dry powder or CO₂ extinguisher should be used for welding-related
 Assign a fire watch: A fire watch should be stationed nearby during welding operations, especially in
high-risk areas. The fire watch ensures immediate response in case sparks or hot metal ignite
nearby materials(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

6. Ventilation for Fume Control:

 Fume extraction: Welding generates toxic fumes and gases. Use fume extraction systems or local
exhaust ventilation to prevent the accumulation of dangerous fumes, especially in confined or
enclosed spaces(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
 Gas cylinder safety: If gas welding is used, check that gas cylinders are secured upright and located
away from heat sources. Inspect the gas lines and valves for any leaks before starting the

7. Test the Equipment:

 Test welding machine: Before starting the job, conduct a test run of the welding machine to ensure
all controls and settings are functioning correctly. Check that the correct welding current and
voltage settings are selected based on the materials being welded(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

By following these precautions before switching on the welding machine, the risk of injury, fire, or
electric shock is significantly reduced, ensuring safe and efficient welding operations

Q.6) a) Describe the objectives of ISM code and explain how your company safety management
system attaining the ISM objectives.
b) As Chief Officer how you motivate a newly promoted third officer with respect to put his
in learning and giving effective work output.
Q6. a) Objectives of the ISM Code and How a Company's Safety Management System
(SMS) Attains Them

Objectives of the ISM Code

The International Safety Management (ISM) Code was introduced to ensure safety at sea, prevent
human injury or loss of life, and avoid damage to the environment, particularly the marine
environment. The key objectives of the ISM Code are:

1. Ensure Safety at Sea: The primary objective is to ensure the safety of the ship, its crew,
passengers, and cargo during operations(ISM CODE).
2. Prevent Human Injury and Loss of Life: The ISM Code aims to reduce the risk of accidents
that could result in injuries or fatalities among the crew and passengers(ISM CODE).
3. Prevent Damage to the Marine Environment: The ISM Code emphasizes pollution
prevention by requiring that companies adopt practices and equipment to avoid incidents
such as oil spills and other forms of marine pollution(ISM CODE).
4. Ensure Compliance with International Conventions: The ISM Code promotes compliance
with mandatory rules and regulations under conventions such as SOLAS, MARPOL, and
STCW, among others(ISM CODE).
5. Continuous Improvement in Safety Management: The ISM Code calls for continuous
improvement in the safety management skills of shore-based and shipboard personnel,
including emergency preparedness and response to safety or environmental incidents(ISM

How the Company’s Safety Management System Attains ISM Code Objectives

A company's Safety Management System (SMS) is developed and implemented to achieve the
objectives of the ISM Code. Below are the steps that a company takes to fulfill ISM objectives:

1. Implementation of a Safety and Environmental Policy:

o The company establishes a safety and environmental protection policy that outlines how it
will achieve safety and pollution prevention goals. This policy is communicated to all
personnel, both onshore and aboard ships(ISM CODE).
2. Clear Roles and Responsibilities:
o The SMS clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of shipboard personnel, including the
Ship Master, Chief Officer, and other officers. It ensures that there are well-defined
communication lines between ship and shore personnel for decision-making during normal
and emergency situations(ISM CODE).
3. Risk Identification and Management:
o The company conducts risk assessments to identify potential hazards and establish
safeguards against those hazards. Regular audits, inspections, and reviews are conducted
to ensure risks are identified, and preventive measures are in place(ISM CODE).
4. Emergency Preparedness and Drills:
o The SMS includes procedures for responding to potential emergency situations such as fire,
collision, grounding, and pollution incidents. Regular drills and exercises are conducted to
prepare the crew for these emergencies and ensure compliance with the ISM Code’s
emphasis on emergency preparedness(ISM CODE).
5. Accident Reporting and Investigation:
o The SMS requires reporting of non-conformities, accidents, and hazardous occurrences. It
includes a system for analyzing incidents and taking corrective actions to improve safety
and pollution prevention measures(ISM CODE).
6. Internal and External Audits:
o Regular internal audits are conducted to verify compliance with the ISM Code. Additionally,
the company undergoes external audits by recognized organizations to ensure its SMS is
effective in achieving safety and environmental protection(ISM CODE).
7. Training and Competency Development:
o The SMS ensures that all personnel are trained and have adequate understanding of
relevant rules and regulations. Continuous training and familiarization with safety
management procedures are conducted for both new and existing crew members(ISM

By maintaining a robust SMS, the company continuously monitors and improves its safety
management practices, fulfilling the objectives of the ISM Code and promoting safe,
environmentally responsible shipping.

Q6. b) Motivating a Newly Promoted Third Officer to Develop Abilities and Improve
Work Output

As a Chief Officer, motivating a newly promoted Third Officer is crucial to ensuring that they learn
quickly, develop their abilities, and contribute effectively to the ship’s operations. Here are some
strategies to motivate the Third Officer:

1. Provide Clear Expectations and Guidance:

 Set Clear Goals: Provide the Third Officer with clear expectations about their role, duties, and
responsibilities. Ensure they understand what is required of them in their new
 Guided Learning: Offer structured learning opportunities and mentoring. As the Chief Officer, take
the time to explain procedures in detail and provide examples from your experience to reinforce
 Feedback and Encouragement: Offer constructive feedback regularly. When they perform well,
acknowledge their achievements, and when there’s room for improvement, provide helpful guidance
without criticism(MOTIVATION).

2. Encourage Skill Development:

 Give Responsibility Gradually: Assign tasks that gradually increase in complexity as the Third
Officer builds confidence and experience. Start with routine tasks and slowly introduce more
challenging duties as they demonstrate proficiency(MOTIVATION).
 Teach Critical Thinking: Encourage the Third Officer to think critically and solve problems on their
own. Guide them through scenarios that require decision-making, such as managing watch duties or
responding to minor emergencies, and debrief afterward to discuss lessons learned(MOTIVATION).

3. Provide Learning Resources:

 Access to Manuals and Documentation: Ensure the Third Officer has access to the ship’s Safety
Management System (SMS) and other resources, such as the SOLAS and MARPOL regulations, and
encourage them to study during off-duty hours(MOTIVATION)(Fatigue Presentation ).
 Training on Safety Procedures: Conduct drills and provide hands-on training that allows the Third
Officer to apply their knowledge practically. This can include emergency response drills, fire-fighting
drills, and equipment handling(MOTIVATION).

4. Foster a Positive Work Environment:

 Positive Reinforcement: Recognize their efforts and improvements in front of the crew. Public
recognition can motivate them to continue improving and solidify their confidence in their new
 Encourage Open Communication: Create a supportive environment where the Third Officer feels
comfortable asking questions and seeking advice. Encourage them to discuss any challenges or
concerns they encounter in their new role(MOTIVATION)(Fatigue Presentation ).

5. Link Work to Personal Growth:

 Career Advancement: Highlight how excelling in their current role will open up further career
opportunities. Explain the steps they need to take to become a more senior officer, which can
inspire them to put more effort into learning and development(MOTIVATION).
 Recognize Individual Strengths: Identify the Third Officer’s strengths and provide opportunities for
them to showcase their abilities. If they excel in navigation, for example, give them additional
responsibilities during watches(MOTIVATION).

6. Inspire Through Leadership:

 Lead by Example: As a Chief Officer, you should set a good example through your own work ethic,
attention to detail, and professionalism. Demonstrating these qualities can inspire the Third Officer
to emulate your approach(MOTIVATION).
 Empowerment: Provide opportunities for the Third Officer to make decisions within their scope of
responsibility. Encourage them to take initiative while assuring them that you are available for
support if needed(MOTIVATION).

By providing structured guidance, offering constructive feedback, and fostering a positive and
supportive environment, you can motivate the Third Officer to take ownership of their role, develop
their skills, and contribute effectively to the ship’s operations(MOTIVATION).

Q.7) a) As a Chief Officer of an oil tanker how would you train your crew towards safe working on
deck (considering fatigue condition)?
b) Explain elements of STCW 2010 and discuss the new amendments & its effect.

Q7. b) Elements of STCW 2010 and Discussion on New Amendments & Their Effects

Elements of STCW 2010

The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for

Seafarers (STCW) establishes global standards for the training and certification of seafarers. The
2010 amendments, commonly referred to as the STCW Manila Amendments, introduced
significant changes to the convention. The key elements of the STCW 2010 are:

1. Certification and Training Standards:

o STCW sets minimum standards for the training and certification of seafarers, ensuring that
all crew members have the appropriate qualifications for their roles, such as deck officers,
engineers, and ratings(IMO structure).
o It covers a wide range of competencies, from navigation and cargo handling to engine room
operations and emergency procedures(IMO structure).
2. Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Training:
o STCW mandates that seafarers undergo specific types of training, including basic safety
training, firefighting, and survival at sea. Specialized training is required for specific roles,
such as tanker operations and radio communication(IMO structure).
3. Watchkeeping Standards:
o The STCW convention establishes standards for watchkeeping, particularly in the areas of
bridge and engine room operations, ensuring that vessels are operated safely and efficiently
at all times(IMO structure).
4. Medical Standards:
o The Manila Amendments introduced updated medical standards, requiring that all seafarers
meet certain health criteria to be certified fit for service. This includes vision, hearing, and
overall physical and mental health requirements(IMO structure).
5. Rest Hour Requirements:
o The amendments emphasize rest hours and fatigue management. Seafarers are required to
have a minimum number of hours of rest within a 24-hour period and a 7-day period to
ensure they are fit for duty(IMO structure).
6. Security Awareness and Training:
o As part of the amendments, all seafarers are required to undergo security awareness
training. This includes training for anti-piracy measures, handling suspicious activities, and
managing security-related incidents(IMO structure).
7. Continuous Professional Development:
o STCW requires seafarers to undertake refresher training every five years to ensure that they
stay up to date with the latest safety and operational procedures(IMO structure).

Q7. b) Elements of STCW 2010 and New Amendments with Their Effects

Elements of STCW 2010 (Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers)

The STCW Convention sets the international standard for the training, certification, and
watchkeeping of seafarers to ensure safety at sea. Key elements of the STCW 2010 amendments

1. Competency-Based Training and Certification:

o Seafarers must receive competency-based training that equips them with the skills and
knowledge required for their roles. Certification is issued only after successful completion of
training programs and exams(IMO structure).
2. Mandatory Security Training:
o The STCW 2010 amendments introduced mandatory security training for all seafarers,
including security awareness and designated security duties. This is particularly important in
light of modern security threats like piracy and terrorism(IMO structure).
3. Bridge Resource Management (BRM) and Engine Room Resource Management (ERM):
o The amendments emphasize the importance of BRM and ERM, focusing on the
management of resources, communication, and decision-making to enhance operational
safety and efficiency(IMO structure).
4. Training on Use of Modern Technology:
o With advancements in technology, STCW 2010 mandates training on the use of new
navigation systems, such as Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS),
radar, and other modern tools(IMO structure).
5. Work and Rest Hours:
o STCW 2010 defines the minimum rest hours required for all seafarers to combat fatigue.
Seafarers are entitled to at least 10 hours of rest in any 24-hour period, with no more than 14
hours of work between rest periods(IMO structure)(Fatigue Presentation ).
6. Competency Revalidation:
o Seafarers must undergo periodic revalidation of their competency certificates to ensure that
their skills and knowledge remain up to date with current maritime practices and
regulations(IMO structure).

New Amendments to STCW 2010 and Their Effects

Several key amendments were introduced to STCW in 2010, which have had significant impacts on
maritime operations:

1. Leadership and Teamwork Skills:

o The new amendments introduced mandatory training in leadership and teamwork for
officers to improve collaboration and safety on board. This training aims to reduce human
errors by enhancing communication and cooperation among crew members(IMO structure).
o Effect: This has fostered more efficient bridge and engine room operations by promoting
clear communication and teamwork during critical ship maneuvers.
2. Mandatory Security Training:
o As a response to growing global security concerns, all seafarers are now required to
undergo basic security awareness training. For those with specific security duties, additional
training is required(IMO structure).
o Effect: This has increased the overall security of ships by ensuring that all personnel are
aware of the potential security risks and the proper responses to such threats, thus
enhancing preparedness in case of piracy or terrorism(IMO structure).
3. ECDIS Training:
o ECDIS training was made mandatory for officers in charge of navigational watches,
recognizing the critical role that electronic charts and digital navigation play in modern
shipping(IMO structure).
o Effect: This has improved navigational accuracy and safety, as officers are now better
trained in using electronic systems for route planning, monitoring, and collision
avoidance(IMO structure).
4. New Medical Standards:
o The amendments also include new medical standards for seafarers, which set clear criteria
for physical and mental health, including eyesight and hearing requirements(IMO structure).
o Effect: These enhanced medical standards ensure that seafarers are fit for duty, thereby
reducing health-related incidents at sea and improving overall crew welfare(IMO structure).
5. Revised Revalidation Requirements:
o The amendments require more frequent revalidation of certificates, particularly for senior
officers, to ensure their competencies are current and aligned with the latest maritime
technologies and practices(IMO structure).
o Effect: This has ensured a continuous upgrading of skills among officers, making the
maritime industry more resilient to changes and advancements in technology and regulation.
6. Introduction of Manila Amendments (2010):
o The Manila Amendments introduced additional training requirements for marine
environmental awareness, energy efficiency, and safety management. These amendments
align with modern concerns about the environment and sustainable shipping(IMO structure).
o Effect: These updates have contributed to more environmentally responsible operations,
encouraging seafarers to adopt practices that reduce pollution and improve energy
efficiency(IMO structure).

Overall Impact: The 2010 amendments to the STCW have modernized seafarer training, making
ships safer, improving operational efficiency, enhancing environmental responsibility, and ensuring
that seafarers remain well-prepared for the complexities of modern maritime operations(IMO

Q.1) a) Briefly describe the LSA code requirements related to on-load release & retrieval system
(OLRRS) of lifeboats.
b) Prepare an Annual Drill Planner for conducting all the drills as per SOLAS, MARPOL and ISPS

Q1. a) LSA Code Requirements Related to On-Load Release & Retrieval System
(OLRRS) of Lifeboats

The Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) Code sets out strict requirements for the On-Load Release and
Retrieval System (OLRRS) of lifeboats to ensure the safety of the crew during both emergency
evacuation and routine drills. Below are the key requirements for OLRRS as per the LSA Code:
1. Design and Operation:

 Dual Capability: The OLRRS must be designed to allow the release of the lifeboat from the
launching system both when it is fully waterborne (off-load release) and when it is suspended or
under load (on-load release)(IMO structure).
 Automatic Reset Function: After the on-load release mechanism has been activated, the system
must automatically reset to prevent accidental release during retrieval or recovery of the
lifeboat(IMO structure).
 Protection Against Accidental Release: The system must have measures in place to prevent
accidental or premature release, such as a safety pin or interlock. Additionally, the system should be
designed so that it cannot be accidentally reset when under load(IMO structure).

2. Materials and Durability:

 Corrosion-Resistant Materials: The system must be made of corrosion-resistant materials, suitable

for prolonged exposure to the marine environment. This is particularly important for parts exposed
to seawater or subject to significant mechanical stresses(IMO structure).

3. Manual Override Capability:

 The system must have a manual override, which can be operated easily and reliably in case of
malfunction of the primary release mechanism. This ensures that the crew can release the lifeboat
even if the automated system fails(IMO structure).

4. Operational Testing and Training:

 Operational Testing: The system must undergo operational testing, including on-load release, at
least once every five years or during the annual servicing by an authorized service provider. This
testing ensures that the system functions as expected and that the crew is familiar with its
operation(IMO structure)(annex-3-life-saving-app…).
 Crew Training: The crew must be trained to operate the OLRRS safely, and drills involving the use of
lifeboats must be conducted to ensure familiarity with the system(Fatigue Presentation ).

5. Markings and Instructions:

 The system must have clear markings and instructions near the release controls, indicating the
operation steps and warning against unsafe practices. This ensures that even in emergency
situations, the system can be used safely(annex-3-life-saving-app…)(IMO structure).

6. Periodic Inspection and Maintenance:

 Regular inspections and maintenance of the OLRRS are required to ensure that the system remains
in good working order. Any signs of wear, corrosion, or malfunction must be addressed immediately,
and all parts should be lubricated and tested as per the manufacturer’s guidelines(IMO

The OLRRS is critical for ensuring the safe launch and retrieval of lifeboats, especially in
emergencies. Compliance with the LSA Code requirements ensures that these systems function
safely and effectively during emergency evacuations and drills.

Q1. b) Annual Drill Planner for Conducting All Drills as per SOLAS, MARPOL, and ISPS

An annual drill planner ensures that all drills required by SOLAS, MARPOL, and ISPS Codes are
conducted systematically, keeping the crew well-prepared for emergencies. Below is a sample
Annual Drill Planner covering all mandatory drills:

Annual Drill Planner

Month Drill Regulation/Code Frequency Remarks

Fire Drill + Abandon Ship SOLAS Chapter III Check fire-fighting equipment and
January Monthly
Drill (incl. Lifeboat Launch) & IV lifeboat readiness.

Includes oil spill response equipment

Oil Pollution Response Drill MARPOL Annex I Quarterly

Fire Drill + Abandon Ship SOLAS Chapter III Verify lifeboat release systems and
February Monthly
Drill (incl. Lifeboat Launch) & IV fire team readiness.

Security Drill (Access

ISPS Code Part A Test security measures and crew
Control, Security Threat Quarterly
&B awareness of ISPS levels.

Fire Drill + Abandon Ship SOLAS Chapter III Include a scenario involving rescue
March Monthly
Drill & IV from enclosed spaces.

Testing proper use of safety

Enclosed Space Entry and SOLAS Reg.
2 Months equipment and procedures for
Rescue Drill III/
enclosed space entry.

Fire Drill + Abandon Ship SOLAS Chapter III Include realistic evacuation
April Monthly
Drill (incl. Lifeboat Launch) & IV scenarios.

Pollution Response Drill

MARPOL Annex V Train on garbage and sewage
(Garbage & Sewage Annually
& IV management procedures.

Fire Drill + Abandon Ship SOLAS Chapter III Lifeboat launch test and crew
May Monthly
Drill (incl. Lifeboat Launch) & IV evacuation timing drills.

Test crew readiness for piracy

Security Drill (Anti-Piracy ISPS Code Part A
Quarterly incidents and handling anti-piracy
Measures) &B

Fire Drill + Abandon Ship SOLAS Chapter III Include fire scenarios in the engine
June Monthly
Drill (incl. Lifeboat Launch) & IV room.

Oil Pollution Response Drill

Focus on ballast water exchange and
(Ballast Water MARPOL Annex I Quarterly
management procedures.

Fire Drill + Abandon Ship SOLAS Chapter III Include search and rescue operations
July Monthly
Drill & IV for missing crew members.

Enclosed Space Entry and SOLAS Reg. Testing safety measures in confined
2 Months
Rescue Drill III/ spaces.

Fire Drill + Abandon Ship SOLAS Chapter III Focus on fire detection and response
August Monthly
Drill (incl. Lifeboat Launch) & IV in cargo holds.

Security Drill (Terrorist ISPS Code Part A Simulate response to a security

Threat or Sabotage &B breach or terrorism threat.
Month Drill Regulation/Code Frequency Remarks


Fire Drill + Abandon Ship SOLAS Chapter III Test emergency steering and
September Monthly
Drill & IV blackout scenarios during drills.

Pollution Response Drill Check crew awareness of air

(Air Emissions MARPOL Annex VI Annually emissions regulations (SOx, NOx, and
Compliance) greenhouse gases).

Fire Drill + Abandon Ship SOLAS Chapter III Include fire scenarios involving
October Monthly
Drill (incl. Lifeboat Launch) & IV passenger areas.

Simulate an oil spill scenario, testing

Oil Pollution Response Drill MARPOL Annex I Quarterly
oil containment and recovery.

Test communications and

Fire Drill + Abandon Ship SOLAS Chapter III
November Monthly coordination during emergency
Drill (incl. Lifeboat Launch) & IV

Enclosed Space Entry and SOLAS Reg. Verify procedures for enclosed space
2 Months
Rescue Drill III/ monitoring and ventilation.

Fire Drill + Abandon Ship SOLAS Chapter III Review crew performance in previous
December Monthly
Drill (incl. Lifeboat Launch) & IV drills and improve where necessary.

Security Drill (Unauthorized

ISPS Code Part A Simulate detection and handling of
Access or Stowaway Quarterly
&B unauthorized persons on board.

Q.2) a) As a safety officer, list the various responsibilities and duties you are required to fulfill.
Enumerate some proactive measures you will take to enhance safety awareness and compliant
b) As a ship security officer, how will you ensure the security of the vessel?

Q2. a) Responsibilities and Duties of a Safety Officer on a Ship and Proactive

Measures for Enhancing Safety Awareness

Responsibilities and Duties of a Safety Officer:

1. Conducting Safety Inspections:

o Regular inspections of safety equipment, such as lifeboats, fire extinguishers, lifejackets,
immersion suits, and alarms, to ensure they are in good working
condition(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(Fatigue Presentation ).
2. Enforcing Compliance with Safety Procedures:
o Ensuring that all crew members follow safety procedures as per the Safety Management
System (SMS) and international regulations (e.g., SOLAS, ISM Code) during operations(ISM
3. Risk Assessment and Hazard Identification:
o Conducting risk assessments to identify potential hazards onboard and implementing
control measures to minimize risks(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
4. Investigating Incidents and Accidents:
o Investigating accidents, incidents, and near-misses, identifying root causes, and
implementing corrective actions to prevent recurrence(ISM
5. Conducting Safety Drills:
o Organizing and conducting regular safety drills, including fire drills, abandon ship drills, and
man-overboard drills, ensuring all crew members are familiar with emergency
6. Promoting Safety Culture:
o Promoting a safety culture by encouraging open communication on safety concerns and
promoting the reporting of unsafe conditions without fear of
reprisal(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(ISM CODE).
7. Training and Education:
o Ensuring crew members receive ongoing safety training and familiarization with safety
procedures and equipment(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
8. Documentation and Record-Keeping:
o Maintaining records of safety inspections, training, drills, and safety meetings to ensure
compliance with regulations and the SMS(ISM CODE).

Proactive Measures to Enhance Safety Awareness and Compliance Onboard:

1. Regular Safety Meetings:

o Conduct regular safety meetings to discuss safety concerns, review near-miss incidents, and
share lessons learned from safety drills and inspections(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
2. Visual Safety Reminders:
o Post safety posters and reminders in high-traffic areas, such as the engine room, deck, and
living quarters, to reinforce safety procedures and the use of Personal Protective Equipment
3. Toolbox Talks:
o Before starting high-risk tasks, conduct toolbox talks to review potential hazards and ensure
crew members understand the necessary safety precautions(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
4. Encouraging Reporting of Hazards:
o Encourage crew members to report unsafe conditions, hazards, or near misses without fear
of reprisal. Implement a system for anonymous reporting if
5. Rewarding Safe Behavior:
o Implement a recognition or reward program for crew members who demonstrate proactive
safety behaviors, such as identifying hazards or promoting safe
6. Continuous Training:
o Provide ongoing training sessions, including hands-on practice with safety equipment,
emergency procedures, and first aid, to ensure crew members remain confident and capable
during emergencies(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
7. Safety Audits and Inspections:
o Conduct regular internal safety audits and inspections to ensure compliance with safety
procedures and identify areas for

Q2. b) Ensuring the Security of the Vessel as a Ship Security Officer (SSO)

As a Ship Security Officer (SSO), your main responsibility is to implement the Ship Security Plan
(SSP) and ensure the vessel is secure from potential threats such as piracy, stowaways,
unauthorized access, and terrorism. Here’s how you would ensure the security of the vessel:

Key Responsibilities of a Ship Security Officer:

1. Implementation of the Ship Security Plan (SSP):

o Ensure the SSP is fully implemented and regularly reviewed. The SSP outlines procedures for
controlling access to the vessel, monitoring restricted areas, responding to security threats,
and handling emergencies(ISM CODE).
2. Access Control:
o Monitor and control access to the ship to prevent unauthorized personnel from boarding.
This includes setting up gangway watches, verifying the identity of visitors, and using access
cards or logbooks(IMO structure)(ISM CODE).
3. Security Assessments:
o Conduct regular security assessments of the ship and its operations to identify potential
vulnerabilities. Take corrective actions to address any weaknesses(ISM CODE).
4. Surveillance and Monitoring:
o Ensure that the ship’s surveillance systems (e.g., CCTV) are operational and that crew
members are vigilant in monitoring key areas of the ship, including the cargo holds, bridge,
and engine room(IMO structure)(Fatigue Presentation ).
5. Monitoring Restricted Areas:
o Restrict access to sensitive areas such as the bridge, engine room, and cargo handling
spaces. Only authorized personnel should be allowed in these areas, and security measures
like locks and alarms should be in place(IMO structure).
6. Liaison with Port Security Officers:
o Maintain communication with Port Facility Security Officers (PFSOs) during port calls.
Coordinate security measures such as access control, cargo inspections, and handling of
passengers and visitors(IMO structure).
7. Security Drills and Exercises:
o Conduct regular security drills in line with the ISPS Code. These drills should cover scenarios
like piracy, unauthorized boarding, and bomb threats to ensure the crew is prepared to
respond to potential security incidents(IMO structure).
8. Security Awareness Training:
o Provide security awareness training to the crew, ensuring they are familiar with security
procedures and can recognize suspicious behavior or unauthorized activities(IMO structure).

Ensuring Vessel Security through Proactive Measures:

1. Strict Access Control:

o Gangway Watch: Maintain a 24-hour gangway watch to control access to the vessel,
checking IDs and logging all personnel and visitors on and off the ship.
o Restricted Areas: Ensure only authorized personnel have access to restricted areas by using
locked doors, ID verification, and other physical barriers(IMO structure)(ISM CODE).
2. Monitor Cargo Operations:
o Supervise the loading and unloading of cargo to prevent the smuggling of contraband or
stowaways. Ensure that cargo security measures, such as seals and documentation checks,
are followed(IMO structure).
3. Surveillance Systems:
o Regularly check the functionality of CCTV systems, motion detectors, and alarms to ensure
they are operational. Monitor key areas, including the ship’s perimeter, deck, and cargo
holds(IMO structure).
4. Emergency Preparedness:
o Conduct regular drills simulating security breaches such as piracy or terrorist threats. Make
sure the crew knows their roles in securing the vessel and responding to emergencies(IMO
5. Liaison with Authorities:
o Stay in communication with local port authorities, customs officers, and maritime security
officials to ensure compliance with port and maritime security regulations(IMO
structure)(ISM CODE).
6. Security Communication Plans:
o Ensure the ship’s communication equipment is functional for sending distress signals or
communicating with external authorities in case of a security threat. Use the Ship Security
Alert System (SSAS) when necessary(IMO structure).

By following these measures, the Ship Security Officer can ensure the vessel is well-protected
from internal and external threats, maintaining a high level of maritime security compliance.

Q.3) What is a planned maintenance system (PMS) and what are its advantages? Is it mandatory
have PMS and under which regulation / convention? Can your ship be detained by a PSC

in absence of a PMS onboard?

Q3. Planned Maintenance System (PMS)

What is a Planned Maintenance System (PMS)?

A Planned Maintenance System (PMS) is a systematic approach used to ensure that machinery,
equipment, and systems onboard a ship are maintained in optimal condition through regular
inspections, servicing, and repairs. The PMS is designed to prevent breakdowns by scheduling
routine maintenance tasks at intervals based on the manufacturer’s recommendations, operating
hours, or condition assessments.

The PMS covers various equipment onboard, including:

 Main and auxiliary engines

 Electrical and safety systems
 Cargo handling equipment
 Lifeboats, firefighting equipment, and other safety devices(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(ISM CODE).

Advantages of a Planned Maintenance System (PMS):

1. Minimizes Equipment Failures:

o The PMS helps in reducing the risk of machinery breakdowns by ensuring that equipment is
regularly maintained and inspected, thereby reducing the likelihood of operational
2. Extends Equipment Lifespan:
o Regular maintenance as part of the PMS helps to extend the life of equipment, avoiding
premature wear and tear(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
3. Cost Efficiency:
o Scheduled maintenance reduces the chances of unexpected repairs, which are often costly
and time-consuming. Proper maintenance planning can also help reduce the need for
emergency repairs and expensive spare part replacements(ISM CODE).
4. Improves Safety:
o Well-maintained equipment ensures that safety systems and machinery function correctly,
reducing the risk of accidents, fires, or pollution incidents(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(ISM
5. Regulatory Compliance:
o The PMS ensures that all equipment and machinery comply with international regulations
and conventions such as SOLAS and MARPOL, helping the ship to pass inspections by Port
State Control (PSC) or classification societies(ISM CODE).
6. Record Keeping and Monitoring:
o PMS software allows for detailed record-keeping of maintenance tasks, repairs, inspections,
and spare part usage, enabling the crew to monitor the status of all
equipment(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(ISM CODE).

Is PMS Mandatory, and Under Which Regulation or Convention?

Yes, having a Planned Maintenance System (PMS) is mandatory under international maritime
regulations. Specifically, the requirement for a PMS comes from the International Safety
Management (ISM) Code, which is part of the SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) Convention. The ISM
Code mandates that all ships must have a Safety Management System (SMS), and the PMS is a
vital component of this system.

 ISM Code (Part of SOLAS Chapter IX):

o The ISM Code requires shipping companies to implement a safety management system
(SMS), which includes procedures for the maintenance of equipment on board to ensure
safe operation of ships and environmental protection(ISM CODE).

Additionally, the classification societies also enforce the requirement for a PMS. Ships must
comply with the rules of their classification societies, and a well-maintained PMS helps in keeping
the vessel in class, which is essential for operations.

Can Your Ship Be Detained by a PSC Inspection in the Absence of a PMS?

Yes, a ship can be detained during a Port State Control (PSC) inspection if it is found to be lacking
a functioning Planned Maintenance System (PMS). Here’s why:

1. Non-Compliance with ISM Code:

o If a vessel does not have a PMS in place, it is a clear violation of the ISM Code, which
mandates that ships must have documented and implemented procedures for the
maintenance of critical equipment. Non-compliance with the ISM Code can lead to
detentions(ISM CODE).
2. Potential Safety Risks:
o PSC inspectors may deem the absence of a PMS as a risk to the ship's operational safety
and environmental protection. Without proper maintenance, essential machinery may not
function correctly, posing a safety hazard to the crew and the
3. Lack of Documentation:
o During a PSC inspection, the inspector will request maintenance records. If the ship cannot
provide evidence of regular maintenance of its systems, equipment, and machinery, this
could lead to serious deficiencies and potentially detention(ISM CODE).
4. Classification Society Requirements:
o If the ship fails to comply with the classification society’s requirement for a PMS, it could
also lead to its removal from class, which can further result in detention by PSC(ISM CODE).

In summary, the absence of a PMS is a clear breach of safety management regulations, and it can
lead to the detention of the ship by Port State Control if deficiencies are found. Having a PMS
ensures compliance with the ISM Code and helps maintain the vessel’s operational safety and

Q.4) a) Prepare a contingency plan to deal with leakages and spills of dangerous cargoes inside
cargo hold.
b) Enumerate the method to carry out situation and risk assessment? Carry out a risk
assessment in
a proper format for lowering of lifeboats up to embarkation decks at sea as part of the routine
SOLAS requirements.

Q4. a) Contingency Plan for Dealing with Leakages and Spills of Dangerous Cargoes
Inside a Cargo Hold

Handling dangerous cargoes on board is highly regulated, and it is essential to have a well-
developed contingency plan in place for dealing with any leaks or spills inside a cargo hold. Below
is a detailed plan to address such situations:


To ensure the safety of the crew, prevent environmental pollution, and minimize damage to the
vessel and cargo in case of leakage or spillage of dangerous goods inside the cargo hold.

Contingency Plan for Leakages and Spills of Dangerous Cargoes:

1. Immediate Response:
o Raise the Alarm: As soon as a leakage or spill is detected, the alarm should be raised to alert
the entire crew and trigger the emergency response
procedures(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).
o Isolate the Area: Immediately isolate the affected cargo hold by sealing it to prevent the
spread of dangerous vapors or further contamination. Close all vents and stop any cargo
2. Identify the Nature of the Cargo:
o Consult the IMDG Code (International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code): Identify the type
of cargo involved using the vessel’s cargo manifest and the IMDG Code. The code will
provide information on the nature of the cargo, its hazards, and the appropriate
o PPE Requirements: Ensure that personnel involved in the emergency response wear the
correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) based on the nature of the spill (e.g., chemical-
resistant suits, breathing apparatus, gloves)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
3. Assess the Situation:
o Initial Risk Assessment: Conduct a quick risk assessment to evaluate the severity of the
spill, the amount of cargo leaked, and the potential for exposure to dangerous vapors or
chemical reactions(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
o Check for Fire/Explosion Risks: If the spilled cargo is flammable, ensure that all sources of
ignition (e.g., lights, machinery) are shut off. Maintain fire watches in the
4. Contain the Spill:
o Deploy Spill Containment Equipment: Use appropriate spill containment materials such as
absorbent booms, dikes, or neutralizing agents to contain the spill and prevent it from
o Pump Out Dangerous Liquids: If possible, pump the spilled cargo into a safe tank or other
containment system. Ensure that the pumps used are suitable for handling the specific
dangerous cargo(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
5. Ventilate and Monitor:
o Ventilate the Hold (If Safe): If the cargo poses an inhalation hazard, ventilate the cargo hold
using fans or blowers. Ensure that the air being exhausted is directed away from occupied
areas on board(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
o Monitor Air Quality: Continuously monitor the air quality in and around the affected area
using gas detection meters. Ensure that the concentration of harmful vapors remains below
the safe exposure limits(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
6. Dispose of Waste Properly:
o Collection and Disposal: Collect all spilled material and any contaminated absorbent
materials and place them in appropriate disposal containers. These containers should be
clearly labeled and handled according to the IMDG Code(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
o Notify Authorities: If necessary, notify the relevant authorities, including port control, flag
state, and the company’s Designated Person Ashore (DPA) about the
7. Investigate and Report:
o Accident Investigation: After the situation is under control, conduct a thorough investigation
to determine the cause of the leakage or spill. Document the actions taken and identify
preventive measures to avoid similar incidents in the future(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
o Submit Incident Reports: Complete all necessary incident reports and submit them to the
relevant authorities and the company’s safety management

Q4. b) Method to Carry Out Situation and Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment Methodology:

1. Identify the Hazards:

o Recognize potential hazards that could occur during the operation, such as mechanical
failure, human error, or environmental conditions(ISM CODE).
2. Assess the Risks:
o Analyze the likelihood of the hazard occurring and its potential consequences. This involves
reviewing the severity of harm and the probability of the event happening(ISM CODE).
3. Control Measures:
o Identify control measures that can be put in place to reduce the likelihood of the hazard
occurring or to mitigate its consequences(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
4. Implement Controls:
o Ensure that the identified control measures are implemented before the operation starts,
such as ensuring that safety equipment is in place and personnel are
5. Monitor and Review:
o Continuously monitor the situation and review the risk assessment, especially if there are
changes in the environment or operational circumstances. If necessary, adjust control
measures accordingly(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

Risk Assessment Format for Lowering Lifeboats to Embarkation Deck at Sea (Routine SOLAS Drill):
Risk Assessment Title Lowering of Lifeboats to Embarkation Deck at Sea (Routine Drill)

Operation Lowering lifeboats for SOLAS-required drill

Date [Insert Date]

Assessor [Insert Name]

Approved by [Insert Name]

Reviewed by [Insert Name]

1. Identify the Hazards:

Hazard Potential Consequences

Lifeboat mechanical failure Lifeboat may not lower properly, leading to injury

Human error during lowering process Incorrect operation could cause lifeboat to swing

Adverse weather (wind or waves) Lifeboat may become unstable, leading to accidents

Crew unfamiliarity with procedure Delays or mistakes in handling lifeboat equipment

Improper use of safety gear Risk of falling or injury while securing lifeboat

2. Risk Assessment and Control Measures:

Hazard Likelihood Severity Control Measures

Pre-check mechanical system, regular

Lifeboat mechanical failure Low High Medium

Human error during lowering

Medium Medium Medium Ensure crew training, toolbox talk before drill

Adverse weather (wind or

Medium High High Delay drill if conditions are unsafe

Crew unfamiliarity with

Low Medium Medium Conduct regular training and familiarization

Ensure proper PPE use, supervision during

Improper use of safety gear Low High Medium

3. Implementation of Control Measures:

Action Responsible Person Due Date Remarks

Pre-inspection of lifeboat systems Chief Officer/Engineer Before each drill Ongoing

Conduct toolbox talk with the crew Chief Officer/Safety Officer Before drill Ongoing

Monitor weather conditions Bridge Team During drill planning Ongoing

Supervise crew during lowering process Chief Officer/Deck Officers During drill Ongoing

4. Monitoring and Review:

 The drill will be monitored by the Chief Officer and Safety Officer. Any issues or incidents during the
drill will be documented and reported for further
 A post-drill review will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the control measures and
identify any areas for improvement.

By following this structured approach, risk assessments for operations such as lowering lifeboats
can be effectively managed to ensure crew safety and compliance with SOLAS requirements(ISM

Q.5) a) With the help of a suitable sketch enumerate the operating principle and maintenance
requirements of smoke detection system fitted for cargo holds.
b) Describe the onboard test procedure and interval for automatic sprinkler system and hyper
water spray system.

Q5. a) Operating Principle and Maintenance Requirements of Smoke Detection

System Fitted for Cargo Holds

Operating Principle of a Smoke Detection System in Cargo Holds:

A smoke detection system in cargo holds is designed to detect the presence of smoke, which
may indicate the early stages of a fire. These systems typically operate using either ionization
detectors or optical (photoelectric) detectors.

