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Urban and Town Planning

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Q. Explain Urban Area and give its classification.

An urban area, or built-up area, is a human settlement with a high population

density and infrastructure of built environment. Urban areas are created through urbanization and
are categorized by urban morphology as cities, towns, conurbations or suburbs. The Census
Bureau identifies two types of urban areas:

 Urbanized Areas (UAs) of 50,000 or more people;

 Urban Clusters (UCs) of at least 2,500 and less than 50,000 people.
An urban area is the region surrounding a city. Most inhabitants of urban areas have
nonagricultural jobs. Urban areas are very developed, meaning there is a density of human
structures such as houses, commercial buildings, roads, bridges, and railways. "Urban area" can
refer to towns, cities, and suburbs.

The Degree of Urbanization identifies three types of settlements:

1. Cities, which have a population of at least 50,000 inhabitants in contiguous dense grid
cells (>1,500 inhabitants per km2);
2. Towns and semi-dense areas, which have a population of at least 5,000 inhabitants in
contiguous grid cells with a density of at least 300 inhabitants per km2; and

Q. What is Trend of Urbanization?

Urbanisation is a global trend reflecting the growing population of the world. The urban
populations of less-developed countries are currently increasing at a faster rate than those of
more-developed countries. Urbanisation results from a natural increase in the population and
rural to urban migration. The population residing in urban areas in India, according to the
1901 census, was 11.4%, increasing to 28.53% by the 2001 census, and is now currently
34% in 2017 according to The World Bank. India's urban population has increased from 79
million in 1961 to 388 million in 2011, whereas its rural population doubled from 360 million to
860 million.

Q. What are the stages in planning process?

Now, urbanization process can be divided into four stages: initial stage, acceleration stage,
deceleration stage, and terminal stage.

Q. Explain Surveys in planning.

Planning work becomes easy by analyzing the data of existing town gathered from surveys. ii. It
helps to know that what is lacking and what is to be needed for the development of Town. iii. A
survey focuses on the inter-relation of different inter-mingled activities of an urban life. The
survey plan shows how the objectives will be reached by clearly describing the target population,
the data requirements and the variables to be measured, as well as looking at the questions and
possible answers and how the data will be processed and analyzed.

Types of Survey Methods

 Online Survey Method.
 Face-to-Face Surveys.
 Focus Groups.
 Panel Sampling.
 Phone Survey.
 Mail Surveys.
 Kiosk Surveys.
 Paper Surveys.

Q. What is the meaning of delineation of planning region?

Regional delineation is the first step in the preparation of any regional development plan to
ensure tentative operational area of planning. Within the planning region the frame of all
regional studies could be undertaken and development envisaged. Delineation of formal regions
involves the grouping together of local units which have similar characteristics according to
certain clearly denied criteria and which differ significantly from the units outside the region on
the basis of certain chosen criteria.

The planning of amenities and utility services include the facilities like educational, medical,
transport, housing, electricity, post and telegraph, telephone exchange, police station, fire station,
community hall and library, cinema theatre, swimming pool, stadium, open air theatre, religious
building, auditorium, parks, play grounds, water supply, drainage, sanitation, burial ground etc.

Medical facilities
Planning standards for civic amenities and community facilities

Other facilities
Water supply consumption

Desirable land use pattern (Percentage)

Traffic and transportation
Q. Explain urban planning.
Design and regulation of the uses of space that focus on the physical form, economic functions,
and social impacts of the urban environment and on the location of different activities within it.
Because urban planning draws upon engineering, architectural, and social and political concerns,
it is variously a technical profession, an endeavor involving political will and public
participation, and an academic discipline. Urban planning concerns itself with both the
development of open land (“Greenfields sites”) and the revitalization of existing parts of the city,
thereby involving goal setting, data collection and analysis, forecasting, design, strategic
thinking, and public consultation. Increasingly, the technology of geographic information
systems (GIS) has been used to map the existing urban system and to project the consequences of
What does an urban planner do? The roles of planners can vary somewhat, but the overall goal
is to help develop cities into functional, thriving communities that can accommodate the
population and offer a pleasant place to live and work.
As an urban planner, your mission is to guide the urban development of an existing or new
community while considering public and environmental welfare. Your careful planning
needs to factor in aspects that make it a convenient, healthful, efficient, and equitable place to
live and work.

Q. Explain Urban Planning Agencies and their functions.

Towns, public institutes of inter-city cooperation and local authorities can create, with the state
and the public institutes or with other institutes in charge of planning and territorial
development, institutes of reflection, of studies and support of public policies called urban
planning agencies. These agencies have missions such as :
 monitoring urban evolutions and develop a territorial observation,
 helping with the definition of planning and development policies and with the production of
urban planning documents that are linked to these policies, like the coherence territorial schemes
and the inter-city local urban programs.
 Preparing the projects of urban areas, metropolitan and territorial, in the sense of an integrated
approach and of an harmonization of public policies,
 Contributing to the diffusion of innovation, the process and tools of sustainable territorial
development, landscape and urban quality,
 Guiding cross-border cooperations and decentralized cooperations related to urban strategies.

