CSC 101 Intro to Computing.

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Computer is an electronic device capable of accepting data through any input

device such as keyboard, diskette, and scanner, processes it into meaningful information
and produces it through an output device such as monitor which is also called (VDU) i.e.
visual display unit.


The following characteristics of computer system distinguish it from adding machine.

 It is electronic in nature: that is data are represented in form of electrical impulses

 High speed- It processes data at a high speed in order of nanoseconds (billionth
of second)
 Stores and processes large amount of data
 Long term- It has ability to store information on long-term basis.
 It has very high sensitive memory- Once instructions are given to the computer it
never forgets.
 Large storage potential
 It saves time, labour cost and increase productivity
Computer is fast becoming the universal machine of the 21 st century. Early computers
were large in size and too expensive to be owned by individuals. Thus they were
confined to the laboratories and few research institutes. They could only be programmed
by computer engineers. The basic applications were confined to undertaking complex
calculations in science and engineering. Today, computer is no longer confined the
laboratory. Computers and indeed, computing have become embedded in almost every
item we use. Computing is fast becoming ubiquitous. Its application transcends science,
engineering, communication, space science, aviation, financial institutions, social
sciences, humanities, the military, transportation, manufacturing, extractive industries to
mention but a few. This unit presents the background information about computers.

(a) Basic understanding of data processing

(b) The concept of data and information
(c) Methods of data processing
(d) Characteristics of a computer

Definition of the computer

Computer: A computer is basically defined as a tool or machine used for processing

data to give required information. It is capable of:

a. taking input data through the keyboard (input unit)

b. storing the input data in a diskette, hard disk or other medium

c. processing it at the central processing unit (CPU) and

d. giving out the result (output) on the screen or the Visual Display Unit (VDU).



Fig. 1.1: Schematic diagram to define a computer

Data: The term data is referred to facts about a person, object or place e.g. name, age,
complexion, school, class, height etc.

Information: Is referred to as processed data or a meaningful statement e.g. Net pay of

workers, examination results of students, list of successful candidates in an examination
or interview etc.

1.2 Methods of Data Processing

The following are the three major methods that have been widely used for data
processing over the years:

a. Manual method

b. Mechanical method and

c. Computer method.

Manual Method
The manual method of data processing involves the use of chalk, wall, pen pencil and the
like. These devices, machine or tools facilitate human efforts in recording, classifying,
manipulating, sorting and presenting data or information. The manual data processing
operations entail considerable manual efforts. Thus, manual method is cumbersome,
tiresome, boring, frustrating and time consuming. Furthermore, the processing of data
by the manual method is likely to be affected by human errors. When there are errors,
then the reliability, accuracy, neatness, tidiness, and validity of the data would be in
doubt. The manual method does not allow for the processing of large volume of data on
a regular and timely basis.

Mechanical Method
The mechanical method of data processing involves the use of machines such as
typewriter, roneo machines, adding machines and the like. These machines facilitate
human efforts in recording, classifying, manipulating, sorting and presenting data or
information. The mechanical operations are basically routine in nature. There is
virtually no creative thinking. The mechanical operations are noisy, hazardous, error
prone and untidy. The mechanical method does not allow for the processing of large
volume of data continuously and timely.

Computer Method

The computer method of carrying out data processing has the following major
i. Data can be steadily and continuously processed

ii. The operations are practically not noisy

iii.There is a store where data and instructions can be stored temporarily


iv. Errors can be easily and neatly corrected.

v. Output reports are usually very neat, decent and can be produced in various forms

such as adding graphs, diagrams, pictures etc.

vi. Accuracy and reliability are highly enhanced.

vii.Below are further attributes of a computer which makes it to be an indispensable tool

for human being.