Here is a sketch of a typical smoke detection system in a cargo hold:

Copy code
| |
| Cargo Hold |
| |
| [Smoke Detector] |
| |
| |
| |
+----------------------+ +---------------------+
| Control Panel | | Alarm System |
| (Bridge/Control Room) | | (Audible/Visual) |
+----------------------+ +---------------------+
Operating Principle:

1. Ionization Smoke Detectors:

o These detectors contain a small amount of radioactive material that ionizes the air inside
the detector’s chamber. When smoke enters the chamber, it disrupts the ionization process,
causing a drop in current that triggers the alarm(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
2. Photoelectric (Optical) Smoke Detectors:
o Optical detectors use a light beam and a sensor. When smoke enters the detector, it scatters
the light, which is then detected by the sensor, causing the alarm to sound(ISM CODE).

System Components:

 Smoke Detectors: Installed in cargo holds to continuously monitor air quality.

 Control Panel: Located on the bridge or in the control room. This panel receives signals from
detectors and activates alarms when smoke is detected.
 Alarm System: An audible and visual alarm is activated to alert the crew of potential fire hazards.
 Testing Function: Most systems include a manual test function that allows for regular operational
checks(ISM CODE)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
Maintenance Requirements:

1. Weekly Inspections:
o Conduct a visual inspection of all smoke detectors to ensure they are clean and free from
any obstructions that could prevent smoke from entering the detector(ISM CODE).
2. Monthly Testing:
o Test the operation of the smoke detection system by using a smoke test or a built-in test
mechanism to verify the functionality of each detector. Ensure the control panel and alarms
respond correctly(ISM CODE)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
3. Quarterly and Annual Testing:
o Perform more in-depth tests quarterly, checking for faults in the system and verifying
communication between the smoke detectors and the control panel(ISM CODE).
o Annual maintenance should include a detailed inspection of the wiring and power supply, as
well as the replacement of any detectors that show signs of wear or
4. Calibration and Sensitivity Testing:
o Ensure the smoke detectors are correctly calibrated and sensitive to even low levels of
smoke. Manufacturers often recommend periodic sensitivity testing to maintain the
system's effectiveness(ISM CODE).
5. Replace Detectors:
o Smoke detectors typically have a lifespan of 10 years and should be replaced as part of
routine maintenance or sooner if they become faulty(ISM CODE).

Q5. b) Onboard Test Procedure and Interval for Automatic Sprinkler System and
Hyper Mist Water Spray System

1. Automatic Sprinkler System

Operating Principle:

 The automatic sprinkler system is designed to release water in the event of a fire. Each sprinkler
head contains a heat-sensitive element, typically a glass bulb filled with liquid. When the
temperature reaches a certain level (e.g., 68°C or higher), the bulb bursts, releasing water from the
sprinkler to control the fire(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

Onboard Test Procedure for Automatic Sprinkler System:

1. Visual Inspection (Monthly):

o Inspect the sprinkler heads, pipes, valves, and control panel for signs of damage or leaks.
Ensure all sprinkler heads are free from obstruction(ISM CODE).
2. Flow Testing (Quarterly):
o Conduct a flow test by manually opening the valve at the test line to ensure water flows
freely through the system. This tests the operation of the entire system, including the pump
and water supply(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
3. Alarm Testing (Quarterly):
o Activate the sprinkler system’s test alarm to ensure the alarm sounds correctly when water
flows through the system. This simulates a real activation
4. Pressure Testing (Annually):
o Test the system’s pressure to ensure that the water pressure meets the required
specifications for firefighting. Adjust the system if the pressure is too
low(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).
5. Full System Inspection (Annually):
o Inspect the entire system, including the sprinkler heads, pipes, pumps, and control panel.
Ensure all components are in good working order and that there are no blockages or

2. Hyper Mist Water Spray System

Operating Principle:

 The hyper mist water spray system is a high-pressure firefighting system that generates a fine mist
of water to suppress fires by cooling the surrounding area, displacing oxygen, and reducing heat.
The fine mist also minimizes water damage compared to conventional sprinkler systems(ISM

Onboard Test Procedure for Hyper Mist Water Spray System:

1. Visual Inspection (Monthly):

o Inspect nozzles, pipes, control valves, and the control panel for any signs of damage,
blockage, or corrosion. Ensure that the water supply is intact and that nozzles are free from
2. System Activation Test (Quarterly):
o Test the system’s activation by triggering a test signal at the control panel. Ensure that the
mist nozzles activate and release a fine mist without any blockages(ISM
3. Pump and Pressure Testing (Quarterly):
o Test the high-pressure pump by manually activating it to check whether it can generate the
necessary pressure to create the mist. Measure the pressure at the pump and adjust it if it
falls below the required level(ISM CODE).
4. Full System Test (Annually):
o Conduct a full system test that includes the pump, control valves, and mist nozzles. Verify
that the mist is dispersed evenly and that the pressure is sufficient to suppress a fire across
the entire area(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
5. Nozzle Cleanliness Check (Annually):
o Clean the mist nozzles to prevent blockages that could reduce the system’s effectiveness.
This should be done using appropriate cleaning tools as recommended by the
manufacturer(ISM CODE).

By adhering to these testing and maintenance procedures, both the automatic sprinkler system
and the hyper mist water spray system will remain operationally effective and in compliance with
SOLAS requirements(ISM CODE)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

Q.6) a) List out some barriers to effective communication on board. Explain with onboard
b) What is personal power and positional power? Explain how will you as a chief officer, motivate
your crew keeping a balance between the two?

Q6. a) Barriers to Effective Communication Onboard and Examples

Effective communication on board a ship is critical for safe and efficient operations. However,
several barriers can hinder communication between crew members. Here are some common
barriers and examples of onboard situations:

1. Language Barriers:

 Explanation: On international vessels, crew members often come from different linguistic
backgrounds, and not everyone may be fluent in the common working language (usually English).
 Onboard Situation: A new crew member from a non-English speaking country struggles to
understand safety instructions during a drill, leading to confusion and delay in completing the

2. Cultural Differences:

 Explanation: Crew members from different cultures may have distinct ways of interpreting
communication styles, gestures, and instructions.
 Onboard Situation: A crew member from a culture that avoids direct confrontation may not feel
comfortable raising safety concerns, which could lead to important issues being

3. Technical Jargon or Terminology:

 Explanation: The use of technical terms or industry-specific jargon that some crew members may
not fully understand can create communication gaps.
 Onboard Situation: A junior deck officer is given instructions that include complex navigational
terms, but they do not fully understand the terminology, leading to errors during

4. Physical Barriers:

 Explanation: The physical layout of the ship can make communication difficult, particularly in noisy
environments like the engine room, or when crew members are working in different parts of the
 Onboard Situation: The chief engineer is trying to communicate with an engine room rating while
heavy machinery is running. The noise interferes with the message, leading to miscommunication
about a critical task(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

5. Hierarchical Barriers:

 Explanation: Crew members might be hesitant to communicate openly with senior officers due to
fear of criticism or feeling that their input won’t be valued.
 Onboard Situation: A crew member spots a potential hazard but hesitates to report it directly to the
captain, believing that as a junior crew member, their concerns may not be taken seriously(ISM

6. Stress and Fatigue:

 Explanation: High levels of stress or fatigue can impair a crew member’s ability to listen, interpret,
and communicate effectively.
 Onboard Situation: During a long night watch, a fatigued officer misinterprets instructions from the
captain regarding a course adjustment, leading to navigational errors(Fatigue Presentation ).

7. Lack of Feedback:

 Explanation: When communication lacks feedback, the message sender may not know if their
message was understood or acted upon correctly.
 Onboard Situation: The chief officer gives verbal instructions over the radio but does not receive
confirmation from the deck team. The task is delayed because the deck team did not fully
understand the instructions(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

Q6. b) Personal Power and Positional Power: Motivating Your Crew as a Chief Officer
Personal Power:

 Definition: Personal power is derived from an individual's personality, skills, knowledge, and
relationships. It is the influence a person has due to their character, experience, expertise, and how
they engage with others.
 Characteristics:
o Relies on trust and respect earned through competence, empathy, and personal example.
o Influences others through persuasion, mentoring, and strong interpersonal

Positional Power:

 Definition: Positional power is the authority that comes from holding a particular role or position in
an organization. This power is formal and is based on the rank or position within the ship’s hierarchy.
 Characteristics:
o Associated with the ability to give orders, enforce rules, and administer rewards or
o Relies on formal authority and the responsibility attached to the position (e.g., Chief Officer,

Balancing Personal and Positional Power as a Chief Officer to Motivate Your Crew

As a Chief Officer, balancing personal power and positional power is essential for effectively
motivating your crew. Here’s how you can achieve this balance:

1. Using Personal Power to Build Trust and Relationships:

 Lead by Example: Demonstrate professionalism, competency, and dedication in your role. Show
that you are willing to work alongside your crew and understand their challenges. By doing so, you
gain their respect and trust, which enhances your personal power(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
 Mentor and Coach: Use your knowledge and experience to mentor junior officers and crew
members. Provide constructive feedback and guidance to help them grow in their roles. This
approach shows that you value their development and are invested in their
 Build Strong Interpersonal Relationships: Engage with your crew on a personal level, listen to their
concerns, and be approachable. When crew members feel valued and understood, they are more
motivated to perform at their best(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

2. Using Positional Power to Maintain Authority and Structure:

 Enforce Safety and Discipline: Positional power is crucial for maintaining discipline and ensuring
compliance with safety regulations. As a Chief Officer, you must ensure that procedures are
followed and that there are consequences for unsafe practices. However, this enforcement should
be fair and consistent, to avoid creating resentment(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Delegate Responsibilities: Use your positional authority to delegate tasks appropriately. When crew
members see that their roles are clearly defined and that the Chief Officer has confidence in their
abilities, it can boost morale and efficiency(ISM CODE).

3. Motivating Crew by Balancing Both Powers:

 Foster Autonomy and Ownership: Strike a balance between directing the crew and allowing them
autonomy. Use your personal power to inspire confidence in their abilities, while using positional
power to set clear expectations and goals. This will motivate the crew to take ownership of their
 Recognition and Reward: While positional power allows you to offer formal rewards (e.g.,
promotions, extra responsibilities), personal power can be used to offer recognition in less formal
ways. Publicly acknowledge crew members who perform well, and provide positive reinforcement.
This fosters a sense of belonging and pride(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

Example: Motivating a Junior Officer

 Personal Power: As a Chief Officer, you take time to mentor the newly promoted Third Officer,
sharing your experiences and guiding them through difficult tasks. You offer constructive feedback,
and they see you as a reliable source of knowledge and support.
 Positional Power: At the same time, you make it clear that safety procedures must be strictly
followed. You assign them responsibilities appropriate to their rank and expect them to adhere to
the ship’s rules and operational standards.

By balancing personal power (influence, mentorship, trust) with positional power (authority,
responsibility, enforcement), you can create an environment where the crew feels motivated to
perform while maintaining the structure and discipline required for safe and efficient

Q.7) a) What are the guidelines given in the STCW code regarding on board training for cadets?
b) How will you ensure the rest hour requirements for watch keepers and other crew members

being compiled with as per STCW 2010 and MLC 2006?

Q7. a) Guidelines Given in the STCW Code Regarding Onboard Training for Cadets

The Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW) Code provides clear
guidelines for the training and certification of cadets to ensure they acquire the necessary
knowledge and skills for maritime operations. Key points regarding onboard training for cadets

1. Structured Training Programs:

 Cadets must undergo a structured onboard training program that is aligned with the STCW
requirements. This program should cover practical training in navigation, seamanship, safety, cargo
handling, and other shipboard operations under the supervision of qualified officers(IMO structure).

2. Approved Training Record Book:

 Cadets are required to maintain an approved Training Record Book (TRB). This document records
the various tasks and skills that the cadet has completed during onboard training. The tasks in the
TRB must align with the competencies defined by STCW(IMO structure).

3. Supervision by Qualified Officers:

 Onboard training must be conducted under the direct supervision of qualified and experienced
officers. These officers are responsible for guiding cadets, providing feedback, and ensuring that
training is conducted safely and in compliance with the ship's operations(IMO structure).

4. Competence-Based Learning:

 Training should focus on competence-based learning, where cadets are required to demonstrate
proficiency in various operational tasks. These competencies include watchkeeping, navigation,
cargo operations, fire prevention, and safety measures(IMO structure)(ISM CODE).

5. Familiarization and Safety Training:

 Cadets must undergo familiarization training upon joining the ship. This includes safety procedures,
emergency drills, the use of lifesaving and firefighting equipment, and an understanding of the
ship’s layout(IMO structure).

6. Sea Service Requirements:

 To qualify for certification, cadets must complete a minimum amount of sea service as specified
by the STCW Code. For example, deck cadets need to complete at least 12 months of sea service
as part of their officer training(IMO structure).

7. Feedback and Evaluation:

 Regular feedback and evaluation are essential. Senior officers must assess the cadet's
performance and provide recommendations for improvement. Successful completion of onboard
training is documented in the Training Record Book and signed off by supervising officers(IMO
structure)(ISM CODE).

8. Integration with College Education:

 Onboard training is integrated with the academic studies undertaken at maritime colleges or
academies. The practical experience gained during sea service is essential for reinforcing
theoretical knowledge learned in the classroom(IMO structure).

Q7. b) Ensuring Rest Hour Requirements for Watchkeepers and Other Crew Members
as per STCW 2010 and MLC 2006

The STCW 2010 and Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006 both emphasize the importance of
ensuring adequate rest for watchkeepers and other crew members to prevent fatigue, enhance
safety, and comply with international standards. As a Chief Officer, it is your responsibility to
ensure that rest hour requirements are strictly followed.

Rest Hour Requirements under STCW 2010 and MLC 2006:

1. Minimum Rest Hours:

o Each seafarer is entitled to a minimum of 10 hours of rest in any 24-hour period.
o The 10 hours of rest can be divided into no more than two periods, one of which must be at
least 6 hours long(ISM CODE).
o Rest hours in a 7-day period must not be less than 77 hours(IMO structure)(ISM CODE).
2. Exceptions:
o Deviations from rest periods are permitted under exceptional circumstances, such as
emergencies or drills, but compensatory rest must be provided afterwards(IMO structure).
3. Record-Keeping:
o All rest hours must be documented and available for inspection by Port State Control (PSC)
and company auditors. These records are crucial for proving compliance with STCW and
MLC requirements(IMO structure).

Steps to Ensure Compliance with Rest Hour Requirements:

1. Proper Work and Watch Schedules:

o Plan work schedules in such a way that all crew members, particularly watchkeepers,
receive the required amount of rest. Ensure that watchkeeping duties are evenly distributed
to prevent fatigue.
o For example, use a 4-on/8-off watch system or equivalent rotation that allows watchkeepers
sufficient rest between watches(ISM CODE).
2. Monitoring and Documentation:
o Monitor and record rest hours using a crew management system or manually keep a rest
hour logbook. This logbook should clearly document the rest periods and working hours for
each crew member(IMO structure).
o Ensure real-time updates to the rest hour records, especially after changes in work
schedules or unexpected overtime during operations(ISM CODE).
3. Regular Audits and Checks:
o Perform internal audits to review rest hour compliance regularly. During these audits, cross-
check the rest hour logs with the work schedules to identify any inconsistencies.
o Review rest hour records with crew members periodically to ensure accuracy and
transparency(IMO structure)(ISM CODE).
4. Use of Fatigue Management Systems:
o Implement fatigue management tools or software that can help track rest hours, alert
supervisors to potential violations, and provide automated scheduling to comply with rest
hour regulations(ISM CODE).
5. Emergency Situations:
o If rest hours are interrupted due to emergency operations, ensure that compensatory rest is
provided as soon as possible once the situation is resolved. Clearly document the
emergency in the logbooks and explain the deviation from normal rest periods(IMO
6. Training and Awareness:
o Conduct training sessions for officers and crew on the importance of adhering to rest hour
requirements to prevent fatigue and maintain operational safety(ISM CODE).
o Make crew members aware that violations of rest hours can lead to non-compliance with
international regulations, which could result in detentions during inspections(IMO structure).

Q.1) a) What are the LSA code requirements regarding marking of inflatable lifeboat and life
b) Briefly write about the weekly and monthly inspection routine for above?

Q1. a) LSA Code Requirements for Marking Inflatable Lifeboats and Life Rafts

According to the LSA (Life-Saving Appliances) Code, inflatable lifeboats and life rafts must have
specific markings to ensure proper identification, compliance with safety standards, and ease of
use during emergencies. Below are the key marking requirements:

Markings for Inflatable Lifeboats:

1. Name and Port of Registry of the Ship:

o The lifeboat must be marked with the name and port of registry of the ship it is carried
on(ISM CODE)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
2. Capacity:
o The number of persons the lifeboat is certified to carry must be clearly indicated on the
exterior and interior of the lifeboat(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
3. Approval Details:
o A label indicating the certification or approval by the relevant maritime authority, including
details such as approval number, must be present(ISM CODE).
4. Launching Instructions:
o Clear instructions for launching the lifeboat must be displayed near the entrance, using
diagrams or text that can be easily understood(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
5. SOLAS and LSA Compliance:
o The lifeboat must be marked as being compliant with SOLAS and LSA Code standards(ISM

Markings for Inflatable Life Rafts:

1. Manufacturer’s Information:
o The life raft must display the manufacturer’s name, serial number, and the date of
2. Capacity and Maximum Load:
o The life raft must be marked with its capacity (number of persons) and its maximum load in
kilograms(ISM CODE).
3. Service Interval and Expiry Date:
o Markings must indicate the last service date and the next service due date, as well as the
period for which the raft is considered serviceable(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
4. SOLAS Compliance:
o The life raft must be marked as being compliant with SOLAS requirements(ISM CODE).
5. Emergency Pack Contents:
o Markings should indicate the type of emergency pack provided within the raft (SOLAS A or B
pack), including basic survival items like water, food, and first aid(ISM CODE).

Q1. b) Weekly and Monthly Inspection Routine for Inflatable Lifeboats and Life Rafts

Weekly Inspections:

1. Visual Inspection:
o Check the overall condition of the inflatable lifeboat and life raft, ensuring there are no signs
of physical damage, tears, or abrasion to the material(ISM CODE).
2. Check Markings:
o Ensure that all markings, including capacity, manufacturer details, and approval labels, are
legible and not faded(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
3. Stowage Condition:
o Verify that the lifeboat and life raft are stowed correctly in their launching positions and that
there are no obstructions to launching mechanisms(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
4. Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRU) Condition:
o Ensure that the hydrostatic release unit for the life raft is properly secured and within its
serviceable period(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(ISM CODE).

Monthly Inspections:

1. Lifeboat Inflator and Air Pressure:

o Check the inflator mechanism of the lifeboat and life raft to ensure that it is functioning
correctly. For inflatable lifeboats, check air pressure levels if
2. Check Emergency Equipment:
o Verify that the emergency equipment, including rations, signaling devices, and first aid kits,
is intact and within its expiration dates(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(ISM CODE).
3. Servicing Dates:
o Check the servicing dates and ensure that the next scheduled service for both the lifeboat
and life raft is within the required period(ISM CODE).
4. Functional Test of Release Mechanism:
o Test the release mechanisms to ensure proper functionality without launching the raft or
5. Inspect and Clean Cradle and Lashing:
o Inspect the cradle and lashing arrangement for wear and tear. Clean and lubricate where
necessary to ensure the lifeboat and life raft are ready for immediate
Q.2) a) What is the purpose of the “work permit”? What are the contents of work permit?

b) Prepare a check list for enclosed space entry and explain importance of same?

Q2. a) Purpose and Contents of a Work Permit

Purpose of a Work Permit:

A work permit is a formal document used on board to authorize and control potentially hazardous
tasks. The primary purpose of the work permit is to ensure that specific safety measures are in
place before the work begins and that all personnel involved are aware of the risks and procedures
required for safe execution of the task. Work permits are commonly used for operations such as
hot work, enclosed space entry, electrical maintenance, or working aloft.

The key purposes include:

 Risk management: Ensuring that risks associated with hazardous work are identified, assessed,
and controlled.
 Communication: Providing clear instructions and ensuring that all personnel are informed of the
nature of the work, safety measures, and emergency procedures.
 Compliance: Ensuring compliance with safety regulations, the Safety Management System (SMS),
and industry best practices(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(ISM CODE).

Contents of a Work Permit:

A typical work permit includes the following elements:

1. Description of Work:
o Detailed description of the task to be performed, including location, duration, and type of
work (e.g., hot work, enclosed space entry, etc.).
2. Personnel Involved:
o Names and roles of personnel involved in the operation, including those carrying out the
work, supervisors, and safety personnel.
3. Permit Issuer and Authorizer:
o The name and signature of the responsible officer or manager authorizing the permit,
confirming that all safety checks have been completed.
4. Hazards and Risk Assessment:
o Identification of hazards associated with the work (e.g., fire, toxic fumes, suffocation, etc.)
and a summary of the risk assessment performed to manage those hazards.
5. Safety Precautions:
o List of safety precautions that must be followed, such as the use of Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE), fire watches, ventilation, and gas testing.
6. Emergency Procedures:
o Clear instructions on what to do in case of an emergency, including location of firefighting
equipment, first aid, emergency exits, and communication protocols.
7. Validity Period:
o Time and date when the permit is valid, typically including start and end times. The permit
may also specify the conditions under which the permit can be extended.
8. Sign-Off and Verification:
o Space for signatures of those involved in the task, confirming that they have understood the
work permit and the precautions in place. A closing section ensures the worksite is
inspected and declared safe after the job is completed(ISM
Q2. b) Checklist for Enclosed Space Entry and Its Importance

Checklist for Enclosed Space Entry:

Enclosed spaces, such as tanks, cargo holds, and void spaces, pose significant risks due to the
potential for low oxygen levels, toxic gases, and confined working conditions. Before entering an
enclosed space, a formal checklist is used to ensure all safety protocols are followed.

Here is a checklist for safe enclosed space entry:

1. Permission and Authorization:

o Obtain and complete the enclosed space entry permit, signed by the responsible officer.
2. Risk Assessment:
o Conduct a risk assessment to identify potential hazards, such as oxygen deficiency, toxic
gases, or physical constraints.
3. Gas Testing:
o Conduct atmospheric testing for oxygen content (minimum 21%), flammable gases (below
1% LEL), and toxic gases (such as H₂S or CO levels) using calibrated gas detectors.
4. Ventilation:
o Ensure adequate ventilation of the space for a sufficient period to displace harmful gases
and ensure a breathable atmosphere.
5. Isolation of Hazardous Energy:
o Isolate and lock out any equipment or pipelines that could introduce hazardous energy,
chemicals, or substances into the space during entry.
6. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
o Ensure that all personnel entering the space are equipped with appropriate PPE, including
protective clothing, safety harnesses, and helmets.
7. Communication Equipment:
o Establish reliable communication between the person entering the space and the standby
personnel outside.
8. Emergency Rescue Equipment:
o Ensure that appropriate rescue equipment (lifelines, harnesses, breathing apparatus) is
available and ready for use. A trained rescue team should be on standby.
9. Safety Watch (Standby Personnel):
o Assign a safety watch or lookout stationed outside the space to monitor the entry process
and communicate with the crew inside.
10. Time Limitations:

 Establish safe time limits for workers inside the enclosed space. Ensure rotation of personnel if the
task requires extended work.

11. Lighting and Visibility:

 Ensure adequate lighting inside the enclosed space for visibility. Use intrinsically safe equipment if
the atmosphere is potentially flammable.

12. Entry and Exit Control:

 Maintain a record of all personnel entering and leaving the enclosed space, ensuring that no
unauthorized entry occurs.

13. Final Verification:

 Verify that all conditions on the checklist are met before granting entry. Recheck gas levels
periodically during work(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
Importance of an Enclosed Space Entry Checklist:

1. Prevents Fatalities:
o Enclosed spaces pose significant risks, especially from oxygen deficiency or toxic gases.
Following a checklist ensures that these hazards are mitigated, reducing the risk of
asphyxiation or poisoning(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
2. Ensures Proper Precautions:
o The checklist serves as a reminder to verify that all necessary precautions (e.g., ventilation,
gas testing) have been taken before anyone enters the space. This ensures compliance with
safety protocols(ISM CODE).
3. Facilitates Emergency Preparedness:
o By ensuring that rescue equipment is in place and that a standby person is present, the
checklist prepares the crew for a quick and effective response in case of an
4. Regulatory Compliance:
o Following a formal checklist ensures compliance with SOLAS, ISM Code, and other
regulatory requirements that mandate safe entry procedures for enclosed spaces(ISM
5. Prevents Human Error:
o The structured format of the checklist reduces the risk of human error by providing a clear
step-by-step guide, ensuring nothing is overlooked in the rush to complete

In summary, using an enclosed space entry checklist not only ensures safety and regulatory
compliance but also minimizes the risk of accidents, injuries, and fatalities associated with
hazardous environments(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

Q.3) a) List out the maintenance requirements for lifting appliances over a period of 5 years.
b) Prepare a maintenance schedule of hydraulic hatch covers.

Q3. a) Maintenance Requirements for Lifting Appliances Over a Period of 5 Years

Lifting appliances, such as cranes, derricks, and winches, require regular maintenance to ensure
safe operation. The maintenance plan is typically spread over a 5-year cycle, with daily, weekly,
monthly, and annual tasks, as well as comprehensive inspections during the 5-year period. Below
are the key maintenance tasks to be carried out during this period:

Daily and Weekly Maintenance:

1. Visual Inspection:
o Perform a daily visual inspection for any signs of wear, cracks, or corrosion on hooks, slings,
wires, and chains(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
o Check for any hydraulic or oil leaks around the lifting
2. Lubrication:
o Ensure proper lubrication of all moving parts, such as wire ropes, sheaves, and bearings, as
per manufacturer recommendations(ISM CODE).
3. Brake Testing:
o Test the braking mechanism weekly to ensure that it holds the load and operates smoothly
during lifting and lowering(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
4. Control Systems Check:
o Test the controls (joysticks, emergency stop buttons) to verify correct functioning of all
lifting and hoisting mechanisms(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
Monthly Maintenance:

1. Load and Hook Inspection:

o Check the condition of load hooks and swivels, ensuring that they are free from deformation,
cracks, and wear(ISM CODE).
2. Wire Rope Inspection:
o Inspect the wire ropes for wear, broken strands, kinking, corrosion, or any other damage.
Replace the wire rope if necessary(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
3. Electrical System Check:
o Check the electrical circuits, including limit switches, for proper functioning. Ensure that
connections are tight and free from corrosion(ISM CODE).
4. Safety Devices Check:
o Test safety devices, such as overload protection, limit switches, and emergency stop
systems, to ensure they are operational(ISM CODE).

Quarterly and Annual Maintenance:

1. Hydraulic Systems Check:

o Inspect hydraulic hoses, cylinders, and pumps for leaks, wear, and proper fluid levels.
Replace any worn-out hoses or seals(ISM CODE).
2. Thorough Visual Inspection:
o Perform a comprehensive visual inspection of the entire lifting appliance, including
structures, hooks, ropes, and pulleys. Document findings and address any
3. Load Testing (Annual):
o Perform an annual load test using the lifting appliance at its rated capacity to ensure that it
operates safely under load conditions(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
4. Nondestructive Testing (NDT):
o Conduct NDT on critical parts, such as load-bearing structures and hooks, to identify internal
defects, cracks, or corrosion that may not be visible during visual

5-Yearly Maintenance:

1. Comprehensive Overhaul:
o At the end of a 5-year period, a comprehensive overhaul of the lifting appliance is required.
This includes disassembly of major components for inspection, cleaning, and replacement
of worn or defective parts(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
2. Load Test with Certification:
o A full load test is conducted to certify the lifting appliance’s capability to operate at its
maximum rated load safely. This includes dynamic and static load tests witnessed by a
class surveyor(ISM CODE).
3. Re-inspection by Classification Society:
o After 5 years, the lifting appliance must undergo re-inspection by the classification society to
maintain its certification and ensure continued compliance with maritime regulations(ISM

By following these maintenance requirements, lifting appliances can continue to operate safely
and efficiently throughout their service life.

Q3. b) Maintenance Schedule of Hydraulic Hatch Covers

Hydraulic hatch covers are crucial for maintaining the water-tight integrity of cargo holds, and their
proper functioning is essential for safe operations. Below is a maintenance schedule for hydraulic
hatch covers to be followed over a 1-year cycle, with tasks spread out over daily, weekly, monthly,
and annual intervals.

Daily Maintenance:

1. Visual Inspection:
o Conduct a visual inspection for any signs of damage, wear, or misalignment on the hatch
cover panels, wheels, and tracks.
o Check for any visible hydraulic leaks on pistons, seals, and
2. Clearing Debris:
o Remove any debris, cargo residue, or foreign objects from the hatch tracks, drain channels,
and rubber seals to prevent obstruction during hatch operations(ISM CODE).

Weekly Maintenance:

1. Lubrication of Moving Parts:

o Lubricate the hinges, wheels, rollers, and tracks to ensure smooth operation and reduce
wear on components(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
2. Check Hydraulic Oil Levels:
o Inspect the hydraulic oil reservoir and check fluid levels. Top-up if necessary and ensure the
fluid is clean and free from contamination(ISM CODE).

Monthly Maintenance:

1. Seal Inspection:
o Inspect the rubber seals for wear, cracks, or deformation. Ensure they maintain proper
compression when the hatch is closed to ensure water-tight integrity. Replace worn seals if
necessary(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).
2. Hydraulic System Check:
o Inspect hydraulic hoses, cylinders, and connections for leaks, cracks, or signs of wear.
Tighten any loose connections and replace damaged hoses(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
3. Testing of Open/Close Operations:
o Operate the hatch covers to check for smooth movement during opening and closing. Listen
for any unusual noises, vibrations, or delays that could indicate mechanical problems(ISM

Quarterly Maintenance:

1. Testing of Safety Devices:

o Test the limit switches and safety devices to ensure the hatch covers stop in the correct
positions during opening and closing(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
2. Drain Channel and Bilge Cleaning:
o Clean out drain channels and bilge areas under the hatch covers to ensure proper drainage
and prevent water accumulation that could lead to cargo contamination or hatch

Annual Maintenance:

1. Complete System Inspection:

o Perform a comprehensive inspection of the entire hydraulic system, including cylinders,
hoses, pumps, and hydraulic power packs. Ensure all components are in good condition and
operating correctly(ISM CODE).
2. Structural Inspection:
o Conduct a thorough inspection of the hatch cover panels, tracks, and wheels for any
structural defects, corrosion, or cracks. This may require nondestructive testing to check for
hidden defects(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
3. Load Testing:
o Perform a load test by applying operational pressure to the hatch covers to ensure they can
withstand normal loading forces during sea voyages(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
4. Painting and Corrosion Protection:
o Repaint or apply anti-corrosion coatings to any areas showing signs of rust or paint
degradation to protect the hatch covers from further corrosion(ISM CODE).
5. Replacement of Hydraulic Fluids:
o Replace the hydraulic fluids as per the manufacturer’s recommendation. Clean the reservoir
and replace filters to prevent contamination(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
6. Re-alignment and Calibration:
o Check the alignment of the hatch covers to ensure they are seated properly and provide a
watertight seal. Recalibrate the hydraulic system if necessary(ISM CODE).

By following this maintenance schedule, the hydraulic hatch covers will remain in good working
condition, ensuring the vessel’s cargo holds remain watertight and free from damage during
operations(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE)

Q.4) “Emergency preparedness” is required as per ISM. How will this will be achieved on board?

Q4. Emergency Preparedness as Required by the ISM Code and How to Achieve It

The International Safety Management (ISM) Code, which is part of the SOLAS Convention,
mandates that ships maintain a high level of emergency preparedness to safeguard the safety of
crew, passengers, and the environment. Emergency preparedness involves planning, training, and
having appropriate systems in place to respond effectively to emergencies such as fires, flooding,
collisions, groundings, and pollution incidents.

How Emergency Preparedness is Achieved Onboard:

To meet the ISM Code's requirements for emergency preparedness, the ship’s Safety
Management System (SMS) must include clear procedures and contingency plans for handling
emergencies. Below are the key steps to achieve effective emergency preparedness on board:

1. Development of Emergency Procedures

The SMS should contain detailed written procedures for handling different types of emergencies.
These procedures should include:

 Firefighting: Steps for detecting, responding to, and extinguishing fires in different areas of the ship,
such as the engine room, accommodation areas, or cargo holds(ISM CODE).
 Abandon Ship: Procedures for abandoning the ship safely, including the use of life-saving
appliances, lifeboat launching procedures, and crew
accountability(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(ISM CODE).
 Pollution Prevention: Steps to respond to oil spills, chemical spills, or ballast water discharge
incidents, with clear roles for the crew and communication with shore
 Flooding and Grounding: Procedures for detecting, managing, and controlling water ingress, as well
as measures to take in case of grounding(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

The procedures should be clear, specific to the ship’s design and operation, and regularly reviewed
to ensure they remain relevant and effective.
2. Emergency Drills and Exercises

Regular emergency drills are critical to maintaining emergency preparedness. The ISM Code and
SOLAS require drills to be conducted at regular intervals to ensure that the crew is familiar with
emergency procedures and can respond effectively. Key drills include:

 Fire Drills: Conducted at least once a month, fire drills should involve testing fire detection systems,
firefighting equipment, and crew coordination in responding to a fire(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Abandon Ship Drills: These should include lifeboat launching, donning life jackets, and assembling
at muster stations. Drills must be conducted at intervals not exceeding one month(ISM CODE).
 Man Overboard Drills: These drills should be conducted to practice the recovery of a person who
has fallen overboard(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
 Pollution Response Drills: These drills should focus on handling spills and leaks, especially on
vessels that carry hazardous or polluting cargoes(ISM CODE).

During these drills, the performance of the crew should be evaluated, and any weaknesses should
be addressed through further training and review of procedures(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

3. Crew Training and Familiarization

 Initial Training: Upon joining the ship, all crew members must undergo safety familiarization, which
includes instruction on emergency duties, the location of emergency equipment, and specific
actions to take in different emergency situations(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Continuous Training: Regular training sessions should be held to refresh crew members' knowledge
of emergency procedures and ensure that they are aware of any updates or changes to the SMS.
This could include refresher courses on firefighting, first aid, and the use of life-saving
 Onboard Familiarization: Crew members should be familiarized with emergency escape routes,
firefighting equipment, and communication systems. This ensures that they can act quickly and
effectively during emergencies(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

4. Emergency Equipment Maintenance and Readiness

 Regular Inspections: All emergency equipment, such as lifeboats, fire extinguishers, emergency
lighting, and life rafts, must be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure it is in working order.
This includes testing communication systems, fire detection systems, and emergency power
 Readiness of Life-Saving Appliances: Life-saving appliances (LSA), such as life jackets, immersion
suits, and lifeboats, must be readily available and properly maintained. This includes ensuring that
all crew members know where the equipment is stored and how to use it(ISM CODE).
 Testing of Alarm Systems: The emergency alarm systems, including fire alarms and general alarms,
must be regularly tested to ensure they function properly and can be heard in all areas of the
ship(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).

5. Clear Communication and Command Structure

 Chain of Command: During an emergency, it is crucial that all crew members know their roles and
who they report to. The chain of command should be clearly defined in the ship’s emergency
procedures. The master has overriding authority in emergencies, and the crew should be aware of
their responsibilities under his or her command(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Bridge Team Management: The bridge team must be trained to handle emergency situations,
including maintaining communication with external authorities (e.g., coast guard, port authorities)
and coordinating the crew’s response efforts(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
 Use of VHF/DSC Radios and EPIRBs: Communication devices, such as VHF radios, DSC radios, and
Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs), should be tested and used according to
procedures to maintain contact with shore and rescue services(ISM CODE).

6. Continuous Monitoring and Review

 Regular Audits: The SMS must be regularly audited to ensure that emergency preparedness
measures are up-to-date and effective. Internal audits help identify areas of improvement and
ensure compliance with the ISM Code(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Incident Review: After any drill or real emergency, a post-incident review should be conducted. This
involves analyzing the crew’s performance, identifying any weaknesses in the procedures, and
updating the SMS accordingly to improve future responses(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
 Improvement and Updates: Lessons learned from real emergencies, near misses, or drills must be
incorporated into the emergency procedures to ensure continuous improvement and readiness for
future incidents(ISM CODE).

7. Emergency Response Plans and External Coordination

 External Support: The SMS should include procedures for contacting and coordinating with external
emergency services, such as rescue coordination centers, port state control, and pollution control
 Emergency Response Plan (ERP): The ship’s ERP should cover coordination with the company’s
shore-based personnel, external agencies, and rescue services. This includes detailed procedures
for reporting incidents and receiving assistance during emergencies(ISM CODE).


Emergency preparedness under the ISM Code is achieved through well-developed procedures,
regular drills, crew training, effective maintenance of equipment, and clear communication
protocols. By incorporating these elements into the ship’s Safety Management System (SMS), the
crew is equipped to respond effectively to emergencies, ensuring the safety of the vessel, crew,
and environment(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(ISM CODE).

Q.5) Explain the working of CO2 systems on board a ship

Working of CO₂ Systems on Board a Ship

CO₂ fire suppression systems are widely used on ships to extinguish fires in enclosed spaces
such as engine rooms, cargo holds, and machinery spaces. The system works by displacing
oxygen, a critical component for combustion, thereby suffocating the fire. CO₂ systems are
effective for Class B (flammable liquid) and Class C (electrical) fires, as they leave no residue and
cause minimal damage to equipment.

