Positioning Control of DC Servomotor-Based Antenna Using PID Tuned Compensator

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Volume 8, Issue 1 (2021)

Eze P. C., Ugoh C. A., Inaibo D. S. (2021). Positioning control of DC servomotor-based antenna
using PID tuned compensator. Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol. 8(1), pp. E9–E16, doi:

Positioning Control of DC Servomotor-Based Antenna Using PID Tuned Compensator

Eze P. C.1*, Ugoh C. A.2, Inaibo D. S.2
1 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Covenant Polytechnic, Aba, Nigeria;
2 Department of Power Plant and Utilities Gas Turbine Unit, NNPC WRPC, Ekpan, Warri, Nigeria

Article info: *Corresponding email:

Received: December 14, 2020 [email protected]
The final version received: April 26, 2021
Accepted for publication: May 1, 2021

Abstract. Direct current (DC) servomotor-based parabolic antenna is automatically positioned using control
technique to track satellite by maintaining the desired line of sight for quality transmission and reception of
electromagnetic wave signals in telecommunication and broadcast applications. With several techniques proposed in
the literature for parabolic antenna position control, there is still a need to improve the tracking error and robustness of
the control system in the presence of disturbance. This paper has presented positioning control of DC servomotor-based
antenna using proportional-integral-derivative (PID) tuned compensator (TC). The compensator was designed using
the control and estimation tool manager (CETM) of MATLAB based on the PID tuning design method using robust
response time tuning technique with interactive (adjustable performance and robustness) design mode at a bandwidth
of 40.3 rad/s. The compensator was added to the position control loop of the DC servomotor–based satellite antenna
system. Simulations were carried out in a MATLAB environment for four separate cases by applying unit forced input
to examine the various step responses. In the first and second cases, simulations were conducted without the
compensator (PID TC) in the control loop assuming zero input disturbance and unit input disturbance. The results
obtained in terms of time-domain response parameters showed that with the introduction of unit disturbance, the rise
time improved by 36 % (0.525–0.336 s) while the peak time, peak percentage overshoot, and settling time deteriorate
by 16.3 % (1.29–1.50 s), 43.5 % (34.7–49.8 %), and 7.6 % (4.35–4.68 s), respectively. With the introduction of the
PIDTC for the third case, there was an improvement in the system’s overall transient response performance parameters.
Thus to provide further information on the improved performance offered by the compensator, the analysis was done
in percentage improvement. Considering the compensated system assuming zero disturbance, the time-domain response
performance parameters of the system improved by 94.1, 94.7, 73.1, and 97.1 % in terms of rising time (525–30.8 ms),
peak time (1,290–67.9 ms), peak percentage overshoot (34.7–9.35 %), and settling time (4.35–0.124 s), respectively.
In the fourth case, the compensator’s ability to provide robust performance in the presence of disturbance was examined
by comparing the step response performance parameters of the uncompensated system with unit input disturbance to
the step response performance parameters of the compensated system tagged: with PID TC + unit disturbance. The
result shows that PID TC provided improved time-domain transient response performance of the disturbance handling
of the system by 91.0, 95.4, 80.0, and 93.1 % in terms of rising time (336–30.5 ms), peak time (1500–69.1 ms), peak
percentage overshoot (34.7–10.0), and settling time (4.68–0.325 s), respectively. The designed compensator provided
improved robust and tracking performance while meeting the specified time-domain performance parameters in the
presence of disturbance.

Keywords: antenna, compensator, direct current servomotor, proportional-integral-derivative tuned compensator,

positioning control.

1 Introduction satellite in space. Usually mounted at earth stations,

parabolic antennas are employed in satellite tracking
Parabolic antennas are mechanical structures that applications and are subject to environmental actions
serve as essential telecommunication and broadcast such as wind disturbance.
equipment components used to transmit and receive One of the environmental disturbance effects is the
signals. These antennas are used to establish changes it can cause on the azimuth positioning control
communication between observers on the earth and of a satellite dish. Thus, this problem has attracted

