FI Concrete Products 2012 05 (1)

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STAFF BRIDGE Effective: May 1, 2012
Fabrication Inspection of Prestressed and Precast Concrete Products

1.1 This plan defines fabrication inspection details, frequencies, and
personnel qualifications for CDOT road and bridge concrete products. These
guidelines will help evaluate product quality and acceptance by assuring
that materials and fabrication operations conform to the Contract.

1.2 Levels of Quality Assurance (QA), inspection will vary as product

specifications and operational conditions change. These guidelines will
help to evaluate acceptability of Contractor Quality Control (QC),
procedures, work systems, and finished products.
2.1 Sections 2 through 8 of this QAP are intended for concrete
products that will receive tensioning at some point during the work.
Sections 9 and 10 refer to concrete products without tensioning.
2.2 Referenced documents shall be used in accordance with all
applicable CDOT Specifications. Other documents to be utilized shall
include the following:

2.3 Precast / Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) Standards

(1) MNL-116; Manual for Quality Control: Precast / Prestressed

Concrete Products.
(2) MNL-117; Manual for Quality Control: Architectural Precast
Concrete Products.
(3) MNL-137; Manual for the Evaluation and Repair of Precast,
Prestressed Concrete Bridge Products.
3.1 Fabrication Inspection Agency QA personnel shall have training,
certification, and work experience as described in this section.
3.2 The Agency shall employ a QA Manager certified by PCI at Level II
or III. All Agency Inspectors shall have certification for ACI Concrete
Field Testing Technician - Grade 1. All certifications shall be maintained
as required by the issuing institution. Valid certifications for
Inspection Agency personnel shall be submitted to CDOT Staff Bridge
Fabrication Engineering (CSBFE), and / or the Owner, prior to beginning
fabrication inspection work.

3.3 Required QA Levels of PCI Certification for Inspection of Bridge

Girders and other designated Structural Items:
3.3.1 PCI Level I - Level I QA can inspect all facets of the work with
moderate supervision from a Senior Inspector, rated PCI Level II or III.
Senior Inspectors shall supervise Level I as needed to ensure compliance
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with inspection requirements. Level I Inspectors shall have 2 years of

concrete related experience in the civil engineering industry.
Level I shall report inspection discrepancies to the supervisor. Report
significant discrepancies in writing, including corrective measures taken.
Level I may issue Form #193 pre-acceptance forms, after the work has been
reviewed and analyzed by the supervisor. Final Form #193 reports shall
show names and titles for the Inspector, the QA Manager, and the Agency’s
Professional Engineer.
Required QA / QC reports and records, as listed in this Plan, shall be
submitted to CSBFE, and / or the Owner, for storage into the permanent
project records system.
3.3.2 PCI Level II - Level II QA requires the ability to determine
concrete product acceptance and fabrication conformance for variable
production methods. Level II shall be capable of recognizing, evaluating,
and resolving non-conforming fabrication situations.
Level II shall be proficient with intermediate concepts of precast and
prestress work systems including; tensioning systems; steel and reinforcing
details; concrete mix design; concrete curing procedures; materials
acceptability; non-destructive test analysis techniques; and product repair
Level II shall review and analyze QC reports and records for specification
compliance before issuing Form #193’s. Unresolved issues shall be reported
in writing to CSBFE, and / or the Owner, for proper resolution and final
product acceptance.
3.3.3 PCI Level III - In addition to Level II duties, Level III QA shall
have comprehensive experience with precast and prestress work systems;
detailed familiarity with differing fabrication processes; thorough
understanding of written requirements; tensioning systems; concrete mix
designs; materials testing; and product repair methods.
Level III may assist the Engineer in establishing acceptance criteria for
concrete products where none are otherwise available or products are in
4.1 The Contractor’s QC Manager is QA’s primary contact person for
information exchange concerning fabrication operations and product quality.
The QC section is responsible for ensuring accuracy and compliance with all
fabrication operations requirements.