Components of a CO₂ Fire Suppression System:

1. CO₂ Cylinders:
o Storage: CO₂ is stored in liquid form in high-pressure cylinders, typically located in a
dedicated CO₂ room or protected area on the ship.
o Manifold: The CO₂ cylinders are connected to a manifold that directs the CO₂ gas to
the area where it is needed. The system can be activated manually or automatically.
2. Distribution Piping and Nozzles:
o Piping: The distribution piping network carries CO₂ from the cylinders to the
protected spaces. The pipes are installed throughout the engine room or cargo holds
and are connected to release nozzles.
o Nozzles: These are strategically placed in the protected space to ensure the even
and rapid dispersion of CO₂ when the system is activated.
3. Control Panel:
o The system’s control panel is used to monitor and activate the CO₂ system. It
includes alarms, release controls, and indicators for cylinder pressure.
4. Pre-Discharge Alarm:
o A pre-discharge alarm is triggered before CO₂ is released into the protected space.
This ensures that personnel have time to evacuate, as CO₂ is hazardous to humans
in confined spaces due to oxygen displacement.
5. Release Valves:
o Main and distribution valves control the flow of CO₂ from the storage cylinders to
the protected space. These can be activated either manually or automatically,
depending on the system configuration.
6. Pressure Switches and Alarms:
o Pressure switches detect the drop in pressure in the CO₂ cylinders, triggering alarms
to notify the crew of a potential fire or system activation.

Working Principle of a CO₂ System on a Ship:

1. Fire Detection and Activation:

o A fire in an enclosed space, such as the engine room, is detected by fire detectors or
crew members.
o Once a fire is detected, the CO₂ system can be activated either automatically (if
configured) or manually by the crew. Manual activation typically involves pulling a
lever or pressing a release button, which initiates the discharge of
2. Pre-Discharge Warning:
o When the CO₂ system is activated, a pre-discharge alarm sounds. This is a critical
safety feature, giving crew members time (usually 30-60 seconds) to evacuate the
area before CO₂ is released, as CO₂ can cause suffocation due to the displacement
of oxygen(ISM CODE).
3. CO₂ Release:
o After the alarm period, CO₂ is released from the high-pressure cylinders. The gas
flows through the piping system to nozzles installed in the protected
o CO₂ displaces oxygen in the fire-affected area, reducing the oxygen concentration
below the level required for combustion. This suffocates the fire and stops it from
4. CO₂ Concentration:
o For the system to be effective, CO₂ must displace enough oxygen to bring the
concentration of oxygen below 15%, the level at which most fires cannot sustain
o The quantity of CO₂ discharged depends on the volume of the space being protected
and the type of fire involved.
5. Post-Discharge Monitoring:
o After CO₂ is released, the area must be ventilated to remove the gas before crew
members re-enter. It is essential to monitor the atmosphere to ensure that the
oxygen level has returned to a safe level for human
6. Recharging the System:
o Once the system is activated, the CO₂ cylinders must be recharged and inspected
before the system can be made operational again. The entire system should be
checked for leaks, blockages, or faults in the piping and

Safety Measures and Considerations:

1. Evacuation of Personnel:
o It is critical that all personnel evacuate the area before CO₂ is discharged because it
displaces oxygen and can cause asphyxiation.
2. Pre-Discharge Alarms:
o The pre-discharge alarm system should be tested regularly to ensure that crew
members have sufficient time to leave the area before the CO₂ system activates.
3. Isolating the Fire Area:
o The area where the CO₂ system will be activated should be properly sealed to
prevent CO₂ from leaking out and ensure that the gas concentration is high enough
to extinguish the fire(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
4. System Testing and Maintenance:
o Regular testing and maintenance of the CO₂ system are required to ensure that it
remains functional and that the cylinders are properly pressurized. CO₂ cylinders
should be periodically weighed to ensure they contain the correct amount of

Advantages of CO₂ Fire Suppression Systems:

1. Quick Response:
o CO₂ systems are capable of extinguishing fires very quickly, minimizing damage to
the vessel and its equipment.
2. Non-Damaging to Equipment:
o CO₂ is a clean agent, meaning it does not leave residue or cause damage to
machinery or electronics, making it ideal for engine rooms and electrical spaces.
3. Effectiveness for Various Fire Types:
o CO₂ systems are effective against Class B (flammable liquid) and Class C (electrical)
fires, which are common in engine rooms and cargo holds(ISM

By understanding and maintaining CO₂ systems, ships can be better prepared to handle fire
emergencies in confined spaces, protecting both the crew and the vessel from potentially
catastrophic damage(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

Q.7) a) As a chief officer of a container ship how will you prepare a training schedule for a new
junior deck officer?

b) How will you motivate your crew in order to extract the maximum output from them?

Q7. a) Training Schedule for a New Junior Deck Officer on a Container Ship

As a Chief Officer, preparing a comprehensive training schedule for a new junior deck officer is
essential to ensure they become competent, confident, and familiar with the ship’s operations.
The training schedule should focus on familiarization, operational tasks, safety procedures, and
professional development. Below is an example of a training plan spread over the first few months
of the junior officer's time on board.

Training Schedule for a Junior Deck Officer:

Week 1: Familiarization and Introduction

1. Ship Familiarization:
o Tour of the Ship: Walkthrough of the ship’s layout, including cargo holds, bridge, engine
room, and crew quarters.
o Introduction to Equipment: Familiarization with navigation equipment (radars, ECDIS,
GMDSS), firefighting equipment, and life-saving appliances (LSA).
o Emergency Procedures: Review emergency muster lists, emergency stations, and actions to
take during fire, man overboard, and abandon ship scenarios(ISM CODE).
2. Safety Management System (SMS):
o Introduction to the ship’s SMS, including understanding safety procedures, permit-to-work
systems, and risk assessments.
o Introduction to SOLAS and MARPOL regulations applicable to daily

Weeks 2-4: Bridge Operations and Watchkeeping

1. Watchkeeping Duties:
o Bridge Watchkeeping: Supervised bridge watches under the guidance of the Chief Officer
and other senior officers. Focus on navigation, collision avoidance, and communication
protocols during the watch(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
o Use of Navigation Equipment: Practical training on the use of ECDIS, radars, GPS, and AIS
for navigation and traffic monitoring. Understanding how to plot courses, set waypoints, and
check for navigational hazards(ISM CODE).
2. Cargo Operations:
o Container Loading/Unloading Procedures: Learn about container lashing, securing, and the
safe handling of cargo during operations.
o Ballast Operations: Introduction to ballast management systems, including the importance
of balance during cargo operations and environmental compliance with ballast water
3. Communication Protocols:
o GMDSS Familiarization: Training on using the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
(GMDSS) for emergency communication(ISM CODE).
o Radio Communication: Learn standard maritime communication protocols, including VHF
communication with port authorities and nearby vessels(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

Weeks 5-8: Safety, Firefighting, and Drills

1. Safety Drills:
o Fire Drills: Participate in and later assist in organizing fire drills, ensuring familiarity with
firefighting equipment, extinguishers, and breathing apparatus(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
o Lifeboat Drills: Training in lifeboat launching, use of life rafts, and man-overboard drills(ISM
2. Firefighting and First Aid:
o Firefighting Training: Hands-on experience with using firefighting equipment such as fire
hoses, foam extinguishers, and CO₂ systems(ISM CODE).
o First Aid Training: Basic first aid procedures, including CPR and treatment for common
onboard injuries(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
3. Permits and Risk Assessment:
o Permit-to-Work System: Learn about hot work permits, enclosed space entry permits, and
other critical operational permits(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
o Conduct Risk Assessments: Participate in creating risk assessments for various shipboard
tasks(ISM CODE).

Weeks 9-12: Advanced Operations and Leadership

1. Cargo Stowage and Planning:

o Container Stowage Plans: Learn how to read and understand cargo stowage plans, with a
focus on the safe handling and positioning of containers to ensure ship
o Handling Dangerous Goods: Familiarization with the IMDG Code and the specific
procedures for handling and stowing dangerous goods(ISM CODE).
2. Leadership and Decision Making:
o Bridge Team Management: Introduction to leadership roles on the bridge, including
managing the bridge team and responding to emergencies(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
o Communication and Decision Making: Develop decision-making skills in stressful situations,
particularly in navigating busy shipping lanes and handling cargo-related
3. Progress Review and Evaluation:
o Performance Feedback: Conduct a performance review to assess the junior officer's
progress, identify areas for improvement, and provide constructive feedback(ISM CODE).

By the end of this schedule, the junior deck officer should be well-prepared to undertake their
duties independently while understanding the key operational, safety, and leadership requirements
aboard a container ship.

Q7. b) Motivating Your Crew to Extract Maximum Output

As a Chief Officer, it is essential to motivate your crew to perform at their best, ensuring smooth
ship operations and maintaining high standards of safety and efficiency. Motivation is a balance
between leadership, empowerment, and fostering a positive working environment.

Strategies for Motivating Your Crew:

1. Lead by Example:

 Set the Standard: Display professionalism, discipline, and a strong work ethic. By doing so, the crew
will naturally follow your lead, striving to meet the standards you set(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Be Approachable: Ensure that your crew knows you are available for advice and guidance. An
approachable leader fosters trust, which can motivate the crew to communicate openly and work
more effectively(ISM CODE).

2. Encourage Responsibility and Ownership:

 Delegate Tasks: Empower your crew by delegating responsibilities according to their abilities and
encouraging them to take ownership of their duties. This fosters a sense of accomplishment and
motivates them to perform their tasks diligently(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
 Involve the Crew in Decision-Making: When appropriate, involve your crew in discussions about
operational decisions or problem-solving. This boosts their morale and makes them feel

3. Provide Training and Development Opportunities:

 Continuous Learning: Encourage skill development by providing training opportunities, such as

safety drills, cargo operations, and leadership training. Crew members will feel more motivated
when they see the opportunity for personal and professional growth(ISM CODE).
 Mentorship: Offer guidance and mentorship, especially to junior crew members. Help them improve
their competencies and give feedback on how they can improve(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

4. Offer Recognition and Rewards:

 Acknowledge Good Performance: Publicly acknowledge and commend crew members who
perform their duties well or show initiative. Positive recognition in front of their peers boosts morale
and motivation(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Incentives: Introduce simple rewards such as time off, additional responsibilities for capable crew
members, or even verbal praise. These gestures can go a long way in making the crew feel
5. Foster a Positive Work Environment:

 Promote Teamwork: Encourage a culture of teamwork where everyone supports each other in
achieving common goals. Team-building activities, clear communication, and creating a cooperative
atmosphere help foster camaraderie(ISM CODE).
 Address Grievances Promptly: Ensure that any concerns or grievances raised by the crew are
addressed quickly and fairly. Ignoring or delaying action on crew concerns can lead to
disengagement and a drop in morale(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

6. Ensure Work-Life Balance:

 Rest and Fatigue Management: Ensure that the crew adheres to STCW and MLC 2006 rest hour
requirements to avoid fatigue. Overworked crew members are more prone to errors, and fatigue
negatively impacts motivation and productivity(ISM CODE)(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
 Social Interaction: Encourage social activities during downtime. Crew members who have the
opportunity to unwind together develop better relationships, which can improve teamwork and work

7. Clear Communication and Feedback:

 Provide Clear Instructions: Clear and consistent communication reduces misunderstandings and
ensures that the crew knows exactly what is expected of them(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Constructive Feedback: When giving feedback, focus on areas of improvement while also
highlighting strengths. Constructive feedback helps crew members grow and feel more confident in
their roles(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

Q.1) a) With reference to LSA code, enumerate the requirements for construction, stability and
markings of inflatable life-rafts?
b) For a bulk carrier built in 2012 and engaged on international voyages, prepare a list of LSA as
SOLAS Chapter III.

Q1. a) Requirements for Construction, Stability, and Markings of Inflatable Life Rafts
as per the LSA Code

The LSA (Life-Saving Appliances) Code, which is part of the SOLAS Convention, outlines detailed
requirements for inflatable life rafts in terms of construction, stability, and markings. Below are the
specific requirements:

1. Construction Requirements of Inflatable Life Rafts:

 Durable Material: The life raft must be constructed from durable, weatherproof material that is
resistant to sunlight, seawater, oil, and extreme temperatures.
 Buoyancy Chambers: The life raft should have at least two separate buoyancy chambers. The
chambers should be inflated using either gas (CO₂) or a manual hand pump. Each chamber must be
capable of supporting the full load of the occupants even if one of them is
 Automatic Inflation System: The life raft should be equipped with an automatic inflation system,
which inflates the raft within 60 seconds upon deployment.
 Floor Insulation: The floor of the life raft must be designed to provide thermal insulation to the
occupants, minimizing heat loss through direct contact with water(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Survival Equipment: Each life raft must be equipped with a pack of survival equipment, including
drinking water, rations, signaling devices (such as flares), a knife, and a first aid kit(ISM CODE).

2. Stability Requirements of Inflatable Life Rafts:

 Stability in Adverse Conditions: The life raft must be stable in rough sea conditions and should not
capsize easily, even in high winds and large waves(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
 Ballast System: To ensure stability, life rafts are required to have a water ballast system (weighted
bags filled with seawater), which helps prevent the raft from overturning. These ballast pockets
must be of sufficient capacity to stabilize the raft under extreme
 Self-Righting Capability: Some life rafts are designed to be self-righting, meaning that if they
capsize, they can automatically return to the upright position(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

3. Marking Requirements of Inflatable Life Rafts:

 Name and Port of Registry: The life raft must be marked with the name of the ship and its port of
registry(ISM CODE).
 Capacity Marking: The maximum number of persons the raft is certified to carry must be clearly
marked on the raft(ISM CODE).
 SOLAS Compliance: The life raft must be marked with the SOLAS and LSA Code compliance
 Instructions for Use: Clear and concise instructions for launching and using the life raft must be
printed or attached to the life raft in durable, water-resistant material(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Servicing and Inspection Dates: The servicing interval and the date of the last service inspection
must be displayed on the raft. Regular servicing is required to ensure the functionality of the
raft(ISM CODE).

Q1. b) List of Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) for a Bulk Carrier Built in 2012 and
Engaged on International Voyages (as per SOLAS Chapter III)

For a bulk carrier built in 2012 and engaged on international voyages, SOLAS Chapter III requires
specific life-saving appliances to ensure the safety of crew and passengers. Below is the list of
required LSAs for such a vessel:

1. Lifeboats:

 Number and Type:

o At least two totally enclosed lifeboats, one on each side of the ship. These should be
capable of accommodating all crew members.
 Capacity:
o Each lifeboat must be of sufficient capacity to accommodate the total number of persons
on board(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
 Equipment:
o Lifeboats should be equipped with water, food rations, signaling devices, first aid supplies,
thermal protective aids, and navigation equipment (such as a compass)(ISM CODE).

2. Life Rafts:

 Inflatable Life Rafts:

o The bulk carrier must carry enough inflatable life rafts to accommodate the entire crew,
placed on each side of the vessel. The life rafts should have automatic launching
 Rescue Boats:
o One or more rescue boats, which can either be lifeboats or a separate dedicated rescue boat,
designed to recover persons from the water(ISM CODE).

3. Life Jackets:

 Number:
o Each person on board must have an SOLAS-compliant life jacket. Additional life jackets
should be stored in easily accessible locations around the ship, including on the bridge,
engine room, and accommodations(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Location:
o Life jackets must be located at muster stations, embarkation points, and life raft
stations(ISM CODE).

4. Immersion Suits:

 Number:
o Every person on board must have an immersion suit designed to protect against
hypothermia. These should be stored with life jackets or near the life-saving appliances(ISM
 Spare Suits:
o Additional immersion suits must be available as spares and should be placed near muster

5. Life Buoys:

 Quantity:
o The bulk carrier must have at least eight life buoys. Some should be fitted with self-igniting
lights and others with buoyant lifelines(ISM CODE).
 Positions:
o Life buoys must be placed in strategic locations, such as along the ship’s sides, near the
bridge, and at the stern(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

6. Distress Signals:

 Pyrotechnic Devices:
o The ship must carry a sufficient number of distress flares (rocket parachute flares and hand
flares) that meet SOLAS requirements. These should be stored in lifeboats, life rafts, and the
bridge(ISM CODE).
 Location:
o Distress signals must be located in life-saving appliance lockers, survival craft, and readily
accessible areas for quick deployment(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

7. EPIRBs (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons):

 The ship must be equipped with at least one EPIRB. This device sends distress signals via satellite
to alert rescue authorities in case of an emergency(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

8. SARTs (Search and Rescue Transponders):

 The vessel must carry at least two SARTs. These are radar transponders that help locate survival
craft or persons in distress during a rescue operation(ISM CODE).

9. Fire Extinguishers and Firefighting Equipment:

 Portable Fire Extinguishers:

o Multiple portable fire extinguishers must be available at various locations on the ship,
including in the accommodation areas, engine room, and on the
 Fixed Fire Suppression Systems:
o CO₂ or other firefighting systems must be installed in the engine room and cargo

10. General Alarm System:

 Alarm System:
o A general alarm system must be installed throughout the ship to alert all crew members
during an emergency. It must be connected to the bridge, accommodation areas, and engine
room(ISM CODE).

11. Muster Lists:

 The ship must have clear and up-to-date muster lists displayed at strategic locations, such as
muster stations and crew accommodations. These lists detail emergency duties and
responsibilities of the crew(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

By having these life-saving appliances as per SOLAS Chapter III, the bulk carrier ensures the safety
and protection of all crew members during emergencies, complying with international maritime
regulations(ISM CODE)(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)

Q.2) With reference to “ISPS Code”, describe

a) Ship Security Assessment b) Ship Security Plan c) Procedure for amendment of

Ship Security Plan.

Q2. a) Ship Security Assessment (SSA) – ISPS Code

A Ship Security Assessment (SSA) is a critical component of the International Ship and Port
Facility Security (ISPS) Code. The SSA is a systematic process used to identify and evaluate risks
to a ship’s security, vulnerabilities, and the potential consequences of security incidents. The
assessment forms the foundation for developing the Ship Security Plan (SSP).

Key Elements of a Ship Security Assessment:

1. Identification of Critical Shipboard Operations:

o The SSA identifies critical operations on board the ship, such as cargo handling, navigation,
and communication, which are essential to the vessel's security.
2. Assessment of Potential Threats:
o The SSA involves identifying potential security threats, such as piracy, terrorism, stowaways,
smuggling, or sabotage. It considers the likelihood of these threats occurring and their
potential impact on the ship and its crew(ISM CODE).
3. Vulnerability Identification:
o The SSA examines areas of vulnerability on the ship. This could include access points
(gangways, hatches), the bridge, engine room, or other sensitive areas. The SSA evaluates
how these vulnerabilities could be exploited by security threats(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
4. Review of Security Measures:
o The SSA assesses the effectiveness of existing security measures, such as surveillance
systems, alarms, physical barriers, and security protocols. It also evaluates the crew’s
preparedness for handling security breaches(ISM CODE).
5. Recommendations for Improvement:
o Based on the findings of the SSA, recommendations are made to improve the ship's security.
These recommendations may include changes to security procedures, upgrades to security
equipment, or additional crew training(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

The SSA is conducted by the Ship Security Officer (SSO) in collaboration with the Company
Security Officer (CSO). It must be reviewed and updated periodically, especially when there are
changes in the ship’s operations, routes, or security environment(ISM CODE).

Q2. b) Ship Security Plan (SSP) – ISPS Code

The Ship Security Plan (SSP) is a formal, comprehensive document required by the ISPS Code. It
outlines the security measures and procedures to be followed on board the ship to protect it from
potential threats and ensure the safety of the crew, cargo, and vessel.

Key Components of the Ship Security Plan (SSP):

1. Security Responsibilities:
o The SSP defines the roles and responsibilities of the Ship Security Officer (SSO), Company
Security Officer (CSO), and all other personnel concerning ship security. It ensures that
everyone on board is aware of their duties in maintaining security(ISM CODE).
2. Security Levels:
o The SSP includes specific procedures to follow under the three security levels defined by the
ISPS Code:
 Security Level 1: Normal, daily security measures.
 Security Level 2: Increased security measures during heightened risk.
 Security Level 3: Exceptional measures during imminent
3. Access Control Procedures:
o The plan outlines measures for controlling access to the ship, including gangway security,
visitor identification, and restricted area monitoring. It ensures that unauthorized persons do
not gain entry to sensitive areas like the bridge or engine room(ISM CODE).
4. Shipboard Security Equipment:
o The SSP lists and describes the security equipment on board, such as CCTV, motion
detectors, alarms, and communication systems. It also details how these systems are
maintained and tested(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
5. Communication Procedures:
o The SSP establishes communication protocols between the ship, port authorities, and
relevant shore-based entities during normal operations and in case of security
6. Security Drills and Training:
o The SSP includes a schedule for regular security drills and crew training to ensure
preparedness for potential security threats. Drills should cover scenarios like piracy, armed
attack, and unauthorized boarding(ISM CODE).
7. Emergency Response Procedures:
o The SSP outlines procedures to be followed in the event of a security breach, such as a
bomb threat, hijacking, or an attempt to smuggle illegal substances on board. It also
includes evacuation and notification procedures(ISM CODE).
8. Security Incident Reporting:
o The plan details how to report security incidents, who to notify (both onboard and ashore),
and the documentation required following an incident(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

The SSP must be approved by the flag state or recognized security organization (RSO), and it
must remain confidential, with access restricted to authorized
Q2. c) Procedure for Amendment of the Ship Security Plan (SSP)

The Ship Security Plan (SSP) is a dynamic document that may require amendments due to
changes in ship operations, emerging threats, or updates to international security regulations. The
ISPS Code outlines the procedure for making amendments to the SSP.

Steps for Amending the Ship Security Plan:

1. Initiating the Amendment:

o Amendments to the SSP may be initiated by the Ship Security Officer (SSO), Company
Security Officer (CSO), or recognized security organization (RSO). Reasons for amending the
plan could include:
 Changes to the ship’s operational area or routes.
 The introduction of new security equipment or systems.
 New threats or vulnerabilities identified during a Ship Security Assessment
2. Drafting the Amendment:
o The SSO, in collaboration with the CSO, drafts the amendment, which could involve updating
security procedures, adding new security measures, or modifying existing protocols. The
amendment should clearly state the rationale and the changes being
3. Submission for Approval:
o Once the amendment is drafted, it must be submitted to the flag state or a recognized
security organization (RSO) for approval. This ensures that the amended SSP complies with
the ISPS Code and national security regulations(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
4. Approval Process:
o The flag state or RSO reviews the amendment to ensure that it meets the necessary security
standards. If the amendment is approved, the ship’s SSP is officially updated, and the new
version is issued(ISM CODE).
5. Implementation of the Amendment:
o After approval, the amendment must be implemented onboard the vessel. The SSO is
responsible for ensuring that all crew members are familiar with the updated security
procedures and that any new equipment or systems are
6. Training and Familiarization:
o Following an amendment, the crew must undergo training to ensure they are aware of the
changes and understand their responsibilities under the new plan. Drills should be
conducted to test the effectiveness of the revised procedures(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
7. Documentation and Record Keeping:
o The amended SSP must be updated in all relevant documents, and records of the
amendment, including approval documentation, must be maintained. The old version of the
SSP should be archived but kept on record for reference(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

By following this procedure, the Ship Security Plan remains effective and compliant with the ISPS
Code, ensuring that the vessel can respond to new security challenges while maintaining the
highest standards of safety and preparedness(ISM CODE)(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…

Q.3) a) As a chief officer, prepare a plan to implement PMS on board a newly built yard deliver

b) Write short notes on: i) Preventive Maintenance ii) Incidental Maintenance

Q3. a) Plan to Implement a Planned Maintenance System (PMS) on a Newly Built Yard
Delivered Vessel
As a Chief Officer on a newly built vessel, implementing an effective Planned Maintenance
System (PMS) is essential to ensure that all machinery, systems, and safety equipment are
maintained regularly and according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. The PMS helps to avoid
equipment failures, ensure compliance with international regulations, and maintain operational
safety and efficiency.

Here is a step-by-step plan to implement a PMS on a newly built vessel:

Step 1: Identify the Scope of the PMS

 Identify Machinery and Equipment: List all the machinery, systems, and equipment onboard
that require regular maintenance. This includes:
o Main engines and auxiliary engines
o Generators and electrical systems
o Cargo handling systems (cranes, winches)
o Life-saving appliances (lifeboats, life rafts)
o Firefighting systems (CO₂ system, fire extinguishers, sprinklers)
o Ballast water systems
o Hydraulic systems(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(ISM CODE).
 Manufacturer Guidelines: Collect all relevant manuals and manufacturer guidelines for the
equipment on board. These documents will outline recommended maintenance intervals
and tasks for each system(ISM CODE).

Step 2: Set Maintenance Intervals and Tasks

 Preventive Maintenance Schedule: Based on manufacturer recommendations and class

requirements, create a preventive maintenance schedule for each piece of equipment. This
schedule should include:
o Daily: Visual inspections and operational checks of critical systems like engines, pumps, and
cargo handling equipment.
o Weekly: Lubrication of moving parts, testing of alarms, and basic checks of safety
o Monthly: In-depth inspections of engines, electrical systems, and safety gear.
o Quarterly: More detailed inspections, load testing, and calibration of navigation and safety
o Annually: Full inspections, overhauls, testing, and certification as required by classification
societies(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(ISM CODE).

Step 3: Implement a Digital PMS Software

 Choose a Digital PMS Tool: Implement a digital PMS software that helps organize and track all
maintenance activities. This will allow for easy scheduling of tasks, real-time monitoring, and
keeping a record of maintenance history. Many vessels use systems like AMOS, ShipManager, or
other PMS platforms.
 Integrate with SMS: The PMS should be integrated with the ship’s Safety Management System
(SMS) to ensure that maintenance is also aligned with safety regulations under the ISM Code(ISM

Step 4: Assign Responsibilities

 Chief Engineer’s Role: The Chief Engineer will be responsible for the maintenance of all machinery
systems. They should supervise the engineering crew and ensure all maintenance is carried out as
per the PMS schedule.
 Deck Crew’s Role: Assign deck officers and crew to maintain deck machinery (winches, cranes) and
safety equipment (lifeboats, life rafts). Clear roles and responsibilities must be defined for each
member involved in maintenance(ISM CODE).
 Record-Keeping: Ensure that all maintenance activities are logged in the PMS software. Records
should include details of tasks completed, spare parts used, and any issues identified during

Step 5: Training and Familiarization

 Crew Training: Provide training to all crew members involved in the PMS. They should understand
how to use the PMS software, carry out inspections, and follow manufacturer recommendations for
each piece of equipment.
 Onboard Drills: Conduct drills that test the crew’s ability to respond to potential failures, such as
emergency generator malfunctions or issues with cargo handling systems. These drills will help
identify weaknesses in the PMS(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).

Step 6: Monitor and Review

 Ongoing Monitoring: Continuously monitor the performance of the vessel’s systems and review the
effectiveness of the PMS. Any issues identified during maintenance activities should be addressed
promptly, and the PMS should be updated as necessary.
 Periodic Audits: Conduct periodic internal audits to ensure that the PMS is being followed and is
effective. This can be done in collaboration with classification societies during routine surveys(ISM

By implementing this PMS plan, the vessel will remain operationally efficient, safe, and compliant
with international maritime regulations.

Q3. b) Short Notes

i) Preventive Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance refers to routine, scheduled maintenance tasks that are carried out to
prevent equipment breakdowns and failures before they occur. It involves performing regular
inspections, servicing, lubrication, cleaning, adjustments, and part replacements based on time
intervals, usage hours, or manufacturer recommendations.

Key Features of Preventive Maintenance:

1. Scheduled Intervals: Maintenance tasks are scheduled at regular intervals (daily, weekly, monthly, or
annually) based on the equipment’s operating conditions and manufacturer
2. Objective: The main objective is to ensure equipment operates reliably and efficiently, minimizing
the risk of unexpected breakdowns that could lead to operational downtime or costly repairs(ISM
3. Common Tasks: Preventive maintenance typically includes oil changes, filter replacements,
lubrication of moving parts, visual inspections, and testing of safety


 Increases the longevity of equipment.

 Reduces the likelihood of emergency repairs.
 Ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.
ii) Incidental Maintenance

Incidental Maintenance refers to the repair or servicing of equipment or systems in response to

an unexpected failure or malfunction. Unlike preventive maintenance, incidental maintenance is
unscheduled and occurs after equipment has failed.

Key Features of Incidental Maintenance:

1. Unscheduled Repairs: Incidental maintenance is performed only when a failure or malfunction is

detected, requiring immediate attention to restore the equipment to operational status(ISM CODE).
2. Reactive Approach: This type of maintenance is reactive in nature, meaning the crew responds to
breakdowns as they occur, rather than preventing them ahead of time(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
3. Emergency Situations: Incidental maintenance often occurs during emergency situations, such as
an engine breakdown at sea, where immediate repairs are necessary to maintain the safety of the
vessel and its crew(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).


 Can lead to operational downtime and costly repairs.

 May increase wear and tear on equipment

Q.4) As a Chief Officer, prepare a contingency plan:

a) Rescue of survivors from another ship
b) Rescuing an unconscious person from pump room bottom platform.

Q4. Contingency Plans Prepared by a Chief Officer

a) Contingency Plan for the Rescue of Survivors from Another Ship

When tasked with rescuing survivors from another vessel, it is critical to have a well-organized
plan to ensure the safety of both the survivors and your crew. The following steps provide a
structured approach for carrying out the rescue operation:

Step 1: Initial Assessment and Communication

1. Receive Distress Alert: Upon receiving a distress signal from another ship, the officer on watch
should immediately notify the Master and initiate the ship’s emergency communication protocols.
2. Establish Communication with the Distressed Ship: Use VHF radio to establish communication
with the distressed vessel to understand the situation (number of survivors, injuries, or risks such as
fire or sinking). Confirm the vessel's exact position.
3. Notify Rescue Coordination Center (RCC): Inform the nearest Maritime Rescue Coordination
Center (MRCC) of the situation and coordinate the rescue effort with local authorities if needed.

Step 2: Preparations for Rescue

1. Prepare Rescue Gear:

o Launch rescue boats and ensure life-saving appliances, such as life buoys, life jackets,
immersion suits, and stretchers, are ready.
o Have a rescue boat team trained and prepared to lower and operate rescue boats in
potentially rough conditions.
2. Muster Crew for Emergency Stations: Organize the crew to their designated emergency
stations, ensuring that they are briefed on their roles. The ship's bridge should be staffed
with the navigational watch team to ensure a proper approach to the distressed vessel.
3. Medical Preparations:
o Prepare a first aid team in the ship’s hospital area, with necessary medical supplies such as
stretchers, oxygen, blankets, and first aid kits.
o Appoint a designated crew member to assist with medical needs of survivors as they are
brought aboard.

Step 3: Rescue Operation

1. Approach the Distressed Ship:

o Maneuver the ship carefully, ensuring that the rescue does not pose additional risks to your
own vessel. Account for weather, sea conditions, and proximity to hazards.
o Launch the rescue boat or use gangways and ladders if the survivors can board directly.
Ensure that your ship remains steady and maintains proper distance from the distressed
2. Recovering Survivors:
o Survivors in the water should be rescued using life rings, rescue boats, and lifelines. Ensure
that the crew assigned to the rescue boats are well-equipped and experienced.
o For survivors on the deck of the distressed vessel, use rescue boats, life buoys, or jacob’s
ladders. Where necessary, deploy the ship’s crane for hoisting injured survivors on stretchers.
3. Provide Immediate Medical Assistance: Once survivors are aboard, assess them for
injuries, trauma, or hypothermia. Administer first aid as necessary and ensure they are
taken to a warm, secure area for recovery.

Step 4: Post-Rescue Procedures

1. Record Keeping: Document the details of the rescue, including the number of survivors, the
condition of the rescued individuals, and the actions taken during the operation.
2. Notify RCC: Update the Rescue Coordination Center and relevant maritime authorities on the
completion of the rescue, providing the status of the survivors.
3. Monitor Survivors: Continue monitoring survivors for medical issues while awaiting further
instructions or until transfer to shore or another vessel can be arranged.

b) Contingency Plan for Rescuing an Unconscious Person from Pump Room Bottom

A pump room is a high-risk area, often containing confined spaces, toxic fumes, and the risk of
accidents. Rescuing an unconscious person from the bottom platform requires immediate action
while maintaining safety protocols to avoid further casualties.

Step 1: Initial Response and Safety Precautions

1. Raise the Alarm: Immediately sound the general alarm to inform all crew members of the
2. Ensure Safety:
o Do not enter the pump room immediately. Ensure that the atmosphere in the pump room is
safe before attempting the rescue.
o Stop all operations in the pump room and close any valves that may lead to the release of
hazardous materials or vapors.
o Use gas detection equipment to check for the presence of dangerous gases, such as
hydrogen sulfide (H₂S), carbon monoxide (CO), or oxygen depletion. Ensure that the
atmosphere is safe or that proper breathing apparatus is
available(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).
Step 2: Prepare for Rescue

1. Assemble the Rescue Team:

o A trained enclosed space entry team should be assembled, including personnel with
experience in confined space rescue. Ensure they have proper Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE), such as self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA), protective clothing,
and safety harnesses.
2. Ventilation of the Pump Room:
o Before entry, activate or enhance ventilation in the pump room to improve air circulation and
reduce the concentration of any hazardous gases(ISM CODE).
3. Monitor Communication:
o Establish clear communication between the rescue team and the officer on deck or bridge.
Use radios to maintain contact throughout the operation(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

Step 3: Rescue Operation

1. Safe Entry:
o The rescue team should enter the pump room using appropriate safety gear and lifelines.
One team member should remain outside the space to monitor the safety of those entering
the pump room.
o Ensure a lifeline is attached to the rescuer for rapid retrieval in case of emergency.
2. Assess the Victim:
o Once the team reaches the unconscious person, assess their condition (breathing, pulse,
signs of injury). If possible, administer first aid on-site (e.g., CPR if required).
3. Extraction:
o Use appropriate rescue equipment, such as a stretcher or rescue sling, to safely lift the
unconscious crew member. If necessary, use the ship’s hoisting equipment (crane or winch)
to lift the person from the bottom platform(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

Step 4: Post-Rescue and Medical Treatment

1. Immediate Medical Assistance:

o Once the unconscious person is safely removed from the pump room, move them to the
ship’s hospital or medical area for further assessment. Administer first aid, oxygen, or CPR
as necessary.
2. Medical Evacuation:
o If the person’s condition is critical, contact the nearest medical evacuation services (shore-
based or helicopter) to arrange for the transfer of the crew member to a medical

Step 5: Investigation and Reporting

1. Incident Investigation:
o Conduct a full investigation into the cause of the incident. Identify potential hazards or
safety breaches that led to the accident and develop measures to prevent future
2. Report to Authorities:
o Notify relevant maritime authorities, the company’s Designated Person Ashore (DPA), and
classification society as required. Provide a full report on the incident and the actions

By having these contingency plans in place, the crew can ensure that they are prepared to respond
to emergencies efficiently and effectively, minimizing risks and saving
lives(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).

b) Explain why CO2 is used for fire extinguishing

Q4. b) Why CO₂ is Used for Fire Extinguishing

Carbon dioxide (CO₂) is widely used in fire suppression systems due to its effectiveness in
extinguishing fires, particularly in enclosed spaces such as engine rooms, cargo holds, and
electrical equipment rooms. The properties of CO₂ make it ideal for fire suppression in
environments where traditional water-based extinguishing methods could cause damage to
equipment or where water is ineffective.

Here are the key reasons why CO₂ is used for fire extinguishing:

1. Oxygen Displacement (Suffocation of the Fire):

 How It Works: CO₂ works by displacing oxygen in the surrounding air, effectively suffocating the fire.
Fires need oxygen to sustain combustion, and CO₂ reduces the concentration of oxygen below the
level required to keep the fire burning.
 Fire Suppression Mechanism: When CO₂ is discharged into a fire, it dilutes the oxygen in the area,
typically reducing the oxygen concentration from about 21% (normal air) to around 15% or lower,
which is insufficient to support combustion(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Advantage: This rapid oxygen displacement makes CO₂ highly effective for extinguishing Class B
(flammable liquid) and Class C (electrical) fires.

2. Non-Conductive and Safe for Electrical Fires:

 How It Works: Unlike water, CO₂ is non-conductive, meaning it can be safely used on electrical fires
without the risk of causing electrical shocks or damaging sensitive equipment.
 Fire Suppression Mechanism: CO₂ does not leave behind any residue, making it ideal for use in
environments where electrical systems or electronic equipment are present, such as control rooms,
electrical panels, and server rooms(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
 Advantage: It is particularly useful for Class C fires (involving electrical equipment) where water or
foam extinguishers could cause further damage or pose a hazard to the operator.

3. Cooling Effect:

 How It Works: Although CO₂ primarily extinguishes fires by displacing oxygen, it also has a
secondary cooling effect due to the low temperature of the gas as it is released from its high-
pressure storage. CO₂ is stored as a liquid under pressure, and when it is released, it expands
rapidly into a gas, cooling the surrounding area as it vaporizes.
 Fire Suppression Mechanism: The cooling effect helps to lower the temperature of the fire-affected
area, which assists in slowing down or stopping the combustion process(ISM CODE).
 Advantage: The cooling effect, though not the primary mechanism of suppression, is useful in
reducing the heat generated by the fire, particularly in smaller, enclosed spaces.