Characteristics of a Computer

Characteristics of Computer

i. Speed: The computer can manipulate large data at incredible speed and
response time can be very fast.
ii. Accuracy: Its accuracy is very high and its consistency can be relied upon.
Errors committed in computing are mostly due to human rather than
technological weakness. There are in-built error detecting schemes in the
iii. Storage: It has both internal and external storage facilities for holding data
and instructions. This capacity varies from one machine to the other.
Memories are built up in K(Kilo) modules where K = 1024 memory
iv. Automatic: Once a program is in the computer’s memory, it can run
automatically each time it is opened. The individual has little or no
instruction to give again.
v. Reliability: Being a machine, a computer does not suffer human traits of
tiredness and lack of concentration. It will perform the last job with the same
speed and accuracy as the first job every time even if ten million jobs are
vi. Flexibility: It can perform any type of task once it can be reduced to logical
steps. Modern computers can be used to perform a variety of functions like
on-line processing, multi-programming, real time processing etc.

1.4 The Computing System

The computing system is made up of the computer system, the user and the environment
in which the computer is operated.

The Computer System

The computer system is made up of the hardware and the software.

The Hardware

The computer hardware comprises the input unit, the processing unit and the output unit.

The input unit comprises those media through which data is fed into the computer.
Examples include the keyboard, mouse, joystick, trackball, scanner etc.

The processing unit is made up of the Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU), the control unit
and the main memory. The main memory also known as the primary memory is made up
of the Read Only Memory (ROM) and the Random Access Memory (RAM).

The output unit is made up of those media through which data, instructions for
processing the data (program), and the result of the processing operation are displayed
for the user to see. Examples of output unit are the monitor (Visual Display Unit) and
the printer.


Computer software are the series of instructions that enable the computer to perform a
task or group of tasks. A program is made up of group of instructions to perform a task.
Series of programs linked together make up software. Computer programs could be
categorized into system software, utility software, and application programs.

Computer Users

Computer users are the different categories of personnel that operates the computer. We
have expert users and casual users. The expert users could be further categorized into
computer engineers, computer programmers and computer operators.

The Computing Environment

The computing environment ranges from the building housing the other elements of the
computing system namely the computer and the users, the furniture, auxiliary devices
such as the voltage stabilizer, the Uninterruptible Power Supply System (UPS), the fans,
the air conditioners etc. The schematic diagram of the computing system is presented in
Fig. 1.2a. to Fig. 1.2e

The Computing System

Hardware Software Users Computing


Fig. 1.2a: Schematic diagram of the computing system


Input unit
Processing unit
Output unit

Keyboard Mouse Scanner ALU Control Main VDU Printer

unit memory

Fig. 1.2b: Computer hardware


System software Utility software Application software

Operating system Anti virus Scandisk Word Spread Statistical

processor packages

Fig. 1.2c: Computer software

Computer users

Expert users End users Casual users

System engineers Programmers Computer Data entry

operator clerk

Fig. 1.2d: Computer users

Computing environment

Building Furniture Auxiliary devices

and fittings

Air Voltage UPS

conditioner stabilizer

Fig. 1.2e: Computing environment


1) Early aids of counting

The Abacus device was invented in 1617 to replace tradition method (finger/stones)
for counting. The Abacus device is an instrument used for counting as far back as
500BC.This is done with objectives of making calculation easier and to suit various number

2) Scientific Era

In 1642, Blaise Pascal ,a French mathematician invented first mechanical calculator.

He also invented a programming language named after him.

In 1673, Gottfried Von Leibniz, a German mathematician invented another

calculating machine. Men understood that this machine could hold mathematicians,
businessmen save time and money.

In 1822, Charles Babbage built two enormous engines namely

i) Difference Engine

ii) Analytical Engine

In 1822, Charles Babbage built difference engine which could figure and
mathematical tables. Next in 1833, he envisioned a machined which could complete
programmed Arithmetic operation (addition subtractions, multiplication and division). He
also imagines that the machine might be able to store or remember the results. He called this
machines the Analytical Engine.