Journal of Engineering Sciences, Volume 8, Issue 1 (2021), pp. E9–E16 E9

research attention in the positioning control of antennas control is the chattering effect. In order to improve the
[1]. The interests elicited by azimuth positioning control performance of the antenna position control system,
can be attributed to the significant roles and enhance Onyeka et al. [10] used a Model Predictive Controller
performances that it would provide for efficient satellite (MPC). Though the design specifications were realized
dish communication. With many control methods in work, the designed MPC parameter seems inadequate
proposed to achieve optimum azimuth position, such to offer robust performance in the presence of
positioning remains a control problem [2]. disturbance. Application of PID controller and a low
Direct current (DC) servomotor-based control pass filter applied to setpoint input aim at improving the
techniques have been used to position parabolic antenna performance response of mobile satellite antenna
for satellite tracking automatically. The application of network within Nigeria was presented by Eze et al. [11].
fuzzy proportional-integral-derivative (Fuzzy-PID) Though the system was reported to have achieved better
control technique and conventional PID controller to response performance than the existing system, there
achieve optimum satellite tracking performance has was weakness in providing optimum performance in
been proposed by Hoi et al. [3]. The step response of the terms of rising time and peak time compared to the
Fuzzy-PID and conventional PID revealed the presence existing system, and the effect of disturbance was not
of chattering. A discrete control system using a PID considered. Because of these proposed systems and the
control algorithm to get enhanced control of satellite nonlinear characteristics of the satellite antenna due to
dish angle was proposed by Xuan et al. [4]. The the uncertainties caused by wind actions and other
weakness of this work can be attributed to the lack of environmental disturbances, there is still a control
proper tuning of the PID gains for accurate results. problem. There is a need for improved robustness to
Considering the case of overseas satellite disturbance handling while maintaining reduced
telecommunication, Soltani et al. [5] applied a control tracking error for effective antenna azimuth position
system to direct onboard motorized antenna towards a control, which justifies this study.
selected satellite using Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) In this paper, the objective is to design a compensator
technique. However, the FTC scheme was not to address the problem of antenna azimuth position
sufficiently robust to address the detected fault in the control deterioration caused by disturbance for quality
response. The uses of PID and Linear Quadratic communication and achieving the design requirements
Gaussian (LQG) or Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) standard of a practical industrial system in the time
for positioning control of antenna azimuth were domain given as the rising time of less than or equal to
presented by [6, 7]. The performance of either PID-LQG 4 s, peak percentage overshoot of less than or equal to
or PID-LQR degrades due to nonlinearity and delay as 10 % and settling time of less than or equal to 5 s [7]. A
the system approaches the setpoint. Although a much- controller is proposed to ensure robust performance for
improved performance in terms of reduced settling time effective satellite tracking and line of sight operation
and reduced overshoot was reported by Okumus et al. even in the presence of disturbance. The remaining part
[8] to have been achieved using Fuzzy Logic Controller of this paper is divided into four sections, namely,
(FLC) and Self-Tuning Fuzzy Logic Controllers system description and DC servomotor modeling,
(STFLC), the chattering process was said to be the design of PID TC, simulation results and discussion, and
weakness of the system. Uthman and Sudin [2] used the conclusion.
PID controller and state feedback controller technique
for the control of satellite antenna azimuth position 2 Research Methodology
control. However, the system is prone to a nonlinear
effect. Fandak and Okumus [9] applied PID, FLC, and 2.1 System description
Sliding Model Control (SMC) techniques for antenna The structure of a DC servomotor-based antenna
azimuth position control. It was reported that the positioning control system is presented in the form of a
performances of the PID and FLC controllers were block diagram in Figure 1.
affected by periodic noise, while the SMC controller
was not affected. However, the weaknesses of SMC

Figure 1 – Block diagram of position control satellite antenna

E10 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: Computational Mechanics

The system has two transducers, which are The DC motor diagram in Figure 2 consists of two
potentiometers for converting angular input and angular main parts: the electrical components (part A) and the
output (mechanical quantities) to equivalent voltage mechanical components (part B). The applied voltage to
values (electrical quantities) at the input and output. The the motor’s armature varies without changing the
angular input is the reference position, which is the first applied voltage to the field in armature controlled
input to the summing point after being converter to separately excited DC motor. Applying Kirchhoff’s
equivalent voltage magnitude (voltage proportional to voltage law (KVL) and the law of dynamic motion to the
input) by the input potentiometer and serves as the DC motor in Figure 2 gives the following mathematical
azimuth’s desired position or elevation motor is required expressions:
to attain. The second input to the summing point is the
dIa (t)
voltage proportional to the output obtained from the Va (t) = R a Ia (t) + La + E b (t) ; (1)
angular output (output position) conversion by the dt
feedback potentiometer. The difference between the two
dθ(t )
inputs to the summing point is the error signal fed into E b (t) = K Bωm (t) = K B ; (2)
the controller that manipulates the error signal and gives dt
out an appropriate manipulated or control signal to
Tm (t) = K T Ia (t) , (3)
rotate the motor in either direction in line with the sign
of the error signal, positive or negative [7]. The error where Va(t) – applied voltage; EB(t) – back
signal reduces to zero as the desired position is electromotive force (emf); Tm(t) – motor torque;
approached, thereby bringing the motor to a stop [7]. Ra – armature resistance; Ia(t) – armature current;
2.2 DC servomotor modeling La – armature inductance; KB – back-emf constant;
KT – motor torque constant, ωm(t) – the angular velocity;
It is necessary to provide the mathematical
θ(t) – the angular position.
expression of the dynamics of the DC motor, which is
Substituting equation (2) into (1) gives
very important in realizing the paper’s objective.
Figure 2 is an illustration of an armature-controlled DC dIa (t) dθ(t )
motor for the antenna positioning control system. Va (t) = La + R aIa (t) + K B . (4)
dt dt