4.2 Unacceptable work methods, inspection procedures and testing

practices observed by QA shall be conveyed to the QC Manager for
rectification. Recurring unacceptable work and unresolved product disputes
shall be resolved by the Owner’s Engineer in conformance with CDOT Standard
Specification subsection 108.06 - Character of Workers; Methods and
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4.3 QA Responsibilities - General

4.3.1 QA shall communicate fabrication details and information among
Contractor, CDOT, staff, and project personnel. Consult with these parties
to clarify issues regarding product status, quality, and acceptance issues.
4.3.2 QA shall utilize the following practices and procedures to evaluate
and verify acceptability of work systems; and finished fabricated products
that conform to specifications and tolerances:

a) Randomly monitor all stages of production operations and QC

practices to ensure compliance with the Contract.
b) Random physical measurements and counts of materials placed into
the work, to verify correct amounts and placements.

c) Schedule sampling and physical testing of materials to assure

conformance with test requirements.

d) Identification, evaluation, and resolution of defects and needed

repairs; verify contractors corrective actions taken to achieve
product acceptability.
e) Check Contractor test equipment and calibration tags for accuracy
and conformance to agency requirements.
f) Pre-Acceptance of as-built products at the fabrication site, with
written conveyance of CDOT Form #193 to CSBFE and the Field Project
Engineer. See Section 8.3 for comment on document conveyance.
g) Compilation and submittal of required QC/QA records to CSBFE, and
/ or the Owner, for their permanent project records.

5.1 Pre-fabrication Preparation - QA

5.1.1 Review Contractor’s equipment calibration tags, records, and
personnel certifications prior to the start of work.

5.1.2 Create a permanent project file that includes product plans,

drawings, required documentation, reports, and pertinent records. Provide a
complete file copy to CSBFE, and / or the Owner.
5.1.3 Review and study project plans, specifications, and drawings. The
Project Engineer and the Owner shall be notified when fabrication begins,
including start and stop dates for Phase work.
5.1.4 Obtain materials samples for pre-testing when required. Previous
test reports and certificates may be reviewed for specification compliance
in lieu of testing, when materials are visually examined to ensure they
correspond with existing reports and certificates. Report failing
materials tests to the Contractor, CSBFE, and / or the Owner.
5.1.5 Pre-fabrication schedules, procedures and practices for sampling and
testing materials are shown in sections 5.1.5 to 5.2.3.

A) Seven-Wire Strand - take random samples prior to fabrication, and

as new supplies come into use. Strand and prestressed unit
materials shall conform to requirements in CDOT Specification 714.
Sample and submit strand for testing as follows:
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1) Obtain random 66-inch long samples from strand reel pack lots to be
used. Portions of previously tested reel packs do not need retesting
unless there is concern about present condition.
2) Collect Certified Mill Test Reports (CMTR’s), and corresponding
stress/strain graphs, for permanent project records. Examine CMTR’s and
Product Invoices for accuracy and statement of U.S. domesticity. Match
these documents to Contractor reel pack tag numbers in use.
3) Inspect general physical condition of strands before and during
production operations. Refer to PCI MNL-116 for information on strand
product quality.
4) Submit physical test samples to a test laboratory currently certified
for strand product testing by the American Materials Reference Laboratory
(AMRL). The lab shall provide a formal test report of actual results,
which also shows product requirements. File test reports with
corresponding CMTR’s and keep with permanent projects records.

B) Reinforcing Items - inspect before initial setup; spot check

intermittently during production, and when stock varies. Identify
size, grade, and domesticity of items by mill or tag markings when
possible. Resolve other product questions by reviewing product
literature or CMTR’s in the plant files.
C) Concrete Mix Designs - Review and evaluate Contractor’s mix
designs for adequacy. Discuss questions with staff, CSBFE, and the
Contractor. Unresolved questions shall be discussed with CDOT
Central Materials Laboratory - Concrete Unit. Ensure that mix
designs comply with concrete item specifications, plan notes, and
Project Special Provisions.
5.2 Miscellaneous Fabrication Materials and Testing - QA

5.2.1 QA reserves the option to test material or products at any time

before, during, or after fabrication according to CDOT Specification
Section 106, and subsection 618.11.
5.2.2 When the Contractor changes materials or product sources, review new
source reports to determine if testing is needed. Emergency material or
substitutions may be allowed with permission from the Design Engineer of
Record and the Project Engineer.
5.2.3 Decisions regarding testing of new materials shall be the
prerogative of the Owner. When new materials require testing, samples
shall be submitted to an accredited laboratory certified by AMRL or Cement
and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL), as test needs apply. The
laboratory shall provide written report of test results. File all test
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reports with manufacturer’s submittals and keep with permanent

project records.
5.3 Operational Conformance During Fabrication - QA

5.3.1 Fabrication is defined as any preparation, set up procedure, or

practice which exists as part of production operations, or may be
incorporated into finished products.
5.3.2 QA shall randomly monitor and evaluate production methods, finished
products and QC functions throughout the entire fabrication, curing, and
storage processes. Physical measurements, visual inspection, instrument
readings, witness observation, and records review, shall be used to verify
conformance with the Contract.

