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Save Nature to Survive

14(4): 265-270, 2019




Horticulture Research and Extension Center, Devihosur, Haveri - 5871 110, INDIA
Department of Entomology,
College of Horticulture, Bagalkot University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot, Udyanagiri - 587 104, INDIA
Department of Entomology,
Horticulture Research and Extension Center, Tidagundi, Vijayapura - 586 119, INDIA
e-mail: [email protected]

Pesticide residue The pink hibiscus mealy bug Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) is a serious pest of the grape vine. High incidence
Grape of this pest was observed in the grape vineyards resulted in a poor fruit quality. During April pruning the chemo-
Vineyards intensive module has shown most effective against the mealy bug individuals and recorded lowest (2.41/ colony)
Eco-friendly mealy bug population, whereas, in adaptable module (2.54 mealy bug/colony) and biological module (3.83
mealy bug/colony) has recorded moderately higher mealy bugs per colony as compared to untreated check (i.e.,
Received on : 3.96 mealy bug/colony). Similarly, during October pruning the lowest egg mass (4.25/vine), mealy bug individual
08.10.2019 (3.36/colony) and mealy bug colonies (5.55/vine) were observed in Chemo-intensive module. Further, highest B:
C ratio was obtained from Adaptable module (4.97) with a net return of Rs. 633450. Among the different
Accepted on : modules, adaptable module is found superior due to economically and environmentally safer to protect the crop
18.11.2019 from insect pests.


INTRODUCTION cultivators to go for extensive and intensive cultivation of

grapes, simultaneously which invited diverse insect pests to
Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) is one of the most important commercial the vineyards (Alexandri, 1973). As many as 132 insect pests
crops grown in India. Even though their origin was in temperate are recorded on grapevine in the world as documented by
regions, it perform equally well in a tropical climate in India. Bournier (1977) and over 85 species of insect pests are known
Improvement in yield and quality are the most important to occur on grapes in India as per the reports of Butani (1979).
aspects of grape production (Ramteke et al., 2017). Grape Similarly, Balikai and Kotikal (2003) recorded 26 pests’ infesting
cultivation has been regarded as most remunerative enterprise. grapevines in northern Karnataka. Among them, mealybug,
It is widely grown in China, Italy, United States, Africa, Australia, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) is considered as one of the
Algeria and India, where India stands in ninth position by important pest of grape. And the important reasons behind
sharing 3.31 per cent of world’s production (Anon. 2010). the downfall of production and productivity may be due to
The area under grape is widening by year by year in India due lack of adoption of canopy management technology and
to its inexhaustible yield, forex trading and good returns, which outbreak of pest and diseases (Basu, 2014)
aroused considerable interest among the cultivators for its According to Babu and Azam, 1987 around 20 species of
cultivation in large area. But wine grapes are more sensitive to mealy bugs have been reported on grape vine in the world,
the climate in which they grow than are many other crops. At but only six species have been reported from different states
present, in India grapes are cultivated in an area of 136.00 in India. Among them the most distressing species in India is
(000ha) with a production of 2683.3 (000MT/Year) and unquestionably the grape mealy bug, Maconellicoccus
Productivity of19.7 (MT/ha). The leading grape cultivating hirsutus (Green). The infestation is becoming more severe
states are Maharashtra state stands first with 103.98 (000 ha) every year. In case of severe attack in the main field up to 90
followed by Karnataka 24.23 (000 ha) and Tamil Nadu 2.31 per cent clusters are damaged. Lower (1968) called the mealy
(000’ha) with an annual production of 2137.74,24.23 and bug as “hard to kill pest” because if we see the eggs, late
30.59(000Mt) respectively. Whereas, with respect to major instars and adults of the mealy bugs they are protected by
grape growing districts are Bengaluru, Bagalkot, Vijayapura, waxy filaments, are almost impossible to be penetrated with
Belagavi, Kolar and Gulbarga (Anon. 2017). insecticidal sprays (McKenzie, 1967).
The magnitude of this fruit crop created interest in the We know about the principle of IPM and what significance it

