AJP Program Practice Questions
AJP Program Practice Questions
1. Develop a program to select multiple languages known to user with checkboxes (e.g.
Marathi, Hindi, English ,Sanskrit)
2. Write a program to show following output :
6. Write a program to develop a frame to select the different states of India using
7. Develop a program to demonstrate the use of tree component in swing with following
output :
10. Write a program to generate KeyEvent when a key is pressed and display “Key Pressed” on
status line.
11. Write a program to demostrate the use of mouseDragged and mouseMoved methods of
12. Develop a program using InetAddress class to retrieve IP address of computer when hostname
is entered by the user.
13. Write a program using URL class to retrieve the host, protocol port of URL http://msbte.org.in
14. Develop a program to create employee table in database having two columns“emp_id”
and “emp_name”.
15. Write a Program to create a Student Table in database and insert a record in Student