Hence, Charles Babbage is known as the father of the computer because of the ideas he
introduced. The analytical engine has five parts

A) Store: It is used for holding data for the various calculations and the numbers generated
during the calculation.

B) Arithmetic Units

C) Control Unit: This was to organize the work in the correct sequence and control the
transfer of data from the store to the mill

D) Input Unit: For reading instruction and data from punched cards into the machine.
E) Output Device: For writing either on the punched cards or in the form of print

Herman Hollerith's Machine (1862-1929)

Herman Hollerith made the most outstanding and important mechanical device. The
machine was used to processed information obtained in the census of the populations carried
out in the United States in 1890.
He later merged with other companies to become part of the American computer
company known as International business machine (IBM), the largest computer manufacturer
in the world.

Howard Aikem (1944-mark 1)

A professor from Howard university, he developed a computer using modern

electronics to perform mathematical computations .He blended the ideas of Babbage, and
Hollerith's punched card methods into electromagnetic sequence controlled calculator.

Bill Gates and Allen Paul (1976)

They were interested in using the computer to learn /play games. Strategies
particularly monopoly .they developed the first microcomputer (BASIC) programming
language for the first commercial microcomputer.

Computers in Nigeria

The electronic computer made its advent into Nigeria in 1963 during the national census.
Same year, International Business machine (IBM) world trade corporation in
collaboration with the university of Ibadan established as IBM African Education center to
promote the use of modern data processing methods in Africa through such a training


The invention and development dates of each computer generation are listed below with their
corresponding technological base

 first generation - vacuum tubes (1946)

 Second generation - Transistors (1955-1964)
 Third generation -Integrated Circuit (IC) (1964-1972)
 fourth generation - Large Scale Integrated Circuit (1972-1987)
 fifth generation -Knowledge based system (AL)(1990-to date)

First generation of computer System

They were based on vacuum tubes. They are very large in size and require a very
elaborate air conditioning system. It was invented in 1946. In 1946, a machine called ENIAC
(Electronic Numerical Integration and calculator) was built in America for calculation. This
was the first general purpose digital computer other computer that was developed during the
first generation of computers includes EDSAC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic
Computer) which was based on the idea of stored program concept
This was followed up by the design and building of ACE (Automatic Computer Engine) and
EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer).

Figure 1: Vacuum tube

The following are features of first generation of Computer System

 They are very huge computers

 They are expensive and have high power consumption.
 They are slow and often reliable
 Finally , they have limited internal memory

Second generation of computers

They are made from a tiny electronic component called transistor. During the second
generation of computers, computers with large memories and fast processing speed were
developed to perform calculations, multi-programming with the use of high level languages
Example include IBM 7000series IBM( International Business Machine) .

Characteristics of second generation of computers

 They have faster input/output

 They are free of heat problems
 They are cheaper, smaller, and lighter compare to first generation of computers
 They use symbolic language like Assembly language

Third generation of computers

Introduction of integrated circuit (IC) took place during the second generation of
computers. It consists of a number of individual electronic components (transistors,
resistors, capacitors) that are fused together to form a single small component using
paper thin slices of silicon known as silicon chips. They consumed less power, smaller in
size and much more reliable. Computers of this era includes IBM 350series, UNIVAC

UNIVAC- Universal Automatic computers

Figure 2: Integrated circuit

Fourth generation of computers

This generation of computers used large scale integrated circuits (LSI) and very large scale
integrated circuit. They accommodate about 5,000m circuit element ( i.e transistor and
resistor) on 1.3 cm square of silicon which complete Arithmetic Logic unit (ALU) of
microcomputer central processing Unit (CPU) which could be packaged on a single chip
called microprocessors features of fourth generation of computers

 It is powerful, small and cheaper

 It consist of CPU (central processing Unit) and ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) fifth
generation of computers

These generations of computer system are expected to take decisions and communicate
with users in natural languages. Global networking i.e. Internet technology is another
expected features of the fifth generation of computers.