Figure 2 – DC motor diagram

The equation of the torque is given by:

Va (s) − K Bsθ(s ) J a s 2θ(s) + Ba sθ(s )
d θ(t )
dθ(t ) = . (8)
Ja + Ba = K T Ia (t) . (5) R a + La s KT
dt dt
The ratio of the output (angular output) to the applied
Taking the Laplace transform of equations (4) and (5) voltage is given by:
assuming zero initial conditions give:
θ(s ) KT
Va (s) = La sIa (s) + R a Ia (s) + K Bsθ(s ) = . (9)
(6) Va (s) s(R a + La s)(Ja s + Ba ) + K T K B 

J a s 2θ(s ) + Ba θ(s ) = K T Ia (s) The block model of the DC servomotor dynamic is

shown in Figure 3.
Making current the subject in (6) and (7), and
equating both gives:

Journal of Engineering Sciences, Volume 8, Issue 1 (2021), pp. E9–E16 E11

Figure 3 – Closed-loop block model of DC motor dynamic

The transfer function from reference input (applied

θ(s ) Km 0.2083
voltage) to the angular velocity as shown in Figure 3 = 0.1 = (14)
(assuming disturbance is zero) is given by: Va (s) s(s + a m ) s(s + 1.71)
ω(s ) KT With a = 100, K1 = 100, and Kpot = 0.318 defined in
= . (10)
Va (s) (R a + La s)(Ja s + Ba ) + K T K B  Table 1, the closed-loop diagram shown in Figure 4 has
a transfer function for antenna DC servomotor system
The transfer function expressions in equations (9) and given by:
(10) are relevant to the electrical-mechanical motion
analysis of the DC motor responsible for the antenna’s θ (s ) 6.63K
G p ( s) = o = . (15)
azimuth/elevation positioning. θi (s ) s3 +101.71s2 + 171s + 6.63K
The armature circuit inductance La is usually
negligible in a fixed motor [13] and KT = Ka, Ra >> La According to the Routh-Hurwitz criterion, the system will
[7]. Thus, equation (10) is reduced to: give a stable response with a gain K of the preamplifier in
the range 0 < K < 2,623 [1, 7, 12]. The gain has been
θ(s ) KT R a chosen in this paper to be 100 for design convenience and
= . (11)
Va (s) J a s 2 + s(Ba + K T K B R a ) energy consumption reduction.
Table 1 – Parameters of the model with DC servomotor [1, 4, 7]
Substituting the equivalent values for the moment of
inertia and the viscous friction coefficient, equation (11) Quantity Definition Value
is expressed: a Power amplifier pole 100
am Motor and load pole 1.71
θ(s ) KT R a Jm ba Motor dampening constant 0.01 N·m/rad
= . (12)
Va (s) J ms + s(Bm + K T K B R a )
2 BL Load dampening constant 1 N·m·s/rad
Bm Viscous friction coefficient 0.02 N·m·s/rad
Dividing numerator and denominator by Jm, equation Ja Motor inertia constant 0.02 kg·m2
(12) is expressed given by: JL Load inertia constant 1 kg·m2
Jm Equivalent moment of inertia 0.03 kg·m2
θ(s ) Km K preamplifier gain –
= . (13)
Va (s) s(s+ a m ) K1 Power amplifier gain 100
KB Back emf constant 0.5 V·s/rad
where Bm – the equivalent viscous friction coefficient; Kg Gear ratio 0.1
Km Motor and load gain 2.083
Jm – the equivalent moment of inertia; Km – motor and
Kpot Potentiometer gain 0.318
load gain; am – the motor and load pole: KT Motor torque constant 0.5 N·m/A
La Motor armature inductance 0.45 H
Km = , am = m a . N Turns on potentiometer 10
Ra Jm J mR a N1/N2/N3 Gear teeth, respectively 25/250/250
Ra Motor armature resistance 8 Ohm
The parameters of the system, as well as the DC V Voltage across potentiometer 10 V
servomotor, are given in Table 1. Using a gear ratio, the
transfer function relating the angular position and The closed-loop block diagram of the antenna DC
armature voltage is given by: servo motor control system is shown in Figure 4.

