FCSC Code of Regulations, October 2024

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Code of Regulations

Fulton County Sportsmen Incorporated

Article I-Name
The name of this organization shall be the Fulton County Sportsmen Incorporated

Article II-Objectives
The Fulton County Sportsmen Incorporated shall be a non-profit organization that is non-
political and non-sectarian. The objectives of the Club shall be to promote the conservation of
wildlife in Fulton County, promote the sports of fishing, trapping, and hunting in compliance the
fish-and-game laws of the state of Ohio, orderly shooting sports, safe handling and proper care of
firearms, and provide members with safe facilities to further the pursuit of these aims.

Article III-Membership
Section 1. Eligibility: Any citizen of the United States of America or non-citizen legal
alien without violations of state or federal gun laws and age 18 years of age or older may
become a voting member of the Fulton County Sportsman Club. All applicants for
membership must receive the approval of the Board of Directors. As condition of
membership, new members must attend a New Member Orientation by the Range Master
or a Board Member prior to receiving Club and shooting range privileges.
Section 2. Rules: Active members shall be those members in good standing with the
organization, whose membership fees are paid in full and are not in arrears, follow and
abide all rules that may be established regarding firearms safety, proper use of the
shooting ranges, the use of the club house and club property, and all organized shooting
Section 3. Eligibility to nominate for a Board position: For an active member (as defined
by Article III Section 2) to nominate themself or another member to run for a Board
position must have attended at least six (6) of the last twelve (12) general membership
meetings. The annual meeting in November for which nominations and elections are held
counts towards this requirement.
Section 4. Membership Dues and Contributions: The yearly dues of each member of the
organization as established by the Board of Directors, shall be payable to the Club and is
due no later than March 31 of each year. An active membership is from January 1 to
December 31 of that year. To remain as a current Club member, dues must be paid within
six (6) months of expiration of the previous year. Annual dues are not pro-rated for the
membership year. For active members, all dues paid after November 1 shall constitute

payment for the coming year. Any active member may acquire Life Membership
standing by the payment of 10 times the annual dues and approval of the Board of
Directors. Any interested firm, organization or person may make donations of funds or
other assets to the Club and specify the use or purpose of the contribution. The use or
purpose of the contribution is subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. All dues
paid by members, plus any donations, fees, or other assets received by the Club shall be
the sole property of the Club. The Club shall have the sole right to disburse funds and
assets to maintain and operate the Club. Club members shall not have any personal
interests in the assets or property of the Club as it is a non-profit organization.

Article IV-Meetings
Section 1. Annual Meeting: The annual meeting of the Club membership shall be held on
the first Tuesday in November of each year.
Section 2. General Membership Meetings: General membership meetings may be
scheduled monthly for the purpose of member informational benefit. The meeting
schedule is determined by the Board of Directors. No person not a member of the Club
shall be present at the meeting unless he or she is specifically invited by the President or
Board of Directors. Prospective new members who complete an application for
membership and are pending Board of Directors approval may be in attendance at the
General Membership meeting.
Section 3. Special Meeting: Special or emergency meetings as deemed necessary by the
Board of Directors may be held only with notice of all Board members and only then a
time and place may be decided.
Section 4. Board of Directors Meetings: The Board of Directors shall hold one monthly
scheduled meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. No person not a Board member
shall be present at the Board of Directors meetings, unless he or she be specifically
invited and approved by the President or Board of Directors.
Section 5. Meetings Protocol: All meetings shall be conducted according to
parliamentary rules and open discussion from the floor on all measures shall be permitted
and encouraged.

Article V-Quorum
Section 1. At General Membership meetings not less than fifteen (15) of the active
members of the Club shall constitute a quorum.
Section 2. At the Board of Directors meetings, a simple majority of the total members of
the Board shall constitute a quorum, and a majority vote of the Board present at any such
meeting shall prevail.

Article VI-Club Management
Section 1. The Board of Directors: The management of the Club shall be vested by nine
(9) Directors. This will include a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer
elected from their number.

Article VII-Board of Directors and Election of the Board

Section 1. The Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall be elected from the
general membership at the annual meeting held in November of each year. Three (3)
current Directors shall run for re-election each year. Nominations for new Directors may
be made from the general membership or by recommendation of the current Board.
Active members, as defined by Article III, Section 2, present at the annual meeting are
eligible to vote.
Section 2. Eligibility for Board Nomination: To be eligible for nomination for Board
election, such member being nominated, must have attended at least eight (8) of the last
twelve (12) general membership meetings. The annual meeting in November for which
nominations and elections are held counts towards this requirement.
Section 3. Officers of the Board and How Elected: The President, Vice President,
Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected from the membership of the Board of Directors
by a vote of the members of the Board and hold office for one (1) year, or until
successors are elected and qualify.
Section 4. Dissociation/Resignation/Replacement of the Board Member: In the event of
one or more vacancies in the Board, for any reason, the Board shall appoint some
member(s) in good standing from the general membership to fill the unexpired term until
the next election of Board Directors.
Section 5. Dissociation/Resignation/Replacement of the Officer of the Board: In the event
of one or more vacancies in the Officers of the Board, for any reason, the Board shall
elect one or more of its members theretofore elected to the Board by the general
membership to fill the unexpired term.

