Nouns Review Pack

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Name: ____________________________________________

Which nouns need to be capitalized?

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the noun in

1. Mama and I will go to the ___________ next month. (lake or Lake)

2. Aunt Jo went to ______________ for the weekend. (lake placid, Lake placid or Lake Placid)

3. Ivy and Jan went to _____________. (florida or Florida)

4. We live near the ____________. (city or City)

5. My ___________ gave us a homework assignment. (teacher or Teacher)

6. Is __________________ a strict teacher? (mr. brown, Mr. brown or Mr. Brown)

7. My dog _____________ likes to play fetch with a tennis ball. (buster or Buster)

8. At the zoo, we saw a gorilla named ______________. (grumpy or Grumpy)

9. Can we play with the _______________? (kitten or Kitten)

10. That girl lives on ___________________. (adam street, Adam street, or Adam Street)

11. Most of the houses on my _____________ are made of brick. (street or Street)

12. My birthday is next _____________. (month or Month)

13. Dad's birthday is in _______________. (january or January)

14. I could see ___________________ with my telescope. (jupiter or Jupiter)

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Name: ____________________________

Common and Proper Nouns

Determine whether each noun is a common noun or a proper noun.
• If the noun is common, write common noun on the line.
• If the noun is proper, re-write the noun on the line using correct

examples: waterfall common noun

niagara falls Niagara Falls

1. march ___________________ 2. month ___________________

3. day ___________________ 4. tuesday ___________________

5. holiday ___________________ 6. christmas ___________________

7. cereal ___________________ 8. cheerios ___________________

9. dr. gomez ___________________ 10. doctor ___________________

11. city ___________________ 12. boston ___________________

13. street ___________________ 14. main street ___________________

15. burger king ___________________ 16. restaurant ___________________

17. slate creek ___________________ 18. creek ___________________

19. dog ___________________ 20. snoopy ___________________

 Challenge: Write a complete sentence that has a proper noun and a

common noun in it.



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Name: ____________________________

Singular and Plural Nouns

A singular noun names one person, place, or thing.

example: A lizard crawls on top of the rock.

There is only one lizard in the sentence, so the word lizard is a singular noun.

Also, there is only one rock in the sentence, so the word rock is a singular
noun too.

A plural noun names more than one person, place, or thing.

example: Two rabbits ran through the trees.

There is more than one rabbit, so the word rabbits is a plural noun.
Also, there is more than one tree, so the word trees is a plural noun too.

Underline the noun in each sentence below. On the line next to the sentence, tell whether
the noun is singular or plural.

1. The squirrel is running fast. _______________________

2. Three of the plates are round. _______________________

3. My grandmother is very kind. _______________________

4. They gave her a nice gift. _______________________

5. Answer the telephone, please. _______________________

6. My crayons are broken. _______________________

7. Have you seen my keys? _______________________

8. That map is old. _______________________

9. It flew in the sky. _______________________

10. There are ten fish. _______________________

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Name: _____________________________

Plural Nouns

Many singular nouns can be made plural by simply adding s.

examples: astronaut - astronauts rocket - rockets

Write the plural of each noun below by adding the letter s.

1. lion - __________________________ 2. bubble - _________________________

3. building - __________________________ 4. rainbow - _________________________

5. phone - __________________________ 6. movie - _________________________

Nouns ending in x, z, s, sh and ch form the plural by adding an es to the end.

examples: couch - couches lens - lenses

Write the plural of each noun below by adding the letters es.

7. fox - __________________________ 8. dish - _________________________

9. bus - __________________________ 10. wish - _________________________

11. wrench -__________________________ 12. ax - _________________________

When a noun ends with a consonant followed by the letter y, change

the y to an i and add es.

examples: penny - pennies party - parties

Write the plural of each noun below.

13. library - __________________________ 14. puppy - _________________________

15. kitty - __________________________ 16. family - _________________________

17. story - __________________________ 18. cherry - _________________________

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When a noun ends with a vowel followed by the letter y, just add the letter s.

examples: monkey - monkeys key - keys

Write the plural of each noun below.

19. donkey - _________________________ 20. ray - _________________________

21. toy - __________________________ 22. alley - _________________________

23. tray - __________________________ 24. turkey - _________________________

When a noun ends with the letter(s) f or fe, change the f or fe to an v and add es.

examples: shelf - shelves knife - knives

Write the plural of each noun below.

25. loaf - __________________________ 26. thief - _________________________

27. life - __________________________ 28. calf - _________________________

Sometimes a plural noun is formed by changing the vowels, or by adding a different ending

examples: tooth - teeth child - children

Write the plural of each noun below.

29. person - __________________________ 30. goose - _________________________

31. foot - __________________________ 32. woman - ________________________

33. mouse - __________________________ 34. man - _________________________

Sometimes a word does not change at all when it becomes plural.

examples: fish - fish shrimp - shrimp

Write the plural of each noun below.

35. moose - __________________________ 36. sheep - _________________________

37. deer - __________________________ 38. corn - _________________________

39. aircraft -__________________________ 40. gold - _________________________

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Name: ____________________________

Plural Nouns
A noun that names only one thing
is a singular noun.
examples: book, dish

A noun that names more than one thing is Singular: I have a colorful dish.
a plural noun.
examples: books, dishes

Most singular nouns can be made plural

by just adding an s to the end.