E12 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: Computational Mechanics

Figure 4 – Closed-loop block diagram of antenna DC servomotor control system

2.3 Design of PID tuned compensator and system MATLAB and added to the position control loop to
configuration achieve improved transient response and robustness
The compensator is used in a control system when the with better stability performance. The design method is
response is very unstable and required to be stabilized to based on PID Tuning using robust response time as the
achieve specified performance. Since the studied DC tuning method with interactive (adjustable performance
servomotor-based satellite antenna shows some degree and robustness) design mode in the frequency domain.
of instability and it is prone to environmental The tuning bandwidth is 40.3 rad/s. The closed diagram
disturbance, a compensator has been designed using the of the system with the designed compensator and an
Control and Estimation Tool Manager (CETM) of input disturbance is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 – Block diagram of DC servomotor-based position control

The compensator is given by: The closed-loop transfer function without the
compensator assuming unit disturbance is given by:
(1 + 0.32s )(1 + 2.8s)
C ( s ) = 7.2507 . (16)
s(1 + 0.0024s )

1326s9 + 4.046e05s8 + 4.183e07 s 7 + 1.537e09s 6 + 7.869e09s5 +

4.941e10s 4 + 1.319e11s3 + 3.992e11s 2 + 4.984e11s + 7.729e11
Gd =
s12 + 406.8s11 + 6.275e04s10 + 4.421e06s9 + 1.296e08s8 + 8.809e08s 7 + 6.441e09s 6
+ 2.466e10s5 + 9.742e10s 4 + 2.222e11s3 + 5.228e11s 2 5.98e11s + 7.729e11 (17)
The closed-loop transfer function with the
1.7947e06(s + 0.3571)(s + 3.125)
compensator assuming zero disturbance is given by: G cp ( s) = . (19)
(s + 429.3)(s + 3.443)(s2 + 85.28s + 3989)
C(s)  G p (s)
G cp (s) = . (18)
1 + C(s)  G p (s) Using a similar approach for closed-loop transfer
function assuming a step input disturbance D(s) in [14],
Hence substituting the expressions in equations (15) the expression for the closed-loop representation of the
and (16) into (18) gives: DC servomotor-based antenna position control system
in Figure 5 is given by:

Journal of Engineering Sciences, Volume 8, Issue 1 (2021), pp. E9–E16 E13

θ o (s) = G cp (s) + G dp (s) ; (20) antenna position control system with unit step input
applied to it represents the reference position the system
 C(s)  G p (s)   G p (s)  is required to attain for an optimum line of sight to
θo (s) = θi (s)  + D(s)  , (21) ensure quality communication is required achieved.
1 + C(s)  G p (s)  1 + C(s)  G p ( s)  When subject to environmental disturbance (using unit
input), the dynamic of the system has been presented as
where Gdp(s) is the expression for the transfer well.
function due to unit disturbance D(s) in equation (21),
and it is given by: 3 Results
 G p (s)  In this section, the results and analysis of the system’s
G dp (s) =  . (22)
1 + C(s)  G p ( s)  performance based on simulation conducted in terms of
unit step input in the MATLAB environment are
Therefore, presented as follows. The simulations conducted are
basically for four cases and include the system without
3.6942e − 4(s + 416.7)(s + 100.1)(s2 + 1.643s + 6.626) (23) a compensator (zero disturbance), without compensator
G dp (s) =
(s + 100.1)(s + 3.125)(s2 + 1.643s + 6.626) (plus unit input disturbance), with compensator (zero
disturbance), and with compensator (plus unit input
Hence, equation (20) becomes:
disturbance). The time-domain step response
3.6942e − 4( s + 2010)(s + 100.1)(s 2 + 0.6936s + 0.1205)(s 2 + 6.405s + 10.3) performance analysis of the system for each case is
( s 2 − 1082s + 2.426e06) presented in Table 2.
o (s) =
( s + 429.3)(s + 100.1)(s + 3.443)(s + 3.125)(s + 0.3571)(s + 0.3397)
Parameters tr, tp, POS, and ts are the rise time in
( s 2 + 1.643s + 6.626)(s 2 + 85.28 + 3989)
second, peak time in second, peak percentage overshoot,
A detailed dynamic representation of the loop and settling time in second, respectively.
configuration of a DC servomotor-based satellite
Table 2 – Time domain transient response performance parameters of the system to the unit step input

System t r (s ) t p (s) POS(% ) t s (s)

Without a compensator (zero disturbance) 0.525 1.29 34.7 4.35
Without compensator (plus unit input disturbance) 0.336 1.50 49.8 4.68
with compensator (zero disturbance) 0.0308 0.0679 9.35 0.124
with compensator (plus unit input disturbance) 0.0305 0.0691 10 0.325

The responses of the system are presented in

Figures 6–11.