There are three main types of computers

(1) Digital computers

(2) Analogue computers

(3) Hybrid computers.

Digital computer

The word digital means whole number. These computers operate on the basis of
counting quantities or amounts, which are then processed arithmetically. Examples of digital
computers are: calculator’s wrist watches Features of digital computers:

a) It is electronic

b) It is two states values i.e. o and 1

c) Values are discrete

d) It has stored program

Figure 3: Analogue computer

An analogy device operates on continuous valves by accepting data as a quantity over a

length of time. Example includes thermometer and petrol dispenser at the filling stations.
Another example is volume control on television set and speedometer. This is because it
allows the volume to be adjusted continuously.

Petrol dispenser Speedometer

The features of analogy computer are as follows

(a) Values are continuous.

(b) Components are linked

(c) Output occurs immediately

Hybrid computer

It combines both the features of digital and analogue computers. It is used in specialized
applications such as industrial process control when both kinds of information are needed to
be processed. Example is a robot used in industrial environment. Another example is setting
or programming on a modern day television set. This involves both digital and analogue.

Computer classification by size

The physical size can be used to classify digital computers into four classes

1) Super computers

2) Mainframes computers

3) Minicomputers

4) Microcomputers

1) Super Computer: These are the largest, fastest and most expensive computers. Its cost is
several million of dollar and the speed is between 400-600 million instructions per second.
They are usually used for complex computations by scientist in areas such as oil exploration
and forecasting graphics.

2) Mainframe: A mainframe computer is a large and expensive general purpose computer.

They have large internal memory with high processing speed. It supports a lot of peripheral
equipment such as printers.

Examples are IBM 360/370 system

Features of Mainframes

a) They are first generation of computers

b) They are large, powerful, expensive and enormous capacity

c) Mainframes require elaborate installation procedures.

3) Minicomputer: These computers have smaller physical size, generate less heat than the
mainframe. Mini computers are less expensive, easier to install and operate. Size of their
internal memory is usually between 128 megabyte. Example are DEC, IBM system

4) Micro computers: Micro computers could be regarded as personal computers because one
person can work with it at the same time. Examples are desktop, laptop

Laptop Desktop

Basic components of a computer system

A computer system consists of two basic components and often the third-human beings,
(A) Hardware.

(B) Software

(c) People wares


This is described as electromechanical parts of a computer system. The hardware is

actual computer, because it consists of all the various physical components and devices
brought together to build a physical computer. The computer hardware can be divided into
two main units thus:

1. The central Processing Unit (CPU)

2. The peripheral

Central Processing Unit

The Central processing unit is responsible for all processing that occur with the
computer while the peripherals are responsible for feeding data into the system and for
collecting information from the system.

(1) The central Processing unit:-

This consists of three functional parts namely:

(a) Main Memory Unit

(b) Control Unit

(c) Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU)

Arithmetic and Logic Unit

As one boots the computers places a disk in the drive, the CPU transfers the
program from the disk into the high speed internal memory where the program takes
control of the CPU. The CPU shifts the data to and fro the disk into the internal memory
in order to process it

Main Memory

It is computer memory. It is computer memory. It is also called the internal memory. It

is called the internal memory. It is used for storing data to be processed as well as the
instructions required during processing period. It also stores intermediate results of
processed data. The memory consists of storage cells called bytes. It can hold
information temporarily i.e while the operation is in progress, once the operations runs to
completion or there is power failure, whatever information or data that is in the memory
is lost automatically

Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU)

This is where all arithmetic and logical operations are performed. It contains
electronic circuits to perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction,
multiplication, counting and logical operation like comparison, movement of data. It
works exclusively on binary and coded instructions.

Control Unit

This is the heart of the entire computer system. It is here that the co-ordination of the
system's activities is carried out including the control of other peripheral devices. It
fetches data from the memory, interprets them and directs flow to ALU and other
peripherals- inputs/output device.