VINAYKUMAR M. M. et al.,

has with growing fruit crops. Simply IPM is a combination of Untreated control
all possible methods of pest control or a combo pest control Treatments imposed during October pruning
method. Since long back we are using chemical pesticides to
Module 1 (Bio-intensive): Release of Cryptolaemus
control pests without thinking about other management
montrouzieri @ 5000/ha - Spraying of Lecanicilium lecanii
methods like biological, cultural, physical methods and other,
2g/l -Release of Cryptolaemus montrouzeri @ 5000/ha-
which are eco-friendly, adaptable, easily available and have a
Azadirachtin10,000 PPM @2ml/l
lesser impact on non target organisms, human health, and the
environment. Module 2 (Adaptable): Drenching of Imidacloprid 200 SL @
400 ml/Acr through drip - Spraying of buprofezin 25 %SC @
IPM will work based on focusing on preventing problems,
1.25 ml/l - Spraying of FORS @ 5g/l - Spraying of
monitoring pest populations, identifying pests and choosing
azadirachtin10,000 PPM @ 2ml/l
a combination of tactics to maintain pest populations at an
minimal level or below ETL. We should properly plan the IPM Module 3 (Chemi-intensive): Drenching of Imidacloprid 200
modules or methods to combat the pest infestation, control SL @400ml/Acr through drip - Spraying of thiomethoxam 25
pest resistance and as well as pest resurgence, secondary pest % WG @ 0.2g/l - Spraying of buprofezin 25 %SC @ 1.25 ml/
outbreak, environmental contamination, residual toxicity and l - Spraying of Acetamaprid 20% SP @0.3 g/l
toxicity to beneficial organisms (Tamoghna et al., 2014) Untreated control
The grape mealy bug has become serious on account of Observations were recorded during both April and October
indiscriminate use of pesticides. The natural enemies are time of imposition of treatments and continued up to harvesting
usually present in crop ecosystem, but their effectiveness is of the grape bunches. The treatments were imposed at 10
impaired by excessive use of pesticides. Hence, the use of days interval during the experiment. Whereas, observations
integrated components is thought as a possible solution to were made on 5 tagged grape vines per treatment. And the
combat the lowdown pesticide residue problem as well as method of observations is as follows:
menace of the mealy bug on grape vine. Urgent measures to Number of egg masses per vine: Five tagged vines were selected
mitigate the losses caused by this pest, to explore possibilities and numbers of egg masses in each vine were counted and
of arresting its future spread and to evolve suitable measures average was worked out.
for its effective control are necessary. In grape crop there is a Number of individuals per colony: Number of individuals
need of integrated pest management package for combating present was counted from the 25 mealy bug colonies and
pesticide residue problem and as well as human beings and average was worked out.
environment health point of view, to avoid only chemical
means of management the present study was planned with Number of colonies per vine: Five vines were selected at
the objective of assessing integrated pest management random and numbers of colonies in each vine were counted
modules for management of mealy bug in grape crop. and average was worked out.
Observations were recorded as pre-treatment count as number
of mealy bug colonies per vine was recorded at one day before
treatment. Subsequent observations on post treatment counts
The study was taken up at University of Horticultural Sciences, were recorded at five and ten days after each spraying. And
Bagalkot (in Seemikeri village at farmer field) as farmer’s also the yield of the grape bunches per vine per treatment is
participatory research. The experiment was conducted with also recorded and converted in to hectare basis. The data
Thomson seedless grape hybrid and the imposition of obtained from the field experiment from various treatments
treatments were made two times, during April pruning and during the two years is pooled and subjected to data analysis
October pruning. The experiment was laid out in Factorial using WASP software.
Randomized Complete Block Design (FRCBD). And the Fruit yield
experiment was conducted for two year in 2015-16 & 2017- Harvesting of the grapes was done module wise separately
18. The modules were developed by integrating of different during 2015 and 2017. The total fruit yield from each plot
components based on the previous work. (V.V.L. Renuka, was taken and expressed in terms of fruit yield per kg, hectare
2018) basis and subjected for statistical analysis.
Treatments imposed during April pruning Cost economics
Module 1 (Bio-intensive): Application of neem cake @ 250 The grape yield per plot was recorded and computed to quintal
kg/ha -Spraying of NSKE 5 % - Spraying of Lecanicilium per hectare. The data thus tabulated, pooled and analyzed.
leccanii 2g/l The benefit cost ratio (B:C ratio) of different modules were
Module 2 (Adaptable): Application of neem cake @ 250 kg/ha worked out by estimating different cost of cultivation, plant
-Drenching of imidacloprid200 SL @ 400 ml/ Acr through protection and profit obtained from fruit yield after converted
drip-Spraying of buprofezin 25% SC @ 1.25ml/l them to hectare basis. The average market price of table grape
Module 3 (Chemi-intensive): Drenching of Imidacloprid 200 (Cv. Thomson seedless) was rupees 25 per Kg during the
SL@ 400 ml/Acr through drip - Spraying of buprofezin 25 % experimentation. The following formula was used for
SC @ 1.25 ml/l - Spraying of Imidacloprid 17.8% SL @ 0.3 calculation of B: C ratio.
ml/l. 1. Gross return = Yield × Market price of grape