4. No Residue or Cleanup Required:

 How It Works: CO₂ is a gas that leaves no residue when used to extinguish a fire. Unlike water, foam,
or powder extinguishing agents, CO₂ does not cause secondary damage to the equipment or the
area where it is discharged.
 Fire Suppression Mechanism: After CO₂ is discharged and the fire is extinguished, the gas
disperses into the atmosphere, requiring no cleanup(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
 Advantage: This makes CO₂ especially suitable for protecting valuable equipment, machinery,
electronics, and other sensitive assets in enclosed spaces, where traditional fire extinguishing
agents might cause significant damage or require extensive cleaning.
5. Effective for Enclosed Spaces:

 How It Works: CO₂ is highly effective in confined or enclosed spaces, such as engine rooms, cargo
holds, and storage areas, where it can easily replace the oxygen in the air.
 Fire Suppression Mechanism: In such spaces, the rapid release of CO₂ quickly fills the area,
displacing oxygen and smothering the fire before it can spread further(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
 Advantage: The efficiency of CO₂ in enclosed environments makes it ideal for use on ships, where
fires often occur in confined spaces like machinery rooms or electrical compartments.

6. Quick Discharge and Fast Action:

 How It Works: CO₂ systems can be designed to discharge large volumes of gas very quickly,
ensuring that the fire is suppressed rapidly. This fast action is crucial in preventing the fire from
escalating and causing more extensive damage.
 Fire Suppression Mechanism: The CO₂ system can be triggered automatically (through fire
detection systems) or manually, delivering a rapid release of gas that reaches the fire quickly and
extinguishes it within seconds(ISM CODE).
 Advantage: In environments where fire can spread quickly, such as engine rooms with flammable
liquids or high-voltage electrical systems, the fast response of CO₂ systems is critical in limiting
damage and saving lives.

7. Availability and Storage:

 How It Works: CO₂ is widely available and can be stored in high-pressure cylinders, making it an
accessible and practical fire suppression solution for ships and industrial settings.
 Fire Suppression Mechanism: The gas is stored in liquefied form under high pressure, allowing for
compact storage of large quantities of CO₂. When discharged, it expands rapidly into gas, making it
ideal for large-scale fire suppression(ISM CODE).
 Advantage: This makes it easy to install and maintain CO₂ systems on board ships and in various
industrial environments without taking up excessive space.


CO₂ is a highly effective fire extinguishing agent due to its ability to displace oxygen, cool the fire-
affected area, and suppress fires quickly. Its non-conductive nature, ability to leave no residue, and
suitability for enclosed spaces make it the ideal fire suppression method for use on ships and in
environments where water or foam-based systems could cause additional damage or
hazards(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(ISM CODE).

Q.6) a) Motivation is key factor for performance enhancement. As a Mate, how will you motivate
your subordinates in order to achieve optimum performance level?
b) What are the most important values one must demonstrate as a Leader? How can a leader fail?
Give an example of a situation when you failed as a Leader

Q6. a) Motivating Subordinates to Achieve Optimum Performance as a Mate

As a Mate (Chief Officer) on a ship, motivating subordinates is crucial to ensure smooth

operations, high productivity, and adherence to safety standards. Motivation is key for
performance enhancement, and here’s how you can foster an environment where your crew is
motivated to achieve optimum performance levels:
1. Lead by Example

 Action: Demonstrate professionalism, punctuality, and a strong work ethic. Your crew will naturally
follow your behavior if they see you adhering to the highest standards.
 Impact: When crew members see you working diligently, they are more likely to follow suit, setting a
high standard for work performance and discipline(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

2. Set Clear Expectations and Goals

 Action: Clearly communicate tasks, responsibilities, and expectations to the crew. Ensure that each
team member knows what is required of them, both in daily tasks and in long-term objectives.
 Impact: Setting clear goals and ensuring alignment helps prevent misunderstandings and increases
the crew’s sense of purpose. When the crew knows exactly what is expected of them, they are more
likely to meet or exceed those expectations(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

3. Provide Training and Development Opportunities

 Action: Offer ongoing training and skill development opportunities to your subordinates. Ensure they
are equipped with the necessary knowledge to excel in their duties.
 Impact: Crew members who are given opportunities to learn and grow feel valued and more
motivated. They gain confidence in their roles, which leads to improved performance and readiness
to take on more responsibility(ISM CODE).

4. Encourage Open Communication

 Action: Foster a culture of open communication where crew members feel comfortable expressing
their ideas, concerns, and suggestions. Make yourself approachable and show that you value their
 Impact: When crew members feel heard and understood, they are more likely to take ownership of
their roles and contribute more effectively to the overall success of the

5. Provide Regular Feedback and Recognition

 Action: Offer constructive feedback to help the crew improve and recognize their achievements
when they perform well. Publicly praise individuals who demonstrate excellence or go above and
beyond their duties.
 Impact: Positive reinforcement is a powerful motivator. When crew members receive
acknowledgment for their efforts, it boosts morale and encourages continued high

6. Foster Teamwork and Camaraderie

 Action: Encourage teamwork by organizing tasks that require collaboration and by fostering
relationships among crew members through team-building activities.
 Impact: When the crew works well together, it creates a sense of unity, and individuals are more
motivated to contribute to collective success. A harmonious work environment leads to higher
morale and productivity(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

7. Offer Support and Show Empathy

 Action: Show genuine concern for the well-being of your subordinates. Offer support if they are
facing personal or work-related challenges and ensure that work-life balance is respected.
 Impact: A leader who shows empathy creates a supportive environment where crew members feel
valued and motivated to perform at their best(ISM CODE).

8. Empower Your Crew

 Action: Delegate responsibility appropriately and trust your subordinates to make decisions within
their areas of expertise. Allow them to take initiative and show that you have confidence in their
 Impact: Empowering the crew gives them a sense of ownership over their work. When individuals
feel trusted and valued, they are more motivated to perform well and contribute to the ship's

Q6. b) Important Values for a Leader and How Leaders Can Fail

1. Most Important Values a Leader Must Demonstrate

1. Integrity:
o A leader must be honest, transparent, and act ethically in all decisions and actions. Integrity
builds trust between the leader and the team, and it ensures consistency in leadership
behavior(ISM CODE).
2. Accountability:
o A strong leader takes responsibility for their actions and decisions, as well as those of their
team. Accountability fosters a culture of ownership and reliability among the
3. Empathy:
o Understanding and being considerate of the feelings and needs of the team is crucial. A
leader who demonstrates empathy can connect with their team on a personal level, making
them more effective in leading and motivating others(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
4. Communication:
o Effective communication is one of the cornerstones of leadership. A good leader must
clearly articulate goals, provide feedback, and listen to the concerns of their team(ISM
5. Vision:
o A leader must have a clear vision and be able to inspire others to work towards that vision.
This includes setting achievable goals and motivating the team to pursue them with
determination and focus(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
6. Adaptability:
o Flexibility and the ability to adapt to changing situations are key traits of an effective leader.
Leaders must remain calm under pressure and adjust plans as necessary(ISM CODE).
7. Courage:
o Leaders must be able to make difficult decisions and take risks when necessary. Courage
also involves standing by one's principles, even in challenging

2. How a Leader Can Fail

Leaders can fail for several reasons, often due to a combination of personal shortcomings or
external factors. Some key reasons for leadership failure include:

1. Lack of Communication:
o Failure to communicate effectively with the team can lead to misunderstandings, frustration,
and low morale. If the leader does not clearly articulate goals or expectations, the team may
underperform(ISM CODE).
2. Inconsistent Behavior:
o A leader who does not demonstrate consistent behavior, such as applying different rules to
different team members, can create resentment and confusion among the
3. Failure to Delegate:
o Micromanaging and failing to delegate responsibility can stifle initiative and growth within
the team. Leaders who do not trust their team members may demotivate them and lead to
reduced productivity(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
4. Inability to Handle Conflict:
o Leaders who avoid addressing conflicts or fail to mediate effectively can allow problems to
escalate, leading to a breakdown in team cohesion and
5. Lack of Empathy:
o A leader who lacks empathy or fails to consider the well-being of their team members can
cause disengagement and dissatisfaction. Over time, this erodes trust and respect(ISM
6. Ignoring Feedback:
o Leaders who do not listen to feedback from their team or dismiss valid concerns risk losing
the respect of their subordinates and becoming isolated from the reality of team

Example of a Leadership Failure:

As a Chief Officer, I once faced a situation where I underestimated the value of clear
communication and delegation. During a particularly busy cargo operation, I assumed that the
crew fully understood the sequence of tasks. However, I did not take the time to explain the new
procedure thoroughly or check their understanding. As a result, there was confusion among the
deck crew about the loading sequence, leading to delays and some mismanagement of cargo.

What I Learned: I realized that as a leader, it is essential not to assume that everyone is on the
same page without confirming their understanding. After this incident, I improved my
communication strategy by holding briefings before every significant operation and ensuring that
each crew member had clarity on their specific roles and tasks(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM

Q.7) a) Develop a Training plan for all ship staff upon takeover of a new ship at the yard, and to
implemented before the vessel sails for her first voyage.
b) What are SOP’s (Standard Operation Procedures) and why are they needed? Prepare a SOP for
“Refilling of SCBA bottles using a shipboard SCBA compressor”.

Q7. a) Training Plan for All Ship Staff Upon Takeover of a New Ship at the Yard
(Before the First Voyage)

When taking over a newly built ship, it is crucial to conduct comprehensive training for all crew
members to ensure they are familiar with the vessel, equipment, and safety procedures. The
training plan should be divided into phases to cover all necessary aspects before the ship embarks
on its first voyage.
Phase 1: General Familiarization (Days 1-3)

1. Ship Familiarization Tour:

o A comprehensive tour of the ship, covering all key areas such as the bridge, engine room,
accommodation, cargo holds, and deck.
o Familiarization with emergency exits, muster stations, and evacuation routes.
2. Introduction to Safety Equipment:
o Hands-on familiarization with life-saving appliances (LSA) and firefighting equipment,
including life jackets, immersion suits, lifeboats, fire extinguishers, and fire pumps.
3. Emergency Procedures Overview:
o Review of muster lists, roles during emergencies, and general alarm signals.
o Walkthrough of ship evacuation and abandon ship procedures.
4. Basic Bridge and Engine Room Familiarization (for deck and engine officers):
o Introduction to navigation equipment (radars, ECDIS, GPS).
o Overview of engine room machinery and auxiliary systems.

Phase 2: Safety and Security Training (Days 4-6)

1. Fire Drills and Emergency Procedures:

o Conduct fire drills involving all crew members. Practice using fire extinguishers, fire hoses,
and SCBA sets.
o Review of emergency response procedures, including engine room fires, cargo hold fires,
and electrical fires.
2. Life Boat Drills:
o Practical training on launching lifeboats and life rafts.
o Simulated abandon ship scenarios and use of immersion suits and life-saving appliances.
3. Ship Security Training (ISPS Code):
o Review of the Ship Security Plan (SSP) and crew responsibilities under the ISPS Code.
o Training on access control, visitor management, and anti-piracy measures.

Phase 3: Technical Training (Days 7-10)

1. Navigation and Bridge Equipment Training:

o Training on the operation of radars, ECDIS, AIS, GPS, and communication equipment.
o Review of watchkeeping procedures and the use of navigational charts.
2. Engine Room Operation and Maintenance:
o Hands-on training on starting and stopping main engines, auxiliary engines, and generators.
o Training on the maintenance and troubleshooting of key engine room systems, including
cooling systems, fuel systems, and lubricating systems.
3. Cargo Operations (If Applicable):
o Training on cargo handling systems, including winches, cranes, and pumps.
o Familiarization with cargo stowage, securing, and ballasting procedures.

Phase 4: Drills and Compliance (Days 11-14)

1. Final Fire and Safety Drills:

o Conduct a full-scale fire drill, including the use of all firefighting equipment and evacuation
o Full lifeboat drill with all crew members participating.
2. Review of Compliance Documentation:
o Review of the Safety Management System (SMS), International Safety Management (ISM)
Code, and International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.
o Ensure all crew members are familiar with ship-specific safety procedures and
By the end of the training plan, all crew members should be fully familiarized with the ship, its
equipment, and their roles during normal operations and emergencies.

Q7. b) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

What are SOPs?

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are step-by-step instructions or guidelines designed to

help crew members carry out routine operations consistently and safely. They are essential for
ensuring that tasks are completed correctly, efficiently, and in compliance with safety regulations.
SOPs are especially important on ships, where precision and safety are crucial.

Why Are SOPs Needed?

1. Consistency: SOPs ensure that all crew members perform tasks in the same way, reducing
variability and mistakes.
2. Safety: They help minimize risks by providing clear safety instructions and precautions for
potentially hazardous tasks.
3. Compliance: SOPs ensure adherence to international maritime regulations such as SOLAS,
MARPOL, and the ISM Code.
4. Training: SOPs serve as training tools for new crew members, helping them learn how to perform
tasks correctly from the beginning.
5. Accountability: SOPs make it clear who is responsible for completing each step of a task, ensuring
accountability among the crew.

SOP for Refilling SCBA Bottles Using a Shipboard SCBA Compressor

Objective: To safely and efficiently refill Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) bottles using
the ship’s onboard SCBA compressor.

1. Preparation

 Personnel Involved:
o Only trained personnel should refill SCBA bottles.
o Ensure the compressor operator has the necessary PPE, including safety gloves and hearing
protection if required.
 Check Equipment:
o Inspect the SCBA compressor for any signs of damage or malfunction.
o Ensure that the air intake for the compressor is clear and drawing in clean air.
 Check the SCBA Bottle:
o Inspect the SCBA bottle for any visible signs of damage, wear, or corrosion. Check the gauge
to ensure the bottle requires refilling.

2. Refilling Procedure

 Step 1: Secure the SCBA Bottle:

o Place the SCBA bottle in the compressor filling station and secure it in place to prevent
movement during the refilling process.
 Step 2: Attach Filling Hose:
o Connect the filling hose to the SCBA bottle’s refill port. Ensure the connection is tight and
secure to prevent leaks.
 Step 3: Check Pressure Settings:
o Check the manufacturer’s specifications for the correct pressure to fill the SCBA bottle
(usually 200-300 bar).
o Set the compressor’s pressure regulator to the correct pressure.
 Step 4: Start the Compressor:
o Turn on the compressor and begin the refilling process. Monitor the pressure gauge to
ensure the bottle is filling at a steady rate.
 Step 5: Monitor the Process:
o Continuously monitor the filling process, ensuring that the pressure rises smoothly and that
there are no unusual noises or vibrations from the compressor.
 Step 6: Shut Off the Compressor:
o Once the SCBA bottle reaches the desired pressure, shut off the compressor.
 Step 7: Release Pressure Safely:
o Slowly release any excess pressure in the system before disconnecting the filling hose. This
ensures that no air is suddenly released when disconnecting the hose.
 Step 8: Disconnect and Inspect:
o Disconnect the filling hose from the SCBA bottle and inspect the bottle to ensure it has been
filled to the correct pressure. Check for any leaks around the valve.

3. Post-Refilling Procedures

 Step 9: Log the Refill:

o Record the date, pressure, and any observations during the refill in the SCBA bottle
maintenance log.
 Step 10: Store the SCBA Bottle:
o Once the refill is complete, store the SCBA bottle in its designated location, ensuring that it is
ready for use in an emergency.

4. Safety Precautions

 Monitor Pressure: Do not exceed the manufacturer’s recommended pressure limit when refilling
SCBA bottles.
 Ventilation: Ensure the compressor is operated in a well-ventilated area to prevent the buildup of
exhaust fumes or contaminants.
 PPE: Always wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including gloves, eye
protection, and hearing protection if necessary.

By following this SOP, you ensure that SCBA bottles are refilled safely and efficiently, maintaining
readiness for use in emergencies

Q.1) a) How will you organise and conduct the fire drill and abandon ship drill as per SOLAS.
b) Why do you train personnel on board? Explain the process you would follow to initiate the
training of a new deck officer joining an oil tanker in port before taking over his duties and why is

Q1. a) Organizing and Conducting a Fire Drill and Abandon Ship Drill as per SOLAS

Fire drills and abandon ship drills are essential for ensuring the crew is prepared to handle
emergencies and comply with SOLAS requirements. According to SOLAS Chapter III, fire and
abandon ship drills must be conducted regularly to familiarize the crew with emergency
procedures and ensure readiness. Here's how you can organize and conduct these drills:
Fire Drill (As per SOLAS Requirements)

1. Preparation:
o Muster List: Ensure that the crew is familiar with the muster list, which details the assigned
duties of all personnel during emergencies such as fire.
o Safety Briefing: Before starting the drill, brief the crew on the purpose of the drill and their
roles. Emphasize the importance of safety and adherence to
2. Simulating the Fire Incident:
o Location of Fire: Select a location onboard (e.g., engine room or accommodation) and
announce it as the source of the fire. Use a smoke machine or designated markers to
simulate the fire.
o Raising the Alarm: The crew should activate the fire alarm immediately upon discovering the
fire. Ensure that the general alarm and fire alarms are functioning properly.
3. Firefighting Response:
o Crew Muster: The crew must muster at the designated fire stations as per the muster list.
o Firefighting Team: Fire teams equipped with Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA),
fire hoses, and extinguishers should proceed to the fire location. Simulate the process of
locating and fighting the fire.
o Communication: Ensure constant communication between the firefighting team, the bridge,
and the emergency command team using VHF radios(ISM CODE).
4. Ventilation Control and Isolation:
o Demonstrate how to isolate the fire by closing fire doors, activating fire dampers, and
stopping ventilation in affected areas.
o Secure fuel and electrical sources in the fire-affected area.
5. Rescue Operations:
o Simulate the rescue of personnel trapped in the fire area using stretchers or fire blankets.
6. Fire Extinguishment and Overhaul:
o Ensure that the crew simulates extinguishing the fire, cooling hotspots, and conducting an
overhaul of the affected area to ensure no re-ignition occurs.
7. Debrief and Review:
o After the drill, gather the crew for a debriefing. Discuss what went well and identify areas for
improvement. Encourage feedback from all crew members(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

Abandon Ship Drill (As per SOLAS Requirements)

1. Preparation:
o Muster List: Ensure that all crew members know their roles during an abandon ship scenario
as detailed in the muster list. Provide a brief reminder before the drill starts.
2. Initiating the Drill:
o Alarm Activation: Sound the abandon ship alarm (seven short blasts and one long blast on
the ship's whistle and general alarm system).
o Crew Muster: The crew should proceed to their assigned muster stations with their life
jackets, ensuring that everyone arrives at the correct location.
3. Crew Roles and Tasks:
o Life Jackets and Immersion Suits: Ensure all crew members don their life jackets and, if
applicable, immersion suits.
o Lifeboat Preparations: Assign crew members to prepare lifeboats and life rafts for
launching. Simulate lowering the lifeboats into the water, checking that the release
mechanisms are functioning properly(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
4. Passenger Control and Evacuation:
o If passengers are on board, simulate the process of guiding them to muster stations,
checking their life jackets, and ensuring they are accounted for.
5. Abandon Ship Procedures:
o The crew must simulate the process of boarding lifeboats or life rafts. However, actual
launching into the water may not be necessary for every drill unless required.
o Ensure that communication equipment (e.g., EPIRBs, SARTs, and VHF radios) is tested and
ready for use in lifeboats(ISM CODE).
6. Debriefing and Review:
o After the drill, conduct a debrief with the crew. Discuss their performance, focusing on how
quickly and efficiently they mustered, donned their safety gear, and prepared lifeboats for

Q1. b) Why Train Personnel on Board?

Training personnel on board is essential to ensure the safety of the crew, the ship, and the
environment. Proper training ensures that all crew members can handle emergencies, carry out
their duties effectively, and comply with international regulations such as SOLAS, ISM Code, and

Training serves the following key purposes:

 Safety Compliance: Ensures crew members are familiar with safety procedures and equipment.
 Skill Development: Enhances the professional skills of crew members, enabling them to perform
tasks efficiently and with confidence.

Preparedness: EProcess to Initiate the Training of a New Deck Officer on an Oil

Tanker in Port Before Taking Over Duties

Training a new deck officer before they assume their duties is critical for ensuring safety,
compliance with international regulations, and efficient operations. Here's the process I would
follow to train a new deck officer on an oil tanker in port, along with the importance of each step:

1. Initial Briefing and Familiarization

Objective: Ensure that the new deck officer becomes familiar with the vessel, its layout, equipment,
and crew.

 Ship Tour: Conduct a comprehensive tour of the vessel, including critical areas such as the bridge,
engine room, deck, cargo tanks, pump room, and accommodation areas.
 Introduction to Crew: Introduce the new officer to key crew members, especially senior officers, and
explain the hierarchy and reporting structure on board.
 Muster List Familiarization: Review the muster list with the new officer, ensuring they understand
their assigned duties during emergency situations like fire or abandon ship drills(ISM

Importance: This familiarization is essential to help the new officer feel comfortable with the
ship's layout, equipment, and crew dynamics, which is vital for smooth operations and quick
responses in emergencies.

2. Safety Training

Objective: Ensure the new deck officer understands and can comply with safety protocols,
including those specific to oil tankers.

 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Train the officer in the correct use of PPE, including helmets,
safety harnesses, gloves, and respirators.
 Emergency Drills: Involve the officer in routine safety drills, such as fire and abandon ship drills, and
ensure they are familiar with their specific role in these drills.
 Safety Management System (SMS): Brief the officer on the ship’s SMS in accordance with the ISM
Code. Emphasize key safety procedures, incident reporting, and the importance of adhering to the
safety protocols(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

Importance: Safety is paramount, especially on oil tankers where hazardous cargo is involved.
Ensuring the new officer is familiar with safety procedures reduces the risk of accidents and
ensures compliance with international regulations.

3. Cargo Operations Training

Objective: Familiarize the officer with the specific procedures related to oil cargo handling,
including loading, unloading, and tank monitoring.

 Cargo Handling Procedures: Provide detailed training on loading and discharging oil cargo. This
includes operating cargo pumps, monitoring tank levels, and following strict safety protocols to
prevent spills.
 Tank Entry and Gas Detection: Train the officer on the procedures for entering cargo tanks and the
use of gas detection equipment. This ensures that they are aware of the dangers of hazardous
gases and follow protocols for safe tank entry.
 Ballast and Cargo Stability: Introduce the officer to ballast water management and the impact of
cargo distribution on the ship's stability(ISM CODE).

Importance: Proper training in cargo handling is crucial to prevent accidents, spills, or

environmental damage. Oil tankers deal with hazardous materials, and mistakes can be
catastrophic, so the new officer must fully understand the processes involved.

4. Bridge and Navigation Training

Objective: Ensure the officer is familiar with navigation equipment, bridge procedures, and
watchkeeping duties.

 Navigation Equipment: Provide hands-on training with navigational equipment, including radar,
ECDIS, GPS, and AIS systems. Ensure the officer is comfortable using all bridge equipment.
 Watchkeeping Duties: Review the principles of Bridge Resource Management (BRM) and ensure
the officer understands their responsibilities as a watchkeeper. Stress the importance of situational
awareness, communication, and adherence to COLREGs (Collision
 Port Communication: Familiarize the officer with VHF communication procedures with ports and
nearby vessels during maneuvers in port and at sea(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

Importance: Bridge operations require precision and expertise to ensure the safety of the vessel
and the crew. Proper navigation training helps avoid collisions, groundings, and other navigational
errors, particularly in busy shipping lanes and port approaches.

5. Ship Security Training

Objective: Train the officer on security protocols, including compliance with the International Ship
and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.

 Ship Security Plan (SSP): Review the Ship Security Plan with the officer, ensuring they are familiar
with access control, restricted areas, and procedures for dealing with security threats such as
stowaways or piracy.
 Security Levels: Train the officer on the three levels of security (Security Levels 1, 2, and 3) and the
actions required at each level(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

Importance: Security threats are a reality in international shipping, and the officer must be
prepared to manage these risks to safeguard the ship and its crew.

6. Oil Pollution Prevention and MARPOL Compliance

Objective: Ensure the officer understands the procedures for preventing oil pollution and complies
with MARPOL Annex I (Prevention of Pollution by Oil).

 Oil Record Book (ORB): Train the officer on how to correctly complete the Oil Record Book,
including entries for oil transfers, discharges, and tank cleaning.
 Oil Spill Prevention and Response: Review the ship's Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
(SOPEP) with the officer. Ensure they know the procedures for responding to oil spills and where oil
spill equipment is located on board(ISM CODE)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

Importance: Environmental compliance is a legal requirement, and any failure to follow pollution
prevention measures can result in severe penalties and environmental damage.

7. Final Assessment and Verification

Objective: Assess the officer’s readiness to take on their duties through hands-on tasks and

 Supervised Watchkeeping: Allow the officer to perform watchkeeping duties under the supervision
of a senior officer for a set period to evaluate their competence in handling the responsibilities.
 Practical Tests: Conduct practical tests, such as conducting a cargo transfer simulation or
operating navigation systems, to assess the officer's understanding of key tasks(ISM CODE).

Importance: The final assessment ensures that the officer is fully prepared to take on their duties
independently, with the confidence and knowledge needed to perform safely and efficiently.

Why Is This Process Important?

1. Safety: Training ensures the officer is aware of safety protocols specific to oil tankers,
which deal with hazardous cargo. This minimizes the risk of accidents or spills.
2. Compliance: The process ensures that the officer complies with international regulations
like SOLAS, MARPOL, and ISPS Code, which are mandatory for vessel operations.
3. Performance: Thorough training helps the officer perform their duties efficiently,
contributing to the smooth operation of the ship.
4. Risk Reduction: Proper training reduces the risk of human error, which is a leading cause of
maritime incidents. A well-trained officer is better equipped to handle routine tasks and
5. Crew Integration: Training integrates the new officer into the crew, promoting effective
teamwork and communication, which is essential for shipboard

 nsures that the crew is prepared to handle both routine and emergency situations effectively.
 Regulatory Requirements: Complies with international regulations and the ship's Safety
Management System (SMS), which mandates continuous training(ISM CODE).

Q.2) a) State the criteria for appointing a safety officer and explain in detail his responsibilities in
ensuring safety on board.
b) Draw up a checklist for conducting routine safety inspection on board by safety officer.

Q2. a) Criteria for Appointing a Safety Officer and Responsibilities

Criteria for Appointing a Safety Officer:

The Safety Officer on board a vessel is typically appointed by the ship’s master. The following
criteria are used to determine a suitable candidate for this role:

1. Experience and Rank:

o The Safety Officer is often a senior officer, typically the Chief Officer or a senior deck officer
with substantial seafaring experience.
o The officer must have a strong understanding of maritime safety regulations and best
practices, including familiarity with the ship’s Safety Management System (SMS).
2. Training and Competence:
o The Safety Officer must have completed formal safety training, such as courses in safety
management, risk assessment, and accident investigation.
o A thorough understanding of SOLAS, the ISM Code, and relevant conventions such as
MARPOL is required.
3. Leadership Skills:
o The Safety Officer must possess strong leadership and communication skills, as they are
responsible for enforcing safety procedures and ensuring the crew follows proper protocols.
4. Familiarity with the Vessel:
o The Safety Officer must be thoroughly familiar with the vessel’s layout, equipment, and
operational procedures. This includes knowing the location and operation of life-saving
appliances and firefighting equipment.

Responsibilities of the Safety Officer:

The Safety Officer plays a critical role in ensuring the overall safety of the crew and vessel. Their
key responsibilities include:

1. Safety Inspections and Audits:

o Conduct regular inspections of the ship to identify potential hazards. These inspections
cover machinery spaces, safety equipment, fire protection systems, and overall working
conditions. The Safety Officer is responsible for ensuring that all areas are compliant with
safety regulations(ISM CODE).
2. Risk Assessment and Hazard Identification:
o The Safety Officer must regularly carry out risk assessments to identify potential hazards
related to specific operations (e.g., cargo handling, enclosed space entry). They must also
recommend measures to mitigate these risks(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
3. Accident Investigation and Reporting:
o In the event of an accident, the Safety Officer is responsible for conducting a thorough
investigation to determine the cause of the incident. The officer must complete the required
documentation and report the findings to the Master and the company’s Designated Person
Ashore (DPA)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
4. Crew Training and Safety Drills:
o The Safety Officer organizes regular safety drills (e.g., fire drills, abandon ship drills) to
ensure that the crew is familiar with emergency procedures. They are also responsible for
conducting ongoing safety training for the crew, covering topics such as the use of
firefighting equipment, life-saving appliances, and personal protective equipment
5. Monitoring Compliance with the SMS:
o The Safety Officer ensures that the ship’s operations are in full compliance with the ship’s
Safety Management System (SMS) and international regulations, such as SOLAS and the
ISM Code.
6. Promoting a Safety Culture:
o The Safety Officer is responsible for fostering a positive safety culture on board by
encouraging crew members to report hazards, engage in safety discussions, and follow safe
working practices.
7. Safety Documentation:
o Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of safety inspections, risk assessments, and
safety drills. The Safety Officer also ensures that safety notices, signs, and procedures are
prominently displayed and accessible to the crew(ISM CODE).

Q2. b) Checklist for Conducting Routine Safety Inspections by the Safety Officer

The Safety Officer should conduct routine safety inspections on board to ensure that the vessel
complies with safety standards and that all systems and equipment are in good working condition.
Below is a comprehensive checklist for such an inspection:

Routine Safety Inspection Checklist:

1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

 Are crew members using proper PPE (helmets, gloves, safety boots, etc.) while working?
 Are PPE items available, in good condition, and easily accessible in all relevant areas?

2. Firefighting Equipment:

 Are fire extinguishers properly charged and in their designated locations?

 Is the fire detection system operational and regularly tested?
 Are fire hoses, nozzles, and hydrants in good condition and free from obstructions?
 Are the emergency fire pumps functional and regularly tested?
 Is the CO₂ fire suppression system properly serviced and ready for operation?

3. Life-Saving Appliances (LSA):

 Are life jackets and immersion suits in good condition and stored in accessible
 Are lifeboats and life rafts properly stowed and ready for deployment?
 Is the hydrostatic release unit (HRU) for life rafts within the service period?
 Are lifebuoys with lights and smoke signals in their correct positions and serviceable?
 Are EPIRBs (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons) and SARTs (Search and
Rescue Transponders) functional?

4. Emergency Escape Routes and Exits:

 Are emergency exits and escape routes clear of obstructions?

 Are emergency lighting and illuminated signs working properly?
 Are escape route diagrams posted and clearly visible?

5. General Housekeeping and Hazard Control:

 Are all walkways, stairs, and ladders free from tripping hazards (e.g., tools, cables)?
 Are spills of oil, water, or chemicals cleaned up promptly?
 Are confined spaces properly secured and labeled with warning signs?

6. Safety Signage and Communication:

 Are safety signs and instructions clearly posted in all relevant areas (e.g., machinery
spaces, galley)?
 Is the general alarm system functional, and can it be heard throughout the ship?
 Is the public address system (PA) operational and tested regularly?

7. Machinery Space Safety:

 Are engine room spaces clean, organized, and free of oil or fuel spills?
 Are machine guards in place and secure on rotating equipment?
 Are ventilation systems in good working order and providing adequate airflow?

8. Electrical Safety:

 Are all electrical cables and wiring properly insulated and free from damage?
 Are electrical panels and circuits labeled, and are covers secured?
 Are emergency batteries and backup power sources operational?

9. Enclosed Space Entry:

 Is the permit-to-work system for enclosed space entry in place and followed?
 Are gas detectors regularly calibrated and functional?
 Are crew members trained and competent in confined space entry procedures?

10. Alarms and Detection Systems:

 Are fire alarms, gas detection systems, and emergency alarms tested and functional?
 Is the bridge navigational watch alarm system (BNWAS) operational?

11. Communication and Reporting:

 Are crew members aware of the procedure for reporting hazards and near-misses?
 Are communication devices (VHF radios, satellite phones) working properly and

12. Emergency Drills:

 Are regular emergency drills (fire, abandon ship, man overboard) being conducted as
per schedule?
 Is the crew familiar with their emergency roles and duties according to the muster list?

By following this checklist, the Safety Officer can ensure that the ship’s safety standards are
maintained, and any potential hazards are identified and addressed before they lead to accidents
or non-compliance(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).

Q.3) a) What precautions would you take before and while painting steel deck plates?
b) For peak water ballast tank is showing signs of corrosions. How would you treat it?

Q3. a) Precautions Before and While Painting Steel Deck Plates

Painting steel deck plates requires careful preparation and attention to detail to ensure both safety
and the longevity of the paintwork. Poor preparation or improper procedures can result in
inadequate protection, leading to corrosion and other issues. Here are the precautions to take:

Precautions Before Painting:

1. Surface Preparation:
o Remove Rust and Old Paint: Clean the deck plates thoroughly by removing any rust, old paint,
and contaminants. This can be done using mechanical methods like wire brushing, grinding,
or sandblasting, depending on the extent of corrosion and the condition of the existing paint.
Proper surface preparation is critical to ensure good paint adhesion.
o Clean the Surface: After removing rust and old paint, clean the surface with water or a
solvent to remove grease, oil, salt, or other contaminants. Ensure the surface is dry before
o Check for Defects: Inspect the deck plates for any cracks, holes, or structural damage.
Ensure that any defects are repaired before painting.
2. Weather Conditions:
o Ensure Suitable Weather: Avoid painting in wet, humid, or very windy conditions as it can
affect the drying process and lead to poor paint adhesion. If painting outside, ensure
weather conditions are favorable (preferably dry and with low humidity).
o Temperature Control: Ensure the temperature is within the recommended range for the
specific paint being used. Extreme temperatures (too hot or too cold) can interfere with the
paint’s curing process.
3. Ventilation:
o Ensure Proper Ventilation: If painting in confined spaces, such as under deck structures or
indoors, ensure adequate ventilation. Use fans or forced-air systems to avoid the buildup of
fumes, which can pose health risks and fire hazards.
4. Safety Equipment:
o Wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Provide all personnel with the appropriate PPE,
including respirators, safety goggles, gloves, and coveralls to protect against paint fumes
and chemicals.
o Use Safety Harnesses: If working at heights or near the edges of the deck, ensure that
safety harnesses and fall protection equipment are used.
5. Surface Protection:
o Protect Adjacent Areas: Cover and protect areas of the deck that do not require painting,
such as ventilation systems, machinery, or electrical equipment, to prevent accidental paint

Precautions While Painting:

1. Correct Paint Application:

o Use the Right Equipment: Depending on the type of paint and surface, choose the
appropriate painting method (brush, roller, or spray). Ensure the equipment is suitable for the
paint type.
o Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions: Follow the paint manufacturer’s instructions carefully,
including the number of coats required, drying times, and any specific mixing or thinning
2. Apply Primer:
o Primer Application: Always apply a corrosion-inhibiting primer before applying the topcoat.
The primer helps prevent rust and ensures better adhesion of the paint.
3. Apply Multiple Coats:
o Apply Thin, Even Coats: Apply thin, even coats of paint to avoid runs or drips. Allow the
proper drying time between coats as specified by the manufacturer. Applying too thick a
coat or re-coating too soon can lead to peeling or cracking.
4. Monitor Drying Process:
o Avoid Contamination: While the paint is drying, ensure the area remains free from dust,
moisture, or debris that could compromise the finish.
o Check for Proper Curing: Verify that the paint has cured properly before subjecting the area
to foot traffic or heavy use. This is especially important for deck plates that experience
heavy wear.
5. Work Safely with Paint Fumes:
o Minimize Fume Exposure: When using paints that emit fumes, ensure that personnel are
rotated to avoid prolonged exposure. If the work area is enclosed, use respirators and
monitor the air quality.

By following these precautions, you ensure that the painting process is carried out safely and that
the steel deck plates are effectively protected from corrosion(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM

Q3. b) Treating Corrosion in a Peak Water Ballast Tank

When a peak water ballast tank shows signs of corrosion, immediate action is necessary to
prevent further degradation of the steel structure and maintain the integrity of the vessel. The
following steps outline how to treat corrosion in a ballast tank:

1. Inspection and Assessment:

 Visual Inspection: Conduct a thorough visual inspection of the ballast tank to assess the extent of
the corrosion. Look for areas with rust, pitting, or flaking paint. Inspect all structural components,
including frames, stiffeners, and bulkheads.
 Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement: Use ultrasonic thickness gauges to measure the remaining
thickness of the steel in the affected areas. This helps assess the severity of the corrosion and
whether steel renewal is necessary(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
2. Preparation for Treatment:

 Drain and Clean the Tank: Before any repair work, drain the ballast tank and thoroughly clean it to
remove any remaining water, sediment, and loose rust or scale. Use high-pressure water jets or
chemical cleaners, if necessary.
 Ensure Ventilation: Properly ventilate the tank to remove fumes and ensure a safe working
environment for personnel entering the tank.

3. Surface Preparation:

 Mechanical or Abrasive Cleaning: Remove the corroded material using methods such as grit
blasting, needle guns, or wire brushes. Grit blasting is preferred as it effectively removes rust and
prepares the surface for coating.
 Check for Structural Integrity: Once the corroded material is removed, inspect the steel for any
areas that may need reinforcement or replacement. If the corrosion has penetrated the steel beyond
acceptable limits, the affected section may need to be cut out and replaced with new steel

4. Apply Protective Coatings:

 Primer Application: After the surface is cleaned, immediately apply a corrosion-inhibiting primer to
prevent further rusting. Choose a primer that is suitable for the ballast tank environment, such as a
zinc-rich or epoxy-based primer.
 Apply Ballast Tank Coating: After the primer has cured, apply a ballast tank-specific coating
designed to resist corrosion in seawater environments. Multiple coats may be required to achieve
the recommended film thickness. Ensure that the coating system complies with IMO PSPC
(Performance Standard for Protective Coatings) regulations(ISM CODE).
 Ensure Proper Curing: Allow sufficient time for the coating to cure fully before refilling the tank with
ballast water. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for curing times based on temperature and
humidity levels.