The peripherals

The peripherals are in categories namely; input devices, output devices and auxiliary

Input Devices

They are used for supplying data into computer for processing. They convert input
data into the readable forms. Examples are : Keyboard, Mouse, joystick

Output Devices

The result of processing is either as printed result or information data for future processing.
The two most common output devices: Visual Display Unit (VDU) and computer printer.

Auxiliary Storage Devices

These are external memory used to permanently store data and information. They come as
stand-alone devices that can be attached to the input and output units of the computer
system. Example are diskette, flash drive and computer CD

Diskette Compact disc

The System Unit

This is the case that makes up the computer. The case has both the front and back

1) The front casing consists of:

a) Power switch

b) Reset buttons

c) Floppy disk drives

d) Power Light

e) CD ROM drives

f) Hard disk light

g) Key lock

h) Compact Disk Light

2 ) The back case has:

1) The ports: These are sockets for external device

2) Cords as: Power cords and Monitor Cords

3) Contents of the unit system. It holds the major components of the computer and

(a) Mother board (b) Expansions cord (c) Power Pack

(d) Drives

The motherboard: It is simply defined as: A rigid, slotted board upon which other boards
that contain the basic circuitry of a computer can be mounted

The mother board are often classified according to the CPU they carry, such as:

Mother board

(a) 486-DX4 Mother board

(b) Pentium -230 MHZ

(c) Pentium 233 MHZ

(d) Pentium 2000MB

Input Devices

They are devices used to convert and transfer data/instruction into electronic form for
input into the computer. To input means to "put in” data, instruction or information.
Some of these devices Include:

i) Keyboard. This is the most commonly used device for entering /encoding data into the
computer . The standard Keyboard as 101 keys. They encode data by depression that the
cause generation of selected codes/elements . It is like the typewriter keyboard with
slight differences.

ii) The mouse

Double clicking is a mouse technique

Mouse is used for selecting and clicking icons and menus on the screen of the computer

iii) Joysticks/tracker balls

They are used in computer games to point, select and move objects on the screen

iv) Scanners

These devices read printed, written, photographic images and convert them into digital
form that the computer can interpret. It is mostly used for printing posters, calendars,
invitation cards e.t.c

Output Devices

The Visual Display Unit: The Visual Display Unit (VDU) also called the monitor
is a television like device, which uses the cathode Ray Tube (CRT) to display result of
the processing on the screen in alphanumeric form as well as graphical form.

There are two types of monitor screen

(1) The monochrome

This display only one color that is the dark color and

(2) The color monitor which displays text, and graphics and picture in many colors


Printers are devices that display permanent output or result of the processing done by the

Printers can be classified into categories

Impact printers

Non-impact printers.

(a) Impact printers

They work by applying pressure against ribbon onto the paper like a typewriter. The
contact or impact transfers ink from the ribbon to the paper to form the image. They can
in turn be classified according to their ability to print one character, work, line or page at
a time.

(b) Non-Impact Printers

They work by producing images without any physical contact being madder on the paper
.This category of printers includes the following:

(1) Inkjet /DeskJet Printers: They are very fast. Characters are formed on the paper by
electro statically spraying the paper with a stream of ink drops (from a barrel/vial) in the
shape of the characters (A, B,C,1.2,3,) required. They contain different colors good
graphics and are commonly used in business centre, schools e.t.c. It is however slower
than laser printers.