2. Net Returns = Gross return - Total cost M2-Adaptable module (4.97) with a net return of Rs. 633450.
3. B: C ratio = Gross return / Total cost Although, M3-Chemo-intensive module bestowed with highest
yield (32.19 t/ha) but resulted in lower B: C ratio (4.94) from
The data on mean population of mealy bug, egg mass and
(Table 4). Whereas, M1-Biointensive module offered less net
colonies were transformed to and then subjected to returns (Rs. 463335) and B: C ratio (3.43) and superior over
ANOVA using M-STATC ® software package. untreated check which recorded least net returns (Rs. 396500)
and B: C ratio (3.62).
RESULTS Bio-intensive and adoptable modules comprising of bio-agents
has been considered to be compatible and a sound tool of
The results pertaining to reduction of population of M.
IPM. These modules are considered as safest and ecofriendly
hirsutus (Green) in IPM modules and control treatments are
IPM components and there is a tremendous scope for their
presented in Table 1. The post count of mealy bug infestation
exploitation of bio-agents such as L. lecanii and neem based
was distinguishable between IPM modules and control
insecticides. Fortunately, Adaptable module comprises of
application of neem cake @ 250 kg/ha -Drenching of
Evaluation of IPM modules against mealy bug egg masses imidacloprid 200 SL @ 400 ml/ Acr through drip -Spraying of
and individuals during April pruning buprofezin 25% SC @ 1.25ml/l(imposed during April pruning)
Treatment imposition were made after the April pruning and and drenching of Imidacloprid 200 SL @ 400 ml/Acr through
subsequently the observations were recorded from the treated drip-spraying of buprofezin 25 %SC @ 1.25 ml/l - Spraying of
plots and observed the least number of egg masses (2.12/ FORS @ 5g/l Spraying of azadirachtin 10,000 PPM @ 2ml/l
vine) in module-III (Chemo- intensive) followed by the module ((imposed during October pruning)proved to be quite effective
II (Adaptable) and in module I (bio-intensive)recorded 3.14 hence it is most advisable to this module with a slight
egg mass per vine and 4.62 egg mass per vine respectively, as compromise on yield returns as compared to chemo-intensive
compared to untreated check (i.e., 5.25egg mass/vine). The module.
same trend was recorded during the year 2017-18 and pooled
also (Table 1). Similarly the module-III has shown more DISCUSSIONS
effectiveness against the mealy bugs and recorded lowest
population (i.e., 2.41mealy bug / colony) and module II and The best viable, safe and eco-friendly strategy to manage grape
module I has recorded moderately higher mealy bugs per mealy bug is only by IPM. Incorporation of neem cake and
colony i.e., 2.54 and 3.83 mealy bugs/colony, respectively spraying of neem seed kernel extract etc. For the effective
and showed significance difference as compared with mealy bug management we should initiate treatment
untreated check (3.96 mealy bug/colony) here also the same imposition during the April pruning time only because during
trend was recorded from the 2017-18 and pooled data also. off season the mealy bugs will be hiding in the loose bark of
Whereas, number of mealy bug colonies were recorded lowest the grape vine, soil cracks and crevices, weed plants. Hence,
in module III i.e.,3.46 colony per vine followed by module II bringing down of mealy bug infestation during the April
and module I recorded the 4.13 colonies/vine and 7.84 pruning is very important. So in our experiment we have
colonies/vine, respectively as compared to untreated check imposed different treatments both during April and October
(8.97 colonies/vine) and same trend was recorded in 2017- pruning in order to manage mealy bug effectively.
18 and pooled as given in Table 2.and Table 3.
The present investigations are in line with Shelke (2001) he
Evaluation of IPM modules against egg masses and mealy observed that, Fish oil rosin soap (0.5%) with V. lecanii (0.4%)
bug individuals during October pruning. or C. montrouzieri was the safest and most suitable treatment
During the 2015-16 October pruning the average range of against grapevine mealybug, M. hirsutus. The fungus, V. lecanii
egg mass was 4.25 to 8.75 as compared to UTC (Untreated (2 × 105 cfu/ml) caused 80.20 per cent mortality of sucking
check) 8.40/vine, Individual mealy bug ranges from 3.36 to pest, M. hirsutus in Maharashtra, India within two weeks of
6.23/colony as compared to UTC 6.93/colony and similarly spray (Jayachakravarthy, 2002). According to Koli (2003) V.
5.55 to 11.40 mealy bug colonies/vine as compared to UTC lecanii 0.3% was found to be the best against nymphs and
i.e. 11.13/vine was recorded. Further, the lowest egg mass, adults of grape mealybug in Maharashtra. Mukhopadhyay et
mealy bug individual and mealy bug colonies (i.e. 4.25/vine, al. (2011) reported that application of 1.5 per cent Pongamia
3.36/colony and 5.55/vine respectively) were recorded from oil, 2 per cent Neem oil and 1 per cent Neem oil + Pongamia
the module III (Chemo-intensive).There is no much difference oil (1:1) at 14 days after spray revealed consistent reduction in
in distribution of pest, incidence etc. So, the same pest trend pink mealybug population and proved effective in management
was recorded during the year 2017-18 and pooled also. of this pest. Khan et al. (2012b) reported that the natural
Yield product tobacco extract comprising nicotine as active
ingredient was found to be the best in causing mortality
With regards to the yield of the grape, the highest yield was
(98.60%) of the mealybug at 24 hours after treatment, followed
recorded from module III (32.19 t/ha) followed by module II
by neem oil comprising azadirachtin as active ingredient
recorded 31.75 tones/ha. Whereas, low grape yield 21.92
tones/ha was recorded from the control plot. (89.32%), neem seed extract (80.37%) and garlic extract
(75.82%), respectively. Similar trend of mortality was observed
Cost economics even after 48 and 72 hours of treatments on M. hirsutus under
Among the modules, highest B: C ratio was obtained with field condition. Maduri (2012) reported that, seed kernel