5. Cathodic Protection:

 Install Sacrificial Anodes: If not already present, install sacrificial anodes (e.g., zinc or aluminum)
inside the ballast tank. These anodes corrode preferentially, protecting the steel structure from
further corrosion. Check existing anodes and replace them if they are worn or
 Monitor Anode Wear: Periodically inspect the anodes and replace them as necessary to maintain
the effectiveness of the cathodic protection system.

6. Monitoring and Maintenance:

 Regular Inspections: After treatment, schedule regular inspections of the ballast tank to monitor the
condition of the coating and the structural integrity of the steel. Routine inspections help identify
any signs of coating breakdown or new areas of corrosion.
 Re-application of Coatings: Based on the condition of the coating during inspections, plan for
periodic re-coating to maintain corrosion protection. A well-maintained coating system can
significantly extend the life of the ballast tank(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(ISM CODE).

By following these steps, you can effectively treat corrosion in a peak water ballast tank and
prevent further deterioration, ensuring the safety and longevity of the vessel's
structure(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).

b) Describe the requirements of Chapter II-I of SOLAS relating to protective coating of dedicated
water ballast tanks and double-side skin space?

Protective Coating of Dedicated Seawater Ballast Tanks and Double-Side Skin Space

5. Maintenance and Repairs

 Maintenance of Coatings:
o After the initial application, protective coatings in ballast tanks and double-side skin spaces
must be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure long-term protection against
corrosion. This includes:
 Regular visual inspections for signs of coating degradation, such as blistering,
cracking, or peeling.
 Touch-up or re-coating in areas where the coating has been damaged or worn down.
 Repairs:
o Any repairs to the coating system must be done in accordance with the same standards that
were used during the initial application. This means ensuring that surfaces are properly
cleaned and prepared, and that coatings are applied according to the manufacturer’s
specifications and the PSPC requirements.

6. Cathodic Protection Systems

 Supplementary Protection:
o In addition to protective coatings, cathodic protection systems (using sacrificial anodes or
impressed current systems) may be installed to further protect the steel structure from
corrosion, especially in areas that are difficult to coat or

Summary of SOLAS Chapter II-1 Requirements for Protective Coatings

1. Application Scope: Applies to new ships over 500 GT, focusing on dedicated seawater
ballast tanks and double-side skin spaces.
2. Coating Standards: Coating systems must meet IMO PSPC standards, with a target useful
life of 15 years in good condition.
3. Surface Preparation: Surfaces must be cleaned to Sa 2.5 standard to ensure good
adhesion of the coating.
4. Coating Thickness: A minimum dry film thickness of 320 microns is required, depending on
the coating specification.
5. Inspection: Coatings must be inspected during application and throughout the life of the
6. Maintenance: Regular inspections and maintenance are required to keep the coating
system effective in preventing corrosion.

By following these requirements, the integrity of ballast tanks and double-side skin spaces is
maintained, reducing the risk of corrosion, structural degradation, and potential environmental
hazards(ISM CODE)(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

Let me know if you need further clarification or details!

Q.5) With respect to an oil tanker how each of the following are achieved:
a) Prevention of Fire & Explosion in cargo tanks.
b) Prevention of Fire & Explosion in Accommodation and Machinery spaces.
c) Prevention of Fire & Explosion in the cargo pump room.

Q5. Fire and Explosion Prevention on an Oil Tanker

Fire and explosion prevention on an oil tanker is critical due to the highly flammable nature of the
cargo. Various measures are implemented to prevent these hazards in cargo tanks,
accommodation and machinery spaces, and the cargo pump room. These measures are in
accordance with SOLAS, MARPOL, and the International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and
Terminals (ISGOTT).

a) Prevention of Fire & Explosion in Cargo Tanks

1. Inert Gas System (IGS):

o Purpose: The inert gas system is one of the most important fire prevention
measures for cargo tanks. It reduces the oxygen concentration inside the cargo
tanks to below 8%, which is insufficient to support combustion.
o Operation: The IGS introduces inert gas (typically flue gas from the ship’s boiler) into
the cargo tanks during cargo discharge, ballasting, and tank cleaning. This creates
an atmosphere that prevents the formation of explosive gas
mixtures(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).
2. Ventilation Systems:
o Purpose: Adequate ventilation is critical to prevent the buildup of flammable vapors
inside the cargo tanks. The vapor control systems ensure that gases released during
cargo operations are safely vented.
o Closed Loading: Oil tankers employ closed loading systems, which ensure that
vapors from the cargo tanks are either returned to the shore terminal or passed
through the inert gas system, preventing them from escaping into the atmosphere
and posing a fire risk(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
3. Flame Arresters and PV Valves:
o Flame Arresters: These are installed on cargo tank vent lines to prevent the passage
of flames back into the tank.
o Pressure/Vacuum (PV) Valves: PV valves regulate the pressure inside the tanks and
prevent the entry of air that could create an explosive atmosphere. They
automatically vent overpressure or allow air to enter if a vacuum is created(ISM
4. Static Electricity Prevention:
o Bonding and Grounding: Proper bonding and grounding measures are taken during
cargo operations to prevent the accumulation of static electricity, which can lead to
sparks and ignite flammable vapors.
o Anti-static Additives: These are sometimes added to the cargo to reduce the buildup
of static charges(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
5. Cargo Tank Inspections:
o Routine Inspections: Regular inspections of cargo tanks ensure there are no
structural issues or leaks that could allow vapors to escape or air to enter, both of
which could lead to fire or explosion risks.

b) Prevention of Fire & Explosion in Accommodation and Machinery Spaces

1. Fire Detection and Alarm Systems:

o Smoke and Heat Detectors: The accommodation and machinery spaces are
equipped with smoke and heat detectors. These are connected to the ship’s fire
alarm system, which immediately alerts the crew in the event of a fire.
o Automatic Alarms: In machinery spaces, fire detection systems are automated to
ensure that fires are detected as early as possible, even if no one is
2. Fire-Fighting Systems:
o Fixed Fire-Fighting Systems: Machinery spaces are protected by fixed fire-fighting
systems, such as CO₂ systems, foam systems, or high-expansion foam. These
systems can rapidly flood the area with extinguishing agents to smother any fires.
o Sprinkler Systems: Accommodation spaces are often fitted with sprinkler systems,
which automatically discharge water or other extinguishing agents when heat or
smoke is detected(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
3. Fire-Resistant Bulkheads and Decks:
o Purpose: The structural bulkheads and decks separating machinery spaces from
accommodation areas are constructed of fire-resistant materials. These barriers are
designed to prevent the spread of fire from one area to another.
o A-Class Bulkheads: In accommodation spaces, A-class bulkheads provide a high
level of fire protection, ensuring the safety of crew members in the event of a
fire(ISM CODE).
4. Ventilation Control:
o Ventilation Shutoff: In the event of a fire, ventilation systems for machinery spaces
can be shut down automatically or manually to prevent the spread of smoke and
flames. Fire dampers close automatically to isolate fire-prone
5. Elimination of Fuel Leaks and Sources of Ignition:
o Fuel Systems Maintenance: Regular maintenance of fuel lines, tanks, and pumps in
machinery spaces is essential to prevent leaks, which can lead to fires.
o Ignition Sources: All electrical and mechanical systems in machinery and
accommodation areas are checked regularly for faulty wiring, sparks, or other
ignition sources. Exhaust systems are inspected to ensure that no flammable
materials come into contact with hot surfaces(ISM CODE).

c) Prevention of Fire & Explosion in the Cargo Pump Room

1. Ventilation Systems:
o Forced Ventilation: The cargo pump room must have a mechanical ventilation
system designed to continuously remove flammable vapors from the room. SOLAS
regulations require that the pump room ventilation provides at least 20 air changes
per hour.
o Explosion-Proof Fans: The ventilation fans in pump rooms must be explosion-proof
to prevent ignition of flammable vapors(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).
2. Gas Detection Systems:
o Fixed Gas Detectors: The pump room must be equipped with fixed gas detection
systems capable of detecting flammable gases. These detectors are set to trigger
an alarm if the concentration of flammable vapors reaches a dangerous level.
o Alarm Systems: Gas detection alarms are integrated with the ship’s overall fire and
gas alarm system, ensuring a prompt response from the crew if gas levels rise to
unsafe limits(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
3. Fire-Fighting Systems:
o Fixed CO₂ Systems: The pump room is protected by a fixed CO₂ fire suppression
system. In case of a fire, the CO₂ system can be activated to rapidly flood the pump
room with CO₂ gas, displacing oxygen and extinguishing the fire.
o Foam Systems: Some ships also have foam systems in the pump room to smother
fires caused by oil or other flammable liquids(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
4. Lighting and Electrical Systems:
oExplosion-Proof Lighting: All electrical equipment, including lights and switches,
inside the pump room must be explosion-proof to prevent sparks from igniting
flammable gases.
o Regular Inspections: Electrical systems and cables must be regularly inspected to
ensure that there are no exposed wires, shorts, or sparks that could ignite flammable
vapors(ISM CODE).
5. Regular Maintenance and Housekeeping:
o Pump Maintenance: Cargo pumps must be regularly maintained to ensure they are
free from leaks and operating properly. Any leaking seals or gaskets in the pump
system can release flammable vapors, creating an explosion hazard.
o Cleaning and Venting: The pump room should be kept clean and free of oil residues,
and the venting systems should be inspected regularly to ensure that they are
operating effectively(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).


Preventing fire and explosions on an oil tanker requires a combination of advanced safety
systems, regular maintenance, and strict adherence to operational procedures. Each area of the
ship — cargo tanks, accommodation/machinery spaces, and the cargo pump room — has specific
risks, and measures like the inert gas system, fire detection systems, and explosion-proof
equipment are essential for mitigating these risks and ensuring the safety of the crew and
vessel(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).

Q.6) a) Does motivation come from within a person or is it a result of situation? Explain with the
help of relevant theory and shipboard examples?
b) Briefly explain the salient features of the ISM Code.

Q6. a) Does Motivation Come from Within a Person or Is It a Result of the Situation?

Motivation can come from both internal factors (intrinsic motivation) and external factors
(extrinsic motivation). Different theories explain how individuals are motivated by their own inner
drives or influenced by external circumstances. Both types of motivation are important on board a
ship, where crew members must maintain high levels of performance, safety awareness, and

Motivation from Within (Intrinsic Motivation)

Intrinsic motivation refers to the motivation that comes from within an individual. It is driven by
personal satisfaction, enjoyment, or a sense of accomplishment rather than external rewards.

Theory: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

 Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a well-known theory that explains how people are motivated by the
fulfillment of basic to higher-level needs. These needs are arranged in a hierarchy:
1. Physiological Needs: Basic survival needs such as food, water, and rest.
2. Safety Needs: Physical safety and security, including job stability.
3. Social Needs: A sense of belonging and teamwork.
4. Esteem Needs: Recognition, respect, and a sense of accomplishment.
5. Self-Actualization: Achieving one’s full potential and personal
growth(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).

On board a ship, intrinsic motivation plays a key role when crew members:
 Feel accomplished after successfully completing a complex task, such as maneuvering the vessel
in a difficult port.
 Take pride in their work and perform duties beyond what is required, motivated by personal growth,
mastery, or a desire to improve their skills.
 Work cohesively in a team, driven by a sense of belonging and mutual respect, without the need for
constant supervision or external rewards.

Example (Shipboard):

A junior officer on a vessel may be intrinsically motivated to improve their skills in navigation and
cargo operations because they aspire to become a Chief Officer. This officer might voluntarily
spend extra time learning on the bridge or assisting with cargo stowage, driven by their internal
desire for professional growth.

Motivation from Situations (Extrinsic Motivation)

Extrinsic motivation occurs when individuals are motivated by external rewards, consequences, or
pressures, such as financial incentives, recognition, or avoiding punishment.

Theory: Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

 Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory distinguishes between motivators and hygiene factors:

o Motivators: These are factors that lead to job satisfaction and increased motivation, such as
recognition, responsibility, and opportunities for advancement.
o Hygiene Factors: These factors prevent dissatisfaction but do not necessarily motivate,
such as salary, working conditions, and company policies(ISM CODE).

In the context of an oil tanker, extrinsic motivation can be seen when:

 Crew members work harder because of the promise of a bonus for completing a long voyage safely
and efficiently.
 A Chief Officer motivates the deck crew by offering praise and recognition for good performance
during a particularly challenging cargo operation.
 Promotions and pay raises are used to motivate officers to achieve higher ranks and take on more

Example (Shipboard):

An engineer might be motivated to complete a major overhaul of the main engine because they
know that doing so successfully could lead to a promotion or a performance-based financial

Conclusion: A Combination of Both

Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation play important roles in driving performance on board a ship.
For long-term satisfaction and sustained performance, intrinsic factors such as personal growth
and achievement are critical. However, extrinsic motivators, such as financial rewards, recognition,
and working conditions, are essential for maintaining morale and ensuring compliance with
procedures, particularly in challenging situations(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).

Q6. b) Salient Features of the ISM Code

The International Safety Management (ISM) Code was adopted by the International Maritime
Organization (IMO) as part of the SOLAS Convention to ensure safety at sea, prevent human injury
or loss of life, and avoid damage to the marine environment. The ISM Code outlines the
responsibilities of shipping companies and ship personnel in managing safety and environmental

Key Features of the ISM Code:

1. Safety Management System (SMS):

o The ISM Code requires each shipping company to establish a Safety Management System
(SMS). The SMS provides a structured and documented approach to managing shipboard
operations safely and in compliance with international regulations.
o The SMS covers safety procedures, risk management, emergency preparedness, pollution
prevention, and continuous improvement(ISM CODE).
2. Responsibilities of the Company and Master:
o Company Responsibilities: The company is responsible for ensuring that each vessel
operates safely and in compliance with applicable rules and regulations. This includes
providing sufficient resources, training, and support for the crew.
o Master’s Responsibilities: The Master has overriding authority and responsibility to make
decisions related to the safety of the crew, ship, and environment. The Master must ensure
the SMS is properly implemented and that the crew follows the
3. Designated Person Ashore (DPA):
o The ISM Code requires the appointment of a Designated Person Ashore (DPA) who serves
as the link between the ship and the shore management. The DPA ensures that the SMS is
implemented effectively on all ships and provides necessary support to the ship’s crew.
o The DPA is responsible for monitoring the safety performance of each vessel and ensuring
any deficiencies are addressed promptly(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
4. Risk Assessment and Incident Reporting:
o The SMS must include procedures for risk assessments and identifying potential hazards in
ship operations. Risks must be managed proactively, and appropriate measures should be
taken to mitigate them.
o The ISM Code also requires procedures for incident reporting and investigating accidents or
near-miss incidents. The findings must be documented, and corrective actions must be
taken to prevent future occurrences(ISM CODE).
5. Document Control and Record-Keeping:
o The ISM Code requires clear and up-to-date documentation of all safety procedures, training,
and risk management activities. This documentation must be available to all crew members,
and proper record-keeping is essential for audits and
6. Emergency Preparedness:
o The ISM Code mandates that shipping companies and ship personnel be prepared for
emergencies. The SMS must include detailed contingency plans and procedures for dealing
with emergencies such as fires, collisions, and oil spills.
o Regular drills and training are required to ensure the crew is capable of responding
effectively to emergencies(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
7. Continuous Improvement:
o The ISM Code emphasizes continuous improvement of safety management. Companies
must regularly review their SMS, assess the effectiveness of safety procedures, and
implement improvements as necessary(ISM CODE).
8. Audits and Certification:
o Ships and companies must undergo internal and external audits to verify compliance with
the ISM Code. Audits help ensure that the SMS is functioning effectively and that any
deficiencies are addressed.
o Upon successful completion of audits, ships are issued an International Safety
Management (ISM) Certificate, which is valid for a period of five
Summary of the ISM Code:

The ISM Code provides a framework for ensuring safe ship operation and pollution prevention. It
establishes clear responsibilities for both the shipping company and the ship’s Master, promotes
risk management and emergency preparedness, and emphasizes continuous improvement
through audits and reviews(ISM CODE)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

Q.7) a) What are the essential elements of a risk assessment and the relevance of every element?
b) Prepare a risk assessment as a chief officer, you will make to carry out a hot work inside the
tank of a chemical tanker.

Q7. a) Essential Elements of a Risk Assessment and the Relevance of Every Element

A risk assessment is a systematic process used to identify hazards, evaluate the risks associated
with them, and implement measures to mitigate those risks. It is a critical part of shipboard
operations, especially on high-risk vessels such as chemical tankers, where the potential for
accidents is significant. The ISM Code and SOLAS mandate the use of risk assessments to
ensure safety on board.

Essential Elements of a Risk Assessment:

1. Hazard Identification:
o Relevance: The first step in any risk assessment is to identify the potential hazards
associated with a particular operation. Hazards can include physical, chemical, biological,
and environmental risks. Identifying hazards ensures that they are recognized before any
operations begin.
o Example: On a chemical tanker, a hazard could be the presence of flammable vapors during
hot work.
2. Risk Evaluation:
o Relevance: Once hazards are identified, the next step is to evaluate the likelihood of each
hazard occurring and the severity of its potential consequences. This helps in prioritizing
risks and determining which hazards need the most urgent attention.
o Example: The risk of a fire starting due to sparks from hot work in a cargo tank is evaluated
based on the likelihood of flammable vapors being present and the potential impact of a fire.
3. Control Measures:
o Relevance: After evaluating the risks, control measures are put in place to either eliminate
the hazards or reduce the risks to an acceptable level. These measures can include changes
to procedures, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and ensuring adequate
ventilation or monitoring.
o Example: In the case of hot work, control measures might include gas-freeing the tank,
ensuring continuous atmospheric monitoring, and using explosion-proof equipment.
4. Implementation of Control Measures:
o Relevance: Once control measures are decided, they must be effectively implemented. This
step involves ensuring that the appropriate equipment, procedures, and training are in place,
and that the crew is aware of their responsibilities.
o Example: Ensuring that the gas-free certificate is obtained, and confirming that all crew
involved in the operation understand the procedures.
5. Monitoring and Review:
o Relevance: Continuous monitoring of the operation ensures that the control measures are
effective, and any new hazards that arise during the operation are addressed immediately.
The risk assessment must also be reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains relevant.
o Example: While conducting hot work, continuous monitoring of gas levels in the tank
ensures that no flammable vapors are present. If any changes occur, the operation is
stopped immediately.
6. Documentation:
o Relevance: All steps of the risk assessment process must be documented. This provides a
record that can be referred to in case of an incident, for audits, and for continuous
improvement. Documentation also ensures accountability.
o Example: The Chief Officer would document the identified hazards, control measures, and
the results of atmospheric monitoring for hot work in a cargo tank.

Q7. b) Risk Assessment for Hot Work Inside a Cargo Tank on a Chemical Tanker

As a Chief Officer preparing to carry out hot work inside a cargo tank of a chemical tanker, it is
essential to conduct a thorough risk assessment to prevent accidents such as fire, explosion, or
exposure to hazardous chemicals. Below is a step-by-step risk assessment for the hot work

1. Hazard Identification:

 Flammable Vapors: Residual flammable vapors may be present inside the tank even after cargo
 Toxic Fumes: The cargo tank may contain toxic substances that pose a health risk during hot work.
 Sparks and Heat: Sparks generated from welding or cutting can ignite flammable vapors.
 Oxygen Deficiency: The tank may have insufficient oxygen levels for safe entry.
 Inadequate Ventilation: Poor ventilation can lead to the accumulation of toxic or flammable gases.
 Equipment Failure: Welding or cutting equipment may malfunction, increasing the risk of fire or

2. Risk Evaluation:

 Likelihood of Flammable Vapors: Moderate, depending on the effectiveness of previous tank

cleaning and gas-freeing.
 Likelihood of Ignition: High if flammable vapors are present and sparks are generated.
 Severity of Consequences: Severe, as a fire or explosion could cause significant injury or death, as
well as extensive damage to the vessel.
 Overall Risk Level: High, due to the potential for explosion or fire during hot work inside the tank.

3. Control Measures:

1. Gas-Freeing:
o Ensure the tank is thoroughly cleaned and gas-freed before any hot work begins. Obtain a
gas-free certificate from a certified chemist, confirming that the tank is free of flammable
gases and safe for hot work.
2. Atmospheric Monitoring:
o Continuous atmospheric monitoring during the hot work is essential. Use gas detectors to
monitor oxygen levels, flammable gas concentrations, and toxic substances. Ensure oxygen
levels are between 19.5% and 23.5%.
3. Ventilation:
o Ensure continuous forced ventilation in the cargo tank to prevent the buildup of toxic fumes
or flammable vapors.
4. Hot Work Permit:
o Obtain a hot work permit as per company procedures. The permit ensures that all safety
checks have been completed and authorizes the commencement of hot work.
5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
o All personnel involved must wear appropriate PPE, including flame-resistant clothing, gloves,
safety goggles, and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) if required.
6. Fire-Fighting Equipment:
o Ensure fire-fighting equipment, including fire extinguishers and a fire hose, is available at the
worksite. Assign personnel to act as firewatchers during the operation.
7. Explosion-Proof Equipment:
o Use explosion-proof lighting and tools inside the tank to avoid creating sparks. Ensure that
welding equipment is properly maintained and grounded.
8. Emergency Procedures:
o Ensure that all crew members involved in the hot work are briefed on emergency procedures,
including evacuation routes and muster stations.
9. Access Control:
o Limit access to the cargo tank to only those personnel directly involved in the hot work. Use
barriers and signage to prevent unauthorized entry.

4. Implementation of Control Measures:

 Gas-Freeing and Monitoring: The Chief Officer ensures that the gas-freeing of the tank is carried out
properly and that continuous gas monitoring is set up before and during the hot work.
 Hot Work Permit: The hot work permit is obtained from the ship’s Master or responsible officer
after verifying that all safety precautions are in place.
 Ventilation and Fire Safety: Continuous ventilation is arranged, and fire-fighting equipment is
positioned near the worksite. The crew assigned to firewatch duties is briefed on their

5. Monitoring and Review:

 Continuous Monitoring: The safety officer or assigned crew member continuously monitors the gas
levels during the hot work and ensures that no unsafe conditions arise.
 Review of Procedures: The Chief Officer reviews the risk assessment during the operation and
ensures that any new hazards are addressed immediately.

6. Documentation:

 Risk Assessment Record: The Chief Officer completes a risk assessment form, detailing all
identified hazards, control measures, and the results of atmospheric testing. The form is signed and
retained as part of the ship’s safety management records.
 Hot Work Permit: The hot work permit is signed by the responsible officer and kept on file along
with the gas-free certificate and monitoring logs.

By following this risk assessment, the hot work inside the cargo tank on a chemical tanker can be
carried out safely, minimizing the risk of fire, explosion, or injury to personnel(ISM

Q.1) How the operational readiness of the LSA equipment is ensured on board ships?

Q1. Ensuring the Operational Readiness of Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) on Board


Operational readiness of Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) is crucial for the safety of crew and
passengers on board. The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the
Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code provide guidelines and requirements to ensure that LSA
equipment is maintained and ready for immediate use in an emergency. Here’s how operational
readiness is ensured:
1. Regular Inspections and Maintenance

 Weekly and Monthly Inspections:

o SOLAS requires that all LSA equipment undergoes weekly and monthly inspections.
The ship’s officers check for any defects, wear and tear, or signs of malfunction.
o This includes checking lifeboats, life rafts, life jackets, immersion suits, and other
LSA for proper stowage, readiness, and serviceability(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Checklist for Inspections:
o During the inspections, checklists are used to ensure that each item is properly
inspected, including the condition of lifeboat davits, launching mechanisms,
pyrotechnics, and EPIRBs (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons).
 Hydrostatic Release Units (HRU):
o The HRUs of life rafts are checked for their service validity and replaced as
necessary to ensure they will activate correctly in an emergency.

2. Testing of LSA Equipment

 Operational Testing:
o LSA equipment is subjected to operational testing during drills. For example, lifeboat
launching mechanisms are tested to ensure they are functioning properly. Winches,
brakes, and davits are tested for operational readiness(ISM CODE).
 Launching Tests:
o Lifeboats and life rafts are lowered into the water during abandon ship drills to test
their readiness and the familiarity of the crew with the launching procedures. This
ensures that lifeboats can be launched efficiently in an actual emergency.
 EPIRBs and SARTs:
o Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) and Search and Rescue
Transponders (SARTs) are tested regularly to ensure they are functioning properly
and are ready to send distress signals in case of an

3. Regular Servicing by Certified Personnel

 Annual Servicing:
o Certain LSA equipment, such as lifeboats, life rafts, and launching appliances, must
undergo annual servicing by approved service providers. This includes detailed
inspections, repairs, and certification to ensure compliance with SOLAS
regulations(ISM CODE).
 Immersion Suits and Life Jackets:
o Immersion suits and life jackets are inspected for damage, and their integrity is
checked regularly. Damaged suits or jackets are replaced, and defective items are
sent for servicing.

4. Crew Training and Drills

 Frequent Safety Drills:

o The crew must regularly participate in fire drills and abandon ship drills as
mandated by SOLAS. During these drills, the crew practices donning life jackets and
immersion suits, operating lifeboat davits, and launching life rafts.
o These drills ensure that all crew members are familiar with the location and
operation of LSA equipment in an emergency(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).
 Training in LSA Use:
o Officers and crew receive training on the proper use and handling of LSA equipment.
This includes launching lifeboats, using life rafts, and deploying pyrotechnic distress
signals (flares, rockets).

5. Emergency Preparedness and Record Keeping

 Muster Lists:
o The muster list ensures that each crew member knows their specific responsibilities
during an emergency. It designates roles for operating LSA equipment, mustering
passengers, and managing evacuation procedures(ISM CODE).
 Record Keeping:
o All inspections, drills, and maintenance activities related to LSA are recorded in the
ship’s logbook. These records are reviewed by Port State Control (PSC) during
inspections to verify compliance with regulations.
o Certificates for life rafts, HRUs, lifeboats, and other LSA must be up to date and
available for inspection.

6. Replacement of Expired or Damaged Equipment

 Expiry Dates:
o Pyrotechnics (such as flares and rockets) have expiration dates and must be
replaced before they expire.
o Life-saving equipment that is damaged or shows signs of wear, such as life jackets,
lifebuoys, or immersion suits, must be replaced immediately to ensure their
effectiveness in an emergency(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
 Compliance with SOLAS and LSA Code:
o All LSA equipment must meet the required standards set by the LSA Code and
SOLAS. Any equipment that does not meet these standards or is found to be
defective must be replaced promptly.


The operational readiness of Life-Saving Appliances (LSA) on board ships is ensured through a
combination of regular inspections, testing, servicing, crew training, and strict compliance with
international regulations. By maintaining operational readiness, ships can ensure that all life-
saving equipment is functional and ready to use in the event of an emergency, safeguarding the
lives of the crew and passengers(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM

Q.2) What are the salient features of the ISPS code to ensure the security of the ship’s crew and


Q2. Salient Features of the ISPS Code to Ensure the Security of the Ship’s Crew and

The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code was introduced by the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) as part of the SOLAS Convention to enhance maritime security and
prevent acts of terrorism or other unlawful acts against ships and port facilities. The ISPS Code
provides a framework for assessing and managing risks to ships, their crew, passengers, and the
cargo they carry.

Below are the salient features of the ISPS Code that ensure the security of a ship's crew and

1. Ship Security Assessment (SSA)

 Purpose: The SSA is a critical part of the ISPS Code, where potential security threats and
vulnerabilities are identified. This includes examining areas of the ship that may be targeted
by terrorists or criminals, such as the bridge, engine room, or cargo holds.
 Outcome: The SSA helps in developing the Ship Security Plan (SSP) and in identifying
appropriate security measures to mitigate identified risks(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

2. Ship Security Plan (SSP)

 Purpose: The SSP is a comprehensive plan tailored to each ship and is developed based on
the SSA. The plan outlines procedures to respond to various security threats and ensure the
safety of the crew, passengers, and cargo.
 Contents: The SSP includes security measures for controlling access to the ship, handling
security breaches, and implementing security drills and exercises. It also contains
procedures for dealing with suspicious activities or
packages(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(ISM CODE).
 Approval: The SSP must be approved by the ship’s flag state or a recognized security
organization (RSO).

3. Security Levels

 Three Security Levels: The ISPS Code establishes three security levels based on the threat
1. Security Level 1 (Normal) – Normal operational security measures are in place, and
routine vigilance is maintained.
2. Security Level 2 (Heightened) – Additional security measures are implemented due
to increased risk.
3. Security Level 3 (Exceptional) – Extreme security measures are applied when there
is an imminent security threat(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).
 Dynamic Response: The ship’s security measures are adjusted based on the current
security level, ensuring that the crew and passengers are protected from potential threats in

4. Ship Security Officer (SSO)

 Role: The ISPS Code mandates the appointment of a Ship Security Officer (SSO). The SSO
is responsible for implementing the Ship Security Plan (SSP), conducting security
assessments, and ensuring the crew is trained in security protocols.
 Responsibilities: The SSO is also responsible for reporting security incidents, conducting
security inspections, and liaising with port facility security officers (PFSO)(ISM CODE).

5. Designated Person Ashore (DPA)

 Role: The DPA acts as the link between the ship and the shore-based management. They
provide support to the SSO and ensure that security measures are being effectively
 Importance: The DPA ensures that security practices on board are aligned with company
policy and international regulations. They also help address security concerns raised by the
ship's crew(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…).

6. Control of Access to the Ship

 Access Control Procedures: The ISPS Code mandates strict procedures for controlling
access to the ship. This includes the use of identification checks, security badges, and
restricted areas where only authorized personnel are allowed.
 Visitor Management: All visitors, including contractors and port personnel, must be
properly screened before being allowed on board. This reduces the risk of unauthorized
access to sensitive areas(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

7. Monitoring and Surveillance

 Monitoring Shipboard Activities: The ship must have appropriate measures for monitoring
activities on board, including the use of closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems, security
patrols, and physical barriers to restrict access to certain areas.
 Security Patrols: Regular security patrols around the deck and vulnerable areas ensure that
any suspicious activities are identified and dealt with promptly(ISM CODE).

8. Security Equipment and Maintenance

 Security Equipment: Ships must be equipped with appropriate security equipment,

o Surveillance systems (CCTV) to monitor key areas of the vessel.
o Alarm systems to alert the crew in case of security breaches.
o Access control devices such as secure doors, hatches, and gangways.
 Maintenance: Regular maintenance of this security equipment is required to ensure it
remains operational and effective during heightened security

9. Security Drills and Training

 Regular Drills: The ISPS Code requires regular security drills to test the crew’s
preparedness for potential threats, such as piracy, hijacking, or terrorism. These drills
ensure that crew members are familiar with their security duties and emergency procedures.
 Security Training: The crew, including the Ship Security Officer (SSO), must receive proper
security training, which covers how to respond to security threats, manage access control,
and handle emergency situations. Training ensures that the crew is capable of
implementing the Ship Security Plan (SSP) effectively(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

10. Communication and Reporting Procedures

 Emergency Communication: The ISPS Code requires that ships have effective
communication procedures in place to respond to security incidents. This includes notifying
the port facility security officer (PFSO), ship management, and relevant maritime
authorities if a security threat arises.
 Incident Reporting: All security incidents, including suspicious activities or attempted
breaches, must be reported to the appropriate authorities and recorded in the ship’s log.
This ensures that threats are addressed quickly and that the crew and passengers remain
safe(ISM CODE).

11. Interface with Port Security

 Ship-Port Coordination: The ISPS Code ensures that ships and ports work together to
maintain a high level of security. The Ship Security Officer (SSO) must liaise with the Port
Facility Security Officer (PFSO) to ensure that ship-port interface operations are conducted
 Joint Security Measures: Both the ship and port facility must adopt complementary
security measures, especially when the ship is docked, to prevent unauthorized personnel
or cargo from boarding the ship(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)

Q.3) a) How corrosion prevention is important to ensure safety of life and marine environment?

b) How planned maintenance system helps in achieving the safety of the crew on board the ship.

Q3. a) Importance of Corrosion Prevention to Ensure Safety of Life and the Marine

Corrosion prevention is essential in maintaining the structural integrity and safe operation of
ships. Corrosion can weaken the ship’s structure, equipment, and systems, leading to potential
hazards that threaten both the crew’s safety and the marine environment. Here's why corrosion
prevention is critical:

1. Structural Integrity and Safety of Life

 Prevention of Structural Failures:

o Corrosion can weaken steel structures, including hulls, bulkheads, and decks. If left
unchecked, this can lead to cracks, holes, or even the collapse of critical components,
potentially causing flooding, capsizing, or sinking.
o Example: Severe corrosion in the ballast tanks or hull can compromise the vessel’s
buoyancy and stability, putting the lives of crew members at risk.
 Fatigue and Equipment Failure:
o Corroded machinery, pipelines, or moving parts are more likely to fail, leading to accidents or
equipment malfunction.
o Example: Corrosion in cranes, winches, or mooring equipment can cause sudden failures,
leading to accidents during cargo operations or mooring.

2. Prevention of Pollution and Environmental Damage

 Marine Pollution:
o Corrosion in fuel or cargo tanks can lead to leaks or spills, causing hazardous substances
like oil or chemicals to be released into the sea. This can have catastrophic effects on
marine life and ecosystems.
o Example: A corroded pipeline in the cargo tank of an oil tanker could lead to oil spills,
contaminating the surrounding water and affecting the environment.
 Ballast Water System:
o Corrosion in ballast tanks can result in breaches that allow untreated ballast water to be
discharged, which can introduce invasive species into marine ecosystems. Corrosion
prevention ensures that the ballast tanks remain intact and function properly.
o Example: Ballast water carrying invasive organisms can upset the ecological balance of
local marine life, causing long-term damage to ecosystems.

3. Economic and Operational Impact

 Costly Repairs and Downtime:

o Extensive corrosion can result in expensive repairs and significant operational downtime. If a
ship is out of service for repairs due to corrosion, it disrupts operations and incurs financial
o Example: A corroded rudder or propeller may require dry-docking, delaying voyages and
leading to financial losses.

4. Compliance with International Regulations

 Regulatory Requirements:
o Corrosion prevention is necessary to comply with international regulations such as SOLAS
(Safety of Life at Sea) and MARPOL (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution
from Ships). These regulations require that ships maintain their structural integrity to protect
life at sea and the environment.
o Example: Port State Control (PSC) inspections regularly check for corrosion in critical areas.
Failure to address corrosion could result in detentions, fines, or revocation of a ship’s
seaworthiness certificate.

Q3. b) How a Planned Maintenance System (PMS) Helps Achieve Safety of the Crew
on Board

A Planned Maintenance System (PMS) is a structured system that ensures regular inspection,
maintenance, and repair of shipboard machinery, equipment, and structures. By following a PMS,
ship operators can maintain the safe operation of the vessel and ensure the well-being of the crew.
Here’s how a PMS helps enhance crew safety:

1. Prevention of Equipment Failures

 Regular Inspections:
o PMS schedules regular inspections of critical equipment, such as engines, pumps,
generators, and safety systems. Regular inspections allow early detection of wear, corrosion,
or potential failures.
o Safety Impact: Prevents sudden equipment breakdowns, reducing the likelihood of
accidents, such as machinery failures that could lead to injury or dangerous situations.
 Timely Repairs and Replacements:
o The PMS ensures that worn-out or damaged parts are repaired or replaced before they fail,
reducing the risk of equipment failure during operation.
o Example: A regularly maintained steering gear system will reduce the risk of loss of control,
which could endanger the vessel and crew.

2. Enhancing Safety Through Maintenance of Safety Equipment

 Life-Saving Equipment:
o PMS includes regular checks and maintenance of life-saving appliances (LSA) such as
lifeboats, life rafts, fire extinguishers, SCBA sets, and immersion suits. Ensuring that this
equipment is in good working order increases the chances of successful emergency
o Safety Impact: Well-maintained safety equipment provides the crew with the means to react
effectively in emergencies, minimizing the risk of casualties.
 Fire-Fighting Equipment:
o Fire-fighting systems, such as fire hoses, CO₂ systems, and water mist systems, are
maintained and tested as part of the PMS to ensure they are functional in case of a fire.
o Safety Impact: Crew members are better protected against the outbreak of fire, and
operational fire-fighting equipment can prevent the spread of fires.

3. Reduction of Occupational Hazards

 Safe Working Environment:

o The PMS includes inspections of work areas to ensure there are no unsafe conditions, such
as loose handrails, poor lighting, or damaged flooring. Maintaining a clean and organized
work environment reduces the risk of slips, trips, and falls.
o Safety Impact: Preventing accidents through regular maintenance of safety features on
board, such as guardrails and non-slip surfaces, enhances crew safety.
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
o PMS ensures that personal protective equipment such as helmets, gloves, and harnesses
are inspected and replaced regularly, ensuring they remain effective.
o Safety Impact: Ensures that the crew is properly protected when working in hazardous
environments, such as on deck or in confined spaces.

4. Compliance with Safety Regulations

 Regulatory Compliance:
o A PMS helps ensure that the ship meets safety regulations mandated by international
conventions such as SOLAS, ISM Code, and MARPOL. Regular audits of the maintenance
logs also ensure that ships pass Port State Control (PSC) inspections without delays or
o Safety Impact: By maintaining compliance, the crew is working aboard a vessel that meets
internationally recognized safety standards.