(ii) Laser Printers: They operate like photocopiers except that they use a laser beam to
produce characters on the drum. Image are scanned on the reflected photo-conduction

drum (on which toner powder is poured) which rolls over the paper. Printing is according
to the following stages:-

Computer Storage/ Memory Devices

Computer memory is made up of the main memory and secondary memory. The main
memory/primary memory is divided into two

(1) Random Access Memory (RAM) and

(2) Read Only Memory (ROM)

Secondary Storage

The following are secondary storage

Magnetic Disks

They are flat circular sheet of metal coated with magnetic oxide for storing
data/information. Examples include floppy Diskettes, Hard disks and exchangeable disk

(a) Floppy Diskettes:

They are used in microcomputers. They are made up of flexible plastic coated with
magnetic oxide and enclosed in a rigid plastic case. The floppy diskette is the most
common and can hold about 300 pages of a document. There are two types of diskettes

(1) 3.5 inches diskettes with capacity of 1.2Mb

(2) 5.25 inches diskettes with capacity of 1.44Mb

(b) Hard Disk:

Hard disk has a read and writes heads that reads or writes data from or on the disk as it
rotates. Hard disk comes in different speeds and storage capacities ranging from 2000Mb
(2Gb), 10Gb, and 20Gb e.t.c. The computers speed is measured based on the number of
circles of operations carried within a period of time. They are faster than floppy

(ii) Exchangeable Disk Pack: These are used in mini-computers and mainframes. They
are of 14 inches diameter and can contain from 8-10 disks. Their storage capacity range
from 10Mb to 40GB and the disks can spin up to 200 kilometer/hour and can be accessed
randomly/directly not sequentially.

(iii) Compact Disc (CD):

This is referred to as Laser Disc. They are non-magnetic disc on which enormous
amount of digital data/information are stored. Data/information (which could textual,
audio, graphical) can be written on the disc by burning microscopic pits into the
reflective surface of the disc with a powerful laser. This is in form of binary digits of 0
and 1. This information is in turn read by laser which passes over the disc as it spins
reflecting and converting into useful and meaningful form.

There are three types of compact disc namely:

(a) Compact Disc-Read Only Memory:

This is also referred to as the CD-Rom. It is now the most popular storage medium
and can store 650Mb or an equivalent of 162,500 pages of information. Latest
CD_ROM's can even hold up to 1.25Mb.

(b) Write once read many times (WORM):

These are essentially blanks which users can record data for the first time
permanently without erasing it but it can be read many times.

(c) Erasable Optical Disc: Recorded data can be erased to be replaced by new data.

(d) Digital Video Disc (DVD)/Video compact disc (VCD): This technology makes it
possible for more data/information to be packed on one disc than the conventional disc.
The DVD/VCD drives use infrared to burn the microscopic pits in a double-layered
reflective surface. To read, data the infrared laser reads the double-layered pits on the
discs and reflects back the digitized sound, video.


Computer Software

Computer Software is a collective name used to describe all types of computer

programs that are executed by the system irrespective of what it is designed to do. They are
basically programs that enable the hardware to function effectively as well as provide very
many useful services.

The computer software is divided into two parts which includes

1) System software

2) Application software

System software

These are computer programs designed for effective management of the hardware and
its peripherals which includes:

(a) Processor
(b) Memories

(c) Input and output devices etc to ensure optimal utilization of these resources to get best
out them. They are also designed to simplify the uses of the computer system as a
whole. These programs have essential functions of controlling and co-ordinating the
different operations of the whole computer system. It is to be noted that the
consequence of not having those programs will be what is technically known as
deadlock operations in which no operation will be carried out.

The system software comprises of three main software/programs

(a) Operating system

(b) Utilities Software/programs

(c) Language Translation programs

Operating system

They are special program that tells the computer how to manage the various hardware
units. They manage, coordinate and control the activities and resources of the computer. They

i) Fetch data from the keyboard and other input devices.

ii) Control the operations of the Central Processing Unit by providing a

suitable environment for running application software.

iii) Send data/output to the video display unit/monitor, printers and output

iv) They file and retrieve data from the backing storage (CD-ROM, Floppy Diskette) and
keep tract of memory allocation in the computer memory.