VINAYKUMAR M. M. et al.,

Table 1: Evaluation of IPM modules against grape mealy bug during April pruning
Modules No. of egg masses/vine Individuals /colony No. of mealy bug colonies/vine
2015-16 2017-18 Pooled 2015-16 2017-18 Pooled 2015-16 2017-18 Pooled
1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10
Module I 5.20 4.62 3.74 3.33 4.47 3.98 4.50 3.83 3.24 2.76 3.87 3.29 8.70 7.84 6.26 5.65 7.48 6.75
Module II 5.40 3.14 3.89 2.26 4.64 2.70 3.90 2.54 2.81 1.83 3.35 2.19 8.20 4.13 5.9 2.98 7.05 3.56
Module III 4.15 2.12 2.99 1.53 3.57 1.82 4.20 2.41 3.02 1.74 3.61 2.07 7.90 3.46 5.69 2.49 6.79 2.98
Untreated check 5.32 5.25 3.83 3.85 4.57 4.17 4.30 3.96 3.1 2.87 4.38 3.41 8.30 8.97 5.98 5.83 7.14 6.90
S.Em ± NS 0.18 NS 0.13 NS 0.16 NS 0.16 NS 0.11 NS 0.13 NS 0.32 NS 0.23 NS 0.27
CD @ 5 % 0.55 0.40 0.48 0.47 0.34 0.40 0.94 0.68 0.81
CV % 12.38 12.48 12.32 11.96 11.84 12.06 12.74 12.75 12.74