5. Emergency Preparedness

 Emergency Systems Maintenance:

o PMS schedules regular testing and maintenance of emergency systems, such as the
general alarm, emergency lighting, bilge pumps, and backup generators. These systems are
crucial in the event of emergencies like blackouts, flooding, or fires.
o Safety Impact: Ensures that the crew can respond quickly and efficiently during emergencies,
reducing the risk of injury or death.


A Planned Maintenance System (PMS) plays a vital role in ensuring the safety of the crew on
board by preventing equipment failures, maintaining life-saving and fire-fighting equipment, and
reducing occupational hazards. Additionally, it helps ensure compliance with international safety
standards, providing a safe working environment for the crew and enhancing overall shipboard
safety(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

Q.5) Who is a Port State Control Officer (PSCO)? How are ships selected for inspection by PSC?
are clear grounds for detailed inspection during PSC inspection

Q5. Who is a Port State Control Officer (PSCO)?

A Port State Control Officer (PSCO) is a trained and authorized official from a Port State Control
(PSC) authority who is responsible for inspecting foreign ships in national ports to verify their
compliance with international maritime regulations. These regulations cover safety, pollution
prevention, working conditions, and security, as set out in conventions such as SOLAS, MARPOL,
STCW, and the MLC (Maritime Labour Convention). The PSCO has the authority to detain ships if
serious deficiencies are found that threaten the safety of the vessel, the crew, passengers, or the

How Are Ships Selected for Inspection by PSC?

Ships are selected for inspection based on a risk-based targeting system that considers various
factors, including the ship's age, flag, previous inspection records, and the type of cargo being
carried. The Paris MoU and Tokyo MoU, among other regional agreements, outline how ships are
targeted for inspections. The system typically uses a ship risk profile to determine the likelihood
of inspection.

Factors That Influence Ship Selection:

1. Ship's Age:
o Older ships are more likely to be inspected, as they are considered to have a higher risk of
deficiencies or structural issues.
2. Flag State Performance:
o Ships flying the flag of a country that is listed on the "blacklist" (underperforming flag states)
are more likely to be targeted for inspection.
o "White-list" flag states (high-performing states) may be subject to fewer inspections.
3. Ship Type:
o Certain ship types, such as oil tankers, chemical tankers, bulk carriers, and passenger ships,
are considered high-risk and are more frequently inspected due to the potential
consequences of accidents or pollution from these vessels.
4. Inspection History:
o Ships with a poor inspection history or previous detentions are more likely to be inspected.
The frequency of previous inspections and the deficiencies identified during those
inspections play a role in future targeting.
o Clean records may result in less frequent inspections.
5. Reports or Complaints:
o Reports from port authorities, crew members, or third parties about unsafe conditions,
pollution incidents, or labor violations can lead to a targeted inspection.
6. New Ships or Recent Ownership/Flag Changes:
o Ships that are newly registered or have undergone changes in ownership or flag may be
selected for inspection to verify that they comply with international regulations.
7. Random Selection:
o Even vessels with good records and no clear risk factors may be randomly selected for
inspection to ensure all vessels maintain compliance(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM

Clear Grounds for a Detailed Inspection During PSC Inspection

A detailed inspection is more thorough than a routine inspection and is triggered when a PSCO
finds clear grounds to believe that the vessel is not in compliance with international regulations.
Clear grounds are conditions or observations that indicate the ship, crew, or equipment may pose
a risk to safety, security, or the environment.

Common Clear Grounds for Detailed Inspections:

1. Deficiencies Found During the Initial Inspection:

o If the PSCO identifies major deficiencies during the initial inspection that could affect the
seaworthiness of the ship, the safety of the crew, or compliance with regulations, a detailed
inspection is warranted.
2. Expired or Invalid Certificates:
o Ships must carry valid certificates proving compliance with SOLAS, MARPOL, ISM, STCW,
and MLC regulations. If any certificates are expired, missing, or appear fraudulent, the PSCO
will conduct a detailed inspection.
3. Inadequate Manning or Crew Training:
o If the crew does not have the required certifications or training, or if the crew's number does
not meet the minimum manning requirements set out in the Safe Manning Certificate, the
PSCO may initiate a detailed inspection.
4. Reports or Complaints of Non-Compliance:
o Any report or complaint about the ship’s safety conditions, pollution prevention measures, or
labor conditions from crew members, unions, or third parties can trigger a detailed
inspection. For example, complaints about poor working conditions under the Maritime
Labour Convention (MLC) can lead to a focused inspection on crew welfare.
5. Visible Deficiencies:
o Clear signs of poor maintenance, such as corrosion, hull damage, leaking oil or chemicals,
or damaged safety equipment, provide grounds for a detailed inspection. Visible failures to
maintain life-saving appliances, firefighting equipment, or pollution prevention systems also
raise concern.
6. Inoperative Emergency Systems:
o Any failure of emergency systems, such as lifeboats, fire alarms, fire suppression systems,
or emergency generators, is a significant safety risk. If these systems are not operational,
the PSCO will conduct a detailed inspection.
7. Evidence of Pollution or Pollution Prevention Failures:
o If there is evidence of oil or garbage discharge into the sea, failure to follow MARPOL
regulations, or improper use of the Oil Record Book, the PSCO may inspect the ship's
pollution prevention systems and procedures in more detail.
8. Inadequate Rest Hours or Fatigue:
o Violations of rest hour requirements under STCW or reports of crew fatigue can be grounds
for a more in-depth inspection. If crew members show signs of fatigue or are unable to
perform duties effectively, the PSCO may investigate further.
9. Unseaworthiness:
o If the ship is found to be in a condition that compromises its seaworthiness (e.g., structural
damage, overloaded or improperly secured cargo), the PSCO may carry out a detailed
inspection and potentially detain the ship until the issues are rectified.
10. Recent Accidents or Near Misses:

 If the vessel has recently been involved in an accident, near miss, or pollution incident, the PSCO
may have clear grounds to conduct a detailed inspection to ensure that the ship has rectified any
contributing deficiencies.


A Port State Control Officer (PSCO) plays a crucial role in ensuring that ships comply with
international safety, security, and environmental standards. Ships are selected for inspection
based on risk profiles, previous performance, and complaints. If clear grounds such as invalid
certificates, visible deficiencies, or inoperative emergency systems are found, a more detailed
inspection may be carried out to safeguard the safety of life at sea and the marine
environment(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)

Q.6) “Personal Power & Situational Awareness helps in maintaining cordial environment of board
for routine jobs”. Justify the statement with on board situations.

Q6. "Personal Power & Situational Awareness Help in Maintaining a Cordial

Environment on Board for Routine Jobs"

This statement emphasizes the importance of two key leadership qualities — personal power and
situational awareness — in fostering a productive, respectful, and harmonious environment on
board a ship, especially when handling routine tasks. These qualities are crucial for a Chief Officer
or any senior crew member to manage the team effectively, ensure safety, and maintain high

Let’s break down the statement and justify it with practical examples from shipboard situations.

1. Personal Power

Personal power refers to an individual’s ability to influence others through personal traits such as
expertise, integrity, empathy, and the ability to inspire. It differs from positional power, which
comes from one’s rank or authority. Personal power on board can help in:

 Gaining Respect: Through knowledge, experience, and integrity, crew members respect a leader
who is approachable and knowledgeable, not just because they hold a title but because they trust
their expertise.
 Encouraging Cooperation: When a leader uses personal power, they motivate the crew to cooperate
willingly rather than out of obligation or fear of authority.

Example (On-Board Situation):

A Chief Officer notices a conflict brewing between two deck crew members regarding their
responsibilities during a routine cargo operation. Instead of using positional authority to order
them to comply, the Chief Officer sits down with both crew members to understand their
perspectives, drawing on personal experience to offer a solution that accommodates both parties.
By demonstrating empathy and understanding, the Chief Officer resolves the issue peacefully,
avoiding further conflict and ensuring that the operation continues smoothly.

Impact: This approach fosters mutual respect and creates a cordial environment, where crew
members feel valued and heard, leading to better teamwork during routine operations.

2. Situational Awareness

Situational awareness is the ability to perceive and understand what is happening around you and
to predict how the situation will develop. On board a ship, this involves constantly monitoring the
environment, crew dynamics, weather conditions, and operational tasks. Having strong situational
awareness helps in:

 Preventing Accidents: By being aware of potential hazards or deteriorating conditions, officers can
take preventive actions before issues escalate.
 Efficient Problem Solving: It allows officers to quickly adapt to changing circumstances, ensuring
that routine tasks are completed safely and effectively.

Example (On-Board Situation):

During a routine bunkering operation, the Chief Officer notices that the weather is deteriorating
rapidly, with strong winds picking up. Recognizing the potential for increased strain on the
mooring lines and the risk of cargo hoses becoming unsafe, the Chief Officer decides to
temporarily halt the operation and instructs the crew to secure the lines and hoses. This decision,
based on situational awareness, prevents a potential accident and ensures that the bunkering
operation can resume safely once the weather improves.

Impact: Situational awareness helps maintain safety and efficiency, while also preventing stress
and frustration among the crew, which could arise from mishandling a risky situation. The crew
appreciates the Chief Officer’s foresight, which contributes to a positive working environment.

How Personal Power and Situational Awareness Work Together

Both personal power and situational awareness are complementary. A leader’s personal power
fosters respect and cooperation, while situational awareness ensures that the leader can make
informed, timely decisions that maintain the crew’s safety and morale. When used together, they
help maintain a cordial environment on board, where routine jobs can be carried out smoothly
without unnecessary friction or accidents.

Example (On-Board Situation):

During a routine ballast exchange operation, the Chief Officer notices one crew member showing
signs of fatigue, which could lead to mistakes during the task. Drawing on personal power, the
Chief Officer speaks with the crew member privately, acknowledging their hard work and
suggesting a brief rest before continuing the job. At the same time, the Chief Officer reallocates
tasks temporarily, demonstrating situational awareness by ensuring the operation continues
safely while respecting the well-being of the crew member.

Impact: This approach maintains safety and ensures that the crew feels supported. The ability to
understand the situation and act in a way that benefits both the operation and the individual crew
member strengthens the bond between the officer and crew, promoting a positive working


By applying personal power and situational awareness effectively, officers can create a
harmonious and safe working environment. Personal power helps build trust, respect, and
cooperation, while situational awareness ensures proactive responses to changing circumstances.
Together, they prevent misunderstandings, accidents, and conflicts, allowing routine jobs to be
performed efficiently and without tension, ultimately promoting a cordial and productive
environment on board(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).

Q.7) a) What are the essential elements of a risk assessment and the relevance of every element?
b) Prepare a risk assessment as a chief officer, to carry out a hot work inside the cargo tank of a
chemical tanker.
Q7. a) Essential Elements of a Risk Assessment and Their Relevance

A risk assessment is a structured process aimed at identifying potential hazards, evaluating the
associated risks, and determining the necessary measures to mitigate or control those risks. On a
ship, especially in hazardous environments like chemical tankers, performing a thorough risk
assessment is essential for safety and compliance with maritime regulations like the ISM Code.
Below are the essential elements of a risk assessment, along with their relevance:

1. Hazard Identification

 What It Involves: Identifying all potential hazards related to the task or operation. Hazards could be
physical, chemical, environmental, or related to equipment failure.
 Relevance: Proper identification ensures no risks are overlooked, which is crucial for preventing
accidents and ensuring safety.
o Advantage: Helps in foreseeing possible threats, allowing for preventive measures.
o Disadvantage: If not done thoroughly, unidentified hazards may lead to unforeseen

2. Risk Evaluation (Likelihood and Severity)

 What It Involves: Assessing the probability of each identified hazard occurring and the severity of
the consequences if it does.
 Relevance: Understanding the risk level helps in prioritizing hazards that need immediate attention.
o Advantage: Helps in efficient resource allocation by focusing on high-risk hazards.
o Disadvantage: Risk evaluation can sometimes be subjective, leading to either
underestimation or overestimation of risks.

3. Risk Control Measures

 What It Involves: Identifying and implementing measures to eliminate or minimize risks. Controls
can include engineering controls, administrative measures, or personal protective equipment (PPE).
 Relevance: Without proper control measures, identified risks can materialize into incidents, making
this element crucial for safety.
o Advantage: Effective controls can significantly reduce the likelihood and impact of hazards.
o Disadvantage: Implementing controls can sometimes be costly or operationally challenging.

4. Implementation of Control Measures

 What It Involves: Ensuring that all proposed control measures are implemented properly and are
understood by the crew involved.
 Relevance: Even the best control measures are useless if they are not executed correctly.
o Advantage: Ensures practical application of safety protocols.
o Disadvantage: May require additional training or resources, leading to delays in operations.

5. Monitoring and Review

 What It Involves: Continuously monitoring the effectiveness of the control measures and reviewing
the risk assessment as conditions change.
 Relevance: Conditions can evolve, and new hazards may emerge, making continuous monitoring
and review essential.
o Advantage: Helps in adapting to changing situations, ensuring the risk assessment remains
o Disadvantage: Continuous monitoring requires resources and time, which may not always
be available during tight schedules.
6. Documentation

 What It Involves: Recording the entire risk assessment process, including identified hazards, control
measures, and actions taken.
 Relevance: Documentation is crucial for compliance with maritime regulations and for reference in
case of an incident.
o Advantage: Provides a detailed record for audits and inspections.
o Disadvantage: Excessive paperwork can sometimes slow down operations.

Q7. b) Risk Assessment for Hot Work Inside a Cargo Tank of a Chemical Tanker

Hot work, such as welding or cutting inside a cargo tank on a chemical tanker, is a high-risk
activity that requires a detailed risk assessment to prevent fire, explosion, or exposure to
hazardous chemicals. Below is a step-by-step risk assessment as a Chief Officer.

1. Hazard Identification

 Hazards:
1. Flammable Vapors: Residual chemical vapors inside the tank could ignite due to
sparks from hot work.
2. Oxygen Deficiency: Lack of proper ventilation could lead to low oxygen levels,
making it unsafe for personnel.
3. Toxic Fumes: The chemical residues in the tank could produce harmful fumes when
exposed to heat.
4. Equipment Malfunction: Welding or cutting tools could malfunction, creating
additional risks like fire or electrical hazards.

o Advantage: Identifies the primary risks associated with hot work, allowing for targeted
preventive measures.
o Disadvantage: There may be less obvious hazards, such as human error, that could be
missed if not carefully considered.

2. Risk Evaluation (Likelihood and Severity)

 Flammable Vapors:
o Likelihood: High if the tank is not properly gas-freed.
o Severity: Extremely high, as it could lead to an explosion.
 Oxygen Deficiency:
o Likelihood: Moderate if ventilation is inadequate.
o Severity: High, as it poses a life-threatening risk to personnel.
 Toxic Fumes:
o Likelihood: Moderate if residue remains in the tank.
o Severity: High, as it could lead to serious health issues.
o Advantage: Prioritizes the most dangerous risks for immediate mitigation.
o Disadvantage: Subjective evaluations may lead to either under-preparing or over-

3. Risk Control Measures

 Gas-Free Certification: Ensure the tank has been cleaned and gas-freed. Obtain a gas-free
certificate before starting any hot work.
 Continuous Atmospheric Monitoring: Use gas detectors to monitor oxygen levels and
check for flammable gases continuously.
 Ventilation: Ensure continuous forced ventilation to maintain proper airflow inside the tank.
 Use of Explosion-Proof Equipment: All tools and lighting used must be explosion-proof.
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): All personnel involved must wear proper PPE,
including SCBA (Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus) if required.
 Hot Work Permit: Obtain a hot work permit from the Master, ensuring all safety protocols
are in place.
o Advantage: Effectively reduces the chances of accidents by addressing each identified risk
with practical measures.
o Disadvantage: Implementing all controls can be resource-intensive, potentially delaying

4. Implementation of Control Measures

 Assign Responsibilities: The Chief Officer ensures that the Safety Officer is in charge of
monitoring atmospheric conditions, while other crew members are responsible for
ventilation and tool maintenance.
 Training: Ensure all personnel involved are trained in hot work safety and familiar with the
specific control measures.
o Advantage: Ensures that all involved parties are aware of their roles and responsibilities,
improving coordination.
o Disadvantage: May require additional training sessions, which could temporarily slow down
the start of the operation.

5. Monitoring and Review

 Continuous Gas Monitoring: Monitor the atmosphere inside the tank throughout the hot
work for any signs of gas buildup.
 Emergency Preparedness: Ensure that fire-fighting equipment is on hand and that the crew
is prepared to respond immediately in case of an emergency.
o Advantage: Allows real-time detection of new hazards, preventing incidents before they
o Disadvantage: Continuous monitoring can be resource-heavy and difficult to maintain over
long durations of hot work.

6. Documentation

 Complete Risk Assessment Form: The Chief Officer documents all steps of the risk
assessment, including the gas-free certificate, hot work permit, control measures, and
monitoring logs.
 Record Crew Briefing: Ensure that all personnel involved sign the briefing document to
confirm they have been informed of the risks and controls.
o Advantage: Provides a comprehensive record for future reference, audits, and compliance
o Disadvantage: Time-consuming and adds administrative burden during busy operations.


A risk assessment for hot work inside a cargo tank on a chemical tanker is a critical process
involving hazard identification, evaluation, control measures, monitoring, and documentation.
While thorough control measures can be resource-intensive and time-consuming, their
implementation ensures the safety of the crew, ship, and environment, outweighing any
operational delays(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).
Q.1) a) How abandon ship drill organized in a ship where free fall lifeboat in the provisions?
b) Give a detailed debriefing of the drill conducted with suggestions if any for improvement?

Q1. a) How Abandon Ship Drill is Organized on a Ship with a Free-Fall Lifeboat

The organization of an abandon ship drill on a vessel equipped with a free-fall lifeboat follows the
guidelines set by SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea Convention). The purpose of the drill is to ensure
that all crew members are familiar with their emergency duties and are capable of safely
abandoning the ship using the free-fall lifeboat.

Step-by-Step Organization of the Drill:

1. Pre-Drill Preparations

 Muster List: Ensure that the muster list is up to date and that all crew members are familiar with
their designated muster stations and roles in an emergency.
 Safety Briefing: Before the drill, the Chief Officer briefs the crew on the purpose of the drill, the
safety procedures, and their assigned roles. Special attention is given to explaining the free-fall
lifeboat’s launching process, as it differs from conventional lifeboats.
 Inspection of Equipment: Ensure the free-fall lifeboat, launching systems, and safety equipment
(life jackets, immersion suits) are in good working condition before the drill.

2. Muster Stations

 Sound the Alarm: The abandon ship alarm is sounded (seven short blasts followed by one long
blast) to signal the crew to proceed to their designated muster stations with their life jackets and
immersion suits.
 Crew Muster: Crew members report to their assigned muster stations. The Chief Officer or a
designated officer checks that all crew are accounted for and wearing their life-saving equipment

3. Launch Preparation

 Boarding the Lifeboat:

o The crew members assigned to the free-fall lifeboat enter the lifeboat in an orderly fashion.
The Second Officer or another designated crew member assists in seating and securing the
crew with seat belts inside the lifeboat.
o For training purposes, in some drills, only a simulated launch is conducted, where the crew
goes through the motions of boarding without the actual free fall.
 Closing the Hatch:
o The hatch of the free-fall lifeboat is closed and secured once everyone is on board, and all
crew members are strapped in properly.

4. Simulated Launch

 Simulated Launch: Instead of performing an actual free-fall launch (which can cause wear and tear
on the equipment), a simulated release is done. The free-fall lifeboat is prepared for launch as it
would be in a real emergency. The lifeboat's release mechanism is activated in simulation mode, but
the lifeboat remains in position or lowers slightly for safety reasons.
o Activation of the Release Mechanism: The crew member assigned to launch the boat
(typically the boat commander) simulates pulling the release lever.
 Alternative to Free Fall: If actual launching is required by regulations or the ship's schedule, the boat
may be launched into the water, and a recovery boat is used to bring the lifeboat back aboard.
5. Post-Drill Procedures

 Disembarking the Lifeboat: Once the simulated launch is completed, the crew disembarks the
lifeboat in an orderly fashion.
 Safety Equipment Check: The crew’s life jackets, immersion suits, and other safety equipment are
inspected to ensure they are in good condition and were used correctly during the drill.

Q1. b) Detailed Debriefing of the Drill Conducted

After the abandon ship drill is completed, a debriefing session is held to evaluate the performance
of the crew, identify any weaknesses, and suggest improvements for future drills. Below is an
outline of the debriefing and suggestions for improvement.

1. Overview of the Drill

 Attendance: All crew members mustered at their designated stations on time. No crew members
were missing.
 Time to Muster: The total time taken to muster was 7 minutes, which is within acceptable limits.
However, there were delays in donning life jackets and immersion suits for some crew members.
 Communication: The alarm was sounded correctly, and clear instructions were given over the public
address system. However, some crew members reported difficulty hearing the announcement
clearly in noisy areas like the engine room.

2. Performance Evaluation

1. Muster and Accountability:

o Strengths: All crew members were accounted for, and everyone reported to their muster
stations promptly. Officers efficiently conducted the muster roll call.
o Suggestions for Improvement: Although the muster time was acceptable, some crew
members struggled with donning their immersion suits quickly. Additional training and
practice with these suits may be needed.
2. Free-Fall Lifeboat Boarding:
o Strengths: The crew boarded the free-fall lifeboat in an orderly manner, and all seats were
filled correctly. The seating and securing procedures were well-executed.
o Suggestions for Improvement: A few crew members appeared unsure about how to properly
secure the seat belts in the free-fall lifeboat. A hands-on training session focused
specifically on the use of seat belts and safety features in the lifeboat should be conducted.
3. Simulated Launch:
o Strengths: The simulated launch was successful, and the crew member in charge of
releasing the lifeboat demonstrated the correct procedure.
o Suggestions for Improvement: In future drills, the Chief Officer could conduct refresher
training on the free-fall release mechanism. This would ensure that more crew members are
familiar with the procedure in case of emergency.
4. Use of Safety Equipment:
o Strengths: Most crew members properly donned their life jackets and immersion suits.
o Suggestions for Improvement: Refresher training on donning immersion suits quickly
should be organized, especially for newer crew members who took longer during the drill.

3. Overall Suggestions for Improvement

1. Additional Training on Lifeboat Launching:

o More focus should be placed on familiarizing the crew with the free-fall lifeboat’s emergency
release system, including hands-on training in the correct procedure to pull the release lever
and exit the lifeboat safely.
2. Improve Communication:
o Address the issue of communication difficulties in high-noise areas like the engine room by
implementing backup communication methods, such as alarms with visual indicators or
additional loudspeakers.
3. Faster Use of Immersion Suits:
o Hold additional drills where crew members practice donning immersion suits within the
required timeframe to ensure faster responses in real emergencies.
4. Regular Refresher Drills:
o Conduct frequent abandon ship drills to maintain readiness. Emphasize different aspects of
the drill, such as free-fall lifeboat operations, emergency communications, and safety
procedures, to ensure the crew remains confident in their roles.


The abandon ship drill was conducted successfully, and the crew demonstrated an adequate level
of preparedness. However, areas for improvement include more practice with immersion suits,
ensuring clear communication in all areas of the ship, and additional training on the free-fall
lifeboat's release mechanism. These improvements will enhance the crew's readiness for real-life
emergencies(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

Q.2) a) Draw up a checklist for conducting routine safety inspection onboard an oil tanker by
b) Describe the Deck labour regulation operation, inspection & testing of lifting appliances
a ship?

Q2. a) Checklist for Conducting Routine Safety Inspection Onboard an Oil Tanker by
the Safety Officer

A routine safety inspection on an oil tanker aims to identify potential hazards, ensure compliance
with safety regulations, and verify the operational readiness of safety equipment. Below is a
comprehensive checklist for the Safety Officer to follow during routine safety inspections.

1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

 Ensure all crew members have access to proper PPE (helmets, gloves, goggles, safety
 Inspect the condition of PPE for wear and tear; replace damaged equipment as
 Check that firefighting suits, SCBA (Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus), and
immersion suits are available and in good condition.

2. Firefighting Equipment

 Inspect fire extinguishers for proper placement, correct charge, and validity dates.
 Check fire hoses, nozzles, and hydrants for readiness and serviceability.
 Verify the functionality of fire alarms and detectors in accommodation, engine, and
cargo spaces.
 Test the fire suppression systems, such as CO₂ systems, foam systems, or water mist
 Ensure fire doors are operational and free from obstructions.

3. Life-Saving Appliances (LSA)

 Inspect lifeboats, life rafts, and rescue boats for proper stowage and readiness.
 Verify that hydrostatic release units (HRUs) are valid and functional.
 Check life jackets and immersion suits for condition and accessibility.
 Ensure Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) and Search and
Rescue Transponders (SARTs) are in good working order and regularly tested.
 Confirm that lifebuoys, with lights and smoke signals, are in place and operational.

4. Emergency Equipment

 Inspect emergency lighting and illuminated escape route signs.

 Ensure that emergency exits are unobstructed and clearly marked.
 Verify that the emergency generator is functional and regularly tested.
 Check the availability of emergency alarms and ensure they are audible throughout the
 Test communication systems, such as radios and public address systems, for
operational readiness.

5. Cargo Operations Safety

 Inspect gas detection systems for proper calibration and functionality, especially in
hazardous cargo areas.
 Check the Inert Gas System (IGS) for functionality to maintain safe oxygen levels in
cargo tanks.
 Ensure proper use and condition of grounding and bonding equipment to prevent static
electricity buildup during cargo transfer.
 Verify the condition of cargo hoses, pumps, and manifolds for leaks or damage.
 Confirm that the cargo containment system is free from any breaches, corrosion, or

6. Deck and Mooring Area Safety

 Inspect deck walkways, ladders, and stairways for cleanliness, non-slip surfaces, and
proper handrails.
 Check mooring lines, winches, and capstans for wear and tear; ensure all mooring
equipment is functional.
 Inspect lifting gear (cranes, derricks) for signs of damage or corrosion.
 Verify the condition of hatch covers, ensuring they are secured and water-tight.

7. Confined Space Entry and Hot Work

 Ensure that permit-to-work systems for confined space entry and hot work are in place
and properly documented.
 Inspect the condition of gas detection equipment and ventilation systems for confined
 Confirm that fire safety measures, such as fire blankets and extinguishers, are available
and ready during hot work.

8. Pollution Prevention Measures

 Inspect the Oil Pollution Prevention Equipment, including Oil-Water Separators (OWS)
and bilge alarms.
 Verify the proper handling and disposal of garbage, including MARPOL-compliant
garbage record books.
 Ensure spill kits are available and accessible near the bunkering and cargo areas.
 Check that the SOPEP (Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan) is up to date, and crew
members are familiar with their roles.

9. Machinery and Electrical Safety

 Inspect machinery spaces for cleanliness, leaks, and proper ventilation.

 Verify that emergency shutdown systems for machinery are functional.
 Check for signs of electrical hazards, such as frayed wires or malfunctioning equipment.
 Ensure proper maintenance of ventilation systems in machinery spaces and
accommodation areas.

10. Housekeeping and General Safety

 Ensure walkways and working areas are clean, free of clutter, and well-lit.
 Verify that safety signs and instructions are posted and legible in key areas.
 Check that safety drills (fire, abandon ship, oil spill response) are conducted as per
schedule and properly documented.
 Confirm that first aid kits and medical supplies are fully stocked and accessible.

Q2. b) Deck Labor Regulation: Operation, Inspection, and Testing of Lifting Appliances
Onboard a Ship

Lifting appliances such as cranes, derricks, and winches are essential for cargo operations
onboard ships, especially on oil tankers and cargo vessels. Safe operation, inspection, and testing
of these appliances are crucial for ensuring the safety of the crew and efficient handling of cargo.
1. Operation of Lifting Appliances

 Authorized Personnel: Only trained and certified personnel should operate lifting appliances.
Operators must be familiar with the specific lifting equipment onboard and its operational
 Safe Load Limits: Operators must always adhere to the safe working load (SWL) of the lifting
appliance. Overloading can cause structural damage and lead to accidents.
 Pre-Operation Checks: Before operating the lifting appliance, the operator should conduct a visual
inspection to check for any visible damage, worn cables, or malfunctioning components.
 Communication and Signals: Proper communication between the operator and the personnel
handling the load is essential. Clear hand signals or radio communication must be used to ensure
coordinated movements.

2. Inspection of Lifting Appliances

Regular inspections of lifting appliances are required to ensure they are in safe working condition.
These inspections must be documented and follow international maritime regulations like SOLAS
and ILO guidelines.

 Daily Visual Inspection: Before each operation, conduct a visual inspection to look for signs
of wear, corrosion, or any abnormalities in the lifting appliance. Check for:
o Cables and Slings: Inspect for fraying, kinks, or broken wires.
o Hooks and Shackles: Ensure they are not bent, cracked, or excessively worn.
o Brakes and Controls: Verify that all control systems, brakes, and emergency stops are
functioning properly.
o Safety Devices: Ensure all safety devices such as overload protection systems are
 Monthly and Annual Inspections:
o Comprehensive Inspections: A more detailed inspection of lifting appliances must be
conducted at least monthly and as required by the manufacturer’s guidelines. These
inspections typically involve checking structural components for stress fractures or
corrosion and ensuring proper lubrication of moving parts.
o Annual Load Testing: Lifting appliances are required to undergo an annual load test at 110%
of the SWL. This ensures that the equipment can safely handle loads above its maximum
rated capacity in case of operational demands.

3. Testing of Lifting Appliances

 Load Testing:
o Initial Testing: When a new lifting appliance is installed on board, it must undergo initial load
testing under the supervision of a competent surveyor. This test is usually conducted at
125% of the SWL.
o Annual Load Testing: As mentioned, lifting appliances must be tested annually at 110% of
the SWL. The test should simulate actual lifting operations to verify the appliance’s
structural integrity and operational performance.
o Dynamic Testing: In addition to static load tests, dynamic testing should be carried out to
ensure that the appliance can safely lift and lower loads under real-time operational
 Safety Checks:
o During the load testing, the brakes, limit switches, and overload protection devices are
tested to ensure they function correctly.
o Ensure that the hydraulic systems (if applicable) are free from leaks and have adequate
pressure to handle the load safely.
4. Regulatory Requirements and Compliance

 International Conventions:
o Compliance with SOLAS and ILO Convention No. 152 (Safety and Health in Dock Work) is
mandatory. These conventions require regular inspection, testing, and certification of lifting
appliances on ships.
o Ships must carry records of inspections and tests for verification during Port State Control
(PSC) inspections.
 Documentation and Records:
o Detailed records of all inspections, tests, and maintenance must be maintained in the ship’s
logbook or maintenance management system. These records are important for audits and
inspections by classification societies or Port State authorities.
o Certificates: After successful load testing, the lifting appliances should be certified by a
recognized authority, and these certificates should be available for inspection.


Routine safety inspections on oil tankers ensure that all equipment, including firefighting systems,
life-saving appliances, and pollution prevention gear, are ready for use in an emergency. Lifting
appliances, crucial for cargo operations, require regular inspections, testing, and proper operation
to ensure they function safely and effectively. These procedures not only safeguard the crew but
also ensure compliance with international maritime
regulations(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…)(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE).

Q.3) a) What is the planned maintenance system? What are the advantages and disadvantages
computer based PMS?
b) Prepare PMS scheduled for mooring winches on your ship

Q3. a) What is the Planned Maintenance System (PMS)?

A Planned Maintenance System (PMS) is a system that ensures that ship machinery, equipment,
and systems are regularly inspected, serviced, and maintained according to a pre-determined
schedule. The goal of PMS is to prevent machinery breakdowns, ensure operational efficiency,
extend the lifespan of equipment, and maintain compliance with international regulations such as
SOLAS, MARPOL, and the ISM Code.

Key Features of PMS:

 Scheduled Maintenance: Routine tasks are planned in advance to maintain equipment functionality
and prevent unexpected failures.
 Compliance: PMS ensures compliance with classification societies and regulatory bodies by
maintaining proper records and documentation.
 Record Keeping: Maintenance tasks, inspections, and repairs are documented to provide a
historical record of the equipment’s condition and performance.
 Preventive Maintenance: By regularly servicing machinery, the PMS prevents costly breakdowns
and improves the safety and operational reliability of the vessel.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Computer-Based PMS


1. Centralized Record Keeping:

o A computer-based PMS allows for centralized and organized record-keeping of all
maintenance tasks, making it easy to retrieve data during inspections, audits, and routine
o It tracks historical data, facilitating better decision-making regarding repairs, overhauls, and
2. Automated Scheduling:
o Maintenance tasks are automatically scheduled based on operational hours, calendar dates,
or specific equipment usage, ensuring that no maintenance tasks are overlooked.
o Reminders and alerts are sent to responsible personnel, improving adherence to
maintenance schedules.
3. Efficient Resource Management:
o The system helps in planning and allocating necessary resources such as spare parts, tools,
and manpower. This ensures timely execution of maintenance tasks.
o It allows for better inventory management, ensuring that spare parts are available when
4. Data Analysis and Reporting:
o A computer-based PMS can generate detailed reports and provide data analysis on
equipment performance, costs, and trends, helping identify problem areas that need
o It aids in decision-making by identifying equipment that may need replacement or further
5. Enhanced Compliance:
o Ensures that the ship meets the requirements of classification societies and maritime
regulations by maintaining up-to-date records of all maintenance tasks.
o It simplifies audits by providing a complete history of equipment maintenance, repairs, and


1. Initial Cost and Training:

o Setting up a computer-based PMS can be expensive, as it involves purchasing software,
implementing the system, and training crew members on its use.
o Continuous training is required to keep crew updated on the system's features and
2. Dependence on Technology:
o The system relies on computers and software, making it vulnerable to technical failures or
cyber-attacks. A malfunction in the software or a power outage could lead to delays in
o Over-reliance on the system may reduce hands-on oversight and manual checks.
3. Data Input Errors:
o Inaccurate data entry can lead to improper scheduling of maintenance tasks or missed
maintenance periods. Errors in the system can lead to operational inefficiencies or
equipment failure.
4. Complexity:
o The system may become overly complex for smaller ships with fewer resources or less
technical personnel, making it difficult to maintain.
o Some crew members may find it challenging to use the system, especially those who are
less familiar with technology.
5. Maintenance of the System Itself:
o A computer-based PMS requires regular software updates, maintenance, and technical
support. If these are not done correctly, the system may become outdated or non-functional.
Q3. b) PMS Schedule for Mooring Winches on Board

Mooring winches are critical pieces of equipment for safely securing the vessel at port and during
operations like berthing and unberthing. A detailed Planned Maintenance Schedule (PMS) for
mooring winches will ensure their reliability and prevent operational delays or accidents.

Below is a typical PMS schedule for mooring winches:

1. Daily Inspections:

 Visual Inspection:
o Check the general condition of winches for any signs of wear or damage, such as corrosion
or oil leaks.
o Ensure that the control levers and brakes are functioning properly.
o Inspect mooring lines for any signs of chafing, kinks, or wear.
 Lubrication:
o Check the lubrication of visible moving parts to ensure smooth operation.
o Verify that the oil level in the gearboxes is adequate.

2. Weekly Inspections:

 Brake System:
o Test the mooring winch brake for proper functionality. Adjust the brake tension if necessary
to ensure the winch holds the mooring line securely under tension.
 Motor and Electrical System:
o Inspect the motor for any signs of overheating, vibration, or unusual noise during operation.
o Check electrical connections for corrosion or looseness.

3. Monthly Inspections:

 Full Functional Test:

o Conduct a full operational test of the winch under load to ensure that it functions correctly
during mooring operations.
o Test all control systems, including emergency stops and load indicators.
 Wire Rope Condition:
o Inspect the mooring wires or ropes for fraying, corrosion, or distortion. If any abnormalities
are found, replace the wire or rope as needed.

4. Quarterly Inspections:

 Brake Pads and Drums:

o Inspect the condition of the brake pads and drums for wear. Replace pads or reline the drum
as necessary.
 Hydraulic System (if applicable):
o Check hydraulic oil levels and inspect the hydraulic hoses for leaks or cracks. Ensure the
hydraulic pressure is within operating limits.
 Gearbox:
o Inspect the gearbox for signs of oil leakage or unusual noise. Change the oil in the gearbox if
it appears contaminated or is overdue for replacement.

5. Annual Maintenance:

 Complete Overhaul of Winch:

o Disassemble critical components of the mooring winch, including the brakes, gearboxes, and
motors, for detailed inspection, cleaning, and servicing.
o Conduct a detailed inspection of the clutches, bearings, and gears for signs of wear,
corrosion, or damage. Replace worn-out parts.
o Flush and replace all lubricants in the gearbox and moving parts.
 Load Test:
o Perform a load test of the mooring winch at 110% of the Safe Working Load (SWL). This
ensures that the winch can handle more than its designated load in an emergency.
 Electrical Components:
o Test the motor windings for insulation resistance and check all electrical systems for
compliance with safety regulations.
 Safety and Control Systems:
o Inspect and test all control systems, including the emergency stop buttons, alarms, and
automatic tension control (if available).

6. Special Maintenance:

 Post-Heavy Weather:
o After heavy weather or extreme mooring conditions, perform a detailed inspection of the
winch, paying particular attention to the brakes, gearbox, and hydraulic system. Heavy
weather conditions can place excessive strain on these components.
 Post-Docking or Major Repairs:
o After the vessel undergoes docking or major repairs, carry out a full functional test of the
winches to ensure all parts are operational and correctly reassembled.