Agencies involved in urban development

1. Urban development authority
2. Municipal corporation / Municipality
3. Town and country planning organisation (TCPO)
4. State Industrial Development & Investment Corporation
5. Housing and Urban development corporation Ltd. (HUDCO )

City Development being under different agencies, the issue of co-ordination becomes difficult.
Therefore, it is not possible to plan and co-ordinate development as the other departments’ plans
and programmes are not known/discussed, thus making preparation of perspective development
plan for city difficult. Multiplicity of authorities and lack of coordination among them make
decision making and implementation of public infrastructure and services extremely difficult.
There is need for a strong apex organization with the authority of exercising financial control to
operate a co-coordinative mechanism for accelerating the pace of land development and other
activities related to urban development.
Simultaneously, concerted efforts are needed for capacity building of local bodies and other
public agencies to play the role of catalyst agencies within the changing regime of public ‘private
relationship arrangements for provision of urban infrastructure and public services.
These two constitutionally authorised planning mechanisms, viz. DPCs and MPCs, as and when
they are set up in all States, will have to contend with the existing multiple planning structures
for major cities which are in the form of Development Authorities, Town and Country Planning
Departments and Housing Boards and/or the Municipal Corporations. In many Indian cities,
Development Authorities wear the hat of planner and developer simultaneously as a result of
which physical development supersedes planning concerns”

Urban development authority

The major undertaking of urban Development Authority includes the following:
1. Infrastructural development of region by construction of flyovers, bridges, parking places.
2. Development of commercial projects and residential schemes, etc.
3. Development of basic amenities like community centres, parks, ring roads.
4. Development and rehabilitation of kacchi bastis etc.
5. Preparation and implementation of master plan.
6. Preparation and implementation of guidelines for colonisation.
7. Environmental development by planning and implementing roadside plantations and by
developing eco-friendly schemes.
8. Development of rural area around Jaipur.
9. Development of transport facilities like Mass Rapid
Transport System (MRTS), Transport Nagar, and major sector roads.

The role and function of Municipal Corporation:

A Municipal Corporation works in coordination with the State Government for the effective
execution of the various plans and programs. Corporation divides functions, powers and
responsibilities into the following two categories:
1. Obligatory
2. Discretionary
1. Some obligatory functions:
a. Supply of pure and wholesome water
b. Construction and maintenance of public streets
c. Lighting and watering of public streets
d. Cleaning of public streets, places and sewers
e. Regulation of offensive, dangerous or obnoxious trades and callings or practices
f. Maintenance or support of public hospitals; establishment and maintenance of primary
g. Registration of births and deaths; removing obstructions and projections in public streets,
bridges and other places
h. Naming streets and numbering houses.
2. Some discretionary functions:
a. Construction and maintenance of public parks, gardens, libraries, museums, rest houses,
leper homes, orphanages and rescue homes for women
b. planting and maintenance of roadside and other trees
c. Housing for low income groups
d. Conducting surveys
e. Organising public receptions, public exhibitions, public entertainment; provision of
transport facilities with the municipality
Town and country planning organisation (TCPO)
Established in 1962, TCPO has come a long way. It has been functioning as the technical wing
of the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. Over the years, TCPO has
undertaken various pioneering works in the area of formulating Master Plans, urban design
projects, tourism development plans, regional plans, empirical research studies in topical areas,
manuals and guides on various aspects of planning and development, monitoring and evaluation
of central sector schemes, information system, urban mapping, urban and regional development
policies, development law etc.
The Organisation is responsible for providing assistance and advice of highest order to Central
and State Governments, Public Sector Agencies, Development Authorities and Urban Local
Bodies on matters pertaining to urban & regional planning and development. Apart from non-
plan functions, TCPO also monitors specific plan schemes of the Ministry of Urban
Development. The major functions of the Organisation are grouped in the following areas:
1.TCPO as an apex Organisation in the field of Urban & Regional Planning and Development
provides knowledge support and technical advice and assistance to various State Govts.,
Development Authorities, ULBs, other agencies etc.
2. Technical assistance and guidance to the Ministry of Urban Development, Planning
Commission, other Central Ministries / Agencies.
3. Research studies in areas of topical interest.
4. Manuals and Guides on various aspects of planning and development.
5. Training & Capacity Building, Conferences and Workshops in the field of urban & regional
planning and development and Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Urban & Regional
6. Appraisal and monitoring of central sector projects / Schemes.

State Industrial Development & Investment Corporation

Organization played an important role in the industrial development of city.
it is mainly engaged in site selection and acquisition of land, financial assistance to smalls
medium and large scale projects, equity participation in large projects on merit, technical
consultancy for project identification and technical tie up, escort services, facilitation of
government clearances, merchant banking and financial tie -ups and extending incentives and
concessions as per the policy of the State Government.
Housing and Urban development corporation Ltd. (HUDCO )
The objectives of HUDCO include
1. providing long term finance for construction of houses for residential purposes or finance or
undertake housing and urban development programmes in the country;
2. finance or undertake, wholly or partly, the setting up of the new or satellite towns;
3. subscribe to the debentures and bonds to be issued by the State Housing (and/or Urban
Development) Boards, Improvement Trusts, Development Authorities etc. specifically for the
purpose of financing housing and urban development programmes;
4. finance or undertake the setting up of industrial enterprises of building material;
5. administer the moneys received, from time to time, from the Government of India and other
sources as grants or otherwise for the purposes of financing or undertaking housing and urban
development programmes in the country, and
6. promote, establish, assist, collaborate and provide consultancy services for the projects of
designing and planning of works relating to Housing and Urban Development programmes in
India and abroad.
7. undertake business of Venture Capital Fund in Housing and Urban Development Sectors
facilitating Innovations in these sectors and invest in and/or subscribe to the units/shares etc. of
Venture Capital Funds promoted by Government/Government Agencies in the above areas.
8. set up HUDCO's own Mutual Fund for the purpose of Housing and Urban Development
programmes and/or invest in, and/or subscribe to the units etc. of Mutual Funds, promoted by the
Government/Government Agencies for the above purpose.

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