It is also responsible for communication and contains millions instruction. Example of

operating system include: UNIX, Macintosh OS, MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating

Application Software

This class of software is designed mainly to solve user’s problems rather than the
systems. Their main focuses are the different fields of human endeavour (professions) for
computer application aid to simplify the jobs. For example; Secretary’s duties which include;
documentations of letters, therefore a word- processing application programs comes handy
for editing of documents and storage. This no doubt makes the job of the secretary more
modern and easier which in turn increases efficiency of the secretary Also other area like;
Accounting, Financial analysis, Personal management. Application software may be User-
developed or acquired package by the manufacturer.

Software category Commerical Brands (trade name)

Speadsheet Lotus 1 , 2 , 3 Microsoft excel

Word- Processing WordPerfect, Microsoft word ,Word star

Desktop publishing Adobe page maker, Microsoft Publisher

Database Microsoft access Dbase IV

Graphics Corel Draw , Microsoft PowerPoint

Accounting Netscape Navigator, Internet

Communication Explorer

Designs Auto cards

(a) Computer /machine/Programming language: Computer program are written in
specialized languages which the computer understands and interprets. It is based on
binary code and a combination of human language; Some of these machine
Languages are listed below

Future/natural Language 5Th generation language

Application Generators 4th generation Language

Query Language 3rd generation Language

Assembler Language 2nd generation Language

Low level language 1st generation Language

 Machine language was written using binary code 1 and 0 or on/ off to represent a set
of instructions.
 Assemble language was written using simple mnemonics to represent each
instructions e.g. DIR for Directory, DEPT for Department, DOS commands were
developed using the programming languages.
 Procedure –oriented Languages use instructions similar to Mathematics and English.

(b) Language Translation programs. They include interpreters or compliers that facilitate the
translation of high level language to machine language

Functions of Some Commonly Used Application Software

1) Word Processors

They are programs designed to input, store and retrieve text. They are used to create and
manage text by allowing the entry, editing, formatting, storing/ retrieving, alteration and
printing of documents containing texts and sometimes tables, charts and graphics.

2) Spreadsheets

These are programs that display a grid containing data in form of figures, text, formulae
and whose function is to enable various mathematical, statistical calculations to be done in
budgeting, forecasting, business, financial planning e .t .c

3) Database Management Software (DBMS)

Database management software creates and maintains database. A database is a
collection of files/records containing related information.

4) Graphical Software

Arts and Illustrative Graphic Software are used for drawing . This type of program can be
used to draw symbols, objects, people, plants and animals. Example is Coreldraw.


Computer Application in Education

Computer finds it place of relevance in educational sector for the following reasons.

1) Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI): This involves use of computer as medium to

facilitate teaching and learning of any subject. The computer assist teacher by
supplying regular lesson materials, help students to resolve many problem without
requiring the full time participation of the teacher or some other persons.

2) Law and Order: Computer has increasingly become indispensable in the

maintenance of law and order. Law enforcement is made possible with the use of
computer generated videos and closed television system to detect crime suspects.
Matching of finger prints of suspected offender is also made possible with the use of
the computer.

3) Engineering and Architecture: - Engineers and Architects use Computer Aided

Design (CAD) in the design and construction of bridges, houses, machines,
automobiles as well as in determining their strength and ability to withstand
extremities of climate before their actual construction

4) Computer in health: - The introduction of computer into the world of machines has
greatly enhanced the Computerized Axial Topography that provides accurate detailed and
precise diagnosis treatment of illness. Electro cardio graphic equipment can also be used
to dictate heart beat cycles, scan functions of organ and monitoring patient temperature.

Hospital management system can be used to keep track of bed assignment, record
instruction regarding machine of every patient and print at the hospital pharmacy
designating proper drugs and dosage for patients as well as time and manner prior to
each meal.

5) Office Automation: A typical office requires a lot of document and data processing
which are tedious and time consuming. Computer alleviates this difficult task through:
production of document, handling of voice, text, data, email, telecommunication and
Management Information System (MIS) in organisations.


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