A Planned Maintenance System (PMS), especially a computer-based one, offers significant

advantages in terms of automated scheduling, efficient record keeping, and compliance with
international regulations. However, it also has disadvantages such as high initial costs and
reliance on technology. Developing a thorough PMS schedule for critical equipment like mooring
winches ensures that they remain reliable and safe, reducing the risk of equipment failure during
critical mooring operations(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

Q.4) a) Describe the procedure for rigging and effective use to tackle refloat a grounded vessel.
b) Explain the procedure to try out all fire alarms as per routine checks.

Q4. a) Procedure for Rigging and Effective Use to Refloat a Grounded Vessel

Refloating a grounded vessel is a complex operation that requires careful planning and
coordination. The process involves reducing the forces keeping the vessel aground, using external
forces to assist in refloating, and ensuring the safety of the vessel and crew throughout the
operation. Below is a step-by-step procedure for rigging and effectively refloating a grounded

1. Assess the Situation

 Determine the Cause and Extent of Grounding:

o Conduct an immediate assessment of the situation to determine why the vessel grounded
and to what extent. Check for hull damage, the location of the grounding, and the vessel's
position relative to tidal conditions and seabed composition.
o Use depth-sounding equipment to assess the underwater conditions and the vessel’s draft
relative to the seabed.
o Inspect the hull and ballast tanks to check for any breaches or water ingress.
 Stability and Stress Assessment:
o Assess the vessel’s stability using the ship’s loading computer or by consulting with a naval
architect. This will help determine how changes in weight distribution (ballasting or cargo
transfer) might affect the ship's structural integrity during the refloating process.

2. Lighten the Vessel

 Deballasting:
o Remove ballast water from the vessel’s tanks to reduce its draft. This can be done using the
ship’s ballast pumps, with a focus on maintaining stability. Care must be taken not to induce
excessive stress on the hull.
o Begin deballasting from tanks closest to the grounded area to help reduce the pressure on
the vessel’s hull.
 Transfer Cargo or Fuel:
o If possible, transfer cargo or fuel to lighten the vessel. This may involve using ship-to-ship
transfer or offloading to barges if they are available.
o The goal is to reduce the vessel's weight sufficiently to allow it to refloat during high tide.

3. Use External Forces (Tugs or Ground Tackle)

 Rigging Tugs:
o Arrange for tug assistance if available. The tugs should be positioned in a way that pulls the
vessel off the grounding point without increasing stress on the hull. Multiple tugs may be
required depending on the size of the vessel and the grounding conditions.
o Rig Tow Lines: Secure tow lines from the tugs to the vessel’s bow or stern (depending on
the direction of refloating). Ensure the lines are of sufficient strength to handle the load.
o Pull at High Tide: Time the refloating attempt with high tide to take advantage of the natural
buoyancy provided by the rising water level. The tugs should apply slow, steady pressure to
pull the vessel into deeper water.
 Rigging Ground Tackle:
o If tugs are not available or if additional force is needed, deploy anchors or ground tackle
from the stern of the vessel. This can be used to pull the vessel backward into deeper water.
o Deploy Stern Anchors: Rig heavy anchors from the stern and lay out sufficient anchor cable
to provide strong pull during the refloating attempt. The winches can then be used to pull on
the anchor cables, helping move the vessel.

4. Use of Pumps and Airbags

 Use Bilge Pumps: If the vessel is taking on water due to hull damage, use the bilge pumps
to control flooding and maintain stability. This is critical to ensure the vessel doesn’t take
on too much water while attempting to refloat.
 Use of Airbags (If Applicable):
o Some salvage operations may use salvage airbags to provide extra buoyancy. These are
placed under the hull and inflated to lift the vessel.
o While not always applicable, this method is particularly useful for smaller vessels.

5. Monitor and Refloat

 Monitor Hull and Stability: Continuously monitor the vessel’s stability during the refloating attempt.
Pay attention to any signs of stress or further hull damage as the vessel moves.
 Slow and Controlled Refloating: Apply force slowly and steadily to avoid causing sudden stress on
the hull or risking the vessel tipping or twisting.
 Check Draft Frequently: Use depth-sounding equipment and echo sounders to monitor the vessel's
draft as it begins to refloat. Ensure the vessel moves into deeper water safely.
6. Post-Refloating Actions

 Inspect Hull for Damage: Once refloated, immediately inspect the hull, particularly the sections that
were grounded, for damage. Send divers if necessary or conduct a detailed inspection in port.
 Stabilize the Vessel: Ballast or trim the vessel as necessary to restore stability after refloating.
Ensure the vessel is safe to proceed to port for further inspections or repairs.

Q4. b) Procedure to Try Out All Fire Alarms as Per Routine Checks

Routine checks of fire alarms are essential to ensure that the fire detection and alarm systems on
board are functional and capable of alerting the crew in the event of a fire. These checks must be
done systematically as part of the ship’s regular fire safety inspection program.

1. Prepare for Testing

 Inform the Crew: Notify all crew members in advance that a fire alarm test will be
conducted. This prevents unnecessary panic and ensures the crew does not activate fire
suppression systems or abandon ship procedures.
 Disable Automatic Fire Suppression Systems (If Necessary): Temporarily disable
automatic fire suppression systems (e.g., sprinklers, CO₂ systems) if they are triggered by
the fire alarms to avoid accidental activation during the test. This must be done carefully,
ensuring the systems can be reactivated immediately after the test.

2. Check the Fire Control Panel

 Inspect Fire Control Panel: Before conducting the test, inspect the fire control panel located in the
wheelhouse or control room. Ensure that the panel is functioning correctly and that all zones are
displayed clearly.
 Check for Fault Indicators: Verify that there are no fault indicators or existing alarms before starting
the test. The panel should be in its normal operating condition.

3. Test Smoke and Heat Detectors

 Testing Smoke Detectors:

o Use a smoke test canister or specialized smoke detector testing tool to simulate smoke
near the detector. This ensures that the smoke detector is sensitive enough to detect the
presence of smoke and trigger an alarm.
o Confirm that the fire alarm is activated when the smoke detector senses the simulated
smoke. The control panel should show the correct location of the activated detector.
 Testing Heat Detectors:
o Use a heat detector tester to raise the temperature near the heat detector, simulating the
presence of fire. This tool should gradually increase the temperature to the detector's set
o Verify that the heat detector triggers the alarm and that the location is correctly displayed on
the fire control panel.

4. Test Manual Call Points (Break Glass Alarms)

 Activation:
o Test the manual call points (also known as break glass alarms) by manually activating one
or more units. This is usually done by pressing the button or breaking the glass cover (if
disposable test units are used).
o Ensure that the fire alarm system responds and that the fire control panel shows the
location of the manual call point.

5. Test Alarms and Sirens

 Test the Audible Alarms:

o Activate the fire alarm system and check that the audible alarms (sirens, bells) are clearly
heard in all sections of the ship, including accommodation areas, engine room, cargo holds,
and common areas.
o If any areas are not covered or the alarms are not sufficiently loud, this must be addressed
 Test Visual Alarms:
o If the ship is equipped with visual alarms (flashing lights or strobes) for high-noise areas,
ensure that they are activated and visible during the test.

6. Test Fire Door and Ventilation Shutdown Systems

 Check Automatic Fire Doors:

o If the fire alarm system is connected to automatic fire doors, verify that these doors close
properly when the alarm is activated. This helps contain the fire and prevent its spread.
 Ventilation System Shutdown:
o Check that the ventilation system automatically shuts down upon activation of the fire alarm.
This prevents the spread of smoke and fire through the ship's ventilation ducts.

7. Reset the System

 Reset the Alarms: Once all alarms and systems have been tested, reset the fire control
panel to return it to normal operation. Ensure that the system is back in a state of readiness.
 Re-enable Fire Suppression Systems: If the automatic fire suppression systems were
disabled for the test, ensure they are re-enabled immediately after the test is complete.

8. Record the Test

 Log the Test in the Fire Safety Logbook: Document the results of the fire alarm test in the
ship’s fire safety logbook. Record which detectors and alarms were tested, the date of the
test, and any deficiencies or issues encountered.
 Report Deficiencies: If any parts of the system failed during the test, report them
immediately to the relevant officer or maintenance team for repair.


To refloat a grounded vessel, careful planning, rigging of tugs and ground tackle, deballasting, and
using external forces are critical steps, while regular testing of fire alarms ensures the ship's
emergency preparedness. Both procedures emphasize safety, communication, and coordination
to achieve successful outcomes(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)
Q.5) a) Describe the fixed fire fighting system protecting engine room of ships.
b) Explain annual inspection carried out on the fixed fire fighting system.

Q5. a) Fixed Fire-Fighting System Protecting the Engine Room of Ships

The engine room of a ship is a high-risk area for fires due to the presence of flammable materials
(fuel, oil), high temperatures, and machinery. To mitigate this risk, fixed fire-fighting systems are
installed to automatically or manually extinguish fires. Below are the key types of fixed fire-fighting
systems commonly used to protect the engine room on ships.

1. CO₂ Fire Suppression System

 Description:
o The CO₂ (carbon dioxide) fire suppression system is one of the most widely used fixed fire-
fighting systems in the engine room. It works by displacing oxygen in the protected area,
thereby suffocating the fire.
o CO₂ is stored in high-pressure cylinders, and when the system is activated, the gas is
released through a network of pipes and nozzles installed in the engine room.
 Operation:
o When a fire is detected (either manually or automatically), CO₂ is released from the cylinders
into the engine room.
o The concentration of CO₂ in the room reaches a level that is sufficient to suppress the fire by
reducing oxygen below the combustion threshold (approximately 21%).
o Since CO₂ does not leave residue, it is ideal for machinery spaces.
 Key Features:
o Quick fire suppression without causing damage to equipment.
o The system can be activated both manually and automatically.
o Requires evacuation of personnel before release, as CO₂ is hazardous to humans.

2. Water Mist System

 Description:
o The water mist system uses fine water droplets to extinguish fires. It is an alternative to
traditional water-based systems, providing a more efficient suppression method by cooling
the fire and displacing oxygen.
o The mist system works by reducing the temperature of the flame and creating a barrier of
steam, which reduces the amount of oxygen reaching the fire.
 Operation:
o When the fire is detected, water mist is released through high-pressure nozzles strategically
placed around the engine room.
o The water mist suppresses the fire by cooling the surrounding area, and the small droplets
create a larger surface area for heat absorption, enhancing the system's effectiveness.
 Key Features:
o Effective for fires involving fuel and oil in the engine room.
o Uses significantly less water than traditional sprinkler systems, minimizing water damage to
o Safe for use in spaces with electrical and mechanical equipment.

3. Foam Fire-Fighting System

 Description:
o The foam fire-fighting system is typically used for fires involving flammable liquids, such as
those in the engine room or cargo tanks. Foam works by smothering the fire and preventing
oxygen from reaching the fuel, while also cooling the surrounding area.
o Foam concentrate is stored in tanks and is mixed with water to create a foam solution,
which is then discharged through a network of nozzles and sprinklers.
 Operation:
o In case of a fire, the foam is released through the system and spreads over the surface of
the fire, forming a blanket that suffocates the flames.
o The foam also acts as a cooling agent, reducing the temperature of surrounding surfaces
and minimizing the risk of re-ignition.
 Key Features:
o Effective for suppressing fires involving oil or fuel spills in the engine room.
o Suitable for flammable liquid pool fires.
o Requires proper containment to prevent foam from spreading beyond the targeted area.

4. Dry Powder Fire-Fighting System

 Description:
o The dry powder system is another fire suppression method, using dry chemical powder to
smother fires. It is often used in combination with other systems like CO₂ or water mist.
o The powder interrupts the chemical reaction of the fire, thereby extinguishing it.
 Operation:
o When a fire is detected, dry powder is discharged through the system onto the flames. The
powder forms a barrier over the fuel source, effectively cutting off the fire from oxygen and
stopping the combustion process.
 Key Features:
o Suitable for class B and C fires, including electrical fires.
o Can be used alongside other fire-fighting systems to enhance fire suppression capability.
o Leaves a residue that requires cleanup post-discharge.

Q5. b) Annual Inspection Carried Out on the Fixed Fire-Fighting System

An annual inspection of the fixed fire-fighting system is essential to ensure the system remains
fully operational and ready for use in case of an emergency. The inspection is conducted following
regulatory requirements (SOLAS, IMO, and classification societies) and covers all components of
the system to ensure proper functionality.

1. CO₂ System Inspection

 Cylinder Inspection:
o Inspect the CO₂ cylinders for signs of corrosion, physical damage, and check the cylinder
pressure to ensure it meets operational requirements.
o Ensure all cylinders are properly secured and in place.
 Weight Check:
o Weigh each CO₂ cylinder to confirm that it contains the correct amount of CO₂. If a cylinder
shows a weight loss of more than 10%, it must be recharged or replaced.
 Piping and Nozzles:
o Inspect all piping for leaks, corrosion, or blockages. Check the nozzles to ensure they are
unobstructed and capable of releasing CO₂ in the event of a fire.
 Control Valves:
o Test all control valves for proper operation. Valves should open and close easily, and the
manual release mechanism should be functional.
 Release Mechanism Test:
o Test the manual and automatic release mechanisms to ensure they work correctly. Ensure
that all warning alarms function before CO₂ release.
 Safety Features:
o Inspect the crew evacuation warning system, including visual and audible alarms that
indicate CO₂ is about to be discharged, to ensure it is functioning properly.

2. Water Mist System Inspection

 Pump Unit Inspection:

o Check the water mist pump unit for leaks, pressure levels, and overall functionality. Ensure
that all pumps can deliver the necessary pressure for the misting system.
 Nozzle and Sprinkler Inspection:
o Inspect all nozzles and sprinklers for blockages or corrosion. Verify that they distribute mist
evenly and cover the entire area of the engine room.
 Pipework Inspection:
o Check the water mist pipework for leaks, corrosion, or blockages. Ensure that the pipes are
securely fastened and free from physical damage.
 System Activation Test:
o Conduct a test activation of the water mist system to verify that it functions correctly.
Ensure that water mist is discharged uniformly and at the correct pressure.

3. Foam Fire-Fighting System Inspection

 Foam Concentrate Inspection:

o Inspect the foam concentrate for signs of degradation. Check the foam concentrate storage
tanks for leaks and ensure they are filled to the required level.
o Test the foam quality to ensure it still meets fire-fighting standards.
 Mixing System Inspection:
o Test the foam mixing system to ensure the foam concentrate is properly mixed with water.
Verify the accuracy of the foam-to-water ratio.
 Foam Nozzle and Pipework Inspection:
o Inspect all foam nozzles and pipes for corrosion, blockages, and leaks. Test the nozzles to
ensure they are capable of distributing foam over the necessary areas.
 Activation Test:
o Perform an operational test to verify the foam system is capable of delivering foam at the
correct pressure and quantity.

4. Dry Powder System Inspection

 Powder Container Inspection:

o Check the dry powder containers for physical damage and ensure they are fully charged. If
there is a loss of powder, the container should be refilled or replaced.
 Piping and Nozzle Inspection:
o Inspect all pipes and nozzles to ensure they are not blocked and can release powder
 Operational Test:
o Conduct a test to verify the dry powder system’s discharge capability. Ensure that the
system can effectively distribute powder over the designated area.

5. Electrical and Control Systems Inspection

 Alarm System Test:

o Test the alarm system, including the control panel, to ensure that it functions properly and
activates the fire-fighting system when a fire is detected.
 Control Panel Inspection:
o Check the fire control panel for errors or faults. Ensure that the panel correctly displays all
zones and that fire detectors are fully operational.
 Wiring and Connections:
o Inspect all electrical wiring and connections for wear, corrosion, or damage. Ensure all
connections are secure and meet safety standards.


The fixed fire-fighting system in the engine room is a critical component of a ship’s fire protection
strategy, and regular maintenance and inspection are essential to ensure its functionality. CO₂,
water mist, foam, and dry powder systems each have specific features that must be checked
during the annual inspection to maintain safety and compliance with international maritime
regulations(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

Q.6) a) What you understand by Motivation and discuss regarding sources of motivation.
b) Explain Team work, Team building and interpersonal relationship with suitable examples in
achieving its goals

Q6. a) Understanding Motivation and Sources of Motivation

Motivation is the internal drive or external influence that stimulates individuals to take action,
achieve goals, and meet their personal or organizational objectives. Onboard a ship, motivation is
crucial for maintaining high levels of performance, safety, and operational efficiency. It plays a
significant role in how crew members approach their work, interact with others, and handle
challenging situations.

Types of Motivation

1. Intrinsic Motivation:
o Definition: Intrinsic motivation refers to the internal desire to perform a task for the inherent
satisfaction or fulfillment it brings, rather than for an external reward.
o Example: A crew member might take personal pride in mastering a skill, such as navigation
or cargo handling, simply for the joy of learning and improving.
o Key Characteristics:
 Driven by personal growth, curiosity, and a sense of accomplishment.
 Leads to sustained effort and engagement even without external rewards.
2. Extrinsic Motivation:
o Definition: Extrinsic motivation is driven by external factors, such as rewards, recognition, or
fear of punishment.
o Example: A crew member may work harder to receive a promotion or a performance-based
bonus, or to avoid reprimand.
o Key Characteristics:
 Dependent on external rewards or consequences.
 Can be effective for short-term goals or for tasks that individuals may not find
inherently enjoyable.

Sources of Motivation

1. Personal Ambition and Goals (Intrinsic):

o Source: Many people are motivated by a desire to achieve personal goals, such as career
advancement, self-improvement, or learning new skills.
o Example: A newly promoted deck officer may be motivated to learn faster and take on more
responsibilities to become an effective leader on board.
2. Job Satisfaction and Recognition (Extrinsic and Intrinsic):
o Source: Positive feedback, recognition from superiors, and achieving personal satisfaction in
completing tasks can be strong motivators.
o Example: A crew member receiving public acknowledgment for handling an emergency
situation effectively may feel motivated to continue performing well.
3. Monetary Rewards (Extrinsic):
o Source: Financial incentives such as bonuses, salary increases, or performance-based
o Example: A bonus for successfully completing a difficult voyage or reaching safety
milestones may motivate the crew to maintain high performance standards.
4. Work Environment (Extrinsic):
o Source: A positive, respectful, and collaborative work environment can significantly enhance
o Example: Crew members who feel they are part of a supportive team are more likely to be
motivated to contribute their best efforts to the ship’s operations.
5. Safety and Security (Intrinsic and Extrinsic):
o Source: A well-maintained and safe working environment motivates crew members to
perform tasks with diligence, knowing that their well-being is a priority.
o Example: Knowing that the ship follows proper safety protocols and has well-maintained
equipment encourages crew members to carry out their duties with confidence.

Theories of Motivation:

1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:

o Suggests that people are motivated by a hierarchy of needs, starting from basic
physiological needs (e.g., food, water, safety) and moving up to higher-level needs such as
esteem and self-actualization.
o Application: On a ship, ensuring that crew members’ basic needs (safety, food, rest) are met
is critical before expecting them to be motivated by career growth or recognition.
2. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory:
o Divides motivation into hygiene factors (e.g., salary, working conditions) and motivators
(e.g., achievement, recognition). Hygiene factors prevent dissatisfaction, while motivators
drive performance.
o Application: Offering a fair wage and a safe working environment is important, but crew
members are more motivated by opportunities for personal growth, responsibility, and

Q6. b) Teamwork, Team Building, and Interpersonal Relationships

1. Teamwork

Teamwork refers to the collaborative effort of a group of individuals working together to achieve
common goals. Onboard a ship, where various complex operations occur daily, effective
teamwork is essential for safety, efficiency, and success.

 Importance of Teamwork:
o Enhances the effectiveness of tasks that require coordination, such as cargo handling,
mooring operations, or emergency response.
o Reduces the risk of errors by combining the strengths and expertise of different crew
 Example:
o During a fire drill, the team must work together to follow safety protocols, each member
fulfilling their assigned roles, such as operating firefighting equipment, guiding others to
muster stations, or managing communications. Success depends on seamless collaboration
between deck and engine departments, as well as the leadership of senior officers.
2. Team Building

Team building involves activities and initiatives that strengthen the bond between crew members,
foster mutual trust, and improve their ability to work effectively as a team. It focuses on improving
communication, collaboration, and morale.

 Key Elements of Team Building:

o Trust: Building trust among team members is crucial, as it allows crew members to rely on
each other, especially in high-stress situations.
o Communication: Open and clear communication ensures that everyone understands their
roles and responsibilities.
o Shared Goals: Successful team building aligns individual efforts toward common objectives,
such as completing a safe voyage or achieving performance targets.
 Example:
o A Chief Officer organizes team-building exercises during off-duty hours, such as
collaborative problem-solving games or joint training sessions. These activities help crew
members understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses, improving overall teamwork
during critical operations.

3. Interpersonal Relationships

Interpersonal relationships refer to the interactions and communication between individuals on

board. Positive interpersonal relationships create a harmonious working environment, reduce
conflicts, and ensure smooth coordination of tasks.

 Importance:
o Good interpersonal relationships contribute to crew morale and job satisfaction. Crew
members who feel respected and valued by their colleagues are more likely to cooperate
and contribute to a productive environment.
o Effective interpersonal relationships lead to better conflict resolution, as issues are
addressed through open dialogue rather than escalating into confrontations.
 Example:
o A Chief Engineer and a Second Officer may have different perspectives during a bunkering
operation, but through effective communication and mutual respect, they resolve their
differences and focus on ensuring the operation proceeds smoothly and safely. Their strong
interpersonal relationship prevents misunderstandings and delays.

How Teamwork, Team Building, and Interpersonal Relationships Achieve Goals

1. Enhanced Efficiency and Safety:

o Teamwork and strong interpersonal relationships ensure that tasks are completed more
efficiently and safely. For example, in emergency situations, such as a fire outbreak in the
engine room, a well-trained team that trusts one another can quickly follow protocols,
contain the fire, and prevent casualties.
2. Improved Morale and Productivity:
o Positive interpersonal relationships and effective team-building activities boost crew morale,
which in turn improves productivity. Crew members are more likely to put in extra effort
when they feel supported and valued by their teammates.
3. Conflict Resolution and Problem-Solving:
o A team with strong interpersonal relationships and open communication channels can
quickly resolve conflicts, ensuring that small disagreements do not impact the broader
operations of the vessel.
4. Leadership and Delegation:
o Effective team building empowers leaders, such as the Master or Chief Officer, to delegate
tasks with confidence, knowing that the crew will cooperate and perform their duties without
constant supervision.


Motivation is the key to driving performance and efficiency on board, and it comes from both
intrinsic and extrinsic sources. Similarly, teamwork, team building, and positive interpersonal
relationships are vital for achieving goals on board. These elements ensure that crew members
work together cohesively, maintain safety, and achieve operational excellence, especially in
challenging environments like those faced by ship crews(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM

Q.7) What is Risk assessment, why Risk assessment is important and how do you do the Risk
assessment, enumerate with an example

Q7. What is Risk Assessment, Why It’s Important, and How to Conduct Risk
Assessment with an Example

1. What is Risk Assessment?

Risk assessment is the process of identifying hazards, evaluating the risks associated with those
hazards, and determining the appropriate measures to control or eliminate them. It involves
systematically analyzing the potential dangers in an operation or situation, considering the
likelihood of the hazard occurring, and assessing the severity of its impact.

In the maritime industry, risk assessment is a critical component of safety management, ensuring
that operations on board are conducted safely and in compliance with international regulations,
such as the International Safety Management (ISM) Code and SOLAS.

2. Why is Risk Assessment Important?

Risk assessment is essential because it helps to:

 Prevent Accidents and Injuries:

o By identifying potential hazards and implementing control measures, risk assessments
reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries on board ships. This is especially important in
high-risk environments like confined spaces, cargo operations, and maintenance tasks.
 Ensure Regulatory Compliance:
o The ISM Code and other international maritime regulations require that ships maintain a
systematic approach to managing risks, particularly in operations that could endanger the
crew, vessel, or the environment.
 Improve Decision-Making:
o Risk assessments provide a structured approach to evaluating risks and prioritizing safety
measures. This helps crew members and officers make informed decisions about how to
manage specific tasks or operations.
 Protect the Marine Environment:
o Many operations on board can impact the environment if not properly managed. A risk
assessment ensures that potential environmental hazards, such as oil spills or chemical
leaks, are minimized.
 Financial Protection:
o Reducing the likelihood of accidents and damage to the vessel not only protects the crew
but also saves the shipowner from expensive repairs, insurance claims, or detentions by Port
State Control.

3. How to Conduct a Risk Assessment

A typical risk assessment involves the following steps:

1. Identify the Hazards

 Definition: A hazard is anything that has the potential to cause harm to personnel, equipment, or the
 Example of Hazards: Onboard a vessel, hazards might include slippery surfaces, flammable
materials, moving machinery, confined spaces, or chemical exposure.

2. Assess the Risks

 Evaluate the Likelihood: Determine how likely it is that the hazard will occur. This is often
categorized as low, medium, or high probability.
 Assess the Severity: Evaluate the potential consequences if the hazard occurs. The severity can
range from minor injuries to fatalities or severe damage to the ship or environment.

3. Decide on Control Measures

 Eliminate the Hazard: If possible, eliminate the hazard entirely. For example, replace hazardous
chemicals with safer alternatives.
 Reduce the Risk: If elimination is not possible, implement control measures to reduce the risk. This
might include engineering controls (e.g., installing guardrails), administrative controls (e.g.,
implementing safer work procedures), or providing personal protective equipment (PPE) to crew

4. Implement the Control Measures

 Ensure that the agreed-upon control measures are put in place before starting the task or operation.
 Provide proper training and instruction to the crew on how to use the control measures effectively.

5. Monitor and Review

 Monitor the Situation: Regularly monitor the task or operation to ensure that the control measures
are working effectively and that no new risks have emerged.
 Review the Assessment: Risk assessments should be reviewed periodically and after any incident
or near-miss to ensure that they remain relevant and effective.

4. Example of Risk Assessment: Hot Work in a Cargo Tank of a Chemical Tanker

Scenario: A chemical tanker requires hot work (e.g., welding) to be carried out inside a cargo tank
that has previously contained hazardous chemicals.

Step 1: Identify the Hazards

 Flammable Vapors: Residual flammable vapors may still be present in the cargo tank, posing a risk
of explosion during hot work.
 Toxic Fumes: Heat from welding may release toxic fumes from chemical residues.
 Oxygen Deficiency: The confined space may have insufficient oxygen for safe entry.
 Equipment Failure: The welding equipment could malfunction, leading to sparks or electrical

Step 2: Assess the Risks

 Likelihood: There is a high likelihood of flammable vapors being present, as the cargo tank
previously contained chemicals.
 Severity: If an explosion or fire occurs, it could result in severe injury or fatalities, as well as
extensive damage to the vessel.
 Overall Risk Level: High. This operation is hazardous, requiring multiple control measures to
mitigate risks.

Step 3: Decide on Control Measures

 Gas-Free Certification: Ensure the tank is thoroughly cleaned and gas-freed. Obtain a gas-free
certificate from a certified chemist.
 Continuous Atmospheric Monitoring: Use gas detection equipment to monitor the oxygen levels
and the presence of flammable vapors throughout the operation.
 Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation to maintain safe oxygen levels inside the cargo tank.
 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): All personnel must wear appropriate PPE, including
respirators if necessary.
 Explosion-Proof Equipment: Use explosion-proof welding equipment and ensure proper grounding
to prevent static discharge.
 Hot Work Permit: Issue a hot work permit, ensuring that all safety measures are in place before
starting the work.

Step 4: Implement the Control Measures

 Ensure that all crew members involved in the hot work are briefed on the hazards and control
 Check that gas monitoring equipment is functioning and that all equipment (ventilation, welding
gear) is ready.
 Start the hot work once all control measures are confirmed.

Step 5: Monitor and Review

 Continuous Monitoring: Monitor gas levels throughout the operation. If any unsafe conditions arise
(e.g., a rise in flammable vapors), stop work immediately.
 Post-Work Review: Once the hot work is completed, review the operation to identify any issues and
document the findings for future reference.


Risk assessment is a vital process that helps to prevent accidents, ensure safety, and comply with
maritime regulations. It involves identifying hazards, evaluating risks, implementing control
measures, and continuously monitoring the situation. Conducting a risk assessment for
operations such as hot work in a cargo tank ensures that the crew and vessel are protected from
potential dangers, making it an essential part of shipboard safety
management(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

Q.1) a) With reference to SOLAS, list the on-board training and instruction you should give to
crew member with model training schedule.
b) Prepare an Emergency Muster List for a ship with a total complement of 21 (4 Deck Officers,
(including Master), 4 Engineer Officers, Electrician, 5 Deck ratings, 3 Engine Ratings, 2 Catering
Ratings, 1 Deck and a Engine cadet). Ensure all the information as required by SOLAS is shown.

Q1. a) On-Board Training and Instruction According to SOLAS

SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) mandates specific training and instruction that must be provided to
crew members on board to ensure they are competent and prepared for emergency situations.
The training is designed to equip crew members with the necessary skills to operate safety
equipment, respond to emergencies, and carry out their duties effectively in accordance with the
ship’s safety management system.

Required Training and Instruction (As per SOLAS Chapter III, Regulation 19 and related sections)

1. Fire-Fighting Training:
o Purpose: To teach crew members how to operate fire-fighting equipment and handle fire
o Training Elements:
 Proper use of fire extinguishers, hoses, and fire-fighting suits.
 Fire prevention measures and safe handling of flammable materials.
 Familiarity with fire detection systems and fire alarms.
 Evacuation procedures and fire isolation protocols.
2. Abandon Ship Procedures:
o Purpose: To prepare the crew for abandoning the ship in the event of a critical emergency.
o Training Elements:
 Familiarity with the location of life-saving appliances, such as lifeboats and life rafts.
 Procedures for donning life jackets and immersion suits.
 Lifeboat launching procedures, including free-fall and davit-launched lifeboats.
 Instructions on how to embark and secure seats in life-saving appliances.
3. Man Overboard Drill:
o Purpose: To train the crew on how to respond when someone falls overboard.
o Training Elements:
 Procedures for raising the alarm and stopping the ship.
 Use of life rings, smoke markers, and emergency recovery systems.
 Communication protocols during a man-overboard situation.
4. Emergency Signals and Procedures:
o Purpose: To ensure the crew is familiar with emergency signals and their corresponding
o Training Elements:
 Recognition of emergency signals (e.g., general alarm, fire alarm, abandon ship
 Procedures for reporting to muster stations and following muster list instructions.
5. Personal Survival Techniques:
o Purpose: To train crew members on survival techniques in water.
o Training Elements:
 Use of life rafts and lifeboats, including launching, boarding, and survival operations.
 Procedures for handling survival craft equipment such as EPIRBs (Emergency
Position Indicating Radio Beacons) and SARTs (Search and Rescue Transponders).
6. Enclosed Space Entry Training:
o Purpose: To educate crew members on safe procedures for entering enclosed or confined
o Training Elements:
 Identification of enclosed spaces and associated hazards (e.g., lack of oxygen, toxic
 Proper use of gas detection equipment and ventilation.
 Permit-to-work systems and rescue procedures in case of emergency.
7. Security Awareness and Procedures (ISPS Code):
o Purpose: To ensure crew members understand ship security protocols.
o Training Elements:
 Familiarization with security levels and ship security procedures.
 Procedures for controlling access to the ship and handling security breaches.
8. Pollution Prevention Training (MARPOL):
o Purpose: To teach the crew about pollution prevention measures and compliance with
MARPOL regulations.
o Training Elements:
 Proper use of oil-water separators and pollution prevention equipment.
 Procedures for managing oily waste, garbage, and ballast water discharge.

Model Training Schedule:

Training Type Frequency Comments

Hands-on training with fire extinguishers, fire

Fire-Fighting Training Monthly Chief Officer
hoses, and SCBA units.

Includes life jacket donning, lifeboat launch

Abandon Ship Drill Monthly Chief Officer

Simulated rescue with life rings and smoke

Man Overboard Drill Quarterly Chief Officer

Emergency Signal Briefing on alarms and emergency procedures

Bi-Monthly Chief Officer
Familiarization for new and existing crew.

Personal Survival Annually (and as Use of life rafts, lifeboats, and survival craft
Safety Officer
Techniques required) equipment.

Enclosed Space Entry Instruction on gas detection and ventilation,

Bi-Monthly Chief Officer
Training permit-to-work systems.

Security Awareness Ship Security Familiarization with ship security procedures

(ISPS Code) Officer and security drills.

Pollution Prevention Procedures for managing oily waste and

Bi-Annually Chief Engineer
(MARPOL) garbage, use of oil-water separators.

Q1. b) Emergency Muster List for a Ship with a Total Complement of 21

Total Complement: 21 (4 Deck Officers, 4 Engineer Officers, Electrician, 5 Deck Ratings, 3 Engine
Ratings, 2 Catering Ratings, 1 Deck Cadet, 1 Engine Cadet)

Key Elements of Muster List (As per SOLAS):

 Roles and Responsibilities: Every crew member must know their designated role during
 Emergency Signals: Clear understanding of the emergency signals (general alarm, fire alarm,
abandon ship alarm).
 Muster Stations: Designation of muster stations for each crew member.
 Emergency Duties: Allocation of specific duties such as operating life-saving appliances, assisting
passengers, and firefighting.
 Lifeboat and Life Raft Assignment: Each crew member must be assigned to a specific life-saving

Emergency Muster List:

Lifeboat/Life Raft
Rank/Position Muster Station Assigned Duty

Overall command, coordinates emergency

Master Bridge Lifeboat 1 (Command)

Lifeboat 1 (Deputy
Chief Officer Bridge Fire-fighting leader, liaises with Master

Muster Station A Assists Master, operates emergency

Second Officer Lifeboat 1
(Bridge) communications

Muster Station B Coordinates life-saving appliances

Third Officer Lifeboat 2
(Bridge) deployment

Engine Control Manages engine room emergency Lifeboat 1 (Engineering

Chief Engineer
Room shutdown Command)

Oversees engine crew and fire-fighting in

Second Engineer Engine Room Lifeboat 1
engine room

Third Engineer Engine Room Firefighting team in engine room Lifeboat 2

Manages auxiliary systems, assists with

Fourth Engineer Engine Room Lifeboat 2

Electrical shutdowns, ensures backup

Electrician Engine Room Lifeboat 1
systems are operational

Muster Station A Lifeboat 1 (2), Lifeboat 2

Deck Ratings (5) Lifeboat preparation, deck safety duties
(Deck) (3)

Engine Ratings Muster Station B Lifeboat 1 (2), Lifeboat 2

Fire-fighting and machinery isolation
(3) (Engine) (1)

Catering Ratings Assist in mustering passengers/crew, first

Galley Area Lifeboat 1
(2) aid

Muster Station A
Deck Cadet Assists in lifeboat and muster preparations Lifeboat 1

Muster Station B
Engine Cadet Assists with engine room fire-fighting Lifeboat 2

Key Information to Include as Required by SOLAS:

1. Emergency Signals:
o General Alarm: Seven short blasts followed by one long blast.
o Fire Alarm: Continuous ringing of the ship’s fire bell or whistle.
o Abandon Ship Alarm: Verbal order from the Master after the general alarm.
2. Specific Duties:
o Fire-Fighting Team: Chief Officer (team leader), Third Engineer, Deck Ratings (support).
o Lifeboat Preparation: Deck Ratings and Deck Officers prepare and launch lifeboats.
o Engine Room Isolation: Chief Engineer, Second Engineer, and Engine Ratings shut down
engines and auxiliary systems in case of fire.
3. First Aid and Emergency Assistance:
o Catering Staff: Assist in mustering and providing first aid as required.
4. Abandon Ship Procedures:
o All crew members must report to their assigned life-saving appliances, don life jackets and
immersion suits, and follow the orders of the Master and Officers in Charge.
5. Communication:
o Second Officer: Handles emergency communications and distress signals.


The on-board training as per SOLAS ensures that all crew members are prepared for emergencies,
and the emergency muster list ensures a clear delegation of responsibilities. By adhering to
SOLAS requirements, the crew will be equipped to handle emergencies effectively and ensure the
safety of both the vessel

Q.2) What are the salient features of the ISPS code to ensure the security of the ship’s crew and

Q2. Salient Features of the ISPS Code to Ensure the Security of the Ship’s Crew and

The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code was developed by the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) to enhance the security of ships, ports, and the entire maritime
industry. It was implemented as an amendment to the SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) Convention in
response to the growing threat of terrorism and other unlawful acts targeting ships and port
facilities. The ISPS Code sets out a framework for governments, port authorities, and shipping
companies to detect and assess security threats and take preventive measures against security
incidents affecting ships or port facilities.

Below are the salient features of the ISPS Code that ensure the security of the ship’s crew,
passengers, and cargo:

1. Ship Security Assessment (SSA)

 Purpose: The SSA is the first step in ensuring ship security. It involves identifying
vulnerabilities in the ship's structure, operations, and procedures that may be exploited by
potential security threats.
 Key Elements:
o Identifying and assessing potential risks, such as unauthorized access to the ship,
terrorism, stowaways, and piracy.
o Evaluating the ship's current security measures and identifying areas of
o Understanding the ship’s operations that might attract unlawful interference, such as
high-value cargo or passenger services.
 Relevance: The assessment helps in developing tailored security measures for the specific
needs and risks associated with the ship and its operations.
2. Ship Security Plan (SSP)

 Purpose: The SSP outlines all security measures to be implemented on the ship. It serves
as the ship's operational guideline for handling security threats and incidents.
 Key Elements:
o Access control measures to restrict unauthorized personnel from boarding the ship.
o Procedures for monitoring and securing sensitive areas of the ship, such as the
bridge, engine room, and cargo holds.
o Emergency response actions to be taken during security breaches, including how to
communicate with port security and maritime authorities.
o Specific roles and responsibilities of the Ship Security Officer (SSO) and other crew
members in maintaining security.
o Regular security drills and training exercises to ensure the crew is prepared for
different levels of security threats.
 Relevance: The SSP provides a practical framework for implementing preventive and
responsive security measures on the ship, ensuring that the crew and passengers are
protected from potential threats.