Table 2: Evaluation of IPM modules against grape mealy bug during October pruning
Modules No. of egg masses/vine Individuals /colony No. of mealy bug colonies/vine
2015-16 2017-18 Pooled 2015-16 2017-18 Pooled 2015-16 2017-18 Pooled
1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10
Module I 10.21 8.75 7.35 6.30 8.78 7.52 7.81 6.23 5.62 4.99 6.72 5.96 13.21 11.40 9.51 8.21 11.36 9.81
Module II 9.61 4.57 6.92 3.29 8.26 3.93 8.31 3.97 5.98 2.86 7.15 3.42 14.6 7.00 10.51 5.04 12.56 6.02
Module III 9.21 4.25 6.63 3.06 7.92 3.65 8.56 3.36 6.16 2.42 7.36 2.89 14.12 5.55 10.17 4.00 12.14 4.78
Untreated check 8.89 8.40 6.4 6.33 7.65 7.37 7.94 6.93 5.72 4.49 6.83 5.36 13.6 13.45 9.79 9.80 11.7 11.13
S.Em ± NS 0.35 NS 0.25 NS 0.30 NS 0.28 NS 0.20 NS 0.24 NS 0.46 NS 0.29 NS 0.39
CD @ 5 % 1.03 0.75 0.89 0.85 0.61 0.73 1.37 0.86 1.18
CV % 12.50 12.40 12.53 12.33 12.45 12.60 12.38 12.29 12.42

Table 3: Influence of integrated pest management modules on grape yield

Modules Yield (kg/plant) Yield (tones/ha)
2015-16 2017-18 Pooled 2015-16 2017-18 Pooled
Module I 7.20 7.80 7.50 25.10 27.22 26.16
Module II 8.80 9.40 9.10 30.71 32.80 31.75
Module III 9.10 9.35 9.23 31.76 32.63 32.19
Untreated check 5.90 6.40 6.15 21.50 22.33 21.92
CD at 5% 1.14 0.83 0.98 2.24 2.12 2.18
S.E.m 0.40 0.31 0.35 0.78 0.81 0.79

Table 4: Cost economics of IPM modules against grape mealy bug

IPM modules Yield (t/ha) Cost of plant Cost of Total cost of Gross Net B:C
pooled protection production production returns returns ratio
(Rs/ha) (Rs/ha) (Rs/ha) (Rs/ha)
M1- Biointensive Module 26.16 39165 151500 190665 654000 463335 3.43
M2- Adaptable Module 31.95 9800 151500 161300 794750 633450 4.97
M3- Chemo intensive Module 32.19 13000 151500 163000 804750 641750 4.94
M4- UntreatedCheck 21.92 2460 151500 151500 548000 396500 3.62
Gross return = Yield × Market price of grape (Rs. 25/kg), Net returns = Gross return - Total cost, B: C ratio = Gross returns / Total cost

extracts were superior in inducing nymphal mortality of pink after treatment but all the treatments were found superior over
mealybug over leaf extracts. Among the seed kernel extract, the control. The highest percentage mortality of 18.9% was
neem (78.67%) was most effective followed by Pongamia found with V. lecanii combined with Ranipal, which was on
(56.00%) and Mahua (46.67%). Whereas, leaf extracts of par with V. lecanii alone and V. lecanii combined with Teepol
Pongamia (41.33%) was most effective botanical followed by (18.3 and 17.8% mortality, respectively) and remained
Adathoda (40.00%), neem (38.67%), Mahua (22.67%) and significantly different from the control. A similar trend also
Lantana (20.00%). Makadia et al. (2009) conducted study to observed at 5, 7 and 10 days after treatments. According to
evaluate the efficacy of V. lecanii at 2.0 g/l water combined Patel et al. (2010) more than 95 per cent reduction in mealybug
with spreaders/stickers: Ranipal at 1 ml/l water and Teepol at 1 population over control was observed at three days after
ml/l water, sprayed on custard apple (A. reticulata) against the spraying with buprofezin 25 SC in all the three dosages (250,
mealybug M. hirsutus. All the treatments were non-significant 312.5 and 625 g a.i./ha). The efficacy of buprofezin against
one day after treatment, although the highest (3.1%) crawlers’ early and later instars nymphs of P.solenopsis under laboratory
mortality of the mealybug was obtained with V. lecanii condition was also dose dependent and it was more toxic to
combined with Ranipal. The mortality increased at 3 days early instars than later instar nymphs. It was most effective


against early as well as later instars nymphs at highest dose these points we can conclude that, use of adaptable model is
(625 g a.i./ha). At two lower dosages (250 and 312.5 g a.i./ha), better than chemo-intensive model with respect to cost of
its effectiveness was comparable to chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ production, efficacy and safety of the environment.
400 g a.i./ha and carbaryl 50 WP @ 1000 g a.i./ha. Kulkarni et
al. (2012) reported hat, the methomyl 40 SP @ 300 g a.i./ha REFERENCES
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