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Topic 5: Learning English language vocabulary

Student’s name : Le Huong Lan

Student’s code : 207220201040
Group : ENG101 47spa.3_LT

Ha Noi, October 2023


I. Vocabulary learning from reading and listening: Replications of Brown et

al. (2008) and Vidal (2011) ………………………………………………3

II. A Survey Research Analysis of Effectiveness of Vocabulary

Learning through English Vocabulary Corpus…………………


III. PART 1: ...................................................................................................................25

1. Survey research design ........................................................................................25

2. Experience research design ..................................................................................26

IV. PART 2:.................................................................................................................... 27

V. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................29

1. Survey research design.

This study aims to seek an answer to the question: how effective is learning vocabulary

through English Vocabulary Corpus (EVC)? How is the vocabulary learned through

EVC? The main research motivation is that teaching and learning vocabulary is a difficult

task for English as an additional/second/foreign language learners and teachers. With

advances in technology, language pedagogy has also adopted new trends. One of the

recent trends in vocabulary teaching and learning in language pedagogy. This issue has

motivated the investigation of the effectiveness of vocabulary learning through a modern

digital technique that has called Corpus-Driven Learning. This English Vocabulary

Corpus was taught to 100 final-year BS English Language students in three one-credit-

hour sessions. The research begins with a survey with a questionnaire was distributed to

100 BS English students between the ages of 20-25 via online Google Form after teaching

them EVC. The survey was carried out in accordance with the research requirements of

the questionnaire and vocabulary items in the GRE syllabus used for teaching. The

responses to 13 closed-ended questionnaires were collected using a 5-point Likert scale

with 5 options: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree.

Interestingly, students preferred the English Vocabulary Corpus to be taught at

institutions for teaching vocabulary. English Vocabulary Corpus improves cognition by

assisting in the better understanding of meanings, specific contexts, and various contexts

of words. In academics, students were most likely to use EVC to study vocabulary.

English Vocabulary Corpus is more imaginative and easy to understand than standard

techniques of acquiring vocabulary. This study has shed light on the effectiveness of

learning vocabulary through valuable English vocabulary to improve in teaching and

acquiring vocabulary. It acts as the foundation for research and development in this field,

benefiting educators, students and the entire field of language learning.

2. Experimental research design

The study aimed to investigate the following questions: How does reading, listening, or

reading while listening influence incidental vocabulary learning from readers and

academic discourse? What are the limitations and consequences of current research on

incidental vocabulary learning from different input modes? The motivation for the study

was to contribute to the field of second language vocabulary studies by providing a

critical review of two influential studies that compared the effects of different input

modes on incidental vocabulary learning. The study aimed to evaluate the strengths and

weaknesses of the existing research, as well as to suggest ways to improve and extend it

through replication studies. The study also hoped to inform teachers and learners about

the best practices and strategies for using reading, listening, or reading-while-listening as

sources of L2 input for vocabulary development. The article summarizes previous

research on incidental vocabulary learning from multiple input modes, including reading,

listening, and reading while listening. The study examines two investigations using a

methodical and analytical approach. In light of these findings, the study addressed the
research questions posed and provided evidence of the differential effects of input mode

on incidental vocabulary learning. The study also tested a number of hypotheses derived

from previous studies or theoretical assumptions, such as the hypothesis that reading

while listening is more effective than listening or reading while listening to learn

vocabulary. Reading while listening will be more effective. rather than just reading or

listening to learn vocabulary. The study confirmed the first hypothesis but rejected the





Date: 12/10/2023

English is now a globally spoken language and one of the official languages. The ability to use

English fluently and use of appropriate terminology not only helps students get a stable job after

graduation, but English is also a tool to help them advance in their jobs and make more money

consistently. However, studying and using English is now difficult for the majority of students

who are not majoring in English, particularly students at Hanoi Pedagogical University 2 and

students at Vietnamese universities in general. Due to the severe restrictions placed on English,

they frequently run across problems. Several people have looked into the problem of how to

acquire vocabulary well, and a variety of teaching strategies have been developed to help pupils
learn a language well. For the reasons stated above, we did significant research on English

vocabulary learning methodologies for first-year non-English majors at Hanoi Pedagogical

University 2. The purpose of this study is investigate various methods and strategies that have

been successfully used to help first-year English non-major students at Hanoi Pedagogical

University 2 develop their vocabulary. The research was conducted to answer two main


1. How do first-year non-English majors at Hanoi Pedagogical University 2 learn vocabulary?

2. How can vocabulary be learned efficiently?

With the first question, we can identify the difficulties that first-year non-English students

encounter through the way they learn vocabulary. From there, the second question arises: “How

to learn vocabulary effectively?” In this question, research shows that the means and tools used

by students in English learning activities are the factors that have the most impact on their ability

to remember words. It can be claimed that students will be more successful at memorizing,

replicating, and using English vocabulary when speaking and communicating English. Therefore,

learning style is crucial to each person's success in learning a new language. To collect data for

the research article, questionnaires are frequently used during the investigation. Students will

evaluate the usefulness of each technique using a questionnaire that has five items that

correspond to five efficient strategies of learning English vocabulary that they have utilized.

Research from questionnaires was designed to collect data from 50 first-year non-English majors

at Hanoi Pedagogical University 2. Test results will be based on data to draw conclusions.

Total words: 947


1. Ur, P. (1996) A course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory. Cambridge

University Press, Cambridge

2. Pyles,T & Algeo, J (1979), English – An Introduction to Language, New York:

Harcourt, Brace.

3. Master Phung Van De (2012), A research on the current situation and propose

solutions to learn English vocabulary of non-English major students at Tra Vinh


4. Schmitt, N (1997), Vocabulary Learning Stratergies, Cambridge: University Press.


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