3. Security Levels

 Three Security Levels: The ISPS Code defines three security levels based on the prevailing
security threat.
1. Security Level 1 (Normal): The level at which ships and port facilities operate under
normal security conditions. Routine security measures are in place to ensure security.
2. Security Level 2 (Heightened): This level is introduced when there is an increased
risk of a security threat. Additional security measures are applied, such as stricter
access control or increased surveillance.
3. Security Level 3 (Exceptional): This level applies when a security threat is imminent
or has occurred. Emergency procedures are implemented, and maximum security
measures are enforced.
 Relevance: The different security levels allow the ship and its crew to adjust security
measures dynamically based on the evolving security situation, ensuring that they are
prepared for heightened threats.

4. Ship Security Officer (SSO)

 Purpose: The Ship Security Officer (SSO) is responsible for implementing and maintaining
the security measures outlined in the Ship Security Plan. The SSO acts as the key person in
charge of coordinating the crew's response during a security threat.
 Key Responsibilities:
o Conduct regular security inspections to ensure that security measures are properly
o Maintain the ship's security equipment, such as surveillance systems and access
control mechanisms.
o Train and supervise the crew on security procedures and ensure that drills are
conducted according to the SSP.
o Liaise with the Port Facility Security Officer (PFSO) and maritime authorities during
port calls to coordinate security measures between the ship and the port.
 Relevance: The SSO ensures that the security procedures are being followed and provides
leadership in handling security incidents, thus protecting the crew and passengers.
5. Access Control Measures

 Purpose: Controlling access to the ship is a fundamental aspect of maritime security. The
ISPS Code requires ships to have measures in place to prevent unauthorized individuals
from boarding.
 Key Elements:
o Identification checks for all persons boarding the ship, including passengers, crew,
and visitors.
o Security patrols and surveillance systems (such as CCTV) to monitor access points,
such as gangways and cargo hatches.
o Restricted access to sensitive areas of the ship, including the bridge, engine room,
and cargo spaces.
 Relevance: Effective access control prevents unauthorized personnel from boarding the
ship, reducing the risk of sabotage, terrorism, and theft.

6. Security Communication and Reporting Procedures

 Purpose: The ISPS Code emphasizes the need for clear and efficient communication during
security incidents, both within the ship and between the ship and external security
 Key Elements:
o Use of secure communication channels to notify the port facility and maritime
authorities of security breaches.
o Internal ship communication protocols to inform crew members and passengers
about security measures and emergency procedures.
o Reporting suspicious activities and security incidents to the relevant authorities,
such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and flag state authorities.
 Relevance: Ensuring that the ship can communicate swiftly and securely with relevant
authorities is critical to managing security threats effectively and ensuring the safety of the
crew and passengers.

7. Monitoring and Surveillance

 Purpose: The ISPS Code mandates the continuous monitoring of shipboard activities and
surroundings to detect and respond to potential security threats.
 Key Elements:
o Installation of surveillance cameras (CCTV) in key areas of the ship, such as access
points, cargo areas, and restricted zones.
o Use of alarms and security monitoring systems to detect unauthorized entry or
suspicious activity.
o Regular security patrols conducted by designated personnel to monitor for signs of
security breaches.
 Relevance: Constant surveillance helps to quickly identify and respond to security threats,
preventing potential attacks and ensuring the ship’s security.

8. Security Drills and Exercises

 Purpose: Regular security drills and exercises ensure that the crew is well-prepared to
respond to security threats and that the security systems and procedures are functioning
 Key Elements:
o Conducting security drills to simulate potential security threats, such as piracy or
terrorist attacks. These drills help crew members familiarize themselves with
emergency procedures.
o Holding joint exercises with port facilities and maritime security forces to improve
coordination in handling security incidents.
 Relevance: Drills and exercises ensure that the crew remains alert and capable of
responding swiftly to any security incident, minimizing potential harm to passengers and
the ship.

9. Security Equipment Maintenance

 Purpose: Security equipment such as alarms, CCTV systems, and access control devices
must be regularly maintained to ensure they function correctly when needed.
 Key Elements:
o Routine checks and testing of surveillance systems, alarms, and access control
o Ensuring that fire detection and suppression systems are integrated with security
protocols, as certain security threats may also involve sabotage or arson.
 Relevance: Properly maintained security equipment ensures the ship can detect and
respond to security threats effectively, safeguarding the crew and passengers.

10. Interface with Port Security

 Purpose: The ISPS Code requires that ships coordinate their security measures with port
facilities, ensuring a seamless security process during port calls.
 Key Elements:
o The Ship Security Officer (SSO) works closely with the Port Facility Security Officer
(PFSO) to share security information and align security protocols.
o Inspection of cargo and passengers during embarkation and disembarkation to
prevent the introduction of dangerous materials or individuals.
 Relevance: Coordination with port security ensures that the ship's security is maintained
not only while at sea but also during port calls, when the risk of security breaches may


The ISPS Code provides a robust framework to enhance the security of ships, their crews, and
passengers. By implementing ship security assessments, ship security plans, access control
measures, and ensuring ongoing surveillance and communication, the code aims to mitigate the
risk of unlawful acts, such as piracy, terrorism, or stowaways. Through regular training, drills, and
close cooperation with port facilities, the crew remains well-prepared to respond to potential
security threats, ensuring the safety of all on board(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM

Q.3) a) How corrosion prevention is important to ensure safety of life and marine environment?
b) How planned maintenance system helps in achieving the safety of the crew on board the ship?

Q3. a) How Corrosion Prevention is Important to Ensure Safety of Life and the Marine
Corrosion prevention plays a vital role in maintaining the structural integrity of a ship and ensuring
the safety of both life and the marine environment. The maritime environment is highly corrosive,
and without proper prevention measures, corrosion can lead to dangerous situations and
environmental harm. Here’s why corrosion prevention is crucial:

1. Ensuring Structural Integrity

 Preventing Structural Failures:

o Corrosion weakens the ship’s structural components, such as the hull, tanks, pipelines, and
cargo holds. Over time, this weakening can lead to cracks, fractures, or even complete
structural failure.
o Example: In cargo tanks, corrosion can lead to leaks of hazardous substances, posing
severe risks to the crew and the environment.
 Maintaining the Strength of Critical Components:
o The hull, deck plates, and ballast tanks are particularly susceptible to corrosion due to
constant exposure to seawater. Corrosion can compromise the ship’s buoyancy, stability,
and overall seaworthiness, endangering lives on board.
o Example: If a corroded ballast tank loses its integrity, it could cause instability in the ship,
increasing the risk of capsizing during rough sea conditions.

2. Preventing Environmental Pollution

 Avoiding Oil or Chemical Spills:

o Corrosion in pipelines or cargo tanks that carry oil, chemicals, or hazardous substances can
lead to spills, causing significant marine pollution. The leakage of oil or chemicals into the
sea can have catastrophic effects on marine life and ecosystems.
o Example: A corroded oil pipeline on a tanker could lead to an oil spill, which would not only
harm marine species but also cause significant financial and reputational damage to the
 Compliance with MARPOL:
o MARPOL (Marine Pollution) regulations require ships to have measures in place to prevent
pollution from oil, chemicals, sewage, and garbage. Corrosion prevention is integral to
maintaining the integrity of systems that prevent accidental discharges.
o Example: Corroded sewage treatment systems can leak untreated waste into the ocean,
violating MARPOL and harming marine ecosystems.

3. Enhancing Crew and Passenger Safety

 Avoiding Hazardous Situations:

o Corrosion in safety-critical systems, such as fire-fighting systems, lifeboat davits, or
ventilation systems, can hinder their functionality during emergencies, endangering lives on
o Example: If a fire-fighting system’s pipes are corroded, they may fail during a fire emergency,
putting the crew and passengers at severe risk.
 Ensuring Safe Cargo Handling:
o Corrosion in cargo-handling equipment, such as cranes or winches, increases the risk of
equipment failure, potentially leading to accidents and injuries.
o Example: A corroded crane might fail while lifting heavy cargo, causing it to drop and
potentially injuring crew members or damaging the vessel.

Q3. b) How a Planned Maintenance System (PMS) Helps in Achieving the Safety of
the Crew on Board the Ship
A Planned Maintenance System (PMS) is a systematic approach used to ensure that ship
machinery, equipment, and systems are regularly inspected, serviced, and maintained according to
a pre-determined schedule. This structured system is essential for enhancing the safety of the
crew by preventing equipment failures and ensuring a safe working environment on board.

1. Preventing Equipment Failures

 Proactive Maintenance:
o A PMS ensures that regular inspections and maintenance are carried out on critical systems
such as the engine, safety equipment, cargo-handling gear, and fire-fighting systems. This
proactive approach prevents unexpected breakdowns and ensures equipment operates
o Example: Regular inspections of lifeboats and launching equipment help ensure they
function correctly during an emergency, improving the chances of a successful evacuation.
 Reduction of Risk:
o A PMS allows the crew to identify and rectify potential issues before they become critical
problems. This reduces the risk of accidents caused by equipment failure, such as engine
room fires, steering gear malfunctions, or electrical system faults.
o Example: Scheduled maintenance on engine fuel lines can prevent leaks that might lead to a
fire in the engine room, safeguarding the crew’s safety.

2. Maintaining Safety-Critical Systems

 Fire-Fighting Systems:
o Regular maintenance of fire-fighting systems, including pumps, hoses, and extinguishers,
ensures they are operational when needed. A well-maintained system is crucial for the
crew’s ability to manage fire emergencies effectively.
o Example: Checking and testing CO₂ systems and fire alarms during scheduled maintenance
ensures the crew can respond quickly to fire incidents.
 Life-Saving Appliances (LSA):
o A PMS ensures that life-saving appliances such as lifeboats, life rafts, and immersion suits
are regularly inspected and maintained. This guarantees their readiness in case of
emergencies like abandon ship situations.
o Example: Scheduled inspections of life rafts and hydrostatic release units ensure they
deploy properly during an emergency, providing safety to the crew.

3. Improving the Working Environment

 Routine Maintenance of Work Areas:

o A well-maintained ship reduces workplace hazards, such as slippery surfaces, damaged
ladders, or broken handrails, ensuring a safer working environment for the crew.
o Example: Regular maintenance of the deck ensures that rust and corrosion do not create trip
hazards, reducing the likelihood of crew members being injured during daily operations.
 Ensuring Functional Ventilation and Lighting Systems:
o PMS schedules include checks on ventilation and lighting systems, ensuring that the crew
works in a well-ventilated, well-lit environment. This prevents fatigue, overheating, or
accidents caused by poor visibility.
o Example: Regular inspections of engine room ventilation systems help prevent the buildup
of harmful gases, protecting the health of the engine room crew.

4. Compliance with Safety Regulations

 Meeting ISM Code Requirements:

o The International Safety Management (ISM) Code requires ships to implement a systematic
approach to safety management, including maintenance. A PMS ensures compliance with
the ISM Code by documenting all maintenance tasks and ensuring critical equipment is kept
in working order.
o Example: A properly implemented PMS provides records of maintenance for audits and
inspections, proving that the vessel is compliant with international safety regulations.
 Passing Port State Control (PSC) Inspections:
o A well-maintained vessel is less likely to be detained during Port State Control (PSC)
inspections. A PMS ensures that all equipment, including fire-fighting and pollution
prevention systems, is in good working condition, reducing the risk of detentions and
o Example: Regular maintenance of pollution control equipment, such as oily water separators,
ensures compliance with MARPOL and minimizes the risk of environmental violations.

5. Enhancing Crew Training and Awareness

 Crew Involvement in Maintenance:

o The PMS involves crew members in the maintenance process, increasing their familiarity
with the equipment and systems they operate. This not only improves their technical skills
but also enhances their ability to identify and report issues before they escalate.
o Example: Regular maintenance tasks provide deck and engine crew with hands-on
experience, improving their understanding of machinery and increasing safety awareness.
 Emergency Preparedness:
o A PMS ensures that emergency systems, such as alarms, evacuation routes, and emergency
generators, are tested regularly. This guarantees that the crew is prepared to respond
effectively in emergency situations.
o Example: Routine testing of the emergency generator ensures that the crew can rely on it
during a power failure, maintaining critical systems such as lighting, communication, and fire
-fighting equipment.


Corrosion prevention is critical to maintaining the structural integrity of the ship, protecting the
environment, and ensuring the safety of the crew. Similarly, a Planned Maintenance System (PMS)
helps ensure the safety of the crew by preventing equipment failures, maintaining safety-critical
systems, and complying with safety regulations. Together, these practices contribute to a safer,
more reliable shipboard environment(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM

Q.4) Prepare the list of immediate action plant in the event of:
a) Fire in the engine room
b) Cargo oil spillage

Q4. Immediate Action Plan in the Event of:

a) Fire in the Engine Room

A fire in the engine room is one of the most dangerous situations on board due to the presence of
fuel, high temperatures, and machinery. The immediate action plan must prioritize containing the
fire, ensuring crew safety, and preventing the spread of the fire to other parts of the ship.
Immediate Actions:

1. Raise the Alarm:

o Immediately activate the fire alarm and sound the general alarm to notify all crew members
of the fire.
o Inform the bridge and Chief Engineer about the location and severity of the fire.
2. Stop Ventilation:
o Shut down the engine room ventilation fans to prevent fresh air from feeding the fire.
o Close the ventilation dampers to limit the spread of smoke and fire.
3. Stop Fuel Supply:
o Activate the emergency fuel shutoff valves to stop fuel from being supplied to the engine
and generators. This prevents fuel from leaking and exacerbating the fire.
4. Activate Fire-Fighting Systems:
o Use portable fire extinguishers (CO₂, dry chemical powder) if the fire is small and localized.
o If the fire escalates, prepare to activate the CO₂ fire suppression system:
 Evacuate all personnel from the engine room.
 Ensure the engine room is sealed before releasing CO₂.
 Release the CO₂ gas into the engine room to extinguish the fire by displacing oxygen.
o Water mist or foam systems may also be used if available and appropriate for the type of
5. Close Fire Dampers:
o Ensure all fire dampers in the engine room and adjoining spaces are closed to prevent the
fire from spreading.
6. Isolate Electrical Systems:
o Isolate the electrical systems in the engine room to prevent short circuits or electrical fires.
o Switch to emergency power if necessary.
7. Muster and Evacuation:
o Muster all non-essential crew at their designated muster stations.
o Ensure all personnel are accounted for, and first aid is provided if necessary.
o Evacuate personnel from adjacent spaces if there is a risk of the fire spreading.
8. Communicate with Bridge and Authorities:
o The Chief Engineer must maintain communication with the bridge.
o The Master should notify shore authorities and request assistance if the fire cannot be
9. Monitor the Situation:
o Continuously monitor the fire and assess whether it has been extinguished or contained.
o Keep the fire-fighting team on standby for re-ignition or flare-ups.

b) Cargo Oil Spillage

A cargo oil spillage is a serious environmental and safety hazard, especially on oil tankers. The
immediate action plan focuses on containing the spill, minimizing environmental damage, and
preventing fire or explosion risks.

Immediate Actions:

1. Raise the Alarm:

o Sound the general alarm to alert the crew and notify them of the oil spill.
o Inform the bridge and the Chief Officer about the location and severity of the spill.
2. Stop the Spill Source:
o Immediately stop any cargo oil transfer operations (loading, discharging, or bunkering).
o Close all valves and manifolds related to the affected cargo tanks to prevent further leakage.
3. Contain the Spill:
o Deploy oil spill containment equipment such as oil booms to prevent the spread of oil on
the water surface.
o Use drip trays and spill absorbent materials to contain the spill on deck and prevent it from
entering the sea.
4. Activate the SOPEP (Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan):
o Follow the procedures outlined in the ship’s SOPEP.
o The SOPEP team should be activated to deal with the emergency.
o The Chief Officer coordinates the spill response team and oversees containment and
recovery efforts.
5. Notify Authorities:
o The Master must notify relevant authorities, including the coastguard, port authorities, and
oil spill response teams, about the incident.
o The ship should inform environmental agencies such as the Marine Pollution (MARPOL)
authorities if the spill has entered the sea.
6. Secure Ignition Sources:
o Eliminate all possible ignition sources near the oil spill to prevent fire or explosion.
o Shut down non-essential machinery, especially in areas where vapors may accumulate.
o Ensure that all smoking bans and hot work restrictions are strictly enforced.
7. Activate Fire-Fighting Systems (If Necessary):
o Be prepared to activate the fire-fighting systems (foam or water mist) if the spilled oil ignites
or if there is a risk of fire.
8. Use Oil Spill Kits and Absorbents:
o Deploy oil spill kits to absorb and clean up the spilled oil.
o Use oil skimmers if available to recover oil from the water surface.
o Ensure all personnel handling the cleanup are wearing personal protective equipment (PPE)
such as gloves, boots, and respirators.
9. Monitor the Situation:
o Continuously monitor the spill and ensure that containment efforts are effective.
o Record the extent of the spill and report any changes in the situation to the authorities and
the bridge.
10. Environmental and Safety Monitoring:

 Monitor the environment for signs of pollution spread, including water quality, air quality, and
potential harm to marine life.
 Assess any health risks to crew members working on the cleanup and take necessary precautions.

11. Documentation and Reporting:

 Document all actions taken, including the time of the spill, the volume of oil spilled, containment
measures, and communication with authorities.
 Submit a pollution report (POLREP) as required by MARPOL and other relevant regulations.


In the event of a fire in the engine room or a cargo oil spillage, immediate and coordinated action
is critical to prevent the escalation of the incident, protect the safety of the crew, and minimize
environmental damage. Effective use of fire-fighting systems, containment procedures, and
adherence to emergency plans like SOPEP ensure that the risks associated with these
emergencies are managed safely(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM

Q.5) a) As a chief officer, how will you improve safety awareness of crew and officers on board?
What various methods will you use?
b} Describe structured shipboard training program as per STCW.
Q5. a) How a Chief Officer Can Improve Safety Awareness of Crew and Officers On

As a Chief Officer, ensuring a high level of safety awareness among both crew members and
officers is critical to preventing accidents, maintaining compliance with regulations, and fostering
a safety culture on board. The Chief Officer plays a key role in leading and reinforcing this culture
by using a variety of methods to raise awareness and ensure that safety procedures are fully
understood and followed.

1. Regular Safety Meetings and Briefings

 Conduct Weekly Safety Meetings:

o Hold regular safety meetings where crew members and officers discuss relevant safety
issues, lessons learned from past incidents, and updates on safety procedures. These
meetings ensure that safety is always on the crew’s mind.
o During these meetings, review key safety procedures and protocols, especially before
starting high-risk operations like cargo handling or maintenance in confined spaces.
 Pre-Operation Safety Briefings:
o Before any significant operation (e.g., cargo operations, bunkering, entering enclosed
spaces), hold a toolbox talk or safety briefing. This ensures that everyone involved
understands the safety procedures, potential risks, and mitigation measures.
o Encourage crew members to ask questions or raise concerns during these briefings.

2. Hands-On Drills and Exercises

 Conduct Regular Safety Drills:

o Organize mandatory safety drills, including fire drills, abandon ship drills, man overboard
drills, and oil spill response drills. These drills ensure that crew members are familiar with
emergency procedures and how to use life-saving and fire-fighting equipment.
o Include realistic scenarios during these drills to simulate real emergencies, giving crew
members experience in dealing with unexpected events under pressure.
o After each drill, hold a debriefing session to discuss performance, highlight areas of
improvement, and reinforce the importance of safety.

3. On-the-Job Training

 Mentor Junior Crew Members:

o Provide on-the-job training to junior officers and ratings. Experienced crew members should
mentor less experienced ones, especially in safety-critical tasks like operating cranes,
lifeboats, or firefighting equipment.
o For example, during cargo operations, the Chief Officer should explain safety protocols to
junior officers, such as how to use personal protective equipment (PPE), and demonstrate
safe practices when handling hazardous materials.
 Enclosed Space and Confined Space Entry:
o Provide training on the risks of entering confined spaces and the necessary precautions,
such as gas testing, using ventilation equipment, and permit-to-work procedures.

4. Safety Posters, Signage, and Visual Aids

 Display Safety Posters and Notices:

o Place safety posters and notices in high-traffic areas, such as the mess room,
accommodation corridors, and workstations, to continuously remind the crew about key
safety messages, procedures, and equipment usage.
 Visual Aids for Hazardous Areas:
o Use visual aids such as warning signs and safety labels to clearly indicate hazardous areas,
equipment, or materials. These should be strategically placed in places like the engine room,
cargo holds, and near safety equipment.

5. Use of Safety Management System (SMS)

 Reinforce the Safety Management System (SMS):

o Regularly review the Safety Management System (SMS) with the crew and officers to
ensure they are familiar with the ship's safety procedures and policies. The SMS should
include emergency procedures, risk assessments, permit-to-work systems, and guidelines
for handling dangerous goods.
o Encourage crew members to actively participate in the SMS by reporting hazards,
suggesting improvements, and conducting risk assessments for non-routine operations.
 Accident and Incident Reporting:
o Foster an open culture where crew members feel comfortable reporting near misses and
incidents. Use these reports as learning opportunities during safety meetings and drills to
prevent similar incidents from occurring.

6. Promote a Safety Culture

 Lead by Example:
o The Chief Officer should set a strong example by always adhering to safety procedures and
wearing the appropriate PPE when performing tasks. When the senior officers demonstrate
commitment to safety, the crew is more likely to follow suit.
 Reward and Recognize Safe Practices:
o Recognize crew members who consistently follow safety procedures or identify hazards.
This could be done through positive feedback, certificates, or small rewards. Reinforcing
safe behavior motivates others to do the same.

7. Regular Audits and Inspections

 Conduct Routine Safety Inspections:

o Carry out regular inspections of safety equipment, fire-fighting systems, and life-saving
appliances. Make sure the crew knows how to operate these systems and that they are well-
o Encourage crew members to participate in these inspections, teaching them how to identify
potential hazards.
 Engage in Third-Party Audits:
o Encourage external safety audits, which can offer an objective evaluation of the ship's safety
practices. Following audits, work with the crew to address any deficiencies identified during
the inspection.

b) Structured Shipboard Training Program as per STCW

The Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW) Convention mandates

structured training programs to ensure that seafarers are adequately trained and qualified for their
roles. These training programs are essential for ensuring the crew’s competency and maintaining
safety at sea. A structured shipboard training program typically includes a combination of
theoretical learning, practical training, and assessments.

Key Elements of an STCW-Compliant Training Program

1. Induction and Familiarization Training

o Purpose: To ensure that all crew members are familiar with the ship’s layout, equipment, and
emergency procedures.
o Key Areas Covered:
 Familiarization with the ship’s safety management system (SMS).
 Emergency procedures, including abandon ship, fire-fighting, and man overboard
 Use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and basic safety protocols.
 Familiarization with the ship's specific equipment and systems, such as navigation
systems, cargo handling gear, and machinery spaces.
o Who Conducts It: The Chief Officer or designated officers.
o Duration: Within the first 24-48 hours after joining the vessel.

2. Basic Safety Training

o Purpose: To provide fundamental safety training to all crew members, as mandated by
STCW Regulation VI/1.
o Key Areas Covered:
 Fire Prevention and Fire-Fighting: Use of fire-fighting equipment, fire detection, and
extinguishing techniques.
 Personal Survival Techniques: Survival at sea, donning life jackets, launching life
rafts, and use of emergency signals.
 First Aid: Basic first aid training, including CPR and treatment of injuries.
 Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities (PSSR): Basic safety procedures and
social responsibilities aboard a ship.
o Certification: Required for all seafarers before being assigned to a ship.

3. Watchkeeping Training
o Purpose: To ensure that officers in charge of navigational or engineering watch comply with
STCW Chapter VIII requirements for watchkeeping.
o Key Areas Covered:
 Safe navigation, including collision avoidance, use of navigational equipment, and
adherence to COLREGs (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea).
 Engine room watchkeeping, including monitoring machinery, alarms, and operating
 Radio communication protocols for distress and safety communication.
 Safe working practices during watch hours.
o Who Conducts It: Watch officers, Chief Engineer (for engineering watchkeeping).
o Ongoing: Continuous training while on board.

4. On-Board Training and Assessment (Cadet Training)

o Purpose: To train cadets and junior officers in the practical aspects of seamanship,
navigation, cargo handling, and engineering, ensuring they meet the competence standards
of STCW Chapter II and III.
o Key Areas Covered:
 Deck cadets receive training in navigation, ship handling, mooring operations, and
cargo management.
 Engine cadets are trained in machinery operations, maintenance, and
 On-the-job training under the supervision of experienced officers, combined with
logbook entries and progress assessments.
o Duration: Cadetship typically lasts 12-24 months, with structured assessments at intervals.

5. Specialized Training
o Purpose: To provide training for seafarers working on specialized vessels or with hazardous
o Key Areas Covered:
 Tanker Training: Specialized training for oil, chemical, and gas tanker personnel (as
per STCW Regulation V/1).
 Dangerous Cargo Handling: Training for handling hazardous materials and
responding to emergencies involving dangerous cargo.
 Crowd and Crisis Management: For crew members working on passenger ships
(STCW Regulation V/2).
o Certification: Issuance of specialized certificates after completing the training.

6. Refresher Training
o Purpose: To keep seafarers up-to-date with safety procedures and maintain competency in
emergency and operational skills.
o Key Areas Covered:
 Recurrent safety drills, including fire-fighting, abandon ship, and emergency
 Refresher courses in personal survival techniques and basic first aid.
o Who Conducts It: Chief Officer, Chief Engineer, or external trainers.
o Frequency: Required at regular intervals

Q.6) “Using different Situational Leadership Styles contributes to effective bridge team work”.
Justify this statement with on board situations.

Q6. “Using Different Situational Leadership Styles Contributes to Effective Bridge


Situational Leadership is a flexible leadership model where the leader adapts their leadership style
based on the situation and the competency and motivation levels of their team members. The
concept, developed by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard, highlights that no single leadership style is
effective in every situation. Instead, leaders must adjust their approach according to the task at
hand, the experience of the team, and the urgency of the situation.

In the context of bridge team operations on a ship, using different situational leadership styles is
critical to ensuring safe and effective teamwork. The Bridge Team operates in high-stakes
environments where decision-making, communication, and coordination are vital for navigation,
safety, and overall vessel management. The Chief Officer, Captain, and other bridge officers need
to use appropriate leadership styles based on the specific situations they face.

Let’s examine how different Situational Leadership Styles contribute to effective bridge teamwork,
with relevant onboard situations:

1. Directing Leadership Style (High Directive, Low Supportive)

In this style, the leader provides clear instructions and closely supervises the task at hand. It is
most effective when dealing with inexperienced team members or when the situation requires
strict adherence to procedures.

Onboard Situation: A Cadet on Their First Watch

 Scenario: A newly joined deck cadet is participating in their first navigational watch. They have little
experience in bridge operations and are unfamiliar with the ship’s navigation systems.
 Leadership Style: The Chief Officer uses a directing style by giving specific, clear instructions to the
cadet, such as how to monitor the radar or update the position log. The Chief Officer closely
supervises every action and corrects mistakes immediately.
 Justification: In this situation, the cadet lacks the knowledge and experience to work independently,
so a directive approach ensures that tasks are completed safely and correctly. The cadet learns the
proper procedures while minimizing the risk of error, contributing to the overall safety of the bridge

2. Coaching Leadership Style (High Directive, High Supportive)

The coaching style involves providing both direction and support. It is used when team members
need guidance but are also being developed for future tasks. The leader encourages participation
and motivates the team while maintaining control.

Onboard Situation: Preparing for a Complex Manoeuvre (Berthing or Anchoring)

 Scenario: The ship is preparing to berth in a busy port, and a junior officer, who has some
experience but is not fully confident, is assisting with the operation.
 Leadership Style: The Captain uses a coaching style, giving the junior officer clear instructions on
what to monitor (e.g., depth, speed, and position relative to the berth) while also encouraging them
to ask questions and make decisions under supervision.
 Justification: The junior officer is given the chance to apply their knowledge but with the safety net
of direct oversight. The Captain provides both instruction and encouragement, helping the officer
build confidence and competence. This approach ensures the operation is smooth while also
developing the officer’s skills for future independent work.

3. Supporting Leadership Style (Low Directive, High Supportive)

In the supporting style, the leader provides support and encouragement but allows the team
members more autonomy in their tasks. This style is most effective when the team members are
competent but may need motivation or reassurance.

Onboard Situation: Night Navigation with an Experienced Team

 Scenario: The ship is navigating a busy sea lane at night, and the team on watch consists of
experienced officers and an able seaman who have worked together on several voyages.
 Leadership Style: The Chief Officer adopts a supporting style, allowing the experienced officers to
take the lead in monitoring navigation systems, communicating with other vessels, and adjusting
the course. The Chief Officer offers encouragement and steps in only to provide advice or feedback.
 Justification: In this case, the bridge team is experienced and capable of handling routine
navigation tasks. The supporting leadership style promotes teamwork and confidence while
ensuring that the Chief Officer is available for consultation if needed. This autonomy fosters a
sense of responsibility among the team members and encourages collaboration.

4. Delegating Leadership Style (Low Directive, Low Supportive)

The delegating style involves giving full responsibility to team members to carry out tasks with
minimal supervision. It is appropriate when the team is highly experienced and competent, and the
leader trusts them to perform effectively without close oversight.
Onboard Situation: Emergency Response During a Fire Drill

 Scenario: The ship conducts a fire drill during navigation. The bridge team consists of senior
officers who have undergone multiple emergency response drills and are highly familiar with the
ship’s systems and procedures.
 Leadership Style: The Captain uses a delegating style, allowing the bridge team to handle the drill,
make decisions, and carry out the required procedures with minimal intervention. The Captain
observes the process but intervenes only if absolutely necessary.
 Justification: The senior officers on the bridge are experienced in dealing with emergency situations,
so micromanaging them would be counterproductive. By delegating authority, the Captain
empowers the team to act independently, improving their ability to respond to real emergencies.
This fosters trust and enhances the overall efficiency of the bridge team in critical situations.

The Role of Situational Leadership in Different Scenarios

Situational leadership is highly effective in bridge teamwork because:

1. Adapts to Team Member’s Experience Levels:

o Not all team members have the same level of experience or expertise. A cadet, a junior
officer, and a senior officer require different levels of supervision and support. Situational
leadership ensures that each person receives the appropriate level of guidance.
2. Maintains Safety and Efficiency:
o On a bridge, where mistakes can lead to serious consequences, such as collisions or
groundings, adapting leadership styles ensures that all tasks are performed to the highest
safety standards.
o For example, during high-pressure situations like entering a congested port, a directing or
coaching style may be more appropriate to maintain full control, while during routine open
sea navigation, a supporting or delegating style may be more effective.
3. Fosters Professional Development:
o By gradually shifting from a more directive style to a delegating style as team members gain
experience, situational leadership fosters professional growth. Officers and crew members
are given the opportunity to develop their skills and confidence over time, eventually
becoming capable of handling more complex tasks with minimal supervision.
4. Promotes a Collaborative Environment:
o Effective bridge teamwork relies on open communication, trust, and collaboration. A
situational leader knows when to step back and let the team take ownership of tasks, which
strengthens the bond between team members and enhances cooperation.


Using different Situational Leadership Styles on board contributes significantly to the

effectiveness of bridge teamwork by adapting the leadership approach to the experience and
competency of the crew. Whether it’s directing a cadet during their first watch, coaching a junior
officer through a difficult maneuver, or delegating responsibility to senior officers during an
emergency drill, situational leadership ensures that the team functions efficiently and safely. This
flexible approach enhances not only operational effectiveness but also crew development and
cohesion, which are vital for the safe navigation and management of the
vessel(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

Q.7) a) What is Risk Assessment?

b) Prepare a risk assessment sheet for entering in a double bottom space of a ballast tank.
Q7. a) What is Risk Assessment?

Risk assessment is a systematic process used to identify potential hazards, evaluate the risks
associated with those hazards, and determine appropriate measures to mitigate or eliminate the
risks. In maritime operations, risk assessment is a critical part of ensuring the safety of the crew,
the ship, and the environment.

The purpose of risk assessment is to:

1. Identify hazards: Understand the potential dangers involved in a task or operation.

2. Assess risks: Determine the likelihood and severity of the risks involved.
3. Implement control measures: Put appropriate actions in place to either eliminate the hazard or
reduce the risk to an acceptable level.
4. Review and monitor: Regularly review the risk assessment to ensure it remains effective,
particularly when there are changes in operations or new risks arise.

Risk assessment is required under the ISM Code and is essential in preventing accidents, injuries,
and environmental damage.

Q7. b) Risk Assessment Sheet for Entering a Double Bottom Space of a Ballast Tank

Entering a double bottom space of a ballast tank is considered a high-risk activity due to hazards
like oxygen deficiency, confined space, and potential exposure to toxic gases. Below is a risk
assessment sheet template that outlines the process of assessing and managing the risks for
this task.

Risk Assessment Sheet

Task Entry into Double Bottom Space of a Ballast Tank

Location Ballast Tank, Double Bottom Space

Date [Insert Date]

Person in Charge Chief Officer

Team Members [List Team Members]

Reviewed By [Insert Reviewer Name, Rank]

Step 1: Hazard Identification

Risk Level
Hazard Potential Consequences Existing Controls
(L x S)

Oxygen deficiency, toxic gas Confined space entry permit,

Confined Space Entry High
exposure, or asphyxiation ventilation system, gas detection

Ventilation blowers, gas testing

Poor Ventilation Accumulation of harmful gases Medium
before entry

Toxic Gas Presence Inhalation of toxic gases leading Gas detection, PPE, SCBA on
(H₂S, CO₂) to illness or death standby

Physical injury due to limited Safety footwear, harness, clear path

Slips, Trips, Falls Medium
space or slippery surfaces marking
Risk Level
Hazard Potential Consequences Existing Controls
(L x S)

Safety harness, use of lifelines and

Fall into Tank Serious injury or death High
fall arrest equipment

Poor visibility leading to

Inadequate Lighting Portable explosion-proof lighting Medium

Portable radios, constant

Lack of Delayed emergency response,
communication with outside Medium
Communication isolation

Ignition of gases leading to fire Intrinsically safe equipment, no hot

Fire or Explosion High
or explosion work allowed

Limited Egress Difficulty in evacuating in case of Standby personnel outside, quick

(Emergency Exit) emergency access to emergency exit

Step 2: Risk Assessment (Likelihood x Severity)

Likelihood Severity Risk Level (L
Hazard Additional Controls
(L) (S) x S)

Confined Space Continuous gas monitoring, ventilation before and

3 5 15 (High)
Entry during entry, confined space permit

Poor Ventilation 2 4 8 (Medium) Pre-entry ventilation, forced air circulation

Toxic Gas
2 5 10 (High) Gas testing (O₂, H₂S, CO₂), PPE, standby SCBA

Slips, Trips, Falls 3 3 9 (Medium) Install non-slip surfaces, clear path

Fall into Tank 2 5 10 (High) Safety harness, lifelines, double-check of PPE

Inadequate Lighting 2 3 6 (Medium) Portable explosion-proof lighting

Lack of
2 4 8 (Medium) Two-way radios, designated communication plan

Fire or Explosion 1 5 5 (Medium) Intrinsically safe equipment, no ignition sources

Pre-check of escape routes, emergency standby

Limited Egress 2 5 10 (High)

Step 3: Control Measures

Hazard Control Measures

Confined Space Issue a confined space entry permit; ensure continuous monitoring of gas levels (O₂,
Entry H₂S, CO₂). Ensure proper ventilation.

Poor Ventilation Use portable ventilation blowers to ensure sufficient air circulation.

Conduct gas tests before entry, and monitor continuously. Use PPE (respirators or
Toxic Gas Presence
SCBA if needed).

Ensure the area is free of obstacles, use non-slip surfaces, and instruct the team to
Slips, Trips, Falls
move cautiously.
Hazard Control Measures

Use a safety harness with lifelines attached. Ensure personnel are trained in fall
Fall into Tank

Inadequate Lighting Set up portable explosion-proof lighting in the work area to ensure good visibility.

Lack of Establish clear communication protocols using portable radios. Maintain constant
Communication contact with the watch team.

Ensure no hot work or ignition sources are present. Use intrinsically safe equipment
Fire or Explosion

Designate an escape route and ensure that standby personnel are available for
Limited Egress
rescue assistance.

Step 4: Emergency Preparedness

 Rescue Plan:
o Designate standby personnel outside the confined space to initiate a rescue if needed.
o Equip standby personnel with SCBA (Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus) in case of
o Ensure quick access to rescue equipment such as stretchers, lifelines, and first aid kits.
 First Aid:
o Ensure that at least one crew member with first-aid training is available during the operation.
o Prepare oxygen resuscitation equipment and other medical supplies for potential
asphyxiation or gas exposure.

Step 5: Approval and Monitoring

Risk Assessment Conducted By Signature Date

[Insert Name] [Insert Date]

Chief Officer [Insert Date]

Safety Officer [Insert Date]


Risk assessment is a vital part of shipboard operations, especially when dealing with high-risk
environments such as double-bottom spaces and confined spaces in ballast tanks. By identifying
potential hazards and implementing appropriate control measures, the risk to the crew can be
reduced significantly, ensuring the safety and well-being of all personnel
involved(Code_of_SP_Safety_offic…)(ISM CODE)(Code_of_Safe_working_Pr…).

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