Figure 6 – Step response of the system (uncompensated) Figure 7 – Step response of the system with unit input
disturbance (uncompensated)

E14 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: Computational Mechanics

Figure 8 – Step response of the system with PID TC Figure 11 – Step responses of the system for uncompensated
(zero disturbance) and compensated with and without disturbance

The percentage improvement in time domain

performance parameters of the system with the
introduction of PID TC is presented in Table 3.
The analysis was done using expression
Puncompensa ted − Pcompensate d
%Improvemnet =  100 , (25)
Puncompensa ted

where Puncompensated, and Pcompensated are the

performance of the system without and with PID TC,

4 Discussion
The time-domain step response performance
Figure 9 – Step response of the system with PID TC characteristics of the system for each case simulated in
plus disturbance this paper are shown in Table 1. While Table 2 shows
the percentage improvement of the system based on the
introduction of PID TC in terms of system with
compensator and system plus disturbance with
compensator. It can be deduced from Table 2 that with
the uncompensated system, considering the high peak
percentage overshoot, there is a considerable instability
effect associated with the performance of the antenna
positioning for optimum response. From the point of
view of the uncompensated system, it can be seen
looking at Table 2 that with the introduction of unit
disturbance, the rise time improved by 36 % (0.525 s to
0.336 s) while the peak time, peak percentage overshoot,
and settling time deteriorate by 16.3 % (1.29 s to 1.50 s),
43.5 % (34.7 % to 49.8 %), and 7.6 % (4.35 s to 4.68 s),
With the introduction of the PID TC, it can be seen in
Table 1 that there is an improvement in the overall
Figure 10 – Step responses of the system with PID TC transient response performance of the time domain
(with and without disturbance)
parameters of the system. Thus to provide further
information on the improved performance offered by the
compensator, the analysis has been done in percentage,
as shown in Table 3.
Table 3 – Percentage improvement in time domain performance parameters based on PID TC introduction, %
System Rise time Peak time Peak overshoot Settling time
With PIDTC (zero disturbance) 94.1 94.7 73.1 97.1
With PIDTC + unit disturbance 91.0 95.4 80.0 93.1

Journal of Engineering Sciences, Volume 8, Issue 1 (2021), pp. E9–E16 E15

Considering zero-disturbance compensated systems, 5 Conclusions
it can be deduced from Table 2 that the time-domain
response performance parameters of the system The primary objective of this paper is to design a
improved by 94.1, 94.7, 73.1, and 97.1 % in terms of compensator that will provide robust response
rising time (0.525 s to 0.0308 s), peak time (1.29 s to performance in the presence of disturbance so as to
0.0679 s), peak percentage overshoot (34.7 % to achieve improved error tracking and robustness. In this
9.35 %), and settling time (4.35 s to 0.124 s), case, the tracking of unit step input represents the
respectively. desired position for a DC servomotor-based satellite
The compensator’s ability to provide robust antenna position control system and corresponds to an
performance in the presence of disturbance can be seen effective line of sight operation for quality
in Table 2 by comparing the step response performance communication. With the modeling of the system and
parameters of the uncompensated system with unit the subsequent design of PID TC, simulations were
disturbance to the step response performance parameters conducted basically for two categories. The first
of the compensated system with unit disturbance, category of simulations is when the PID TC has not been
tagged: with PID TC + unit step disturbance. The result added to the control loop, while the second category is
shows that PID TC provided improved time-domain when the PID TC has been added into the loop. The
transient response performance of the disturbance results obtained show that the designed compensator
handling of the system by 91.0, 95.4, 80.0, and 93.1 % provided improved robust and tracking performance
in terms of rising time (0.336 s to 0.0305 s), peak time while meeting the specified time-domain performance
(1.50 s to 0.0691 s), peak percentage overshoot (34.7 to parameters in the presence of disturbance.
10.0), and settling time (4.68 s to 0.325 s).

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