6.1 Frequency of QA functions shall be determined by QA based on

variable situations including, but not limited to:
1) Product design requirements.
2) Unique operational details and fabrication methods.
3) Method changes to normal operation practices.
4) Changes in material or supplier sources.
5) Previously identified problematic fabrication areas.
6) Changes in QC personnel or general QC performance.
7) Recent production performance and overall product quality.
6.2 Frequency - Pre-Pour Operations

1) Form conditions - inspect initial setup, and at least weekly

thereafter. Check for presence of excessive rust, debris, or
contaminants. Check local smoothness tolerances, alignment, fit-up,
and general positioning before casting.
2) Placement, position, clearance, and shape of mild reinforcing
items, plates, and embeds - for initial setup, choose several random
areas. Make random measurements and checks for dimensional
placement; line and grade; proper clearance; adequate chairing
support; actual quantities vs. plan quantities. Check at least
every other setup thereafter.
3) Voids and blockouts - inspect initial setup, and at least every
other setup thereafter. Note shape, position, length, location, and
method of securement for incorporated items. Inspect more
frequently for large or odd-shaped voids.
4) Stressing operations - witness at least 50% of first tensioning
operation, per project, and at least 20% of every other setup
thereafter. Observe initial and final tension operations; verify
that readings and elongation measurements are accurately recorded in
accordance with CDOT Specification subsection 618.07.
5) Dimensional checks for tensioned strand - check random positions
of several individual and bundled strands on initial setup, and
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6) every setup where strand positions change. Check at least twice-

weekly thereafter. Ensure that strands are placed within allowable
PCI tolerances, and that straight strands do not sag near mid-
lengths of setups.
7) Position of hold-down devices - check layout, horizontal, and
vertical measurements of all hold-down devices on the first setup,
and every setup where design positions change. Check at least
twice-weekly thereafter. Ensure that hold-downs are positioned
within allowable PCI tolerances. Check to see if hold-downs lift up
from soffit, or tilt off-center, causing out of tolerance
6.3 Frequency - Concrete Casting Operations
1) Monitor casting process - as needed for temperature, weather
variation or special circumstances. Note consolidation and finish
operations. Note unusual or non-routine events. Witness at least
70% of first cast, and at least 30% of every other cast thereafter.
2) Spot check QC test procedures and data sheets for conformance and
accuracy as needed. Determine overall acceptability of operations
and accuracy of QC recorded data.

3) Check form spread and void shifting during cast. Ensure that
chairing and bracing firmly hold void systems in place. Make several
random deck thickness checks and compare to product dimensional
tolerances. Make thorough checks on first cast, and at least every
other cast thereafter.
6.3.1 QA reserves the right to request additional concrete sampling and
testing when unusual circumstances occur such as; inclement weather;
temperature extremes; inconsistent batching operations; long mid-pour
delays; mix segregation; or mix variability.

6.4 Frequency - QA Post-Casting Operations

1) Check release strengths and monitor curing procedures often.

Consider variable factors such as temperature, weather,
materials conditions, curing system variances, equipment
conditions, and personnel allocation.
2) Collect daily cast reports and cylinder test samples from QC.
Submit test samples to an accredited CCRL Laboratory for QA
strength acceptance testing. The lab shall provide written
report of test results. Keep QA test reports with permanent
project records.
3) Compare QA/QC concrete test results for consistency. Report
all QA tests under minimum strength requirements to CSBFE, the
Contractor, and agency staff. Deficient strengths may require
referee cores according to CDOT Specification 618.15.
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4) If the Contractor objects to referee coring, calculations may

be submitted to support lower strengths. Calculations shall
be stamped by a Colorado Licensed Professional Engineer.
CSBFE, and / or the Owner, shall decide method of acceptance,
either - referee coring or stamped calculations.

5) All submitted calculations, core test results and written

decisions involving disputed strengths shall be filed with
permanent project records.