Nouns ending in x, z, s, sh and ch form the

plural by adding an es to the end.
Plural: I have lots of colorful dishes.

Add an s or es at the end of each word to form the plural.

1. flower _________________ 2. tool _________________

3. box _________________ 4. tree _________________

5. flash _________________ 6. church _________________

7. lunch _________________ 8. apple _________________

9. peach _________________ 10. truck _________________

11. waltz _________________ 12. crash _________________

13. blanket _________________ 14. tax _________________

15. dog _________________ 16. egg _________________

17. car _________________ 18. beach _________________

19. wish _________________ 20. cloud _________________

Challenge: On the back of this paper, write a complete sentence that has a
singular noun and a plural noun in it.

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Name: ____________________________________________

Which nouns need to be capitalized?

Complete each sentence with the correct form of the noun in

1. Mama and I will go to the lake next month. (lake or Lake)

2. Aunt Jo went to Lake Placid for the weekend. (lake placid, Lake placid or Lake Placid)

3. Ivy and Jan went to Florida. (florida or Florida)

4. We live near the city. (city or City)

5. My teacher gave us a homework assignment. (teacher or Teacher)

6. Is Mr. Brown a strict teacher? (mr. brown, Mr. brown or Mr. Brown)

7. My dog Buster likes to play fetch with a tennis ball. (buster or Buster)

8. At the zoo, we saw a gorilla named Grumpy. (grumpy or Grumpy)

9. Can we play with the kitten? (kitten or Kitten)

10. That girl lives on Adam Street. (adam street, Adam street, or Adam Street)

11. Most of the houses on my street are made of brick. (street or Street)

12. My birthday is next month. (month or Month)

13. Dad's birthday is in January. (january or January)

14. I could see Jupiter with my telescope. (jupiter or Jupiter)

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Common and Proper Nouns
Determine whether each noun is a common noun or a proper noun.
• If the noun is common, write common noun on the line.
• If the noun is proper, re-write the noun on the line using
correct capitalization.

examples: waterfall common noun

niagara falls Niagara Falls

1. march March 2. month common noun

3. day common noun 4. tuesday Tuesday

5. holiday common noun 6. christmas Christmas

7. cereal common noun 8. cheerios Cheerios

9. dr. gomez Dr. Gomez 10. doctor common noun

11. city common noun 12. boston Boston

13. street common noun 14. main street Main Street

15. burger king Burger King 16. restaurant common noun

17. slate creek Slate Creek 18. creek common noun

19. dog common noun 20. snoopy Snoopy

 Challenge: Write a complete sentence that has a proper noun and a

common noun in it.

Answers will vary.

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Singular and Plural Nouns

A singular noun names one person, place, or thing.

example: A lizard crawls on top of the rock.

There is only one lizard in the sentence, so the word lizard is a singular noun.

Also, there is only one rock in the sentence, so the word rock is a singular
noun too.

A plural noun names more than one person, place, or thing.

example: Two rabbits ran through the trees.

There is more than one rabbit, so the word rabbits is a plural noun.
Also, there is more than one tree, so the word trees is a plural noun too.

Underline the noun in each sentence below. On the line next to the sentence, tell whether
the noun is singular or plural.

1. The squirrel is running fast. singular

2. Three of the plates are round. plural

3. My grandmother is very kind. singular

4. They gave her a nice gift. singular

5. Answer the telephone, please. singular

6. My crayons are broken. plural

7. Have you seen my keys? plural

8. That map is old. singular

9. It flew in the sky. singular

10. There are ten fish. plural

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Plural Nouns

Many singular nouns can be made plural by simply adding

the letter s to the end of the word.

examples: astronaut - astronauts rocket - rockets

Write the plural of each noun below by adding the letter s.

1. lion - lions 2. bubble - bubbles

3. building - buildings 4. rainbow - rainbows

5. phone - phones 6. movie - movies

Nouns ending in x, z, s, sh and ch form the plural by adding an es to the end.

examples: couch - couches lens - lenses

Write the plural of each noun below by adding the letters es.

7. fox - foxes 8. dish - dishes

9. bus - buses 10. wish - wishes

11. wrench - wrenches 12. ax - axes

When a noun ends with a consonant followed by the letter y, change

the y to an i and add es.

examples: penny - pennies party - parties

Write the plural of each noun below.

13. library - libraries 14. puppy - puppies

15. kitty - kitties 16. family - families

17. story - stories 18. cherry - cherries

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Plural Nouns
A noun that names only one thing
is a singular noun.
examples: book, dish

A noun that names more than one thing is Singular: I have a colorful dish.
a plural noun.
examples: books, dishes

Most singular nouns can be made plural

by just adding an s to the end.

Nouns ending in x, z, s, sh and ch form the

plural by adding an es to the end.
Plural: I have lots of colorful dishes.

Add an s or es at the end of each word to form the plural.

1. flower flowers 2. tool tools

3. box boxes 4. tree trees

5. flash flashes 6. church churches

7. lunch lunches 8. apple apples

9. peach peaches 10. truck trucks

11. waltz waltzes 12. crash crashes

13. blanket blankets 14. tax taxes

15. dog dogs 16. egg eggs

17. car cars 18. beach beaches

19. wish wishes 20. cloud clouds

Challenge: On the back of this paper, write a complete sentence that has a
singular noun and a plural noun in it.

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