Article VIII-Duties of the Officers of the Board of Directors

Section 1. Responsibility of the Board: The Board of Directors shall be responsible for
the fiduciary planning and oversight of the Club’s activities.
(1) The Board shall have the power to manage all the affairs of the Club on any and all
questions relating to any manner whatsoever thereto, and to make all contracts
necessary for the proper transaction of all business. They shall have entire jurisdiction

over all matters pertaining to the care, conduct, control, supervision, and management
of the Club’s finances, and all appropriations shall be made by them.
(2) The Board shall have the duty to prescribe and publish rules regulating the use and
occupancy of the premises of the Club, the care and protection of its property.
(3) The Board shall be responsible for all changes and additions to the content of the
“Code of Regulations”.
(4) The Board shall meet for the transaction of business on the third Tuesday of each
month and at any other time, at the call of the President or any two Board members,
provided notice is given to each member of the Board before the time appointed for
said meeting.
(5) Any member of the Board of Directors who shall be absent from three (3) consecutive
monthly meetings of the Board, unless an excused absence from the President has
been given, shall be deemed to have resigned as a member of the Board of Directors
and cease to be a member thereof.
(6) The Board of Directors shall have the following specific powers:
a. To appoint delegates to the different associations of which this association
may be a member, or the for purpose of conferring with any association or
club respecting any matter in which this association may be concerned.
b. To make rules for the conduct of the members of the association and the for
their use of the association’s property.
c. To suspend or expel a member for any conduct in violation of the code of
regulations, or behavior improper or prejudicial to the interest of the Club.
d. To prescribe changes or additional duties for any officers of the Board.
Section 2. Duties of Office
(1) President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and Board of
Directors and enforce the “Code of Regulations” of the Club. The President shall
perform other duties as shall be imposed upon him by resolution of the Board of
Directors. The President shall, with the Secretary and Treasurer, sign all written
contracts and written obligations of the association. The President shall perform all
other duties as usually pertains to this office.
(2) Vice President: In the absence or the request of the President, his duties shall be
performed by the Vice-President. In the event of the death or disability of the
President, the Vice-President shall act until the Board of Directors fill the office.
(3) Secretary: The secretary shall keep the minutes and other official reports of the Club.
He shall conduct or oversee the official correspondence of the Club. He shall keep all
records, books, documents, and papers relation to the Club in such place as shall be

designated the Board of Directors. He shall perform such duties as may be assigned to
him by the Board of Directors.
(4) Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep account of all funds received by him and deposit
same in the name of the Club in such bank(s) as may be designated by the Board of
Directors. He shall not pay out any money of the Club except in such manner and for
such purposes as shall be approved by the proper officers of the Club, whose approval
shall be authorized by the Board of Directors. He shall keep an accurate account of all
transactions and render a detailed report at any meeting of the Board of Directors
when requested and prepare an annual report for the Club at its annual meeting,
which may be audited by the accountants designated by the Board of Directors. The
Treasurer must maintain insurance coverage to include protection for “criminal
activity”. The insurance premium shall be paid by the Club. The Treasurer shall
maintain a complete inventory of the Clubs assets, to include the item, their location
and who is responsible for their security. The Treasurer may accept requests from the
general membership for non-budgeted expenses. These requests will be presented to
the Board of Directors for consideration.
(5) Range Master: The Range Master shall have charge of the safety and maintenance of
the ranges and the arrangement of all shooting competitions, special events and for
the general membership with the Club. This position will be held by a Board of
Director member and the Range Master shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.

Article IX-Dues
Section 1. Any member who shall fail to pay annual dues, as prescribed in Article III,
Section 3, or who shall fail to pay any indebtedness to the Club within thirty days after a
bill for same has been rendered, shall be suspended from all privileges of membership,
and shall remain suspended until the full amount of such indebtedness has been paid.

Article X-Amendments
The Board of Directors shall be responsible for all changes and additions to the content of the
“Code of Regulations”. A quorum is required.
A proposed amendment to these Regulations may be introduced by any member of the Club at
any regular meeting. The proposed amendment will be discussed at the regular meeting. The
Secretary will record statements, views and opinions of the members of the proposed amendment
and will furnish a copy to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will act upon the
proposed amendment.

Article XI- Annual Meeting

The annual meeting will be held in November of each year to include election of Board of

Article XII-Subcommittees
Section 1. Standing Subcommittees: Standing subcommittees may be created by the
Board of Directors as deemed necessary to carry on the work necessary for the continued
functioning of the Club. The chairman of any standing committee shall be selected by the
Board of Directors. The selection of the subcommittee members shall be delegated by the
subcommittee chairman. The subcommittee chairman will report to the Board of
Section 2. Special Subcommittees: Special subcommittees may be created and appointed
by the President for a specific purpose. When the work has been completed and a final
report is accepted or adopted, the subcommittee goes out of existence.

Article XIII-Events
All rifle, shotgun, and handgun competitions, training, and shooting events held by the Club will
be governed by the rules and regulations of the Club and as prescribed by the NRA or other
nationally recognized firearm competitive match organizations as may be accepted by the Range
Master and approved by the Board of Directors.

Article XIV-Insurance
The Club shall pay and maintain sufficient property and casualty insurance on any and all
structures to provide for repairs and replacement. The Club shall also pay and maintain
appropriate liability insurance for all authorized activities on the Club property.

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