6) Monitor product camber and sweep, using QC measurements for

initial status. Take QA measurements when uncertainty exists.
Request load-weights for units with high camber; and remedial
actions for sweep problems. Watch storage methods.


7.1 Prior to shipment, evaluate finished products before written

acceptance is conveyed. Minimum inspection frequencies are defined in
this subsection. Numbered items with bold highlights require written
documentation, and filing into permanent project records.

1) QA Concrete strength test reports - 100% for every cast.

2) Dimensional checks of finished product - 20% of total units.

3) Random checks for location and position of reinforcing and

appurtenant items - as determined by QA.

4) Inspection of significant or major repairs (if any) - 100%.

5) Evaluate acceptability of girders and large members - 100%.

6) Evaluate acceptability of panels and small members - 25%.

7) Collect, review, and compile QC records for stressing, casting,

pre-pour, and post-pour operations - 100%.

8) Compile strand product tests with CMTR’s - 100%.

9) Collect pre-shipment girder camber reports from QC - 100%.

7.2 Significant and major repairs shall conform to requirements in CDOT
Specification 618. Document all questionable or unacceptable repairs.
Provide report to CSBFE, and / or the Owner, for resolution.
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8.1 When remedial efforts for excessive sweep or significant variation from
plan camber are not successful; provide written report of the variations to
CSBFE, and / or the Owner, and the Designer for pre-acceptance evaluation and
resolution. Obtain a copy of the final decision in writing, and file with
permanent project records.

8.2 Pre-accepted products shall be documented on CDOT Form #193. All issued
Form #193’s shall be filed with the permanent project records. The Inspection
Agency Engineer shall review and sign the Form #193 line designation for
Professional Engineer, prior to form conveyance to CSBFE, the Field Project
Engineer, and / or the Owner.

8.3 Copies of all required documentation, reports and records shall be

packaged and delivered to CSBFE, and / or the Owner, for storage into
permanent records systems. The preferred means for document and information
transfer is requested to be accomplished by electronic conveyance when
8.4 Girders shall receive an Owner approved Pre-Acceptance marking when QA
determines that contract requirements have been met. Smaller products such as
individual deck panels or wall segments do not require individual marking,
however, QA shall notify the project of product acceptability prior to
8.4.1 Pre-acceptance markings may not be required when QA delivers Form
#193’s to required parties prior to product shipment.
9.1 Other concrete products classified by the following CDOT Items, may have
multiple sub-categories:

Item 504 - Concrete Retaining Wall Systems.

Item 601 - Precast Concrete Products - Various.
Item 603 - Concrete Pipe, Culvert, and 3-sided Structures.
Item 604 - Concrete Drainage Items, Vaults and Basins.
Item 607 - Concrete Sound Barrier, Post and Fence.
Item 622 - Concrete Buildings and Tanks.
9.2 Form #193’s are not required for above-listed products, unless required
by the Contract.
9.3 When above-listed products require fabrication inspection, QA must
determine inspection guidelines and frequencies. Contract plans, product
complexity, order of precedence, and Engineer’s directions shall be used to
establish necessary inspection criteria.
9.4 Products requiring fabrication from PCI certified plants, shall be
inspection by PCI certified Inspectors, as defined in Section 3. Other
inspections shall be done by ACI certified personnel, as defined in Section 3,
or as required in the Contract.
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10.1 Common concrete products with simple inspection requirements can be
inspected on occasional basis per subsection 9.2 when individual workloads
permit. Inspection for startup operations is most important. When Inspector
is confident that operations are acceptable, frequency of inspection and
testing can be reduced to a weekly or other basis. QA and the Project
Engineer shall determine the reduced frequency(s).
10.2 Request assurance test cylinders from Contractor’s QC section. Submit
test samples to a CCRL accredited lab for testing and formal report. Records
requested by the Project Engineer should be saved and submitted upon request.
When questions regarding materials acceptability exist, QA shall request to
view Fabricator’s CMTR’s or materials certificates on file at the plant.
10.3 All required CMTR’s, Certificates of Compliance, Certified Test Reports,
and Materials / Product Warranties; are the responsibility of the Contractor’s
QC section. QC shall provide all records and documents requested by the
10.4 All Oversight Inspection disputes involving workmanship, materials, and
finished products, shall be decided by the Field Project Engineer.

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